Medical Foundation 2006-2007 Annual Report

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nnual Report

The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

2 0 0 6 –2 0 0 7

contents About the Foundation


President’s Message


Financial Statement


Philanthropy Partners




Board & Staff Leadership



Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

about the foundation


he Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. advances excellence and leadership in education, research, and patient care by raising and managing private financial support for the UNC

School of Medicine and UNC Hospitals. Founded in 1949 as an

independent charitable not-for-profit organization and overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors and Executive Committee, the Foundation raises millions of dollars in new gifts each year to benefit the UNC School of Medicine and UNC Hospitals. The Foundation manages 1,100 separate accounts supporting virtually every department and center, including endowments for professorships, research, lectureships, academic programs, scholarships, fellowships, facilities and equipment purchases, and other activities. Gifts in excess of $56 million are received annually from friends, alumni, corporations, foundations, and community organizations. Today, invested funds total more than $150 million and total assets exceed $200 million.

The work of the Foundation serves to inform and involve generous supporters in the advancement of initiatives and programs that influence health care across North Carolina, the nation, and the world.


The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. secures financial and volunteer resources for the UNC School of Medicine and UNC Hospitals to provide for a healthier future through medical education, research, and patient care.


from left to right : Foundation President David B. Anderson, UNC Health Care CEO and Dean of the School of Medicine William L. Roper, MD, MPH, and Foundation Board Chair Neal Hunter.

president’s message

This past year was an extraordinary one for The Medical Foundation.


e s e t n e w r e c o r d s in our primary mission: raising private funds for the UNC School of Medicine and UNC Hospitals. Many, many people contributed to this success, and

we are especially indebted to the determination of School of Medicine Dean Bill Roper, MD, MPH, and our board chair, Neal Hunter, to make a great organization even more responsive.

We increased our campaign goal for the Carolina First campaign yet again to $500 million, and exceeded this new goal by $71 million. This increase was due to a record-setting $114.3 million gift total in fiscal year 2007 — a 35-percent increase in new gifts and pledges over the previous year. We were also proud that our two annual funds, the Loyalty Fund and the Excellence Fund, exceeded $1 million in combined unrestricted funds for the first time.

Many innovative gift strategies fueled this growth in fundraising. Two anonymous donors to the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center made a $1 million challenge grant to raise new research funds. We produced a video of patients of UNC Hospitals who were so grateful for their care that they made significant gifts. This video was shared with more than 300 physicians who are now our partners in reaching out to other potential donors among their patients.


Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Our Medical Foundation board worked harder than ever to advance our cause. Board members shared their insights through three task forces: Gift Acknowledgements, Investments, and By-Laws. Thanks to their hard work, we have new guidelines for gift acknowledgements, a new strategy for investing our $177 million portfolio, and a new set of operationally relevant by-laws. We are grateful for the many contributions of time given by our task force members, especially by our task force chairs: Bob Sevier, MD, for Gift Acknowledgements, Jack Entwistle for Investments, and Darlyne Menscer, MD, for By-Laws. We are fortunate to have so many talented individuals working on behalf of The Medical Foundation.

Our staff has grown to help us meet existing and new opportunities. We accepted

We are

the challenge of upgrading the UNC Medical Bulletin, and hired the first ever full-time editor for that publication. We partnered with a number of departments


and centers to meet their fundraising needs, including Family Medicine, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology,

to have so

and the Carolina Vaccine Institute. And we expanded our outreach by hiring a director of major gifts who oversees the top fundraising priorities of those units

many talented

without a dedicated development professional.

individuals We added new fundraising events, like the Pinwheels and Promises luncheon and Promises of Laughter gala that benefit our NC Children’s Hospital, and

working on

are reassessing others to make sure we are as efficient and effective as we can be. Finally, we used similar metrics to assess our donor recognition events,

behalf of

eliminating some (such as our fall Co-Founders’ event), and adding others (our Celebration of Giving to honor Carolina First campaign donors of $50,000 or

The Medical

more, for example). We will continue to look for innovative ways to recognize


donors in a cost-effective way.

I thank all of you who helped make this past year so successful, and I look forward to working with you for even greater success this coming year.

Best regards,

D a v i d B. A n d e r s o n President The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.



Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION june 30, 2007 (with comparative totals for june 30, 2006)




Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $40,889,829 $34,039,129 Investments 123,760,320 103,723,020 Unconditional promises to give, net 5,329,213 2,719,831 Accrued income receivable 239,969 189,431 Miscellaneous receivables 244,069 250,452 Prepaid expenses 119,688 24,971 TOTAL CU RRENT ASSETS 170,583,088 140,946,834 Property and Equipment Building 549,641 436,340 Furniture, equipment, and vehicles 406,646 420,692

Less: accumulated depreciation

956,287 330,019

857,032 447,615

NET PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 626,268 409,417 Other Assets Investments 52,310,810 46,722,237 Unconditional promises to give, net 10,242,668 12,383,080 Restricted cash 62,080 86,459 Restricted investments 545,182 441,073 Student loans receivable 48,049 39,095 Cash surrender value of donated life insurance 392,632 392,632 T OTAL OTHER AS S ETS 63,601,421 60,064,576 T OTAL AS S ETS $234,810,777 $201,420,827

Liabilities and Net Assets 2007 2006 Current Liabilities Accounts payable $405,640 $365,229 Accrued expenses 291,660 240,913 T OTAL CUR R ENT LI ABI LI TI ES 697,300 606,142 Net Assets Unrestricted 13,033,948 11,864,250 Temporarily restricted 168,768,719 142,228,198 Permanently restricted 52,310,810 46,722,237 T OTAL NET AS S ETS 234,113,477 200,814,685 T OTAL LI ABI LI TI ES AND NET AS S ETS $234,810,777 $201,420,827


Financial Highlights

F un draisin g res u lts

Corporations $4,102,014 New Deferred Gifts $15,900,000


Foundations $3,983,595

Sponsored Research $38,538,990


14% 34%



Individuals $20,476,612

New Pledges $31,300,000

Total: $114,301,211 F oun dation ass e ts

$ Millions 250



$ 182,051,218

$ 201,4 20,8 27

$ 236 ,135 ,84 5


$ 166 ,7 63,394


$ 150,5 29, 179








Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

m a r k e t v a lu e of e nd owm e nts

$ Millions 25 20

$75,92 0 ,50 7

$87,680 ,2 8 3

$1 0 2 ,836,655


$67,2 2 0 ,560


$57,839,38 2








gi f ts pr oc e sse d

$ Thousands 25 20 15



Gifts Processed



1 4,205

$ 20 ,7 8 1

1 3,71 4

$ 1 9, 25 3

1 3,23 7

$ 1 7,9 49

1 1,75 7

$ 1 5 , 317


1 0,025


$ 1 2,7 37



Number of Donors

sc h ola r sh i ps



Total Amount Awarded
















Menscer scholarship endowed in honor of daughter’s achievements


hen Darlyne Menscer, MD ’79, was installed as president of the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) in October 2006, her parents, Darrell and Carolyn Menscer, were so happy

that they decided to endow a scholarship at UNC that now bears her name.

“It was a way to honor her because we are very proud of her,” said Darrell.

The Menscers, of Murrells Inlet, S.C., used their IRA distribution to endow the scholarship, now known as the Darlyne Menscer, M.D. ’79 Loyalty Fund Scholarship.

Darrell and Carolyn Menscer

The Menscers surprised their daughter with the scholarship at her NCMS presidential inauguration.

“When they told me, I was pretty shocked and very pleased. I thought it was very generous of them and exactly the sort of thing I’d like to be known for,” said Darlyne.

Dr. Menscer was born and raised in North Carolina and attended medical school at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She completed her residency at Charlotte Memorial Hospital and Medical Center and a geriatric fellowship at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill.

She has been an active member of the North Carolina Medical Society, the American Medical Association, and the Mecklenburg County Medical Society for many years. Dr. Menscer previously served as speaker of the House of Delegates from


Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Katherine Wilson and her father, John

2001–2005 and is recognized as the first female to hold that position within the society. She recently completed her one-year term as president of the North Carolina Medical Society.

Though her previous jobs took her away from Chapel Hill, she returned to participate in faculty department programs. “Whenever I needed more training I came back to Chapel Hill,” she says. “I’ve never completely left Chapel Hill; I just

One of Katherine’s

keep coming back whenever I need to renew myself.”

greatest Dr. Menscer resides in Charlotte with her husband, Farnum Gray, Jr., and is currently a clinical associate professor with the Department of Family Medicine

concerns was

at the University of North Carolina. She specializes in geriatric education.

the tremendous

Memory of Katherine Wilson endures through funding for cancer research

need for



more cancer

photograph taken by the mother of a UNC cancer patient has won a national award and a monetary prize of $10,000 for


lung cancer research at the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive

Cancer Center. The prize was presented by Eli Lilly and Company in partnership

lung cancer

with the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) at an awards finale in New York City on December 5, 2006. The finale event was hosted by Regis and Joy Philbin at New York’s Metropolitan Pavilion.

Morganton, N.C., resident Anne Wilson, mother of Katherine Wilson, who died in 2005 of small cell lung cancer, took the award-winning picture of Katherine and her father, John, and titled it “This Is Not A Dress Rehearsal.” During the



contest, titled “Lilly Oncology on Canvas: Expressions of a Cancer Journey International Art Competition,” Wilson’s photo was selected as Best of the United States 2006 by an independent judging panel. The judges, who reviewed 492 submissions from the US and Puerto Rico, based their selections on artwork and narratives that best depict what gives the cancer journey meaning.

