Outreach magazine low res jul aug 13

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Growing God’s Kingdom by knowing Jesus and making him known

reenside - Woodside - July /Augu st 20


St John’s Community Hall, Greenside

What’s On Mondays:

4-5pm CHILDREN’S BADMINTON Contact: Clare Lapworth (sharparlo@aol.com) 7pm SLIMMING WORLD Contact: Amanda Greener 01661 831299; 07894 284343 amanda.j.greener@hotmail.com


4-5pm CHILDREN’S BADMINTON Contact: Claire Lapworth (sharparlo@aol.com)


*NEW* 4-5pm BUDS Urban Dance School Age 6+ Contact: Sam 07766 077380 ric1992@aol.com


10-11.30am: FOOTPRINTS (preschool play & learn) Contact: Rachel Spencer 0191 6596714; 07976 757116 6-9pm CRAWCROOK JUDO CLUB Contact: John Pattison 0191 4476836


9am-12noon CRAWCROOK JUDO CLUB Contact: John Pattison 0191 4476836

Wired Youth Event On June 14th, St John’s Hall hosted Wired, ran by Youth For Christ North East. It’s the first time this monthly event has been held here and was a great success. It aims to gather young people from across the region to join together in learning about God, having fun and spending time in worship and prayer. With plenty of fun and games, it’s a wonderful opportunity for youth groups to get to meet new people and begin to build relationships. If you would like to get involved in our Impact group, contact Andy Hawkins on 0191 4611807

Booking the Hall The hall is available for both individual and regular event bookings. To find out more and to make a booking, you can call us: 0191 4782085; email us: sjch@greensideparish. org.uk or alternatively, visit our website www.greensideparish.org.uk and download a booking form, found under the St John’s Community Hall tab. We look forward to meeting you!

Randy’s Page An amazing honour and privilege. Most of us, whether we go to church or not, whether we would call ourselves a Christian or not, have a space inside us which wants more. Most of the time we are not sure what that “more” is, we just know that we want and need it. Whatever we do, where ever we go there is a part of us that just isn’t satisfied – life sucks and we just know that there has to be something more than this. It might sound daft, and even stupid to say, that if you come along to church you might find the answer. Possibly not any church, but certainly you would have a good chance here at Crawcrook and Greenside. It worked for me back in 1975. Not actually at Greenside but in a very similar church on a Luton housing estate. I certainly was not looking for a church. I certainly was not looking for something to fill my time. I was married with three teenage sons and was too busy working, starting my own business to want to add anything more to my life. I did not need any more complications, life was complicated enough. To keep the story short, one Sunday night, various circumstances led to my wife Dorothy and I finding ourselves in St. Hugh’s Church, Lewsey. This place seemed different to any other church I had been in. I knew it had something I needed. On that first night I still did not know what that was and so we went back the following week. On the next Sunday evening, it may sound daft, but I felt surrounded by love. Somehow, I just knew that Jesus, Father God and the Holy Spirit are real and that the devil is not just a myth. After that night, without realising it at first, our lives changed. Like so many couples who have been together for a number of years Dorothy and I had lived what I can only describe as parallel lives for some time. We were both so busy every day about our own things that the only matters we seemed to have in common were things to do with our children. Now we found that we were able to talk

to each other properly about all manner of things and get all the mess that had gone on between us sorted out. Our lives just turned around and we never looked back. Now we did not just depend upon ourselves but had the love of Jesus to help us out in difficult times. This was essential to us when, some years ago, Dorothy contracted cancer and three years from the diagnosis she died. His love carried us through. Subsequently, Jen and I got married. We wanted to find a church fairly close to our home in Stocksfield that we could enjoy going to together. Our search finally led us to Crawcrook and Greenside Parish, and it has been such a great honour and privilege to be welcomed in and surrounded by love from the vicar Clive and his wife, Cyndi, and the rest of the congregation. We have been members here for almost two years now. So I want to encourage anyone who receives a copy of this magazine, especially if you feel that there has to be more to life than you have at present or something is missing from your life, to come along and just have a look to see if you might find it here. If you are not going to a church but would like to, then come along and meet some of the people here. It could be the turning point in your life, as it was in mine. P.S. - Your children will love being here because there is so much for them to do as well.

