The Clash . Issue 5

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Revolution rock, I am in a state of shock.

he Clash was an English punk rock band that formed in 1976 as part of the original wave of British punk. The original line-up consisted of Joe Strummer, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon and Nicky “Topper” Headon. They were critically acclaimed and extremely popular. They were known as ‘The Only Band That Matters’. The Clash were not simply good, they were revolutionaries. From a musical perspective, they were well educated and managed

to successfully mix genres such as rock, reggae, ska and jazz, all under the label and attitude of “punk”. Lyrically speaking, it was very easy for them to catch the vibe of their time, given the backdrop of UK’s social and political issues in the 70s. They managed to balance social criticism with quality music. The Clash were capable of absorbing elements from society, transforming them into thrilling songs and throwing them back to society creating even more com-



motion. In a way The Clash inspired the press team. They were not afraid to write about muchdisputed issues and likewise our paper aims to be alert, attentive and controversial through the articles we write. Music needs to be inspiring and bold and so does journalism. To quote Joe Strummer: “This here music mash up the nation. This here music cause a sensation.”





ith a witty sketch for their opening, Ali, Monika and Veronica presented Euroconcert with enthusiasm and humour. Talented Turks Softly picking an acoustic guitar and singing in Turkish, Erdem Osman Topçu and Furkan Taşel started off Euroconcert with the song “Autumn in Istanbul”. Furkan told us why they chose this song. “When I am stressed I sometimes just take my guitar and play this song to relax.” Breathtaking Ballet Dancing gracefully to traditional music, Myrto Apostolidou and Elisabeth Adamoudi, leapt and bound across the stage in perfect synchronisation. Myrto explained that she liked

CALEB MORELL AND BRAM VAN MELDERT EYP has always attracted talented. There is plenty of room for political discourse and debate at a session, meaning Euroconcert provides a unique forum for talents like music and dance. the song because of the unique and traditional instruments used to compose it. She was introduced to the song by her mother and has loved it ever since. Playing to the Beat The dark and beautiful tones ring out to us from Alexander Wagner’s sharp guitar strums and Andrada Oprea’s rich voice, sent shivers down every spine. It’s a song we all know and love and the audience cannot do anything but start clapping. Andrada told us “I love Adele. I love to sing this song because it’s so strong and I feel relieved when I sing it.” Alexander added to this by saying “It is a very powerful song. It is good to get it all out.” Smoking Sax Furkan Saygin Şener strode on

to the stage, saxophone in hand. With only a simple accompaniment, Furkan’s cool demeanour and obvious talent made for an exciting performance. Despite having played the saxophone for seven years, it may surprise you to hear that he has never had formal lessons. In fact, in order to avoid muchdespised music classes at school, he began playing saxophone in a ninety strong symphony orchestra. Three years later Furkan was conducting this orchestra. Since then he has performed for over five thousand people and travelled to various concerts and performances. Impressive Improv Marco Stroligo uses improvisation as a way to express his


THECLASH musical ability. It comes naturally to him as he uses melodies from songs he has heard to influence his playing. “A certain note recalls another. The first thing that pops into my mind comes out. I feel like home, it’s always me and the piano.” Hotter Than a Fever As Bentley James Yaffe plucked the opening riff to ‘Fever’, Ipek Özsoy stepped onto the stage to give a sultry performance. Ipek and Bentley are close friends and have been talking about performing together for the past year. In fact, this was the first performance of their new band “The Life and Death of Horatio the Pineapple”. Can’t wait

Music Makes Things Better Joana Chiado Andrade performed a beautiful piece on piano by Japanese Composer Yoko Kanno. “I like her because she really expresses herself through music. It’s about not giving up. Sometimes if I feel sadness, I know that I can transform it in something magical through music.” Sunshine-Like-Smile Otilia Marinescu’s big smile SARA RINALDI quickly spread to us and the rest of the audience. Like many of the talented musicians this evening, The sad story of a journalist in a Otilia is a self-taught musician; desperate quest of inspiration she began learning guitar just “We still have half a page to fill, two years ago. She chose the song who wants to write something?” “I because Jason Mraz is one of her musical heroes and the song is so do!” I replied, cheerful like a three


