Robin G Howard A unique mixture of futuristic / supernatural / paranormal action adventures
21 JULY 14
The protagonist, Jim Long is a high ranking officer in the Galaxy Police Federation set in a future world based near the centre of our galaxy. He and his two fellow officers are people of high moral and ethical standards in relationship to their profession and beliefs. All three are of a high intellectual standard bereft of any verbal profanity except for simple humourous innuendo. The flamboyant but deep persona of Jim against the ‘standoffish’ cold exterior of Gail and the rather ‘muddled’ thoughts of a unique engineer, Norman encase them in a ‘brotherly/sisterly’ love and spat situation. Three superb professionals working in normal and extraordinary environments of danger and adventure. They carry out the orders and instructions of the federation inviting and helping new world members to reach high standards of ethical understanding. Jim and his crew have a bracelet on their left and right wrists that connect to two huge biological computers set at the centre of the planet Krakor headquarters of the federation. Jim controls them all allowing inter-dimensional and astral access. These two massive computers at the centre of a future world give access to other dimensions using a physical transition and an out of body spiritual transition to the astral realms or the second life existence (afterlife).
Artwork Keith J Luck
The Headquarters of the Galactic Police Federation currently based in a small solar system near to the very centre of the galaxy incorporating two suns and five planets. Three of the planets were full life supporting and the principal Planet Krakor a hollow planet specially manufactured and landscaped by the ancient ones of light, primeval creatures of the spirit and guardians of the galaxy. Krakor was a place of great beauty with oceans, rivers, lakes, streams and waterfalls viewed throughout the landscape. Controlling the environment were strategically placed weather stations that generated a full cycle of every condition foreseeable, another gift from the ancients. The weather stations and the inter-dimensional engines used for travel driven by a basic unknown spiritual element that was part of the astral stream and linked to physical existence. At the centre of Krakor were various huge spherical computers two of them also linked to the astral realms. The other two planets were living quarters for five million members and their families. RECRUITMENT Recruitment for the federation was from every life-bearing planet in the galaxy above ratio 5. Under ratio 5 only covert operations were allowed. Five signified light speed, the ability to travel at 186,000 miles a second allowing a single spacecraft and crew to travel within their life span to the nearest star systems and visit other civilisations. At this point, the Galaxy Police Federation would openly visit and initiate diplomatic relations in the form of a Galaxy Police Embassy. A signed charter then protected the planet and its inhabitants from being an aggressor to another civilization or falling prey to a high technological advanced group of predators. JIM LONG Jim Long an officer with the rank of Space Agent was one of 20, serving under 2 Space Agent Chief Officers. Supreme Chief Officer Vanders the chairman of the Galactic Police Federation Council had been given a gift of 2 inter-dimensional bracelets from the ancients, a gift also given to Jim who had also been chosen personally to wear another pair. The left wrist bracelet allowed travel to other physical dimensions of time and on the right bracelet out-of-body travel into the astral realms. The bracelets were controlled by 2 huge computers positioned at the centre of the planet Krakor. Many other dimensions of physical reality exist alongside our own. Some with life support, others strange and forbidding. Some are a haven of peace and tranquility others hellish and terrifying. All dimensions exist within our timeline some slower, some faster. TRANSPORT The transport for the federation consisted of Inter-galactic craft (IGC’s) that travelled at light speed and then switched to an alternate dimension by the power of an inter-dimensional engine linking on to a stream of the astral diverting the craft out of time allowing it to travel ten thousand light years in just twenty-four hours. Travel from one end of the galaxy to the other and back could be attained in ten days in the same time continuum allowing the occupants to arrive back at Krakor with only normal time loss.
Artwork Keith J Luck
One light year - the light that travels ten million, million kilometres in one year. The speed of light, light that travels at one hundred and eighty six thousand miles a second. The universe itself a vast void of unimaginable distances of space and time. The galaxy a mere pinpoint of existence, measuring approximately in length one hundred thousand light years and twenty thousand in depth, possibly containing a hundred to two hundred thousand million stars, much still uncharted. Federation rank structures consist of: The Ruling Galaxy Council with its Chairman Supreme RANK Chief Officer Vanders (SCO) Deputy chairman Assistant Supreme Chief Officer Gray (ASCO) and ten other ASCO's plus two Space Agent Chief Officers (SACO) forming the supreme council.
