Redwood Design - identity portfolio - 2013

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Published 2013

Redwood designers are dedicated to the craft of creating authentic and unique logos. T he pages to follow include a selection of start up companies for which we have conceptualised a new name and then designed the logo.

“ The name is a barb on which brand is hooked in the prospect’s mind. In the coliseum of brands the single most important decision to make is what to name the business or product.

Dive gear and accesories | Consumer brand


“ Names that worked in the past won’t necessarily work now or in the future. In the past there were fewer products, when the

volume of communication was much lower.

Sock designer and manufacturer | Business to business brand

“ A brand should strive to own a word in the mind of the consumer. � Al and Laura Reis

Digital movie making company | Business to business brand

“ A brand name is more than a word. It is the beginning of a conversation.� Lexicon

Residential development in District Six, Cape Town | Consumer Brand

“ A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment.� Scott Talgo

Coffee station concept store, London, UK | Consumer Brand

“ Branding is about creating focus and clarity. Learn from Apple: take a risk, bite off more than you can chew, b ut resist the


tempatation of trying to be all things to a ll people. Perry Chua

I n t e g ra te d fi na nc i a l s e rvi ces | Consumer B rand

“ An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or


service. Daniel J. Boorstin

Ev e n t M a n a g e m e nt | Bus i ne s s t o business B rand

“ Create your own visual style... let it be unique f or yourself and yet identifiable for others.� Orson Welles

F in a n c ia l Pa rtne r Se rvi c e s | Business to business brand

“ Create your own visual style... let it be unique f or yourself and yet identifiable for others.� Orson Welles

I n - ma l l f oodm a rke t | Cons um e r products

What are you going to call it?

Don’t look to the past for guidance and pick the name of a French car driver (Chevrolet) or the daughter of your Paris representative (Mercedes). Make an appointment to come and talk to us. You will more than likley find it will be worth it.

“ Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.� Walter Landor

P e t G e a r and Ac c e s s ori e s | Consumer products

“ Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.� Orson Welles

J e we l l e r | Re ta i l a nd c ons um e r products

“ You’re just anybody without an identity. ”Grenville Main

P r o f e s s io na l Softw a re D e ve loper | B usiness to business sof tware solutio


“ An identity is not just a logo. It’s a carefully crafted, unique piece of restructured typography (not just a computer font) combined in the right way with an illustrated iconic symbol that in essence

opitimises the product or service. Rob Wright

B a b y Spa | Cons um e r s e rvi c e

“ Do something worth remembering!� Elvis Presley

I n v e s t m e nt Se rvi c e s | Cons um er and business serv ices

“ The best way to have an idea is to have a lot of ideas.� Linus Pauling

H o me c in e m a a nd a utom a ti on | Consumer and commercial

“ If a business does not have the time and funds to create brand from the outset, it will later have to find the time


and a bigger budget to start again? Rob Wright

Tr a il A d v e nture Ra c e | Cons um er ev ent

“An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile


of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

Daniel J. Boorstin

M e mb e r s h i p- ba s e d org a ni s a ti on | B usiness to business

“ The logo should look just as good in 15-foot letters on top of company headquarters as it does one sixteenth


of an inch tall on company stationery. Steven Gilliatt

Te l e c o mm uni c a ti ons a nd O ffi c e Automation | B usiness products

“ If you can, be first. If you can’t be first, create a new category in which you

can be first. Al Ries & Jack Trout

O n l in e P e t s tore | P roduc ts for pets

“ Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design


is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated. Paul Rand

O c e a n G o i ng Ca ta m a ra n | Ex treme adv entures

“ A business based on a brand is, very simply, a business primed for success.” David F. D’Alessandro

Tr a in in g o u tfi ts for w om e n | Co nsumer retail clothing

“ A camel is a horse designed by a commitee.� Alec Issigonis

F u n d M a n a g e rs | Cons um e r a nd corporate f inancial management

“ Design is not just what it looks and feels like. It’s how it works.” Steve Jobs

P h y s ic a l As s e t Ma na g e m e nt Co mpany | B usiness to business brand

“ The design process harnesses intuition. Like an iceberg there’s so much more to our thinking than we can see. � @billmoggridge

I n v e s t m e nt Ma na g e m e nt | Consumer and corporate f inancial serv ices

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