Ninux day 2016

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Fog and the City an urbanist's perspective

mesh networks

a network topology in which all nodes cooperate to distribute data

fog computing

peripherical clients/devices carry out (a substantial amount of) storage, communication, control, configuration, measurement, and management

fog computing is a distributed paradigm that provides cloud-like services to the network edge Source: Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Rajkumar Buyya, Fog Computing: Helping the Internet of Things Realize its Potential

it leverages cloud and edge resources along with its own infrastructure Source: Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Rajkumar Buyya, Fog Computing: Helping the Internet of Things Realize its Potential

fog for smart cities

smart grid

smart traffic lights and connected vehicles

wireless sensor and actuator networks

decentralized smart building control

iot and cyber-physical systems

software defined networks

why does it matter?

end users are involved in the computation effort


privacy concerns

the main security issues are authentication at different levels of gateways Source: Ivan Stojmenovic, Sheng Wen, The Fog Computing Paradigm: Scenarios and Security Issues

open source architecture

"vernacular" awareness


developing/sharing best practices

involvement of...

inhabitants, professionals, NGOs, public agencies, researchers, activists, artists, sociologists, and urban scientists Source:

meant to study, construct, and repair the city in a way that anyone may choose, participate, share, and modify theories, methods, and implementation technologies at any one time Source:

civic engagement

in the disciplines of urban design and architecture, it is imperative to consider the social, environmental, and economic contexts in which they exist Source: Glenda Amayo Caldwell, Marcus Foth, Mirko Guaralda, An urban informatics approach to smart city learning in architecture and urban design education

around the world, civic engagement is paramount to promoting democracy and equity throughout urban planning, policy reform, and design Source: Glenda Amayo Caldwell, Marcus Foth, Mirko Guaralda, An urban informatics approach to smart city learning in architecture and urban design education

mesh networking only represents one small (albeit critical) part of the overall smart city infrastructure Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

technology can (and should) also be deployed to elaborate and deploy innovative systems of governance Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

a truly emancipatory technology should not only provide the means for citizens to become more independent and autonomous within their own city, but also to exercise greater control and oversight over the municipality Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

privacy/comfort trade-off?

quite the contrary Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

the need to align innovation policies for smart cities deployment with better urban development and greater citizen empowerment requires reconsidering the role of citizens as the central focus of smart cities development Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

the general approach to smart cities deployment must integrate the social component to the technical component Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

through the deployment of mesh networks, citizens can set up their own smart-city environments, by connecting several devices together in a decentralized fashion within a peer-to-peer network Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

without the need for a centralized authority Source: Primavera De Filippi, Community Mesh Networks: Citizens' Participation in the Deployment of Smart Cities

break free from closed-loop systems!

is the urbanist obsolete?

phigital approach

urban informatics

ensuring optimal resource distribution

interface local/global

easing the transition towards self-regulating communities


vim, Hovercraft!, Ubuntu Xenial Xerus

Roberto Reale

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