The picture shows Katherine and her father, John, standing side by side, hats in hands and both sporting bald heads, Katherine’s due to cancer therapy, and her father’s due to his head shave in support of her.

Katherine Wilson, diagnosed with small cell lung cancer at the age of 23, was a 2004 graduate of the UNC School of Nursing and a member of Sigma Theta Tau, the international nursing honor society. Despite her illness she led a full life, traveling with friends and completing her coursework for her nursing degree.

Said Anne, “One of Katherine’s greatest concerns was the tremendous need for more cancer research, especially lung cancer research. This wonderful gift from Eli Lilly to the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center can make a difference in this much needed research.”

Following her death in February 2005, a scholarship was established in her memory at the UNC School of Nursing. In addition, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center continues to receive contributions in Katherine’s name. Her brother J.D. recently gave Lineberger $10,000 to help fund cancer research. Since J.D. works for GlaxoSmithKline, they matched his contribution 1:1 in his sister’s memory.

Noël gift supports translation services at N.C. Children’s Hospital


t the inaugural Pinwheels and Promises luncheon last November, Cecile Noël remembers watching the hospital video and hearing several touching patient and family

testimonials. “I was inspired by the stories,” Cecile said. “North Carolina Children’s Hospital is not a figurehead institution. It is our hospital. It belongs to the community — to the people — and helps children from all over the state.”

At the conclusion of the luncheon, Cecile wrote a check like the others who had been invited by Dr. Cheryl Jackson, the head of North Carolina Children’s Hospital’s pediatric emergency department. But Cecile knew she wanted to do more. She and her husband Marc soon returned to North Carolina Children’s Hospital for an in-depth tour, during which they were surprised to learn that Marc and Cecile Noël

an estimated one-third of the patients and families who visit the hospital’s


Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

outpatient clinics and inpatient units speak only Spanish. The Noëls have since given a generous gift from their family foundation to support the Children’s Hospital’s Spanish translation efforts.

Gordon and

Language barriers hinder communication between patients, their families, and


the healthcare teams providing treatment and hands-on care. The impacts are most critical when the language barriers create an inability for family members to participate in patient care. North Carolina Children’s Hospital’s interpreters work in collaboration with the hospital’s clinical staff, bridging the communication gap and aiding family instruction on how to care for their child at home. As a tangible result, interpretation services have been proven to decrease inpatient

significant gift will enable the Division to foster

stays by a day or more on some of the inpatient units.

a vibrant culture

The Noëls’ gift will help fund a full-time Spanish-English translator for one year,

of life-long

but Cecile envisions so much more for the future. “My hope is that our donation is seed money, that we will find a way to multiply it,” said Cecile. “I want to see

learning and

it grow year by year with other funding so the hospital can expand. This year a


translator, maybe a social worker next, and so on.”


Fisher/Moore Excellence Fund endowed in memory of Shirley Fisher


among our students, faculty,

hirley Cloninger Fisher was the first physical therapy graduate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel

and physical

Hill in 1959. She received her undergraduate preparation from the

Women’s College (now the University of North Carolina at Greensboro) before

therapy alumni.

coming to UNC.

This past year, her husband Gordon generously gave $100,000 in memory of his late wife to create a new, permanent Fisher/Moore Excellence Endowment Fund. This endowment will generate investment income in perpetuity to promote outreach and communication between the Carolina Physical Therapy alumni, students, and faculty.

“Gordon and Shirley’s significant gift will enable the Division to foster a vibrant culture of life-long learning and professional networking among our students, faculty, and physical therapy alumni,” says Rick Segal, PT, PhD, professor and director of the Division of Physical Therapy.

In making the gift, Gordon also issued a challenge to UNC physical therapy alumni to match their gift through combined contributions to this important fund. So far, 153 alumni and friends have responded to the challenge by giving more than $16,000 in the past 11 months.

Shirley Cloninger Fisher




he Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations who have contributed $1,000

or more between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007. These donors have generously provided vital support to the UNC School of Medicine and UNC Hospitals. Their giving assists research and program support, scholarships and fellowships, faculty enhancement, professorships, among other important initiatives. Donors are listed in order of individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations. Donors of $2,000 or more are recognized as members of the university-wide annual recognition society, the Chancellors’ Club. Donors of $1,000 or more are recognized as members of The Medical Foundation’s annual recognition society, the Co-Founders’ Club.


Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

$100,000 or more

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Anderson Estate of Mr. John R. Andrews Dr. C. Fletcher Bailey Estate of Christine H. Bullard Estate of John R. Chambliss, Jr., M.D. Estate of Sarah Virginia Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna Mrs. Christine G. Hayworth Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Henningsen Mr. and Mrs. F. Neal Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Janis Estate of Charles W. Johnston Estate of John B. Lloyd Estate of Lillian G. Lloyd Estate of Paul N. Lloyd Estate of Wallace L. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. George Walter Loewenbaum Dr. Hugh A. McAllister, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell V. Menscer Dr. Marshall E. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Sauder Dr. Harold M. and Mrs. Martha A. Selzman Drs. Martha K. and Edward A. Sharpless Mr. and Mrs. Eddie C. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James H. Spruill Dr. and Mrs. James A. Valone, Sr. Estate of Annie Louise Wilkerson Mr. Sherman A. Yeargan, Jr. Advanced Bionics Corporation Alzheimers Association – Eastern NC Chapter American Cancer Society – SE Division American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Association Arthritis Foundation Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation Asklepios BioPharmaceutical, Inc. Autism Speaks Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Bayer Healthcare BioPharm Systems, Inc. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation British American Tobacco Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canadian Center for Addiction & Mental Health Cancer Research Institute Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America Cure Autism Now Foundation The Curtis Foundation, Inc. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutic Development Center The Doctors Cancer Foundation Dompé The Duke Endowment The Duke Energy Foundation Doris Duke Charitable Foundation East Tennessee Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Foundation Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Foundation of Hope Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation GlaxoSmithKline

Global Vaccines, Inc. Halpin Foundation Henningsen Family Foundation Reece Holbrook Golf Classic Immtech International, Inc. Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Kohl’s Department Stores Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Inc., Western NC Chapter March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Western NC Chapter Thomas H. Maren Foundation Marine Polymer Technologies The G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation Medicines for Malaria Venture Mennonite Foundation Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Muscular Dystrophy Association NARSAD – Mental Health Research Association National Childhood Cancer Foundation National Multiple Sclerosis Society Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Oxford BioMedica Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Price Foundation Rand Corporation Redding Family Foundation Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Sandler Family Supporting Foundation The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation, Inc. The Sontag Foundation Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Syntonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Triad Golfers Against Cancer UNC Dance Marathon Universal Brotherhood of Spiritualists The V Foundation for Cancer Research Vesta Therapeutics, Inc. Wachovia Foundation Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation Whitehall Foundation Yeargan Foundation Charitable Trust $25,000–$99,999

Mohamed A. Al-Sheik Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Battle Dr. and Mrs. H. Robert Brashear, Jr. Mr. Paul Broyhill Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Caudle, Jr. Mr. John Coffey Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Daley III Dr. Frederic G. Dalldorf Dr. John M. Davis Estate of Robert Drane Dr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Dula, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. C. Entwistle, Jr. Dr. Fredric N. Eshelman Drs. Janet Evans and Thomas Mercolino Mr. John Louis Hatcher Ms. Mariam C. Hayes

13 13

Dr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Kerner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lucas, Jr. Estate of Margaret W. and Lorimer W. Midgett Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Mosca Mr. and Mrs. Wendell H. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Perlmutt Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Perry, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peterson Ms. Dorothy J. Ray Mr. John R. Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Sewell, Jr. Drs. Liang Y. and Dixie L. Soo Mrs. Jan N. Stedman Mr. H. Allen Tate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John L. Townsend III Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf Dr. and Mrs. Norman F. Woodlief 3M Abbott Laboratories Advocare of Rockingham, LLC Alberta Emerald Foundation Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation Allergan, Inc. ALS Association American Association for Cancer Research American Society Clinical Oncology Lance Armstrong Foundation AstraZeneca U.S. aTYr Pharma, Inc. Autograph Basketball for Community Activity, Inc. The Battle Foundation, Inc. Bio Pure Corporation BlueCross BlueShield of NC The A. Pat and Kathryne L. Brown Foundation James T. and Louise R. Broyhill Foundation, Inc. Broyhill Family Foundation Beckman Coulter, Inc. The Cannon Foundation, Inc. Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Cerus Corporation Charley’s Fund The Children’s Hospital of Denver Clorox Company

14 14

Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. CV Therapeutics, Inc. The Dana Foundation Education and Training Systems, Inc. Entegrion, Inc. Ethicon, Inc. The Evanosky Foundation Fenwal, Inc. Flexcell International Corp. Foundation for the Carolinas The Fullerton Foundation, Inc. Charles H. Goren Foundation, Inc. The Betty and Clarence Griffin, Jr. Endowment Guilford Community AIDS Partnership Hemophilia of GA, Inc. Human Frontier Science Program International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Kemia, Inc. Kennon, Craver, Belo, Craig & McKee, PLLC The Knapp Foundation, Inc. Laboratory Corporation Of America Lincoln Health Care Foundation Long Beverage, Inc. March of Dimes-Greater Piedmont Chapter MBF Clearing Corporate Ronald McDonald House Charities of NC, Inc. Medtronic, Inc. The Melanoma Research Foundation Merck & Company Moses Cone Health System Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation National Cancer Center National Parkinson Foundation NEC Foundation of America North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. P & G Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Panomics, Inc. Pew Charitable Trusts Gustavus & Louise Pfieffer Research Foundation Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group Philips Healthcare Informatics PPD, Inc. Procter & Gamble Company

