N a me S qua d Of f i c e r
[BAC 2015
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2015 Adventure Camp [Welcome]
[Camp Rules] [Officer’s Responsibilities] [Characters] [Officer’s Addresses] [Cooks] [Typical Day at BAC] [#Worship] [Campers’ Names and Addresses] [Teams] [Contacts]
[Quiet Time]
[Seminar Notes]
[Talk Notes and Discussion Questions]
14-15 29
Boys Adventure Camp 2015 It’s for men who want to learn to be men!
Hello and welcome to Boys Adventure Camp 2015 in Regent House Grammar School. We are based in Newtownards for a third year and are eager to make the most of the great facilities and our location in the County Down area of our wee country! We have a new leader this year in Steven McCollum, so make sure you do your best to help him take the reins. First of all, let’s give a big shout out and welcome to those joining us for the first time. We hope you get settled in and adjust soon to the week at BAC. You will soon see that there is not much hanging around in our tightly packed schedule, with activities planned everyday to keep you amused and hopefully to suit everyone’s taste. For those who have been here before, be nice and look out for the newcomers, we also hope that you will have another great week. You might have noticed already that our camp is themed on Mario Kart this year. Your squads are named after characters that are in the Mario Kart games! See what your character’s qualities and skills are on pages 6-8. Who is top trump? Your squad will be found on pages 14-15. Take a note of this as you will be in your squads for discussion groups, squad games and other activities during the week. Squad points are up for grabs and on the last night the points of each team will be read out with prizes available for the winners. Being at BAC requires lots of energy and it can hungry work at times. We are very grateful to have five great cooks to keep us well fed every day. Page 10 is where you will find out about the cook team. Our head cook is Heather Loughridge, assisted by Claire Wilson and three new cooks, Ellen Dundee, Anna McCollum and Nicola McCollum. Our aim for camp is two-fold. To make the camp as enjoyable as we can for each of you, and to see God working in your lives, so that if you are not a Christian, lead you to know Christ; and if you are a Christian, you will become a stronger 2
[BaC 2015 Every morning throughout the week will focus on a talk from the book of James. This is a part of the day the leaders view as very important and we hope these will be times that you will enjoy and learn from. We trust and pray that spending time in the book of James will be of real help to you in your Christian life and give you encouragement and help. There is space for you to write notes from the talks, on pages 16-27, and the Seminar on page 28. In the evenings after supper we have a worship time. During worship, leaders will be dissecting various hashtags to apply spiritual truths to our lives. See page 29 to find out about the worships. Finally, we hope you will have a great camp and enjoy the activities and become challenged by God’s Word.
Camp Rules To help us all enjoy camp together, here are some golden rules. Please follow them.
1 // Don’t interfere with the premises at all. Everything is expensive and others will be using it after us, so we will want to leave it the way we found it. 2 // If you damage or break something, report it immediately to an officer. 3 // Never leave the grounds. As long as you are at camp we are responsible for your safety and we must always know where you are. 4 // Anyone found in possession of illegal substances will be immediately sent home and the Police notified. 5 // Be punctual at all times. 6 // Orderly duties must be done by everyone. Full cooperation with your team leader is expected so that this work can be done as quickly as possible. 7 // All your spending money must be lodged in the camp bank. You will have access your money each day. Any money not in the bank is carried at your own risk. 8 // Make sure you abide by your parents’ wishes with regard to the activities that were selected on the application form. 9 // The kitchen is out of bounds at all times, unless you are on orderly duties.
[BAC 2015
Officer’s Responsibilities Find out who is in charge each task. Don’t hesitate to ask them a question if you are unsure about anything.
Team Boss
James and Michael
Matt and David
First Aid
James, David, Luke and Alastair
Nathan and Phil
Squad Games
Rob and Alastair
Morning Talks
Nathan, Alastair, David, Michael, Matthew,
Mark Seminars
Phil, Steven, Luke
Characters 1
4 6 8
9 7 10
13 11
[BAC 2015
Officer’s Names and Addresses Match the number to the face on the facing page.
