Robert Trojan (Component 1 AID)

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Component 1 Interior and Architectual design Robert Trojan

Design Brief: In contemporary times there is a growing amount of people that choose the lifestyle of a vegan. In England there is a 7% of the population are vegans and 14% are vegetarian this number is growing and there aren’t many vegan restaurants. London has been named the world's most veganfriendly city, according to an annual ranking from an online restaurant guide. This creates a demand for vegan restaurants as there is a larger number of clients in this area. The objective is to design a permanent vegan restaurant with the main theme, linear and the second theme natural and organic, the themes should work together and not make one more dominant than the other. The interior as well as the exterior should make the visitors calm and invite them to the restaurant. The client should feel part of the community and have a shared experience while in the restaurant. I will be also redesigning the brownfield site and turning it into a pavilion integrated with a park attracting more people to see

Brownfield site

Location Norwich The Neatmarket, Hall Road Where are the most vegans in the UK? Norwich Norwich is the UK'S most vegan friendly city, according to new research. The report found that Norwich is the most vegan-friendly city, with just 2,094 people in the city per vegetarian/vegan restaurant, this means that if I intergrade a new restaurant and redesign the space the place will get more recognition as well as something new for the locals and the new visitors. Hall road is surrounded by houses and a big B&Q there are a lot of people that visit and pass by the area but nothing around there makes them stay and enjoy the things around them. 10-minute walk from this brown site there is a Holiday inn which gets lots a customer, but they have long travels from anything exciting and nothing more to offer than just parks and small benches to sit in. my objective is to redesign that whole brown site and integrate a vegan restaurant as Norwich has the most vegans in England.

Brown Brownfield site Holiday Inn

How much space will I have to work with? 145m 105m

65m 200 m

Benches and park (Holiday Inn)

Brownfield site

More information and different point of views of the site. Here are the different aspects and views of the plan site. as you can see its not very eye pleasing dull and boring, I will be using the features of the surrounding and the environment to add something new and exciting to the local old and rundown area. As I checked the different shops and exciting places people can go to I didn’t manage to find anything that was worth the while everything around the area seems old and not very eco friendly. Using this space to liven up the place and give a new meaning to the area.

I will make sure to be using bright colours and more modern looks as well as aesthetics in order to bring the new and old generation together. 145m


I will also make sure the be using some sort of attraction in order to bring customers for example a pavilion or a new pathing that connects the two main entrances. There is a big parking area right next to it therefore when customers come pay a visit to the restaurant parking will not be an issue to be considered.

Research on surrounding This is the holiday Inn in Norwich; this hotel is a very dull and not very welcoming place it doesn’t involve anything complex and nothing that attract the customers eyes. I believe that if I can learn from this and not make the same mistake my solution will be a more successful product and the end of the day. I'm sure that if I don’t use the same shapes and forms, I will avoid making the same mistake and creating something boring and instead make something interesting and exciting.

Thomas Heatherwick Bund Finance Centre is a prominent new mixed-use development close to the Shanghai waterfront and has been designed jointly by Foster + Partners and Heatherwick Studio. The building is encircled by a moving veil, which adapts o the changing use of the building and reveals the stage on the balcony and views towards Pudong.

Thomas Heatherwick, Shanghai Expo, 2010 Pavilion in the UK Called Seed Cathedral, the wooden structure is pierced by 60,000 fibre-optic rods that each contain plant seeds at their tips The rods take in the light during the day and exert it during the night


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To build a vegan restaurant There must be a kitchen were 4-6 people can work at the same time and having enough space Must have an outside seating area and inside seating Must include the theme of linear and natural and organic as a second theme Must have a storage area Parking area Must be accessible for the disabled Must have a restroom A back room for staff A full service bar The building must outstand to attract visitors Include and match the surrounding of the environment Follow a similar structure and design to the ones around it

Natural and organic (Primary Research) Design idea 1

From this plumb I managed to extract some of the shapes and manipulated them to make different sorts of shapes and forms.

Further research on Natural and Organic Some of the more interesting shapes and forms I created with the use of a plumb and how I could use some of them within my design

Models from inspiration: Plumb

Model from the plumb inspiration

Natural and organic (Primary Research)

Here I cut up the banana using patterns from the linear theme and played around with it and created more interesting forms I could use later in the project to create the restaurant or parts of it to give it that unique feeling to it

Generating design ideas for possible restaurant solutions

These designs came from the inspiration of the cut banana and the shapes I extracted and formed into an interesting building.

