Selandra Community Place: An innovative service model for new estate communities ICTC 2013 16- 18 October 2013
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Casey’s Profile: Foothills, Urban, Green Wedge, Coast
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Casey’s Profile: Infrastructure Gaps, Traffic Congestion
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Clyde Growth Area
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Selandra Community = Partnership Place SECCCA
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Winner: 2012 Pam Keating Environmental Sustainability Award
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Selandra Community Place
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Selandra Community Place “Where health and wellbeing meets the environment”
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Community Sustainability and Social Connection “The need to belong, be connected and engaged in group and civic activities are intrinsic to mental health and wellbeing”
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Building Social Connection
Program responds to resident needs
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Formal and informal meeting spaces
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Creating Connections “Thank you for your help, and I must say I really love the updates and information, it feels like a real community”
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Programs, Services and Events
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Helping residents to connect “I was shopping and saw Jane; it was so nice to see someone I knew. It used to happen all the time where I lived before. I missed it. It was so good to see a friendly familiar face, we hugged”
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Project Learnings • • • • •
Resource commitment Facility features Active engagement Public – Private Partnership Working across government
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Community Incubator Toolkit
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
An opportunity to learn and make a difference
Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality
Questions? “Social connection – the vital ingredient that transforms architecture, engineering and people into a place of character and culture” Victoria’s Largest and Most Vibrant Municipality