Rochdale Sixth Form College Prospectus 2019-20

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2019 2020

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Visit the college with your parents/carers to find out more about the range of opportunities that RSFC has to offer you. You will gain an insight into the subjects, enrichment activities and unique individualised support we provide.

Apply online at

Students are expected to be accompanied by a parent or carer.


OPEN EVENTS Saturday 13th October

Thursday 15th November

10am - 2pm Principal’s talks 10.30am 11.30am, 12.30pm and 1.30pm

4pm - 7pm Principal’s talks 5pm and 6pm

For more details call

01706 769 800 2

Rochdale Sixth Form College

principal’s welcome Dear prospective student,

Within you there is an enormous amount of potential, talent and ability. Our mission at RSFC is to nurture and nourish those abilities and talents so that you make outstanding progress in your studies and achieve at the highest level you possibly can. We are very successful in this mission:

In addition, Ofsted rate RSFC as a grade 1, ‘Outstanding’ college. This is something of which the college and local community are justifiably proud. But being outstanding is not about standing still. It is our constant endeavour to improve year on year, so that you and your peers continue to benefit from the very best education. Being at college isn’t just about developing your academic skills. It’s about developing self-confidence, and essential job and life skills. For that reason we have an extensive range of clubs and societies in our second-to-none enrichment programme. 3

For example, we offer law society, photography, amnesty youth group and medical society amongst many others. I trust that you will find this prospectus informative and useful in helping you make your subject choices. The next year is an exciting, and sometimes nervous, time for you, but please be assured, you are never alone at RSFC; there will always be someone to support and guide you, before, during and after your studies. With very best wishes for your forthcoming examinations, I very much look forward to welcoming you at one of our open events. Richard Ronksley Principal

Principal’s Welcome

I am delighted that you are interested in applying to Rochdale Sixth Form College (RSFC). You’ve made an excellent choice. I am proud to say that RSFC is the very best sixth form college in the country for student progress. Students at RSFC consistently perform at the highest level and exceed their target grades. This is such a great tribute to the partnership of learning that exists between students, staff and parents. So, if you want to be part of our exciting, vibrant and highly successful college, please read on.

RSFC students are hard-working, tenacious and exhibit exemplary behaviour; RSFC staff are highly skilled and dedicated professionals. Consequently, RSFC has a national reputation for excellence, and as a result schools, other colleges, ministers and policy makers regularly reference RSFC as an example of the very best practice in the sector.

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

What’s Inside

what’s inside


Principal’s Welcome




Results Day 2018





What Will I Study?


5 7 8 10 12 14 16 19 20 22 24 26 28 31 86 87 88 89


The Scholars’ Programme


Top Class Facilities


The Students’ Union

Rochdale Sixth Form College

outstandIng values CARE, EMPATHY AND COMPASSION The first thing we want to say is, we’re interested in you. We want to know about your life, your background, what you’ve got to say, how you feel, what you need, what you want, where you’ve been and where you’d like to go. For us, class teaching is more than just teaching in the class. It means teaching, and treating, every student as an individual, with care, empathy and compassion.

Honesty, Openness and Fairness The values of honesty and fairness lie at the very heart of RSFC life. We are committed to conducting ourselves with openness, trust and respect for the individual in everything we do. RELATIONSHIPS, COLLABORATION AND TEAMWORK We believe in working together. We will work with you to foster a real sense of community and mutual respect. We also believe in working closely with parents and carers to ensure our students become confident, mature, responsible and valued members of society. We cultivate meaningful partnerships with schools, other colleges and universities to enhance the learning experience. Our relationship with the local community in Rochdale reflects our commitment to the continuing social and economic wellbeing of the area, and increases the range of opportunities on offer to students. Positivity, Enthusiasm and Enjoyment Unless something is fun, it’s simply not worth doing. That’s why, above all at RSFC, we strive to create a fun environment in which the process of learning is not just rewarding, but enjoyable too. In fact, we want the experience to be a positive one for our students in every respect, by instilling a passion and enthusiasm for their subjects, a thirst for learning, and a burning desire to achieve their academic and career goals. We also aim to develop their self-esteem, confidence, emotional resilience, compassion, generosity of spirit and a boundless enthusiasm for taking on and overcoming all of the challenges life brings.


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ACHIEVEMENT, SUCCESS AND EXCELLENCE We have a tireless dedication to improve the standards of academic achievement for our students, and a passionate commitment to their success through a culture of high expectation and aspiration.

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Hollingworth Academy

Ameerah Latif RESULTS Biology A* Chemistry A* English Literature A Mathematics A* Extended Project Qualification A* WHERE IS AMEERAH NOW? University of Oxford studying Biomedical Science 66

Rochdale Sixth Form College

Students need to be given independence and responsibility for their own learning to prepare them for their next steps to university or employment. We provide this freedom in a very supportive context, with close monitoring and guidance. We believe it is essential that as parents and carers, you should be kept fully informed and up to date about your son or daughter’s progress whilst at Rochdale Sixth Form College. We will keep you involved through a variety of methods, including: Parents’ and Carers’ Evenings to discuss academic progress with subject teachers; progress reports; newsletters and online access to attendance data and current targets via our online portal, Cedar.

We ask that you keep in contact with your son or daughter’s Student Performance and Development Leader, telephone Student Administration in the case of absences, and do not go on holiday in term time. We ask too that you support us to help your son or daughter find the right balance between their social life, paid work and study.


Working With Parents

working with parents

2019 / 2020 Prospectus


enrichmen enrichment There’s more to life at RSFC than gaining your qualifications. We want you to achieve your potential and flourish in, and out, of the classroom. That’s why all students at RSFC get involved and complement their academic studies by taking advantage of our extensive Enrichment Programme.

xxx 8


Rochdale Sixth Form College

All students engage in a bespoke Enrichment Programme, either selecting an ‘Honours’ pathway or an activity from our Aspire Programme to effectively complement your A-Level studies. All enrichment activities focus on developing the same essential skills to support your progression to higher education and employment. n Presentation Skills n Lateral Thinking n Independent Research n Reading Skills n Effective Communication n Critical Thinking & Problem Solving n Resilience & Resourcefulness

The following are examples of enrichment activities that were available for students in the last academic year: n Pre-teaching n Duke of Edinburgh’s Award n Football n The college musical n Medical society n Astrophysics n Brass band n Digital animation n Sign language n Yoga n Beginner’s Japanese



The Aspire Programme

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

The Honours Programme

the HONOURS PROGRAMME Today’s students face a challenging and rigorous process to gain entry to prestigious universities. They will compete with a talented pool of individuals with the same aspirations, grades and personal profile. Universities are now, more than ever before, expecting future academics to possess a repertoire of core skills; skills that are not only vital for success at undergraduate level, but are also essential to create adaptability in the ever evolving 21st century workplace. We have a bespoke Honours Programme to develop, nurture and perfect the core skills required to progress to the most esteemed universities and courses. Our Honours Programme forms an essential component in the success strategy of our students and will support you in developing the required skills to become the next medic, lawyer, entrepreneur, psychologist, artist or mathematician. The Honours Programme is split into four pathways, allowing you to select activities that are relevant to your future career aspirations.


pathways The Humanities Pathway Health and Social Care, History, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Psychology, Sociology The Law, Business and Economics Pathway Business, Law, Economics The Arts Pathway Art and Design, Drama and Theatre, English Language, English Literature, Music The Science and Mathematics Pathway Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Physical Education, Physics In addition to the Honours Programme, we have developed a bespoke, modular, Scholars’ Programme, tailored to meet the needs of our most able students and to prepare them for progression to higher education and beyond.

Rochdale Sixth Form College

Oulder Hill Community School

Moet Griffiths RESULTS Chemistry B Mathematics B Psychology A Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award WHERE IS MOET NOW? University of Manchester studying Pharmacology 11

The Scholars’ Programme

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

the scholars’ programme 12

Rochdale Sixth Form College

As part of the RSFC Scholars’ Programme, you will study a range of modules including Science and Nature, Philosophy and Popular Culture, participating in debates, presentations and seminars.


