March 16 - 22, 2016 - CITY Newspaper

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‘Mockingbird’ let Robinson character down

I remember reading a plain, black-and-white sign beside the ushers: During tonight’s performance, a gun will fire into the audience. I thought, “This is going to be good.” I sat and clapped through the closing curtain of Geva Theatre’s “To Kill a Mockingbird,” beside my mother who also sat. The crowd stood. I laud artistic director Mark Cuddy’s nod at tying today’s societal atrocities to a small, 1930’s Southern town riddled with racism. A chorus of teens wearing gray hoodies, hoods up and stoic at the play’s opening strikingly alludes to Trayvon Martin, whose overwhelmingly unjust case resounds in subsequent tragic patterns. Slogans like, “Don’t Shoot,” or “I Can’t Breathe,” may well be written on those hoodies. Cuddy’s use of them stands alone. I commend this. But I cannot stand for this performance. Where is Tom Robinson in all of it? Where is the action for Lorenzo Parnell, the actor who plays him? In this production, Robinson’s manhood is communicated and conveyed solely through Atticus Finch. There is no place for that in a modern interpretation. At least show us Tom Robinson when he is in jail, powerless over his fate when the lynch mob arrives. Let Parnell act. Let Robinson show us his humanity, his fear. 2 CITY

MARCH 16-22, 2016

Otherwise Tom Robinson is one-dimensional; a puppy that was drowned. When his agency is conveyed and empowered solely through Atticus, who stays alive and well, we don’t have to feel too much when the man, himself, is murdered. Which brings me back to the original observation. I heard the shotgun being cocked. I saw it being aimed. I jumped out of my seat when it fired. It was terrifying. This is a powerful statement. The mad dog scene, which symbolizes so much, deserves that. So where was the shotgun when Atticus tells us about Tom being shot? Why isn’t Parnell running for his life in front of us? Racism is not about platitudes; it’s about real and raw emotion with scenes for the actors who capture this. Consumerism can be activism. But please do not confuse the two when you see this production. For therein lies the true danger. BARBARA ELLEN WILCOX

Support for a dog park

It’d be awesome to have this happen (“City dog park tryout could happen this spring,” March 9). I get tired of A-holes

letting their dogs off leash at Genny Valley Park and then their dogs run up to my super aggressive ankle biter. I really shouldn’t have to worry about my dog biting some other dog’s face while I’m out for a casual walk. ERIC MALONEY

Will miss Craft Service

My father used to take me to the shop when I was a little kid! He bought leather for making belts and I loved looking at all the craft supplies. I’m sure that we found plenty of things for all the projects we used to do at home since arts and crafts were a constant activity for us when we were growing up. I’m sorry to see it go. PAMELA FRAME

News. Music. Life. Greater Rochester’s Alternative Newsweekly March 16-22, 2016 Vol 45 No 28 250 North Goodman Street Rochester, New York 14607-1199 phone (585) 244-3329 fax (585) 244-1126 On the cover: Photograph by Frank De Blase Design by Ryan Williamson Publishers: William and Mary Anna Towler Editor: Mary Anna Towler General manager: Matt Walsh Editorial department Arts & entertainment editor: Jake Clapp News editor: Christine Carrie Fien Staff writers: Tim Louis Macaluso, Jeremy Moule Arts & entertainment staff writer: Rebecca Rafferty Music writer: Frank De Blase Calendar editor: Antoinette Ena Johnson Contributing writers: Casey Carlsen, Roman Divezur, Laura Rebecca Kenyon, Andy Klingenberger, Dave LaBarge, Kathy Laluk, Adam Lubitow, Nicole Milano, Ron Netsky, David Raymond Art department Art director/Production manager: Ryan Williamson Designers: Aubrey Berardini, Mark Chamberlin Photographers: Mark Chamberlin, Frank De Blase, John Schlia Advertising department New sales development: Betsy Matthews Account executives: Christine Kubarycz, Sarah McHugh, William Towler, David White Classified sales representatives: Christine Kubarycz, Tracey Mykins Operations/Circulation Circulation manager: Katherine Stathis Distribution: Andy DiCiaccio, David Riccioni, Northstar Delivery City Newspaper is available free of charge. Additional copies of the current issue may be purchased for $1 each at the City Newspaper office. City Newspaper may be distributed only by authorized distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of City Newspaper, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. City (ISSN 1551-3262) is published weekly by WMT Publications, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Rochester, NY (USPS 022-138). Address changes: City, 250 North Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14607. Member of the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies and the New York Press Association. Annual subscriptions: $35 ($30 senior citizens); add $10 for out-of-state subscriptions. Refunds for fewer than ten months cannot be issued. Copyright by WMT Publications Inc., 2016 - all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without permission of the copyright owner.


The Corner Store attack This is the picture of ethnic hatred in America: A young white man, in a hooded sweatshirt, sneaks up to a small neighborhood store in the dead of night and spray-paints an obscenity and racist message on it. When cars approach, he darts behind a shed to hide, then runs back out to spray more words. Back to the shed. Back to the store. And then he scurries away. Anonymous, hurtful hatred. Captured by a surveillance video camera. This particular eruption of pestilence took place in the Neighborhood of the Arts, home of this publication, three museums, a public school, a theater, numerous galleries and studios, restaurants, apartments…. It is a lively, welcoming place, where architects and auto repair specialists, weavers and stylists, bakers and photographers, movers and actors and writers work, where a craft brewery is putting down roots and a wonderful variety of people live: young, old, affluent, low-income. The urban, eclectic nature of our little piece of Rochester is fostering tremendous growth. It is a great neighborhood, and it makes me happy just to wander up and down its streets. And in the dark of night one night last week, somebody lashed out at one of our neighbors, hurting him, and shocking us all. I can’t get the image of this young man out of my mind. And I can’t help but think that he lives in the neighborhood. How else would he even know the Corner Store exists, let alone that it’s run by men with Arab names? I wish I knew who this spray painter is, and why he did what he did. Why he hates people he thinks are different from him. I’d love to know where this hatred came from. And I’d love to know what any of us could do to change his mind. Because this young man, spraypainting his hatred in our neighborhood in the dark of night, scurrying away when he was satisfied with what he had done, represents a part of this region and a part of this country that we need to come to grips with. And I’m not sure we know how to do that. We have two major efforts under way right now to address the problem of ethnic hatred: The D&C’s Unite Rochester and the YWCA’s Stand Against Racism. Both are important, educating us and encouraging us to try to reduce distrust and prejudice. But how do we reach someone like the young man who sprayed hate onto the wall of the Corner Store?

In the dark of night last week, somebody lashed out at one of our neighbors, hurting him, and shocking us all.”

Some of us may be tempted to say that the attack on the Corner Store is inspired by the vitriol Donald Trump is voicing in his campaign. But this kind of hatred existed long before Donald Trump. It’s not a Republican thing. It’s part of the American fabric – and the French fabric, the Norwegian fabric, the African fabric. Tragically, it’s human nature. Weirdly, as I was writing this on Saturday, my residential neighborhood – a few blocks away from the Corner Store – was awash in young white people wearing green, partying to celebrate… the Irish! Who not that many years ago were themselves the object of vicious hatred. We’ve put that behind us, I guess (at least enough to celebrate this part of our melting pot one day a year). Maybe some day we’ll overcome the racism that continues to thrive, in Rochester and around the country. But we have a really, really long way to go. You would think that by now, this nation of immigrants and native people would be celebrating our diversity, not fearing it, and making sure that everyone in the country is able to take advantage of the enormous foundation our forebears created. But as we saw in the Neighborhood of the Arts last week, and as we’re seeing in the presidential campaign, many Americans want us to be a nation populated only by white Western European immigrants’ descendants. And a man who could very well become president is now their spokesman.



Pols want action on Lake Avenue

Recent accidents on Lake Avenue have representatives of the northwest section of the city calling for stepped-up enforcement of traffic and safety laws in the area. City Council member Molly Clifford and County Legislator Cynthia Kaleh also want a review of traffic features on Lake and for officials to mount a public service campaign focused on pedestrian safety.

Integrity office approved

The County Legislature passed a measure to create a county public integrity office. The office will examine county operations, including the operations and finances of individual departments, and will also investigate residents’ complaints and offer recommendations to improve county finances and operations.

Plumbum conundrum

The Brighton school district found elevated lead levels in water from eight fixtures distributed across district buildings. The district disconnected the problem fixtures and hired an environmental consulting firm to continue monitoring its water system. Senator Chuck


Schumer is pushing a bill that would provide districts money to test the water from their fixtures.


RCSD managers get big severances

Three former top tier managers received hefty severance packages from the Rochester school district: former chief of staff Patty Malgieri, CFO Bill Ansbrow, and general counsel Ed Lopez-Soto. Ansbrow is also entitled to ongoing medical and dental benefits.

Investor warns of possible B&L sale

Valeant Pharmaceuticals could sell part of Bausch and Lomb to cut down its debt, according to media reports. Valeant bought Bausch and Lomb for $8.7 billion in 2013.

Anthony Costello dies

Developer Anthony J. Costello has died. His firm, Anthony J. Costello & Son Development, most recently advanced a pair of projects along the Erie Canal, CityGate and The Reserve, located in Rochester and Brighton, respectively. In his earlier years as a developer, Costello built Clinton Crossings Medical Center and US Airports, which provides hangar and runway space to companies.

MARCH 16-22, 2016

The Seneca Park Zoo is working with the State Department of Transportation to protect monarch butterfly habitat, especially milkweed, along a stretch of I-390 near Mt. Morris. PROVIDED PHOTO ENVIRONMENT | BY JEREMY MOULE

Zoo, state partner on butterfly conservation The monarch butterfly needs help. Pollinators such as bees and butterflies are struggling, and scientists blame habitat loss and increased pesticide use. But monarchs are in full-on decline. The monarchs migrate to Mexico each fall, but the number wintering there has decreased by 90 percent over the past 20 years. The Seneca Park Zoo has attacked the habitat side of the problem for over a decade through its Butterfly Beltway project, working with institutions, schools, and gardeners to establish butterfly gardens. Now, it’s partnering with the State Department of Transportation to expand the program.

The focus of the partnerships is milkweed, a native plant that is crucial to monarchs, since their caterpillars live, mature, and feed on it. The plant often grows along New York’s highways, but the DOT usually mows it down in the late summer or early fall, before the seed pods are ready for dispersal and before the monarchs migrate, says Tom Snyder, the zoo’s director of programming and conservation action. The zoo and the DOT will try a different approach on a six-mile stretch of I-390 near Mt. Morris this year. The state will wait an extra few weeks to mow the roadsides,

which will let the seed pods mature. Mowing them at that point will actually help spread the seeds, Snyder says, and will provide zoo volunteers a chance to pick some mature pods for planting. The zoo will also install educational signs at a nearby rest stop to let people know about the importance of milkweed, and to encourage them to plant butterflyfriendly plants, says Pamela Reed Sanchez, executive director of the Seneca Park Zoo Society. “It’s all about encouraging people to act on their own,” she says.


County officials and civil liberties advocates have long argued that the state should pay for New York’s indigent legal services, and the state would reimburse counties for those costs under legislation pending in the Assembly and Senate. The legislation would phase in the state’s obligation over four years.


Bills seek public defense funding New York has a patchwork system for providing defense attorneys for poor people charged with crimes. Some counties hire attorneys in private practice to represent the clients, though at far below their usual rates, while the larger counties have their own staffs of full-time public defenders, whose caseloads are often far heavier than they should be. This is the way that indigent legal defense has been handled in New York for decades, even before the Supreme Court handed down its 1963 Gideon v. Wainwright decision, which required states to provide legal representation for poor people accused of crimes. New York’s leaders shoved the responsibility down to counties and stuck them with the bills. County officials and civil liberties advocates have long argued that the state should pay for New York’s indigent legal services, and the state would reimburse counties for those costs under legislation pending in the Assembly and Senate. The legislation would phase in the state’s obligation over four years. The New York Association of Counties supports the concept and wants a plan included in the state’s 2016-17 budget, which is currently under negotiation in the Legislature. The New York Civil

Liberties Union has also spoken in support. The legislation would remove a significant expense from county budgets, which would help the governments stay under the state-imposed property tax cap, says NYSAC deputy director Mark LaVigne. Monroe County spends approximately $12 million Tim Donaher FILE PHOTO a year on indigent defense services, Public Defender Tim Donaher says. The Right now, indigent defense services county budgeted $7.6 million for the in five Upstate counties — Ontario, Public Defender’s Office in 2016, he says, Onondaga, Schuyler, Suffolk, and and another $4 million for the Conflict Washington — already operate under those Defender’s Office and the assigned counsel rules and their public defense systems are program. funded by the state. The arrangement is the The legislation would also improve result of a class action lawsuit over indigent indigent defense services, LaVigne defense in those counties, which the state and Donaher say. The bills require the settled in 2014. state to implement caseload caps for “It is the state’s ultimate responsibility public defenders, ensure that qualifying to ensure that across New York State, the defendants have legal representation justice system is a quality justice system at their first court appearances, and that isn’t dependent upon which counties generally improve the quality of are receiving which state funding,” representation, they say. Donaher says.

County wants Bersin to pay Monroe County officials are seeking a court judgement of more than $814,000 against Medley Centre’s former owner, Bersin Properties. The request stems from a tax incentive agreement between the dead mall’s owner and the Monroe County Industrial Development Agency, Monroe County, the Town of Irondequoit, and the East Irondequoit school district. Bersin failed to make agreed-upon payments to the governments, which led COMIDA to terminate the agreement, and the governments to seek repayment of the back taxes. State Supreme Court Justice Matthew Rosenbaum ruled that the developer owed the money to the county, but asked for the governments to calculate what, specifically, they’re owed. (The amount includes attorney fees, interest, and other costs.) The town and school district haven’t announced any filings of their own, but with a lot of money at stake, their requests are surely in the works. The Irondequoit mall was sold at a January auction by the Monroe County Sheriff ’s Office to Angelo Ingrassia for $100,000. Ingrassia, former owner of Irondequoit Dodge, was the auction’s sold bidder. He hasn’t announced plans for the Medley property yet.

