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THINKER What am I?

Who am I?

Why am I Here ?

What am I Doing ?

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The Psychic Thinker - All Interest Books



Robin G Howard

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WHAT IS REALITY ? In troublesome times the strange world of fantasy and fiction takes our minds on a journey of pure escapism. We need to abscond from our perception of realism. What is realism? Is all around you a reality or a visual perception? This world is a physical domain but is true reality a quantum essence encased in your mind and your thoughts? This scenario illustrates the coexistence of several realms intermixing at the same moment of existence. Yet although existing simultaneously together the vibration or frequency level in analogy is equal to a distance between each of a billion light years. That is why contact between the different realms is problematic to the average physical human brain. In physical form communication is frequently misconstrued in trying to interpret the mental quantum signals. The physical world interprets these moments as supernatural or paranormal. Every human being has the ability to receive and transmit between the two worlds. Unfortunately, as we are all individuals, so are our senses. Fiction is based on reality. A good detective novel reflects society. A detective has to try and unravel the mystery of a perfect murder. The supernatural and paranormal is all around us, sometimes in dreams and also reality. Science fiction predicts future events and revelations in stories that are related to as fiction. Holy books are fiction written from the imagination of men yet they too reflect into the future trying to show us a better way of life. But without some belief other than our physical reality we are but empty containers on a short voyage through eternity. The invisible lines of magnetism that swirl around us are not to be seen, yet we know they are there. They can only be seen in the suns fiery atomic furnace or by placing a magnet underneath a sheet of paper and sprinkling iron filings onto it. Those unseen forces that swirl around us affect all atoms of physicality, the sun the moon and our own bodies. Jim Long Astral space agent series - book 2 -The White Hole


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What is gravity? Even Scientists know the imperceptible notion of gravity, and everyone of its existence, but no-one can explain why or how. There are as yet no formulas to explain the fundamental basics of this phenomenon. The answer lies in the minus or negative equations that no one yet can understand. The sceptics have doubts about clairvoyants and psychics simply because they have tried to put a timescale on future events. I know from my own personal experience that this is not possible as there is no ‘time’ in the astral realm. As singular human units of existence we can see events and pictures that are instantly forgotten or difficult to interpret because they are tied up by feelings or emotions.

Getting the call.... We are all occasionally given a signal or notification from this quantum realm. Many of us do not receive the message, others misinterpret whilst others ignore it completely. The sceptic with a closed mind hears and sees nothing and even if they do it has to have a physical answer. The information relayed is of a personal nature to you. It could seem irrelevant or humorous at the time and human memory of a dream is quick to fade. There are a few actual examples to be studied especially of the dream. A man dreams of his next door neighbour crawling up a chimney. He awakes in the morning and tells his wife: they both laugh at the absurdity. That lunchtime a fire engine arrives at his neighbours to quell a severe chimney fire. A man is shown a dream where an aircraft on fire lands on a moor with no loss of life. He wakes up and blurts it out to several colleagues who laugh and shake their heads. Eighteen months later an aircraft crash-lands on a moor and the only reminder was the memory of the colleagues who laughed. These were a little reminder to the recipient that they were not alone in their physical reality. Once again this was intended for the recipient and no one else.

Jim Long Astral space agent series - book 3 - SOULGATE-temple of souls


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Has religion any answers? A strange feature of the physical realm is the advent of pedantic religion. Religion is a mask created to communicate physical spiritual guidance. We are warned in many instances not to participate in the ways of the perceived physical world. A contradiction is then offered to fight and conquer all opposition: to impose religious doctrine on the will of others. The seed of Humankind has forever sought to control and manipulate the source of worshipping and obedience to a supernatural power or powers. Why? The answer is in the wording; control and power. The physical realm allows domination and suppression by the simple destruction of the flesh. Through the centuries in the name of religion and ideology many evil acts have been perpetrated, this is undeniable. Today, the secret police rampage through Iran and Syria as their counterparts did in Nazi Germany and Russia 70 years ago. You have to remember that religion was created by humankind for humankind. What does this imply? Firstly, humankind is fallible and makes mistakes. We are all human. Have you ever seen any world leaders who are not human? Of course not all we witness in this world is chaos and extremity with the worst excesses of humankind. Some men tried to compensate for this mortality by creating divine guidance. The purity of thought of this symbolism has been distorted, manipulated and corrupted through the years. How could this happen? The truth is so clear the tendencies of all mortals are fallible, no one is exempt. You are the answer..... All the guidance you need can come from within yourself. The quantum you is not so very far away but very difficult to intercommunicate. On this plane of existence transmission or connection is not only by voice but by emotion and feelings. Certain areas of the astral are beautiful and surreal the colours vibrant and stronger than here. Some live in a mirror body of their past life in a similar living area others in a sustained perpetual environment of their own making. The high spiritual entities create the unbelievable serene background of eternity. There are other areas created by former 4.

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physical beings that corrupted their own souls using the power of the flesh to dominate others, these are called the un-life. This is a dark shadow area that is unexplainadly terrifying for normal entities passing over. Spiritual beings in the un-life cloud relive past glories in perpetuity. It is not hell but an entrapment of their own wilful and dominant spirit. What is clear to the open-minded individual is that the holy books of today have the deep imprint of humanity contained within. All afterlife theories are interpreted from these books. Each religion has a different viewpoint. We are all pushed by these different theologies and ideas the foundations of which are unstable. In the future huge biological computers will come into existence that will allow us to all travel in quantum form to other dimensions, parallel realities and the realm of the astral. Jim Long astral space agent

5th in series - Battle of the Archangels The authors book in relation to the afterlife is - Battle of the Archangels. This latest fiction publication - in ebook format explores the astral in depth like no other book. KINDLE & AMAZON - PDF eBooks

A recent Open University programme looked at the use of herbs in medicine. Clinical trials in Germany on 12 super herbs gave a near 50/50 result. I give a small synopsis to all those who wish to look into herbal medicine. St Johns Wort : For depression. Ginkgo : Rids blood clots – helps memory failure – tinnitus – Devils Claw : Anti-inflammatory. Garlic : reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Sawl Palmetto : Can relieve enlarged prostrate. Hawthorne : Can help with heart conditions. Chestnut : Varicose veins I improves circulation in legs. Jim Long Astral space agent series - book 4 - Divine Fanaticism


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Jim Long astral space agent

SOULGATE-temple of souls 3rd in series

A Strange underground temple An unusual psychic force KINDLE AMAZON PDF eBook DOWNLOAD

3. PHYSICAL or SPIRITUAL? We all live in a physical commercial world where it seems there is little room for anything else. We all seem to be embroiled in this physical environment. Embedded into our minds since childhood is that existence depends on work and the need to make a living. Examinations and study becomes an integral part of a young life. Everyone on the physical plane of existence is a unique individual entity born with an instinct as to what they will do in adulthood. Sometimes this is forgotten and a wrong path is chosen with disastrous results. Not everyone is born with the brain capacity to be a Jim Long Astral space agent series - book 5 - Battle of the Archangels


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doctor or a lawyer and a secondary occupation has to be chosen. A human entity is unique but equal they are certainly not! This is one of the problems of being born a physical human entity. We are relying on our parents to have supplied the genetic structure and the academic and moral guidance needed in order for us to co-exist alongside our fellow humans. We are born into a world where materialistic achievement is high on the agenda of day-to-day progression, but that needs balancing with a spiritual guidance of some kind. How many times have you heard someone say, ‘I want some kind of quality of life.’ To be a millionaire does not bring quality of life it brings freedom to buy and travel. Quality of life, I am sure is to do with the interaction between families, friends and the environment. So you want to be a singer and you join the thousands of hopefuls needing instant stardom. You are joining the lottery or football pools syndrome. Your chances of success are millions to one but in this age of gladiatorial television, you become the entertainment fodder for millions of people. You are able to witness the insane and vicious nasty comments aimed at you in the name of entertainment. Comments that tell you cannot sing or you are the wrong image. By a miracle, you win the competition but your experience is limited, you cannot even talk to an audience properly and soon forgotten. By losing, you can take the path that most singers travel, singing in front of as many audiences as possible slowly climbing the ladder or falling by the wayside. If you stay with it you will make a living.