3 Phil Aicken // *******************************************************
************************ 4 Gavin Blackwell // **************************************************
********************************************* 2 James Blair // **********************************************************
****************************************** 13 Michael Hawthorne // ********************************************************************
************************** 10 Nathan Hawthorne // ********************************************
************************************ 7 Andy Lynch // ****************************************************** 9 Robert McCaughan // ********************************************
************************ 1 Mark McCavery // **********************************************************
*********************************************** 8 Alastair McCollum // *********************************************
******************************* 12 Luke McCollum // *********************************
******************************************** 11 Steven McCollum // ************************************************
************************ 6 David McConaghie // *****************************************************
************************* 5 Matt Sampson // *****************************************
Cooks Meet the food mechanics.
Here are our five cooks. Make sure you remember to say PLEASE and THANKYOU when receiving your food. Appreciative eaters will make their job a bit easier!
Princess Peach
Toadette Nicola McCollum
Heather Loughridge
Rosalina Ellen Dundee
Princess Daisy Claire Wilson
Anna McCollum
[BAC 2015
Seminar Evening
Typical Day at BAC Times are not fixed!
8.15 am
8.50 am
Quiet Time
9.10 am
Dorm Inspection
9.30 am
Morning Talk
10.00 am
Book Stall and Tuck Shop
10.15 am
Squad Games
12.30 pm
1.30 pm
Afternoon Activity
5.30 pm
6.30 pm
Discussion Groups
7.30 pm
Evening Activity
10.00 pm
10.20 pm
11.00 pm
Lights out
[BaC 2015
Evening Worship #hastags #worship
Each evening we will looking at the social media phenomenon of HASHTAGS...#awesome! They are all over your social media news feed and can be used to express emotion or emphasise a joke. But what should our Christian response be to these expressions and are there certain things we can learn from them? Listen in to the worship times after supper to find out.
[Saturday >> Gavin]
[Sunday >> Rob] [Monday >> James]
[Tuesday >> Steven] [Wednesday >> Rob]
[Thursday >> Gav] [Friday >> James]
#followme #selfie #throwbackthursday 11
Matthew Atkinson
Matthew Barr
James Blair
Stephen Greer
James Heggarty
Timothy Hunter
Thomas Jemphrey
Tom Lowry
Johnathan Lynn
Adam McCaughan
Matthew McCluggage
Dylan Duff
Thomas Clark
Joel Armstrong
Taylor Allen-Moore *********************************************************
Campers’ Names and Addresses
Daniel McConaghie
David McConaghy
Matthew McCurdy
Callum McCurry
Oisin McDonnell
Craig McKeeman
Andrew McLean
Aaron McPeake
Nathan Nelson
Curtis Pollock
Kelsie Stewart
Ben Thompson ************************************************
Calvin Quigley
Jason McPeake
Daniel McCollum
[BAC 2015
ready...Set.....Go Go Go!
Bowser Chief Engineer: Matt Sampson Racers: Ross Fallows, Jason McPeake, David McConaghy, Calvin Quigley
Chief Engineer: Mark
McCavery Racers: Stephen Greer, Craig McKeeman, Tom Lowry, Matthew Atkinson
Koopa Chief Engineers: Nathan Hawthorne and Gavin Blackwell Racers: Adam McCaughan, Taylor AllenMoore, Curtis Pollock, Callum McCurry
Wario Chief Engineer: Luke McCollum Racers: Joel Wallace, Luke Pollock, Dylan Duff, James Blair 14
[BaC 2015
Chief Engineer: Phil Aicken Racers: Andrew McLean, Daniel McCollum, Joel McNeill, John Boyd
Chief Engineer: Michael Hawthorne
Racers: Sam Dowey, Johnathan Lynn, Joel Stewart, Timothy Hunter
Chief Engineer: Alastair McCollum Racers: Thomas Clark, Matthew McCluggage, Thomas Jemphrey, Kelsie Stewart
Donkey Kong
Chief Engineer: James Blair and Rob McCaughan Racers: Daniel McConaghie, Oisin McDonnell, Aaron McPeake, Matthew McCurdy, Joel Armstrong