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Hidden history: An RIT professor helps recover ancient texts SCIENCE | BY CHRISTINE CARRIE FIEN


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If the revolutionary knowledge contained in works by legendary Greek mathematician Archimedes had been available earlier, many scholars say, it could’ve altered the course of modern science. Instead, the works disappeared into a void for about 1,000 years. The newly recovered works show, among other things, that Archimedes anticipated calculus, the basis for modern engineering and science, by nearly 2,000 years. “We could’ve been on Mars today,” says Chris Rorres, professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania, in a PBS documentary. “We could’ve accomplished things that people are predicting will happen a century from now.” Archimedes lived in the third century B.C. These seven treatises were scraped, overwritten, and turned into a prayer book by 13th century monks. That was common practice, and manuscripts like these are called palimpsests. A fuller but still incomplete understanding of the Archimedes palimpsest came after the extremely deteriorated and damaged work was auctioned for $2 million to an anonymous bidder in 1998. The palimpsest subsequently underwent an extensive study led by imaging science professor Roger Easton and his team at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Exhaustive work on the palimpsest since then has led to recovery of about 80 percent of the text, including a previously unknown thirdcentury commentary on a work by Aristotle. The Archimedes project led to the start of an initiative to uncover and preserve works around the world that are threatened by political strife, age, the environment, and other factors. Easton and his team, which includes RIT students and colleagues worldwide, have worked on Thomas Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence, for example, palimpsests at St. Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai in Egypt, and the African diaries of David Livingston. “Livingston kept very detailed diaries,” Easton says, “but he ran out of paper and ink out in the African jungle, so he used printed newspapers and berry juice. So he wrote it and the juice immediately faded.” Some doubted that the team could salvage the writing, he says, but they’ve had very good luck with it. Easton’s workspace in the basement of

RIT’s Carlson Center of Imaging Science is an explosion of machinery, parts, and wires; it looks like a giant robot fell apart in 6 CITY

MARCH 16-22, 2016

RIT Professor Roger Easton looks over a manuscript in his basement workspace in the college’s Carlson Center of Imaging Science. PHOTO BY JOSH SAUNDERS

the large, windowless room. Easton is lively and engaging. He talks fast and throws out partial names and bits of stories in a way that makes you feel like you’ve joined a complicated movie two-thirds of the way through. “We’re looking, typically, for text that’s been erased,” he says. “The text is often very difficult to see to the untrained eye.” The process is called multispectral imaging. The manuscript being examined is photographed using different wavelengths of light, including some that are invisible to the human eye. The scientists look for the combination of images that best brings out the text they want to see. Professor Roger Easton. PHOTO BY JOSH SAUNDERS “We adopted it from military and environmental nonprofit Lazarus Project brings the technology studies, remote sensing,” Easton says. “You fly an airplane over, you take a picture to smaller institutions and individual researchers at little to no cost. in different colors of light, you figure out: ‘OK, Being associated with an educational this is where the crops need water, and there institution works out well, Easton says, they’re fine.’” because students can be trained in both the It’s important not to harm the original technical and historical aspects of the work, manuscripts, he says, so that future scientists putting more people out there imaging with even better technology can examine them. and processing the staggering number of The initiative that coalesced as a result of the texts that need it. A survey of European work on the Archimedes palimpsest is called research libraries revealed that a minimum The Lazarus Project, which is the vision of of 60,000 manuscripts from before the year former medieval scholar and teacher Gregory 1500 are damaged or otherwise unreadable. Heyworth at the University of Mississippi. The real number, Heyworth says, is Easton is on the project’s board, along with probably double that. Heyworth and a few others. “Number one, we need to document Many historical texts are held in small the stuff, and we need to disseminate it repositories around the world that do not have the resources or the skills to do the imaging. The at various places so it’s preserved,” Easton

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says. “And also, we have no idea what’s underneath some of them.” RIT humanities students have found manuscripts on their own to image, he says. And undergraduates and some high school students in the summer intern program have “cut their image processing teeth” on these projects, he says, and have, in fact, come up with some of the best images to date. “If you have a project, we will find the money and we will have students work on it to train them,” Easton says. “We will figure out how to get the travel expenses. The goal is to have enough of an ‘endowment’ from the educational institution to support travel for the students.” Easton delayed his retirement from RIT because he would lose access to the students, colleagues, and equipment necessary to do the work. “I also believe that this is keeping me active and ‘young,’” he says. Easton’s work does sometimes land him in troubled places around the world. The team has postponed trips to St. Catherine’s Monastery a couple of times, for example, the first being around the period of the Arab Spring. But Easton says that he’s never felt that his safety was in danger. So let’s say you find an ancient scroll with the

Ten Commandments written on it — except you notice that, between the lines, are what look like ghost images. You have Easton and his team image the scroll for you and “Thou shalt not kill,” becomes “Thou shalt not kill, except sometimes.” Multispectral imaging has that kind of disruptive potential. It can bring a dead language back to life: during a project last summer, a colleague of Easton’s was able to interpret a portion of a recovered text written in Caucasian Albanian, a dead language, which he recognized as part of the Gospel of St. John. But the technology could also forever alter the knowledge and teachings that humanity has held to be true for thousands of years. Easton says that doesn’t worry him too much, because his loyalty is to the manuscript in front of him. “In the history of mathematics, I guess you could argue that it has changed things,” he says. “Because now it’s generally accepted as a result of the Archimedes palimpsest that Archimedes understood the principles of integral calculus. And that was 1,800 years before Newton.” Easton acknowledges that having the power to blow a hole through history is a profound responsibility. “Oh yeah,” he says. “But it’s so cool.”

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MARCH 16-22, 2016

For more Tom Tomorrow, including a political blog and cartoon archive, visit

This week’s calls to action include the following events and activities. All are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Book discussion at Central Library

Friends and Foundation of the Rochester Public Library will present the book discussion “Between the World and Me” from 12:12 p.m. to 12:52 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22. Author Ta-Nehisi Coates explores the history of racism in America. James Sheppard, Monroe County legislator and retired Rochester police chief, will lead the discussion. The event will be held at the Central Library’s Kate Gleason Auditorium, 115 South Avenue.

Film documents lynching horror

Several faith and community action groups will present “Shadows of the Lynching Tree” at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23. The documentary film tells the story of a young black farmhand who was tortured and lynched in front of the McLennan County courthouse in Waco, Texas. More than 15,000 people traveled to watch and participate in the spectacle. The film will be shown at Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, 9 Shelter Street.

Faithful will carry the cross on Good Friday

neighborhood will hold its annual “Good Friday Cross Walk” on Friday, March 25. The event depicts some of the solemn last hours of Christ. It will begin with a short prayer service at St. Monica’s Church, 831 Genesee Street, at 8:45 a.m., and at 9 a.m. the walk will proceed with youth carrying the symbolic wooden cross of Christ through the neighborhood. There will be seven stops during the walk, which will be about 1.5 miles long. Many of the city’s religious and community leaders are participating in the event. Information: the Rev. Alan Dailey, 330-8744, or

Faith communities and residents of the 19th Ward




Roux takes a classical approach to French cuisine, with dishes like (left) the chicken tagine and (middle) the bouillabaise. The restaurant also has a large selection of absinthe (right). PHOTOS BY MARK CHAMBERLIN


Although the foundations of modern restaurant cooking — especially in the fine dining world — rely on French techniques, restaurants that focus heavily on that style are a rarity in Rochester. And I tend to lack interest in a lot of typical French bistro-like fare; the idea of encroaching on new territory and exploring less celebrated or mainstream food is more appealing to me. Still, the idea of revisiting the classics was alluring as my wife and I sat down to our meals at Roux. We started with lighter fare and stuck to a group of dishes that were all versions of classics, although I wasn’t aware of that when we ordered. The first two dishes — the escargot ($10) and the nicoise salad ($14) — were straightforward versions of familiar dishes. The six snails were cooked in an interesting tray that provided for individual pools of garlic and parsley butter for each piece. It was a nice presentation, although the

pieces were slightly overcooked. The niçoise salad was conscientiously constructed using imported canned Italian tuna, boiled egg, potato, fennel, radish, and olives separated on the plate surrounding a pile of the house style greens and dressing. The surprising dish for me was the tarte flambée ($12), which turned out to be a flatbread like dish that has roots in the Alsace region of northeastern France. The bread was topped with caramelized shallots, lardon (bacon), and fromage blanc. But since I was unaware of the dish’s history, the description on the menu threw me off base: I was expecting more of a pie-like cheese tart.” The dish was enjoyable enough, but it was one of those times when a few extra words of description on the menu could have added clarity; I’m not sure I would have ordered it after seeing what was in front of me. The standout of the entrées was the bouillabaise ($28), a comforting Provençal seafood stew that featured halibut, mussels, and shrimp in an aromatic fennel tomato base. What struck me was that each piece of seafood was cooked perfectly, which is difficult considering each has a different cook time. The mussels had almost no chew, the halibut was just barely cooked, and the shrimp popped with individual seasoning. This was an appreciated attention to detail

and added some refinement to the rustic nature of the dish. A saffron rouille added plenty of richness after being mixed into the dish, although the aroma of the saffron got lost among the other more potent ingredients. The freshly baked baguette was a nice touch and came in handy to wipe up the rest of the delectable broth. The chicken tagine ($22) featured four pieces of chicken served with toasted almonds, Moroccan spiced sauce, mint creme fraîche, couscous, and picholine olives. The chicken was fall-off-the-bone tender from the braise and showed nice skin sear, and the olives and almonds were critical elements both for flavor and textural contrast. The Forestier ($14) was a vegetarian Croque Monsieur variant that replaced the ham with sauteed wild mushrooms. The herbal kick from the thyme and the slight funk from the gruyere mingled well with the earthy mushrooms. The special burger ($20) we ordered on our second visit sounded like a piece of extravagance: the patty would be topped with foie gras, frisee, and a truffle oil vinaigrette. Unfortunately what we ended up with was a burger that was cooked over the requested medium rare, and topped with a small disc of foie gras that was completely obfuscated by the overwhelming aromas of truffle oil. Simplifying the toppings by

removing the truffle oil and letting the foie gras shine in a different way — like as a sauce — may have made the burger more successful. Thankfully the skinny cut fries were spot on with its crispy exterior and tender interior juxtaposition. There were three dessert options and we decided on a slice of dark, dense flourless chocolate cake ($7) accented with a simple cream and a hazelnut brittle. It was a nice basic dish with enough chocolate to make my wife smile. When it comes to absinthe, I’m not sure any bar in Rochester can compete with Roux’s selections. Not only can you choose between classic anise-heavy options, like the Vieux Pontarlier ($9) that I tried, and more modern creations like the St. George Verte ($8), but you can also go straight or try one of four different dilution styles with added sweetness or flavors. Plenty of ways to experience and learn about a spirit that until around 2007 was mostly absent here in the US. You can read more from Chris Lindstrom or listen to his podcast on his food blog, Share any dining tips with him on Twitter and Instagram @stromie.





to Moses Rockwell sends the listener outside the hip-hop realm and into an exploratory state. His rapid fire rhythmic rhymes tumble off his tongue in a spree. At times, the words can evade you as they whiz by, which puts the voice into a more instrumental tone rather than a narrative one. Even though the man has plenty to say, the effect is pretty cool; not necessarily just hearing what he says, but how he says it as well. This lyrical-to-instrumental shift happened to Rockwell while touring Europe last year, hitting stops in Germany, France, and the Czech Republic with DJ Trumastr and Masai, an emcee out of Albany. Sometimes language was an issue. “They were cool, but it was weird,” Rockwell says. “I didn’t realize that the language barrier would interfere with my engaging with the crowd.” There wasn’t a ton of energy in his more cerebral rhymes, but the verve was what the audience wanted according to Rockwell. “If I’d known that, I would have brought more energy and less heady, intricate stuff,” he says. “It worked some nights, but a lot of it was awkward; I got a lot of pity applause. Good food, though, holy shit, especially in Germany.” Rockwell knows audiences wanted the heat, they wanted the hooks. “What they wanted are the spark words — like the word ‘hip-hop,’” he says. “The call and response thing worked, but sometimes they were like, ‘What?’” 10 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016


Still most audiences knew the hassle of the overseas trip and appreciated him being there. It was a good learning experience, Rockwell says. Over the last two years, Rockwell has released “Ahkwellington. Dweeb. Supreme. 1,” and “Ahkwellington. Dweeb. Supreme. 2.” “Ahkwellington. Dweeb. Supreme. 3” just dropped last week. And that’s it. There probably won’t be a number four in the series. “I figured if I could do three albums,” he says. “I’d have one good one. I think I’m done with three. Each one of them has its

own subject matter. The first album is laid back and kind of groovy, the second one is real wonky and abstract, and the third is kind of a mixture of both.” There’s an elephant in the room and you gotta ask Rockwell: “Coltrane, huh?” He doesn’t flinch. “Absolutely,” he says, “but it’s not really intentional.” John Coltrane’s 1965 recording of “A Love Supreme” — an exploration of God with its melding of the hard bop of the saxophonist’s younger days with the free jazz of his later career — weighs heavy on Rockwell as an influence, big time. His smirk turns into a grin when he talks about it. “That’s my favorite piece of music ever, oh my God,” he says. “I don’t know why. I think maybe because it was my introduction to jazz. I think it’s one of those things I’ll never fully understand — not just sonically but what he was doing creatively. I hear something new every time I listen to it.” There’s a bit-o-mystery in what Rockwell does as well … even to the man, himself. “I don’t know, I think that’s the whole point of the three “Dweeb” albums: just trying to figure it out. I don’t really know who I am every day. My stuff recently has been self-indulgent, self-deprecating for the sake of comedy. Comedy is really important to me and I always try to put it in my music.” Rockwell manages a Walgreens. And he complains about this day job a lot. “It’s a thing that always pops up,” he says. “Because it’s really bad for your creative mind. It takes all the spunk out of you. They want you to be a robot, and I’m like, ‘I need to be myself or I’m gonna lose it.’” Rockwell is well-spoken but not outspoken. He has his mug set to permanent smirk yet he lacks the confidence to engage in socio-political issues. He’s more of a reactionary.

This is the antithesis to a good portion of hip-hop with its boasts and bold bravado. “And when you ask what I’ve been up to / Don’t expect shit you can fist pump to,” he recites on the tune “I Don’t Like You”(Hold Me Back).” Rockwell says he probably feels and reacts to many of those social issues like most people do. “It needs to be talked about,” he says, “we should be doing what we can to fix things, especially with a creative outlet to reach people. I try to do it a little bit here and there but it’s not really the bulk of my stuff, and I’m discouraged when I try to articulate those kinds of things. I’m worried that I’ll be out of my depth. “But if I speak on it though, it’ll just be more emotional than intellectual. Something happens today, you write about it tomorrow. There’s definitely passion there; I’m just worried people don’t want to hear my opinion. I think they just want to hear me make fun of myself, because that’s my thing.” The fact that he doesn’t feel qualified makes him qualified, even if it’s in finding out who he is and what he does. Rockwell says it best on the track “Physique II”: “It’s not approval I’m seeking / I’m just trying to fight my demons.” “That’s the whole theme behind the three albums,” he says. “Just trying to figure my shit out. Then maybe I could have an opinion after that.”



Upcoming [ SINGER-SONGWRITER ] Ryan Montbleau Band. Saturday, April 16. Flour City Station, 170 East Avenue. 9:30 p.m. $20.;



Motograter. Friday, May 20. Montage Music Hall, 50

Chestnut Street. 7:30 p.m. $16-$18. themontagemusichall. com; [ COUNTRY ]

Keith Urban. Friday, June 24. CMAC, 3355 Marvin Sands

Drive, Canandaigua. 7 p.m. $32.50-$85.;

Rivers and Rust


Matchbook Twenty guitarist and Nashville knob-twiddler Kyle Cook paired up with vocalist Sheila Marshall to make it official and forged Rivers & Rust. It’s some mighty cool soulful rock with a Texas twist that comes out the other end, all pleasant and tenacious, bare boned and bold. Although the duo’s denim and leather harmonies are sweet and strong, they don’t cloud the balladeer’s eye.


Ringworm FRIDAY, MARCH 18 MONTAGE MUSIC HALL, 50 CHESTNUT STREET 7:30 P.M. | $20-$22 | THEMONTAGEMUSICHALL.COM FACEBOOK.COM/RINGWORM13 [ METAL ] As long as there’s rock ‘n’ roll, there will always

be bands like Ringworm — bands who love what they do. Established in 1989, the Cleveland-based act blurs lines building a solid punishing wall of noise. Frontman Human Furnace lives up to the moniker while his band is unrelentingly furious, creating a barroom blitz that sends other bands whimpering back to the garage. Trust me, this shit is not easy to pull off. Unearth, Fit For An Autopsy, Culture Killer, Great American Ghost, and Living In Daydreams also perform. — BY ROMAN DIVEZUR

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Corner of N. Winton & E. Main St.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 [ ACOUSTIC/FOLK ] Nicholas LeDuc. Havana Cabana, 289 Alexander St. 232-1333. havanacabanaroc. com. 8 p.m.