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

RBC Centura Bank Rett Syndrome Research Foundation Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Roche Laboratories, Inc. The San Francisco Foundation Scios, Inc. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation The Soo Foundation, Inc. The L. Jack and Ella Shaw Spiers Foundation St. Baldrick’s Foundation Stryker Corporation SunTrust Thoracic Surgery Foundation Transkaryotic Therapies, Inc. Triangle Community Foundation, Inc. UNCF-Merck Science Initiative United States Surgical Corporation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vasculitis Foundation Wooldridge Family Foundation, Inc. $10,000–$24,999

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Alexander Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Shepard B. Ansley Mr. and Mrs. Zack H. Bacon, Jr. Mrs. Eliza R. Bagby Mrs. James F. Bagwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Baillie Mr. M. R. Blum Ms. Elizabeth S. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Carter Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Leopold I. Cohen Dr. Peter D. Costantino Mr. and Mrs. Burton Craige Estate of Maude L. Davenport Mr. Edgar W. Denton Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Deyton Dr. and Mrs. Michael Dirr Mr. John D. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Farren

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Y. Gevalt Drs. Peter H. Gilligan and M. Lynn Smiley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Grier, Jr. Mrs. Joe W. Grisham Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Haley Dr. Thelma O. Harms Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Henson Mrs. Virginia E. Hester Estate of Phillip Hettleman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Eng-Shang Huang Mr. and Mrs. Gregg E. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. James Dr. Perry L. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson Mrs. Ae Rim Kim Mr. and Mrs. David Y. Lai Estate of George W. Lyles, Jr. Drs. Nobuyo Maeda and Oliver Smithies Drs. Richard B. Mailman and Xuemei Huang Dr. and Mrs. James L. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. Cary C. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott McFadyen, Jr. Dr. Sabra A. and Mr. James McNeill Dr. and Mrs. Travis A. Meredith Mr. Marc and Mrs. Cecile Noel Mr. Charles D. Nottingham II Dr. and Mrs. James L. Peacock III Dr. and Mrs. Francis D. Pepper, Jr. Dr. P. Lee Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Perl Mr. Hugh P. Perry Mrs. Allen W. Post, Jr. Drs. Laura L. Raftery and John B. Buse Estate of Roland E. Schneckloth Mrs. John T. Sessions, Jr. Dr. Amrit R. Singh Mr. and Mrs. Chris B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Steelman Mr. and Mrs. James R. Strickland, Jr. Dr. Colin G. Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Rebecca S. Thompson Dr. William R. Westerkam and Ms. Kirsten J. Lackstrom Mr. and Mrs. S. Montgomery White, Jr.


Mr. John D. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Yelverton The Buck Adams Charitable Endowment Fund Advisor Charitable Gift Fund American Association of Critical Care Nurses American Legacy Foundation Aramark/Carolina Catering Atlantic Corporation of Wilmington Barrx Medical, Inc. Bassett Furniture Industries The Dave Brumitt Foundation for Gastric & Esophageal Cancer Capstrat, Inc. CARES Foundation, Inc. The Carlson Family Foundation Carolinas Wireless Association Cellar Door Concerts The Cemala Foundation, Inc. Chapel Hill Breast Cancer Research Foundation Chapel Hill Herald Chapel Hill Wine Company Chinese Center for Disease Control & Prevention Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Cook Incorporated Corporate Express CPR Worldwide Curtis Media Group, Inc. Deafness Research Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Embryon Event Management Eurosport/Sports Endeavors Fairway Outdoor A. E. Finley Foundation, Inc. Firefighters Burned Children Fund – Union County Chapter Foundation for Orthopedic Trauma Franklin Street Trust Company Genentech, Inc. Gilead Sciences Gilmer-Smith Foundation William T. Grant Foundation Greenwall Foundation Guidant Vascular Intervention The Gumbo Foundation The Michael W. Haley Foundation, Inc. Hettinger Foundation IBM Employee Campaign Inion, Ltd. Institute for the Study of Aging International Association of Fire Fighters John Rex Endowment Johnson & Johnson The Seby B. Jones Family Foundation King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Asmund S. Laerdal Foundation Lexicon Genetics, Inc. Lundbeck Research USA, Inc. McMichael Family Foundation MINT: Mental Health Initiative Morgan Stanley News 14 Carolina National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Nitromed, Inc. North Carolina Community Foundation Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. OSI Pharmaceuticals Pfizer, Inc. Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sanofi-Aventis


Schering Sales Corporation Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation Sisko Foundation Skanska USA Building, Inc. Society For Investigative Dermatology Spice Street Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Talecris Biotherapeutics, Inc. Tar Heel Monthly Tarheel Angels Foundation The Titmus Foundation, Inc. Triangle United Way Triton Management Company Viropharma, Inc. Wells Hill Partners, LTD The Winston-Salem Foundation Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Xoran Technologies $5,000 –$9,999

Dr. and Mrs. Julian S. Albergotti, Jr. Dr. Joseph J. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Anderson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Archie, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Arney Mr. W. Vernon Averett Dr. Katrina H. and Mr. Elbert L. Avery Mr. Hoyt Q. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Barnhardt Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barnhill, Jr. Dr. Neil C. Bender Ms. Heather A. Bergeron Mrs. Zelda Bernard Drs. Danilo R. and Imelda B. Bernardo Mr. Bruce A. Biggs Mr. and Mrs. B. Mayo Boddie, Jr. Ms. Joan P. Boone Dr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Bowman, Jr. Dr. Donald P. Brannan Dr. Jane H. Brice Dr. R. Alan and Mrs. Irene Briggaman Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carstarphen Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cates Mr. and Mrs. G. Munroe Cobey Ms. Susan B. Coppedge Dr. and Mrs. George W. Cox Dr. and Mrs. William L. Craig III Ms. Margaret G. Crandall Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Crocker, Jr. Dr. Uldarico P. Datiles Mr. and Mrs. G. William Dobo Mr. Robert R. Dobo Dr. and Mrs. John W. C. Entwistle III Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Farris Dr. Susan K. Fellner Ms. Betsy W. Fenhagen Dr. and Mrs. W. Ray Gammon Dr. and Mrs. John W. Garrett Dr. and Mrs. Jackson V. Gibson Dr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Glenn Dr. and Mrs. Ira D. Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Goldrich Dr. and Mrs. James O. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hardison III Dr. Joseph M. Harmon Dr. and Mrs. David K. Harper

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel T. Harris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Hazen Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. William M. Herndon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Hollingsworth Dr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Holmes Dr. and Mrs. W. Borden Hooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Howard, Jr. Drs. Stacey N. and George Ibrahim Dr. Jane Lysko Isby Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Jacobson Dr. and Mrs. Brentley D. Jeffries Dr. Samuel G. Jenkins, Jr. Drs. W. Evans Kemp, Jr. and Robbin B. Sinatra Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kenney Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Kittinger III Mr. and Mrs. John M. Latimer Mr. and Ms. Kenneth B. Lee, Jr. Mrs. Anna Boyce Lineberger Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lupton Dr. R. James MacNaughton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Marcus Ms. Ronnie Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mason III Ms. Irene McCartin Mr. Dennis M. McGill and Ms. Edwina D. Woodbury Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. McPhail Dr. and Mrs. Philip D. Meador, Jr. Dr. Darlyne Menscer and Mr. Farnum M. Gray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Mills Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Mills Mr. Andrew Martin Miracle Ms. Louise M. Miracle Mr. Paul Mosca and Ms. Jennifer Fusco Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Mulcrone Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Murphy Dr. Henry P. Nathan Estate of Lula Nicks Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Norfleet Drs. J. Mark and Pamela A. Oliver Dr. and Mrs. H. Clifton Patterson III Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Pearson Drs. Herbert O. and Betsy C. Phillips Ms. Caroline M. Punte Dr. Lawrence W. Raymond Dr. and Mrs. Cadmus C. Rich Mr. Michael Rogan and Ms. Susan Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ryan III Mrs. Pearl Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Sears Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sevier Ms. Kathy Sharpless and Mr. Sam Rohwedder Ms. Edwina H. Shaw Mr. Richard Shieh Dr. and Mrs. James B. Sloan Dr. James F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Smith Estate of Richard Ruth Smith Ms. Ann Lewallen Spencer Mr. William W. Staton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Steinbaugh Mr. J. Robert Stout Mrs. Agnes C. Summerlin Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Taft Dr. John A. Thompson, Jr. Ms. Marguerite J. Thompson


Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Tillman Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. Turner Representative Alice G. Underhill and Dr. Thurlow R. Underhill Drs. Ross L. Vaughan and Bettie McKaig Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Walther Mr. and Mrs. James D. Warren Dr. and Mrs. William J. Weatherly Mr. and Mrs. William W. Webb Mr. and Mrs. C. Rex Welton Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Winston, Sr. Dr. Leonard S. Woodall Mr. M. Rhem Wooten, Jr. and Dr. Kathy J. Farley Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Young, Sr. Dr. John W. Zirkle Dr. Michael L. Zollicoffer AbleNet, Inc. Absolute Collection Services The Active Network, Inc. Advanced Orthopedic & Sports PT, Inc. Advantis Construction Company Aesthetic Solutions Alcon Laboratories American Academy Otolaryngic Allergy American Association Mental Retardation American Society of Pharmacognosy Amgen, Inc. The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Banyan Group, Inc. Barnhardt Manufacturing Company The Bernard Foundation Munroe Best Foundation, Inc. A Better Image Printing Biotronik, Inc. Boulder Dermatology Clinic Boyd Family Charitable Lead Trust Bristol-Myers Squibb Company BSH Home Appliances Corporation


Bunyan Group, Inc. Cafe Carolina and Bakery Carstarphen Family Foundation, Inc. Carter Foundation, Inc. Centocor, Inc. Chapel Hill Sportswear Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Community Foundation of Gaston County, Inc. Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc. Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, Inc. Community Foundation of NJ M. G. Crandall and Affiliates Crown Automotive Management Company Dance Marathon at NCSU Dare County Outer Banks Jaycees, Inc. DMEXPERT, LLC Dover Foundation, Inc. Dream Dinners of Durham Embarq Corporation Equestrian Arts Institute Face The Fire Ministry Firefighters Burned Childrens Fund – Cabarrus County Chapter Firefighters Burned Children Fund – Concord Foscue Foundation Franklin Street Advisors Fraydun Foundation, Inc. Fujifilm Medical Systems USA, Inc. Fund For Southern Communities/Helen’s Fund Genzyme Giarla & Michelson Charitable Foundation Golden State Foods Herman Goldman Foundation Lawrence J. Goldrich Foundation Grady-White Boats, Inc. Granville Towers GVA Advantis Headway Corporation Hickory Jaycees, Inc. Hope – A Women’s Cancer Center, PA

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Investors Title Insurance Company Keystone Foods, LLC Ladies Auxiliary to VFW, Dept. of North Carolina L. B. M., Inc. Lee-Moore Oil Company Leland Little Auction & Estate Sales, Inc. Marketsmart Advertising, Inc. The A. W. McAlister Foundation, Inc. Medical Mutual Insurance Company Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF) Open Biosystems, Inc. Quest Diagnostics Raymond James Trust Company RBC Dain Rauscher Renaissance Administration, LLC Richard M. & Elizabeth M. Ross Foundation Rush Management, Inc. Schechter Foundation The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Shire Shriners Hospital for Children – Philadelphia Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Sigma Chi Derby Days Smith Breeden Associates Sony Ericsson SPX Corporation Statewide Campaign Organization Steel Bar Corporation Strowd Roses, Inc. Sun Banks, Inc. SunTrust Bank - Triangle Swim Fast for Smiles Organization TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. Tasks Galore Teva Neuroscience, Inc. Time Warner Cable Shared Service Center UNC Student Activities Fund University Mall USA Track & Field Vilcom Waters Corporation WCHL Williamson & Lavecchia Charles M. Winston Family Foundation Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, Inc. $2,000–$4,999

Dr. and Mrs. William B. Abernethy, Jr. Mr. John Akridge Mr. and Mrs. James G. Aldige Mr. and Mrs. G. Page Allen Ms. Sandra Allen Mr. David B. Anderson Mr. Theodore S. and Mrs. Sara F. Anderson Mr. Manish Atma Mr. and Mrs. William P. Aycock II Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Ayotte Ms. Catherine T. Bacon Dr. and Mrs. H. Clifford Baggett, Jr. Dr. G. Tillman Bailey III Dr. Albert J. Banes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnes Dr. and Mrs. George T. Bartels Dr. Karen L. Beasley Mr. and Mrs. F. James Becher

Dr. Paul J. Befanis Ms. Anne M. Begun Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Billow Estate of Mary Bitting Mr. Robert and Mrs. Regina H. Black Ms. Lou U. Blackman Mr. and Mrs. George S. Blackwelder, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lucius Blanchard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Blau Mr. and Mrs. D. Gayle Bomar Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Booth Dr. Joseph A. Bosco III Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove Bowles III Mr. and Mrs. G. Waring Boys, Jr. Drs. Eugene M. and Mary K. Bozymski Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Briley Mrs. Frances F. Brinkley Dr. and Mrs. Jon P. Brisley Mr. Jack Broadbridge Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Brick Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Brown, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bryant, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bryant, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Burnett III Mr. Robert Butler Ms. Tonya G. Butler Dr. and Mrs. W. Grimes Byerly, Jr. Dr. Rose G. Bynum and Mr. Joseph Bynum Mr. and Mrs. David M. Callahan Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Camnitz Mr. William J. Canata Mr. Anthony Cecil Mrs. Amy M. Chisam Dr. Frank C. Church Dr. and Mrs. Gregor G. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Corley Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. F. Coughlin Dr. Carol Coulson Mr. Charles T. Crawford Mr. Edward A. Crawford Dr. Fulton T. Crews Dr. Betty J. and Mr. Jerry M. Crosby Dr. and Mrs. William M. Crutchfield Mr. H. G. Dameron Dr. and Mrs. Alan Davidson III Mr. and Mrs. Butch Davis Mr. and Mrs. John H. DeCarlo Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Deaton Dr. and Mrs. Luis A. Diaz Dr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Dickson, Jr. Dr. Griggs C. Dickson Dr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Dirschl Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt B. Doak III Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Dresnick Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy Duerson Drs. H. Shelton Earp III and Jo Anne L. Earp Dr. Stuart Bondurant and Ms. Susan Ehringhaus Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Eubanks, Jr. Ms. Ina R. Evans


Mr. Sidney Farmer III Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Faulkner, Jr. Mrs. Frederick A. Fearing Mr. and Mrs. Purvis J. Ferree, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Finley, Jr. Drs. J. Charlie Finn and Sue E. Cox Mr. Mark B. Fisher Dr. and Mrs. Otis N. Fisher, Jr. Mrs. Robert W. Foster Dr. and Mrs. John W. Foust Dr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Fried Dr. Michael W. Fried and Ms. Beth Jonas Drs. Mary Susan and James S. Fulghum III Dr. and Mrs. R. Wharton Gaul Dr. K. Tanner and Mr. Arthur Cary George Dr. Ronald W. Gerbe Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Greczyn, Jr. Mr. Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Grine Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gross Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Grubb Dr. Hilton Goulson Dr. and Ms. Robert D. McCall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Haber Mr. and Mrs. C. Rush Hamrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. L. Clayton Harrell III Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Harrison, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Hayes, Jr. Mr. James T. Hedrick, Sr. Mrs. James F. Heins Drs. Margaret R. Helton and Terry L. Noah Dr. and Mrs. John T. Henley, Jr. Mr. Jim Henry and Mrs. Kim Henry Dr. and Mrs. John M. Herion Dr. William B. Herring Mr. A. L. Hobgood III Mr. and Mrs. Luther H. Hodges, Jr. Mrs. Adelaide F. Holderness Mr. James V. Holloway and Ms. Linda M. Varblow Drs. Drew and Kaylar Howard Drs. Lucile A. and Lawrence V. Howard, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy B. Hubbard Dr. and Mrs. William N. Hubbard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William D. Huffines Dr. and Mrs. James D. Hundley Mr. Torrence M. Hunt, Jr. Dr. Joan C. Huntley Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hux Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hyman Dr. Hytham Imseis Mr. Jay Jackson Dr. William H. Jarman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ali Jarrahi Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jenrette, Jr. Dr. Cheryl S. Jones Drs. Leigh H. and Drew A. Jones Drs. William D. and Catherine H. Kassens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Keller Ms. Barbara J. Kelly Dr. Timothy F. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kindberg Mr. Donald R. Knowles Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Knutson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Koontz Drs. Hannah R. Krigman and Jon Ritter Dr. Howard S. Kroop


Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lackey Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lafferty Dr. Anthony-Samuel Lamantia Mr. Charles N. Landen, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Halcut C. Lawrence III Ms. Eunice Y. Lee Dr. Miriam W. and Mr. Richard C. Lindrooth Ms. Jackie Locklear Mr. Robert Loken Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. MacDonald, Jr. Ms. Kathleen R. Maloney and Mr. Kevin Koch Dr. Elizabeth S. Mann Dr. and Mrs. James M. Marlowe Dr. and Mrs. J. Gray McAllister III Mr. and Mrs. Roland P. McClamroch, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James G. McClure Dr. and Mrs. W. Jason McDaniel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Noel B. McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. John A. McLendon Dr. and Mrs. William W. McLendon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. McNeill Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Mesibov Mr. Stewart Messer Dr. Catherine H. Messick Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Meyer Dr. and Mrs. David K. Millward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Mincher Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. S. Ray Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Monahan Dr. Margaret L. Moore Dr. M. Andrew Morgan, Sr. and Mrs. Jennifer Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Morris Dr. Kenny J. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Murray III Dr. and Mrs. David B. Neeland Dr. and Mrs. Luther S. Nelson Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff Drs. Warren P. and Anna Newton Drs. Terry L. Noah and Margaret R. Helton Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Norwood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Oliver, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Opper Mr. Nathaniel Otis Owings Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pappas Mrs. John C. Parker Dr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Parker Dr. and Mrs. David R. Patterson Ms. Josephine Ward Patton Mr. John W. Peddycord Ms. Judy Pember Ms. Ann Petersen Dr. and Mrs. William B. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. William Parker Pope Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Powe Dr. William C. Powell Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson Preyer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Kirby Primm Mr. and Mrs. W. Trent Ragland, Jr. Mr. William G. Rand Mr. and Mrs. W. Kenan Rand, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. M. Barry Randall Drs. P. Gregory and Susan S. Rausch Dr. and Mrs. John J. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roif Drs. William L. Roper and Maryann Roper Dr. Constance D. Rothermel Dr. David R. Rubinow