A certain note recalls another. The first thing that pops into my mind comes out. I feel like home, it’s always me and the piano. for more! Dirty Dancing A colourful contemporary dance flowed across the stage as Filipa Barroso and Martin Pereira Bastos danced in unity. They used the soundtrack from Amelie as it is their favourite film and therefore inspiring for them. They informed us: “We never had dance classes; we never performed a dance before. In fact we are gymnasts and we just decided to make a dance for Euroconcert.” You Got The Love Kasia stood alone, guitar in hand and gave an enthusiastic and professional performance of Florence and the Machine’s hit ‘You Got The Love’. Kasia told us later that she felt relaxed on stage. This is understandable, as she has been doing music since she can remember. Since learning guitar online six years ago, she has had the opportunity to perform on many occasions, even on live radio shows. 5

optimistic, she feels as though she is expressing herself through it. Meditation time Katharina Radler and Marco Stroligo’s beautiful performance exemplifies the power of music to embody emotion. They told us the story behind the song - “the piece includes different feelings: the beginning is quieter and then it gains more emotion. When I start playing I just get absorbed by the song and I awake again when it ends.” You Got Me Crazy Felix Brandt and Alexander Wagner brought a fantastic evening to a close with an exceptional performance. As Felix and Alexander started their musical journey together seven years ago, it felt only natural that they would perform together here in Istanbul. Alex who wrote the song, alongside Felix play in the Hamburg based band “Stars Will Fade”.

year old during Christmas eve. “Ok, good! Surprise us, write anything you want”. I don’t know why or what happened in my brain to make me do it. Why did I raise my hand? Did I have any particularly good idea in my mind? I’m pretty sure I did not. When editors tell you to write whatever they want, journalists tend to get quite excited and so did I, at first at least, but then I panicked. I spent two hours looking for inspiration, reading quotes online, going through news articles. Nothing. Blank. At some point I got so desperate, I actually considered writing about The Italian Man Who went to Malta. I was about to cry. I’m quite positive that something happened with my brain the very moment I heard the words “write anything you want”; my head must have frozen because of too much pressure. So here I am, telling you the story of a young journalist that simply wanted to write about what she passionate about and instead ended up in a corner of the press room, reading Steve Jobs quotes in order to look for inspiration. Mission failed. Creativity lost and (never) found again.


EUROPE HITS TURBULENCE Is Europe actually relevant or simply a money wasting utopia?



any of us wonder what happens with the resolutions written at our sessions. Are they sent on to decisionmakers or filed away? This question can be applied to a higher level: is the European Union itself still relevant or is it a money wasting experiment? The current political and economic situation in the EU is like quicksand. Having the economic factors of the crisis as the water, and the political ones the sand, when combined they make a dangerous mixture in which the European countries are sinking and have no clear escape. Politicians are desperately looking for a helping hand to pull

on a wide range of arguments and philosophies. However, current upswings are primarily based on the Euro crisis centred around, but not limited to, Greece. The legitimacy of the European Union is being undermined by government debts across many Member States. Almost every single European government is spending more than they are allowed to under budget deficit restrictions set by the Treaties. Political leaders are calling for more financial support and at the same time demanding stricter budgeting rules causing heated discussions on the political scene. Consequently, the economical scene is characterised by continuous bail-outs and bond-buying

Coordination, effectiveness and efficiency are the crucial conditions for a proper functioning of the countries within the European Union. their countries out of the sand and prevent them from drowning in their debts. This has led to an increasing number of people starting to pose the question: What is the use of the EU and why do we need it at all? Euroscepticism is grounded

by the European Central Bank, altogether resulting in the disintegration of European society on two separate fronts: the “disciplined” economies and the “undisciplined” ones. An increasing emphasis is being put on national interests and local practices are being prioritised.