Von Zimmer “Freddie’s Extra Teeth” Tasty Treat Records


The Geezers. The Beale, 693

Eastman Chamber Jazz with Justin Flynn MONDAY, MARCH 21 KILBOURN HALL, EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 26 GIBBS STREET 8 P.M. | FREE | 274-1100; ESM.ROCHESTER.EDU [ JAZZ ] Saxophonist and flutist Justin Flynn was once a

ubiquitous presence on the Rochester jazz scene, leading The Jazz Prophets and playing in myriad groups around town. Now living in Brooklyn, Flynn has not slowed down. He leads a quartet, a quintet, and an octet in addition to the Tower-of-Power-like Heavy Duty Horns. At Kilbourn Hall, Flynn will join Dave Rivello’s Eastman Chamber Jazz to play octet tunes he wrote and arranged. — BY RON NETSKY

South Ave. 585-226-6473. 7-9 p.m. Upward Groove. Temple Bar and Grille, 109 East Ave. 2326000. 10 p.m.

Hailing from the cornfields of the South Dakota plains comes this sweet and low-fi tasty treat from Von Zimmer. With hints of garage rock, indie, and anti-folk, this 10-tune platter initially sounds like a fistful of demos in their rough and ragged tone — it doesn’t sound completely mixed. The drums sound like cardboard boxes in spots, and the vocals are monotone at best, but this all suits the songs perfectly. And the songs on this album really can’t be improved upon anyway; they’re perfect as is. If they got worked-up or polished it would ruin them. It’s a guitar (acoustic and electric) driven campaign for the most part with the added punch of a bleak landscape set in contrast. This is good stuff, man. Raw and well done. — BY FRANK DE BLASE


Amenda Quartet, Opus 3 and 7. The Rabbit Room, 61

N. Main St. Honeoye Falls. 582-1830. 7:30 p.m. $20 donation, $48, includes dinner. [ COUNTRY ]

Hankerin’ Harry & The LongGone Daddy’s. Sticky Lips BBQ Juke Joint, 830 Jefferson Rd. 292-5544. stickylipsbbq. com. 6:30 p.m.

The Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra “All My Yesterdays” Resonance Records


Adam Ezra Group. Lovin’ Cup, 300 Park Point Dr. 292-9940. 8:30 p.m. $10.

[ OPERA ] For the closing event in the Kilbourn Concert Series, it’s all about the future with “Rising Stars of the Metropolitan Opera.” Singers who have performed in the “Rising Stars” series this season include soprano Janai Brugger, mezzo-soprano Cecelia Hall, and tenor Sean Panikkar. You’ll undoubtedly be seeing and hearing a lot from this cadre of singers for years to come.

Big band music was the most popular form of jazz in the 1930’s and 1940’s, but by the 1950’s the genre was fading. In the 1960’s, it took a force of nature to revitalize it: The Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra. Listening to “All My Yesterdays: The Debut 1966 Recordings at The Village Vanguard” you’ll feel like you were present at the beginning. Jones and Lewis had assembled some of the best players in jazz and brought the adventurous spirit of the times to the big band form. These superb recordings, released for the first time, were made by George Klabin, then a 19-year-old student. Now president of Resonance Records, Klabin taped the band to help it land a recording contract. The two-disc set features a 92-page book that includes interviews with all living members of the original group. And what a group it was. Along with Jones’ brilliant arrangements, tracks feature solos by Hank Jones (piano); Joe Farrell, Eddie Daniels, and Marv “Doc” Holladay (reeds); Snooky Young and Jimmy Owens (trumpet); Bob Brookmeyer (trombone); Lewis (drums); and many more. You can feel the energy, playfulness, camaraderie and joy on every cut.



“Rising Stars of the Metropolitan Opera” TUESDAY, MARCH 22 KILBOURN HALL, EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 26 GIBBS STREET 8 P.M. | $20-$30 | 454-2100; EASTMANTHEATRE.ORG

Amelia White and Parker Hawkins. Abilene Bar

& Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 8 p.m. $8-$10. Margaret Explosion. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue. March 30.

Thunder Body Medicine Wednesdays. Flour City

Station, 170 East Ave. 8 p.m. $8.


Genesee Johnny and Friends. Sticky Lips BBQ

Juke Joint, 830 Jefferson Rd. 292-5544. stickylipsbbq. com. 7:30 p.m. $3. continues on page 14 CITY 13

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RPO: Stare Conducts Strauss’ Four Last Songs. Kodak Hall at

Eastman Theater, 60 Gibbs St. 454-7311. 7:30 p.m. $22-$94. [ JAZZ ]

Mel Henderson Paradigm Shift Trio. Pythodd Jazz Room,

4705 Lake Ave. 491-6649. 7:30-10 p.m.

Mike Kaupa, Steve Greene, and Kyle Vock. The Little

Theatre, 240 East Avenue. 7 p.m. [ POP/ROCK ]

Bill Henrie & Friends.

Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 8 p.m. $3. Dady Brothers. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 2240990. 12:30 p.m. DILF a.k.a. “The Dads”. Kirkpatrick’s Irish Pub, 37 Charlotte St. (585) 423-9964. 7 p.m.

The Heroic Enthusiasts, Marlowe, and Sleep Rat. Bug

Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. bugjar. com. 8:30 p.m. $6-$8. Hey Red and Open G. The Beale, 693 South Ave. 271-4650. 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Johns 5. Montage Music Hall, 50 Chestnut St. 232-1520. 7:30 p.m. $15-$20. Murder of Crows. House of Guitars, 645 Titus Ave. 5443500. 2 p.m. Rusty Kettle. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 224-0990. 7 p.m. Tryst. Bar 145, 71 Celebration Drive. 888-623-5674. 8 p.m.midnight. $5.

FRIDAY, MARCH 18 [ ACOUSTIC/FOLK ] Cielle. Boulder Coffee Co., 100 Alexander St. 454-7140. 8-10 p.m. Wildroot String Band. Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 6-9 p.m.


If you’re a trumpet player, a trumpet teacher, or simply a fan, your event has arrived. The Eastman Trumpet Festival is a two-day extravaganza devoted solely to concerts, master classes, and lectures featuring and pertaining to the versatile brass instrument. Notable artists who will be performing and providing their expertise include former Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Principal Trumpet Mark Gould, RPO Principal Trumpet Douglas Prosser, Baroque trumpet specialist Brian Shaw, and Eastman professor James Thompson. Clinics cover everything from Baroque to jazz and audition tips, and the concerts feature the Eastman Wind Orchestra and other ensembles. For a rare chance to hear the Baroque trumpet in action, you’ll want to check out Shaw and Publick Musick’s performance at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. The Eastman Trumpet Festival starts on Friday, March 18, at 8 p.m. and takes place Saturday, March 19, from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m., at Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs Street. The registration fee for classes, clinics, and sessions is $50. The Publick Musick concert at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday is free. 274-1735; — BY DANIEL J. KUSHNER The Rochester Blues Revue.

Abilene Bar & Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. 9:30 p.m. $3. Skycats. The Beale, 693 South Ave. 271-4650. thebealegrille. com. 9 p.m. [ COUNTRY ] See Alice. Nashvilles, 4853 W Henrietta Rd. Henrietta. 3343030. 9 p.m.

693 South Ave. 271-4650. 6-9 p.m. The Industrial Blues Band. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 224-0990. 9 p.m. Fatima and Tony Hiler. Via Girasole Wine Bar, 3 Schoen Place. Pittsford. 641-0340. 6-9 p.m. On The House Band. California Brew Haus, 402 W. Ridge Rd. 6211480. thecaliforniabrewhaus. 5 p.m. 14 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

Into The Now, Desekrator, Burndwiller, Ritey O’Reilly, and Firewheel. Flour City Station, 170 East Ave. 8 p.m. $10.

Unearth, Ringworm, Fit For An Autopsy, and Culture Killer. Montage Music Hall,

50 Chestnut St. 232-1520. 7:30 p.m. $20-$22. [ POP/ROCK ]

Room, 4705 Lake Ave. 4916649. 7:30-10 p.m.

The Earthtones. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 224-0990. 5 p.m. Pleistocene. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue. 8 p.m. Significant Other. Sticky Lips BBQ Juke Joint, 830 Jefferson Rd. 292-5544. stickylipsbbq. com. 9:30 p.m. $5.

[ R&B/ SOUL ]


[ DJ/ELECTRONIC ] Roscoe’s Basement. Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. 454-2966. 6 p.m.


Dave Riccioni. The Beale,


[ JAZZ ]

Westview Project. Pythodd Jazz

Mitty & The Followers. Lovin’

Cup, 300 Park Point Dr. 2929940. 9 p.m. $5. [ REGGAE/JAM ]

Chrissie and the Twitch.

Firehouse Saloon, 814 S. Clinton Ave. 319-3832. firehousesaloon. com. 9 p.m.-2 a.m.

[ ACOUSTIC/FOLK ] Honey Badgers. The Beale, 693 South Ave. 271-4650. 7:30 p.m. Two Guitars. Havana Cabana, 289 Alexander St. 232-1333. 9 p.m.


Steve Grills & The Roadmasters. Sticky Lips Pit BBQ, 625 Culver Rd. 292-5544. stickylipsbbq. com. 10 p.m. [ CLASSICAL ]

Publick Musick: Virtuoso trumpet. Kilbourn Hall, 26 Gibbs

St. 244-5835. upcoming/. 3:30 p.m. free.

RPO: Stare Conducts Strauss’ Four Last Songs. Kodak Hall at Eastman Theater, 60 Gibbs St. 454-7311. 8 p.m. $22-$94. [ COUNTRY ]

Tombstone .45. Nashvilles, 4853 W Henrietta Rd. Henrietta. 3343030. 9 p.m. [ VOCALS ]

The Rochester Gay Men’s Chorus: I’m The Greatest Star.

Hochstein Performance Hall, 50 N Plymouth Ave. 423-0650. 8 p.m. $6-$17. [ JAZZ ]

Free In Nine Movements v2.0 and Homeless. Small World

Books, 425 North St. 232-6970. 9 p.m.midnight. $5 suggested donation. [ REGGAE/JAM ]

The Buddhahood and Haewa.

V-Pub at the Villager, 245 South Main St. 394-2890. 9 p.m. $5. Noble Vibes. Firehouse Saloon, 814 S. Clinton Ave. 319-3832. 10 p.m. [ POP/ROCK ]


Harper calls it world blues fusion: a polyrhythmic jam of blues and primitive beats. Switching off between the didgeridoo and blues harp, Harper and his band have been known to frenzify a crowd into primal splendor. His harp wails salty; his didgeridoo drones ominous. It’s all so solid, sweet, and savage that you won’t be able to help yourself. Harper performs Wednesday, March 23, at Dinosaur BBQ, 99 Court Street. 10 p.m. Free.; — BY FRANK DE BLASE Veterans of Bad Presidents.

House of Guitars, 645 Titus Ave. 544-3500. 5 p.m.


Gospel Blues Brunch. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave. 276-8900. 10:30 a.m.-1:45 p.m. 276-8900.

Big Mean Sound Machine.

Flour City Station, 170 East Ave. 9 p.m. $8-$10. Fishbone Soup. Johnny’s Pub & Grill, 1382 Culver Rd. 224-0990. 8 p.m.

The Isotopes, Hot Mayonnaise, and the Barksdales. Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. 9 p.m. $5.

McKinley James Trio and Over Hand Sam & Band. Abilene Bar

& Lounge, 153 Liberty Pole Way. 232-3230. abilenebarandlounge. com. 8:30 p.m. $7. Mr. Mustard. Shooters, 1226 Fairport Rd. Fairport. 385-9777. 8-11 p.m. $5.

Overload: Back from the 80’s. Montage Music Hall,

50 Chestnut St. 232-1520. 8 p.m. $7-$10. Redline. House of Guitars, 645 Titus Ave. 544-3500. 6 p.m.

Redline and Veterams of Bad Presidents. California Brew

Haus, 402 W. Ridge Rd. 704604-7373. lockedandloaded104/. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. $8 -$10. Talking Under Water. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue. 8 p.m. A Tribute to David Bowie. Lovin’ Cup, 300 Park Point Dr. 2929940. 9 p.m. $10.


Rd. 546-3903. event/kindertotenlieder. 7-9 p.m. $10 Suggested donation. [ JAZZ ]

Bourbon Street Parade. Radisson

Hotel, 175 Jefferson Rd. 7296555. 6:309:30 p.m. $12. [ POP/ROCK ]

Hidden Hospitals, Alberto Alaska, and Red Letter Statement. Bug Jar, 219

1101 Clover St. 490-9351. 3-5 p.m. $5 Suggested Donation.

Monroe Ave. 9:30 p.m. $7-$9. Watkins and the Rapiers. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue.

Compline, Christ Church Schola Cantorum. Christ Church,


Brighton Symphony Spring into Spring Concert. Baptist Temple,

141 East Ave. 585-454-3878. 9-9:30 p.m. Donations appreciated. Salon Series Concert #4. Asbury First United Methodist Church, 1050 East Ave. 271-1050. 2 p.m. $30-$35. [ JAZZ ]

Bobby Militello. Lovin’ Cup,

300 Park Point Dr. 292-9940. 7 p.m. $10. Bossa Nova Bradley Brothers. Tango Cafe, 35 South Washington St. 271-4930. 7:30-9:30 p.m.

[ POP/ROCK ] Crossmolina. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue. 7 p.m.

Humble Braggers, Slugs, Northern Spies, and Boy Jr.. Bug

Jar, 219 Monroe Ave. 454-2966. 9 p.m. $7-$9. Teagan Ward. The Beale, 693 South Ave. 271-4650. 7:3011:30 p.m.


Rick Rude, Pawner, and House Majority. Bug Jar, 219 Monroe

Ave. 454-2966. 9 p.m. $7-$9.


Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder. First Unitarian Church, 220 S Winton CITY 15

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Jill Rittinger as Catherine, Colin Pazik as Hal, and Stephanie Sheak as Claire in the Blackfriars Theatre production of “Proof.” PHOTO BY DAN HOWELL

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Every thoughtful, well-planned theater season should have a family drama in the lineup: a play with a small cast, a compelling plotline, and (preferably) a strong female character. While “Annapurna” could have filled the quota in October, Blackfriars presents another sagacious selection with David Auburn’s “Proof.” “Proof ” debuted at the Manhattan Theatre Club in 2000 and quickly transferred to Broadway the same year. In 2001, it nabbed several Tony Awards (including Best Play) and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. By 2005, there was a film adaptation of “Proof ” starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Anthony Hopkins and Jake

Gyllenhaal. The play has since been a hit with regional audiences around the world. The name of the show is inspired by the central plotline — a proof is an argument that proves a mathematical statement is true. Mathematician and University of Chicago professor Robert has battled mental illness for years, leaving him unable to work on any new projects. His 25-year-old daughter, Catherine, who has dropped out of Northwestern to care for him, shares his genius for math, but fears she also inherited his mental instability. Robert’s former student, Hal, begins to go through the mathematician’s 103 notebooks from his illness and kindles a romance with Catherine. Then, estranged sister Claire arrives from New York City. This is director Brian Coughlin’s first show at Blackfriars — his past directing credits are primarily from JCC CenterStage. Coughlin is an excellent directorial fit for the show: he seems drawn to productions that deal with family drama and mental illness. (His direction of JCC’s “August: Osage County” in 2013 was successful, and many of the shows sold out.) Here, Coughlin

masterfully navigates the four-person cast through sensitive issues and intimate moments, placing well-timed blocking and beats throughout. Jill Rittinger (Catherine) returns to the Blackfriars stage after a four-year hiatus, and she’s landed a challenging role to reestablish her rank in the local theatre circuit. The character of Catherine is demanding, both emotionally and physically: she experiences frequent highs and lows, and she’s almost constantly on stage. It would be easy for an inexperienced actor to default to a twodimensional character, but Rittinger is too talented for that. She has injected humor, sarcasm and warmth into her portrayal to balance Catherine’s intense inner turmoil. While Rittinger is not 25 years old, she plays the role with a naiveté and rebellious spark that captures the turbulence of being a 20-something. (And even though Catherine is described as a woman in her early-to-mid-20s, the role was originated by 36-year-old MaryLouise Parker on Broadway in 2000 and later played by 33-year-old Gwyneth Paltrow in the 2005 film.) In all, “Proof ” is a victorious homecoming for Rittinger. Half of the cast are new-to-Blackfriars faces, a welcome ongoing trend this season. David Munnell (Robert) plays the loveable, irascible father with flickers of a past brilliance, while Stephanie Sheak (Claire) plays the tightly wound, high-performing older sister. Sheak brings an intuitive depth and richness to the role — this, too, could have been a two-dimensional character. Colin Pazik (Hal) returns to Blackfriars after a recent appearance in “The Game’s Afoot (or Holmes for the Holidays),” and he plays a sweet, convincing counterpart to Rittinger’s Catherine. Set designer Roger Budnik has constructed a marvelous set that encapsulates a rambling old house on the fringe of downtown Chicago, complete with brick walls, a ramshackle deck, and an especially nice touch — a softly lit lamp visible through a curtained window. Blackfriars’ own artistic director Danny Hoskins creates the costumes, which nicely reflect each characters’ stage and status in life, from Catherine’s worn, flared jeans and down coat to Claire’s designer yoga pants and track jacket. A mathematical proof requires a demonstration to prove that a statement is true. The cast’s “burden of proof” is achieved as they take deeply emotional issues and deliver a genuinely thoughtprovoking, gratifying night of theater.

Art Exhibits [ CONTINUING ] 1570 Gallery at Valley Manor, 1570 East Ave. Off the Beaten Path II. Through March 26. Photography by Gary and Phyllis Thompson. 770-1960. Axom Gallery, 176 Anderson Ave., 2nd floor. Rose Colored Glasses. Through April 16. Mixed media collage and paintings by South Carolina artist Isaac Payne. 232-6030 x23. Bread & Water Theatre, 172 West Main St. Jason Yungbluth’s - The Art of Weapon Brown. Through March 31. Original graphic art pages. 538-9684.

Friendly Home’s Memorial Gallery, 3165 East Ave. Frozen View of Mirror Lake. Through March 31. Watercolor paintings by Tracie Doerner. 385-0298. Gallery 384, 384 East Ave. Celebrating Youth Art Month. Through March 28. A variety of media created by 6-8th grade students from five area schools. 325-5010. Gallery 96, 604 Pittsford-Victor Road. From Photo to Fiber. Through April 2. Work from Rochester area fiber artists. Geisel Gallery, Bausch & Lomb Place, One Bausch & Lomb Place. Drawn Together. Through March 30. Work by A.J. Dungan, Melissa Matson, Nancy Valle.

Genesee Center for the Arts and Education, 713 Monroe Ave. The Artist Within: Annual Photography Volunteer Exhibit. Through May 27. Photography by our dedicated volunteers. 271-5920.; A Possible Result of Wanderlust. Through April 29. New work from Studio Manager Lynne Hobaica. 271-5183. Hartnett Gallery, Wilson Commons, University of Rochester, River Campus. Pinpoints of Perception: Portraits of 1000 Bees. Through March 20. On-going mixed-media installation by Heather Green & Dr. Robert Minckley. blogs. Image City Photography Gallery, 722 University Ave. Peter’s Pick 2014: A Retrospective. Through

March 20. Selections of Peter Marr’s favorite photographs by featured and guest photographers. 271-2540. International Art Acquisitions, 3300 Monroe Ave. The Love of Dance. Through March 31. Original paintings by American artist Marcella Gillenwater. 264-1440. Irondequoit Town Hall, 1280 Titus Ave. Irondequoit Art Walk. Through April 30. Various media including acrylic, oil and watercolor for view and for sale. 3381184. The Little Theatre, 240 East Avenue. The Paisley Tunnel. Through March. Panel discussion and film showing, “Five Easy Pieces” Wed. March

16, 6 -8:30 p.m. Photos by Mark Brady. Lower Link Gallery, Central Library, 115 South Ave. Workings with Wax. Through April 20. Meet the artists, Thurs. March 24, 4-6 p.m. Work with encaustic or cold wax by local artists. 200-9002. Lux Lounge, 666 South Ave. Rochestarot. Work by Jay Lincoln. 232-9030. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave. Inspiring Beauty: 50 Years of Ebony Fashion Fair. Inspiring Beauty: 40 showstopping ensembles statement designs from the 1960’s to the 21st century, through April 24. 276-8900. Mercer Gallery at Monroe Communtiy College, 1000 E.

Henrietta Rd. Antidotes and Such. Through March 23. MuCCC, 142 Atlantic Ave. Cheryl Amati Martin. Through April 2. Photographs. My Sister’s Gallery at the Episcopal Church Home, 505 Mt. Hope Ave. Tell Me a Story. Through March 17. Contemporary Folk Art by Cheryl and Don Olney. 546.8400. Oxford Gallery, 267 Oxford St. Natura Naturans. Through April 16. Artist reception Sat. March 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m. The work of Rochester area artists Helen Santelli and Richard Jenks. 2715885. continues on page 20





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18 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016


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Splendid Easter Brunch MAX AT EASTMAN PLACE 10AM-3PM, March 27th Special a la carte menu

50 off 50 every Wednesday evening MAX OF EASTMAN PLACE Every Wednesday evening at Max of Eastman Place, Chef Gullace and Beverage Director Sabre Morabito invite you to join us for 50% off 50 of our favorite wines. This is a terrific opportunity to enjoy some of our best wine list selections.* *BOTTLES ONLY


If you were a college student at any point in the 2000’s — or if you just like comedy that follows in the footsteps of the National Lampoon greats — Broken Lizard is almost a house-hold name. The team — the five Broken Lizard guys share screen-writing, acting, and production credits for their movies — is best known for “Super Troopers,” “Club Dread” (for better or worse), and “Beerfest.” Two of the members, Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme regularly perform two-man stand-up and storytelling shows, and will be in Rochester for three nights. Maybe they’ll fill us in on the latest with “Super Troopers 2,” which is in production. Steve Lemme and Kevin Heffernan will perform Thursday, March 17, through Saturday, March 19, at The Comedy Club, 2235 Empire Boulevard. 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. $20-$30.; — BY JAKE CLAPP

Call for Participants

New Social Hour

[ WED., MARCH 16 ] Rochester Fringe Festival. March 16-April 30. backstage.

Rendezvous daily at


Art Events

Monday-Friday 4-7pm Complimentary hors d’oeurvres, nightly drink specials and our new bar food menu

Prix Fixe Lunch Special MAX OF EASTMAN PLACE Please join us Tuesday, March 1 through Thursday, March 31 for a $10.00 daily prix fixe lunch menu

March Madness Celebrations MAX CHOPHOUSE Join us for flowing cocktails, microbrews and appetizers from our new bar menu

New Bar Menu highlights include cheese steak sliders, decadent bacon and gruyere potato skins, pork belly tacos with pickled red onions and house made tater tots with chef’s special dipping sauce, and house made pickles. HAPPY HOUR 4pm-close $5 BURGERS Wednesdays, 5pm-close, bar seating only


20 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

One College Rd. GCC Fine Arts Student Exhibition. Through April 13. Two and 3-dimensional artwork. Ross Gallery of the Skalny Welcome Center at St. John Fisher, 3690 East Ave. Light and Spirit Exhibition. Through March 31. Work from five artists that encourage imaginative and aesthetic interaction. 546-6243. Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, River Campus. Carl Chiarenza: Photographs. The work of Carl Chiarenza, professor emeritus and artist in residence in the Department of Art and Art History. 2754461. node/36294. Tajze Wine and R&B Lounge, 139 State St. Simple Communication. Through March 31. Twelve drawings by Zach Frank. TajzeLounge/. Tower Fine Arts Center, SUNY Brockport, 180 Holley St. Eclectic. Through March 25. Varied aesthetics of the department of art faculty. 3952787. VB Brewery, 160 School St. Victor. Circles and Dents. Through March 30. Oils, acrylics, and watercolors by Phil Probst. (585) 902-8166. William Harris Gallery, Lomb Memorial Dr. Temporary Stay. Through March 18. Final thesis show for Fine Art Photography seniors of RIT. 475-2716.

[ WED., MARCH 16 ] CHAIRity Auction. Through March 18. Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Dr. 475-7408.


The Genesee Country Village & Museum (1410 Flint Hill Road, Mumford) kicks off its two-weekend Maple Sugar Festival this Saturday, March 19, and Sunday, March 20. The special, spring-heralding event features a pancake breakfast with real maple syrup served each day of the festival from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; hikes through the sugar-tapped trees with stations that explain how collecting sap has changed over time; demos of tree-tapping and sap-boiling; and treats like maple cotton candy and maple popcorn available for sale. The festival continues on Saturday, April 2, and Sunday, April 3. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day of the festival. Admission is $10 for adults and free to members and ages 18 and younger. The pancake breakfast price is $8.50 for adults, $6.50 for ages 4-18, and free to ages 3 and younger. There will also be the annual Cooking with Maple Contest open to the public for a chance to win a gift certificate to the Flint Hill Gift Shop or other prizes. For more information, call 538-6822, or visit — BY REBECCA RAFFERTY

Art Exhibits Phillips Fine Art, Door #9 The Hungerford Building. 3..Amigos. Through March 30. Work by George Wegman, Peter Monacelli, and Edward Buscemi. 232-8120.

RIT Bevier Gallery, 90 Lomb Memorial Dr., Booth Building 7A. Snakes in the Nest. Through March 18. 2016 Thesis Exhibit for The College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at R.I.T. Rosalie “Roz” Steiner Art Gallery, Genesee Community College,

[ THU., MARCH 17 ] Food: A Celebration of Diversity. 1-5 p.m Gallery R, 100 College Ave. Through March. Photographs of the Marketview Heights Collective Action Project by Aubrey Horn 2563312. From Mathematics to Sculpture. March 17, 7:30 p.m. Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Dr. 475-6428. science/hart. [ FRI., MARCH 18 ] Studio 678 Awards Ceremony. March 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m. City Hall, 30 Church St. [ TUE., MARCH 22 ] Spring Fine Arts Festival. March 22, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Stuart Steiner Theatre Genesee Community College, One College Road, Batavia

Comedy [ THU., MARCH 17 ] Steve Lemme and Kevin Herfernan. March 17-19. Comedy Club, 2235 Empire Blvd Webster Thurs. March 17, 7:30 p.m Fri. and Sat. March 18 & 19, 7:30 & 10 p.m $20-$30. 671-9080.

Dance Events [ FRI., MARCH 18 ] Movement and Dance Weekend. March 18-20. Nazareth College Arts Center, 4245 East Ave Various prices. 389-2170. [ SAT., MARCH 19 ] Lindy Hop Workshop: Ramona Staffeld. March 19-20. The Historic German House Auditorium, 315 Gregory Street $70. 585-5636241.


Film [ FRI., MARCH 18 ] Monumental. March 18, 7 p.m. Victory Church, 32 Wildbriar Rd

Rochester Erotic Arts Festival. March 18-19. Radisson Rochester Riverside Hotel, 120

[ SAT., MARCH 19 ] Wine & Movie Night: Bridge of Spies. March 19, 7-10 p.m. The Barrel Room, 72 W Main St, Victor $5. 869-5028.

Kids Events [ SUN., MARCH 20 ] ZooZoo. March 20, 2 p.m. Nazareth College Arts Center, 4245 East Ave ZooZoo is a circus, a zoo, and a world all its own $17-$20. 389-2170.

Holiday Easter Express Train Rides. Sat., March 19, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. & 3-5:30 p.m. and Sun.,

March 20, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. & 3-5:30 p.m. Arcade and Attica Railroad, 278 Main St Arcade $20-$22. 716-948-0505. Easter Wine Pairings. March 2126. Casa Larga Vineyards, 2287 Turk Hill Rd Fairport 223-4210.

Lectures [ THU., MARCH 17 ] Hidden Passions: Anne Kress and Wendell Castle. March 17, 7 p.m. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave. 276-8900. mag. Viva l’Italia: Celebrating Italy. March 17, 5 p.m. Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Dr.

[ SUN., MARCH 20 ] Sunday Forum: Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible II. March 20, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Downtown United Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Fitzhugh Street 3254000. downtownpresbyterian. org. Traveling the Erie Canal Through Postcards. March 20, 2:30 p.m. Fairport Historical Museum, 18 Perrin St Presented by Frank Sadowski [ MON., MARCH 21 ] The Great Tonsil Massacre. March 21, 7-8:30 p.m. Town of Gates Town Hall Annex, 1605 Buffalo Road . Gates 2812069.

Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, and the Battle Over the 15th Amendment. March 21, 12-1:30 & 2-3:30 p.m. Susan B. Anthony Museum & House, 17 Madison St Presented by Dr. Catherine Adams $15-25. 279-7490 x 10. [ TUE., MARCH 22 ] The Ancient Art of Cloisonne: Enamel Jewelry. March 22, 7:30 p.m. Chapel Oaks, St. Ann’s Community, 1550 Portland Ave Presented by Yvonne Cupolo 787-4086. The National Parks of the Southwest. March 22, 7-8:30 p.m. Penfield Public Library, continues on page 22


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East Main Street $45. 5466408. Maple Sugar Festival & Pancake Breakfast. March 19, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Rd Mumford 294-8218. Maple Weekend. March 19, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, 2887 Royce Rd., Varysburg $6-$11, reservations requested 535-4100. info@



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Meetings [ THU., MARCH 17 ] A Course in Miracles Support & Discussion Group. March 17, 7-8 p.m. Lightways Community, 31 Market St, Brockport $10 donation. 484-8738.


Portland, Oregon-based Imago Theatre’s “ZooZoo” is a whimsical, family-friendly show that blends the circus and the zoo. The show is built of short vignettes in which imaginativelycostumed performers play penguins engaged in a game of musical chairs, a cat trapped in a giant paper bag, insomniac hippos, and anteaters working as waiters. The performance lasts 85 minutes (with intermission) and is suggested for ages 3 years and older. See it on Sunday, March 20, at 2 p.m. in Callahan Theatre (Nazareth College Arts Center, 4245 East Avenue). Tickets are $17-$20. There will be pre-performance animal-themed activities in the Arts Center lobby beginning at 1 p.m., which is free to ticket holders. For more information, call 389-2170, or visit — BY REBECCA RAFFERTY


Ask any Rochester fashionista, and they’ll tell you Sewn Seeds is a “must attend” event each spring. The sartorial show, which is spearheaded by Park Avenue boutique Peppermint, spotlights local emerging designers. The fourth annual Sewn Seeds will feature Tanvi Asher, Josean Vargas-Rodriguez, and Sofie Cerankosky. The trio will debut both formal and ready-towear collections. Cerankosky is the youngest member of the group at 15 years old, and in 2014, the Brighton High School student won first place in the From the Ground Fashion Show at High Falls for her original work. Partner organization World Hair will style models’ hair and makeup, while Restaurant Good Luck will serve as the venue (the bar will be open). Part of the show’s proceeds benefit Girls Rock! Rochester and Verona Street Animal Society. Sewn Seeds will take place Sunday, March 20, at Restaurant Good Luck, 50 Anderson Avenue. 1 p.m. VIP tickets are sold out, but standing room tickets are $35. Purchase online at — BY LEAH STACY

Lectures 1985 Baird Rd. 256-2130.