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Seth A. Rudnick Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Ruziecki Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Bennett B. Sapp Ms. Denise Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Tobias Schifter Dr. Ronald P. Schwarz and Ms. Mina Levin Dr. and Mrs. Victor W. Sears, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Selden III Dr. and Mrs. Julian W. Selig, Jr. Dr. Brent A. Senior Drs. Norman E. and Julie L. Sharpless Dr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Sigmon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Siler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Silton Mr. and Mrs. John M. Silverstein Mr. Bob Smith Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Smith Mr. Robert Hill Smith Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smithwick II Mr. Tomoko Sorelyu Dr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Spangler, Jr. Mr. Edwin M. Speas and Ms. Debra W. Stewart Ms. Cheryl Staab Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Verner E. Stanley, Jr. Dr. Walter J. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stegman Mrs. Beverley L. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Norman V. Stockton III Dr. Gregory Strayhorn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Strickland, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stuart Dr. C. Raylon Surles, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John P. Surratt Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Swantkowski Ms. Catherine Talbert Dr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor Drs. Chris M. and Lillian M. Teigland Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Tomlinson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Torre Mrs. Diana A. Tufts Drs. Deborah L. Tussing and G. Williams Adams Mr. Tokio Uchiyama Mr. and Mrs. J. Steve Vanderwoude Mr. Jeffrey Vittert Mr. T. N. Walker Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wallenborn III Ms. Tina N. Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Weisiger Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Weisler Estate of James Allen Whitaker Ms. Barbara S. White Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. White II Mr. and Mrs. James G. Whitton Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Wilson Mr. Charles J. Wolfe and Ms. Sandra Roth Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wood Mrs. Marion G. Wren Dr. George Zahrebelski ABCOMM, Inc. Acushnet Affiliated Engineers, Inc. AGA Institute Akridge Family Foundation

American College of Rheumatology American Gastroenterological Association Andemeron Homes, Inc. Anglefix Tech, LLC Anonymous donor for The Cornucopia House Cancer Support Center Asheville Women’s Medical Center, PA Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corporation Astellas Pharma US, Inc. The Bama Companies, Inc. Bank of America Barnes & Powell Electrical Company, Inc. Tom Barnhardt Family Foundation, Inc. BEKO Technologies Corporation Bell Leadership George S. and Sally T. Blackwelder Foundation, Inc. Blue Capital Group, LLC The Nickolas Bunn Boddie, Sr. & Lucy Mayo Boddie Foundation BookMark My Word Boom Boston Scientific Corporation BP Corporation North America, Inc. Bruce Ford Brown Charitable Trust Brunswick Inter Prog Canata Family Foundation Cape Fear Valley Medical Center Cardinal Health Carolina Athletic Association Celgene Corporation Chapel Hill Ear, Nose & Throat Chapel Hill Restaurant Group Chatham Hospital, Inc. Citigroup/Smith Barney Classic Graphics ClubCorp International Coca-Cola USA Contemporary Services Corporation Cordis Corporation Cottage Management, Inc. Cotton Exchange Dick’s Sporting Goods The Dickson Foundation Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Company The Educational Foundation, Inc Edwards-Hobgood Foundation, Inc. Elan Pharmaceuticals Inc. Eurofins Medinet, Inc. Firefighters Burned Children Fund, Inc. — Charlotte First Citizens Bank Focus Technologies, Inc. Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Galloway Ridge at Fearrington Grace United Methodist Church Hanover Medical Specialists, PA Harris Incorporated of Durham HealthLogix Herman Miller for Healthcare, Inc. Hoke County Firefighters Association The Howard and Margie Coble Horney Foundation, Inc. Howard Center for Women’s Health HS Pharmaceuticals, LLC Roy A. Hunt Foundation ImClone Systems, Inc. Insulin Congress, LLC Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Jespersen & Associates, LLC Jim’s Famous BBQ


Michael Jordan Nissan Jordan Kuwait Bank Kenan-Flagler Business School Lilly Lincoln County Chapter Firefighters Burned Children Fund, Inc. Man Financial, Inc. McCain Foods USA, Inc. McEntire Produce, Inc. Thomas and Francis McGregor Foundation Meadowmont Development Co., LLC MeadWestvaco Healthcare Packaging The Medical Auxiliary of the UNC Hospitals MedImmune, Inc. Merrill Lynch/Wickham Cash Partners Mitchell Spas, Inc. Morgan Stanley Foundation Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital Murrill Foundation, Inc. NC Biotechnology Center Nevada CFS Foundation, Inc. North Carolina Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Northeast Foods, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Nulman Foundation Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ophthalmic Technology, Inc. Optimist Club of Chapel Hill Orange Cardiovascular Foundation Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, LLP Physicians World Porex Surgical, Inc. Clyde R. Potter Charitable Foundation Pozen Progress Software RadioShack Corporation Raleigh Jaycees, Inc. RBC Centura Bank, Chapel Hill Rex Healthcare Ride Again Productions Roanoke Valley Internal Medicine & Rheumatology PC RSVP Events S & D Coffee, Inc. Salisbury Community Foundation, Inc.


Santarus Scientific Therapeutics Information, Inc. Screenvision Sephora Shuford Insurance Agency, Inc. Sigma Sigma Sigma The Edward C. Smith, Jr. & Christopher B. Smith Foundation, Inc. Squid’s Sterling Commodities Corp. F. C. Stone, LLC Surgrx, Inc. Temporary Workers, Inc. Thalle Constructions Co., Inc. Top of the Hill Restaurant Triangle One, LLC TYCO Healthcare UNC Hospitals Volunteer Association The United Way of Tri-State Vical VZV Research Foundation, Inc. Wachovia Wealth Management The Martha Woodward Webb Foundation, Inc. West End Wine Bar Winston-Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. WNC Fire Life Safety Educators Association Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, PLLC Wren Foundation, Inc. $1,000–$1,999

Dr. and Mrs. Ira A. Abrahamson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Algary Dr. and Mrs. John G. Alley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Almond Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Andracchio II Dr. and Mrs. Richard Antonucci Mr. R. B. Arthur, Jr. Mr. Evan Ashkin Dr. George R. Avant Dr. Hilda H. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Stephens L. Baldwin, Jr. Mrs. Bianca L. Barbone Dr. Arnold B. Barefoot, Jr. Dr. Evelyn M. Bargmann

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Walter Barkey Mrs. Sterling Barrett Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Barron Dr. Robyn W. and Mr. Samuel M. Barst Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bashford Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Belk Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Bell III Dr. and Mrs. Craig R. Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bertram III Ms. Eleanor M. Best Dr. Barbara L. Bethea Mr. William F. Black Dr. William J. Blackley and Mrs. Sandie Barrie-Blackley Mrs. Lois J. Blackman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blanton, Jr. Ms. Becky F. Blaser Dr. Jean C. Bolan and Mr. John Peaslee Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boykin Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bradford, Jr. Dr. William S. Bradford Mr. Frederick L. Brancati Dr. and Mrs. James D. Branch Dr. and Mrs. Myron H. Brand Mr. and Mrs. R. Alfred Brand III Dr. Stanley Braverman Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Bream Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Brooks, Jr. Dr. N. Elaine Broskie Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Brown Dr. Toby L. Brown Dr. and Mrs. H. David Bruton Dr. and Mrs. James A. Bryan III Mr. Joseph M. Bryan, Jr. Dr. Helen H. Bryngelson Mr. Patrick Buckley Dr. and Mrs. Graham W. Bullard Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Bunce Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bundy Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Burgess Dr. Linda H. and Mr. Robert S. Butler Dr. Charles B. Cairns Dr. and Mrs. David W. Campbell Mr. William S. and Mrs. Georgia H. Campbell Drs. Grant L. Campbell and Anita Sharma Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Campbell

Dr. Jeffrey P. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Campion Mr. and Mrs. George Watts Carr III Dr. Jean W. and Mr. Michael P. Carter Drs. Michael J. and Michele R. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cashion Mr. and Mrs. George H. V. Cecil Dr. Louisa E. Chapman Dr. Mark D. Charlson Drs. Nancy C. and George M. Chescheir Dr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Chiavetta Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Chikes Mr. Warner Chilcott Dr. Charles J. Chung Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Chused Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Citron Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clark, Jr. Mrs. Evangeline H. Clark and Mr. Robert B. Clark, Jr. Dr. Herbert R. Clark Drs. Kathleen M. and Daniel L. Clarke-Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel E. Clement Dr. and Mrs. David R. Clemmons Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Clendenin Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cline Dr. John Lester Cloninger Dr. G. Robert Clutts Dr. David L. Cobb Mrs. Jane L. Cochrane Dr. Francis S. Collins Ms. Tammy Connelly Dr. Gerald E. Cooley Mr. and Mrs. James L. Copeland Dr. and Mrs. Rick J. Cornella Mr. and Mrs. John F. Corrigan Ms. Mary P. Corrigan Mr. Peter Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Cox Mrs. Nan Crawford Mr. Vincent Crescenzi Drs. David A. Crews and Elizabeth A. Eagle Dr. Takey Crist Dr. and Mrs. David L. Crosby Dr. and Mrs. David B. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. J. Slade Crumpton, Sr. Dr. Harry R. Culp