EPAULETS Planetary Police Uniform Green - Space Police blue SCO - Supreme Chief Officer ASCO - Assistant Supreme Chief Officer Space Agent Chief Officer Space Agent Officer
The rank structure continues downward with: Twenty operational Space Agent Officers (SA) Twenty Solar System Advisors (Diplomatic Core) Solar System Controllers (SSC) for each solar system. Further officer structures are Planetary/ Space. Chief Planetary Officer (CPO) Chief Space Officer (CSO) (Craft Captains) Assistant Chief Planetary Officer (ACPO) Asssistant Chief Space Officer (ACSO) Planetary Officer 1 (PO1) Space Officer 1 (SO1) Planetary Officer 2 (PO2) Space Officer 2 (SO2) Planetary Officer 3 (PO3) Space Officer 3 (SO3) A solar system council consists of one SSC, one ACPO, one ACSO, five CPO's and two CSO's. A council would be the ruling body in that system for the galaxy police federation - existing laws standing.
Solar System Control Officer CPO - Chief Planetary Officer CSO - Chief Space Officer ACSO - Assistant Chief Space Officer ACPO - Assistant Chief Planetary Officer SO1 - Space Officer 1 PO1 - Planetary Officer SO2 - Space Officer 2 PO2 - Planetary Officer 2 SO3 - Space Officer 3 PO3 - Planetary Officer 3 SP4 - Space Police 4 PP4 - Planetary Police 4 SP3 - Space Police 3 PP3 - Planetary Police 3 SP2 - Space Police 2 PP2 - Planetary Police 2 SP1 - Space Police 1 PP1 - Planetary Police 1
BOOK ONE IN THE SERIES Where it all began
Ordered urgently back to headquarters at the centre of the galaxy Jim Long, a space agent of the galaxy police federation is beset by several incidents of a destructive nature. Arriving at the planet Krakor, he receives top security clearance and a meeting with the chief officer commanding the federation. He is astonished to find a hidden city that he never knew existed containing two huge computers. He obtains two bracelets linked to the computers that take him out of time to other dimensions and out-of-body on the astral planes of the spirit. On the next mission, partnered with an equal ranking officer of dubious quality, a strange incident occurs and one of his assistants Gail Farmer, is kidnapped by a force of darkness. He completes his mission, which is linked to Gail’s disappearance and then sets off on a puzzling trail to find her. The path leads to a small Earth type planet inhabited by two tribes. Here, he clashes once more with the dark forces before reaching an island on which the telepathic guardian Erka resides. Gail, imprisoned within this dimension waits as Jim attempts rescue having to fight for his life and hers in a strange environment of mind destruction. Available on Kindle - ISBN 0953824535 eBook
A white hole is traversing through our universe so quickly that it moves through time itself. Everything in its path disappears including spacecraft and a huge space station with two high-ranking officers on board. Vander’s, head of the Galaxy police federation sends one of his space agents Jim Long, to take charge of the investigation into the strange disappearance. Empowered with two special travel bracelets, one on each wrist, he finds the trajectory of the white hole, which is beyond human technical resources. Two inter-galactic craft then face the terrifying phenomena head-on, disappearing from known space into another dimension of time. The alternate dimension is so strange as to defy belief, a universe that is almost negative opposing the laws of physics. The missing space station now empty circles a small planet in a decaying orbit. Jim’s probe fighter craft mysteriously vanishes below the surface resulting in a journey to a wondrous world of alien technology. The rescuers travel to a world within a world that at its centre contains clouds and large rock formations including a city and the vista of a large floating ocean. Jim has a limited time to find the missing officers midst a universe of planetary chaos, a runaway moon and the puzzle of huge ancient mystic machinery. ISBN 0953824500 Paperback - ISBN 0953824543 eBook Available on KINDLE
On the planet Zanteurians Major in the Nesemen solar system lived a black and white race of people who had prospered through conflict and harmony evolved over twenty-thousand years. The democratic government formed into two sections – The Statesmen and The Advocates. The elected political and theocratic members ruled in unison producing a balance between the materialistic and spiritual ways of life. For the last five-thousand years, there had been a state of world wisdom and understanding. Now, on the outskirts of the capitol city there had been discovered a unique structure. It was a strange and supernatural temple dating back two-hundred centuries. Though caution was advised, because of the divine nature of the temple, the ruling theocracy and religious leaders opened the site to the public. In the days that followed, several religions were brought to the point of chaos by an escalation of psychic power that continued to destroy the commercial and theological foundations of society. As the factuality of the past slowly emerged, the population struggled to come to terms with the devastating truth. The new novel ‘SOULGATE-Temple of souls’ All interest books, uk.. ISBN 0953824551(ebook) ISBN 095382456X(Paperback)
Three thousand years ago a religious order was created, shrouded in miraculous mythology. Now the planet Thraeot had become unstable, leaving the governments of this world nervously opposed. The equatorial regions nurtured religious terrorism by the ruling chaotic factions. The foremost religion is in emotional fervour, while the unbelievers host a council of members dedicated to complete religious domination of the planet, having manufactured a mobile atomic weapon. Fearing for the nuclear devastation this might cause, the covert Galactic Police Federation send Jim Long and his crew, Gail, and Norman, all of them in disguise, to seek out its leaders. The trail leads to a huge building on the edge of a desert used as a training complex. The advanced technology of the Federation operated by Jim intrigues one of the religious leaders as other planetary agents converge on their position. The battle to stop the fanatical operatives exploding a portable nuclear weapon begins, with the lives of ten million city-dwellers at stake. In the midst of all this comes the discovery of a 3000-year-old craft, which brings in to question both the Police Federation and the planetary religion.