RSFC has established links with Oxbridge, with staff from both universities visiting the college. If you are interested in applying to Oxbridge, not only will you enjoy specialist one-to-one advice on the application process, you will also have the opportunity to visit one, or possibly both universities. RSFC also participates in the HE+ programme, which allows students to attend taster sessions and visit the University of Cambridge for future study. 13

The Scholars’ Programme

Who Can Take Part in the RSFC Scholars’ Programme? If you achieve five grade 8/9s or more at GCSE you will be eligible to join the Scholars’ Programme. An academic scholarship is also awarded to anyone who qualifies for the programme. Not only does each scholarship carry a sum of money to contribute to your academic studies, you also hold the distinguished title for the two years you are with us.

What are the Main Components of the RSFC Scholars’ Programme? n A chance to be awarded an RSFC academic scholarship n An opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) n Individualised preparation/ support when applying for challenging and competitive university courses, including Oxbridge, Russell Group, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science n Additional one-to-one ‘stretch and challenge’ work with your subject teachers n Organised visits and conferences including trips to the country’s leading universities n Talks by guest academic speakers n Access to academic resources and electronic texts in various university libraries n A chance to meet like-minded students from a range of institutions n Liaison with previous students who have attended RSFC and successfully gained a place at a prestigious university

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

The Students’ Union

the students’ union Rochdale Sixth Form College places a very strong emphasis on the involvement of its students in the running and organisation of the college. We are keen to ensure that students shape our future direction and we seek students’ views through focus groups, questionnaires and the Students’ Union. The Students’ Union is involved at all levels of the college, acting as a link between the Senior Leadership Team and the student body. They represent students in all matters concerning their education, and help to promote the general welfare of students. They are also responsible for organising and implementing many of the major student events in the calendar each year.

more info

Towards the end of the year, students from Year 12 will be elected as the Students’ Union President and Vice President for the following academic year. The President will form an executive which will involve both Year 12 and Year 13 students. Information on how to get involved with this will be given to students in their tutorial lessons early in the new academic year.

For more information about joining our Students’ Union, contact Jack Lyons via email:


Rochdale Sixth Form College

Wardle Academy

Student Union

Josh Fletcher RESULTS Biology A* Chemistry A Mathematics A Physics A Extended Project Qualification A* WHERE IS JOSH NOW? Lancaster University studying Physics 1 51 5

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Student Performance and Development Leader: One-To-One We have a specialist team of Student Performance and Development Leaders (SPDLs) here at RSFC. We want to get to know you well so that we can help you to achieve your full potential. Your SPDL will be your critical and professional friend whilst you are studying with us. You will meet with them each week and you will have regular one-to-one meetings to talk exclusively about you! Your SPDL will help you settle quickly into college life, and they will work with you to ensure you achieve the best results possible. Your SPDL will help you to think about your goals, set targets to enable you to reach those goals and track your progress.

Being a sixth form student is about being an independent learner and being able to selfevaluate, which means recognising your strengths and weaknesses, and taking responsibility for your own learning. Your SPDL will have a clear overview of your academic and personal development whilst at college, and they will support you on your journey to success. They will be a central supportive figure in your transition from school to college, as well as managing all aspects of your progression to higher education and employment. Your SPDL will be the point of contact for your teachers and your parents/carers should any issues or concerns arise.

Safeguarding The welfare of our students is at the centre of everything we do. All RSFC staff are trained in safeguarding and we have a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy to ensure that all staff and stakeholders are aware of the correct procedures.


Rochdale Sixth Form College

The students most in need of financial support will be eligible to receive a bursary of £1,200 a year. This group includes: n Young people in care n Care leavers n Young people in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or someone who is dependent on them and living with them n Young people in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right Other students facing genuine financial difficulties can apply for the Discretionary Bursary Fund (DBF). The DBF can support

students with travel costs, equipment, books and other course related costs. The Achievement Centre: One-To-One The Achievement Centre offers personalised support including assistance with study skills, time management, organising your files, revision techniques, researching, and literacy and numeracy skills. You can request support yourself or you can be referred by your SPDL.

INDIVIDUALISED SUPPORT: SUPPORTING YOU TO ACHIEVE YOUR POTENTIAL Moving from a school to a sixth form college is an exciting time. Life is fastmoving and challenging, and we are very keen to take great care to ensure that all students who join RSFC have the individual support they need. At RSFC, there is a strong focus on one-to-one work and this happens in many different ways. We have study areas on each floor where you

can obtain extra help, outside of your lesson time, to support your academic development. Teachers are available to assist you with your work in a supportive manner. Free College Meals If you, or your parents or carers are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits, you may be eligible to receive free college meals: n Income Support n Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) n Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) n Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 n The guarantee element of State Pension Credit n Child Tax Credit (but not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 n Universal Credit

Target Setting and Academic Monitoring: One-To-One Whilst we work with you on a one-to-one basis every day, twice a year you will sit down formally with each of your teachers to discuss your progress. These discussions will allow you to be clear on how you are performing in each subject and provide you with clear targets so you can move to the next grade. 17 71 7

how we supporT YOU

Financial Support If you think you may struggle with the associated costs of attending college, you may be eligible to receive financial support through the 16-19 bursary.

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Falinge Park High School

Nathan Lawlor RESULTS Computer Science B Mathematics A Physics B WHERE IS NATHAN NOW? Completing an apprenticeship with N Brown Group PLC 1 81 8

Rochdale Sixth Form College

Impartial one-to-one careers advice and guidance is available for all students studying at RSFC. You will be supported in developing an appropriate career plan and encouraged to take up a career placement during your time here. In the first instance, your Student Performance and Development Leader will give you advice on education, training and work opportunities, as well as assisting you with your applications for universities or jobs. We offer one-to-one interviews, careers workshops and access to a range of careers resources and software.

All students are able to request support with obtaining a career placement and it is our aim to offer all students a career placement before they leave the college, to support applications for further study and employment. RSFC students have been successful in securing career placements with a range of organisations including the NHS, education establishments and businesses. A number of students who have attended these placements have also been offered employment once their studies were completed.

Your Student Performance and Development Leader will work with you to plan your opportunities for progression and support you in finding relevant career placements.


Careers Guidance & Employability


2019 / 2020 Prospectus

WHY CHOOSE RSFC? The Honours and Scholars’ Programmes to prepare you for progression to the most prestigious universities and courses


Rochdale Sixth Form College


Consistently at the top of the Department for Education performance tables

pass rate

Specialised, dedicated and personalised academic and pastoral support

Over 80% progression to university


Enrichment activities to equip you with the skills to successfully progress to your chosen course or career


high grades (A*-B) 21

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

results We’re celebrating our best ever A-Level results! RSFC students have once again achieved outstanding results! The progress made by our students year on year since the college opened has been consistently exceptional; placing the college at the top of the Department for Education performance tables. Results Day 2018 was no exception, with a pass rate of over 99% and 55% of students achieving the highest grades (A*-B), we are incredibly proud of the achievements of all of our students. Over 80% of students are progressing to higher education institutions, including some of the most prestigious Russell Group and Oxbridge universities. Other students secured high quality apprenticeships and employment in a range of fields, including accountancy, web development and engineering. Students who completed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) A-Levels are progressing to a vast range of courses and employment within this sector including medicine, dentistry, engineering and computer science. These achievements are testament to the unceasing hard work and commitment demonstrated on a daily basis by our students and staff.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


programme programme ofofstudy study 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Programme of Study

We offer a wide variety of subjects, ranging from the traditional subjects to those that aren’t normally available in secondary school. We have 29 courses on offer and you have the flexibility to combine almost any.

In Year 12, you will study 3 or 4 subjects alongside at least one hour of enrichment and a group tutorial. You will also be required to attend one-to-one sessions with your Student Performance and Development Leader, as well as any other sessions that are required. In Year 13, you will continue to study the same 3 or 4 subjects from Year 12 alongside at least one hour of enrichment, for the first term, and a group tutorial. In addition, you will also participate in the RSFC Social Development Programme to give something back to your community and to develop essential life and employability skills. There is also the opportunity for students on our Scholars’ Programme to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

When applying to study with us, you will select four subjects to discuss at interview. You will be offered a place on three or four of these courses, dependent upon your predicted grades and your progression plans.