Mr. and Mrs. Tigh M. Cundieff Dr. and Mrs. Randall T. Curnow Mr. and Mrs. Neill A. Currie Dr. Roy L. Curry, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Cutchin Ms. Holly J. D’Addurno and Mr. Cliff Layman Mr. Rufus M. Dalton Ms. Patty F. Daniel Ms. Ellen Daniels Dr. Thomas C. Darrell Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. Daughtridge Dr. and Mrs. Allen J. Daugird Dr. Lochrane G. Davids Dr. Andrew Davidson Mr. Gordon H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stephen Davis Dr. W. Kent Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jared W. DeBruin Dr. Amy C. Degnim Dr. Barry T. Degregorio Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Denny Dr. Georgette A. Dent Dr. Marta L. Derieg Mr. Steve Detter Ms. Joanne DeVeaugh-Geiss Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Dibbert Dr. Cindy S. Dieringer Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Dill Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Dingeldein Ms. Lujia Dong Mrs. Virginia Pou Doughton Mrs. Nancy S. Dowdy Drs. Carrie A. Dow-Smith and Vincent C. Smith Drs. Amelia F. and Craig L. Drake Drs. Cynthia A. and Thomas M. Dreyer Dr. and Mrs. William Droegemueller Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Drossman Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Duff Ms. Jennifer T. Duncan Dr. John F. Dunn Dr. Thomas L. Duquette and Ms. Sherri R. Maxwell Dr. Lynley S. Durrett Dr. Meyer E. Dworsky and Ms. S. Revelle Gwyn Dr. and Mrs. H. Alexander Easley III Ms. Karen Goebel Easley Dr. Kevin O. Easley Dr. and Mrs. William E. Easterling, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George S. Edwards, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Edwards, Jr. Drs. Meica M. Efird and Douglas J. Wyland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elderkin Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Ellington Dr. and Mrs. C. O’Neil Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ellis Mr. and Mrs. David Emonson Dr. and Mrs. C. Allan Eure Dr. and Mrs. John P. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ewell, Jr. Drs. Matthew Ewend and Lisa Carey Mr. and Ian J. Ewing Dr. and Mrs. Samir M. Fakhry Mr. Ralph L. Falls, Jr. Dr. John K. Farrington Dr. and Mrs. Ofer Feder Dr. Steven Feldman and Ms. Leora Henkin Dr. and Mrs. F. Michael Fennegan Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ferguson Mr. Ian Ferguson Dr. Michael O. Ferguson


Ms. Christi Ferretti Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Fine Dr. Eli D. Finkelstein Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell E. Fisher Dr. Duane D. Fitch Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Force Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Foskey Ms. Jane L. Fouraker Mr. Michael E. Fox and Mrs. Missy Julian-Fox Mr. and Mrs. Mike C. Fox Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr. Dr. Edgar G. Gallagher, Jr. Dr. John M. Gambill Dr. William H. Gamble Drs. Herbert G. and Lynne C. Garrison Mr. M. Lee Garrison Mr. and Mrs. William E. Garwood Dr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Gaul, Jr. Mr. John F. Gaylord, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Gaylord Mr. Andrew Gibson Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gibson III Dr. Lisa A. Gillespie Dr. James P. Gills Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Ginsberg Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gittin Mr. and Mrs. P. Edwin Glass, Jr. Dr. Harold L. Godwin Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Goldberg Drs. Adam and Beth Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Goodman Mr. James A. Goodnight Dr. and Mrs. Joel S. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Gorham Mr. and Mrs. George D. Gornto Drs. Mark L. Graham III and Laneta Dorflinger Mr. Griff Graves Ms. Lauren P. Graves Dr. Frank B. Gray Dr. Karen W. and Mr. Stephen G. Green Dr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Green Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Green, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Greene Ms. Jean Greenfield Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Griffin, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marion W. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Todd F. Griffith Dr. and Mrs. Tommy B. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Claud M. Grigg Dr. George T. Grigsby, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Grossman Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Grubb, Jr. Mrs. Margaret O. Gulley Ms. Lora Gunn Dr. and Mrs. J. Grayson Hall Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Halperin Dr. Elizabeth H. and Mr. James D. Hamilton Drs. Billy A. F. Hammond and Liliana G. Visscher Dr. and Mrs. Alger V. Hamrick III Dr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Hamrick Dr. John E. Hanna Dr. Pamela G. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Hardison Dr. Mitchell D. and Mrs. Marianne Hardison Dr. Ronald P. Hargrave Mrs. Alice L. Harney Dr. and Mrs. James R. Harper Dr. and Mrs. James R. Harper, Jr.

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Drs. Charles O. and Dianne S. Harris Dr. and Mrs. Falls L. Harris Mrs. Gladys L. Hart and Mr. Bob Hart Dr. O. James Hart, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Hartrampf, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Gerard Hartzog III Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Haselden, Jr. Dr. J. Franklin Hatchett, Jr. Mr. Jerry Hatfield-Berrang Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Havunjian Dr. M. Linda Hawes and Mr. Richard K. Toomey Ms. Anna R. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. James W. Hayes III Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Heath, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. F. Christian Heaton Mrs. Allene B. Heilman Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Helman Dr. Sara Hendricks and Mr. Paul A. Sinal Mr. William S. Henry Dr. and Mrs. John C. Herion Drs. Leon W. Herndon, Jr. and Yolanda V. Scarlett Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hertzberg Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hicks Mrs. Anne G. Hill

Ms. Hulene Hill and Mr. Edwin Adkins Ms. Sara S. Hill Dr. Stephen T. Hill Dr. Michele A. Hines Dr. Ann E. Hiott Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hlavacek Mrs. Alfred L. Hobgood, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jack B. Hobson Dr. and Mrs. Julian Hoff Mr. Lowell N. Hoffman Dr. Toni D. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hogan Dr. Howard Holderness, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Holderness Dr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Holland Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hollingshead Dr. and Mrs. E. Carmack Holmes, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Holmgren Dr. Mary A. Hooks Dr. and Mrs. Axalla J. Hoole Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Houpt Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hudson, Jr. Mr. John Huff


Dr. and Mrs. M. Bradford Huggins Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Peter Hutchin Mr. and Mrs. John V. Hyer Dr. and Mrs. George L. Irvin III Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Jasmine Dr. Lydia M. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. A. Tyson Jennette Ms. Elizabeth D. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. George Johnson, Jr. Ms. Kay Alphin Johnson Dr. Marion C. Johnson Ms. Marjory W. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steven Jones Dr. Peter M. and Mrs. Rebecca A. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jordan Drs. Stuart H. and Sheryl G. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William R. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. David C. Joslin Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Kahler Dr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Kahn Dr. and Mrs. Hisashi Kajikuri Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kalman Drs. Konrad C. Kaltenborn and M. Catherine Schumacher Dr. Daniel M. Kaplan and Ms. Marian Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Kaplan Mr. E. L. Kelly Dr. William H. Kelly Mrs. Gina Kelton Ms. Carol H. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kennihan Mr. and Mrs. James Kerrigan Dr. W. Kirby Kilpatrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Kindley Dr. Kathryn P. and Mr. Douglas S. King Mr. Jerry Kirby and Mrs. Glenda Kirby Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kirkland, Jr. Dr. Marian S. Kirkman and Mr. John A. Krall Mr. James O. Kitchen Dr. W. Gerald Klingler Dr. Mark H. Knelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Knight, Jr. Mrs. Yvonne Knutson Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Kobs Dr. and Mrs. David W. Kohl Dr. James M. Komorous Dr. Frederick G. Kroncke, Jr. Dr. Steven Krumholz Drs. Jan A. Kylstra and Etta D. Pisano Mr. and Mrs. Graham G. Lacy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lakey Dr. Walter L. Lamar Dr. Eric T. Landis Dr. Hugh M. Lasch Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lauffenburger Mrs. Helen H. Laughery Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Leber Dr. David W. Lee Dr. and Mrs. H. Neill Lee, Jr. Dr. Michael Y. Lee and Dr. Christine E. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Gordon B. LeGrand Dr. and Mrs. George S. Leight Mr. and Mrs. Seymour M. Levin Dr. Stuart J. Levin and Ms. Sondra Panico


Dr. and Mrs. Richard V. Liles, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Lina Drs. B. Anthony and Julie N. Lindsey Mrs. E. H. Sayre Lineberger and Mr. Mike Tribble Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Littleton Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Livingston Dr. and Mrs. William L. London IV Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Longley Mrs. Mary C. Lovingood Ms. Sue W. Loy Dr. and Mrs. Warner J. Lucas Drs. John R. and Nell S. Lurain Ms. Elisabeth Lineberger Lyon and Dr. Peter Lyon Ms. Judith D. Lyon Dr. Saundra A. Maass-Robinson Mr. Thomas V. Mack Mr. Douglas MacLean Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Madry, Jr. Ms. Stephanie Malo Dr. and Mrs. J. Tift Mann III Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Mann Mrs. Betty B. Manning Dr. James E. Manning Dr. John T. Manning and Ms. Alessandra Ferrajoli Ms. Sally M. Marks Mr. and Mrs. James H. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Martindale Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Marx Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Massey, Jr. Dr. William F. Maule Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Maxwell Drs. David T. and Lisa L. May Drs. Robert and Carolyn M. Mayo Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. McAdams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. B. Palmer McArthur Mrs. Betty R. McCain Mr. John J. McCarthy Drs. Cheryl F. and William H. McCartney Dr. Steven K. McCombs Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McCoy Drs. Elizabeth S. and Stephen McCuin Dr. and Mrs. W. Benson McCutcheon, Jr. Dr. Edgar M. McGee Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. McKenzie Drs. James and Lee McLean Dr. Melissa M. McLeod Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. McMahan Ms. Jane M. McNeer Dr. Donald H. McQueen III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Messinger Mr. Ralph R. Miano Mr. Eric Miller and Mrs. Crystal Hinson Miller Drs. Paula F. and Stephen B. Miller Mr. Philip M. Miller Mr. Fred G. Mills Drs. Jacqueline H. and J. Whitman Mims Drs. Beverly S. Mitchell and John R. Pringle Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mitchell Dr. Glenn D. Moak Dr. Anupama Mohanram Drs. Kathy G. and Sanjib P. Mohanty Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Molina Dr. Stephan Moll Dr. Drew C. Monitto Dr. and Mrs. J. Thaddeus Monroe Dr. and Mrs. John L. Monroe Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Monson Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Montross