However, do local interests and transnational matters have to exclude one another, or can both seemingly opposing concepts coexist? “Glocalisation” is the combination of “globalisation” and “localisation”. It emphasises the idea that a global product or service is more likely to succeed if adapted to the specific requirements of local practices and cultural expectations. Consequently, what better place to observe the impact of glocalisation than in the EU? Can both Europeanising and localising tendencies simultaneously make cultures converge and diverge? This may sound like a paradox. But despite what people might think, it is in fact possible to conserve national identity and culture, and at the same time belong to a bigger political, social or financial framework such as the EU. The extent to which a global bureaucratic giant such as the EU can achieve the necessary agility to communicate and compete in the local environment can be limited. Nevertheless, there are some decisions which, by their 6


very nature, must be coordinated at a higher level. This is the case with the aforementioned financial regulatory issues. European countries find themselves in a situation where their economies significantly depend on each other, transcending national borders. Causes might be global, but their impacts are local; similarly, causes might be local but they reach a global effect.

In turbulent times stability is of utmost importance. The question now is where to draw the line between the decisions which should be taken on a regional level and those which should be decided at a European level. Coordination, effectiveness and efficiency are the crucial conditions for a proper functioning of the countries within the European Union. 7

This can be best illustrated with a decision tree: the top being the EU and the bottom the regional level. The standard rules made for all the countries of the EU in order to cope with European-wide issues should be adapted for each country depending on its social, economic and political background. However, this decision tree works both ways: from a European level down to a regional one and in reverse. A clear example is the coordination of the railway net construction. It would not be functional to resolve this at a regional level because the differences between these regions would make this net unviable and coordination ineffective. Nevertheless, if this decision was taken on a national or even European level the railway net would be much better coordinated, leading to a more efficient infrastructure

system. Questions concerning the future of the EU and whether it can remain a relevant and important body, receive various answers. The “glocalisation� concept is one way in which the fundamental idea behind the EU can be defended. Where local needs are becoming more heavily emphasised and global co-ordination an inevitable trend, the focus should be on both regional and transnational decision-making. In turbulent times stability is of utmost importance and should be achieved through guidance from an overarching body. As such, the EU as a ship in a stormy sea sails more steadily than individual nations which, due to their small fishing boats, are being thrown from wave to wave without any chance of survival. This is what makes the EU relevant.



NOURA BERROUBA AND ALEX NOMPILAKIS Lost in a jungle of questions? Do not worry, we are here to guide you through the complicated EYP world.


ow can I remain involved in EYP? There are many different ways in which you can stay active in EYP. Various events take place all year round throughout the continent such as parties, trainings, sessions, meetings and other activities. In other words, staying involved does not only mean attending sessions abroad. Furthermore, you also have the possibility to become an EYP alumnus in your home country and follow the local happenings. In order to find out about these events, make sure to check the media used by your National Committee. The most common means are Facebook, Twitter, official EYP websites and the alumni platform. How can I apply to sessions? First of all, use the aforementioned media. This is where you can find the calls for participants containing application forms and further information. Do not forget to use your imagination and write the unexpected. After all, how fun is it to read the same application over and over again? EYP Finland and EYP Switzerland have composed a guide to highlight the different kinds of sessions, how to formulate an application and how to take your firsts steps in EYP. In order to access the guide, send an email to What is the difference between the roles at a session? Delegates (of course), organis-

ers, journalists and chairpersons are all vital parts of a session. Teachers and visitors are also important members. You have now experienced what it is to be a delegate. In the future, you have the possibility to attend sessions in a different role. When that day comes, it might be good to have an idea about the purpose and functioning of it. Organisers are the foundation of a session. They plan, create the framework, book venues, prepare food and make sure that everything runs smoothly. Chairpersons are your mentors and

guide and through the academic part of the session. The journalists are there to capture the best moments of your experience in a format that you can access from home, highlight important matters, entertain and support you. Why is my journo absent from the committee so often? This is a tough one. Whilst it is a pleasure hanging around with you guys we have a lot more to do. For example, decide on the content of the papers, shoot videos, research and write articles, interview people and cheer up our editor and her assistants.