Literary Events [ WED., MARCH 16 ] If All of Rochester Reads: Author Visit by Sonja 22 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

Livingston. March 16, 7-9 p.m. Penfield Public Library, 1985 Baird Rd. Registration required 585-340-8720. penfieldlibrary. org. [ SUN., MARCH 20 ] The Spirit Room: A Poetry & Pie Night All-Star Spectacular. March 20, 7-10 p.m. Studio 180, 180 St Paul St #201

[ SUN., MARCH 20 ] Rochester Area Vegan Society Meeting. March 20, 7 p.m. Brighton Town Park, 777 Westfall Rd. $3. 621-8794. [ MON., MARCH 21 ] Conversations on Race with Poverty. March 21, 6-8 p.m. Lyell Branch, Rochester Public Library, 956 Lyell Ave. 428-6060.

Museum Exhibit [ WED., MARCH 16 ] Frogs: A Chorus of Colors. Through April 10. Rochester Museum and Science Center, 657 East Ave. Through April 10. Discover the adaptations of a wide variety of live frogs and uncover the clues they offer about our environment Included w/museum admission. Brian Ulrich: The Centurion; Lorna Bieber: Fabrications. Ongoing. George Eastman Museum, 900 East Ave. History of photography, the collection represents the full history of photography, through Feb. 21. Lorna Bieber: Fabrications, Reproduced photographic images are the subject of her work, through June 5 271-3361. U.S. Games Through the Decades. Through May 31. Fairport Historical Museum, 18 Perrin St Through May 31. Board and tabletop selections from the extensive collection of local resident and former village mayor Clark King [ SUN., MARCH 20 ] The History of Railroads in Ontario County. March 20, 1 p.m. New York Museum of Transportation, 6393 E. River Rd $4-$5. 5331113.

Recreation Spring Tours. March 19, 11 a.m. Mount Hope Cemetery, 1133 Mt. Hope Avenue $7. 461-3494.

Special Events [ WED., MARCH 16 ] Embark and Blackbird Cider Works Tasting & Educational Event. March 16, 6-9 p.m. Mullers Cider House, 1344 University Ave Suite 180 287-5875. mullersciderhouse@gmail. com. Embark Cider Works Event. March 16, 6-9 p.m. Mullers Cider House, 1344 University Ave Suite 180 287-5875. Faith Unites Us. March 16, 11 a.m. Temple B’rith Kodesh, 1231 Elmwood Avenue Nonperishable food donations. 2447060 x 233.


[ FRI., MARCH 18 ] 7th Annual Gilda’s Guys Bachelor Auction. March 18, 6-10 p.m. Harro East Ballroom, 155 N. Chestnut St. $40. 423-9700. [ SAT., MARCH 19 ] 38th Annual Maple Sugaring. Through March 20. Cumming Nature Center, 6472 Gulick Rd. 697-1962. Always In Your Corner: A Charity Boxing Event to Benefit Gilda’s Club Rochester. March 19, 6-10 p.m. Mario’s Italian Steakhouse, 2740 Monroe Avenue $100. 4239700. EWGA Rochester 2016 Kick-off Brunch. March 19, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Brook-Lea Country Club, 891 Pixley Rd. 247-3242. RocSoup Community Supper & Fundraiser. March 19, 4-7 p.m. 1872 Café, 431 W. Main St. $5. 279-9943. rocsoup/. Swinging’ Sixties Fundraiser. March 19, 6-10 p.m. Club 86, Avenue E $30-$50. 315-7895151. genevahistoricalsociety. com. [ SUN., MARCH 20 ] 3rd Annual Alumni Appreciation Brunch. March 20, 10:30 a.m. Hillel Community Day School, 191 Fairfield Dr. $18-$50. 2716877. Brain Waves Benefit. March 20, 2-6 p.m. AJ’s Tap and Steak House, 2235 Empire Blvd . Webster $20. 271-8640 x 202. Peppermint Sewn Seeds Fashion Show. March 20, 2-4 p.m. Good


Hot on the heels of FOX’s live TV broadcast of “Grease” in January, the Rochester Association of Performing Arts (RAPA) presents its own version of the 1950’s love story. In this classic musical, the Burger Palace Boys and Pink Ladies of Rydell High bop and sing along to favorites such as “Summer Nights,” “It’s Raining on Prom Night,” “Greased Lightnin’,” and more. Many familiar faces from the local theater circuit are in the cast, and Judith Ranaletta directs. “Grease” plays at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 18, and Saturday, March 19, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 20, at Kodak Center for Performing Arts Mainstage Theatre, 200 West Ridge Road. Tickets start at $20 and there may be a $5 charge for parking. Purchase online at or by calling 254-0073. — BY LEAH STACY Luck, 50 Anderson Ave. $35-$65. 633-2400. Solarize the Flower City Launch Party. March 20, 2:30-3:30 p.m. City Hall, 30 Church St. Toy and Collectible Show. March 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Village Gate Square, 274 N. Goodman St. 442-5700.

Accidental Hero. March 17-20. Downstairs Cabaret at Winton Place, 3450 Winton Place Thurs. March 17, 7 p.m., Fri. March 18, 8 p.m., Sat. March 19, 4 & 8 p.m., and Sun. March 20, 2 p.m $25. 3254370. David Cooperfield. March 1820. A Magical Journey Through Stages, Auditorium Center, 875 E. Main St Thurs. March 18, 7:30 p.m., Fri. March 19, 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m., Sat. March 20, 2 p.m. The life of David Copperfield $10-$13. 9357173. Grease. Through March 20. Kodak Theater on the Ridge, 500 W Ridge Rd. Through March 20. Fri. March 18, 7:30 p.m., Sat. March 19, 7:30 p.m., and Sun. March 20. 2 p.m $20-$35. 254-0073. Kill The Lucky Ones, Live to Fight. Thu., March 17. Rochester Greenovation, 1199 East Main St. Thurs. March 17, 7 p.m. Performed Reading by the Rochester Latino Theatre Company Donations accepted 288-7564. The Seafarer. March 18-27. MuCCC, 142 Atlantic Ave Through March 27. Fri. and Sat. March 18 & 19, 8 p.m., Sun. March 2 p.m., Thurs.-Sat. March 24-26, 8 p.m., and Sun. March 7, 2 p.m. An Irish comedy $9$19. Sound of Music. Through March 19. Jefferson Road School, 15 School Lane Through March 19. Fri. March 11, 6:30 p.m., Sat. March 12, 2 p.m., Fri. March 6:30 p.m., and Sat. March

19, 12, 3:30 & 12:30 p.m $6. The Seagull. March 18-April 3. Bread & Water Theatre, 172 West Main St Through April 3. Fri. and Sat. March 18 & 19, 25 & 26, and April 1 & 2, 7:30 p.m., Sun. March 20 and April 3, 2 p.m $8-$14. 538-9684. To Kill A Mockingbird. Through March 20. Geva Theatre Center, 75 Woodbury Blvd Through March 20. Fri. March 18, 8 p.m., Sat. March 19, 4 & 8:30 p.m., Sun, March 20, 2 p.m $25+. 232-4382. Will My Bunny Go to Heaven?. Through March 27. Geva Theatre Center, 75 Woodbury Blvd Through March 27. Tues.-Fri. March 15-18, 7 p.m., Sat. March 19, 3 & 7 p.m., Sun. March. 20, 3 p.m., Tues.-Fri. March 22-25, 7 p.m., Sat. March 26, 3 & 7 p.m., and Sun. March 27, 3 p.m $35. 232-1366.

Pop-Up Craft Party: Fabric Beads. March 17, 4:30-6 p.m. Central Library, 115 South Ave. 428-8140. h3qpcld.


[ TUE., MARCH 22 ] Ancient Storytelling and Sacred Ecology. March 22, 5:30-7:30 p.m. 861-8127. Make Your Own Dairy-Free Ice Cream. March 22, 7-8 p.m. Rochester Brainery, Village Gate, 274 N. Goodman St. $30. 7307034.

[ WED., MARCH 16 ] Comedy Improvisation: Character Workshop. March 16, 7-9 p.m. Rochester Brainery, Village Gate, 274 N. Goodman St. $15. 7307034. The Emotional Experience of Illness and Pain. March 16, 6-7:30 p.m. Mental Health Association, 320 N. Goodman St. Registration requested 325-3145 x100. [ THU., MARCH 17 ] Citizenship Preparation Class. 5-7:30 p.m OACES Family Learning Center, 30 Hart St. 262-8000.

[ SAT., MARCH 19 ] Egg Dying. March 19, 1 p.m. Sterling Nature Center, 15380 Jenzvold Rd 315-9476143. Family Dynamics & Conflict with Dementia. March 19, 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. Central Library, Science & History Division, 115 South Avenue 428-8110. [ SUN., MARCH 20 ] Yoga and Champagne Eggstravaganza. March 20, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Ox and Stone, 282 Alexander street . rochester ny $40. 730-0723.

GETLISTED get your event listed for free e-mail it to Or go online to and submit it yourself! CITY 23

Movie Theaters


Searchable, up-to-the-minute movie times for all area theaters can be found at, and on City’s mobile website.

Brockport Strand 93 Main St, Brockport, 637-3310,

Canandaigua Theatres 3181 Townline Road, Canandaigua, 396-0110,

Cinema Theater 957 S. Clinton St., 271-1785,

Culver Ridge 16 2255 Ridge Rd E, Irondequoit  544-1140,

Dryden Theatre 900 East Ave., 271-3361,

Eastview 13 Eastview Mall, Victor 425-0420,

Geneseo Theatres Geneseo Square Mall, 243-2691,

Greece Ridge 12 176 Greece Ridge Center Drive 225-5810,

Henrietta 18 525 Marketplace Drive 424-3090,

The Little 240 East Ave., 258-0444

Movies 10 2609 W. Henrietta Road 292-0303,

Pittsford Cinema 3349 Monroe Ave., 383-1310

Tinseltown USA/IMAX 2291 Buffalo Road 247-2180,

Webster 12 2190 Empire Blvd., 888-262-4386,

Vintage Drive In 1520 W Henrietta Rd., Avon 226-9290,

The monsters within “10 Cloverfield Lane”

talking), and it wasn’t until late in the game that it was absorbed into the “Cloverfield” universe. (PG-13), DIRECTED BY DAN TRACHTENBERG Leading up to the release, director Dan NOW PLAYING Trachtenberg and producer J.J. Abrams kept mum on exactly what the connection between the films [ REVIEW ] BY ADAM LUBITOW would be, calling the film a “blood relative” to its predecessor. Though “Cloverfield’s” director (Matt For a movie whose very existence was a secret Reeves) and writer (Drew Goddard) were on as until two months ago, “10 Cloverfield Lane” has producers, the tethers to that film appeared to be a lot of expectations to live up to. Before a trailer more along the lines of spirit and tone than any for the quasi sequel to the 2008 found-footage direct plot elements. monster flick, “Cloverfield,” popped up in In the film’s wordless opening sequence, January — seemingly out of nowhere — no one Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a young had a clue the film existed. woman from Louisiana, hastily packs a suitcase And that’s for one very good reason: for most and rushes out of her apartment, leaving behind an of its production, the film was just an unassuming engagement ring but grabbing a bottle of Scotch. thriller by the name of “Valencia” (or “The Cellar” Her flight is cut short by a serious car accident, depending on which stage of production we’re after which she wakes up chained to the wall of an underground cement bunker. Her captor, Howard (John Goodman), informs her that a cataclysmic event has taken place which has left the outside world uninhabitable. Luckily, he found her and rescued her, bringing her to the shelter he’s had built for just such an occasion. Michelle’s dubious John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead in “10 Cloverfield Lane.” of Howard’s claims, PHOTO COURTESY PARAMOUNT PICTURES

but a third resident of the bunker, a young man named Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.), backs up his story. It will be at least year or two years before it’s safe to return to the surface, but at least they’re prepared: the bunker is stocked with plenty of food, a kick-ass jukebox and shelves of movies to watch — from “Pretty in Pink” to “Cannibal Airline” (a fictional title, but man, is it one I want to see). Sure, you can look at “10 Cloverfield Lane” as simply a cynical attempt to retrofit a modest little thriller onto a franchise to which it has little connection. It’s a clear way to bring the film to the attention of a lot more people, and hopefully ensure that the film will be that much more profitable. But in a way, what Abrams and company are attempting appears to be similar to what John Carpenter had hoped to do with the “Halloween” franchise: creating an anthology of films loosely connected by general theme (nevermind that Carpenter made the second film in this series a direct sequel to the first, thus thoroughly perplexing audiences when the third film inexplicably veered off in an entirely new direction). But in this case, the gambit seems to be working this time around. Nerve-jangling tense and claustrophobic, “10 Cloverfield Lane” is expertly crafted by Trachtenberg. Even if the film’s final act isn’t quite as strong as what’s come before (and to be fair, it’d be hard for anything to live up to that), I admired its audacity. For the majority of its running time, the film resembles a three-person play, with Winstead, Goodman, and Gallagher Jr. the only performers

Movies Reviews. New Releases. Upcoming Films. 24 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016


Film Clips

Full film reviews available at

on screen, and they’re all operating at the top of their game. The considerable tension comes from how these characters play off one another. Winstead gets to flex her dramatic skills in addition to her chops as an action hero, conveying Michelle’s intelligence and resourcefulness. Her eyes are constantly alert, darting around and taking in every detail around her, so we buy it when she puts those details to good use. She’s constantly sizing Howard up, attempting to determine exactly how much of a threat he poses. The inventive sound design constantly keeps us on edge; as suspicion set in, every noise seems to be heightened — from doors banging open or closed, to the clink of a glass bottle hitting the table. Composer Bear McCreary’s frantic orchestral score adds to the suspense, making great use of some Bernard Hermann-esque strings. Gallagher Jr. turns the sweetly naive Emmett into a compelling character. But John Goodman’s performance is a thing of beauty. From his time on “Roseanne” to his frequent work with the Coen brothers, Goodman has always been equally skilled at projecting a sweet-natured goodness as well as alarming menace. He’s a big guy, and knows how to use his size to intimidate. Writers Josh Campbell, Matthew Stuecken, and Damien Chazelle have given him a great, complicated character to play; there’s a scene centered around a game of Taboo that provides some fascinating and unexpected insight into Howard’s psychological makeup. Pride, anger, and paranoia mix together in the body of a man who seems to have spent his time rooting for doomsday to arrive. He’s the franchise’s scariest creation.