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Moore, Jr. Mr. Dominic T. Moore and Dr. Susan L. Hogan Dr. Michael A. Moore Dr. Thomas P. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. George M. Moorefield II Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Moretz Dr. Herman G. Morgan, Jr. and Ms. Denise T. Darden Dr. Peter L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moshier Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muir Mr. and Mrs. Ansel C. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Mumford Dr. Hugh G. Murray, Jr. Dr. Jane H. and Mr. Paul W. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Murray Dr. E. Paul Nance, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Ronald Neal Ms. Betty J. Neese and Mr. Perry Colwell Dr. and Mrs. John L. Nehil Dr. Julia K. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Neuer Mr. Richard G. Newell, Jr. and Ms. Bonnie E. Nevel Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nichols Mr. Nobuko Niizawa Ms. Lauren Brower Noble Mr. Isaac Northup Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Norwood Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Novak Dr. Lawrence R. Nycum Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. O’Briant Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Odom Dr. and Mrs. J. Wills Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. John O’Hara Dr. Stephen L. E. Okiye Mr. Michael D. Olander Dr. Nicklas B. E. Oldenburg and Mr. Paul D. Carter Dr. L. Christine Oliver Ms. Lucy Oliver and Mr. Thomas Rightmyer Dr. and Mrs. Dale W. Oller Dr. and Mrs. David W. Ollila Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Olson Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. O’Malley Dr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Orringer Dr. and Mrs. Duncan S. Owen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Owen Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Owens Dr. and Mrs. Russell G. Owens III Dr. Kathleen Gallagher Oxner Ms. Janet F. Pacejka Dr. Joseph S. Pagano Mr. and Mrs. William H. Page Mr. and Mrs. James R. Palermo Ms. Patricia G. Palmer Mr. Charles A. Pap Mr. Peter A. Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Park Dr. and Mrs. James C. Parke, Jr. Ms. Mabel M. Parker Dr. Gwenevere C. Parker-Anthony Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius T. Partrick Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Patterson Dr. and Mrs. Erle E. Peacock, Jr. Dr. David C. Pearce Dr. and Mrs. David B. Peden

Dr. Gerald Pelletier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Penton, Jr. Dr. J. Olin Perritt, Jr. Drs. Dwight D. Perry and Veronica J. Ray Ms. Mary A. Phifer Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Philips, Jr. Dr. Charles A. Speas Phillips Drs. Daniel L. Phillips and Patricia A. Leong Ms. Lynley Durrett Phillips Mrs. Sue S. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Carl S. Phipps Mrs. Joan M. Pickett Mr. George H. Pink Dr. H. Harris Pittman Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Pollard III Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Poole Ms. E. S. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Powell Mr. Harry W. Powell Mr. William T. Powell, Jr. Dr. Timothy A. Presnell Drs. Rildia J. and Douglas B. Pritchett Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Privette Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pulley Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Quackenbush Mr. Robert C. Quain Dr. David N. Quinn Mr. James Quinn Dr. Elizabeth V. Raft Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Ramberg Dr. Keith M. Ramsey Dr. Gregory D. Randolph and Ms. Janice Bryant Mr. and Mrs. David H. Rankin Dr. James S. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Reed Dr. Alton A. Reeder Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. John O. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynolds Dr. Alan M. Rich Dr. and Mrs. G. Irvin Richardson Mr. Marc N. Richman and Ms. Jessica D. Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Riddle Dr. Lambros C. Rigas Deborah Day Roach and Edgar M. Roach, Jr. Ms. Tula C. Robbins Dr. Lisa M. Roberts Mr. William T. Roberts, Jr. and Ms. Louise Lineberger Roberts Drs. Patricia K. and J. Gardiner Roddey, Jr. Dr. Grayson K. Rodgers Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Roller Dr. and Mrs. Julian Rosenman Mrs. Ellen Ross Dr. Elizabeth F. and Mr. Robert S. Rostan Dr. and Mrs. David M. Rubin Drs. Marschall S. and Susan R. Runge Dr. and Mrs. John W. Rusher Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Russell Mr. and Mrs. John S. Russell Ms. Sallie Shuping Russell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Russo Drs. Richard G. Saleeby, Jr. and Jackie A. Newlin-Saleeby Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sanderford, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George H. S. Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Balfour Sartor Dr. Masami Sasaki Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Saunders


Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sawyer III Dr. and Mrs. D. Emerson Scarborough, Jr. Mrs. Ann Schafstedde Dr. and Mrs. Joel E. Schneider Dr. John M. Schoffstall Mrs. Margaret D. Schopler Drs. M. Catherine Schumacher and Konrad C. Kaltenborn Mr. and Mrs. Pete Seagroves Dr. and Mrs. Alan Sechtin Dr. L. Carol Selsor Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Semble Drs. Nicholas J. and Amy W. Shaheen Dr. Ronald B. Shapiro Drs. Katherine M. and Thomas C. Shea Dr. and Mrs. George F. Sheldon Dr. and Mrs. G. Bradley Sherrill Dr. and Mrs. J. Allison Shivers Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Shumer Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sigmon, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Simmons Dr. William J. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Skolsky Mr. and Mrs. John E. Skvarla III Dr. Eugenia B. Smith Dr. John B. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith Dr. Susan T. Snider Dr. William D. Snider Dr. and Mrs. James W. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Solomon Dr. and Mrs. David H. Song Dr. Karen Campbell Sorrels and Mr. C. Benjamin Sorrels Dr. J. Mitchell Sorrow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Southern Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Spangler Dr. James P. Srebro Dr. and Mrs. Brian C. Stabler Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Stadler Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Stafford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Donald Stallings Mr. Morris Stanford Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stanley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stelling Dr. Sharon R. Stephenson and Mr. Charles Gordon Mr. Kevin Stepp Dr. and Mrs. C. Stephen Stinson Kitty and Bob Stockton Dr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Stone, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Strohm Dr. and Mrs. Williamson B. Strum Dr. and Mrs. S. Patrick Stuart, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William W. Stuck Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Summerlin, Jr. Mr. B. J. Surhoff Mr. and Mrs. W. Franklin Sutton Drs. Cathy Jo Wilson Swanson and Marc A. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Swon Dr. and Mrs. Stuart O. Tafeen Mrs. Annie B. Talbert Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tallaksen Dr. and Mrs. David T. Tayloe, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Tayloe Ms. Susan L. Taylor Drs. Nancy L. Teaff and J. Byron Walthall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Page Teer Dr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Tennant Dr. and Mrs. David Thomas


Dr. Frances R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. J. William Thompson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Thompson Dr. D. Cheryl Thorne Dr. and Mrs. James H. M. Thorp Dr. Robert L. Thorpe Dr. Judith E. Tintinalli Dr. Joseph Troise Dr. and Mrs. G. Reginald Tucker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed L. Unterberg Dr. Julian R. Vainright, Jr. Dr. Mary E. Van Bourgondien Drs. Charles M. Van Der Horst and Laura Svetkey Dr. J. Peter Van Dorsten Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Van Tassel Mr. and Mrs. Lane VanderHoek Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Vaughn Dr. and Mrs. William B. Veazey Dr. and Mrs. George C. Venters Mr. and Mrs. Bob Verheecke Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Viser Dr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Viser Drs. Liliana G. Visscher and Billy A. F. Hammond Dr. and Mrs. Daniel von Allmen Dr. and Mrs. William J. Waddell Drs. Deborah T. and L. Tyler Wadsworth III Dr. and Mrs. Richard I. Walker Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Warner Mr. and Mrs. David P. Washburn Drs. Daniel J. Wasser and Karen T. Randall Drs. James S. and Susan A. Watson Dr. Linda R. Watson and Mr. Joel Watson Mr. Thomas C. Watson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts Mr. Rod S. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Weill, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Weinel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Weisner Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Weissberg Mr. Max O. Welborn, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Earl P. Welch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Weller Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Y. Wernikoff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Westmoreland II Dr. and Mrs. Mack W. White III Dr. Mark W. White Dr. and Mrs. W. Wallace White Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Whitesides Ms. Barbara Wiedemann Mrs. Elizabeth K. Wilkerson Mr. Travis Wilkey Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Wilkins, Sr. Dr. David A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. L. Samuel Williams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Williams Mr. Robert C. Williams Dr. Roberta G. Williams Mr. Sam Williams Mr. and Mrs. T. Murray Williams Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Willson Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Peter S. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Virgil A. Wilson Mr. William W. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wing Dr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Wojnowich

