2 minute read

Senior ciTizen commiTTee

of the meeting.

This change was well received and we will continue with this format.

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Jean Hall (JH) at 10: I SAM. JH welcomed all in attendance for our first meeting the new year. JH introduced our guest speaker, Senior Center Director, Ms. Sheree Shivers.

January 2023

◊ 1/23 cooking healthy workshop will begin

AM-Noon 2/27 Vegan cooking options will be discussed

◊ Plans are pending for our Black History Month program — 2/10/23

In an effort to obtain an improved meeting flow, breakfast was offered at the beginning of the meeting. This provided everyone with an opportunity to enjoy the breakfast and fellowship prior to the beginning

Ms. Shivers gave an overview of the upcoming events thru the end June 2023 — when the fiscal Yem ends for the senior center.

◊ 1/19 group for Men only — Mancave — all men in attendance at this meeting are encouraged to attend. Your role in our community is very important, therefore we want to here what interests you have, what workshops you would like us to bring and become an overall support network for you in our community.

February 2023 ◊ 2/7 — we are bringing back the Drama club on Tuesdays and Thursdays IO-

March 2023

◊ We will work collaboratively with the Senior Citizens Committee in planning our Women’s History Celebration — more information to come!

◊ We will continue with health and wellness focusing on getting more fiber in your daily food intake.

◊ We will resume our quarterly celebrations for birthdays on 3/10/23

April 2023

◊ Plant based cooking will be discussed. Gourd Making (Shekere)

May 2023

◊ Mother’s Day Celebration

◊ Heart Smart Program

◊ Older American Celebration 5/4/23

June 2023

◊ Tai Chi Day Celebration

◊ Father’s Day Celebration

◊ Juneteenth Celebration

◊ Presentation by Drama Club

◊ Quarterly Birthday Celebration

◊ Gourd Finale Performance

These are just some of the upcoming events. Every month we place our flyers which contain the specific dates and information for events. The senior center looks forward to continuing to bring outstanding events and services for your enjoyment and education.

Ms. Shivers also indicated that there will be spme upcoming trips — in April, May, June and July. Stay tuned!

She then took a brief Q&A with the committee members: the exercise and computer classes are still ongoing. The defensive driving is conducted by NORC. The painting classes will also be offered again.

JH thanked Ms. Shivers!

JH indicated that we would have three subcommittees:

Finance — to help with collection of the monthly $1.00.

Hospitality — to help with the serving of breakfast Special Events — to help with organizing special events for committee members

JH encouraged members to volunteer — it helps things run smoothly. A number of people signed up and JH will reach out to all.

Open Q&Q Session:

◊ Convectors — the issue of the convectors sparked a lot of conversation and complaints. Much of which centered on the convectors are too loud, do not provide sufficient heat, no operational/ instructional guide was provided, etc.

Response: JH indicated that the board has heard all the issues and complaints regarding the convectors. Therefore, a meeting for January has been scheduled with man- agement, maintenance, contractors, subcontractors, manufacturer to ensure that the project provides shareholders with a product that is efficient, to resolve the current complaints and to make sure going forward that this project proceeds in a costeffective manner.

◊ Several shareholders spoke about specific issues they were having in their units. JH took the information and will work with them to have the issues resolved. Both involved significant leaks and poor response to get resolution. No further business needing discussion the meeting adjourned at 1 1 :20AM.

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