...we celebrate
ResiliencE! 2
Contents From The Editor's Desk————————-—————–———-——–—————–5 A Word In Season by Prophet Oscar Guobadia—————————-—–—————7 Bouncing Back Into Your Father's Love by Rev Enomfon Ntefon————————-—9 Exclusive Interview With Ruth Dickson by Bounce Back In Style & Ruth Dickson——12 Lessons From Samson In A Bounce Back Story by Rev E.A. Effiom————————16 Nutrition For Harsh Season by Omowunmi Olunloyo————————————–18 The Heart Matters by Rev Robert Ntefon—————————————————--21 From Divorce To Mission Field With New Wife by Rev Kola Tayo————————–29 Frontline News (Women In Business) by Prophetess Jacqueline Ani———————–33 How To Keep Your Budget Low & Fun High During Holidays by Tokunboh Osunbayo-38 On Dreams & Interpretations by Bishop Joe Ibojie——————————————40 Experiencing 2015 & Beyond by Rev Allen Joe Opoku—————————————43
Blossom no matter what season!
From The Editor’s Desk Many of us have gruelling stories of set-backs, hardships, trials, failures, frameups, put-downs, illnesses, ostracisms, relationship failures, financial issues, homelessness, poverty and shameful episodes in different shapes and forms that we are not really proud of. Some were due to bad decisions we made and we have found it difficult to face ourselves, forgive and move on. Some were other people's wrong decisions. Maybe even right now, you are in one of those times. As I write this editorial piece, I am facing one of the worst crisis of my faith. This has produced some unanswered questions, People that do not know you emotional roller coaster rides, levels of pain but pass judgement before they simultaneously lots of healing and revelation of even get a chance to finish grace in my heart and my life and family. I am reading the headline news of practicing this message. God will use practitioners your failure. and not theorists. God's grace is strong where sin abounds. Light is most appreciated where darkness prevails. God did not promise us a smooth ride to heaven but He did say, He will be there for us on the way to sustain us on our journey. Bounce Back was birthed in my heart as I observed many ladies struggle with getting their self worth, sense of dignity and life’s purpose after a painful relationship demise . Mostly recovery was slow and many felt their identity was linked to their past. What contributes to slow or no healing is the “others factor”. People that do not know you pass judgement before they even get a chance to finish reading the headline news of your failure. After all, who wants to be used as a bad reference and definitely no one want to be rejected. We are so used to allowing others see the best parts of us. So, what we usually do when we condemn others is we are just propagating guilt, pain, fear and condemnation in our hearts first and then in others. We assume the place of God and pass judgement without gathering all the facts. We must stop shooting our wounded. Where criticism abounds recovery is slow and bouncing back very difficult for those who have failed. Jesus said to the woman caught in the very act of adultery " Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more". He also said to Peter who denied him (without taking it so personal that one of his best friends denied even knowing him!) "When you have returned strengthen your brothers" 5
From The Editor’s Desk (cont.)
After Jesus met the woman by the well, she was ready to tell the world about a Man who did not Like Samson after failure every new beginning is mighty with God. As you go through each article, may you experience massive encouragement, new strength, doses of inspiration and loads of grace for your journey. Connect with Gods 'heart , change your mind (which is what repentance means) and align to His views and opinion. The Divine spotlight on your bounce back journeys is that even when you have veered off course, that you will be redirected into God's purpose and plan for your life. Like Joseph, what was meant to harm will turn out for good ...all things will work out for good as you love God and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 You will become what He originally intended for you even when the options have changed. Your destiny is intact, retained and you are moving through a redirection into your purpose. Your Heavenly Father believes in you. He knows you are not stopping where the crisis is leading. He knows you will cross over to the other side. The storms can only temporarily set you back. But you are unstoppable. "The righteous will fall seven times and will rise again" Proverbs 24: 16 What a promise! You can Bounce Back! That is your Bounce Back Legacy! With love, Rev. Enomfon Ntefon Editor-in-chief
"When you have returned strengthen your brothers"
A Word In Season! Bounce back as I hear is a ministry that will empower the “WOUNDED SOLDIERS” back to the Field. And the Lord took me to Ezekiel 37 as the Lord impressed in the heart of His prophet to speak to the Dry bones… The Breathe of God is His Ruach, and that is what is needed for a bounce back! The testimony of the bones was the fact that the rose up and became an “ARMY”. Very important and strategic. Bounce Back is raised to empower the wounded soldiers NOT to the place where they sustained the injury but to the place of equipping an army. This is so that they can defend and protect HER people from the snares of the fowler. God is helping you Rev Enomfon. I asked the Lord why so many broken homes even in Christendom, all I heard was: THE THRESHING FLOOR Back in the book of Ruth, the threshing floor encounter where the Ruth met with her Lord isn’t just a place of separating the Wheat from the chaff but the place of fellowship. Jesus was from the loins of Boaz and Ruth, therefore if the devil can contaminate that bloodline, the Messiah wouldn’t be born. Bounce back, as the Lord impressed in my heart is to make room for a threshing floor experience where the wounded soldier finds solace and refuge in her Healer. This ministry will cater to the bruised, broken and battered…. The testimony of reconciliation is the fact that Jesus is willing to make their mess a message. But they need nurturing for the growth that is needed. Our rejoicing is in the fact that even though the devil had messed us up before, we do not regret because of the scars we see, we rejoice because every soldier in a battle filed has the scar as testimony. But in the scar is a STAR. Bounce Back, I pray in this age reaches to the broken and bitter, converge them in a threshing floor so they have an encounter with their LORD and be clothed with the FULL ARMOUR! Yours – in- HIM Oscar Guobadia Ministries TWITTER: Oscar Omoede Guobadia FACEBOOK: Oscar omoede Guobadia I G: sleekeyz FB PAGES: D Deep dimension, Strategic Christian leadership and management, NU LOGIC 7