Rochdale Sixth Form College

What Subjects Should I Choose? Choosing subjects to study at sixth form is both exciting and demanding. RSFC is a specialist A-Level college with a firm commitment to ensuring that all students start on the course that is right for them. We place great emphasis on pre-course guidance to ensure that your subject choices are appropriate and match your aspirations. Here are some hints and tips on choosing the right subjects for you:

n Think about any future progression plans you are considering. This could be a particular higher education course or career that you are really interested in – check the entry requirements and any specific subjects that you need to achieve your goals

n C hoose subjects that you enjoy! You are much more likely to achieve your potential in subjects that you enjoy studying n C hoose subjects that you are good at – this will give you the best chance of achieving your potential

n Discuss your future plans with us at your interview so we can offer advice and guidance on the most appropriate programme of study

Thursday 15th November 4pm - 7pm Principal’s talks 5pm and 6pm

Saturday 13th October 10am - 2pm Principal’s talks 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm and 1.30pm

College Entry Requirements To study at RSFC, you must have achieved a minimum of five GCSEs or equivalent, graded 4-9, across four separate subjects, including GCSE Mathematics and/or English/English Language. A good school reference, attendance and behaviour record are also required, as is a positive college interview. A few courses have specific entry requirements. Relevant details can be found on the individual subject information pages.


Programme of Study

open event

Attend an Open event Speak to subject teachers and current students about the courses that you are interested in. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have.

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Many of the subjects will be familiar to you, but there are some you may not have heard of before. It may help you to consider the following questions: n What subjects do I think I will enjoy? n What style of learning suits me best? n What subjects am I likely to be successful in? n What subjects will I need to study for my chosen career?

We expect to offer the following courses next year, subject to staffing and demand:

what will i study? A-Level SUBJECTS With 25 different A-Level subjects to choose from, there is something for everyone! An A-Level is a two year programme, with the completion of formal examinations at the end of the two years. Some courses include an element of coursework and/or controlled assessment. BTEC CourseS A BTEC course is a vocational qualification that involves applying your learning to ‘real-life’ scenarios, allowing you to develop essential skills and knowledge for employment within a particular industry. BTECs are assessed through the completion of coursework to ‘real-world’ application. We offer the following BTEC subjects: n Applied Science n Business n Health & Social Care n Information Technology A BTEC is the equivalent of 2 full A-Levels. You will study 3 or 4 A-Levels or a BTEC Diploma alongside an A-Level. 26

n Applied Science (BTEC) n Art and Design n Biology n Business (BTEC) n Business n Chemistry n Computer Science n Drama and Theatre n Economics n English Language n English Literature n Film Studies n Further Mathematics n Geography n Health and Social Care (BTEC) n History n Information Technology (BTEC) n Law n Mathematics n Media Studies n Modern Languages (French and Spanish) n Music n Philosophy and Religious Studies n Physical Education n Physics n Psychology n Sociology

R o cRhodcahl d e aSl ei x t h F o r m C o l l e g e

St. Cuthbert’s rc high School

Holly Peel RESULTS Biology A French A Mathematics A* Further Mathematics A WHERE IS HOLLY NOW? University of Nottingham studying Mathematics 27

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Top Class Facilities

Top Class facilities Here at RSFC, we believe that people make a College and the relationships between students and staff are highly positive. However, we cannot deny that the £27 million invested in RSFC has brought technology-rich facilities that are as cutting edge as you will find in any Sixth Form College in the country. It is difficult to do justice to the positive vibe and culture that has been created, together with our outstanding facilities. Come and see for yourself at one of our Open Events:

Drama students in the 150 seat theatre

Saturday 13th October 10am - 2pm Principal’s talks 10.30am 11.30am, 12.30pm and 1.30pm

Thursday 15th November 4pm - 7pm Principal’s talks 5pm and 6pm


Rochdale Sixth Form College

Technology rich facilities that are as cutting edge as you will find in any sixth form college in the country.

n 24 hour access to online learning materials n 2 relaxed student areas with the Forum shop and Faraday’s, with 80 computer terminals for independent study n A theatre to seat 150, with professional standard sound and lighting n Well-equipped IT suites n Wi-Fi access throughout the college n Professional standard Art Studio, incorporating a Textiles Studio, Kiln Room, CDT Room, Dark Room and Computer Suites

n Study areas on each floor, adjacent to teacher resource bases for one-to-one support n An extensive Achievement Centre, with internet access and multimedia resources n State of the art Science Labs, using cutting edge equipment and technologies n A music recording studio, rehearsal rooms and an editing suite n A specialist Performance Studio n Lifts for disabled access across the college n Bright and light teaching classrooms, with outstanding learning resources


Top Class Facilities

Your Learning Environment will be second to none, and facilities include:

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Falinge Park HIGH School

Tayyib Tahir RESULTS Biology A Chemistry A Mathematics A* Physics A WHERE IS TAYYIB NOW? Imperial College London studying Chemical Engineering 30 30

Rochdale Sixth Form College




2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Applied Science


WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Applied Science at RSFC offers a practical, hands-on approach to science with lots of opportunities to carry out experimental work in our state of the art laboratories. Each unit is tailored to give you the skills you need to succeed at university and in the science industry.

WHAT IS APPLIED SCIENCE? Applied Science provides the opportunity to apply your scientific learning and knowledge to practical and industry-based scenarios. You will be assessed on the application of your learning to real-world situations.


Rochdale Sixth Form College

Entry College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 4-4 or above is required in GCSE Combined Science.

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? I love that this subject covers all the sciences and even includes elements of mathematics. I also enjoy the practical element of this course.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through a combination of written exams and coursework. 46% of your marks for the course are determined by written exams and 54% by coursework completed in class. Exams are spread throughout the first and second year and there are opportunities to resit where needed. 33

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy science and are keen to develop your understanding of the practical applications of science within all areas of society then Applied Science is the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH A QUALIFICATION IN APPLIED SCIENCE? There are a wide range of progression opportunities that you can pursue after completing this course. You could choose to progress to higher education to study a sciencerelated degree course including areas such as nursing, radiography, physiotherapy and a range of other healthcare related courses.

Applied Science

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM APPLIED SCIENCE? Much of the content in the course is based on chemistry and biology. You should expect to study these subjects to the same level of detail as students studying A-Levels. In addition, the course has some brief sections relating to mathematics and physics, aimed at giving the broad background in science that you might need for later study at university.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Art & Design

Art & Design

WHAT IS ART & DESIGN? Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Studying Art & Design at RSFC gives you the opportunity to work alongside students working across a wide variety of disciplines, helping to broaden your knowledge of what art can be. You will showcase your work in a large-scale exhibition at the end of your two years on the course, allowing you to think about your artwork in a context other than just the classroom.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, you must achieve a grade 4 or above in GCSE Art. An ability to draw to a good standard is essential for the course.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy developing your ideas, working practically and are not afraid to explore and be experimental with a variety of different materials then A-Level Art & Design may be the course for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM ART & DESIGN? You will develop your skills in working with different materials, media and techniques through small and large scale projects designed to build on your existing skills from your GCSE and school studies, along with experimenting with new techniques and processes designed to help you plan for an overall final piece.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN ART & DESIGN? Studying Art & Design allows you to work in the creative industries with employment opportunities ranging from fashion, gallery/museum management, architecture, interior design, graphic design, film and television design, jewellery design, theatre and set design.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through a combination of coursework assignments and controlled assessments.


R o cRhodcahl d e aSl ei x t h F o r m C o l l e g e

Holy Family RC and CE College

Ruth Wheeldon RESULTS Art & Design A* English Language B Media Studies A* WHERE IS RUTH NOW? University of Salford studying Journalism (Broadcast)


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



What can YOU expect from Biology? The A-Level Biology course will allow you to delve into a diverse range of topics from the fundamental biological processes and mechanisms at the molecular level in plants, animals and bacteria to whole ecosystems. The course will nurture a passion for biology and lay the groundwork for further study in courses like biological sciences, medicine and dentistry. Biology has a strong practical element and you will have plenty of opportunities to study biological concepts in our laboratories during your two year course.

What is Biology? Biology is the study of all aspects of life at all levels of organisation, from the molecular biology of virus replication to the study of animals and plants in their natural habitats. Biology is a fascinating subject and includes all the traditional areas of biology as well as the technological advances in areas such as DNA technologies and applications of gene technology.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 6-6 or above is required in GCSE Combined Science or a grade 6 in Biology, both on the higher tier.


Who is the COURSE suitable for? If you are interested in science, living things and are ready for a challenge then Biology may be the course for you. How is the COURSE assessed? You will complete three examinations at the end of the two year course. What can I do with an A-level in Biology? A-Level Biology can lead to a wide range of university and career options. A-Level Biology students may choose to use their biological knowledge to study a science course at university or to study a healthcare related course like medicine or dentistry. Alternatively, many students choose to use the skills they have acquired from their biology course in other areas of work or study.


WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Biology is a fascinating subject which has deepened my understanding of a subject that I love. The course is made accessible through engaging teaching and I have learnt a wide range of skills that have prepared me for my biology degree.

Why study this subject? Biology has a wide range of interesting applications in research, health areas and the environment. Many of our students continue their study of biology at university in such diverse fields as marine biology, immunology, genetics, radiography, environmental health, biomedical sciences and pharmacology. Most medical courses now demand that students have A-Level Biology. The transferable analytical and evaluation skills acquired in the study of biology are an excellent preparation for a wider range of courses.


2019 / 2020 Prospectus


BTEC Business

WHAT IS BTEC BUSINESS? Business covers many areas including marketing, recruitment, retail, human resources, communication and employment law. It ensures you are employment-ready and able to showcase your skills and aptitudes to potential employers whilst developing into resilient, determined and capable individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Studying Business at RSFC will provide opportunities to observe a business in action and experience a variety of roles within an organisation; it is an exciting subject in which you will develop the necessary skills to be successful in business and make you stand out from the crowd. Trips and guest speakers will enable you to apply your assignments to real life business circumstances. You will also have the opportunity to complete a career placement as part of the course.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy completing projects, working in teams, preparing business presentations and taking a more vocational approach to your studies, this course may be for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM BTEC BUSINESS? Business will allow you to develop a real understanding of what is involved, both theoretically and practically, in becoming an effective business professional. The course allows learners to develop an in-depth understanding of each of the 12 areas of business covered.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH A QUALIFICATION IN BUSINESS? You could go on to gain a role in a small or large organisation, start your own business or become a specialist in a particular area such as marketing and advertising, finance and accounting, retail and sales, personnel development or administration. Alternatively, the course offers a wide range of future opportunities both through university and apprenticeship programmes.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through a variety of coursework assignment briefs.


R o cRhodcahl d e aSl ei x t h F o r m C o l l e g e


Jake Winnard RESULTS Business (BTEC Diploma) D*D*, Physical Education B WHERE IS JAKE NOW? Completing an apprenticeship with N J Grindrod & Co.


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus


WHY STUDY THIS Subject? A-Level Business will ensure you are effectively prepared for employment in any organisation and provide you with an understanding of how businesses operate. You will develop a range of transferable skills that will support your progression in higher education and employment.


WHAT IS BUSINESS? Business will enable you to understand how and why business decisions are made. Covering many areas of managing a business including marketing, production, finance and human resources, it will introduce you to managing a business in a global context.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? I really enjoyed putting business into context by using real life examples, such as Starbucks and Facebook.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete three examinations at the end of the two year course. WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are interested in business and can see yourself one day working within a large organisation, or you are interested in starting up and running your own business, this may well be the course for you.


WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN BUSINESS? Business leads to a very wide variety of university courses, especially in areas such as business, economics, management, retailing, enterprise, finance, accountancy and administration. It is a very useful starting point for careers in the business world.


WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM BUSINESS STUDIES? You will expand your understanding of how and why business decisions are made and how businesses respond strategically to the changes they face, as well as current global issues that impact on business, such as the digital economy.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT IS CHEMISTRY? By definition, Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances. It also involves the study of how these substances interact with energy.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? You will develop your skills in problem solving, analysis and also develop the ability to understand and analyse complex data and abstract concepts. You will develop a vast range of skills that are transferable to further study and employment.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 6-6 or above is required in GCSE Combined Science or a grade 6 in Chemistry, both on the higher tier.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you have an interest in science and a desire to develop a greater understanding of how physical sciences shape the world around us then Chemistry may be the course for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM CHEMISTRY? Expect a challenging but rewarding subject that will build upon the work covered at GCSE to give a wider, more detailed knowledge of chemistry. Chemistry is a subject with significant practical and experimental content; you will complete regular laboratory work throughout the course.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN CHEMISTRY? Chemistry is either required or strongly recommended for many degree courses, such as medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and veterinary medicine. Many students wishing to study law at university or become an accountant may also choose to study chemistry as it demonstrates the ability to cope with difficult concepts.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete three examinations at the end of the two year course.


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WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? The Chemistry teachers at RSFC are really friendly and extremely supportive, the lessons are always rewarding.


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Computer Science

computer science

WHAT IS COMPUTER SCIENCE? Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems, this includes their theory, design, development, and application. Principal areas of study within Computer Science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, cybersecurity, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing.

Computer Science has strong connections to many other disciplines. Many problems in science, engineering, health care, business, and other areas are solved effectively with computers, but finding a solution requires both computer science expertise and knowledge of the particular application domain. Thus, computer scientists often become proficient in other subjects.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE? You will develop an in-depth understanding of Computer Science theory and develop your practical skills in both the use of software and programming languages.

Although programming is essential to the study of Computer Science, it is only one element of the field. Computer scientists design and analyse algorithms to solve problems and study the performance of computer hardware and software. The problems that computer scientists encounter range from the abstractdetermining what problems can be solved with computers and the complexity of the algorithms that solve them – to the tangible – designing applications that perform well on handheld devices, that are easy to use, and that uphold security measures.

You will develop your analytical, logical and problem-solving skills through the application of your learning to real world scenarios. You get to choose your own programming project in which you create a software and possibly hardware solution to a problem or as part of an investigation into an area of Computer Science. You will also have the opportunity to go beyond the A-Level as we invite industry experts to speak and run workshops with you.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 5 in GCSE Mathematics or a grade 5 in Computer Science with a grade 4 in Mathematics.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through two examinations worth 40% each and one nonexam based assessment worth 20% of your final grade. You will complete the two externally 45

assessed examinations at the end of the second year, one of which is on a computer. WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy problem solving, mathematics, are a logical thinker and you are passionate about new technologies then this may be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN COMPUTER SCIENCE? A good grade in Computer Science at A-Level is valued by universities and employers since it requires the development of analytical thinking and problem solving skills. This course also lays an appropriate foundation for further study of computer science, artificial intelligence, engineering, physics or related courses in higher education. Those students who wish to pursue a career by gaining an apprenticeship will be in a strong position to apply for junior development roles.

Computer Science

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? I chose Computer Science as I really enjoy coding. As part of my A-Level at the college I learnt a new programming language, C#, which has given me new skills and I am now able to write complex code which is used in industry today.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Computer Science is a subject that is constantly developing day to day, you will learn new things about the technology and its effects on you and the wider world. Whether it is the prospect of self-driving cars, the rise of artificial intelligence or the latest cybersecurity breach, Computer Science is an ever-expanding subject area that will keep you interested throughout your studies. Studying Computer Science at Rochdale Sixth Form College will effectively prepare you for further study in the world of computing as well as developing a range of transferable skills that will support you in progression to a variety of courses/roles.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus


Drama & Theatre

WHAT IS DRAMA & THEATRE? Drama & Theatre gives you the opportunity to work together with imagination and creativity, performing a variety of material and exploring the social, historical and cultural influences in drama and performance, whilst also developing your own technique.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 4/Pass or above is required in GCSE/ BTEC Drama or Performing Arts.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? The subject will allow you to develop your acting, directing, design and evaluation and analysis skills. You will have the opportunity to experience live performances and apply your knowledge to develop your own skills.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are a committed performer with a love of theatre, and wish to pursue interests and skills in acting, directing, costume, setting and technical design, this could well be the course for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM DRAMA & THEATRE? As part of the Drama & Theatre course, you will develop your skills in devising techniques, character development (voice and movement), working from scripts, technical theatre and the analysis and evaluation of play texts along with live theatre performance.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN DRAMA & THEATRE? Drama is a requirement for a number of degree courses including acting, directing, drama & theatre, performing arts and technical theatre. As a creative and academic subject it is highly regarded by universities to support an application in most courses.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will be both internally and externally assessed as part of the course through live performances (as a group and a monologue/ duologue). You will create a portfolio of your devising process. You will also sit a written examination focusing on the analysis of varied material.


Rochdale Sixth Form College Photography Lorem Date 10/10/18

Drama & Theatre

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Drama & Theatre is a brilliant subject, we study all areas of theatre and get to experience different branches, for instance you could act for one piece and do costume design for another so it’s always changing.


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT IS ECONOMICS? Economics is the study of human choices and how a society with infinite wants uses scarce resources to maximise welfare.