How do people manage who are too spiritual? In answer, with a great difficulty and tribulation, after all we are living in a physical world not an ethereal spiritual one. People can get hurt physically and mentally so a strong presence and attitude is required. Balance is the answer – NO EXTREMES. Extremes of violence, drink, drugs, sex, lies, corruption all lead to obsession and an obsessive person lives life in a circular spiral, unable to learn, understand or comprehend the world around them. The second great extreme is one of power and territory. This usually is not in the realm of many average people unless someone personally wanted to dominate another person like a man dominating his wife - a wife dominating her husband and children dominating their parents. 7.

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What about your worldly lifespan..... Sometimes we all ponder over the profound universe that surrounds us. We live on a world approximately twenty-four thousand miles in diameter. It is ninety three million miles from the sun in a perfect distance to sustain life, and in a galaxy one hundred thousand light years in length plus twenty in depth and just one galaxy amongst millions of others. Light travels at one hundred and eighty thousand miles a second and if the sun suddenly ceased to exist we should still see its light for several minutes later. When we gaze up into the night sky to look at the stars we are looking back through time itself visually with our own physical eyes. Our world is so fragile that a large meteor or asteroid plunging into it could wipe out all human life in hours. The human life span is minuscule compared to the infinity of the universe but as the atom is the basis of all matter, the physical body survives from generation to generation. I have an instinct, that through thousands of years there have been other civilisations destroyed or wiped off the face of the earth. The evidence is somehow staring us in the face but geologists and historians will disagree. We all live our lives within the perimeters of the five senses. However, there are other feelings above the normal senses that sometimes overcome us. You go on a new holiday to a location you have never been to previously. When you arrive, there is a feeling within you that you have been there before. To some people it is vague but to others a road or building is remembered. People tend to laugh when you tell them but you know it is a real feeling or sensation and you tend to forget quickly. Have you ever had a dream that came true in a different way? Through every ones life, there are instances of incidents or happenings that are difficult to explain. I myself have had several incidents throughout my existence to date that have led me to believe that there is more to life that we can behold within the five senses. We cannot prove or disprove to sceptics or anyone else that the sixth sense exists but to those people that it has happened to, know of its reality. 8.

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4. This is ABOUT the REAL YOU.

Have you ever wondered who you are. What are you? Who is the real you? What do we know about our self? Everyone knows you as whatever your name is with a few generalisations. Oh, it is Fred or Mary and he or she is a bit full of herself or himself, a large ego but genuine and honest. At a first contact or meeting with another person, the attraction is physical whether man-to-man, woman-to-woman or male to female. Either we like the looks of the other person or we do not. Is a first impression reliable? That a major judgment of character at first sight is a reliable assessment must be in doubt. The real you is quite a mystery but does it start to unfold by the thoughts of others in relation to you. Is our conversation and dialogue a way of explaining you? In your own mind, how do you see ‘you’? Let your thoughts roam and try explaining ‘you’ to yourself on paper. Stare in a mirror and try some different moods. Be angry shout at yourself. Be happy, and smile and grin. Be puzzled as though you cannot understand. Once you have visualized these emotions you will have a good idea how other people see you. Then try asking other people to explain on paper how they see ‘you’. This will probably astound you; they will all differ in content making you seem complex. Do you keep your temper when angry? In a command position, are you fair when you have to make a decision? Do people see you as sad or happy, evil or good: extrovert or introverted? How do you rate as a good mother or father? Are you a sheep or are you more individual? Most people never see themselves as others do. You are a complete enigma to your own perception of ‘you’. Successful public people create an image for the perception of others. Some have truth others hide behind the image. The successful entertainer who in public glows with a charismatic ease; but in private is full of insecurities and cannot handle people. 9.

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Try to know who you are. The friends around you may cloud the vision of you as a person because they do not want to upset or annoy you, are they correct, are you too stressed or listening to things that you need to hear? People near you tell you how wonderful you are and how well you look. Unfortunately, if this is so you have no chance of finding the real ‘you’. Would it be more realistic to picture yourself in a court case with you as a defendant with no charge to answer too? The prosecution looks into your past unbiased and presents several witnesses as to your character. What will they say? What they say about you is important to find the real ‘you’. One thing is clear; if you are looking good as a ‘front’ person, anything hidden or forgotten could surface and you will see ‘you’ as you really are. We are all dependant upon our own and others opinions in order to assess ‘you’. Is self-assessment possible? Yes, I suppose it is. Why not try writing a truthful autobiographical account of your life. Leave nothing out and span it over ten year periods. Now do a self-appraisal of the first ten years that will produce a self- portrait of you as a ten year old. Continue to twenty, then to thirty, and forty until the present time and maybe an interesting picture will emerge, as to whether you are developing or standing still as a person? As a manager years ago I tried a not much used method in dealing with a seemingly unpopular member of my team. As in all businesses, management report down. In big business, the Managing Director to the Middle Managers or area managers and then down to the General Managers who in turn continue down to the Branch Managers. The branch Managers then control their own areas. also applied to me as an under manager. I was lucky enough at one period to have an MD who invited reporting upwards. The local General Managers' allowed autonomy with responsibility. I held a meeting of my staff and asked them all to report upwards on both myself and my supervisor. No personal issues were to be raised, purely business and their reaction to my management. Each one of the fifteen staff told me their opinion of my management style. It was nice to know that I remained popular, with 10.

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Reservations. One thing became clear that at times I answered queries quickly dismissing them with 'I'll look into that' or 'we can't do that' without explaining. I conceded this point to them knowing this had happened many times. They conceded that I very rarely became angry and did explain when a mistake was made. My supervisor was next and was not very happy. He was a nice man but tended to rule by snapping orders and commands out to the workforce. The meeting was extremely positive as they made their points to him and he in turn explained his views to them. He was new to the job and still feeling his way and this came over to them in a wonderful transition that they had not seen in him before. The meeting was a huge success as from then on a close harmony and a lot of laughter gave a good feeling atmosphere and happy working conditions.

Is Parenting Important? The answer to that question is YES. In the baby stage and early years, you as parents are being observed and mirrored in action. You do not know just how much you are being scrutinised. I was working in a hotel some years ago and someone reported children on a high wall outside. There were two five to seven year old children walking across the top. All children are adventurous but there was no sign of any parents. I stopped and spoke to them speaking gently. “Take care and don’t fall off or you may hurt or kill yourself.” The foul language and abuse that came back at me was unbelievable. I wasn’t angry or annoyed. I felt a terrible sadness. They were mirroring their own parents. Someone had said something they didn’t like and they were reacting. They were too young to have experienced anything else. A picture of their home visualised in my mind. I would suppose that the mother and father constantly yelled swearwords at each other and reacted in anger. They had no time for their children and would not even know their location. 11.

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We are all human and there are times as a parent when we do things wrong, but this must have been a home with a constant daily barrage of visual and verbal abuse. Can your conditioning as a child have a direct bearing on who you are? Your relatives can leave you with happy memories or a badly scarred mind. Do parents and family have direct bearing to who we are or become? It seems to be an important factor in the developing ‘you’. Close family involvement is important in the ‘young you’. A mother and fathers love and understanding shows an interest in you, and what you are doing. If no one shows interest you might be inclined to show off to draw attention to yourself and why not? At least you are showing an interest in ‘you’ when no one else is. Will you grow out of it? You must hope so as going through life with tantrums and a huge ego becomes obsessive, you as a person do not develop and people start to ignore the drama. Even if you have been brought up reasonably well there is a danger that your environment will change you. It is hard as a teenager to ignore the bullies and those seeking power around you. A weak person is one who demands dominance over others and the strong person is the one that rejects it. It is more painful to refuse to be intimidated, not by using violent action, but by passive means.

Jim Long astral space agent

4th in series

DIVINE FANATICISM In disguise - Religious Fervour and extremism - a planet on the brink of holy war....3000 year old mystery......