May God richly bless you


Ra ndy

Facebook: GreensideParish Twitter: @GreensideParish Church Office: 0191 4137279 email: vicar@greensideparish.org.uk

Youth of Greenside Parish We believe that all of the Christian message and the experience of knowing God is not simply for adults but for young people too! We therefore do our best to offer opportunities for all ages to explore what it looks like to follow Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit in a radical, fun and relevant way. With the commitment of fantastic voluntary workers we are able to ensure there is always a great opportunity for you, your child or teenager to join this adventure with us.

Friday Rock (School years 3-6) During

term time we spend Friday evening together in discussion, games, craft and cooking. We are commited to learning about and making a difference to other young peoples lives via sponsoring a child through a charity. We also attend X:SITE North East.

Impact (11+) We try and gather as often

and when ever we can! From breakfasts before school, midweek small group, to wider fortnightly social gatherings. Our aim is to learn more about life with Jesus through a work based more on investing in relationships rather than a programme. We also attend YFC North East Wired event. If you would like to get involved, contact Youth Minister Andy Hawkins on 0191 4611807

Run by Leanne and Rachel, they say Footprints is welcoming for parents and friendly for children. We enjoy hearing the sound of children playing and mums chatting together! Footprints is for all pre-school age children in the area. There are craft activities, story telling and refreshments for our children and their parents and helpers. We aim to provide you with an environment where young children can play, craft and have fun too. • Short Craft Sessions, which usually involves lots of colouring and sticking. The Children take the craft home (when it has dried a bit!) • Rest and enjoy some free play, coffee and chats. • Stories read by leaders of ‘Footprints’ and sometimes members of our church congregation • Songs - a mix of Children’s Worship Music and General Children’s Nursery Rhymes

Fully Rely On God Is our work on Sunday at St. John’s during term time. In the hall we use a mixture of worship and games to explore the Bible.

Jesus And Me Is our work on Sunday at

Holy Spirit during term time. Using a mixture of crafts, art and creative resources we explore the Bible.

Bee Keeping Later on this year, volunteers Mike & Rosemary Hendry, from Greenside, are going to Zambia to learn about beekeeping in Sub-Saharan Africa. They will be trained by a group called ‘Give Hope’ which is headed up by Martin Zuch from Whittonstall, County Durham. ‘Give Hope’ men build the hives and harvest honey on a large scale in Ndola, Zambia, who use their profits to help sponsor orphan and vulnerable children in Zambia and Ethiopia. They will then take their training to a small village, near Salima in Malawi, situated 3 km from Lake Malawi. Mike & Rosemary say, “The Malawian village is extremely poor, with no electricity, and the nearest water pump is about 1km away. The ground soil is in a poor condition due to deforestation by the local populace, using the wood to make charcoal for sale. But beekeeping is the natural way to help make important lifelong changes for the better, as beekeepers already know. In addition to providing a nutritious product, the honey will enable this village to trade its way out of poverty. We’re hoping to take across at least 10 beekeeping suits to enable the project to get underway.” Mike & Rosemary are currently in discussions with the chief of the village through Rosemary’s brother Alan, who lives in Malawi. They intend to train these local villagers in the construction of the top bar hives, how to fix and hoist them in the bush, and how to harvest the honey once the season ends and refine it for sale. If you can help provide a bee keeping suit please contact Mike and Rosemary on Tel: 0191 4136111 or email michaelrosemary@ talktalk.net They will be very happy to talk to you about this project if you need further information. And for more information about how to sponsor a child through ‘Give Hope’ please email martin@givehopeinternational.org