Key Topics: n Supply, demand and markets n Market failure and government intervention n Measuring economic performance – inflation, unemployment etc. n Government economic policy n Theory of the firm and market structures n Labour markets n P overty and inequality n Banking and the financial system n Exchange rates and international trade


WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM ECONOMICS? The course offers an opportunity to try and make sense of events that shape our daily lives, from choosing what to have for lunch and how much tax we have to pay, up to the impact of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. It involves important theory from thinkers both historic and contemporary but seeks to apply it to real events from the past, today and the future.

Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 5 or above is required in Mathematics.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Students who take an interest in current affairs will enjoy economics as it challenges your pre-conceptions and encourages you to appreciate differing points of view in light of concrete evidence.


HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete three examinations at the end of the two-year course, including multiple choice, data response and essay questions. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN ECONOMICS? Successful students would be welcomed onto a wide range of degree courses, in both economics itself and related subject areas, such as accountancy and finance, business and politics. Studies consistently show that economics graduates are among the highest paid. Career options are varied and include the civil service, banking and finance, marketing, business management and education.


WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? We learn to make sense of so many things that apply to daily life. Economics gave me a lot to discuss at interview.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? In addition to the knowledge to help you understand a complicated world, this challenging course enables you to develop a wide range of skills highly soughtafter by universities and employers. These include the interpretation and analysis of data, building logical chains of reasoning and developing sound judgement of available evidence.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

english language

English Language

WHAT IS ENGLISH LANGUAGE? English Language is the study of the ways we speak and write. You will develop a fuller understanding of the way that language works, how we learn it and how we use it to affect others’ perceptions of ourselves and the things we speak and write about.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? You will develop a deeper understanding of how language has changed and evolved from analysing babies’ gurgling through complex conversations, to Facebook posts and news reports. You will also complete an independent investigation into an area of language that interests you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM ENGLISH LANGUAGE? You can expect English Language to be stimulating, lively and creative. We will expect you to engage with ideas and materials with which you are not familiar and to do things that you might, at first, find difficult. But you can also expect to be supported and guided on this course. It involves a great deal of discussion, debate and collaboration and will allow you to be experimental and innovative with your own language use.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 5 or above is required in English Language

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? The English Language course is assessed through examinations and coursework with 80% of your final marks from examinations and 20% from coursework. WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you want to develop your analytical skills, and your ability to write in accurate formal Standard English and you enjoy presenting ideas, this could well be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE? As well as being useful for students who want to go on to study or work in obviously related fields such as university courses in English, courses or careers in journalism, publishing, teaching, creative writing, or media or film studies. English Language is also incredibly useful if you want to go into the sciences, foreign languages, the medical and allied healthcare professions, history, the social sciences, caring professions or law.

List of Key Topics n Textual analysis n Spoken language n L anguage change n C hild language development n Your own writing


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Crompton House school

Laura Smith RESULTS English Literature A Geography A* Psychology A* WHERE IS LAURA NOW? University of Leeds studying Geography


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

English Literature

english literature

WHAT IS ENGLISH LITERATURE? English Literature is the study of the ways in which some of our greatest writers explore the issues that affect everyone or the ways in which they explore the lives of the marginalised and obscure.

and sound reasoning. You will study a range of novels, plays, poems and other literary forms, exploring the concerns of the people who wrote them, the methods that they use to shape the responses of their readers and the conclusions that we can draw from our reading of them.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM ENGLISH LITERATURE? You can expect English Literature lessons to be lively, discursive and, at times, contentious! The best and most successful students are those who are most willing to offer their opinions and can justify and argue their interpretations with evidence

KEY TOPICS n The novels Frankenstein and Never Let Me Go n The poetry of Philip Larkin n Hamlet by William Shakespeare n The Great Gatsby (and a text of your choosing) for the coursework unit.


Rochdale Sixth Form College

Entry College entry requirements as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 5 or above is required in English Language or English Literature.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? 80% of your marks will be from examinations and 20% from coursework.


WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you love to read and talk about books, this may be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN ENGLISH LITERATURE? English Literature is highly regarded by universities and employers alike and will support your progression to a range of courses and careers. It not only supports those who want to study more obvious subjects such as English, journalism, teaching or creative writing, it’s a massive advantage for a very wide range of demanding degree courses such as law, sciences, medicine, foreign languages and many others.

English Literature

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? English Literature is a subject that is interesting, varied and enjoyable. You get to study a range of texts - from Renaissance drama to 21st century poetry - so there’s something for everyone! The lessons are fun and challenging, but the teachers also help you develop skills that improve your writing and are useful across other subjects

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? You will develop your skills of interpretation and analysis to an advanced level so that you are able to formulate and express your views and arguments in an effective authoritative manner. English Literature is an interesting and informative course that will enable you to develop a wide range of transferable skills that are essential for progression to higher education and employment.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

film studies

Film Studies

WHAT IS FILM STUDIES? Film Studies is the study of film as an art form, learning to appreciate this medium not only through its technical production, but also by understanding the wider meanings and messages.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? It is an exciting subject that will allow you to study a range of films and gain an insight into the wider industry. You will study the language of film, performance, cinematography, editing and sound, and see how they construct meaning and provoke audience response. You will engage in debates around technology and the issues facing independent cinema, seeing a range of perspectives. Working with industry leading equipment and editing packages will provide practical experience, allowing you to create a professional portfolio of work to carry forward to university or employment.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you have a willingness to learn, an interest in the development and production of films and are passionate about developing your knowledge of the film industry, this course is for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM FILM STUDIES? Film Studies offers a lively and challenging insight into the film industry. You will be expected to participate in debates and be open to exploring both independent and international cinema. You are expected to analyse key texts and then write about them in your exam. You will also be required to demonstrate creativity with your practical productions.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN FILM STUDIES? You will develop a vast range of technical, creative and analytical skills throughout your study. These skills are highly desirable, making you a perfect candidate for a wide range of university degrees, as well as preparing you for a career in areas such as film production, directing, journalism and screenplay writing.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? The film studies course is assessed through a combination of coursework and exams.


Rochdale Sixth Form College Photography Lorem Date 10/10/18

Film Studies

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Film Studies is a brilliant subject, you get to study a wide variety of films plus make your own short film


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

further Mathematics

Further Mathematics

WHAT IS Further Mathematics? Further Mathematics extends the areas of pure mathematics, mechanics and introduces decision mathematics.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM Further Mathematics? Further Mathematics will challenge you beyond your A-Level Mathematics course and refine the skills you have already mastered; you will learn to apply these skills more effectively to problem solving of a higher degree.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 7 or above is required in GCSE Mathematics. You must also study A-Level Mathematics.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? The Further Mathematics course is assessed through four examinations at the end of your second year.


WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy learning about mathematical concepts and new methods of problem solving then further mathematics may be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN Further Mathematics? Further Mathematics A-Level supports many career pathways – from careers in mathematics, physics, engineering, data analysis, computer programming and business to name but a few. It is highly regarded by employers and shows a fantastic level of mathematical ability.

Further Mathematics

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Further Mathematics has really helped me develop my problem solving skills and I’ve enjoyed working on complex problems with the support of my teachers and classmates.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? An A-Level in Further Mathematics shows an excellent logical mind, reasoning ability and competence in all things numerate. This subject must be taken in combination with A-Level Mathematics, but if you loved mathematics at high school, enjoy working hard and like to solve puzzles that have exact methods and answers then mathematics and further mathematics offers the opportunity to continue improving your numerical skills and learn a great deal beyond your GCSE course.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY? A-Level Geography involves the study of relevant, topical and important aspects of the human and physical world around us.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Geography requires a real interest in world events and is particularly suited to students who like to keep up-to-date with issues in the news. Geography complements a wide range of different A-Levels, including history, economics, business and some of the science courses.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM GEOGRAPHY? You will develop an in-depth understanding of classic physical geography topics such as tectonics and glaciation and human geography topics including globalisation, regeneration and migration. Contemporary critical issues are explored in the subject including water and energy security, the role of superpowers and globally-interconnected societies. A minimum of four days of field work will be completed by all students; this is when data is collected for independent investigation coursework.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are interested in developing your knowledge and understanding of a range of human and physical geography topics, Geography may be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN GEOGRAPHY? Careers with an A-Level in Geography are very broad, but in particular, opportunities exist in areas like environmental management, utilities, town planning, surveying and project management. Geographers are highly sought after and have an above average employment success rate due to the range of skills they develop including oral communication, delivering presentations, report writing, problem solving, analysis, data interpretation and debating. A-Level Geography will effectively prepare you for progression to university and employment.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through examinations and coursework with 80% of the final marks from examinations.


