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FINAL MAJOR PROJECT STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Robyn Russell Blog Address: http://r-russell0912fmp.blogspot.com/

Rationale An investigation into branding and the elements within it, with a focus on the printed outcomes with regards to finishing and aesthetics. With my practice I want to explore the relationship between branding and the consumer, using the knowledge accumulated from my dissertation to inform my design decisions. Within this I want to explore the relationship between type and image, as well as printed media and finishes. It is important for me to explore the importance of print from the start of a job to finish, therefore looking into; stocks, costing, budgeting etc. My decisions will focus around printed media and the finishes applied, however I will also consider the potential in additional media such as web and screen based technology. Throughout this I will be furthering my knowledge in my chosen areas by researching studios and designers that interest me, through visits and interviews. As well as keeping informed through publications and web media. Subjects / Themes SUBJECTS: - Branding - Fashion Branding - Retail Branding - Corporate Branding - Brand Guidelines - Logo Design - Print Finishes - Print media (stocks) - Annual reports - Packaging – Food, Clothing, Product - Re-Branding

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