Why do we need Governance? Why and how we need to incorporate governance in urbanism studies Prepared by Roberto Rocco, Verena Balz with the help of Prof. Wil Ζonneveld Section Spatial Planning and Strategy/ OTB Urbanism @ TUDelft
SpatialPlanning &Strategy Challenge the future
When planning and designing for people, a few questions must be answered in order to make your plan and design relevant and realistic.
Who does what why and how?
In which capacity do actors act? Who initiates the project? Who is responsible for each phase? Who finances? Who carries out negotiations?
Most important: To which needs or wishes of stakeholders does the project cater for?
In other words:
who wants this project?
What is the role of the designer/ planner? WHAT’S YOUR ROLE?
Emergence of new kinds of design connected to the design of PROCESSES ...will have a huge impact on the physical design
Governance (normative) Civil Society
Private Sector
Public Sector Positive tension: checks and balances
Governance (descriptive) Civil Society
Private Sector
Civil Coalitions between sectors and within sectors
Public Sector Public Sector
Urban planners & Designers
You must also design the role you play and the role of other actors in the Civil Private Society process Sector How to engage with investors? Civil And with civil society? What Public role does the government have?Sector What is your relationship with them?
Public Sector
Urban planners & Designers
What does governance respond to? Different capacities from different actors.
Different kinds of knowledge (narratives).
Multiplicity of points of view and diverging objectives.
Changes in governing & planning and designing for cities Emergence of a particular style of decision-making where there must be sustained co-ordination and coherence among a wide variety of actors with different purposes and views of society, different types of knowledge and different objectives. Adapted from Papadopoulos, 2007
New roles for designers and planners are emerging
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Click on the image to access the Great Planning Game, where we discuss new roles for planners and designers based on K. SEHESTED (2010)
These roles have multiple knowledge paradigms Design
Human Sciences
Physical Sciences
Regional Design • The production and use of spatial representations. • Concerned about regional spatial development.
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3-9-2013 6:13:48
250.000 - 350.000 > 350.000
Gemiddelde reisindicator laag
Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, 2011. Ontwerp Structuurvisie Infrastructuur en Ruimte. Nederland concurrerend, bereikbaar, leefbaar en veilig. Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
‘A plan is an arena of struggle’ ‘The product of interaction between a range of parties. The plan may become a point of reference for continuing interaction within which discourses may evolve. Each of those discourses has its own story line.
FALUDI, A. & VAN DER VALK, A. J. J. 1994. Rule and Order: Dutch Planning Doctrine in the Twentieth Century, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
‘A plan is an arena of struggle’ Plan preparation thus involves 'making story lines'. More often, however, pre-existing 'stories' and strategies are consolidated and translated into reference criteria for future decisions. A plan is also 'an arena of struggle' (Faludi & Korthals Altes, 1994, p. 405, based on Healey, 1993).’
Regional design is... • ... a technical expertise, to integrate analytical knowledge in the light of a normative agenda. • ... a political practice, a form of advocacy that increases the quality of decisions though introducing alternative political points of views. • ... a form of territorial management, employed in policy making to avoid conflict.
Multiple knowledge paradigms Design
Physical Sciences
Urbanism at TU Delft
Prepared by Roberto Rocco at r.c.rocco@tudelft.nl
Human Sciences
The use of planning concepts • In the context of organizational reform (devolution of planning, governance, privatization, Europeanization, legal reform): +How are planning concepts used in the context of organizational change? +What ideas about spatial organization emerge in the context of regional governance and planning?
centrale agglomeratie
stedeli|ke druk op het landelijk gebied
verband Randstad
* matig verstedelijkt gebied Brabantse stedennj Arnhem/Nijmegen Twentse stedenband Zuid-Limburgse steden
weinig verstedelijkt gebied rest van Nederland
open ruimte beleid
open ruimte tussen stadsgewest
industrie gebieden centrale agglomeraties van de vier grote steden
sterk verstedelijkt gebied
t n
Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, 1983. Structuurschets Stedelijke Gebieden.Regeringsbeslissing. Den Haag: SDUenuitgerverij.
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C^Zjl HaZjiZaegd_ZXi edZ[h]hedZ kZgZZckdjY^\YZ ided\gV[^Z \gZch :mXajh^ZkZ :Xdcdb^hX]Z OdcZ ::O Zc &'"b^_ahodcZ
inisterie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening n Milieubeheer, LNV, VenW en EZ, 2006. Nota Ruimte: uimte voor Ontwikkeling, Deel 4: tekst na parlementaire stemming. Den Haag: Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, uimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer
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Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, 2011. Ontwerp Structuurvisie Infrastructuur en Ruimte. Nederland concurrerend, bereikbaar, leefbaar en veilig. Den Haag: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
Regional design • In the context of regional governance and planning: +How does regional design assist with the construction of consensus among actors with conflicting goals? +How does the practice help the construction of guiding normative principles for planning (structural visions)? +What new kinds of design emerge in the context of regional governance?
Projects and proposals • • • • • • •
SUME Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe, FP 7 project; 2008-2011 ESPON TANGO Territorial Approaches for New Governance PLEEC Planning for Energy Efficient Cities, FP 7 project; 2013-2016 ITOD Implementing Transit-Oriented Development, NWO funded; 2012 – 2014 ESPON North Sea STAR, North Sea Region; 2013 Randstad Reader HORIZON 2020, The territorial dimension of North West European energy planning spaces.
Thanks for listening!
References ALBRECHTS, L., HEALEY, P. & KUNZMANN, K. R. 2003. Strategic Spatial Planning and Regional Governance in Europe. Journal of the American Planning Association, 69, 113-129. EBERLEIN, B. & KERWER, D. 2004. New Governance in the European Union: A Theoretical Perspective. Journal of Common Market Studies, 42, 128. FAINSTEIN, S. 2000. New Directions in Planning Theory. Urban Affairs Review, 35, 451-478. FAINSTEIN, S. 2010. The Just City, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. FOUCAULT, M. 1984. The Foucault Reader, New York, Pantheon. HABERMAS, J. 1976. Communication and the Evolution of Society, Boston, Beacon Press. HABERMAS, J. 1991. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, Boston, MIT Press. HARVEY, D. 2008. The Right to the City. New Left Review. New Left Review. HARVEY, D. 2009. Social Justice and the City, Athens (GA), The University of Georgia Press. HEALEY, P. 1997. Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies, Vancouver, UBC Press. HEALEY, P. 2003. The communicative turn in planning theory and its implications for spatial strategy formation. In: CAMPBELL, S. & FAINSTEIN, S. (eds.) Readings in Planning Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. HILLIER, J. & HEALEY, P. 2008. Contemporary Movements in Planning Theory, Aldershot, Ashgate. LEFEBVRE, H. 1996. Writings on Cities, Oxford, Blackwell. MERLEAU-PONTY, M. 2012. Phenomenology of Perception, New York Routledge. MITCHELL, D. 2003. The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space, New York, Guilford. PAPADOPOULOS, Y. 2007. Problems of Democratic Accountability in Network and Multilevel Governance. European Law Journal, 13, 469-486. RHODES, R. A. W. 1996. The New Governance: Governing without Government. Political Studies, XLIV, 652-667. SEHESTED, K. 2009. Urban Planners as Network Managers and Metagovernors. Planning Theory and Practice, 10, 245-263. SOJA, E. 2010. Seeking Spatial Justice, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
Prepared by Roberto Rocco and Verena Balz Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy, TU Delft
for information, please contact r.c.rocco@tudelft.nl