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5. YOUR MEMORIES AND ACTIONS. Recently, a man awoke after being in a coma for nineteen years. There was only a small mark on his forehead after a car accident yet his brain had been damaged. Another man in a car accident had hardly any marks on his body but the shock of violent movement had caused damage to the brain. His wife only recognizes the physical features of a husband she married years ago, his personality having changed considerably. Damage to the brain can leave a distorted image of life leaving the occupant unaccountable for their actions. If we are responsible for our actions throughout life and we travel on into spirit, can we then be judged for the failure or disease of our brains? I would think not. The physical universe is changing all the time, energy to mass, mass to energy. Is Birth and death on a similar cycle? This may be so and some time in the future it may be revealed to us all. Years ago our ancestors did not even know that radio transmissions or ultra red or ultra violet rays existed.

Do people realize just how powerful they can be? I doubt that they do. Even the weakest of people can say or write something so strong that it upsets and distresses others. The pen is mightier than the sword so the saying goes. Can the spoken or written word destroy a person more than physical abuse? The body has a high recovery rate but mental scars are like a computer that cannot delete its files, they remain in the memory. Even on your computer, you can completely delete files but ‘you’ as a person cannot. They are with you for the full life of your body and may be discarded or forgotten, but are still lurking in the memory and you will have to live with them. Do have LONG or short memories?


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Association of a word, phrase or situation can pull a memory swiftly from the depths to the surface of the mind causing pleasure or discomfort. Once again, this is ‘you’ reacting to the stimulus of physical existence. Stress enters your life in many ways. Even though you may not be, showing or revealing the real ‘you’ stress in you is generated by an image you project to cover up what people do not like to see. If ‘you’ are a nice person other people will respond, some will make friends, others will see you as an easy touch and try to take advantage, and others will dislike you for no reason except you are popular. This will not affect you so much because ‘you’ are being natural, not putting on an act. Should you put on an act now and then? Of course, you can! It would become necessary when the other person is doing the same. Being open and natural with a devious person could lead to big problems for ‘you’. Have you heard of the saying he or she is wearing their heart on their sleeve. It is plain for everyone to see and a situation where a devious person could take advantage. What happens if the other person is open and natural? No problem, what you see and hear, you get.

Problems dealing with people. I have been a manager in my time and have studied other managers. What makes a good manager? A good manager guides the workforce to its end product by nurturing the people below with understanding, example, fairness and motivation. The team under him or her prospers under their training. He does not suffer fools gladly and will want to remove anyone who does not really want to be there. Bad managers rule by fear, threats and domination and can never admit to being wrong; this is mirrored down to the staff. Twenty years ago, I went into a supermarket with my wife looking for an item I could not find. I approached two staff deep in conversation stocking shelves and asked where I might find the item. “Over there on the fourth row,” one replied not even looking up and then carrying on with the conversation. This happened again with another two members of staff. I did finally find the items 14.

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and filled my trolley. As I approached the cash point, I asked the lady behind the counter if I could see a manager. “What for?” she replied not even looking up. “Because I want to point out to them that I have a problem with your staff.” She sent another girl for the manager who duly turned up. “Yes what is it,” he said gruffly. “Your staff are impolite and stand around talking to each other with a total disregard for the customer,” I replied quietly. “I can assure you my members of staff are not like that at all,” he blustered. “I can assure you they are,” I replied, much to my wife’s horror, tipping the contents of the trolley on the floor and walking out. “Good day!” It was a small loss of temper on my part due to the store manager’s attitude. He obviously had lost control of his staff and was obsessed with administration. Years later as a manager myself I carried out the customer care brief to all new employees by letting them interact as customer and staff. Try going into a supermarket and see if they have a good manager – you only have to ask something of the staff to find out. By the way, that supermarket is no longer in existence.(It was called Fine Fayre)


Jim Long astral space agent

The Supernatural and Paranormal ........Browse and buy


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6. PHILOSOPHICAL ATTITUDES Do you make a rod for your own back? We all do at times but there are answers to avoid it. I have always been of the mind that if you build up any hate, jealousy against any other person it rebounds on you. It does not harm the other person. Becoming stressed and agitated causes a cloud to form above your head. It becomes obvious to everyone else except you. Whenever the subject matter appears, tolerance leaves you winding yourself up to frenzy. It could be the fact that a great wrong in the past has been committed against you morally or otherwise. Something nasty happening to the other person will not help your state of mind. Your own thoughts are poisoning your own mind and body causing you not to think properly. It only gets worse guiding negative disasters towards you. You think: If I give in it will look like unqualified weakness and I want to show I am strong. Strength measured in the physical body is by winning a battle of violence. The requirement here is strength of the mind. Weakness of the mind is destroying you. It is you filled with bile and hate and suffering. Do not forget that you are not the one who is morally wrong so why make yourself suffer for it. Show great mental strength and forgive them. If you really mean it and manage to do this, a wonderful calmness will flow through your body leaving you in a tranquil state of mind and you are released from any burden. This feeling is magical and indescribable because it is out of a pure love. The onus then falls on the other person and their conscience. Read LONG stories and short stories


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Another way is to play the mind games against an enemy or adversary. Say something to them that really unnerves them. Imagine giving someone who sees you as an enemy a warm smile. They will be thrown into confusion. It is hard to understand the opposite of what you expect. If you are in the wrong, an open apology admitted in good faith should release you from the person you wronged. If they don’t then the onus once again falls on their conscience. Be warned! Mind games have a fifty-fifty chance of winning or losing, and you must prepare for either. In most cases you will be released of any burden. WARNING: We are talking here about small daily discretions in life. Remember, an evil deed of substance is more complicated and weighs heavy on the conscience and not easy to relieve.

Have any strange unaccounted happenings occurred in your life? Because our lives follow the normality of living, we tend to ignore or forget the other instances. Sometimes it is wise to do so rather than being strange and weird. Some people even ridicule such happenings and have a tendency to put down anyone who experiences or relates such items. Unfortunately, people with closed minds and attitudes seem to be all around us. Even I am careful as to what I say to certain people but not of the fear of being ridiculed but in the knowledge of conversing with a closed mind making discussion impossible. The psychic has a LONG history


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You may have experienced this as an individual revealing its purpose. I despair at junk mail from clairvoyants and numerologists all on a commercial brainstorm, trying to extract from me anything from £10 to £100. Some of them even threaten mildly that if you do not respond they cannot be held responsible for the negative bad things that will happen. Those type of letters and people should be avoided they are using FEAR to frighten you into parting with your money. The way to deal with advertising like this is to remain positive. I know through experience that there are very few if any who can predict your future events in an advertising letter without knowing anything about you. They are just moneymaking scams with clever advertising copy. If you receive one of these letters, just think of one thing secret to yourself and if it is not in the letter then discard and ignore it. A true psychic will be able to feel and understand but in a way that is different. Our poor physical minds are ill equipped in the area of the sixth sense and the psychic may get jumbled messages and feelings, which are interpreted by a mere physical brain. Recently, 2 well-known psychics told me I was going to receive money within the month. It did not happen, but months later, it did. Months later than that I am being told I am going to receive a large amount of money. The clairvoyant is receiving a correct message but the timing is hopeless.

Be careful of interpretations... If we are highly imaginative, you can turn these feelings and emotions into several different interpretations. This is very misleading, only the messages – feelings – pictures or emotions related, not linked in any way by the imagination. Have you tried to find your psychic abilities? There are many national and local groups participating in psychic knowledge. There may be a group in your neighbourhood, try it, you could be surprised at the extent of your sixth sense. The group I was with, helped me through one of the most devastating periods in my life and gave me a confidence to read tarot cards publicly although I do not for personal financial gain. 18.

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Once in a meeting, teamed with someone in the group, I felt heavy creating a crushing feeling. I related this feeling to my companion who outwardly showed no signs of fatigue but replied to me, “I have had a terrible day, I feel weary and I just want to go to sleep.” This could easily have been misinterpreted in several ways had I not related the exact feelings. Try experimenting with different aspects of the mind. Have you tried the pendulum? Let someone lie down and move a still pendulum over different parts of the body. On certain parts, it will automatically start to swing in a circle showing the hidden power points of the body. Have you tried holding an object in the palm of your hand that someone else has given you and only they know its history? Concentrate on it and listen to the feelings in your mind. You may surprise yourself on how much you can interpret its history. Try relaxing and going on a journey of the mind, floating out into space or into a cave anywhere that is special to you.

