The Clash . Issue 2

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Last night, here at the Doga resort, delegates danced the night away thanks to a Red Bull Hummer blasting out the latest hits. The party-goers shimmied and shuffled on and around the hummer, relishing the chance to show off their moves. The carnival also had delegates and officials wrestling in sumo suits and playing life-size foosball. Stalls were set up and provided candyfloss, popcorn, and a Turkish ‘energiser’ called macum.

One of the organisers showed her alter-ego as a fortune teller, to the amusement of all those who received predictions. The night was full of laughter, energy and a spontaneous conga line. The perfect party to celebrate the end of teambuilding and the start of committee work.




1827: Composer Ludwig van Beethoven dies in Vienna. One of Beethoven’s most famous pieces, “Ode to Joy”, is the EU anthem. 1979: Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin ended 30 years of bitter warfare by signing the

first peace treaty between an Arab nation and the Jewish state. The peace treaty was the result of the Camp David Peace Accords, agreed in September 1978 when Israel agreed to withdraw troops from the Sinai Peninsula in return for Egypt’s recognition of the state of Israel. Also agreed was partial self-determination for Palestinians. 1995: The Schengen Treaty comes into effect. 2000: Vladimir Putin was elected President of Russia for the first time. He went on to be re-elected in 2004 and is the current President of the Russian Federation.



WORLD NEWS ANNA BORRELL POLITICS Obama visits Korean border facility as tensions rise President Barack Obama made a symbolic visit to the world’s most militarised border, the surreal Demilitarised Zone separating North and South Korea. He told US forces stationed along the DMZ they serve on “freedom’s frontier”.

SCIENCE Red alert for Venice The end of Venice may come sooner that first thought as scientists warn that the lagoon city has begun sinking again. Pioneering robot surgery hailed A cancer patient will be the first in Britain to have his prostate removed using a hand-held robot.



Whitney Houston took cocaine before drowning Whitney Houston died as a result of accidental drowning. Cocaine use and heart disease were also contributing factors.

hat is Europe and what binds us together as Europeans? Those are the questions Harmke Heesen and her film crew are determined to find the answers to. The idea was born in the ashes

‘Dracula’ poster fetches 108,000€ at auction A collection of rare film posters has fetched a total of 380,000€ (£320,000) at an auction in Texas.


What is Europe and what binds us together? of Harmke moving from The Netherlands to Germany. She

experienced how easy it was to move within Europe and became interested in the advantages we have as EU citizens. Through media reports on the economic crises, the EU has gained a bad reputation. Harmke wanted to go beyond the economic aspects of the Union. EYP and the city of Istanbul served as the perfect set. Three delegates from the Committee on Development are


being followed and filmed during the week. The ambition is to create a documentary which goes to the heart of what being European actually is. 4




The weird and wonderful ongoings of Eurovillage - from dodgy French wine to vuvuzelas, there’s never a dull moment.


he funny thing about Eurovillage is that there are a few things you can always count on happening. Delegates, officials and anyone else walking through will be branded by the

Eurovillage is one of the places you can taste Europe’s most disgusting delicacies. One person asked me if a certain (not to be named) country had taste buds, and if they did how could they stand to eat their own food. I have to disagree. The baklava at the Turkish table was top notch, as were the animal shaped biscuits from Russia. The oddest, almost magical item was perhaps the giant Belarussian marshmallow. Take an American classic, increase its size by 700% and serve. You could not make it up. Award for the ugliest food has to go to the Netherlands. On their stand lay a jug filled with, what can only be described as, vomit. This vomit was murky green and full of lumps which glowed orange and yellow. There needs to be an easier way to get people to eat it, because I’m pretty sure I had to be forced into it. Who