Design idea 2 I used the shapes I extracted from the cut banana and the plumb and played around with them making new shapes and making an infrastructure for the building.

Inspiration modelling from research The card models can be used as a pavilion on top of the restaurant or as an attraction around the restaurant to make sure customers remember the place and keep the customers coming. I can also use the shapes and forms extracted to make the actual restaurant.

Physical models inspired from design ideas

How does it work in the location you’re working in ? Timber beach-side barbouni restaurant This project really portrays the location of the beach and it shows how the location as well as the project can work together to make it more interesting. It seems like its using the theme of movement and flow which fits in with the location of a beach. The sealing of the restaurant looks like the picture below which is actually a picture of water bending rocks as the water is going downstream.

I need to make sure to extract information from different sources for example for my theme of natural and organic I will take pictures of nature and extract different shapes and forms in order to create something new and exciting never to be thought of.

Further research Similarities and development of ideas

Plan views and different perspectives

Benches and pavilions

The designed are based on the inspiration of water droplets and the previous design models I made.

Physical model of the droplet inspiration Making the model the way I wanted and giving it the aesthetics of the clean curved edge was very difficult making it by hand and being precise so therefore I developed it into a simpler way of making it work.

Research on boat houses Some of the models I made beforehand reminded me of a boathouse, to develop the models further I decided to look into these existing buildings and find out how they work within their environment.

Boathouses and Perspective Drawings

Models and ideas made from the boat house inspiration The boathouse was a great inspiration for this seating as I can develop it in many ways and not only create seating or a social space but I can also develop this into a pavilion with an organic look to it.

Physical Models of seating and spaces that can be used. These are some of the models I created with some card based on some of these rounded shapes and thought of the actual purpose which is to be an exciting seating. I think that if there is an interesting sitting area the visitors can come around spend time and also have a resting place in order to continue. This also gives them excitement throughout the whole of the day.

Seating and Function Within Social Space The silhouette people shows us how the design could work and how people could interact with the space given to them. These are just some ways of how it can be done.

Sketchup final design of fountain number 1 This is thw sketchup model I created based on the inspiration of a fountain and a boat house. Used some of the shapes and forms to givw it this distinct inside to the fountain/ pavillion. I also used nature colours like green, brown and blue to give it a calming and inviting look to it.

Models from SketchUp and development These models were created with SketchUp and then set onto a base that I drew to give it different aspects of it, and to see the design fit to scale.

Tree Pavilion/Fountain I took the plumb shapes and forms and created this model which then I made into a SketchUp model and gave it more life with the use of trees and peoples interaction.

Pavilions/ fountains and interaction with people

Restaurant and organic features research. Tondo design restaurant

I did some research based on this restaurant and got inspiration to follow it up with other things that join in with the same colour scheme. The shapes of this made me feel abstract and therefore went for abstract shapes and forms within other things (secondary research) From this project I took some of the parts and extracted them and simplified them and started to make things with them. I came up with two forms and shapes that can be manipulated and made into something else but still using the same concept and idea. From the elevation I extracted the rounder shapes and forms and created C looking shapes that I might be using later in the design phase

I then followed up to changing the shapes into a rounder shape and played around with that to make something more interesting.

Shapes and forms to use on the restaurant the research I did on the different restaurants gave me an inspiration to take the lines and shapes from limes and a hot air balloon to make models and find a final design for my restaurant

Interesting shapes extracted from research I took the forms from the last models and previous research made some models and found out that the triangular shape would fit the main building the best as it could be stacked and create layers which would be the different stories to the building

How does it work on the location ?

The site will be split in 5 different parts and the main restaurant which will become pavilions, benches or an inspiration-based creation to attract people into the open area.

Final layout of the redevelopment site This will be the final layout for the site. I think this is the most effective way of setting things the way they are as it gives the person intrigue and also excitement. Blocking the view of a client or visitor makes them have to walk around the object and have to make their own path towards the desired destination.

Making the visitors create their own path and making them choose a pathway will force them to think and have more of an open choice which is what I'm trying to bring to life. Also the fact that they have to walk around a certain object or building makes them want to explore the place more and more to find out what is behind it and if there are more exciting things to see.

Physical Final model (Roof and top floor)

Final Model (Middle and Bottom Floor)

Final design of the restaurant

Final design in SketchUp

Final design of the restaurant and how it would work in the site (SketchUp)

Final design of the whole site redeveloped This is how it would look like in the designated area. To make these models I used the software SketchUp and used the sketchy edges to see what it would look like in different ways.

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