Many years ago I self taught myself palmistry and did a few readings at parties. It is the same principle; once again the sixth sense takes over. Unfortunately, I do not do it any more. I picked up a sequence which foretold a short life span and I never told the people concerned – but four people had a short life of 40 to 50 years. Whether it was luck or truth I do not know but I do not think any physical being should have that knowledge.

Palmistry examines the short and LONG lines in your hands


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8. LIVING & DYING - PART OF EXISTENCE What are your views on living? What are your views on dying? This is very important for self-development. What is a logical viewpoint regarding wealth? Is it good to have money? Is it good to be without money? Having little money to live on is not an easy life. Wondering every week how you are going to pay this and that causes a great deal of worry and stress. Having a lot of money also can be stressful, trying to stop other people taking it off you and trying to hold on to it yourself. Try splitting life up into sections? There are various views on this: Spring, summer and autumn: young, middle age and old. People seem to be living longer so why not extend the three score years and ten. Three twenty-five year periods of life could now be appropriate. The first period from birth seems to be one of intense learning. Death seems so far away in normal life and is given little thought; it is somewhere in the distant future. Learning to walk and talk then school and meeting other people who are not part of the family. Teachers, some good, some bad, some indifferent all stored in the subconscious of our own brain. The first big decisions arrive regarding career options. Should you become a lawyer, an entertainer, a doctor, self-employed, a window cleaner, a shop assistant, or should you do nothing at all and become an historian or a lay about. The second period brings the awakening, you are now aware that the years are rolling by and you have to get on the right track or you will be left doing something that does not really interest you. In this period upheavals and changes occur that can be devastating for some marriages that were conceived in the first period. I hope that we all will make it, some do, and some do not. The third period is fascinating as others in the first two periods see the image of a senior citizen, but the people in the third stage feel like they are still in the first stage. Are you a fifty plus and still youthful? Enjoy yourself because you are in the last twenty-five years of life. What does that mean? It means that life expectancy is now on the short list. Should you enjoy yourself? Well of course, because it does not matter anymore what anyone else thinks. 20.

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In the life expectancy of the earth, a few billion years, only a span of half a million would register at all on the scale. Our lives of approximately seventy to eighty years would not even show as the point of a needle. Then you will be part of the dust of the earth again your name and life dates on a marble or stone slab that will only last in itself two or three hundred years. Should I be a fatalist? Possibly, certainly live your lives day-to-day enjoying every minute as though it is the last with a few nice surprise trips lined up in the near future and leaving fond memories for those left behind.

Depression - not given the attention it needs. For many years, I lived with someone who in latter years suffered from a deep depression with childhood links. Drinking to excess was a way of ridding oneself of the mental torture endured. In hospital the doctors said if the drinking is stopped then we’ll start psychiatric treatment. Send them to AA. A nurse who had observed for a week told me, “I think it’s something deeper than just drinking that needs sorting out.” That nurse was correct. However, the answer from the hospital was to place that person unsupervised on the then new Prozac tablets. For two months, there was a tranquil state of mind and then suddenly on one weekend a massive drinking binge. When asked why they were drinking again, back came the reply, “I thought I was better so I came off them.” This plunged that person into a black hole of depression, finally disappearing from home with a bottle of brandy, never to return. I wish I had have known how to handle this terrible situation back in 1998, but neither did the hospitals. One thing is certain people with depression need immediate treatment, someone to talk to and supervise them week-to-week, admitting them to a safe haven if required. Don’t wait and see like I did, take action NOW!!! It doesn’t take LONG to be born or die.


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After Death moment documented.... I’ve met people who say when you are dead that is it, the end. How do they know? When the television is switched off, is that the end? Of course it is not, the hidden mysterious, invisible rays of transmission are still around us. No one can prove either way whether there is life after death. Some of us know by experience that your existence carries on. However, there are instances when certain facts are seen and documented. A recent T.V programme from BBC Bristol, entitled ‘The Day I died,’ creates some startling facts involving life and death. A lady called Pam was diagnosed with an aneurysm at the base of the brain stem. A difficult location in itself but with the need to operate it became even more life threatening. Pam was taken to the Baron Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona where the operation would be performed. The operation was so specialized that it was named ‘operation standstill’ and would incorporate her body temperature being lowered ten to fifteen degrees, her normal heart and breathing stopped, her brainwaves flattened and all blood drained from her head. This meant that she would be clinically dead for the whole hour of the operation with no measurable neurological activity. In the pre-med room clicking modules were placed in each ear for monitoring purposes and both eyes were taped over. The operation then proceeded for the full hour. Afterwards Pam, now supposedly unconscious and clinically dead, related the following story. She heard a terrible whirring sound that made her uncomfortable and a loud popping sound as she came out of the top of her head. She was looking down at her body from a viewpoint of the doctor’s shoulder. The instrument in his hand was like a large electric toothbrush and came out of a compartmental case with several other parts in it. She heard the voice of a woman say, “We have a problem with her arteries, and they are too small.” At that point, an artery was accessed in the upper leg to drain blood. An hour is a LONG time to be dead


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Above she saw a pinpoint of light and felt herself being pulled toward it. She saw shapes of people she knew and asked if the intense light around them was God. She was told that the light was when God breathed. An uncle who she recognized told her that she had to go back. He then brought her back to her body but she did not want to enter because she knew it meant pain and hurt. The uncle gently pushed her and she saw her body jump as she re-entered. The doctor carrying out the operation confirmed the fact that the electric saw was like a large electric toothbrush with a case full of different tools and kept closed until the operation began. In addition, the nurse had trouble with her arteries and used the femoral in the top of the leg. The doctor commented on the operation saying she was able to retain coherent perception and memory whilst clinically dead. This point realizes the possibility of a mind/brain separation. In the University of Arizona, there is a professor who is the director of consciousness studies. He relates that in the brain there are micro tubular, tiny computers of the quantum world. There is a state called super position where information can be in two places at the same time. This is the very fabric of the universe, which works on the tiniest of scales and is even smaller than the atom. Thousands of cases of ‘out of body’ experiences have been recorded but this one remains very special. How many times have you jerked suddenly awake when falling asleep, some kind of bodily mechanism keeping your spirit in. The term by a professor of a mind/body separation is to me of great importance. The aura or soul is said to be clearly seen by many psychics and faith healers. This aura is the quantum you existing in another dimension attached to your inner biological computer, your brain. YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNbdUEqDB-k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci4YoaEFVRk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1vWoUoiaP4


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9. The European Federation Dilemma. Simple Politics… It is clear we are in the grips of a ‘double democracy’. The country and the European vote. It works excellent as a common market principle but never as a super European state. The individual country faction is too strong. We are all in this together say many politicians and so we must all suffer for many years, as austerity is the only way to correct the financial problems facing the country. The public can plainly see that we are not all in it together. The elitist and millionaire personal fortunes are not affected by monthly bills that can destroy a normal household. The world does need entrepreneurial millionaires to run businesses but not to politically dictate the policy to the mass of people who are struggling.

Europe and History… The history of Europe in the past century is one of war for power and territory. Extreme ideologies came to power – fascism and communism, both extreme right and left. What is interesting is that they are both nationalistic, an emotional reaction by revolt to the privileged elite in power. Stalin in Russia ruled by fear, even those close to him were not safe from his purges. In his rule he is purported to have killed millions of his own people making them just disappear. Hitler did the same in Germany but differently. It is believed he concocted an explosion on a government building that quickly threw him into power on the premise that extremists were not being controlled and stopped. This great fear by the people pushed him into power allowing him to suspend the constitution and create Martial Law. 24.

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A concerted publicity and propaganda campaign then ensues showing the positive points of the political parties and their leaders. Stalin not showing fully any of his evil tendencies outside Russia and in WW2 at the meetings of the allied leaders he gave the image of a genial old gentleman. Hitler on the other hand showed his true colours by declaring war on all the countries that he envisaged had hurt Germany in the past. Old scores were suddenly being settled. He was the creator of the first moves for European domination and a new super power. Hitler’s propaganda machine was awesome, the discovery of the holocaust was not fully realised until near the end of the war. All through the war he created an image of the 3rd Reich to his people. A powerful image was cast of a Germany in charge of Europe and all its territories and peoples. The reality was of a despicable regime that even used children to report their parents for dissention or treason to the secret police of the Gestapo.