[ OPENING ] AFERIM! (2015): Set in early 19th century Romania, a policeman is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife. Dryden (Fri, Mar 18, 8 p.m.) BARBARELLA (1968): In this camp classic, Jane Fonda stars as oversexed space traveler Barbarella, tasked with finding and stopping the evil Durand-Durand. Little (Fri, Mar 18, 10 p.m.) THE BRONZE (R): A foul-mouthed former gymnastics bronze medalist must fight for her local celebrity status when a new young athlete’s star rises in town. THE DIVERGENT SERIES: ALLEGIANT (PG-13): In the third installment of the “Divergent” series, heroic Tris and Four find themselves fugitives on the run from the malevolent leaders of their futuristic society. MIDNIGHT SPECIAL (PG-13): A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers. Starring Joel Edgerton, Michael Shannon, Kirsten Dunst, and Adam Driver. MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN (PG): A young girl suffering from a rare digestive disorder finds herself miraculously cured after surviving a terrible accident. Starring Jennifer Garner and Queen Latifah. MUTANT ALIENS (2001): Esteemed animator Bill Plympton directs this story of an astronaut, his daughter, and five alien creatures who seek revenge against a space industry baron. Dryden (Tue, Mar 22, 8 p.m.) NORTH BY NORTHWEST (1959): In Alfred Hitchcock’s classic suspense tale, a hapless New York advertising executive is mistaken for a government agent by a group of foreign spies, and is pursued across the country while he looks for a way to survive. Dryden (Thu, Mar 17, 8 p.m.; Mon, Mar 21, 1:30 p.m.) THE PARENT TRAP (1961): Teenage twin sisters swap places and scheme to reunite their divorced parents. Dryden (Sun, Mar 20, 2 p.m.) THE QUIET MAN (1952): A retired American boxer returns to the village of his birth in Ireland, where he finds love. Starring John

Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. Dryden (Sat, Mar 19, 8 p.m.) SWORN VIRGIN (2015): In the inhospitable mountains of Albania, a woman escapes from her destiny of being wife and servant by living life as a man. Little (Sun, Mar 20, 6 p.m.) THREE COLORS: WHITE (1994): The second installment of Krzysztof Kieslowski’s acclaimed trilogy, a Polish immigrant who wants to get even with his former wife when she divorces him due to his impotence. Dryden (Wed, Mar 16, 8 p.m.) [ CONTINUING ] 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE (PG-13): Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he’s saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable. Starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and John Gallagher Jr. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, IMAX, Tinseltown, Webster THE BROTHERS GRIMSBY (R): Wrongfully accused and on the run, a top MI6 assassin joins forces with his long-lost, football hooligan brother to save the world from a sinister plot, in this action comedy starring Sacha Baron Cohen, Mark Strong, Rebel Wilson, and Penélope Cruz. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, Tinseltown CEMETERY OF SPLENDOR (NR): A lonesome middle-age housewife tends to a soldier afflicted with a mysterious sleeping sickness, and falls into a hallucination that triggers strange dreams, phantoms, and romance. Little DEADPOOL (R): A former Special Forces operative turned mercenary is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopting the alter ego Deadpool. Starring Ryan Reynolds. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown EDDIE THE EAGLE (PG-13): The true story of Great Britain’s first ski jumper to enter the Winter Olympics. Starring Hugh Jackman, Taron Egerton, and Christopher Walken. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Greece, Tinseltown GODS OF EGYPT (PG-13): A mortal hero joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.

Starring Gerard Butler, Geoffrey Rush, and Chadwick Boseman. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Greece, Tinseltown HOW TO BE SINGLE (R): A group of modern women learn how to be single in a world filled with ever-evolving definitions of love. Starring Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson, Alison Brie, and Leslie Mann. Tinseltown KUNG FU PANDA 3 (PG): The continuing adventures of Po, who must now face two hugely epic, but different threats: one supernatural and the other a little closer to his home. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Greece, Henrietta, Tinseltown THE LADY IN THE VAN (PG-13): Playwright Alan Bennett forms an unexpected bond with a transient woman living in her car that’s parked in his driveway. Starring Maggie Smith. Little, Pittsford LONDON HAS FALLEN (R): In London for the Prime Minister’s funeral, a Secret Service agent discovers a plot to assassinate all the attending world leaders. Starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett, and Robert Forster. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown, Webster MUSTANG (PG-13): When five orphan girls are seen innocently playing with boys on a beach, their scandalized conservative guardians confine them while forced marriages are arranged, in this Oscar nominee for Best Foreign Film. Little ONLY YESTERDAY (PG): Getting its first release in the U.S., this animated masterwork from Studio Ghibli tells the story of a young office worker who travels to the countryside while reminiscing about her childhood growing up in Tokyo. Little THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR (R): A grieving mother seeks out a ritual that allows her to say goodbye to her dead child, opening the veil between the world of the dead and the living. Henrietta, Tinseltown THE PERFECT MATCH (R): In this romantic comedy, a playboy meets a beautiful and mysterious woman, and agrees to a casual affair, but decides he wants a bit more from their relationship. Culver, Greece, Henrietta, Tinseltown

RACE (PG-13): The true story of track and field star Jesse Owens’ (Stephan James) quest toward the 1936 Olympics, where he faces off against Adolf Hitler’s vision of Aryan supremacy. With Jason Sudeikis, William Hurt, and Jeremy Irons. Canandaigua, Culver, Geneseo, Tinseltown RISEN (PG-13): The biblical story of the Resurrection is told through the eyes of a non-believer tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks following the crucifixion. Starring Joseph Fiennes. Culver, Eastview, Greece, Henrietta, Tinseltown TRIPLE 9 (R): A gang of criminals and corrupt cops plan the murder of a police officer in order to pull off their biggest heist yet across town. Starring Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Winslet, Woody Harrelson, Aaron Paul, and Anthony Mackie. Culver, Greece, Tinseltown WHERE TO INVADE NEXT (R): To learn what the USA can learn from other nations, Michael Moore playfully “invades” them to see what they have to offer. Little WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT (R): Tina Fey stars as a journalist who recounts her wartime coverage in Afghanistan and Pakistan. With Billy Bob Thornton, Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman, and Alfred Molina. Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Greece, Henrietta, Pittsford, Tinseltown, Webster THE WITCH (R): When misfortune strikes, a family of Puritan settlers begin to turn on one another, but may be under the influence of supernatural evil lurking in the nearby wood. All hail Black Phillip. Culver, Greece, Henrietta, Tinseltown THE YOUNG MESSIAH (PG-13): The story of Jesus Christ at age seven as he and his family depart Egypt to return home to Nazareth. Culver, Eastview, Greece, Henrietta, Tinseltown ZOOTOPIA (PG): In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a fugitive con-artist fox and a rookie bunny cop must work together to uncover a conspiracy. With the voices of Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Octavia Spencer, and J.K. Simmons. Brockport, Canandaigua, Culver, Eastview, Geneseo, Greece, Henrietta, IMAX, Pittsford, Tinseltown, Webster CITY 25

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For Sale

one when you only wear it once? $5 Contact Staysha 585-747.6932

B. MAKOWSKY - light gray 100% leather purse w/ faux leopard print lining 1’ w & 7” H $40 contact Staysha 585-747-6932

ONE FOLDING CARD Chair, padded, black seat and back, folds $20 VGC 585-880-2903

BEDSIDE TABLE - Red Mahogony w17” x L20” x H25” $17.00 585490-5870 BRAUN JUICE MAKER $35 585490-5870 DOG CRATE - metal, large dog, German Shepherd , folds. $49.99 585-880-2903 EXOTIC HOUSE PLANTS, indoor, 10 plants $3 / $5 each 585-490-5870 FOAM INSULATION SHEETS 8 pieces 1” x 24” x96” $48 all 585490-5870 GOEBEL HUMMEL (original) Eskimo Girl wearing yellow coat with red button and white trim & blue/green mittens. Is $90 on Ebay! contact Staysha $40. 585-747-6932 HIKING BOOTS - Dunham Troleam US size 71/2-8 narrow. Vibram sole-made in Italy. Excellent condition. Location Charlotte $5.00. 585 663 6983 OAK HALL : solid black graduation gown 5’3” to 5’5”. Why buy a new

SEBRING “TOLEDO DELIGHT” and Vanity Fair, both 22K gold trimmed, American Limoges Dinnerware, with floral medallion motifs, beautiful display pieces, collectables $30 Staysha 585-747-6932 STUDENT’S REFRIGERATOR - 18” x 18” x 18” $40 585-490-5870 THE GAME ‘RISK’ (An-Old-One) Never used, games pieces still in original packaging. VGC $20 585880-2903 WASHER & DRYER apartment size, stackable with frame Excellent condition $200. 585-623-3104 WATER TREATMENT UNIT Brand new in box. (2) (NSA100s) NSA Bacteriosatatic with water hose $25 each 585-880-2903

Jam Section CALLING ALL MUSICIANS OF ALL GENRES the Rochester Music Coalition wants you! Please register on our website. For further info:

HomeWork A cooperative effort of City Newspaper and RochesterCityLiving, a program of the Landmark Society. 585-235-8412 KEYBOARDIST NEEDED For acoustic / New Age type project, playing instrumental atmospheric textural pieces with some vocals,someone to write, collaborate and Gig with. Geneseo 585-476-2330 MULTI INSTR MUSICIAN R&B Funk, one band, avail eve’s, transportation & equipt. Preparing for spring 7 summer festival, casino, and county club work Bobby 585328-4121

R&B FUNK BAND looking for guitarist, keyboard, sax musician to join unit. Preparing for spring & summer. Must be available evenigings, Trans & equip Bobby 585-328-4121 R&B SAX PLAYER Senior R&B sax available, ear man wants to jam/ work clubs. Prefers soul and blues, played pro call (585) 750-3964 STRONG CHORUSMEN - guitar & keys -tech that can be horn-line and hold down melodies & bass lines, vocals a plus, transport, equipt, avail evenings Bobby 585-328-4121

VOCALIST AVAILABLE, - living in Rochester area. Can sing Pop,soul, rock, R&B, blues, big band. Experienced and seasoned. Call 585-615-9292

continues on page 28

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Find your way home with TO ADVERTISE CONTACT CHRISTINE TODAY! CALL 244-3329 X23 OR EMAIL CHRISTINE@ROCHESTER-CITYNEWS.COM IRONDEQUOIT: 205 PARDEE RD; $99,900 LARGE BRICK COLONIAL with HUGE BACKYARD! This 3 bedroom (and 1st floor office) home has lots to offer! CHARM THROUGHOUT! Call Ryan @ 585-618-6802. Re/Max Realty Group.

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HENRIETTA: 202 RIVERS RUN. $168,900. A great 55+ community. Country setting yet close to city amenities. Walk to Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Spacious 1551 sf. one floor townhouse. Great Room with gas fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, office, patio. Appliances stay. Open Sat. 3/26, 1-2:30pm

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Meticulous Restoration, Superb Location 9 Menlo Place A short walk to Highland Park’s Lilac Festival, College Town and the University of Rochester, South Wedge eateries and shops, and the region’s famous bike paths and trail systems, this 2,800 square foot stunning Victorian-era home at 9 Menlo Place boasts beautifully preserved architecture in a historic neighborhood with easy access to the year-round activities and events for which Rochester is well known. Owned and lovingly preserved for over 100 years by several generations of the same family, the home features gleaming hardwood floors throughout, a grand foyer opening into the parlor with original fireplace, and pocket doors from the parlor into the dining room, with a large bay window and box seat. The ample butler’s pantry shows beautifully with its original glass-faced cabinets and hardware, leading into the spacious kitchen, renovated in 2007, yet retaining a piece of history with its one exposed brick wall. An unexpected bonus is a four season sun room located directly adjacent to the kitchen, providing a generous alternative for a breakfast area, or possible use as an office or child’s playroom. An original wooden hand-crafted staircase leads to the second floor, also accessible from a servant’s staircase near the kitchen. Two landings, each with large original stained and leaded glass windows, brighten the ascent, where the 10 x 15 foot second floor landing leads to four of the home’s five bedrooms. An

abundance of natural light in all the bedrooms creates a spacious feeling on this, the second of three floors. A fully updated bathroom on this floor is in keeping with period detail. Anyone seeking a quiet, spacious master bedroom retreat will find it on the third floor of this home. Glistening hardwood floors and a full bathroom set the stage for any number of ways to best utilize this great space. Privacy and accessibility create an ideal setting for creative use of this 500 square foot area with several gabled dormer windows. French doors set off a space that could be used in any number of ways, from an exercise room, to an artist’s studio, to a nursery, or a reading room. The options are all here! Additional features include a sizeable mud room, a detached garage close to the sun room, and a new furnace. The Menlo Place Block Club offers old-fashioned neighborliness and opportunities for making connections and joining in activities year round. With an asking price of $229,900, 9 Menlo Place is the place to be! For more information about this lovingly restored Highland Park neighborhood home, contact Carmen Lonardo of RE/MAX Realty at 233-4119. by Marian Moskow Marian is a Landmark Society volunteer and works as a health project coordinator at the University of Rochester School of Nursing. CITY 27


Looking For... FESTIVAL VENDORS WANTED The Village of Macedon and Macedon Village Pride are calling for Vendors for Two Festivals. Sidewalk Festival-June 18th 9am3pm and Autumn on the Erie-Get to Know Your Neighbor-October 1st 9am-4pm. For more information: Call Kitty Barg 315-986-4076 or VENDORS & ARTISTS WANTED for Buffalo’s Largest Comic Con. Star studded guest list. Buffalo Niagara Convention Center on 8/13 & 8/14. Low booth & ticket prices. Email:

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Volunteers BECOME A DOCENT at the Rochester Museum & Science Center Must be an enthusiastic communicator, Like working with children. Learn more at Volunteer Or call 585-697-1948 CARING FOR CAREGIVERS Lifespan is looking for volunteers to offer respite to caregivers whose loved ones have been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s Disease. For details call Eve at 244-8400 ISAIAH HOUSE A a 2 bed home for the dying in Rochester needs volunteer caregivers! Training provided! Go to our website for an application or call the House at 232-5221. LIFESPAN’S OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM is looking for volunteers to advocate for individuals living in long-term care settings. Please contact, call 585.287.6378 or e-mail for more information MEALS ON WHEELS needs your help delivering meals to homebound residents in YOUR community. • Delivering takes about an hour • Routes go out mid-day, Monday - Friday Call 787-8326 or OPERA GUILD OF Rochester needs volunteers in publicity, audio-visual presentation, and computer tasks. Currently top of the list: online newsletter Assistant Publisher. For details see

Career Training AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800725-1563 (AAN CAN) AIRLINE CAREERS START Here –Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM for free information 866-2967093

Legal Ads [ LEGAL NOTICE ] Notice of formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC); Name: AUM SHIV ADVISORS, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/04/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: C/O AUM SHIV ADVISORS, LLC, 7 Gloucester Circle, Rochester, 14623. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Latest date upon which LLC is to dissolve: No specific date. [ NOTICE ] NOTICE OF FORMATION Upstate Led LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on January 14, 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 34 Kirklees Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activity [ NOTICE ] 110 Cottage LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 2/10/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to c/o Mark Hudson Management PO Box 30071 Rochester, NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] 1201 Bay LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] 199 UTICA STREET, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/12/15. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2050. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom

process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 81 Jackson Road Extension, Penfield, NY 14526. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] 206 Park LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] 35 Williams LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] 41 Williams LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] 63 Park LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the

To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] 74 Park LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] 82 Meigs LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on a 126 foot building located at 1400 Plymouth Avenue S., Rochester, NY, 14611. The modifications will consist adding three antennas at center heights of 123 feet and 128 feet above ground level. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project 6116001085-TC c/o EBI Consulting, 21 B St, Burlington, MA 01803, or via telephone at 339-234-2597. [ NOTICE ] BLKHRTD LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with NY Secy. of State (SS) on 8/26/15. LLC’s office is in Monroe Co. SS is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SS will mail a copy of any process to LLC’s principal business location at 77 Walnut St., Rochester, NY 14608. LLC’s purpose: any lawful activity.



BRO LOGIC, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/12/15. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2050. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 2590 Brighton Henrietta Town Line Road, Rochester, NY14623. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

ERIE STATION STORAGE, LLC: Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company. Articles of Organization for ERIE STATION STORAGE, LLC (“LLC”) were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 26, 2016. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC, at c/o The Limited Liability Company, 46 Prince Street, Rochester, New York 14607. Purpose: To engage in any lawful activity.

