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By Deshaun Phillips The Philadelphia-based “comic book rock” band The Stereotytans have just released their latest video and song, “Breathe4You”. This time they are battling systemic racism. Their new song and video is available for download and stream right now. All proceeds from this song and video will be going to benefit Black Lives Matter and WE: The Caucus of Working Educators.
In the past, the Stereotytans have been known for being more of a lighthearted band, but now the hard rock band is bringing their special blend of soul, funk, and metal to a more compelling cause. They have felt that it’s time for them to speak out against racism and oppression and the tragic events that have unfolded in the last several months.
“Like many people in America, we were and still are outraged and deeply affected by the George Floyd murder,” says frontman Damon, aka St. Comic Book Rock Band, Prometheus. “We also felt the weight of an ongoing level of oppression and unnecessary violence by the hands of The Stereotytans Battle Their some racist members of law enforcement. Everything that recently occurred got us thinking and searching for answers and Latest Villain - Racism solutions.” Vocalist Damon tells us that after on New Single,“Breathe4You” watching the video of Officer Chauvin services and the amazing facilities at and allies have the power to improve leaning on George Floyd’s neck he felt Forge Recording to record the song free public schools. WE’s goal is to bring that he needed to take a stand on this and of charge.” more socially just education policies and all forms of subtle and blatant racism. practices to school districts. “We wanted After watching that unfold in front of With the release of this song, The to use our platform to help support a local him, he immediately set to work on the Stereotytans tell us that they plan to write teacher coalition that is passionate about lyrics to “Breathe4You.” “We are artists more songs like this for various causes as and effectively pushing for change in and musicians,” says DJ Ken. “It’s our they arise. They plan on making more schools - the space that has the most most natural instinct to put thoughts and protest songs in the future in the hopes to potential to transform our society,” emotions into music. So we did.” affecting change bridging all genres of drummer Marc, aka Okeanus explains. music to help create a form of unity. . In the song you can hear Damon “Today, we study the music of the Civil The Stereotytans would like to sing, “No I’m not your slave / I’ve Rights Movement of the 1960s as a way encourage everybody to get involved in marched through hell just to tell the to understand the mood of people and causes that they believe in and they take stories of our yesterdays.” The song how it was a means to galvanize,” says inspiration from previous social conends with a plea for community in “Will bassist Chris, aka Kronos. “Music scious bands like Rage Against The you breathe for my brother / I will breathe brought both spirit and message to the Machine, Living Colour and Public for you.” Yes, this is quite a departure for Civil Rights Movement as it did in the Enemy. the band, but nevertheless they have their anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. own feeling for this kind of systemic We really wanted our song to continue Keep your eyes open for The racism and it’s something that they just that tradition in which we not only spoke Stereotytans. They truly have a unique can’t abide for. truth to power, but provided a feeling of style all their own which they characterize hope, positivity, and provocation.” as “if Living Color, Fishbone and Billboard-charting producer and Radiohead had a threeway while Public engineer Ron DiSilvestro handled As we said before, the proceeds Enemy watched and then birthed sweet, production on this song. Ron is also a from this song will go to help the sweet musical babies with hints of soul, former bandmate of the group and Philadelphia chapter of Black Lives funk and metal mixed in for good longtime friend. “Ron is right at home Matter and WE: The Caucus of Working measure.” with our style and sound,” Damon tells Educators, an organization of Philadel- Check out their new song and video us. “When we approached him with this phia Federation of Teachers members for “Breathe4You” on all streaming song, he didn’t think twice to offer his who believe educators, parents, students services November 2020 • Rock and Blues International 63