What’s On in Greenside Parish Key Services 1st Sunday: Morning Worship Church of the Holy Spirit, Crawcrook

2nd Sunday: Holy Communion

Art Stop

Every Tuesday (term time only) 1pm-3pm Holy Spirit Church Hall, Crawcrook


St John’s Church, Greenside Road, Greenside

Baby & Toddler group, St John’s Community Hall, Greenside. Every Thursday 10am-11.30am

3rd Sunday: Holy Communion

Home Groups

Church of the Holy Spirit, Crawcrook


Woodside 7.30pm Contact: 01661 835718


Kepier Chare 7.45pm Contact: 0191 4138446

4th Sunday: Morning Worship St John’s Church, Greenside Road, Greenside All services begin at 10am with Children & Youth Ministries running each week.

Wednesday The Folly 7.30pm Contact: 0191 4136111

Sunday Evening Worship: Meets 6pm each Sunday at Church of the Holy Spirit

Dene Holm, Old Main Street 7.30pm Contact: 0191 6596714

For further information, visit www.greensideparish.org.uk

Horsley Avenue 7.30pm Contact: 0191 4135245

Wednesday Worship


Holy Communion

Drama Group

Coffee Stop

Every Thursday, St John’s Church, Greenside Contact: Mandy via the Church Office Tel: 0191 4137279

Church of the Holy Spirit, Crawcrook Begins at 9.15am. All welcome Every Tuesday (term time only) 10am-2pm Holy Spirit Church Hall, Crawcrook

Heathfield Farm 7.30pm Contact: 0191 4139066

rd day 3 Satur st Augu

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nd join us fo Come along a l goods, crafts & activities! ca - featuring lo

Margaret’s Testimony I have lived in the Ryton / Crawcrook area for 30 years and have been a member of Holy Spirit Church for 25 years. Art has always been an important influence in my life and, fortunately, I was able to study for five years at Newcastle College of Art. The sixties were an exciting and interesting period and one of my fellow students was Eric Burdon, the lead singer with the Animals pop group, who would often give us impromptu performances. I left college with a teaching qualification and, after a brief period of time in interior design, I began to teach disadvantaged children and adults and pupils at Beaconsfield Grammar School – art is a medium which can give pleasure and a sense of achievement to people in all walks of life and all ability levels. By 1970 I began to take my own painting more seriously, and was persuaded to exhibit some of my work. This came about through joining an art club, where I had the opportunity to experiment and develop my skills, and was encouraged to do so by other members. Encouragement is so important for all of us because it gives us the impetus to develop the skills which God has given to each of us. I was particularly pleased, therefore, to be asked to start an art club at Holy Spirit Church, because this has given me the opportunity to use my gifts to help others and to share my love of the amazing world that God has created. I enjoy all forms of art work, but my first love is painting landscapes and the natural environment. I now feel I am sharing my God given gifts and helping others to achieve their potential, as they realise that we all have something to give. Many people claim that they do possess any artistic talent, but there are so many ways to produce artistic work, that there is literally something for everyone to achieve.For me, art is an integral part of my life and provides a means of expressing my faith, and my love for the beautiful part of the world in which we live.

Our club at Holy Spirit Church meets every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm at the coffee stop so , as well as developing latent talents, you can enjoy a piece of cake and a “cuppa”. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal and basic art materials are provided. All forms of art and craft can be catered for, and I would like to extend a warm invitation to anyone who would like to join us. The idea is to provide an opportunity for anyone to have time for themselves; encouragement to develop individual skills and the chance to meet and enjoy fellowship in a mutually supportive environment.


Balance Urban Dance School

Starts 4pm Wednesday 26th June

Wednesdays 4pm - 3pm @ St John’s Community Hall, Greenside For ages 6+ £3.50 per session

Day time classes during school holidays

For more information call Sam Mob: 07766 077380 or Email: ric1992@aol.com MORE DATES COMING SOON!

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