Present Day politics‌ I must begin by asking what the state of the world is at this present moment of time. The world is in a state of flux. The wonderful world monetary system is teetering after the banking fiasco of a few years ago. Self regulation needs an impeccable self discipline that is not compatible in humankind. The analogy is of a drug addict in control of theirs and others drug policy. Outside help and regulation is required. The banks with their crazy get rich quick systems have taken a toll on their own countries. Now, those same countries penalise and punish their populations by initiating pay freezes and dramatic cuts to appease the world markets and bankers. The politicians have great fear that they may upset the financial sector and therefore remain in a kind of neutrality. The will of democratic governments is getting weaker. In future elections you will see the following agenda’s of what they will not say. Only generalised comments will be used in relation to the economy. They will not say they are trying out a new system. They cannot make bold statements without backup. Democratic government is supposed to reflect the voice of the people. Do elections today have the same meaning as they did years ago? 25.

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The answer is an emphatic no. For Europe you are voting for the party, not the man. Individuals and British party MEP‘s in the European parliament are as useless as a vegetarian in a meat factory. The system destroys the will of their electorate and public opinion discarded for vast centralisation.

European Laws… There is scathing public opinion on the European immigration laws. Do the politicians listen? Once again the answer is no they just discard the blame on the European Parliament. People in Britain want to create their own fair laws not dictated to by a centralised government. Multi-national sections of this country are mostly British citizens who want to work not be on Social security. If you go to America you are asked if you are self sufficient: have you enough money to stay. The public opinion in Britain is simple, the jobs must now be for British subjects and jobs must be applied for outside this country. If there is a vacancy then you travel and work. The stupidity of the self-employed loophole is tragic. Job agencies have been set up that send European workers to work for a pittance. The workers have no conceivable assets or working tools and receive a wage not a fee with materials bought by the hiring company. This is not self employment. Our income tax authorities have been turning a blind eye for fear they will upset some of the more liberal minded. The public can quite easily see what the politicians do not. What is clear in this age of financial instability is there are not enough jobs for British citizens.

What is being Proposed?... The European Common market is now a huge centralised bureaucratic beast. It is completely out of touch with normal people. It cooks up many laws in its centralised oven that are of no use to many of its member states. It is built to bulge and create a vast army of bureaucratic European Mandarins at enormous cost. Federalism is the core belief of highly placed European Politicians’ being pushed by the financial core for full centralisation. 26.

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Would it not have been safer to introduce monetary stability slowly by each country printing their own Euros (i.e. German Euro: French Euro: Italian Euro) etc each with its own exchange rate. Of course not – the Federalists and financial departments of the European market want control of the whole empire to create a new super power. Where have we heard that before? Where is Britain in all this? The people are not going to be given a referendum until our politicians are sure they can obtain a ‘YES’ answer. The fear being generated is that we cannot exist without being part of Europe. The normal person on the street will be dominated by this fabricated political fear. Recently, on a political programme a German financier was interviewed about Britain’s reluctance to join the Euro zone. He commented that Britain should really be the 51st state of America. That is the current German view. They don’t want to deal with Britain because our understanding and ideas are not the same. Germany can financially dominate the whole of Europe and is heading in that direction. Any countries that are not in step – Greece, France, Italy, Spain will be told how to organise their economies by a federal Euro bank headed by Germany. The ordinary people of those failing economies will not be consulted they will be told and ordered what to do. Their local votes will count for nothing their political advocates stripped of power. What about the UK? It would be interesting to do a survey of the different areas here in the UK to find out the names of our local Euro MP’s and what party they represent.

Who is your MEP… For instance, do you know who your Euro MP is or his or her party? The areas are so diverse and huge that voter representation by their MEP is nigh on impossible. The European MP (even if a member of a party) is a lone wolf in a democracy that cannot state the will of the people. I have never seen it explained in detail what a European MP is and what he does apart from collect a barrel load of expenses. The government we vote in as a country are not fully in control 27.

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anymore their number one priority is to appease the monetary markets. Every financial chancellor of their own country has to think very carefully before they speak. A wrong word or phrase can cause the markets to go haywire. The world monetary system has reached the stage of catastrophic sensitivity and instability. We sit and watch the politics on television and how many times do MP’s dodge important questions with another answer. Many times because they are following the party line. Many times because on big monetary items they have no answer. We can see our own parliament on TV engaging in democratic debate. Why do not the TV companies film the European Parliament in action in debate and voting? This may never happen because normal people (the man and woman in the street: you and me) would see the glaring errors of vast centralisation and just how anaemic their votes really were as legislation is bludgeoned through. Warnings for us all to see‌ A stark warning is beginning to emerge for all businesses of the world and especially Europe and the UK. The consumer (that’s means me and you) cannot financially tolerate many more increases in the standard of living without a substantial rise in income. Food, gas, electricity, council tax and water are starting to edge near to a catastrophic level. These items have been escalating over many years, the council tax trebled in 9 years but income did not. Water, for instance is a life preserving substance that should not be in the hands of Limited companies issuing out irrelevant old fashioned invoices. There needs to be an ease in the price structuring of many commodities before disaster strikes. To live in a small comfy home is a necessity of life and if governments and businesses are not careful this access will be denied because of financial inability. Already, many of the younger generation are not capable financially of renting or obtaining a mortgage for a house followed by the burden of living expenses on low and part-time wages. To exist in Britain, and I mean just exist with a roof over your head and food, including rent/mortgage and energy/council tax you will need 10/12k per year. 28.

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We must be aware that we may be entering into a future world where only high earners can exist. Can you afford to vote for a government that does not listen and allows living standards to escalate? The simple domestic household bills are now becoming painful for low earners. It is also starting to put pressure on the middle earners. Only politicians and the companies themselves can start to put this in order. If not, thousands of us may be sleeping in the streets and fields. The gas, electric, water, and council tax bills do not even cause a blip in the accounts of the elite, but accounts of the low and medium paid cause great concern and anxiety. Many now are carefully watching the political arena and are considered as 'floating voters', someone who looks at the politicians and the parties to make a decision on who to vote for.

A Labour Party Public perception‌ If I vote Labour I am voting for the Common Market and widespread unchecked multi population integration and green policies: meaning higher energy bills and council tax. Their educational premise is that not everyone has an academic leaning introducing a further education system that caters for vocational training using the individuals own aptitude. The economy will role on dependant on world gambling markets.

A Conservative Party Public perception‌ If I vote Conservative I am voting for the Common Market and a restriction in multi population integration: green policies: meaning in the long term higher energy bills and council tax. Their educational premise is to have a super elite academic stream leaving all the others to flounder. The economy will role on dependant on world gambling markets.

A Liberal-Democrat Public perception‌ If I vote Liberal-Democrat I am voting for the Common Market and widespread unchecked multi population integration and severe green policies that will affect and push energy bills even higher: their education policy is obscure and relying on Conservative ideas. This vote is a protest vote against the other two parties. In coalition they seem weak and bow to the will of others. The economy will role on dependant on world gambling markets. 29.

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A UKIP Party Public perception… Come out of the European Market: no other policies. It will never happen because the Euro idea is too strong to disable.

In Conclusion… In the future this huge European Empire will crumble like all other worldly dynasties. What will happen first? Yes, federalism will come the will is too strong to ignore. The European politicians do not want to hear honest public opinion. They are hell bent on a new super power called the European Federation where the few can rule the many. These leaders will try and pervert public opinion to their cause. A super new leader will emerge with hypnotic charisma and he will rule as a covert dictator. People will heed his every word and treat him as though he has Godlike qualities. People against the new super power will be chastised and dismissed both casually and covertly. The European Empire will instil by fear that to leave the European Empire will mean disaster.