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WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Studying Geography allowed me to get a real, in-depth understanding of the world we live in. It was challenging, but extremely interesting!



2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Health & Social Care

HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE KEY TOPICS Year 1 n Human Lifespan Development n Working in Health and Social Care n Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs n Psychological Perspectives

WHAT IS HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE? Health & Social Care is a term that relates to services that are available from health and social care providers. This course focuses on understanding the human body, psychological theories on human development, promoting public health and meeting individual care and support needs.

Year 2 n Promoting Public Health n Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care n Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care n Physiological Disorders

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE? You will be able to explore a diverse range of topics with real life application.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through a combination of coursework and examinations, with three modules being assessed externally and five assessed internally.


WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are interested in developing your understanding of caring roles within society and would like to progress into a caring career then this is the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH A QUALIFICATION IN HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE? Health & Social Care will support your progression to a range of higher education courses including nursing, social work and primary education amongst many others. The qualification and skills you will develop will also support your progression into employment.

Health & Social Care

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Health and Social Care has allowed me to develop a range of skills, especially due to the coursework requirements. Time management, organisation skills, analytical skills and research skills are a few of the skills which I have developed consistently through this course.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? This course will develop your understanding of ways you can change people’s lives, allowing you to progress to further study or employment within a variety of care settings. It will allow you to pursue a career in healthcare, which focuses on helping people who are having problems with their physical health. It will also allow you to progress into careers in social care where you can help the most vulnerable people in your community and provide them with support that can improve their life.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

HISTORY WHAT IS HISTORY? A-Level History is the study of a range of periods of British and International History.


WHY STUDY THIS Subject? History is a traditional academic subject that is highly regarded by universities. The Russell Group of Universities classify it as a ‘facilitating course’, meaning top universities recommend it at A-Level as a way to access a wide variety of more specialist courses as well as valuing it as a course in its own right.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM HISTORY? Debating and discussing historical issues is central to the study of this course. You should expect to be able to use the knowledge that you study to make arguments as to the causes, consequences and significance of the key events studied. The periods of history studied embrace a range of religious, cultural and political perspectives so an openminded ability to listen to alternative viewpoints and a respect for them is essential. Some of the cultural norms studied differ from modern societies so there is a need for an appreciation of how people in the past saw the world around them.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 4 or above is required in English Language.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through examinations and coursework with 20% of your total marks from coursework. WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are interested in studying past events and analysing the causes and impact of Historical events, A-Level History may be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN HISTORY? History is a subject that provides suitable preparation for higher education. As a traditional academic course, history is well regarded by universities and supports an application for many courses, notably English, history, law, modern languages and politics.


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WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? In History, you always get to learn new things. The subject explores cultural, social and economic issues and it’s a lot deeper than it seems!



2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Information Technology

information technology

WHAT IS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? Information Technology is the study of how technology can be used to process, present and analyse data. You will develop an understanding of how different hardware and software can be used to provide solutions to everyday issues.

information technology has in society today.

KEY TOPICS: Year 1 n IT Systems n Creating systems to manage information n Using social media in business n Data modelling

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? You will develop your skills through utilising a range of software and making use of information technology systems to solve a range of problems, as well as a range of employability skills required to solve problems and come up with solutions to real life business scenarios. You will also develop an in depth understanding of the impact

Year 2 n Programming n IT project management n Cyber security & incident management n Website development


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? The practical element of the course was a new experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through coursework and an exam. Coursework is 54% and the exam 46% of your final grade. WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are interested in developing your skills in information technology and enjoy applying your learning to different scenarios, information technology may be the course for you.


WHAT CAN I DO WITH A QUALIFICATION IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? A qualification in information technology will allow you to develop a range of transferable skills that will support your progression into higher education and employment. Information technology can lead to further study and employment in areas such as games design, software development or business related courses, amongst many others. The skills you will develop on the course will support your progression to a variety of courses and employment.

Information Technology

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? You will develop a vast range of skills to prepare you for further study and employment, whether that be in an information technology related field or otherwise. You will learn to utilise a range of software packages to solve common issues and develop an understanding of how information technology can be used within wider society.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus


WHAT IS LAW? Law is an important aspect of our lives as it governs what we can and can’t do. It is a set of rules and principles that must be followed by all.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 4 or above is required in English Language.


WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Law is ever-changing and continues to develop on a day to day basis. This makes A-Level Law a very exciting subject to study! We will teach you current legal principles so you understand how and why people have been found guilty in today’s courts. As well as developing an excellent knowledge of the law, you will also gain many enviable skills such as the ability to evaluate the law as well as problem solving.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM LAW? As with all A-Levels, you must be dedicated to be successful. You should expect a fast pace and lessons that cover vast content with many new and exciting legal principles. You must also be prepared to engage with the skills of the exam as it is vital that you have the ability to apply your legal knowledge to factual scenarios and answer extended essay questions. HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? The subject is assessed in three examinations, two hours each. Paper One - The English Legal System and Criminal Law including topics such as Sentencing, Criminal Courts, Theft and Robbery. Paper Two – Sources of Law and the Law of Tort including topics such as Legislation, Statutory Interpretation and Liability in Negligence. Paper Three – The Nature of Law and the Law of Contract including topics such as Law and Morality and the Formation of a Contract. 66

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are confident with learning a lot of new content, enjoy writing essays and keeping up to date with current affairs, then Law is for you! WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN LAW? A-Level Law puts you in an excellent position to start your journey in becoming a solicitor or a barrister. However, the skills you will learn during the course are highly regarded by many employers so it is a good base for many career choices! The range of careers is vast but some examples include working for the police, the Home Office and other governmental departments including the immigration service and the armed forces. It could even help you become a journalist or teacher!

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WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? My favourite thing about Law is applying the law to scenarios... I really like deciding if the person should be found guilty or not! The teachers are all supportive and always there if you need anything explaining or help with exam questions.


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

mathematics WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MATHEMATICS? Mathematics builds on the topics studied on the higher specification GCSE course and within the Pure Mathematics topics, introduces calculus techniques as well as extending algebra skills. Mechanics and statistics topics offer opportunities to apply some of the skills learnt to a variety of real-world problems.


WHAT IS MATHEMATICS? Mathematics covers the areas of Pure Mathematics, Mechanics and Statistics.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 6 or above is required in GCSE Mathematics.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete three examinations at the end of your second year.


WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy learning about mathematical concepts and new methods of problem solving and have a strong mathematical ability then A-Level Mathematics is for you! WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN MATHEMATICS? Mathematics A-Level supports almost all career pathways – from careers in medicine, engineering, data analysis, economics, computer programming and business to name a few. It is highly regarded by employers and is a sought-after qualification.


WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Maths has really helped me to understand topics in my other subjects. The teachers are really helpful and make the lessons enjoyable. I can use maths confidently now and am looking forward to applying it in my degree.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Employers in all sectors highly value a candidate who can offer mathematical ability – research has shown those with a Mathematics A-Level, on average, have higher salaries than those without! Mathematics shows logic, reasoning and a high level of numeracy, and serves to support many other courses. This offers the opportunity to continue improving your numerical skills and learn a great deal beyond your GCSE course.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus


Media Studies

WHAT IS MEDIA STUDIES? Media Studies could be described as English Literature with a digital and contemporary approach. Instead of studying plays, poems and novels, you will engage in a range of contemporary media texts such as film, television, video games, magazines, newspapers and social media.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Studying this subject will develop your understanding of how media texts are constructed; exploring how social and cultural groups, events and issues are represented in them and how audiences respond to and interpret those texts. You will explore the world ‘constructed’ by media texts from the representations of gender, age and ethnicity all the way through to audiences, events and issues. You will engage in debates and develop a range of technical and creative skills using industry leading software including Adobe Photoshop and Premiere.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you have an interest in graphic design, photography, video production or website design, then media studies could be an excellent choice for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MEDIA STUDIES? Media Studies is a challenging, creative and engaging subject that will increase your awareness of the ideologies behind media texts and allow you to question the impact of the media on the world around you.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN MEDIA STUDIES? Media Studies is a rapidly developing subject and a strong growth area for career opportunities. The majority of top universities now offer a variety of excellent media courses. Employers value the creative intelligence, social awareness and practical skills of media graduates. It supports progression to a career in areas such as film production, marketing, advertising, product design and journalism.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? The Media Studies course is assessed through examinations and coursework with 30% of your final marks from coursework and 70% from examinations.