Various events take place all year round throughout the continent such as parties, trainings, sessions, annual or monthly general assemblies, meetings and other activities. 8






On Saturday, 2nd June the courtyard of the EYP International Office – located in a charming district in East Berlin – will open its doors for the traditional summer party, “Europäisches Hoffest“. All EYPers are invited to Berlin for an unforgettable night with dear friends, free beer and a small Euroconcert. During the day there will be a special programme dedicated to EYP’s 25th anniversary. 70TH INTERNATIONAL SESSION IN TALLINN, ESTONIA

Between the 27th of July and 5th of August, Estonia’s capital will host the 70th International Session of EYP - a jubilee session with the motto “Breaking Waves – Young Europeans on the Waterfront“. All Istanbul delegates are invited to attend, but be warned places are allocated on a ‘first come first serve ‘basis, in the next few weeks.


Founded as a school project in Fontainebleau, close to Paris, in 1987, the European Youth Parliament returns to its birthplace in October, 5th to 7th, to celebrate this anniversary with a conference and a great Eurovillage and Euroconcert night. More information on the programme and applications will be out soon. 2ND EURO-MEDITERRANEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE IN STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN

Later this autumn, EYP Sweden will host an innovative event. From 27th October – 5th November, 100 youngsters from across Europe as well as 11 African and Middle Eastern states will gather to discuss and propose action plans to empower the youth around the Mediterranean. Stay tuned and apply to be one of the lucky European participants!


ridging cultural divides: the session theme has been bandied about in various ways. In a serious way, when written about by Bram van Meldert in his review on the book “Bridges”, and more jokily on stage at the Euroconcert where even the feuding hosts managed to come together as one.



Who would have thought that within the session there would in fact be a delegate here following in the steps of his father and bridging the Eurasian divide over the Bosphorus. For Andrii, the coach transfer from the Doga resort to the Hotel was not just long and hot but was, in fact, a moment where he bridged the divide

between generations. Thirty years ago, almost to the day, Andrii’s father crossed the Bosphorus and received a certificate dated the 5th of April 1982. Andrii, now twenty-two, is the same age his father was when he crossed the bridge.


THE CLASH ALI MURAT GALI Melodies coming out of shower: the key to advancing your well-being.


hower time is also performing time for many of us. The sound of water

becomes a melody, the shower-head a microphone and the soap bubbles create the stage effects. This habit might seem bizarre, but it is thoroughly scientific and beneficial. Singing in the shower is essential for musical development. The echo of your voice is exceptional, allowing you to really familiarise yourself with your unique sound. You can easily hear the notes you need to work

on and improve your tone. The auditory range of the shower creates a pleasing acoustic environment and increases the depth and fullness of the sound. This means you can sing anything from Grease to Nessun Dorma. Furthermore, by making such wonderful music you will be full of energy and confidence, ready to face the day. This psychological boost goes even further. It naturally delays wrinkles and helps keep you young at heart. Singing in the shower can also act as an escape from the world outside the bathroom. Your mum might be shouting because you are late for school, or your dad might be complaining that you crashed his car: none of this would enter your consciousness when in that warm and soapy world. The shower is also the perfect place for personal development. If you suffer from stage fright and cannot share your exceptional talent, shower singing is the remedy for your sorrow. Close your eyes and perform to the imaginary crowd at Wembley Stadium or Festhalle. A music industry mogul might pass your door and

be mesmerised by your voice: a ticket to fame and fortune! Alternatively, that girl or boy you fancy might hear your voice and suddenly realise how romantic and skilled you are. So singing in the shower can actually help create a long-lasting relationship. Going further, this endeavour also has physical advantages. The tune of your voice controls the motions of your body and improves your stability. This enables you to strengthen your inner core muscles and actually prevent possible injuries. From a psychological view, it also helps your mental

It is not just a ritual, but it is an essence of life. development. Singing whilst taking a shower is multitasking, helping to make you more efficient in all future undertakings. The importance of a daily sing-song in the shower is overlooked by many. It is not just a ritual, but it is an essence of life. To live a happy and healthy life, use your shower time wisely!



The debate of the century: Singing in the shower.

