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Patient Safety: Medicines Safety Improvement Programme

2021-22 programme details Patient Safety: Medicines Safety Improvement Programme

Context for our work:


A programme since 2019, a prioritisation process with national stakeholders identified the focuses for the programme, drawing on data from research, stakeholder feedback, system intelligence, NHS policy intention and identification of evidence based interventions.

Primary Drivers:

Reduce medication related harm in Health and Social Care, focusing on high risk drugs, situations, and vulnerable patients. The programme will contribute to the WHO Challenge (2017) to reduce severe avoidable medication related harm by 50% over five years.

Secondary Drivers:

• Safer administration of medicines in care homes • Reduce inappropriate high dose opiate prescriptions for non-cancer pain

Key deliverables

Reduce medicine administration errors in care homes by 50% by March 2024 (by defining interventions that have demonstrably improved patient safety in care homes and have shown the potential to be implemented at national scale in order to improve the safety of medicines administration).

Reduce harm from opioid medicines by reducing high dose prescribing (>120mg oral morphine equivalent), for non-cancer pain by 50%, by March 2024 (by identifying interventions that have demonstrably reduced the prescribing of opioids for chronic non-cancer pain without increasing the risk of harm to patients from other causes and have demonstrated the potential to be delivered at a national scale).

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