The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later, you’re hungry again. Irish with face paint, Baileys or Guinness. At least this time there was an original twist with tiny green and white woolly hats, just big enough for an egg. As wonderful as it is to see all this culture laid out in snacksized treats, it is a bit worrying there is a common opinion that 5

would choose to swallow vomit? One way or another it turned out to be my Eurovillage favourite. I went back, ate my words and had a few more foam cups of the peculiar mixture. The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you’re hungry again. It’s

impossible to resist and generally delicious. Perhaps, the same can be said for Eurovillage in general. The sheer volume of food was astounding. In fact, it could have catered the entire session and saved the organisers some money. Funniest fail? General consensus is the wine served by our much-loved Frenchies was a little below par. Oh the irony. Although there is a UK delegation here, full of bonny lasses, it has to be said Scotland dominated the UK stand. In fact, the only things not Scottish were the few Union Jack napkins. Standard. All in all, it has to be said that Eurovillage was the same as always - filled with food, drink and everything in between. Luckily I knew my way around, but not as well as a certain Irish female... A final lesson for Eurovillage, from Anna O’Leary herself: “treat it like trick-or-treating on Halloween. Bring a bag and stock up with enough food to last you the session”.


EUROPE’S CULTURAL CONFLICTS Europe carries diverse political views, religions, traditions, languages – it unites different cultural identities. Yet in several regions, this diversity initiates conflicts. A continental portrait by



or five decades, the EU has set an example of peaceful cooperation and unification of nations and their diverse cultures. Yet, this union has housed, and continues to house, several conflicts of cultural origin with impact on the economic and political dimension. One of these disputes swirls around the Mediterranean Sea, causing fierce waves on the shores of Cyprus, where Turkey and Greece are lead actors in a cultural clash. “Cyprus has always been an island of partition”. Prosperity and its geopolitical location have drawn many nations seeking power to the island. Cyprus was part of the Ottoman Empire, but in 1878 became a British colony, and then finally an independent republic. Ever since gaining independence conflicts never ceased. In 1974, the Greek military junta invaded, aiming to unify Cyprus with the ‘motherland‘. Turkey subsequently reacted and occupied the north of the island. Seen as a ‘movement of peace’ among Turks and an ‘invasion’ among Greeks the dispute over Cyprus

depicts a clashing picture with far-reaching political and social impacts. Still, Northern and Southern Cyprus are not completely isolated. Interactions between the two parts are vibrant and essential for their development. However, a part of the Greek citizens will never forget being forced to leave their land. Today, young Cypriots are asking themselves whether it is plausible to continue the hostility for the sake of a former generation. There is no consensus, but it is a fact that in bigger cities, such as Nicosia, the two nationalities mingle progressively. Both are becoming accustomed to the reality that they share the island. There is a majority who want to unite the island and abate the remaining problems. Yet at this point, political debate exacerbates the process. It is not only the dispute between Turkey and Cyprus, but also the EU and UN, whose proposals never satisfied the mutual demands. The majority has given up hope that a political union will be reached in the near future, but as social disputes are constantly declining, there is

hope for success.


more peaceful history, but persistent struggles on identity and autonomy, have shaped the cultural conflicts, ever more present, within several Western European nations. Europe is facing a new regionalisation. Is there a threat to integration? Or could it effectively promote a functional diversity and be a role model for success? Without a doubt, Brussels is the heart of the European Union. At the same time, it is the strained capital of a divided country, that of Flemish and Walloons, shaped by political separation which has encouraged decision-makers from both regions to employ the popular separatist interests against each other. In 2007 Belgium became famous for not having a government for almost a year because Flemish parties requested to abolish the fiscal equalisation which favours the economically less developed Wallonia. However, there is no real prospect of Flemish independence. On the contrary, the Belgian nation would certain6


ly benefit from conjoining efforts. Even if language and traditions shaped cultural identities, it is the political incitement which needs to be overcome.


