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Lee Dewyze
Singer-songwriter Lee Dewyze shares “Weeds”. MMusic premiered the track and video, praising “DeWyze’s simple and precise production delivers an emotionally powerful “Weeds.”” The prolific songwriter, who has had over 60+ syncs in film, TV, and commercials, returns to the scene with a powerful solo release that flaunts a profoundlyrefreshing approach to music making.
“Weeds” explores the nature of love and relationships and how that parallels the cycle of life. How some things can be found when you don’t even know you’re looking for them. It’s about growing and learning to be vulnerable. How a time, place, and moment can play such a crucial part in where we end up and how we got there. “Weeds” is about finding beauty in the most unsuspecting places.
With an earnest ability to create a delicate balance of harmony, melody, deep emotion and subtlety, Lee four exquisite songs, each one a unique critically DeWyze’s depth as a songwriter call to streams) was placed in the show “The mind some of his earliest influences like Walking Dead.” After signing with Simon and Garfunkel, Yusef Islam (Cat Shanachie Records in 2016, Lee released Stevens) and Johnny Cash. the album Oil and Water, which hit Number One on the iTunes folk and His last 2 releases Victims Of The singer/songwriter chart, followed Night (April 2020), and the EP Castles by Paranoia (2018), which hit (Oct 2019), have garnered over 1M Number One on the Alternative chart. As streams. the winner of American Idol Season 9 in There are no false notes in these Live It Up (RCA). light in the constellation of his imagina- Lee’s songs have appeared in over tion. He sings quietly, as if whispering 70 movies, TV shows, and commercials. secrets. His lyrics and melodies mesmer- His latest synch was for his song ize, cycling like nursery rhymes, Castles, which highlighted the season somehow soothing while also sharpening finale of Station 19 (#1 show on ABC). our alertness that something unusual is His video for Castles won 11 going on here. awards world-wide (Los Angeles, NY, Over the last 10 years, Lee has with TIFF (The International Film released five albums, including his Festival). 2010, he made his major label debut with and London) for best animated video lauded Frames (Vanguard Records, Lee’s newest single, Weeds, due 2013), which included the top 40 out Oct 23rd, will be showcased at The Billboard Hot AC hit “Fight.” In 2014, Hotel Café on Oct 24th with a live his song “Blackbird Song” (15M stream show. November 2020 • Rock and Blues International 47