3 minute read

rochdale Village commiTTeeS miSSion STaTemenTS

Cooperative living embraces the principle that we are a community that works together for the common good. This means each resident plays an active role in supporting their community, and ultimately, each other.

One of the ways in which your Board would like to engage your support and involvement is working with our board committees. There may be an area that peaks your interest or simply you may want to share your talents with a particular committee.

We are outlining the mission statements for the various board committees below:

Budget & Finance Committee:

The mission of the Budget and Finance Committee is to assist shareholders in understanding the oversight, monitoring, review, and governance of the corporation’s budget. To assist shareholders in evaluating the overall financial performance of our organization. And to promote financial stability and accountability to our shareholders and regulating authorities.

Community Center Committee:

The Community center is the hub of social events for the community. The community center committee coordinates and develops special community events for the enjoyment of all shareholders.

Community Relations Committee: Community Relations Committee mission statement is to bridge the gap by being the liaison between communities, organizations, and shareholders. To establish the assurance that the needs of our shareholders and businesses are met.

Commercial Services Committee:

The commercial services committee will review the service delivery provided by stores in our development to ensure superior products and services are available to our residents on a consistent basis. The committee will provide recommendations for additional stores as vacancies take place. Committee will look to developing events to highlight our merchants

Environmental, Parks, Recreations & Parking Committee:

The mission of the environmental, parks, recreation and parking committee is to enhance and protect the natural, recreational, and cultural resources of Rochdale Village.

Legal & Management Committee:

The Legal and Management Committee meeting is to set policy based on Management’s planning and recommendations involving administrative, labor, financial, commercial, and capital improvement projects. This committee meets monthly and open to only board members and management officials.

Maintenance Committee: Our Maintenance Committee’s mission is to provide RV shareholders with a greater level of service throughout the campus. To open the lines of communication by providing tools and tips to all shareholders on how/what we can do to help restore cooperative living through maintenance. Implement ways to help improve timely responses to maintenance issues. The maintenance committee is looking to implement a new system that will decrease no-show calls and provide additional training to staff on how to provide service with excellence and pride.

Media & It Committee:

The mission of the Information Technology Committee is to help build a quality and comprehensive technology infrastructure, establish, and maintain an effective operational environment, and deliver quality, prompt, cost effective and reliable technology services to Rochdale Village Inc. We plan to recruit cooperators throughout the year.

Orientation Committee:

The mission of the orientation committee is to introduce shareholders to cooperative living principles. To provide them with knowledge and understanding of their investment, duty to get involved and the overall benefit of this Mitchell Lama program for affordable housing.

Public Safety Committee:

The Public Safety committee is devoted to ensuring that the quality of life and safety for all sharehold- ers is the goal for our public safety department. Working with public safety leadership we will explore areas of concern, recommendations for improvements and how to increase shareholder participation as it relates to public safety.

Senior Citizens Committee:

The Senior Citizens Committee is dedicated to embracing the diversity of our senior population. We strive to provide informational seminars, updates on initiatives, objectives and goals impacting our Rochdale Village community and uplift social engagements through trips and special events. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM. All seniors are invited to participate.

Youth Planning Committee:

The Rochdale Village Youth Planning Committee (YPC) advocates and empower youth ages 6 – 17 to reach their fullest potential through education, mentorship and meaningful activities designed to empower, and support learning, skill building, community, a sense of belonging, leadership, and stewardship.

Again, we want to embrace cooperative living and involvement. You may join any committee by simply calling the board office, 718-275-5700 ext. 3360 and request your name be added to the members list. You are free to join as many committees as you chose!

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