Chief Engineer: David McConaghie
Racers: James Heggarty, Matthew Barr, Nathan Nelson, Ben Thompson 15
Talk 1 - Saturday 1st August - Nathan
Perseverance James 1 v 1-12
[BAC 2015 Talk 1 - Discussion Questions
1. What potential do most of the people in our church have?
2. What barriers do those people face which means they can’t move forward in their Christian life?
3. What sort of female temptation do we face regularly? (Advertising, TV, parties etc)
4. How would you overcome those female temptations to ensure you don’t sin?
5. How are women treated in today’s society?
6. How did Christ treat women in the bible?
7. How does he tell us to treat women? What are the main differences in what we do and what Christ did?
Talk 2 - Monday 3rd August - Alastair
Hearing and Doing James 1 v 19-27
[BAC 2015 Talk 2 - Discussion Questions
Hearing and Doing
1. James opens with words of advice in vs. 19, ‘quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger’. Can you give an example of whenever we do the opposite of each these words very easily?
e.g. “I am slow to hear when..., I am quick to speak whenever I..., I
am quick to anger when…..” 2. What does James tell us to ‘put away’? What does James then tell us to ‘receive’? Discuss in your groups why you think these instructions are in this order. 3. What does James say is able to ‘save your souls’? Why do you think it should be received with meekness? In today’s culture for teenage boys, is it easy to be ‘meek’? 4. James says that those who ‘only hear the word’ are deceiving themselves. Can you discuss everyday examples from your life when we can deceive ourselves? Think about your attitude to: sin/salvation/church/witnessing. 5. Read vs. 23-24 again: James uses an illustration to show what people are like who only hear but don’t do. What does this say about how we respond to the word of God? When can we very easily be only ‘hearers’? (Think about: after your quiet time/ after a church service). 6. What does James reveal about a ‘doer who acts’? James say that we must ‘persevere’ in this, when will it be hard to be a doer of the Word of God? 7. Discuss the words of vs. 26-27: What do you think of your religion/faith? What does God value as faith that is pure? How will you work this out in your own life?
Talk 3 - Tuesday 4th August - David
Favouritism James 2 v 1-26
[BAC 2015 Talk 3 - Discussion Questions
1. Why is it wrong to show favouritism?
2. Could the story in v 2-3 tells ever happen in our churches?
3. What are some ways we can show favouritism? What sorts of things do we judge people on?
4. Does God show favouritism? (See also Romans 2 v 11, Ephesians 6 v 9, Luke 14 v 22)
Talk 4 - Wednesday 5th August - Michael
Taming the Tongue James 3 v 1-18
[BAC 2015 Talk 4 - Discussion Questions
Taming the Tongue
Talk 5 - Thurday 6th August - Matt
Worldliness James 4 v 1-12
[BAC 2015 Talk 5 - Discussion Questions
Talk 6 - Friday 7th August - Mark
Boasting James 4 v 13-17
[BAC 2015 Talk 6 - Discussion Questions
1. What do you think boasting is?
2. What are the different ways people boast?
3. What sort of things do people boast about?
4. Do christians boast about these things? Have you ever been around a christian who boasts about their faith? What does God think about that?
5. Why is it important to stop boasting?
6. How do we stop boasting?
7. What should a Christian boast about and why?
8. What helpful techniques do you use to boast about Christ? How does Gods grace help you become more humble?
Contacts Space for noting down your friends’ digits.
[BAC 2015
Quiet Times The daily quiet time is an opportunity for you to read your bible and pray. Here are some steps you can take to help you in your quiet time:
1 // Ask God to help you learn more about him. 2 // Read a small portion of the Bible and think about what it means and how it applies to you - Is there something for you to learn about God? 3 // Make use of daily Bible notes suited for young people your age. 4 // Keep a notebook and write in it what you are leaning and things that you want to remember. 5 // Pray about what you have learnt and about other things too. You could use the same notebook from point no.4 as somewhere to write down things or people that you want to pray for.
If you do not have any Bible reading notes at home, this would be a good week to take a look in the bookstall for some options.