Rochdale Sixth Form College Photography Lorem Date 10/10/18

Media Studies

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Media is a great subject, every lesson is different and the teachers are knowledgeable.


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Modern languages

Modern Languages - French & Spanish

french & spanish WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MODERN LANGUAGES? Studying Modern Languages involves speaking the language to a range of people and analysing the language to develop your understanding and fluency. You will engage in debate and discussion utilising your language skills. Here all MFL staff are native speakers to improve your fluency and understanding not only of the language but the culture.

WHAT ARE MODERN LANGUAGES? At RSFC you can choose to study a French or Spanish A-Level. You will study the language, grammatical systems, communication, culture and politics of French/ Spanish speaking countries. Moving on from GCSE, you will learn how to confidently communicate in written and spoken French/Spanish with a high level of grammatical accuracy.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 5 or above at GCSE is required in the language to be studied.

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Languages are really interesting subjects. You get to practise your spoken skills with a native speaker, as well as learn about French or Spanish society, literature and film. They’re both fun and interactive subjects.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? At RSFC we will follow the AQA specification and you will be assessed through written and speaking examinations; Paper 1 – Listening, reading and writing (50%), Paper 2 – Essay writing and Paper 3 – Speaking (30%)


WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you are keen to develop your understanding and fluency of a modern foreign language, and you would like to learn more about cultural aspects such as traditions, art, social issues or politics this is the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN MODERN LANGUAGES? An A-Level in French or Spanish is often compulsory to work in or study a degree in translation, interpreting or teaching MFL, however, there are other pathways in which you might benefit from studying another language: business, consulting, management, marketing, advertising, media, public service and healthcare degrees highly value students with an A-Level in MFL. An A-Level in MFL is regarded as a facilitating subject, which increases students’ chances of gaining a place on the most competitive courses at the top universities.

Modern Languages - French & Spanish

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? If you are interested in other cultures and you want to further understand the world around you, studying French or Spanish A-Level is perfect for you. Over the two years you will develop the linguistic skills, which you acquired at GCSE in order to manipulate the language more effectively and move towards fluency. You will study the use of language in political and social contexts, using news reports and articles to acquire vocabulary and grammatical knowledge.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT IS MUSIC? Studying Music helps you to extend your knowledge and understanding of a variety of musical styles, genres and forms, whilst also giving you the opportunity to create and develop your own musical ideas and demonstrating and developing your pre-existing skills in performance, interpretation and communication.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Music is a rewarding subject that allows you to further develop and showcase your creative talents. A-Level Music is ideal preparation for study at a music college or an academic music degree.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 5 or above in GCSE Music or Grade 5 in Music Theory is required, along with proficiency (grade 5 or above) on a musical instrument.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you have a passion for performance, or if your interests lie more in writing music or analysing pieces or songs then this is the course for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM MUSIC? During the course you will build on your skills in musical performance and composition, working with a range of pieces from different styles and eras. You will acquire a wide range of skills, improving your confidence through performance, working on theoretical skills through musical analysis and expressing your own creativity and musical ideas through composition.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN MUSIC? Music is a well-regarded academic subject. It is especially useful for students considering a career or undergraduate studies in performing arts, composition, performance, musical analysis and music teaching.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through a combination of examinations and composition along with an assessed final recital.


Rochdale Sixth Form College Photography Lorem Date 10/10/18


WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? I love getting to listen to lots of different kinds of music and I’m always encouraged to develop as a musician.


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

Philosophy & Religious Studies

PHILOSOPHY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES? You should expect an overlap with other subjects such as science when considering medical ethics. Equally, you should expect to consider ideas and opinions based on well informed research in a sensitive and considerate manner which recognises the diversity of others studying the subject, within college and the community at large and be prepared to contrast this with other cultural norms.

WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES? Philosophy of religion explores classical arguments for and against theism, atheism and agnosticism. It comprises of abstract thinking as well as logical arguments for and against the existence of God. Religious ethics looks at religious and secular arguments about morality, all of which are applied to euthanasia, business and issues surrounding sex.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Philosophy and Religious Studies is a traditional subject which is highly regarded by universities. It is essential in an evolving world which is increasingly concerned with good ethical practices, diversity and the need to understand different cultural and religious viewpoints for social harmony. WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? This is a brilliant course because of the range of interesting topics, there’s lots of debate and this makes it engaging.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through examinations at the end of the 2 years.


WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you have an interest in philosophical concepts, want to learn more about religion in more depth, and have an open mind, this course may be for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES? The subject will support your progression to higher education and employment in a variety of roles in all sectors. You will develop a wide range of transferable skills that will support your progression into any sector.

Philosophy & Religious Studies

College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 4 or above is required in English Language.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus

physical education

Physical Education

WHAT IS PHYSICAL EDUCATION? Typically, Physical Education is a practical course that aims to increase students’ health and fitness and their capacity to perform in sports. At A-Level, however, it is a course that aims to provide students with an understanding of how the body and the mind of athletes work in order to achieve peak performance.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? With the three main disciplines of many sports-related degrees being physiology, psychology and biomechanics, A-Level study aims to help students understand and be able to apply these principles to athletes that you see every day in the media. As well as developing an outstanding knowledge of PE, you will also gain many skills, such as improving your ability to analyse data and apply your understanding to new contexts.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM PHYSICAL EDUCATION? You can expect to learn at a rapid rate in PE, and therefore you need to be prepared to engage with fast-paced lessons that will be interactive and fun. It is these lessons, alongside your dedication to the set revision tasks, which will allow you to succeed in the subject. HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? Assessment is through a combination of written examinations, practical assessments and written coursework.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you enjoy sport, want to learn more about the science behind sport, and have a desire to progress onto degree level study in the field of sport and exercise, this course is the one for you! WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION? An A-Level in PE places you in a great position to progress onto sport-related degrees, such as sport and exercise science, physiotherapy and strength and conditioning. Although these degrees are specifically related to the subject, the skills you will learn during the course are beneficial when progressing onto any degree course, with the skills also being highly regarded by many employers, it positions you well for a range of careers. 78

Rochdale Sixth Form College Photography Lorem Date 10/10/18

Physical Education

WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? PE is my favourite subject as the lessons are really engaging and exciting


a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT IS PHYSICS? Physics is a rapidly evolving field of science concerned with the properties of matter and energy. Providing an insight into the behaviour of matter, Physics is used to answer some of our most fundamental questions relating to our origins and existence. It is a mathematical course, using formulae and logic to solve problems, predict events and describe observable phenomenon.

You will learn many new terms and theories to support your development, and benefit from external exposure to subject experts and trips that will enhance your understanding.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM PHYSICS? You will challenge your ability to use logic and maths to solve problems and develop new ideas, and there are ample opportunities to fine tune your practical skills throughout the course.

Year 2: • Circular motion • Simple harmonic motion • Gravitational, electric and magnetic fields • Capacitance • Thermal physics • Nuclear physics

KEY TOPICS: Year 1: • Mechanics • Materials • Waves • Basic electricity • Quantum phenomena and particle theory


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25. In addition, a grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics and a grade 6-6 in Combined Science or a 6 in Physics, both on the higher tier. You must also study A-Level Mathematics.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete three examinations at the end of the two year course, plus be assessed throughout the year on your practical skills. 81

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? There is lots of new terminology to learn, so self-study skills and a good level of motivation are vital. If you enjoy Mathematics and Physics at GCSE and like to see a real-world application of your skills, Physics could be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN PHYSICS? An A-level in Physics is a valuable one, and can lead to university degrees in physics, mathematics, engineering and medical science, depending on your other A-Level subjects. It shows a high level of numeracy, logic and reasoning, and is desirable for numerous university courses and careers.


WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Physics helps to broaden your mind to some of the greatest concepts in the universe. It also helps to develop your mathematical skills and critical thinking.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Forming the basis of many other sciences including medicine, astronomy and engineering, it develops your understanding of the sub-atomic particles that are the building blocks of life. Physics enables you to apply models and formulae to understand the key concepts behind everyday things, for example, building structures such as bridges, looking at the electronic components used within modern technology and we also show you some of the calculations used in the automotive industry, to name but a few.