The Question…. What should we do? Exit the Common Market or stay on the outskirts and negotiate? I am a futurist and science fantasy fiction writer; a layman in political terms with ‘gut’ feelings of what will happen in the future. Sometimes flashes of the future are revealed to the unwary.

Europe has a LONG history of disaster


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10. PERSONAL PSYCHIC INCIDENTS I thought I would relate to you two of my life incidents that are unexplainable and were invoked by my sixth sense. Because of them I have always searched and been aware that there is more to our physical existence than we will ever know. My fifth book – Battle of the Archangels - leaps into the astral in depth explaining some of the remarkable landscapes and environments. 1st Documentation. In October 1962 whilst in the Air Force on crash rescue duties we were stood down for four hours. I immediately went into a deep sleep and found myself in an aircraft standing between the two pilots. I had no recognition of their faces everything was slightly blurred. They were near Inverness and were in trouble. An engine fire had got out of control and had started onto the wing. The pilot landed the plane on the moor and the crew all got out and watched it burn. We all awoke at approximately 5am for an aircraft returning at 6am and because it was so fresh in my mind, I blurted out to my colleagues on the team what I had seen. There was much raucous laughter with remarks, ‘he’s gone mad.’ ‘It’s impossible for an aircraft to land on moor land.’ Nevertheless, I gave a full account of the dream to the other seven-team members who were there. In Feb.1963 I left the air force after a five-year term and moved to Sheffield. In March 1964 I was sent a copy of the local paper. Headlining was an aircraft that had crash-landed on moorland with no fatalities. The details of this incident are in a published book based on the history of the aircraft involved. I came across this book in a Doncaster library in 1992. It was the only book on a large shelf of books laid flat and the corner caught me as I walked past. I have told this event honestly as it happened. A rare and magical opportunity occurred to travel into the future and witness a remarkable incident, which normally would result in a loss of life. (Following is a copy of the Newspaper article from the Forres Gazette.-Morayshire - Scotland 1963) 31.

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Photocopy of paper imprint from 1963


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2nd Documentation. Coming up to date in 1999 I was a member of a small psychic group who met weekly working with each other on various exercises. After a fifteen-minute meditation, we were asked to then write down the results on a sheet of paper. On this particular occasion, I saw a spinning sphere with dust rotating around its perimeter and felt an overwhelming feeling of relief as it missed me and I felt elated. I wrote this down and read it out to the meeting on the Tuesday night. On the Thursday as I left my flat with my daughter we saw a red line come down towards us, as it hit the atmosphere there was a loud crackling noise and hissing as it sped across the sky leaving a massive vapour trail until it skidded out of the atmosphere again. In time sequence, the whole thing took about six seconds. I just stood there speechless. Other people witnessed this event from different locations without turning a hair. If whatever it was had hit the earth or the English Channel or Kent I believe there could have been a lot of death and destruction in the area, a world news item that many would not see. I felt elated and relieved the same feeling that I had at the meeting on the Tuesday. Once again the time span could not be predicted and had happened within a few days so it was fresh in the mind. One thing is certain each event is unique in its own way there can be no preplanning or conditioning. I am sure that the sixth sense event or incident is a gift with love from a very high source indeed.


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11. WE ARE NOT ALONE.......... IS THERE AN ALIEN SPACESHIP IN OUR PAST? DO WE THINKTHAT WE ARE THE ONLY HUMANS IN THE GALAXY WHERE HAVE WE COME FROM? IS RELIGION AN INTERPLANETARY FAITH SHOWING THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE? Sometimes we gaze into the galaxy on a dark night and watch the millions of twinkling lights that seem to very slowly move across from horizon to horizon. Even the most unimaginative mind must sometimes wonder that somewhere in that quagmire of light life may exist and that we are not alone. It becomes hard to believe that in the never-ending distances of space with billions of stars and galaxies and planetary systems only we exist. Could another Earth type planet be lurking out there? Like our planet it would have to have an electro-magnetic defence shield around its atmosphere to protect us from solar flares and be approximately 93 million miles from its sun. The chances that many type Earth planets are out there are good. The underlying factor is that our civilisation is not advanced enough to travel in spaceships the great distances involved in the galaxy. If we were to travel to Mars I believe the return journey would be approximately 18 months long, to the nearest star many, many years even at the speed of light. The speed of light is a significant barrier to attain as was the sound barrier in early aircraft. It is astonishing to find that when you gaze up at the night sky (with no light pollution) you are not only seeing the stars and galaxies but looking through time with your naked eyes. You are also looking through gravity the unknown element which bends light and time. Our small physical bodies encase within it a biological computer that is immense in its capability but restricted to the physical plane of existence. Where did we come from? Is it possible that we did come from space originally? Or have we just progressed from ape or monkey type creatures? The big point here is that nobody knows. It cannot be proved nor disproved. Our origins are a complete mystery. Could we be the seeds from an advanced civilisation in the galaxy that once occupied the Earth for a short period or have we evolved from the lower mammal life forms? We are still waiting 34.

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for evidence of some kind to emerge. Maybe somewhere in the body code of DNA there will be an answer that we are not alone. In all this religion does play its part. The Garden of Eden could have existed in the earlier Earth period as the bible says, but could two human beings suddenly appear? Science says no and that we must have developed over millions of years. Could two humans from another star system in an alien spaceship or an earlier Earthly race have started copulation on the Earth? If this is possible, and we have no proof to the contrary, then those star travelling humans probably worshipped God. As an advanced species they could still have their own religion: a system of belief in, worship of a supernatural power or God. This, they would have brought to Earth with their culture on their alien spacecraft. This brings us to the present and the hundreds of churches that have branched off all worshipping one God. If we are to imagine that other human civilisations exist within our galaxy some in a first state of awareness, others progressed to our level, and advanced humankind who explore space and time travelling in other realms of existence. Would an advanced race wish to contact us? At our stage of development, the atomic era, wide spread religious violence and man’s purpose to gain personal power, I would think not. But if we were in an earlier period of time of very few inhabitants it is possible. If we became so advanced and able to travel to other systems then a visit would be in order to guide and help and to stop us corrupting other worlds. Then we would be the alien spaceship. Our religions would travel with us and may be the spiritual birth place for that planet. After five thousand years the doctrine of religion becomes distorted, misinterpreted and changed by man. The travellers would be gone their legacy progressing in mythology and legend indicating we are not alone.

Jim Long astral space agent

A basis for the ebook published June 2010Paperback Nov. 2010 - DIVINE FANATICISM - All Interest books KINDLE - PDF eBooks 35.

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antis Atl of ent tin greaatllcon Did there t? y exis Do UFO’s exist?

Does electricity exist? Do sound and TV waves exist? h? Is there life after deat These questions have been asked many times by many people and only two out of the five can be answered. In the seventeenth century three of the questions did not exist and were not asked. One question has been around since approximately 370 BC. Starting with life after death there is neither a yes nor a no. No one can positively say there is or is not. Do sound and TV waves exist? This can now be answered, YES. This raises other questions. How do we know they exist? Because we can turn on a radio, watch television and wander around with a phone. Can we see these transmissions? NO. They are in the air around us but our eyes do not have the ability to see them. What else can’t our eyes see? Infra red, ultra violet, all these colours from the suns spectrum transform into white light. Does electricity exist? YES. We can’t see it but we can feel it and measure it. 37

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Do UFO’s exist? We don’t know. We can neither say yes or no. Although thousands of pictures have been captured, some fake others unexplainable. The final question - Did the great continent of Atlantis really exist? This question has been around for a long long time. The answer - we don’t know. The Greek philosopher Plato gave to the world at that time a story and theory that there did exist in the distant past, a continent called Atlantis. At that time philosophies also embraced the spiritual and what we would now call the supernatural, drawing a line between the physical world and the eternal world. The physical world changes and perishes as the eternal world is perfect. It is in ‘forms’ or ideas that offer or give us the prominent and crucial reality. Plato also used what were termed as ‘universals’ - one being that mathematics is not created but discovered. I include such items because they are crucial in portraying some of Plato’s world. A world filled with Greek Gods yet offering a philosophy of only one. The Pleroma was a Gnostic concept of a divine spiritual world beyond reality, human understanding or experience. A superior wisdom acquired mystically. Gnosticism reflects that a lesser God created the world mirroring the eternal existence and therefore the world is imperfect and evil. This is also equated with Satan as the creator of evil and adapted by the Christian church, directly or indirectly. We can see even now and as we travel on there is a great deal of spirituality and profoundness in the world of Plato that has not been dimmed by scientific progress. One day in the future the human race will reach enlightenment and science may prove without doubt the existence of life after death and establish the mortal spiritual soul. 38