SAGA ERIKSSON The hidden threats of singing in the shower and the implications it can have for the rest of your life.


inging in the shower sounds like harmless fun, right? A large number of people do it. You are simply enjoying yourself, loosening up and training your voice, maybe even looking for a record deal if someone passes the room and hears you. But let’s get real; just like riding a bicycle without a helmet it can all go very wrong. The hidden threats of singing in the shower have not yet been exposed to the general public; however, this does not mean they do not exist. In the interest of national security, this

flat on your back on the shower floor. You started dancing without even noticing it and slipped, you managed to avoid cracking your skull this time, but you do need a hip replacement. No one should have to get a hip replacement before the age of 70. If you manage to avoid these terrible accidents, there is still the danger of accidentally swallowing excessive amounts of shampoo which may cause you problems later. There is also the very real risk of choking on water. Moving beyond personal

But let’s get real; just like riding a bicycle without a helmet it can all go very wrong. topic needs to be debated. The most obvious argument for not singing in the shower is the risk of serious injury. We know all too well that singing often leads to dancing, and dancing leads to slipping. Some of us have trouble enough staying upright on a non-slippery surface. Adding a watery floor to the mix could be lethal. You get into the swing of whatever song you are belting out, multitasking by applying shampoo at the same time and the next thing you know you are 11

injury, singing in the shower also has implications on a global scale. If you spend time in the shower singing you might as well not be showering at all. Singing distracts you from the original mission of washing yourself and your hair. You get caught up in the song, forget to use enough shampoo and spend longer in the shower. This causes your water consumption to increase and we all know the disastrous effects that will have on climate change. With so many places in the world experiencing a shortage of clean water,

it is very selfish to sing in the shower wasting this water. However, the most serious consequence of singing in the shower is the possibility of it leading to singing outside the shower. The deceitful acoustics in the bathroom may lead to you believing you could be the next Adele. When this dream is shattered your self-esteem is blown to smithereens along with it. You lose your job or fail to finish your university degree, end up homeless at some street corner without even being able to sing for your meals. Singing in the shower is a slippery slope and I encourage you to stop this dangerous behaviour before it is too late.





A timeline of bulletins from a successful mission 23th March 2012: In light of ongoing cruelties committed by Syrian government forces and slow progress within the international community, the European Union took a revolutionary step. Twelve young European experts, chaired by the wellrenowned Ukrainian human rights lawyer Valeria Cherednichenko, are to be deployed in Istanbul for the International Summit. They hope to come to create an action plan to achieve peace in Syria. 24th March 2012: All envoys arrived safely in Istanbul. Their commitment to the cause was honoured in a Welcoming Ceremony and a cultural evening reception. 25th March 2012: On a humanitarian mission with the International Committee of the Red Cross to the embattled provinces Aleppo and Idlib in Northern Syria, Romanian envoy Corina Nastase was injured. The first peace plans have started to evolve. 26th March 2012: Assisted by her Ukranian colleague, Dima Kharchenko, Ms Nastase has regained full mobility. The only remaining sources of disturbance were the jokes from Swedish and Estonian envoys Saz Rashed and Merilin Nurmsalu, and the continued absence of their accompanying journalist from Germany who was kept out of the embattled areas by Syrian government forces. 27th March 2012: Refusing a military intervention, the committee expresses its support for

the Kofi Break, a peace plan initially proposed by a largely unknown Special Envoy of the United Nations. Subsequently, Syrian President Bashar alAssad announced to adopt the plan. This diplomatic breakthrough was celebrated during an evening excursion to the Black Sea, enriched by a singing performance by Georgian envoy Nino Melikidze. 28th March 2012: The special envoys have finalised their resolution which will be proposed to the plenary Summit Assembly on the 30th of March. The envoys later recorded a film for a media campaign to raise awareness and gain broad support amongst the international community. 29th March 2012: Having returned to Istanbul, the committee prepared for the debates of the International Summit. The luxury of Limak Eurasia has aroused suspicion among critics that the envoys prefer to indulge than effectively promote peace in Syria. 30th March 2012: Even if the excellent speech by Irish envoy David Corish and Albanian Lira Loloci did not convince the Summit Assembly, the committee’s responses and expertise ensured they received full support from the international community for the peaceful democratic transition of Syria. The Special Envoys will soon head to Syria to enjoy the first Kofi Breaks with the civilian population.