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Psychology provides a fascinating insight into the reasoning behind the human mind and behaviour, with the aim of answering the most interesting questions in life; why do people develop mental illness? Why do people obey authority figures? You will develop knowledge and understanding of psychological theories and explanations by applying them to real life contexts.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? Do you always find yourself asking ‘why’? Why do I behave differently from my siblings even though we were brought up in the same household? Why do I have a phobia of spiders? Why do I tend to get ill during exams? Develop transferable life skills and a high level of self-awareness by developing an insight into not only why you think, feel and behave the way that you do, but the reasons why others do too.

ENTRY REqUIREMENTS College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.

WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Have you ever been intrigued by why people behave in certain ways? Do you want to know the reasons for your own behaviours? If you are interested in delving deep into a person’s mind and understanding which parts of themselves and their lives have led them to a certain behaviour, Psychology is the course for you.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM PSYCHOLOGY? You will learn about a wide range of exciting topics including addiction, schizophrenia and psychopathology. We will design and carry out psychological investigations, write reports based upon our findings and participate in debates and discussions to promote a deeper understanding of the subject content.

WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN PSYCHOLOGY? Psychology can help your career either directly or indirectly. If you wish to become a psychologist, therapist or mental health worker, this A-Level is of direct value. Many psychology graduates tend to build careers in education, the police, social work, further research and advertisement & marketing.

HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete three examinations at the end of the two year course.


R o cRhodcahl d e aSl ei x t h F o r m C o l l e g e


Devon Salopek RESULTS Business Studies B Media Studies A Psychology A* WHERE IS DEVON NOW? University of Manchester studying Psychology 83

a-level 2019 / 2020 Prospectus



WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM SOCIOLOGY? Expect the best and be prepared to be surprised. Sociology will leave you questioning everything and everyone around you. It will open your eyes and allow you to look at the world in a way you have never seen before. You will have the opportunity to make a real difference and learn real life skills that will not only benefit you academically but in the workplace and at home. Sociology allows you to develop healthy positive relationships as well as effective communication skills.

WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY? Sociology is the study of everything! It explores society and human behaviour. Why are some people born richer than others? This subject allows you to become more open minded to controversial issues and sensitive topics such as racism, gender inequalities, class differences, crime and domestic violence. In a safe non-judgmental environment, you will have the opportunity to explore all these issues, get involved in debates and develop life skills as well as gain an A-Level.


Rochdale Sixth Form College


College entry requirements apply as detailed on page 25.


HOW IS THE COURSE ASSESSED? You will complete 3 examinations at the end of the two year course. WHO IS THE COURSE SUITABLE FOR? If you have an interest in current affairs, working with others and a thirst for knowledge and answers to the key questions which arise in contemporary society, this could well be the course for you. WHAT CAN I DO WITH AN A-LEVEL IN SOCIOLOGY? Many of our students go on to study sociology or criminology at degree level. Students with a Sociology A-Level can develop careers in law, civil service, teaching, criminal justice system and social work. The skills developed through the completion of the course will be invaluable in further education and employment.


WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY? Sociology opens up your points of view on so many different things. You won’t look at news in the same way again. I have found it has made me question everything.

WHY STUDY THIS Subject? We were all humans until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us and wealth classified us. Why does racism exist in society today, or does it? Are men and women really treated equally? Do ethnic minorities commit more crimes than non-ethnic minorities? Is the criminal justice system racist? Has the media made us jealous of lifestyles that do not exist in real life? Why are we so obsessed with celebrities and Love Island instead of focussing on our own lives? Sociology explores all these issues and allows you to become more socially aware of the world around you. It enables you to think for yourself without the influence of the media, education, government and religion!

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

I am worried about the interview – what will it be like? The interview is very informal and will often take place in your school. This is an opportunity for the college to find out a little more about you and to ensure that your subject choices are right for you and your chosen future career. It isn’t anything to worry about!



Will I get help with the university application process? Yes. Your Student Performance and Development Leader will go over this with you during tutorial sessions which you will have once per week. Can I access my College work from home? Yes. You can log on remotely to the college network to gain 24 hour access to your documents and programmes.

What is the dress code at RSFC? We recognise that self-expression is part of being an emerging adult, however, students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to a purposeful and diverse Sixth Form College. Clothing bearing inappropriate language or images, or revealing items of clothing are not allowed. WILL I GET SUPPORT FINDING A CAREER PLACEMENT? Your Student Performance and Development Leader and the Employability & Career Placement Coordinator will work with you to plan your opportunities for progression and support you in finding relevant work experience. All students are able to request support with obtaining a career placement and it is our aim to offer all students a career placement before they leave the college, to support applications for further study and employment.


Rochdale Sixth Form College

HOW DO I APPLY? To study at RSFC, you must have achieved a minimum of 5 GCSEs, graded 4-9, across four separate subjects, including GCSE Mathematics and/or English/English Language. A good school reference, attendance and behaviour record are also required, as is a positive college interview. A few subjects have specific entry requirements; relevant details can be found on the individual subject information pages. We are an oversubscribed college. We prioritise students progressing from our partner schools and those who live in the Borough of Rochdale, but if you are not at a partner school and live outside the Borough, please still apply.


step one

step two

Read the prospectus and start thinking carefully about the subjects you might want to study - you might want to speak to your Subject Teachers at school. Talk to your Careers Adviser and your careers staff.

We have, to date, been able to offer places to students from outside the Borough. Please refer to our admissions policy at for full details. All subjects are offered, dependent on student demand and staffing. The college reserves the right to withdraw the offer of any course prior to enrolment.

step three


Complete an online application on our website before the deadline - 12pm on Thursday 13th December 2018.


How Do I Apply?

Pick up a prospectus from school or contact the college and ask for one to be sent to your home.

2019 / 2020 Prospectus

the year ahead September 2018 You should read this prospectus and think carefully about the subjects you might want to study at Rochdale Sixth Form College. We will be visiting your school to talk to you about the application process, so please have your questions ready. If you are applying from a school outside the Borough, please email or call us with any queries or questions you may have.

If you have decided that RSFC is the place for you, you can now begin completing the application form online at Come along to one of our open events where you will be able to tour the building, meet the staff and see what Rochdale Sixth Form College has to offer you. SATURDAY 13TH OCTOBER 2018 10AM-2PM

The Year Ahead


December 2018 Have you completed your application form yet? Don’t worry, you still have some time left. You might need to get some more advice about your subject choices from your teachers, parents and carers or the careers office. Alternatively, you can give us a call. Shortly after we have received your application, we will interview you for your place at RSFC, but don’t worry! These interviews are informal occasions usually held at your school which will give you further advice and support on your choices. The deadline for applications from students is 12pm on Thursday 13th December 2018. January 2019 Interviews in schools within the Borough will have started, so look out for your interview letter. February 2019 Interviews for places at RSFC continue. Students who do not attend a school in the Borough may be invited to an interview with a member of staff at the college.

March 2019 You should have had an update on the progress of your application. If you haven’t heard from the college, please contact us. May 2019 Good luck with your GCSEs! July 2019 We will be sending you some further information in the post about enrolment and what will be happening in your first few weeks of college. You will be invited to our New Student Welcome Day. Attendance is a compulsory part of the enrolment process. August 2019 GCSE results arrive. It is now time to enrol at Rochdale Sixth Form College! Our Enrolment Day will be Friday 23rd August 2019. Please ensure that you are available on this date as places cannot be guaranteed for those who do not attend. September 2019 Following your interview you will receive information and dates for induction day and the first day of teaching.


Rochdale Sixth Form College

Rochdale Sixth Form College is situated in the heart of Rochdale Town Centre, with excellent transport links from all places within the Borough and in Greater Manchester Train Rochdale train station is situated in the town centre (about 10 minutes’ walk from the college).

Bus Rochdale bus station is approximately 5 minutes’ walk from the college. There are frequent bus services throughout the Borough which terminate in Rochdale.

Metrolink Go to for information about tram stops and times.

Bicycle There is access and plenty of spaces to secure a bicycle.


Where to find us

where to find us

2019 / 2020 Prospectus


Rochdale Sixth Form College


PROSPECTUS 2019/2020 Rochdale Sixth Form College College Road Rochdale OL12 6HY 01706 769800 -

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