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Plato was clear in his positioning of Atlantis. He defined the continent to be somewhere to the side of the Pillars of Hercules known today as the Straits of Gibraltar. As a continent it would have been huge and could have stretched Level from France down to Cape Verde and across to Bermuda an area that is now the Atlantic ocean. If in fact the continent was so huge it would have touched or be very near the coast of America and near the Bermuda triangle. Now we can see why there have been so many films of a mysterious advanced civilisation called Atlantis. I doubt whether it will be proved or disproved. The oceans must hide many things and if we could travel across the bottom we still may not find anything but this does not mean that it did not exist. The views of this ancient history that was possibly passed down by word of mouth through the centuries to Plato, were lucid in his mind. The story he relates is not of a continental paradise but one filled with warlords of a powerful empirical world ruled by fear, slavery and subjection. It is said that the empire of Atlantis had conquered along the Mediterranean into Egypt. If this were true the Egyptians would have been enslaved by an advanced civilisation. Now an interesting idea emerges did they show the Egyptians how to build pyramids? Today experts say the pyramids are approximately 5000 years old. Even if that were true the ideas could have been moved down through the centuries from the destruction of Atlantis. We have to wonder if advanced ideas and infrastructure that was introduced by Ancient Greeks and the Romans was in fact passed down from a more advanced civilisation. If this premise is believable then there is only one answer. The only ancient civilisation mentioned in world history is Atlantis. 39

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Atlantis is believed to have existed approximately 11,000 years ago. The main city was circular in design surrounded by buildings and large rings of water in succession with rings of land. The continent was the centre of trade and commerce and the rulers even influenced Europe and Africa. The city of Atlantis covered an area circle of approximately 11 miles(This is bigger than London) and a populated area dense with people. On the plains to the north a mountain range could be seen supporting rivers and fields. There were many animals in habitation on the continent including elephants. For a few thousand years the dwellers of Atlantis lived and traded in peace. Through the ages this changed, the leaders and population now obsessed with power, greed and ambition, the way forward to corruption. The army of Atlantis has been compared to the sea people who attacked Egypt. 1200 war ships could be mustered with a million soldiers. Violent earthquakes ravaged the area close to its demise. It was not to last, as in one day and night cataclysmic forces completely destroyed the continent in one huge eruption, taking it and its army and people beneath the sea. That is the main part of the Atlantis story from Plato. The story then opens to a more spiritual rendering. The readings of Edgar Cayce a psychic clairvoyant active from 1923 to 1944 come in to the overall picture. He could meditate into a trance-like state of existence and answered many questions that we mortals want to know. The mass of information collated from him in a state of meditation shows that his normal physical mind was not limited by his environment. Biog. Information availablehttp://www.edgarcayce.org/Edgar-cayce1.html 40

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The spiritual and religious aspects regarding Atlantis. The spiritualist Edgar Cayce was a psychic and medical clairvoyant with the ability to put himself in a trance likes meditation into the super conscious mind. The questions that were asked became known as readings offering help to all that asked. Most of his readings deal in health and the treating of illness. He did make predictions that were established through time. However my own views on the ones made giving dates I do not respect as in my limited psychic capacity they do not work. Saying something will happen in a week, a year, or ten years, or fifty years, is definitely wrong, as there is no time structure in spirit, so the exact time cannot be predicted. In regard to Atlantis he predicted and was able to relate that a hall of records exists in a temple that sunk 10,000 years ago and there are other records in a pyramid in Egypt. They still have not been found. Some in the early 20th century regarded his readings as science fiction but many have become fact. Info: You-Tube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVCAca2r1LM Cayce said that the Atlantis empire was indeed the Eden of existence and the population used psychic sciences and more universal knowledge than used today. Through their long existence the people had grown tall averaging ten feet in height. There was a plague of enormous animals that were multiplying and attacking the population. The Atlanteans developed much as we have done through the ages with industrial development reaching to flying machines and laser rays projected by the sun through crystals. Technology and psychic science finally destroyed the vast continent. 42

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What we are looking at here is the belief that a vast continent of diverse races had developed for thousands of years and reached a high level of technological advancement. There is the premise that it all started when spirits formed into mortals starting with Adam. The big problem then was ‘SELF’ - what you are, how you develop. As that history progressed man became more interested in ‘SELF’. There are no mentions of financial disasters but I’m sure on the time scale shown there were many. Many mortals followed their own ambitions thinking only of ‘SELF’ until the end of a huge dynasty was destroyed. We can even mirror that in our own history today. Greed, ambition, and power. The Roman Empire, destroyed from within. The small wars for empire and territory progressing into world wars. The religious antagonism advocated violence and death and went to war against each other. Each side worshipping and praying to GOD before they fought. The communist revolution and the rise of fascism. All this mixed in with a fast industrial revolution and advancement of technology realized without spiritual or universal guidance that the Atlanteans were purported to have, and still were destroyed.

A 17th century idea of the position of Atlantis. 43

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Today, submerged buildings have been found in the coastal vicinity’s of the Americas. This is all hinting to a pre-Inca, pre-Egyptian civilisation. One thing is certain islands do sink and rise in the oceans due to tectonic eruptions. In 1780 Falcon Island was discovered in the Pacific - in 1894 it sank beneath the ocean. In November 1963 the island of Surtsey rose in the waters of Iceland. The underwater Bimini road was discovered recently and also located were fluted marble columns that were not conducive to that area. Info: The Lost Continent of Atlantis. - Tom Slemen http://www.qsl.net/w5www/atlantis.html It has also been thought that there have been several polar shifts on the earth and there is evidence of magnetic shifts in the ground. One suggestion is that Antarctica was a wonderful land destroyed by miles of ice covering it in a polar shift. Maybe that is another story, another civilisation? I believe an underground lake has been located miles below the surface. Geologists and archaeologists will not give up their beliefs about our planet maybe blinkered by set protocol and a way of thinking. In this age of technological enlightenment we can neither disprove nor prove that Atlantis existed at all. I ask this main question: The earth is several billion years old, does this generation of humankind really believe that there have only been a few people dwelling on it for the last thirty thousand years? I find through natural logic that something does not seem correct. It’s as though we want to believe that this is so. Let’s lengthen the timescale to one billion years. The scientific belief of today is that Homo-Neanderthals and their ancestors have been roaming the earth for a billion years. The missing link is still missing. 44

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Lengthen the timescale to three billion years! Do you still believe that the human race started only awhile ago? It be that there have been several civilisations throughout the history of the Earth? It does seem reasonable to envisage this scenario. Past civilisations are the missing link. Something is wrong with the way we think. We can only seem to see our relevant history going back 30 to 50,000 years. But the timescale is incredulous, so vast as to defy belief. Take our present age and push it forward one million years. Will some philosopher be describing a long lost civilisation called Europe? Will parts of Europe have disappeared by then? Could there have been a polar shift putting Europe or Americas under miles of ice and snow? Most of the world as we know it will have changed considerably. If there was huge volcanic activity and major eruptions or a comet crashed into the earth civilisation would be lost. The technological age as we know it would disappear lost in time. All buildings, and all materials even stone would evaporate in the furnaces of lava. In the last evolution of the Earth it was an ice age followed by floods. The next age could be more deadly taking the Earth back to a bygone tropical age of devastating earthquakes and eruptions changing the mapped landscape and destroying most of humanity. The feeling is that we are adding to this affect but are not the cause. We only live for up to one hundred years and even if we lived for a thousand the timescale of the Earth is so vast that our lives are not even a pin prick on the map. This brings about the belief that we can only develop and mature through the spirit. As in past ages ‘SELF’ is predominant. 45