he Scottish always had to serve as a guinea pig“– 305 years in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shaped the fate of a nation, but have never brought down the identity of its people. Far beyond the widely recognised Kilt, Scotland has maintained its own legal and educational systems – and a burdened relation with the Parliament in London. Throughout the past 20 years, a will has risen to emphasise Scottish history, reshape its politics with free health care and education, and the freedom to put their interest forward – a process envied by many English. The Scottish are proud of their identity, which is being increasingly accentuated. Scotland could vote to become independent, 7

should a referendum happen, in 2014. But Scotland feels European. Through independence Scotland would become a member of the European Union, could join its common currency and the spirit of cooperation – which some believe would revive the island of Britain.


irstly, I feel Catalan. Secondly, European. And thirdly, Spanish“– What makes a nation? At the edge of the Kingdom of Spain, things are different. Catalan food, Catalan dances and ultimately Catalan, the Romanic language, banned under Francisco Franco, now more than ever is the catalyst for a regional or, in fact, national self-confidence. “Language is a means of social cohesion and must not be abused for the discrimination of citizens and revanchist policies.” For the conservative Madrid newspaper ABC, Catalan identity is politically incited. Yet, the struggle for cultural identity is confronted

with a perceived fiscal oppression from Madrid. Most taxes are collected around Barcelona, the Costa Brava being the heart of Spanish tourism. But Catalan roads and airports are neglected. These days, led by the spirit of cultural identity, Catalans are calling for independence. Recently, their government visited Scotland – in a new spirit of interaction between European regions, which are driven by and united in their faith in self-determination. This spirit might inspire other European regions and open the floodgates for independence. If Federalism were to encompass peace, economic and cultural justice it could be used as a tool to the unification of nations and cultures rather than creating political divides within the EU.


EUROPE EN TOUR 35 European Associations and Organisations 27 Member States over 250 people 1 Session “Bridging cultural divides” is not only our motto but also our goal, and what better way to explore this than travelling between Europe’s landmarks within the lines of The Clash





omen. Great aren’t they? Yet sometimes it’s hard to know what they want. I know that may sound like a controversial statement given that I am a woman, but in all honesty even I don’t always understand myself. As a result Finnish men sometimes don’t even bother. Instead they just grab their wife by the



waist and carry her around. Well, maybe not so much in everyday life, but it is a sporting event which takes place every year. In Finnish it is known as “eukonkanto”; in English - wife carrying. I am not entirely sure how this sport came to existence, but it has been running since 1992. The basic aim is to carry a woman on your shoulder or back a certain distance through an obstacle course, whoever does this fastest wins. The woman to be carried

must be careful to step forward with your right foot first, or else you will bring bad luck upon ALI MURAT GALI yourself and your family. Don’t isiting Turkey as a tourist you forget to check that none of your cannot miss the ‘Demon’s Eye’ shoes are upside down after taking them off, or else your life will whilst wandering around a be turned upside down too. souvenir shop. This symbol If it is night time, then there depicts one of a myriad of superare many restrictions to follow. stitions we Turks have. KnowYou cannot whistle, cut your ing about such superstitions is nails, or chew a gum, as such essential if you don’t want to behaviour would invoke demons. receive disapproving looks from If, by any chance, someone is lythe natives. Entering a Turkish house, you ing down, you cannot jump over


cannot weigh over 49 kg. The race is held in Sonkajärvi in the beginning of July. They also welcome international participants. So, in the future if you ever find yourself in a situation where your wife is complaining that you never do anything exciting together, now you have a solution.

them otherwise his body or his life will be shortened. You cannot even give scissors to someone directly or else that person will later be badly cut. As these superstitions have integrated into daily life, Turkish citizens have found ways to reverse the curses. If you happen to break these ‘rules’ there is a simple procedure to follow: pull your earlobe and knock on any wooden surface two times. Then you will be cleansed of all bad luck and demons! 8




Transilvania International Film Festival: 10 days, over 200 movies, unforgettable memories Top of Form Every year we run from one cinema to another, seeing four to five movies a day. We eat while we walk, drink a lot of coffee, while not even having time to share the post film impressions because time between productions is running out. Why? Because of TIFF!




here are many reasons these two countries can be proud. Right now though, they are the centre of attention for one reason: EURO ‘12 Neither country is lacking in natural beauty: ancient forests with tall, curvy trees, thousands of lakes with crystal clear waters, long sandy beaches, even a small desert, as well as modern capital and host cities. This, alongside local people’s openness, long traditions in sport and top quality vodka, complete the picture of an excellent scenery for the European Football Championship.