DIVINE FANATICISM – ebook – May2010 - ISBN 978 09538245 71 -
5th in SERIES
BATTLE of the
Jim, Gail and Norman are put to the ultimate test in the profound and intriguing realms of the astral where the very existence of humankind is challenged. Travel out-of-body through the astral with Jim as he tries to unravel what it is that threatens the physical world and all upon it. A new and unique visual interpretation of this magnificent and horrific environment. The strange transformations and interpretations of our existence both physical and spiritual are brought into focus. The Akashic Records that sway back and forth in time. The terrible and black world of the un-life where souls crash together in strange torment and anguish. The higher realms of colour and light where the mirror body disappears into streams of colour. This story is where Jim examines an in depth exploration of the astral realms trying to find answers to a cascading problem between the physical and metaphysical universes. His analysis and quest brings into question the very fabric of these two realms and the interaction of Angels and Archangels for their own justification. Jim surveys the boundaries and foundations of existence including the aspect and location of God in relation to the profundity of life and afterlife. The terrible consequences of division and chaos can throw the whole of reality into jeopardy or even rebirth. Ebook ISBN 978-09538245-95
DIRECTORY GALAXY SPACE POLICE FEDERATION DIRECTORY Alpha-Beta - new advanced computers now in service called Alpha-Beta . Each computer operates on verbal commands - predicting and making decisions from signs and input. Computer linked bracelets On Jim’s left wrist a dimensional bracelet and on the right the spiritual bracelet linked to the CTD and TC computers on Krakor. CTD Computer - The (CTD) coextensive transcendent dimensions of time computer allowing its recipients to unlimited travel and exploration in unknown dimensions of time and space. Dakars Image Restaurant – Advanced hologram technology for entertainment and leisure. A white knuckle ride in reality settings. (From Soulgate-temple of souls) IGC (Intergalactic Craft) - The IGC reaches light speed and then switches to inter-dimensional Drive (STWD) changing the craft to travel in another parallel dimension of time. A relative speed achieved of ten thousand light years for every day travelled in normal time allowing the occupants to traverse the length of the galaxy outof-time within ten days. One of the greatest scientific gifts ever bestowed on the police federation by the ancient beings of light. Each IGC is powered by the natural successor to electricity, electonity that produces power from the atom in the form of colossal magnetic forces producing anti-gravity, gravity, from dark matter and dark energy electonic force field, traction and disable beams and a light speed propulsive force. MTR’s - Matter transmitter-receiver transport's still in a stage of development only used over short and concise distances. Mostly used in the form of flat metal doorways transporting from one to the other and now used on IGC’s as transporter doorways to various decks of the IGC. Probe interceptor craft - shuttlecraft for use between the mother ship and planets’. Multipurpose for defence and attack - all capable of sub light speed. The (TC) Computer - telepathic computer allowing out-of-body travels in spirit form to the domain of the spirit world and astral planes.
Scrutiniser – small back pack – an extension of Alpha-Beta. Allowing recipients full computer access including information and translation. Built in gravity belt allowing limited air flight. Scrutiniser (SCTR50) Basic backpack that can project 3D stereoscopic solid pictures Scrutiniser (SCTR100) Advanced backpack that can project/record 3D stereoscopic solid pictures. Power Packs Various sizes from small to huge. Huge packs providing power for IGC's for 1 year duration. A self contained force field holds the regenerative power in check. Energy Power Dimmer Regulator Controls the ingoing and outgoing power. Supreme Translator An automatic written and audio module integrated into AlphaBeta. VH Elevators Elevators that move vertically and then transpose to horizontal and even transverse travel. Inter-Dimensional telescope that can see the whole galaxy.
Planet Thraeot (Divine Fanaticism) At the age of technological discovery, 2 or 3 centuries away from 'light speed'. Still covert to the Galaxy Space Police Federation. Populated on two vast continents and a huge island. The main continent of Asurfa supporting 3 huge countries, Acirem (central) Dredosca (North) Acirfani (equator) The second continent Eporin supporting 3 countries, Ecnarf (North) Dnallon (Central)
Dimensional Travel The bracelet on Jim’s left wrist allows him to travel in other dimensions of time. The bracelet on his right wrist allows him to travel in spirit form on the astral planes. Both bracelets are linked to the two massive computers installed at the centre of the planet Krakor, headquarters of the Galaxy Police Federation. Jim is capable of out-of-body travel that can take him anywhere in the galaxy and beyond. He is forbidden to enter the twenty-fifth dimension, which is linked, to the astral plane of the physical dead. The spirits of all physical entities upon death journey from limbo to this destination. The out-of-body soul may only travel up to the fourth plane of existence still ked to its physical body. The first and second planes are the limbo realities of the spirit near to the physical existence. The third and fourth are the higher limbo realities where the spirit can be purged. Many other dimensions of physical reality exist alongside our own. Some with life support, others strange and forbidding. Some are a haven of peace and tranquillity others hellish and terrifying. All dimensions exist within our timeline some slower, some faster.