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Human kind seems to thrive on ‘SELF’. Even in this day and age it is rampant in society. Whether rich or poor it dominates life. It is defeated in true love between a couple. For a short time each thinks of the other more than themselves. It dominates in the work place causing conflict amongst those who work. Desire of money and great wealth is paramount in society and was in Roman times. Education is speared by ‘SELF’ there is now little love in teaching or being taught. Mathematic calculations now deem what is achievable when nurturing and tutoring is far more productive. Pupils today will be judged by how good a photographic memory they have and the others will be discarded. In the financial sector big business with their directors and share holders have thrown governments into panic with irresponsible behaviour. Men and women filled with greed and ambition jockey for position in the casino’s of the stock exchanges. If a normal company is destroyed by bad management it goes into liquidation. If it is a bank it cannot be allowed to fail and the directors become Gods that cannot be destroyed by the system. The financial world is filled with ‘SELF’, young men just out of nappies trying to prove how financially virile they are. Where could you find a place that young company executives can gamble with the publics money? Answer: A banking institute in the Stock Exchange. Yes, it is our money that they are gambling with to appease the shareholders. Will it be stopped? Answer: No. Will it be slightly curtailed? Answer: Possibly, due to public opinion. 46

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Today we worship different Gods and the public are to blame for what happens in society as in ancient times. Thankfully we are slightly more morally aware than our ancestors who insisted on bloodlust and killing. The public today worship the Gods of Television. When the judges of X factor walk down a crescendo of screaming sound is received from the audience. They strut down to their podium in Godlike reverence. They are the Gods of today. But all manufactured Gods do have a time limit as Nero and many more through the years have found out. If we do not want to finish up like Atlantis we must strive to become more spiritual and by that I do not mean religion. It is a shame to think that our present civilisation may be completely destroyed by our own thoughts. It may then restart and try again in the distant future where our culture is but a dim memory. CONCLUSIONS Atlantis was but a dim memory to Plato, passed down the line orally by ancestors. I wonder if the same fate will be applicable to us? Whether Atlantis is a myth, a fable, or otherwise, the idea of an ancient civilisation is feasible and logical, and I dare to venture, did exist. We close our eyes today because the time scales are too huge for our brains to contemplate. The warnings from the past are ignored today because we now control and populate all the earth living in vast cities of brick and concrete. I think that one thing is certain, someday in the future maybe several years or even 10,000 or more the end for civilisation will once again arrive. It will happen so fast that millions will perish in seconds and no religion can save anyone from the wrath of planet earth. The philosophy of Atlantis should never be ignored! 47

The Psychic Thinker - All Interest Books YOU an YOU - PHYSICAL & MENTAL......

YOU & YOU - PHYSICAL & MENTAL The essence of life flows from the astral ready to be received by the physical. You start basic life as a human embryo lying in a womb and growing. After eight weeks, you develop into a foetus, a miniature human. The biological computer contained within your body (the brain) is rebooted with an ethereal quantum essence of empty memory. Several months pass by and you are ready to start a new physical existence. Your corporeal body steadily develops although at this baby stage memories are not retained. You are born an innocent into a world of stark contrastable evolution. The sum of human desire measured in political, religious and monetary ideas ranging through a spectrum of severe ideological differences. The general planet dweller besieged, barraged and bludgeoned by a world of contrived visual and audio perception. You are reliant on parental love, understanding and guidance for your future development. The genes and DNA you received from your parents will dictate your IQ and learning prowess deciding whether you have to work hard or find exams easy. The teachers you meet will shape your young life, the finest of them imparting knowledge with excitement, emotion, personality, great enthusiasm and the love of learning. The teachers who just stand and drone in a monotonous voice will make you restless and uncommunicative and inhibit your progress. Good teachers are not just top academics they are filled with a love and joy of teaching. Teaching is not about statistics, it's about people. If your IQ is low, you can still benefit and gain knowledge through enhanced aptitude, a strong desire to succeed in a given vocation. Spiritual matters will be imparted or not through parental guidance, you will decide what is right when you reach adulthood. If religion and a way of life are forced upon you, you will rebel. Your voyage through life continues slowly at first and as you age, the years seem to move with a greater rapidity. The later years hopefully, rendering wisdom and understanding. 48

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You hopefully will reach old age with unfortunately inherited defective DNA. Your physical body will finally wear out releasing your ethereal quantum metaphysical essence back into the astral. The afterlife creates the formation of a mirror body placing you in the basic astral realm watching your discarded physical remains. A prompt to move to a higher realm is then indicated to meet someone that you knew in the past life. From this point, it becomes personal to you depending on the life you have led. Beware what you take from this life into the hereafter. Some will be hospitalized needing great care and attention. Others will create their own happy environments to live in. Some will create conditions of repentance and live for a while in a state of self chastisement. The ones that have done great damage to other beings will languish in a catch of self perpetuating scenic reality of every negative vile act committed. A gradual ascension to the higher realms of the astral will slowly dissipate your ethereal energy into a huge collective ready for a return to physicality. In this year of 2012, surfing the web has become a prominent part of life. In just under thirty years, computers have revolutionised our existence. A great question needs to be answered - why did this not happen sooner? Up to the start of the 19th Century and going back to the beginning of mankind, many centuries ago, we lived in menial ignorance in a tribal society ruled by Kings and Queens. Why did it take so long for computers to arrive? Through those past centuries, men and women have continuously surfed the Akashic and astral realms for enlightenment but knowledge is only imparted at certain intervals of time. From the beginning of the 1st century AD civilisation did not advance, it stood still with tribalism and religionism the primary factors that held back the advancement of humankind. Knowledge was suppressed by powerful men who threatened death and destruction to anyone who challenged the establishment. One such example was Galileo in 1633. 49

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The combustion engine car patented 1823 came into its own in 1892 and grew to 9 million vehicles by 1920 and is still in use in 2012 although a hybrid electric is now in production. Why has it taken a century and a half to herald the change of engine? I leave that to your imagination. A supernatural great change is now coming upon our world - new power supplies that will cost very little (if the millionaires don't try to get richer) and a car that is cheap to run without petrol or diesel. Power cells will be introduced making fossilised fuel obsolete. All this knowledge will be imparted from the Akashic and Astral planes making swift progress over the next 50 years. The companies selling gas, traditional electricity and petrol will be slowly wound up and cease to exist. The missing informative instructions of physics will be downloaded from the astral to the scientists allowing civilisation to leap into its future. One country will start this great revolution of change and the rest will follow. The financial institutes will tremble and crash and will have to respond quickly to survive whilst the countries and their people flourish in the new age. In the vast reaches of the astral, a war between the entities will commence. A battle of the Archangels and Angels will ensue, affecting all physical worlds and totally changing the way of life. This incredible battle will continue for many years into the future affecting and changing the minds of humankind. Volcanoes will still erupt, tsunamis rage across the seas and earthquakes shake the ground not caused by God but by a natural development of the planet and the physical reality. The worldly religions will change taking the man made sections and commands out of its doctrine. Male dominance in religion will cease. The worship of God will become a private and personal one with multi national prayer rooms in each country. The slow decline of the political class will change and they will become more accountable to smaller groups of voters. The common market now in a vast uncontrollable state of centralized existence with accountability and responsibility taken away from the voters will revert back to its beginnings. 50

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The phases of the sun will dictate the Earth's climate, going green is only a partial answer to the planet's progression. The green philosophy has been hijacked by Governments including large Corporations and millionaires, pushing up the cost on to the consumer in hidden taxes. Political parties postulate for an irrational emotive response to gain your vote. This will dramatically escalate your financial contribution as a citizen, not theirs as a Government. Inevitably, this will cause conflict as the lower and middle earners suffer great hardship. Due now, the changes will be spread over this century; some embraced others fought against by elitists, monetarists and powerful leaders.

Find the real you. Come inside and find the real you. Mysticism is about you - and only you. It is about right and wrong good and bad. You are split into two major levels - High Self & Low Self. Can we create our own religion? A most profound question asked is, why are we here? After the daily chores of work and leisure we would all like to know the answer. Is it just to create more life? Is it to test us in an environment where physical flesh can be destroyed? The answer is quite simple. DOWNLOAD & READ NOW at How to think like a modern mystic

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