Every year the capital of Transilvania, Cluj-Napoca, celebrates the film industry by organising the International Film Festival of Transilvania (TIFF). After eleven years, it has become a well-known brand in Romania. This festival is amazing not only due to the outstanding films screened every year, but also due to the effective layout, sparkling atmosphere and density of events. You have everything from seminars, workshops and panels to fabulous concerts, art exhibits and crazy all-night parties. As its president, Tudor Giur-

giu, sees it: “There is something in the air of Cluj during the festival which makes it unique – I always like to say it is like in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream: Everything becomes possible.” So, if you like the new and the unknown, enjoying a horror movie at a deserted castle, or simply a drive-in cinema, visit exciting Cluj during the festival – it is all unaffected, full of uninhibited enthusiasm. Save the date: 1-10th of June, Cluj – Napoca !

However, it would be naïve to put aside the political aspect of the Championship. Every major sporting event contains a political narrative. In this case, the story concerns post-communist societies moving towards the West. Back in 2003, when the idea of hosting such an event together was born, the two sides had similar statuses. A lot has changed since then. Poland has joined the EU, whereas Ukraine failed to join the NATO and is still far from starting accession negotiations with the Union. Furthermore, Ukraine faced the “orange revolution” and sentenced its ex-Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, to seven years in prison and found itself in deep

financial crisis. Tymoshenko wrote a letter to the new President, Victor Yushchenko, stating: “I’m not sure how much you know about international and geopolitical issues but I have bad news for you: EURO ’12 isn’t an agreement on European integration, you’ve been deceived. It’s football.” Fortunately or not, she is right. For a while, EURO ‘12 was about a lot more than football, but not any longer. It is true that there were organisational setbacks on both sides of the border. Even so, since both states modernised their infrastructure, they now seem ready to welcome the most important and, hopefully, spectacular football event of the year.



CHARIF VAN ZETTEN Technology as a driving force behind the alienation of societies.


andering around the city looking at the people around you, it becomes clear that life on the street has dramatically changed compared to a couple of years ago. A contagious disease has spread through our civilisation, reaching to the deep roots of our culture. Some call it a new age, a revolution. The majority of us are even willing to reach deep into their pockets and spend considerable sums of money to contract this special disease. It is called technology. You do not have to go far to see the influences of technology and, in

particular, portable technology like Smartphones, tablets and game consoles. Such technology is on the rise. Simply take a walk around the city or watch the people in the metro, tram or bus and you will see at least three out of four looking intensely at their little screens. I bet that most of you reading this are already incurably infected with Blackberry-

by 1’s and 0’s. In addition, contemporary technology tends to absorb absolutely all our attention, leaving little space for any form of spontaneous social interaction. No more random chats with strangers on the street, because only the vibration of your cell announcing a new message in your chat counts. It does not stop there. Another

Portable technology disconnects societies and causes people to become imprisoned in their own digital world. itis, Iphonery or Samsungton. The idea behind the high-end Smartphone is that they connect the world through platforms such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Ping, Twitter, Google+, 9GAG or any other digital form of communication or entertainment. If you do not keep up with the rapid technological developments you risk becoming disconnected from the world and your friends. The real effects of technological development, however, are hardly understood and only minimally recognised. On the street nobody seems to care about their surroundings any more. Whether it be a random street in some village or a city full of cultural richness like Rome, everyone appears to be trapped in a world characterised

issue arising from the fast paced technological advances is the generation gap. Only a handful of grandparents have the ability to understand their grandchildren when talking about Facebook or a Whatsapp message. As you notice the consequences of the portable disease reach even further than initially anticipated. Thus, how right are companies, such as Nokia, to have slogans like “connecting the world”? Does technology really connect us? In my opinion, it is the contrary. Contemporary technology disconnects societies and causes people to become imprisoned in their own digital world. Consequently, resulting in a loss of cultural richness by adopting a language of 1’s and 0’s and the alienation of different generations causing divides in our society.