Daniels Griņevičs sets an example of how taking initiative in getting involved in EYP pays off.


mong the delegates in AFCO II, dealing with the complicated issue of bringing a distant EU closer to its citizens, there is a plethora of talent and diversity. One such delegate who embodies this is eighteen-yearold Latvian, Daniels Griņevičs. Whilst most of us spent the days prior to Istanbul packing and preparing, Daniels had bigger things on his mind: Head Organising the Latvian Regional Session in Letgale Vidzeme. Despite being involved in EYP for just over a year, Daniels has found time to attend eight sessions, both as a delegate, journalist, chair and recently as head organiser. He knew from the start that EYP was for him and planned to head organise at some point. He had no idea that it would be


so early in his EYP career. After casually discussing it with friend and fellow EYPer, Reinis Tutaus, together they decided to apply to head organise a regional session together. After being accepted in late December, they had just over three months to put all the various aspects of an EYP session together, including fund raising, inviting schools, organising venues, meals, and coffee breaks. As their

profound working philosophy: “chill, we got this.” This simple phrase continued to gain meaning as they applied it to every challenge faced along the organisational route. Even without the ‘expertise’ they were motivated to make the project a success. The feedback they received from session participants after the event made it all worthwhile, even with ten days of minimal sleep.

They stuck to their simple but profound working philosophy: “chill, we got this.” work didn’t really get started until Daniels returned from chairing at a regional session in Stockholm in mid-January, one would expect them to have been overwhelmed by this daunting task. Instead, they stuck to their simple but

When asked what advice he would give aspiring head organisers, Daniels said: “think about it twice. Make sure it’s really something you want. If it is, give it your all.”




uring the past 10 days the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs has been discussing the current issue of high youth unemployment rates in the EU. After the implementation of their resolution we can have a look at their position in the future labour market. In a few years five of the fifteen committee members will have finished law school. However, they will be using their skills to fulfil different needs of the labour market. Whilst Anastasia and Anne will stand up in court for those who cannot defend themselves, Felix shall negotiate contracts in a corporate environment, combining his passion for economics and law. As a polyglot lawyer Maia is going to work for the United Nations, striving for her ideals and motivated by her wish to fight for a better world. Alexandra also has a passion for law and hopes to

have her own notary office. Apart from his job as a PR assistant, Pavel aims to be a writer and be at the top of best-seller lists. Janire is also going to combine different professions. Aside from her career as a doctor, she will work as a freelance journalist writing about the developments in criminology. She also hopes to be able to partake in theatre performances as an actress. Two members of the committee have a keen interest in social sciences. Filipa wants to work with children as a sociologist, and Veriko intends to have her own office as a psychologist. Teresa and Amandine are going to bridge cultural divides. After her international relations studies, Teresa wishes to bring her Chinese roots and European identity closer together as a diplomat. Amandine, is going to explore and serve the world by participating in the international

medical humanitarian organisation ‘Doctor Without Borders’. After her business studies, Johanna will discover the different departments in a sustainable multinational cooperation. Anton will similarly be employed in a corporate environment. As an engineer he will take care of production and logistics management. Although Eleni and Coline will both have science based degrees, they will have very different professions. Eleni is going to be a researcher in one of America’s top universities, whilst Coline is going to explore the countryside as cowgirl. This generation will not suffer from the disappointment of unemployment. EMPL have demonstrated the variety of careers available to us. Even in a difficult economic climate the labour market will undoubtedly benefit from their skills.