[ NOTICE ] Chili Pepper LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 2/3/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 59 Requa St., Rochester, NY 14621. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] COHEN PROPERTIES NY LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 11/16/15. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 2255 Lyell Ave., Rochester, NY 14606, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Crib Management LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 1/7/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 235 Carmas Dr Rochester NY 14626 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] DECKMAN DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Filed w/SSNY on 7/24/14. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Ave. #202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Reg. Agent: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. @ same address. Purpose: all lawful. [ NOTICE ] Edgerton Consulting, LLC (“LLC”) filed Arts. of Org. with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on February 8, 2016. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 218 Edgerton Street, Rochester, NY 14607. Purpose: any lawful activity.

[ NOTICE ] Everblak Equipment, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 12/30/15. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, Joseph Dibattisto, Manager, 995 Buffalo Rd., Rochester, NY 14624. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] Gitsis property solutions LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10/8/15. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 8 Walnut Hill Dr Penfield NY 14526 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] GWC Properties, LLC filed Art. Of Org. with SSNY on 11/9/15. Office Location: Monroe Cnty. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 144 Village Landing #192, Fairport, NY 14450. Purpose: Any lawful purpose [ NOTICE ] Index #: 2015/1302. SUPREME COURT NEW YORK STATE MONROE COUNTY In the matter of the Application of DAWN A. APRILE, RYAN C. REIHM, RICHARD C. RIEHM, and MITCHELL E. RIEHM, Petitioners, for the Judicial Dissolution of PREMIUM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, CHARLES W. APRILE, III, CINDY L. APRILE, LYDIA M. APRILE, LAUREN S. APRILE, and CHARLES W. APRILE, JR., as Custodian for KEVIN C. APRILE Respondents. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned,

Joseph D. Rinere, that he has been duly appointed receiver of the property of the Defendant Corporation, and has duly qualified as such and entered upon the performance of his duties, and that, pursuant to Section 1207 of the Business Corporation Law, said receiver requires: A. All persons indebted to said defendant, PREMIUM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, to render an account of all debts owing by them to the corporation and to pay the same to said receiver at the office of Rinere & Rinere, LLP, located at 36 West Main St., Ste. #798, Rochester, NY 14614, by September 16, 2016. B. All persons having in their possession any property of the defendant corporation, PREMIUM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, to deliver the same to the undersigned receiver at the said office of Rinere & Rinere, LLP, located at 36 West Main St., Ste. #798, Rochester, NY 14614, by the September 16, 2016. C. All creditors and claimants, including any with unliquidated or contingent claims and any with whom the corporation has unfulfilled contracts, to present their claims to the said receiver in writing and in detail at the said office of Rinere & Rinere, LLP, located at 36 West Main St., Ste. #798, Rochester, NY 14614, by the September 16, 2016. Dated: March 10, 2016 Rochester, New York JOSEPH D. RINERE Receiver of the Property of PREMIUM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION [ NOTICE ] Index No. 201512865 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE ESL Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff, vs. Brenda Stupia, Deceased, and any persons who are heirs or distributees of Brenda Stupia, Deceased, and all persons who are widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs, devisees, distributees, successors in interest of such of them as may be deceased, and their husbands, wives, heirs, devisees, distributees and successors of interest all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to Plaintiff; Lisa Stupia; John Stupia; United States of America; People of the State

of New York; “John Doe” and/or “Mary Roe”, Defendants. Location of property to be foreclosed: 151 Mohawk Street, City of Rochester, Monroe County, New York TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the Plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a Defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Monroe County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the mortgaged premises. NOTICE: YOU MAY BE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this Summons and Complaint by serving a copy of the Answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the Answer with the Court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your property. Speak to an attorney or go to the Court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the Summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. DATED: November 18, 2015 MATTHEW RYEN, ESQ. Lacy Katzen, LLP Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address The Granite Building 130 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: (585) 324-5767 [ NOTICE ] KAMA COM, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 1/29/16. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of

process to 939 Pinnacle Rd., Henrietta, NY 14467. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] MKSM Associates, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 2/1/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to John D. Moffitt, 46 Ontario St., Honeoye Falls, NY 14472. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] Nizan Kent LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 3/2/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to c/o Mark Hudson Management POB 30071 Rochester NY 14603 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Notice is hereby given that a license, number 3157129, for an on premise consumption of beer & wine license has been applied for by Jerk Hutt Exprezz LLC. dba Jerk Hutt Exprezz, 665 Culver Rd., Rochester NY 14609, County of Monroe, for a restaurant under the alcohol beverage law. [ NOTICE ] Notice is hereby given that a license, number pending, for an on premise consumption beer, wine, cider and liquor license has been applied for by B Young Promotions LLC dba , Jazzy Blu’ Lounge, 179 St. Paul St, Rochester NY 14604, County of Monroe, for a tavern under the alcohol beverage law. [ NOTICE ] Notice is hereby given That an alcohol beverage License, pending has been applied for by the undersigned to sell Liquor Beer and Wine Under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 836 Long Pond Road Rochester NY 14612 - On Premises Consumption Liquor License for Flight Wine Bar Inc DBA Flight West [ NOTICE ] Notice is hereby given that an alcohol beverage License, pending has been applied for by the undersigned to sell Liquor Beer and Wine Under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at 1 Johnsarbor Drive West Rochester NY 14620 - On Premises

cont. on page 32 CITY 29


The Historic Parsells Church A Dynamic Christ Community Palm Sunday, March 20th, 11:00 a.m. Easter Sunday, March 27th, 6:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Bible Study – Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Rochester Worships 2016

Pastor Marlowe V.N. Washington

Serving the Beechwood/Culver neighborhood for 120 years! 345 Parsells Avenue, Rochester (Off Culver Road)

Visit our website for photos and audio:

Please Join Us For Holy Week And Easter Sunday Liturgies PALM SUNDAY WEEKEND LITURGIES

• Blessed Sacrament Church Sunday, 10:00 AM, 12:15 PM • St. Boniface Church Saturday, 5:00 PM & Sunday, 9:00 AM • St. Mary’s Church Saturday, 4:00 PM & Sunday, 10:30 AM


Blessed Sacrament Church Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7:00 PM


• St. Mary's Church Liturgy of the Lord's Passion 12:10 PM • St. Boniface Church Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, 3:00 PM • St. Boniface Church Stations of the Cross, 7:00 PM


St. Mary's Church, Easter Vigil, 7:30 PM


• Blessed Sacrament Church 10:00 AM, 12:15 PM • St. Boniface Church, 9:00 AM • St. Mary's Church, 10:30 AM

Blessed Sacrament • 534 Oxford St. (at Monroe) • 271-7240 St Boniface • 330 Gregory St. (near South Ave) • 473-4271 St Mary’s • 15 St Mary’s Place (near GEVA) • 232-7140 30 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

Irondequoit United Church of Christ Palm Sunday March 20 9AM Celebration Worship 11AM Traditional Worship

Maundy Thursday March 24 6PM Potluck with 7PM Worship

Easter Sunday March 27 9AM Celebration Worship 11AM Traditional Worship

644 T it us Avenue Rochester 14617 585-544-3020

(Across from the House of Guitars)

Love Rising

Easter Morning at Downtown Presbyterian Church The Rev. Dr. Pat Youngdahl

Festive Music with Brass, Organ, Choir, and Timpani 11 AM: Nursery care provided

121 N. Fitzhugh St., Rochester NY • | 585-325-4000 CITY 31

Legal Ads > page 29 Consumption Liquor License for St John’s Home for the Aging DBA St John’s Meadows [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of DIMARCO REALTY SERVICES LLC Arts. Of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on Jul. 25, 2013. Office location: Monroe Co., NY. Princ. Office of LLC: 1950 Brighton Henrietta Townline Road, Rochester, NY 14623. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Princ. Office of LLC. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of 150 NC Parking LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 11/10/15. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 150 N. Clinton Ave., Ste. 401, Rochester, NY 14604. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of 164 NORTHLAND, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/26/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, Ronald Hillengas, 119 Fieldwood Drive, Rochester, NY 14609. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of 326 East Linden Avenue, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 2/1/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Hanh Nguyen, 1927 Fairport Nine Mile Point, Penfield, NY 14526, the Reg. Agt. upon whom proc. may be served. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of 48 High Street, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/10/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall

mail process to: The LLC, 115 Hawthorne Dr., Spencerport, NY 14559. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of 80 Lyndon Rd., LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/28/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Abud Fund LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 12/28/15. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1491 Ruth Circle, Wooster, OH 44691 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of ALL-DONE OFFICIAL LAWN HOME MAINTENANCE, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 02/01/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207, regd. agent upon whom and at which process may be served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Always Us Property Group LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/22/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 51 Belltower La. Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Bhim Biswa, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 01/13/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 699 Clinton Avenue S. Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful activities.

32 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of BODYMIND FLOAT CENTER SYRACUSE LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 03/01/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 378 ROCKINGHAM ST, ROCHESTER, NY 14620 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Clover Jack Farms LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 03/07/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 3860 Atlantic Ave, Fairport NY 14450 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of D.B.I. Management Group, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 10/28/15. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 146 Third St. Rochester, NY 14605. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Dadstache Records, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 1/7/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to C/O United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave. Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] NOTICE OF FORMATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; Name of LLC: The Cloud Factory, LLC; Date of filing: 2/9/16; Office of the LLC: Monroe Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLC at 226 West Commercial Street, East Rochester, New York, 14445; Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of ELMAIA ACQUISITION

GROUP, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 01/21/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 80 Parkridge Drive, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Enlightened Coffee, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/9/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 517 Willowgate Drive Webster, NY 14580. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of Fiamma Downtown, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/9/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 4 Elton St., Rochester, NY 14607. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Freedom Properties and Solutions, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/24/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 12 Caywood Lane, Fairport, NY 14450. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Frontier Industrial Applications LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) Jan-052016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 40 Lilac Dr Apt 5 Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of GRACE K. WLASOWICZ, PSYCHIATRIC NP, PLLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 02/24/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. office of PPLC: 261 Dickinson Rd., Webster, NY 14580. SSNY designated as agent of PPLC upon

whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the PPLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Home Ice 2, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/3/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Hudson Family Chiropractic, PLLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/11/2016 Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to U.S. Corp. Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Ave Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Hunters Chase Holdings, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 2/11/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of JM3 Long Term Holdings LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/5/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 818 Houston Rd, Webster, NY 14580. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Katie & Delaney, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 1/26/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 176 Westminster Rd., Apt. 3, Rochester, NY 14607. Purpose: any lawful activities.

[ NOTICE ] NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The name of the Limited Liability Company (“LLC”) is Dave Mancini Publishing LLC. The articles of organization were filed with the New York Secretary of State (“NYSS”) on February 4, 2016. The office of the LLC is located in Monroe County, New York. NYSS has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The NYSS shall mail a copy of any process to P.O. Box 328, Mt. Kisco, New York 10549. The LLC is organized for any purpose authorized by law. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of LLC JENNA MAY TEAM LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/17/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Allstate Corp.Services. 99 Washington Ave, Ste. 1008 Albany, NY, 12260. Purpose: Sell Real Estate. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of MAIN STREAM MOTORS, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) MARCH 31, 2015. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 997 BROAD STREET, SUITE A ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, 14606. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Marcello Property Management, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/11/15. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 150 Willow Ridge Trail, Rochester, NY 14626. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of MICHELLE ROCHESTER PROPERTIES, LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 02/02/16. Office in Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall

mail process to the LLC, 162 Campbell Park Rochester, NY 14606. Purpose: Any lawful purpose [ NOTICE ] NOTICE OF FORMATION OF MOTORCAR AUTO SALES, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/25/15. Office location: Monroe County, NY. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process will be mailed to The LLC, 132 Southland Dr, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful purpose [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Multiverse Properties LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/10/2015. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 11 Henley Place, Fairport, NY 14450 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Mutual Reserve LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 12/11/2015. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 3885 Culver Rd Irondequoit, NY 14622 . Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Open Ice Sports Center, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/28/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of OPL Suites, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/3/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity.

[ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of PantAxios LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/04/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207, regd. agent upon whom and at which process may be served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Partners Laboratories, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 02/02/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 6 Frederick Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of POWER EQUIPMENT REPAIR, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 02/24/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. office of LLC: Joseph P. Gizzi, 3861 Buffalo Rd., Rochester, NY 14624. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of Premo Enterprises, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/10/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 9 Candlewood Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534. Purpose: any lawful act. [ NOTICE ] Notice of formation of RED ROCK CONSULTING, LLC Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/4/2016. Office location, County of Monroe. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 19 Fairpoint Dr., Fairport NY 14450. Purpose: any lawful act [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Rochester JR Hockey

Legal Ads LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/16/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: JJRN Enterprises, LLC, c/o Sammy Feldman, 3445 Winton Place, Ste. 228, Rochester, NY 14623. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of SIBLEY DEVELOPER SPE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/8/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: National Corporate Research, Ltd., 10 E. 40th St., 10th Fl., NY, NY 10016, the registered agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of SRIVAS LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/13/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 1331 Mt. Hope Ave., Apt. 400, Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Formation of Tourroc LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) January 28th, 2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 45 Alliance Ave. Rochester, NY 14620. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qual. of Hidden Creek DE, LLC, Auth. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 2/16/16. Office loc: Monroe County. LLC org. in DE 2/10/16. SSNY desig. as agent of LLC upon whom proc. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of proc. to 1080 Pittsford Victor Rd., Ste. 100, Pittsford, NY 14534. DE office addr.: CTC, 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. on file: SSDE, Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Purp: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of Colorado-Henderson, LLC. Authority filed with

NY Dept. of State on 2/1/16. Office location: Monroe County. LLC organized in OH on 12/26/02. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 20 North Union St., Rochester, NY 14607, principal business address. OH address of LLC: 1660 W. 2nd St., Suite 1100, Cleveland, OH 44113. Arts. of Org. filed with OH Sec. of State, 180 E. Broad St., 16th Fl., Columbus, OH 43215. Purpose: all lawful purposes. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of FX Net Lease Holdings LLC. Authority filed with NY Dept. of State on 2/1/16. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in DE on 1/8/16. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 20 North Union St., Rochester, NY 14607, principal business address. DE address of LLC: 850 New Burton Rd., Suite 201, Dover, DE 19904. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Sec. of State, P.O. Box 898, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of Griswold, LLC. Authority filed with NY Dept. of State on 2/1/16. NYS fictitious name: Griswold-Clarnor, LLC. Office location: Monroe County. LLC organized in OH on 12/26/02. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 20 North Union St., Rochester, NY 14607, principal business address. OH address of LLC: 1660 W. 2nd St., Suite 1100, Cleveland, OH 44113. Arts. of Org. filed with OH Sec. of State, 180 E. Broad St., 16th Fl., Columbus, OH 43215. Purpose: all lawful purposes. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of MPF Sales and Marketing Group, LLC. App. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/22/16. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in Ohio on 4/29/10. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the Ohio address of LLC: 11243 Cornell Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45242, Attn: Michael F. Marek. Arts. of Org. filed with Ohio Secy. of