A Portable Disease or Removing Barriers. Does technology connect or disconnect society?

SABINA CRISAN When distance between people comes in question, it is always comforting to know that it can be bridged just by the click of a button.





n this day and age, when we tweet all the details of our lives, post all our events on Facebook and have a Smartphone which can solve basically any problem, one has to stop and wonder: are we actually still communicating or are we just fooling ourselves? When meeting incredible, but international people we fear never having the possibility of seeing them again due to the large distance between us. Through technology, however, distance becomes a myth. It dissolves it the moment your Skype connects to the internet and in one click you can see your family or friends. It becomes an illusion

Sometimes I believe that not supporting the evolution of technology is sign of hypocrisy.

the second you receive a Facebook Friend Request from someone you have not seen in ages. Evidently one does not need the internet or modern technology in order to keep in touch. Although sending a carrier pigeon may be obsolete, letters are still romantic and efficient. One has to keep in mind that modern and old fashioned means of com-


munication do not exclude one another. No matter how many Skype conferences I have with my family, I still send a postcard every time I travel. Sometimes I believe that not supporting the evolution of technology is a sign of hypocrisy. I am pretty sure that if we were to ask people what would be the object they always have with them a sure response would be: their cellphones. So how is it that we are not against calling someone at any time, but advocate against posting on their wall or “Whatsapping� them? A picture which has strengthened my support for technology showed a two year old hugging her father, a soldier serving abroad, through Skype. If that is not creating bridges, then what is? I am not advocating those people who stare at their Smartphones instead of enjoying some table conversation. But such persons should not condemn an entire generation or technology

as a whole. So, are we simply addicts, who need their daily dose of peopleconnection or simply people who like to stay in contact? Are we loosing track of ourselves and time, due to the increasing tempo of our daily routine? I do not believe in the alienation of the spirit due to technology, but in the speed-dial connecting them.




Everyone has a hobby, that activity which helps you escape is a gymnast, and apparently a your day-to-day routine. But what if this hobby goes against really good one. Martim from Portugal has been practising the social stereotypes of your gender?


ince we were children we have been told girls are supposed to dress in pink clothes and attend ballet lessons, and boys should play football or any other kind of sport requiring male strength. We do not argue with what society tells us, and most of us stick to these expectations. I could be considered as a stereotype: I have been practising

People did not understand, but he never felt discouraged by this fact. classical dance for as long as I can remember, and I am as clumsy as the ducks here when you put me in front of a ball. I am not going to pretend to write a revolutionary article and say we should go against what society expects of

us, but I want to present some very interesting people at this International Session whose hobbies are not the usual activities for their genders. I do not think there are many girls here, or anywhere else, who have the guts to practice martial arts – yet Nikita from Norway and Janire from Spain do. We have it stuck in our heads that it should be men, big and strong, who practice such sports and girls, delicate and fragile, should be careful not to hurt themselves. But both these girls could tell you that practising such a sport makes them feel secure, strong and fit. In addition, there are boys here whose passion is a hobby usually associated with women. Wojtek from AGRI, for example,

gymnastics and contemporary dance for a very long time now. He agrees that when he was a child, people did not understand why he was spending his time in a dance room instead of on a football field. By always having the support from his parents and friends, he never felt discouraged by anyone else’s preconceptions. Another Billy Elliot of the session is Hugo Dürr from Sweden, a Cuban salsa dancer. I can assure you that these kinds of dance, especially ballet or contemporary dance, requires not only being in extremely good shape but also psychological strength. Hopefully after reading this you will get some inspiration from these individuals and maybe try new things that you had not previously considered.