Merry Christmas
Bouncing Back Into the Father's Love
by Rev. Enomfon Ntefon
To some of us this is foreign concept. Many did not have fathers. One of my earlier pastors wrote a book called "Not Many Fathers”. Today there is a wrapped understanding of what real fatherhood is. Yes, we know stories and maybe have even experienced the absent fatherhood syndrome. For some of us, daddy died, to others he was not nice and used to maltreat us, to some he "just left" and we have not seen him again. To others he was „there‟ but not really „available‟. Either way, the memory of fatherhood triggers pain and even fear. This shows up as “ a not having feeling” which has been projected into many outcomes in our lives. The wrong decisions and the wrong turns we make is linked to a sense of lack. We wanted something to fill a void and then we behaved in a certain way. Unacceptable but it looked promising to us at the time and we had hope that it would whisk the pain away. But no it did not. It compounded the problem. In my work with ladies from diverse backgrounds, I could trace an abusive partner, husband, or a stormy relationship to the inner sense of NOT EXPERIENCING a father's love, guidance and attention. As adults those needs do not just go away.
"When our mother and father forsake us the Lord will take us up". Psalms 27:10 My Own Journey I stood at the gate of our church parsonage at age 11 in the twilight hours of the morning to break the devastating news that daddy had died in his sleep to our Pastor. I was the only "strong person" to do it. Mum was beside herself with grief. She was being held down by neighbours as I heard screams of "how will I raise your 9 children"? "Why would you leave me with 9 children"? I was the eldest. I went through my teenage years in a daze feeling disconnected from the real world. I was placed in psychiatric care. I was strong outwardly but inwardly I was a nervous wreck. I had to be strong for mum. That was what everyone was saying and they had to be right. However, the panic attacks, intense stress, family and relationship issues coupled with low performance at school were overt signs that something was seriously wrong. After 4 years, I had a dream in which I saw my dad. I had just started becoming interested in boys or rather showing signs of responding to the interest they had in me. Nothing serious, but I needed to be validated, I 9
The previous Sunday, mum had forced me to go to church and I protested telling her I had no good dress. I had gone very unwillingly. This Sunday, I was ready for church before, she call my name. I was hungry for a change. I needed to hear something that would explain the experience I had. I Bounced Back Home To My Father It was the same Pastor; I broke the news about the death of my earthly Daddy. He did not know but the Spirit of God spoke through him to me. He was used of God to introduce me to my Heavenly Father. "For as many as received Him he gave them power to become children of God". John 1:12 You are the one to receive Him. It is your choice and He is waiting for you. He is your Father and He is waiting for you to bounce back into his love. I did. I stood up while my mum looked up flabbergasted, wondering what was happening. I was bouncing back into Daddy's care. My recovery journey started having lost my dad, when I connected with the love of my Heavenly Father. It‟s been over 30 year‟s journey, but each day, I find that my Heavenly Father is there. He has not left like sometimes our earthly fathers do. What is your own journey of bouncing back into God's love? The world, at large and society and sadly the church sometimes gives a wrong assessment of our worth and judge us wrongly. But your Heavenly Father is not your judge. The previous Sunday, mum had forced me to go to church and I protested telling her I had no good dress. I had gone very unwilling. This Sunday, I was ready for church before, she The previous Sunday, mum had forced me to go to church and I protested telling her I had no good dress. I had gone very unwilling. This Sunday, I was ready for church before, she call my name. Father's must discipline, guide and bless their own children. He corrects and brings us back to Himself. Do not use your history as an excuse to step out of your Fathers' care. His corrections are done in love and not for His ego. Let your hardships, unexplained life issues, pain and grief drive you back into your Heavenly Father's love. He is waiting. God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees”~Hebrews 12: 7-12 As a Bounce Back Coach, Author, Marriage Mentor and Pastor, Rev. Enomfon is passionate about recovery , wholeness and walking in God's plan and purposes no matter the harshness of your experiences. After losing her father at a tender age, she went through life traumatised and directionless. Today, she is an epitome of God's love and faithfulness. She has experienced the love of her Heavenly Father. She is Editor-in-chief of Bounce Back In Style Magazine and CEO of Winning Relationships and Co-founder of Love & Marriage School. She also co-pastors The King's Mission in London with her husband., Rev Robert Ntefon.
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“Though the righteous falls seven times, they rise again...�
This book is to be released in May 2015! 14