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

Ms. Rita A. Wolfson Dr. John S. Won Dr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Woodard Dr. Wayne G. Woods Dr. Robin N. Wooten, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Worf Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wright Dr. Mary E. Zelenik Dr. Humayun I. Zeya Mr. T J. Zimmerman III Mr. and Mrs. Omar Zinn Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Zucker Acambis, Inc. Alexander’s of Chapel Hill, Inc. Alnis Biosciences, Inc. AlphaVax Human Vaccines, Inc. American Psychological Foundation Applied Biosystems The Marvin L. Baker Family Foundation, Inc. Bank of America – Raleigh Baptist Medical Center The Alben F. Bates & Clara G. Bates Foundation Irwin Belk Educational Foundation Bell Family Foundation Brown Brothers Plumbing & Heating Burroughs Wellcome Fund Daniel D. and Elizabeth H. Cameron Foundation, Inc. Canvas on Demand Carolina Donor Services Carolina Hurricanes Foundation, Inc. The Carolina Inn Carolina Parent Carolina Times Magazine Cary Jaycees Cedar Ridge, LLC

Celmol, Inc. Chambers, Inc. Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust Clermont Foundation Clinch Valley Physicians, Inc. Coastal Carolina Auto Truck Center Coastal Carolina Honda Coleman Huntoon Charamut & Brown, PLLC Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston Cooper Bussmann Craven County Fireman’s Association Relief Fund Cyberonics Cypress Capital Group The Dalton-Brand Foundation, Inc. The Lawrence & Sandra Davis Family Foundation, Inc. Department of Otolaryngology Diagnostic Physics, Inc. Ditch Witch of NC, Inc. Domino’s Pizza Elastic Therapy, Inc. Encore Orthopedics, Inc. James K. Ferguson Foundation Fitch Creations, Inc. The Franklin Hotel Genvec, Inc. GlobeImmune, Inc. Golden Corral Corporation Greater Dunn Jaycees Gwinnett Health System Gyrus North American Sales Corporation Head and Neck Associates of Bay County, PA Allene Broyhill Heilman Foundation, Inc. The Francis E. Henry Family Foundation The Home Team Edwin Hunter and Associates, Inc.


IBM Corporation Inspire Pharmaceuticals Iridex Corporation Jebaily Law Firm Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Jewish Foundation of Greensboro Julian’s Ladies Auxiliary of NC State Fireman’s Association Lexington OB/GYN PC Liquidia Technologies, Inc. Logo Bottle Water Company The Lookout Foundation James A. Lucas and Company, LLP Manpower Temporary Services Martin Marietta Materials McCotter Hotel Operations of Greenville, LLC Meadowmont Community Association, Inc. Medical Entrepreneurs II, Inc. Metro Magazine Metro Productions MHI Hotels, LLC Moondance Gallery Morehead Builders Supply Company Morningstar Mini Storage - Chapel Hill/Carrboro Mountain Area Health Education Foundation Mozaic Muth & Shapiro Nashville Fire District Auxillary National Basketball Association The National Christian Foundation National Fire Protection Association National Starch & Chemical Foundation,Inc. F. L. Nichols Drywall, Inc. North Carolina Magazine Northup & McConnell, PLLC Orange County Arts Commission Orange County Chiefs Association Palmetto Health Alliance Pappas Properties, LLC Z. V. Pate Foundation, Inc. Pearces Mill Firemans Club PHE, Inc. Guy B. Phillips Middle School Philpott Foundation, Inc.

Phoenix Physicians, LLC Piedmont Financial Trust Company Pine Needles Golf Club Prompte Software, LLC Rabbit’s Crossing Properties, Inc. O. H. Rankin Foundation The Rathskellar Riksfreningen Autism Utbildningscenter Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Scintellix, LLC Ted B. Seagroves Insurance Agency Shepherd Heathing & Air Conditioning, Inc. Smith Barney Charitable Trust, Inc. Solvay Pharmaceuticals Summit Productions Thomasville Jaycees Thompson Family Foundation TM Solutions, LLC Toleo Foundation Townsend Family Foundation TROSA Moving, Inc. Twelve Labours Foundation, Inc. UNC Department of Genetics UNC Department of Surgery UNC MTOP United Church of Chapel Hill University Directories University United Methodist Church vineyard vines Viser Family Fund, Inc. Wake Radiology Services Max Welborn Automobiles WhimZdoodle John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society Wilson Digestive Diseases Center, PA Wilson Foundation Winn Limited Partnership Winston Hotels, Inc. Xintek, Inc. York Simpson Underwood, LLC Z Designs Zinn Design Build

E ve ry e f f o rt ha s b e e n ma d e t o e n s u re t h e a c cu ra cy of th i s l i s ti n g . Sh ou l d th ere b e an e rro r, pl e a se bri n g i t t o o u r a t t e n t i o n b y ca lli n g o r wri ti n g to Th e Med i cal Fou n d ati on .


Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

t h e w . r e e c e b e rry h i l l s o c i e t y

Established in 2003 by The Medical Foundation of NC, Inc., the W. Reece Berryhill Society recognizes the dedication of individuals who contribute future gifts through their estate plans or other planned giving arrangements to the UNC School of Medicine or UNC Hospitals. The following donors were inducted as new members between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007. Mr. Martin E. Birnbaum and Ms. Roslyn G. Greenspon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Craver Mr. and Mrs. John W. C. Entwistle Mr. William A. Johnson Dr. Francis D. Pepper, Jr. Dr. R. Lee West



Board of Directors / The Medical Foundation of NC, Inc.

officers F. Neal Hunter Chair Anna S. “Candy” Shivers Vice Chair David B. Anderson President, Secretary Jane M. McNeer Assistant Secretary Joan D. DeBruin Treasurer

Executive Committee John W. Alexander Stuart O. Bondurant, M.D. George W. Cox, M.D. Richard T. Holderness F. Neal Hunter, Chair Hugh A. McAllister, Jr., M.D. Eric S. Montross Anna S. “Candy” Shivers, Vice-Chair

Ex Officio directors David B. Anderson President, The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. Gary L. Park President, UNC Hospitals William L. Roper, M.D., M.P.H. Dean, UNC School of Medicine

directors emeriti Arthur W. Clark Adelaide Holderness

Of Counsel Maria M. Lynch


board Members Term Expires 2007 Hoyt Q. Bailey Irwin Belk Stuart O. Bondurant, M.D. Hargrove Bowles III Frederick O. Bowman, Jr., M.D. Leopold I. Cohen J. Slade Crumpton, Sr. Vartan A. Davidian, Jr., M.D. H. Craig Dees, M.D. Stephen J. Dresnick, M.D. John W. C. Entwistle, Jr. Lee A. Henningsen Thomas R. Haber Nat T. Harris Virginia E. Hester F. Neal Hunter George S. Leight, M.D. Roland P. McClamroch, Jr. Sabra A. McNeill, M.D. Judith F. Mincher Wendell H. Murphy David R. Patterson, M.D. Hugh P. Perry Ann Lewallen Spencer Beverley L. Stevens John C. Strickland, Sr. Term Expires 2008 Joseph P. Archie, Jr., M.D. Frederic G. Dalldorf, M.D. Mary Susan Fulghum, M.D. Lisa Hazen A. L. Hobgood III Richard T. Holderness Hugh A. McAllister, Jr., M.D. Dina R. Mills Term Expires 2009 John W. Alexander George W. Cox, M.D. John W. Foust, M.D. Joan C. Huntley, M.D. Darlyne Menscer, M.D. Eric S. Montross Daniel D. Mosca Robert E. Sevier, M.D. Anna S. “Candy” Shivers

Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

staff David B. Anderson President Nicole Brancato Director of Donor Relations Edward L. Byrnes Director of Development Communications Joan D. DeBruin Vice President for Finance and Administration Greg Duyck Director of Major Gifts Holli Gall Director, Excellence Fund Director of Development Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Kyle Gray Director of Development Allied Health Sciences MaryAnne Gucciardi Director of Development Dept. of Family Medicine Annie Hager-Blunk Director of Development for Departmental Programs Scotti Harwood Director of Development Dept. of Psychiatry Jane M. McNeer Vice President, Director of Development Jason Moon Associate Director of Alumni Campaigns Loyalty Fund Randy Mounce Director of Development Thurston Arthritis Research Center Nicole Pratapas Director of Development Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehab/Orthopaedics Sandy Scarlett Director of Development Dept. of Ophthalmology Stephanie C. Stadler Director of Alumni Campaigns Loyalty Fund

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

Debbie C. Dibbert Director of External Affairs Vice President, The Medical Foundation of N.C., Inc. Leslie Nelson Assistant Director of Development for Major Gifts Alyson Newman Director of Development Services Mary Seagroves Special Events Coordinator Dianne Shaw Director of Communications Brad Wilson Assistant Director of Development for Annual Giving North Carolina Children’s Hospital

Crystal Hinson Miller Director of External Affairs and Communications Amanda Ballew Kids Cards Manager Danielle Bates Communications Manager Courtney Fancsali Annual Fund Coordinator Amanda McGovern Assistant Director of Development Mary Ollila Senior Development Director for Major Gifts

for more information

The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc. 880 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514-2600 919-966-1201 or 800-962-2543 report credits

Jake Wiltshire Director of Development Carolina Vaccine Institute

design : UNC-Chapel hill Design Services photography : brian strickland printing : HARPERPRINTS, INC.


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Annual Report of The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.

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