n the beginning, it is just you. When with others, you form a group. The group is the basis of all EYP activities and many different examples of this can be found. Among delegates, the committee or delegation constitutes the core group. As for the officials, it is the press team, chairs team or the organising team. No matter which group you are in, you always develop an atmosphere or culture. This is called group dynamics.

other. This is done through activities which give committee members a fair chance to present themselves, hear about others and interact. If presentation is the first stage, ice-breaking is the second; usually accomplished through games where you are forced to step out of your comfort zone: physical contact, humiliation, and giving away personal information in a short period of time. These are the ways to complete

Next time you find yourself wondering why you are playing a certain game, remember, there is a purpose behind it. In EYP the main approach to achieve this culture is through Teambuilding. This process is composed of different stages which facilitate specific aims. Let us have a closer look at how this works. The first and very obvious objective is to get to know each 13

the aforementioned goal. After a relaxed atmosphere has been created, it is the right time to cultivate trust. This is where you completely have to rely on others and let go of concerns for your own safety. A consequence of establishing trust is the facilitation of com-

munication. Still there is room for improvement in the communication field. At this point, “I” magically turns into “we”. Listening and being listened to, come naturally. Communication is the stepping stone to attaining cooperation, the next thing in line. Cooperation is initially based on people with common grounds, who can now implement all the previous stages efficiently. This is done through the group overcoming the tasks set in problem solving games. Thus, the shaping of a group dynamic has almost been finalised. If the group is successful without conflict, they may never reach their full potential in unity. In this way, conflicts should not necessarily be seen as bad. Overall, next time you find yourself wondering why you are playing a certain game, remember, there is a purpose behind it.



Dear Session Participants, We, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, are concerned about some of the practices we have perceived since the beginning of the session. In this letter we want to draw your attention to the resource-inefficiency at the session and to encourage you to use our scarce resources more carefully. In a considerable number of villas lights are switched on without someone being present in said villa. Even during the day, lights are burning indifferently. With the heating 24 hours a day set above 18 째C, given that in some villas windows are even left open, we are clearly using our energy sources very imprudently. Furthermore, although we are pleased with the high quality of the food served, we must say we are disappointed by the incautious usage of this delicious food. Not only is the volume of food served unlikely ever to be eaten, but also many plates are left behind still filled with nutritious dishes. The result is, after every meal, considerable levels of food are thrown away. Not even mentioning the food misused during Eurovillage. This brings us to the pile of bin bags created so far during the session, which gained significant height after Eurovillage being filled with all sorts of materials (e.g. paper, disposable plates, cutlery and cups), most of them unnecessarily used or thrown away. We are amazed to see that we have reached a point where the effort necessary to extract resources from the ground, ship them to a production unit, turn them into the desired substance, shape them, transport them to a store, buy them and bring them to the session, is considered less effort than, for example, just washing the plastic plate when you are done with it. We urge you to turn off the lights when you leave your villa, and to find a balance between having your heating on and leaving your windows open. Also, we ask you to be more cautious when filling your plate or using and throwing away equipment. Yours sincerely, The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety





Let’s be honest, if your dream job is to be an economist most people are going to think there is something wrong with you. They might think you are dull, a bit too ordinary. By contrast, if you have always wanted to be a movie maker, writer or musician most people are going to look at you as some kind of rock star; whether you are good at it or not, they are going to love you anyway. I am not saying this is fair, but it’s a fact. It is evident there is a lot behind these clichés. Two delegates from Econ II help to make it clear that not everything is either black or white.