An additional resolution from the Committee on Human Rights


t’s okay to be gay let’s celebrate the day in a gay way…” Although, admittedly, I did give the committee this little ditty as a theme tune to accompany their

team, it captures their attitude to traps which they could easily the topic itself: open-minded, ex- have fallen into when discussing cited and enthusiastic. The com- such a controversial topic. mittee avoided feelings of selfconsciousness and inhibitions,

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS Building bridges between chairs and delegates: Considering that Andrea Stagni fell asleep in the side bedroom attached to the committee work room and was found by his delegates, how should the committee tackle the rise in narcolepsy and increase active participation from their chair? A. Sharing the vision of achieving total awareness at all scheduled activities, B. Andrii is concerned for the well-being of the chair and his tired demeanour, C. Sophia and Lucie are aware that a chair provides a vital function, D. Hannah is further aware of the lack of a common nap-time for all chairs, E. Aaron is worried by the short hours of sleep, F. Yiğit is alarmed at the fact there is no lullaby for Andrea to fall asleep to, G. Both Ance and Hana would like to congratulate the Orga team for placing a bed adjacent to the committee work room. 1. Momo suggests that if cool-caps are worn, no one will be able to sleep; 2. Ariane endorses the policy that delegates can suggest energisers for the chair perform on his own – for example the banana song; 3. Andrii recommends Andrea be handcuffed at all times to one member of the committee: a. Maria suggests a timetable to be drawn up 4. Emily suggests that after pillow-fluffing, all chairs should be sung to sleep for fifteen minutes every two hours; 5. Lucie proclaims that there shall be no wake-up call before 10am; 6. Andrada urges Andrea to request a lullaby before considering taking a nap; 7. Mattijs and Koen offer free massages as a reward for the orga team’s cleverness.






Exploring the role of journalists at an EYP session. What is the purpose of a press team?


his article is not a defence of EYP journalism. Recently there have been many discussions amongst EYP alumni about the role of a press team at sessions. Is it necessary or could we do without it? The focus here is not on the relevance of EYP journalism but rather on its definition and purpose. What does a press team bring to a session? If you have trouble answering this question, start by viewing

role. Journalists are not merely assistants for chairs to use as they please. They are a separate entity. Journo-ing is too often seen as a bus stop on a journey towards chairing. For some it may be, but there are a great number of journalists who have no intention of ever chairing or have not chaired previously. The motivation behind joining a press team consists of the desire to develop yourself

We have come here to write about topics we are passionate about and to express our opinions on issues that go beyond session themes and committee topics. the press team as a committee. A committee which produces a resolution every two days. We work together to produce a cohesive result, we express our opinions in hope of invoking discussion and we are lead by facilitators who help us develop our ideas. The press team is often, and partly mistakenly, perceived as the ‘excited committee’. The people who are energetic all the time, have permanent smiles and create a unique atmosphere at a session. In a way we identify with this, the press team does help create the spirit of the session and helps prevent polarisation between officials and delegates by engaging with both groups. However, not all journalists are bottomless sources of sunshine ready to revitalise the committee with an energiser. That is not their main

and learn skills relevant in EYP. Other may not know what is expected of a journalist, but the people behind the articles have set expectations for themselves. They have applied for this specific role in a session. Some say that because of the sheer amount of sessions, newspapers lose individuality and the same themes frequently resurface. To an extent this is true, there are some topics written about in virtually every EYP

newspaper. Then again you can always find new takes on even the most worn out topics. This is the challenge of being a writer. You also have to keep in mind that at regional and national sessions these are completely new topics for first time delegates. Lack of individuality has been invoked as a reason why a session could survive without a press team. What is the point of paying costs for fifteen or so additional people only to get a generic product? Individuality of session newspapers needs to be improved, but the cost of journos is small compared to say the cost of regional or national sessions where the majority of participants will not continue in EYP. The press team are volunteers who have willingly paid for their own travel to the session. We have come here to write about topics we are passionate about and to express our opinions on issues which go beyond session themes and committee topics. We are proud to say: we know where we are heading!







adly every EYP session must come to an end. Among all the incredible people you have met, there might also be a special someone. Veni, vidi, vici - one might think. Saying goodbye is never easy, but it all becomes much more complicated,when you have to take yourself away from your new found love. Going back to your mundane, everyday schedule is bad enough. It is made even worse when you feel like you met a special person, someone who seems so right for you. All you want to do is extend your stay in the EYP bubble! The butterflies might make you come up with initial plans on how to keep things going. Late night skyping, low-budget airline tickets and the occasional phone call are well in the range of your domestic finances. Coffee breaks can now be spent envisioning your next encounter in minute detail. For the hopeless romantics amongst you it might be time to