To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at State, 180 E. Broad St., Ste. 103, Columbus, OH 43215. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of Rochester Airport Holdings, LLC. Authority filed with Secy. Of State of NY (SSYN) on 1/26/16. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 4/13/13. SSYN designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSYN shall mail process to c/o National Registered Agents, Inc., 1925 Lovering Ave. Wilmington, DE 19806. Arts. Of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of DE, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of The Great Escape Room New York LLC. Authority filed with Secy. Of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/16/2015. Office location: Monroe County. LLC formed in FL on 07/29/2015. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to addr. of LLC: 1150 University Ave. Bldg 5, Ste 12A Rochester, NY 14607. Cert. of Form. Filed with Dept. of State, Div. of Corp. Clifton Bldg. 2661 Executive Center Cir. Tallahassee, Fl. 32301. Purpose: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE ] Notice of Qualification of TPG Rochester I Hotel Manager, LLC. Authority filed with NY Dept. of State on 3/3/16. Office location: Monroe County. Princ. bus. addr.: 1140 Reservoir Ave., Cranston, RI 02920. LLC formed in DE on 2/19/16. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011. DE addr. of LLC: c/o The Corporation Trust Co., 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes. [ NOTICE ] Premium Intel, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 2/19/16. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 40 Framingham Ln Pittsford NY 14534 General Purpose



PS PREFERRED PROPERTIES LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 3/7/2016. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 211 Tumbleweed Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

Ruffalo Noel Levitz, LLC Authority filed SSNY 1/13/16 Office: Monroe Co LLC formed DE 6/29/09 exists 2711 Centerville Rd #400 Wilmington DE 19808. SSNY design agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served & mail to c/o CSC 80 State St Albany NY 12207. cert of Regis filed DE SOS 401 Federal St #4 Dover DE 19901. General Purpose



Pulitzer Properties, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 2/19/2016. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 225 Stearns Rd., Churchville, NY 14428, which is also the address of the registered agent, Beth Paszko, upon whom process may be served as well as principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

Silver safe products, LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 7/27/15. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 45 Falling Brook Rd Fairport NY 14450 General Purpose

[ NOTICE ] QKA Property Preservation LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] Raina Drug LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 11/6/15. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Mayur Patel, 141 Shamrock Hill Dr., Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] ROC ENTERPRISES, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 1/14/2016. Office in Monroe Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 91 Harwin Dr., Rochester, NY 14623, which is also the principal business location. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

[ NOTICE ] Space Capital Management LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 12/4/15. Office: Monroe Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served & mail to 148 Glenbrook Rd Rochester NY 14616 General Purpose [ NOTICE ] Swanson Masonry, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 2/29/16. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Thomas P. Swanson, 40 Countryside Dr., Hamlin, NY 14464. General purpose. [ NOTICE ] Tompkins Enterprises of Rochester LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 1-21-2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 115 Liberty Pole Way, Rochester NY 14604. The purpose of the Company is any lawful business. [ NOTICE ] Torres Turnkey Property Management LLC, filed articles of organization with New York department of state on June 18, 2015. It’s office is located in Monroe County. The secretary of state has been designated as agent of the company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process

should be mailed to 1534 North Goodman Street Rochester NY 14609. The purpose of the company is property management services. [ NOTICE } Notice of Formation of Hudson 360 LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 2/25/2016. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 87 Bakerdale Road, Rochester NY 14616. Purpose: any lawful activities. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Pythia Properties LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 02/04/2016. Its office is located in Erie County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 6445 Citation #F Clarkston MI 48346. The purpose of the Company is Real Estate Investment. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF THISTLE HILL FARM LLC ] Thistle Hill Farm LLC filed Articles of Organization with New York State on February 1, 2016. Its principal office is in Monroe County, New York. The Secretary of State has been designated as its agent and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it is c/o the Company, 818 West Bloomfield Rd., Honeoye Falls, New York 14472. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Bright Eatery LLC Art. Of Org. filed Sec. Of State of NY 12/1/2015. Off. Loc.: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to 26 Irving Rd, Rochester, NY 14618. Purpose: full service restaurant & catering. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Chelsea Bridge Invest LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on 02/09/2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company

upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 6445 Citation #F Clarkston MI 48346. The purpose of the Company is Real Estate Investment. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION ] Olles Applied Research, LLC filed Art. of Org. with the Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 1/19/2016. Office location: Monroe County. The SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against of the LLC may be served. The SSNY shall mail process to 5816 West Wautoma Beach Rd, Hilton, NY 14468. The LLC purpose is any lawful activity. [ Notice of Formation of a Domestic Limited Liability Company ] Name of LLC: ROCHESTER PROTECTIVE COATINGS, LLC Articles of Organization filed with the NY Dept of State: May 29, 2014 Office of LLC: Monroe County The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLC at: 90 Meadow Farm N., North Chili, NY 14514 Purpose of LLC: Any lawful activity. [ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF THIRTY-SEVEN CENTENNIAL ST., LLC ] The name of the Limited Liability Company is Thirty-Seven Centennial St., LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the New York Secretary of State on02/24/2016. The office of the LLC is in Monroe County. The New York Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State shall mail a copy of such process to71 Clark St., Spencerport, NY 14459. The LLC is organized to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under the NY LLC Law. [ NOTICE OF SALE ] Index No. 2015-7125 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE ESL Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff, vs. Richard W. Brewer, Deceased, and any persons who are heirs or distributees of Richard W. Brewer, Deceased, and all persons who are widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs,

devisees, distributees, successors in interest of such of them as may be deceased, and their husbands, wives, heirs, devisees, distributees and successors of interest all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to Plaintiff; Kimberly Condominium Estates; United States of America; People of the State of New York, Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated February 4, 2016, entered herein, I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction in the front vestibule of the Monroe County Office Building located at 39 West Main Street, Rochester, New York, County of Monroe on March 30, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., on that day, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Chili, County of Monroe and State of New York, known as 67 Autumn Chapel Way, Rochester NY 14624; Tax Account No. 145.04-3-49 described in Deed recorded in Liber 6916 of Deeds, page 89; lot size .29 acre. Said premises are sold subject to any state of facts an accurate survey may show, zoning restrictions and any amendments thereto, covenants, restrictions, agreements, reservations, and easements of record and prior liens, if any, municipal departmental violations, and such other provisions as may be set forth in the Complaint and Judgment filed in this action. Judgment amount: $29,493.68 plus, but not limited to, costs, disbursements, attorney fees and additional allowance, if any, all with legal interest. DATED: February 2016 Laurie A. Giordano, Esq., Referee LACY KATZEN LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 130 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: (585) 324-5767 [ NOTICE OF SALE ] Index No. 20156098 SUPREME COURT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE ESL Federal Credit Union, Plaintiff, vs. Cynthia J. Coolidge; Andrew R. Coolidge; “John Doe” and/or “Mary Roe”, Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and

cont. on page 34 CITY 33

Legal Ads > page 33 Sale dated February 8, 2016, entered herein, I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction in the front vestibule of the Monroe County Office Building located at 39 West Main Street, Rochester, New York, County of Monroe on March 28, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., on that day, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Greece, County of Monroe and State of New York, known as 309 Churchill Drive, Rochester, NY 14616; Tax Account No. 060.05-1-50 described in Deed recorded in Liber 3379 of Deeds, page 40; lot size 80 x 151.33. Said premises are sold subject to any state of facts an accurate survey may show, zoning restrictions and any amendments thereto, covenants, restrictions, agreements, reservations, and easements of record and prior liens, if any, municipal departmental violations, and such other provisions as may be set forth in the Complaint and Judgment filed in this action. Judgment amount: $106,341.26 plus, but not limited to, costs, disbursements,

attorney fees and additional allowance, if any, all with legal interest. DATED: February 2016 Sarah Wesley, Esq., Referee LACY KATZEN LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 130 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: (585) 324-5767 [ NOTICE OF SALE ] SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF MONROE DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCREDIT LOANS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-QS12, V. VICTOR LUKE, et al. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 9, 2015, and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of MONROE, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCREDIT LOANS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-QS12 is the Plaintiff and VICTOR LUKE, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at

To place your ad in the LEGAL section, contact Tracey Mykins by phone at (585) 244-3329 x10 or by email at public auction at the MONROE COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING, 39 WEST MAIN STREET, ROCHESTER, NY 14614, on March 24, 2016 at 10:00 AM, premises known as 46-48 KENWOOD AVENUE, ROCHESTER, NY 14611: Section 120.500, Block 1, Lot 26: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE IN THE CITY OF ROCHESTER, COUNTY OF MONROE AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 151011. Frank Beretta, Esq. - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 106, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff [ NOTICE] ] NOTICE OF FORMATION Diverse Assets LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on January 14, 2016. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 34 Kirklees Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534 The purpose of the Company is any lawful activity

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34 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

[ SUMMONS AND NOTICE ] Index No. 13812-2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE TOWER TAX II LLC, Plaintiff, v.The heirs-at-law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, assignees, lienors, creditors, successorsin-interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through MURIEL HILL ALBRIGHT A/K/A MURIEL H. ALBRIGHT, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and all creditors thereof, and the respective husbands, or widowers of hers, if any, all of whose names and addresses are unknown to Plaintiff; MICHAEL W. ALBRIGHT; ERVINA D. MALIN; SANDRA HILL GIUSTI; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; GREATER ROCHESTER ORTHOPAEDICS, P.C. A/K/A GREATER ROCHESTER ORTHOPEDICS A/K/A ROCHESTER ORTHOPEDIC; MIDLAND FUNDING LLC; TD AUTO FINANCE LLC F/K/A CHRYSLER FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERICAS LLC F/K/A DAIMLERCHRYSLER FINANCIAL SERVICES AMERICAS LLC; LVNV FUNDING LLC; PENFIELD GRAVEL CO. INC. A/K/A PENFIELD GRAVE CO. INC.; METROPOLITAN FUNERAL CHAPELS, INC. and “JOHN DOE #1” THROUGH “JOHN DOE #100” Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in the above-entitled foreclosure action, and to serve a copy of your answer on plaintiff’s attorney within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal service within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Monroe

County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the subject premises. Dated: February 10, 2016 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an Order of Honorable Richard A. Dollinger, a Justice of the Supreme Court, dated March 2, 2016, and filed with supporting papers in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office. This is an action to foreclose a tax lien covering the property known as 2106 Manitou Road, Town of Greece, New York and identified as Tax Account No. 088.01-1-9 (the “Tax Parcel”). The relief sought is the sale of the Tax Parcel at public auction in satisfaction of the tax lien. In case of your failure to appear, judgment may be taken against you in the sum of $21,255.10, together with interest, costs, disbursements and attorneys’ fees of this action, and directing the public sale of the Tax Parcel. PHILLIPS LYTLE LLP Anthony J. Iacchetta Attorney for Plaintiff Tower Tax II LLC 28 East Main Street Suite 1400 Rochester, New York 14614 Telephone No. (585) 238-2000 aiacchetta@phillipslytle. com [ SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND NOTICE ] Index No. 2012-9452 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE CHESWOLD (TL), LLC, Plaintiff, v. The heirs-atlaw, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, assignees, lienors, creditors, successorsin-interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through PHILLIP CUBIOTTI A/K/A PHILIP CUBIOTTI, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and all creditors thereof, and the respective wives, or widows of his, if any, all of whose names and addresses are unknown to Plaintiff; DEBORAH SCIBETTA; JEAN CUBIOTTI; JOSEPH CUBIOTTI; PHILIP CUBIOTTI, if living, or if he be dead, his wife, heirs-at-law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, assignees, lienors, creditors, successorsin-interest and generally all persons having or

claiming under, by or through said PHILIP CUBIOTTI, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise of any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the complaint herein, and all creditors thereof, and the respective wives, or widows of his, if any, all of whose names and addresses are unknown to Plaintiff; KLEMENS LESKOVICS, AS TRUSTEE OF KLEMENS LESKOVICS LIVING TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 2006; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; GEMINI CAPITAL GROUP, LLC; BENEFICIAL NEW YORK INC.; CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO CAPITAL ONE BANK; COUNTY OF MONROE; BENJAMIN BORTNICK; RAB PERFORMANCE RECOVERIES, L.L.C.; ASSET ACCEPTANCE, LLC; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; US BANK AS CUSTODIAN FOR PFS FINANCIAL 1, LLC and BILL SMYTH Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the amended complaint in the above-entitled foreclosure action, and to serve a copy of your answer on plaintiff’s attorney within thirty (30) days after the service of this supplemental summons, exclusive of the day of service or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal service within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the amended complaint. Monroe County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the subject premises. Dated: February 4, 2016 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing supplemental summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an Order of Honorable Elma A. Bellini, a Justice of the Supreme Court, dated March 1, 2016, and filed with supporting papers in the Monroe County Clerk’s Office. This is an action to foreclose

a tax lien covering the properties known as 1230 Portland Avenue, City of Rochester, New York and identified as Tax Account No. 091.59-2-13 and 1236 Portland Avenue, City of Rochester, New York and identified as Tax Account No. 091.59-212 (collectively, the “Tax Parcels”). The relief sought is the sale of the Tax Parcels at public auction in satisfaction of the tax lien. In case of your failure to appear, judgment may be taken against you in the sum of $8,181.83, together with interest, costs, disbursements and attorneys’ fees of this action, and directing the public sale of the Tax Parcels. PHILLIPS LYTLE LLP Anthony J. Iacchetta Attorney for Plaintiff Cheswold (TL), LLC [ SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS ] Index #: 8549/2015 Filed: 2/12/16 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE MidFirst Bank Plaintiff, -against Thomas A. Warnick, Wayne County Treasurer, as Administrator for the estate of Gary John Vanhanehan a/k/a Gary VanHanehan a/k/a Gary Van Hanehan, Gary John Vanhanehan a/k/a Gary VanHanehan a/k/a Gary Van Hanehan’s respective heirsat-law, next-of-kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors, and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendant who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise, any right, title or interest in the real property described in the complaint herein, Mary Ann Tricarico VanHanehan, as Heir to the Estate of Gary John VanHanehan aka Gary VanHanehan aka Gary Van Hanehan, Donna Loren, as Heir to the Estate of Gary John VanHanehan aka Gary VanHanehan aka Gary Van Hanehan, David VanHanehan, as Heir to the Estate of Gary John VanHanehan aka Gary VanHanehan aka Gary Van Hanehan, Michael T. Pattison as Guardian Ad Litem for Mark VanHanehan, as Heir to the Estate of Gary John VanHanehan aka Gary VanHanehan aka Gary Van Hanehan, Brian VanHanehan, as Heir to the Estate of Gary John VanHanehan aka Gary VanHanehan

aka Gary Van Hanehan, Rochester Cremation, United States of America, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Plaintiff designates Monroe County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is situated. Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the attorneys for the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York; or within sixty (60) days if it is the United States of America. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property, Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: Bay Shore, New York October 2, 2015 FRENKEL, LAMBERT, WEISS, WEISMAN & GORDON, LLP BY: Pamela Flink Attorneys for Plaintiff 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, New York 11706 (631) 9693100 Our File No.: 01072748-F00








Take That, Portland!

Seattle’s ambitious Office of Arts & Culture has allocated $10,000 this year to pay a poet or writer to create a work while present on the city’s Fremont Bridge drawbridge. The office’s deputy director told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in January that the city wants to encourage “public art” and that the grant will oblige the recipient to create a work of prose or poetry from the bridge’s northwest tower, to help the people of Seattle understand the function of art in the city. (The artist will not be “in residence,” for the tower has no running water.)

The Continuing Crisis The dominant-submissive lifestyle soared to higher-brow status in

February when The New York Times reported on the recent marriage of the celebrated composer of “moody, queasy” works (and compulsive dominant) Georg Friedrich Haas to Mollena Williams, who blogs introspectively about her own kinky bondage as “The Perverted Negress.” Friedrich had introduced himself to her on a dating site with the note, “I would like to tame you,” and credits her acceptance for his improved productivity — because, he said, “I am not (any longer) disturbed by unfulfilled thoughts.” Although Williams-Haas is a black woman submitting to a white man, she explained that, “To say I can’t play my personal psychodrama out just because I’m black, that’s racist.” CITY 35

36 CITY MARCH 16-22, 2016

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