Victoire Barbin(France) Age: 17 Dream job: Filmmaker What is it that makes you so passionate about art? I would love to be a filmmaker but I like art in general; every single way you can express yourself, I need it. What was your approach to your topic? I sort of waited until the last minute to have a look at it. I hadn’t heard of the FTT before, even though Sarkozy is my President! It was, unexpectedly, an interesting topic. I agree with Clemence that applying an FTT is a good idea, but only if it’s worldwide, or at least in every EU Member State. How do you think people see you? I know that some people might think that becoming a filmmaker is unrealistic, but it isn’t like that. I’m not obsessed with art. I have many interests. I actually think there should be a balance between living the dream and being present in our society. I want to have a job as well! 15

Clemence Rawert (Germany) Age: 18 Dream job: Economist What is it that makes you so passionate about economics? I like the fact that it is very real and tangible. Most of the decisions we make are affected by economics. Everything in our society is connected to it. I see it as a means to understand our world, to figure out what’s going on, who we are and where we are going. What was your approach to your topic? The topic is really complex. It’s really interesting to me. I did some research, but it was all over the news already. I think an FTT (Financial Transaction Tax) could work only if applied on a global level. How do you think people see you? I don’t really care if people think I’m greedy or not, as I imagine this is pretty much the stereotype of someone who studies economics. I mean rich is cool but that is not why I chose my area of study.




elcome to Doga stadium, it’s a beautiful day. A beautiful time for the match we have all been waiting for. My name is Saga Eriksson and I will be your commentator for this game. It is LIBE versus gravity. Gravity has been a consistent performer, done very well in past seasons keeping a high standard, especially while playing at home on Earth stadium. LIBE arrived at the venue yesterday, got in some last minute practice and now it is show time. The game is about to start and I am excited, the crowd is excited! You can just feel the electric atmosphere here at the stadium today. The line-up for LIBE today is Giacomo, Ia, Adi, Alexander, Phelan and Katerina playing in defence. Midfield is covered by Lucien, Zafeiro, Alexandra, Joana and Natalija. And up front we have Olya, Frida and Yana. A

great team for LIBE, although a very young team. They haven’t been playing together for long. Coach Alex Narayanin has, however, expressed utter confidence in the skill of these individuals. This match will be a test to see how well this team works against such an experienced opponent. Here we go, the whistle has been blown and the match is under way. The first team member is lifted off the ground and there is some hesitation. The team is not quite collected, not secure in their movements. Oh, here comes Alexander in from the flank to support the left side. Great movement, great pace. And we are up and running. Gravity tries to fight back but LIBE manages to lift Ia higher into the air. Look at that switch in play! What a fantastic effort! Natalia is in the air, but there seems to be something going on in defence.

The team is struggling; they need more people down-field. Great communication by Katerina and they recover. Good movement by the team, there is a switch in positions and play is evened out. Gravity is still fighting back, though it seems to be a losing battle. What a great save by Lucian and Joana as Alexander is lifted higher in the air. The game is entering its last minutes and the team seems to be well in sync, the pace of the game is picking up. LIBE is playing with confidence and they are winning this game by a landslide. There goes the blast of the final whistle. It is over. LIBE has taken down gravity. The team goes wild, the crowd goes wild! The coach is being lifted in the air. It’s been a great day and a great match. Thank you for tuning in. Eriksson out.





AGAIN ECON I A diplomat’s daughter provides an insight into packing your life in a suitcase.

Two weeks of marching with wooden guns and napping in a straight line does not sound like typical kindergarten memories. It is, however, part of what Norwegian delegate Mira experienced whilst living in China for a year at age three. When she was nine years old, Mira moved to Jordan. Not because it was a familiar place, but precisely because it was adventurous and new. Enrolled in a British school, together with many other diplomats’ children, she began learning English and later Arabic. With politically interested parents, trips to nearby Jerusalem,

be shaken only three years later, when the whole family packed up again, left Jordan behind, to live in Washington DC. American public school provided a completely different environment. After getting used to the new surroundings, Mira found herself having a significant number of Jewish friends with