OTHER DIMENSIONS of TIME – Some known – some visited 25th DIMENSION Forbidden dimension of the spirit – only for souls without physical connection – A spiritual dimension of death and regeneration. 30th DIMENSION A place of contemplation/meditation – a beautiful vista of tranquillity and colour – a kaleidoscope of interacting, swirling colours of the rainbow spectrum. 40th DIMENSION A dimension of mosaic fantasy images – strange and horrific. 50th DIMENSION reverse gravity – where the population seem to fly and live in containers in the air. 51st DIMENSION A dimension of gravity fluctuations – Heavy that pushes you onto the floor – light – Huge floating rocks with buildings on them – herds of strange buffalo type animals 103rd DIMENSION Fantasy of the mind – where the brain can physically construct images of the mind – where two minds cannot exist without destroying each other. 160th DIMENSION The hall of mirrors – hundreds of portals allowing spiritual movement to all sections of the galaxy. 180th DIMENSION Reverse dimension – A reversal galaxy with white space and black suns causing powerful ultra violet colour effects.
Where to buy Jim Long Books. The paperback version of The White Hole can be bought from bookshops By using the ISBN number when you order. ISBN 0953824500
The ebook versions of Ancient Ones of Light (Kindle & PDF) The White Hole (Kindle & PDF) Soulgate-Temple of Souls (PDF) Divine Fanaticism (PDF) Can be downloaded and paid for by credit card at the following sites.
Battle of the Archangels - Amazon
Ancient Ones of Light - Kindle
The White Hole - Kindle Soulgate-temple of souls Divine Fanaticism
Paperback & eBook copies All Interest books
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Reviews To Date
Divine Fanaticism ‘….a very clever idea – it works very successfully as a sci-fi action novel, a terrorist suspense thriller, an implicit critique on religious fundamentalism and also as a psychological/metaphysical detective story. The interrogation of Jel Hal Kinima by Jim Long, is of course one of the highlights of the novel – a masterly piece of dramatic exposition, in my opinion, in which Jim slowly, surgically, psychologically breaks down Kinima’s illusions – comparisons with the parable of the Grand Inquisitor in Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov even sprung to mind!...’ AESOP Editorial.
_____________________________________________________ ‘……..Divine Fanaticism is the fourth novel in the Jim Long series by Robin G Howard. Long ago on the planet Thraeot a religious order was created that was shrouded in miraculous mythology, now the political environment of the planet has become unbalanced and mass scale war appears imminent. To make matters worse, a leading religious faction have managed to create a mobile atomic bomb and appear dedicated to the complete domination of the planet. The Galactic Police Federation have no choice but to send the intrepid Jim Long and crew disguised as they try and find these religious leaders. With the lives of over ten million city dwellers at stake, Jim must stop the fanatics from releasing the backpack atomic bomb. To complicate matters further is the discovery of a 3000 year old spaceship, giving rise to more questions than answers. Divine Fanaticism is an easy, enjoyable book to read. Told in an uncomplicated style that should engage both young and old, the pace is fast and the humour very prevalent. There are a great deal of ideas explored in the book, with of course the main theme of religious fanaticism running throughout. The principle protagonist Jim Long, is a very interesting and larger than life character, and along with others keep the novel from becoming too serious. Although this is the fourth novel in the Jim Long series, it's not necessary to have read any of the previous novels and the book works very well as a stand alone story. Overall Divine Fanaticism is fun and refreshing, the story easygoing and the heavy religious subject matters are very much tongue in cheek, the story has a very strong sense of the classic pulp science fiction novels of the mid 20th century. A pleasant book to read and one that should appeal to all ages…… Ant @’ _____________________________________________________________________ Amazing science fiction/fantasy novel written the way sci-fi was meant to be! The Battle of the Archangels is an amazing ride through the astral world. Although it's the fifth book in the Jim Long series, it totally stands alone and readers like me (who have not YET read the previous four) can not only easily follow the storyline but will develop a kinship with the hero, Jim Long. You can feel the author's respect for the sci-fi/fantasy genre in every word. The action is awesome as Jim Long goes deep into dark areas of malevolent thought and emotion to explore the relationship between God, man and Archangels. Terrific read!
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ARTWORK of Keith J.Luck
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