Dangerous addiction loosen the grip on those rosetinted spectacles. Maintaining a fulfilled relationship is hard enough as it is, putting several thousand miles between you might just be too much strain on young love. We thought the majority of you would be against LDRs, and would fell this is the time in your life to enjoy freedom and adventures and not be tied down. Imagine our surprise when we learned about the positive attitude of our interviewees on the topic. So let us get this straight: you can meet someone at an EYP session and actually be together for more than just the mesmerising month following it? Maybe their view will help you decide on the future of your love. Before you choose to make a commitment like that you should know and trust your significant other. Long distance jealousy and the feeling of being excluded from each other’s lives are the two top reasons for break up. Furthermore, you want to be completely

honest with each other – there’s nothing worse than feeling estranged. The two of you should get to know each other just as you are in real life, beyond the EYP mirage. Obviously you will want to see each other. It has been mathematically proven by one of our interviewees, that 4 weeks is the maximum amount of time that can surpass without seeing your loved one. Apparently six is beyond the comprehension level these love-birds can take. It is all roses and romance on the surface, but is it like that in real life as well? The more practical among us know that chatting, Skype-ing or calling every single day cannot replace physical proximity and a hot text cannot hug you. So we must wonder: is the effort worth it? Guess it is up to you to decide…




ello EYPers, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Istanbul’s elite. Remember when you were young and used to play the telephone game? The tale at the end of the line would hardly be recognisable to the person who invented the initial sentence. As you get older, the game loses its innocent character. What used to be a misunderstanding evolves into a tangled web of exaggerated truths. Frankly, we all agree that there is a certain appeal to spreading rumours and we cannot overlook that there is a point when the lie replaces the truth. But you know what they say: you are nobody until you’re talked about and it’s not a rumour until you spread it. Should you ever be the talk of the town, be assured, you’ll be the last to know. Basically every action has a reaction. And once something is set in motion it tends to build up momentum. This is where gossip girl comes in. After all, how is your first International Session supposed to matter if gossip girl isn’t around to tell people that it does? Mohammed said that secrets travel fast in Istanbul but gossip travels faster. Spotted: Olive and Anna leaving GA in fury. Seems to me like last night has not passed without incident. They say that our most dangerous enemies are the ones we never knew we had, which definitely involves lad- napping besties. Apparently O snatched A’s boyfriend. Thought she was going to go down without a fight? How will lonely boy defend his honour? Will A take him back or has he fallen hopelessly for O? Only time will tell..or maybe a few helpful delegates. Keep the rumour mill turning; I would be nothing without you. You know you love me, xoxo.




Personalise this space with your fellow delegates as you wish. Aquinas “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” Thomas



Five reasons why coffee is better than people


eneral Assembly is about to begin, I get off the bus and run as fast as I can. I stumble on my shoelaces and start running again. Everybody is either talking to each other or rushing in to GA. Not me. I ignore the constant muttering and head to a café. Honestly, the only thing I care about is getting a decent cup of coffee. Finally I manage to get one. Hot, shiny, black coffee. I immediately feel better after the first two sips. Suddenly I don’t feel burdened anymore by my two and a half hours of sleep.


Even people’s constant mumbling doesn’t bother me that much. I do like people, I just need coffee to make them seem more interesting. Let’s be honest, my relationship with coffee is so much better than my relationship with men and people in general. There are so many reasons why coffee works better than people with me. For instance, when your coffee gets cold or too old you can simply throw it away, you don’t need to make up excuses, you just pass on to next one. Coffee is cheaper and easier

to get. You don’t need to dress up and wear ridiculously high heels to impress it. Coffee smells and tastes good, and if you put chocolate in it, it does not get fat but tastes even better. If you have to work all night, coffee is going to be with you the whole time. He will take care of you and keep you awake and no matter what, he will always be there to make things more exciting than they really are.

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