No matter what people might tell you, leaving doesn’t ever get easier. Damascus, Lebanon and Egypt were not uncommon. Something which profoundly shaped this experience was the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. “Every time we would go to eastern Jerusalem to see our friends there were more settlers there”, she reports. Through affiliation with Palestine refugees, Mira developed a critical attitude towards the USA and the Bush regime. An opinion that was to 17

family in Israel. “The conversations were intense and emotional, something even too difficult to handle, but they really opened my eyes”, she states. It was a time to reconsider her view and get to know the other side of the story. Returning to Norway at fifteen, the country was far from familiar to her and a home had yet to be created. Three and a half years later she can confidently call herself Norwegian and see

Oslo as her home town. Besides the episodic feelings of up-rootedness and restlessness, there was only one major drawback to the constant changes of location. “No matter what people might tell you, leaving doesn’t ever get easier”. Nonetheless, if given the choice she would do it all again. The impressions, friends and education have proved truly valuable, nothing she would have experienced anywhere else. Additionally, the family bonded in a way that she believes would not have been possible in any other setting. Contrary to what one might think, the “ants in her pants” are driving her out of calm Scandinavia once again. Upcoming plans include a two month stay in New York with old friends and several university applications to faraway places.






n 2006, Geert Mak, the author of the international bestseller ‘In Europe’, spent weeks on the Galata Bridge researching a new book. The Galata Bridge is one of Istanbul’s busiest bridges, spanning the Goldan Horn, the estuary on Istanbul’s European shore. Mak got to know the tea vendor, the book salesman, two Spanish tourists, the seller of orthopaedic shoes and the boys who hawk illegal cigarettes. He spends day after day with those who frequent the bridge, listening to what they have to say. Whether this be about free speech, Islam and the West, headscarves and the liberation of women, honour and blood revenge. Together these stories paint the portrait of a complex society, the city of Istanbul, a melting pot that is home to more


than twelve million people. In his book ‘The Bridge’, Mak describes the bridge as a city within the city, with its own hierarchy, loyalties and taboos, its own fears, sorrows and joys. A microcosmic reflection of Turkey as the link between Asia and Europe. He weaves together the stories of the curbside vendors with the history of the bridge, and thus with the history of Istanbul and Turkey itself. ‘The Bridge’ is a must read for all those who want to get a deeper understanding of the clash between different cultures, generations and philosophies, and what it means for those who struggle every day to make ends meet.


The unfortunate session experience of an English girl, dragged unwillingly to Istanbul2012 with absolutely no hope of having any fun.


hen wandering through a crowd of teenagers who are sycophantically waving their hands and over enthusiastically screaming one another’s names it’s impossible not to be depressed. I’m not a pessimist; I’m a realist. And it’s so clear that these so-called “new friends” we have made are, in fact, not friends at all. Merely illusions conjured up by the magical process of “teambuilding”.

Kill me now. I’ve been asked to put on a blindfold. Why? So that I can pretend to be any animal that is whispered into my ear. What self-respecting 17 year old girl would allow herself to be blindfolded and whispered to, by a random 22 year old man, without being threatened? If only I could smile and fake it like everyone else. They seem so happy, with their twirling hair and sexy European accents.

Instead, not only am I British, speak no other languages and am craving a cold pint, but I’m also embarrassed, awkward and generally miserable. So what to do? Oh, I know, write an article about my misery in the session paper with the sickeningly excited press team. EYP is so great.




SAY! Common prejudices nationalities.






e have all experienced cultural prejudices, some nice and others less so. Even among culturally savvy EYPers, stereotypes are common. What are the most common responses when you tell them which country you are from? Below we have a number of common responses session participants have received when introducing the country they are from.


So, do you live in Budapest? POLAND

Have you drunk Vodka today? BELGIUM

You must be boring. BULGARIA

Aren’t Bulgarians hairy?


You mean Lithuania? SWEDEN

Why aren’t you blonde? SERBIA

Is Siberia even a country? IRELAND

You can’t be Irish. You’re not a ginger! And on top of that you’re sober.


You must be very efficient.


So you must be late for something...? SCOTLAND

Oh, so you’re English?


Do you have a camel? FINLAND

So that’s why you don’t smile very much. 19

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