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by IndustrialPrintStaff

Self proclaimed as the "hub for additive manufacturing (AM);' Formnext takes place from November 7 to 10, 2023 with more than 800 exhibitors planning to attend. Held by event organizer Mesago Messe Frankfurt Group at Messe Frankfurtin FrankfurtamMain, Germany, the globaltrade fair isdedicatedto AM and industrial three-dimensional (3D) printing.

Known in the industry as a launching point fornewproducts, solutions, andservices, Formnext is more than a trade fair, as it holds conferences throughout the event. This year, the conferences are re-organized to run across three differentstagesintheexhibitionhalls-industry, application, and technology.

The industry stage focuses on sustainability and digitization, as well as other topical issues. There are plans to include discussions on new 1 business opportunities like start ups and funding. The application stage showcases applications from mechanical, automotive, aerospace, medical, electrical, andother industries. Finally, the technology stage allows Formnext exhibitors to showcase their innovations.

Hallto Hall

In the exhibit halls, companies display solutions from the entire process chain of AM and industrial 3D printing. Here we include information from vendors planning to attend.

3DCeram, hall 11.1, booth C33, unveils the C3600 ULTIMATE and Cl000 FLEXMATIC printers, featuring CPS 2.0. CPS 2.0, the new-generation exclusive printing software for 3DCeram'sCeramakerprinterline, aligns seamlessly withthe goalofautomatedlinedevelopment,echoingthephilosophyof transitioning from laboratory to production reality. INFO#140

ADDIBLAST by FerroECOBlast, hall 12.0, booth C42, showcases three machines-MARS 03 with a new, swivel arm for improved automated de-powdering, designed specifically for metal3Dprintedparts.Itcleanspartsthoroughlyandefficiently, while also ensuring that the powder is collected and can be recycled for future use. It guarantees an accurate, reliable, and repeatable de-powdering process. MARS 01 is a manual versionof MARS 03, suitableforde-powderingandremovalof supportstructures. BAM 03 is an ergonomic and user-friendly blasting solution for surface treatment of 3D printed parts, which ensures the surface is flawless.INFO# 141

Eplus3D, hall 12.0, booth D41, provides professional applicationsolutionsforthefieldsofaerospaceandaviation;energy, oil, and gas; automotive; tooling; healthcare; consumer goods; andprecisionmanufacturing.Itisengagedintheresearchand development of industrial-grade AM systems and application technologies with metal powder bed fusion and polymer powder bed fusion 3D printing technology. INFO# 142 lncus GmbH, hall11.1,boothD42,providesaninnovativesolutionforAMof high-performancemetalsandoffersa novel3D printing process to thegrowing marketof metal injection molding(MIM). Thelithography-basedmetal manufacturing process developed by Incus offers an economic method for prototyping and the small- to mid-scale production of components in MIM quality. The system can be integrated into existing MIM production lines or research and development departments, since the same post-processing equipment can be used.

INFO# 143

JEOL USA, hall12.0,booth E59, exhibitsseveralpartstodemonstratethecapabilities of itsJEOL E-Beam Powder Bed Fusion 3D Metal Printer, theJAM-5200EBM. TheJEOL E-Beam PBF 3D Metal Printer improves quality and manufacturing time to produce stronger and lighter parts. It optimizes series production of high-quality, reproducible metal parts for aerospace, medical, and energy fields. Key benefits of the JEOL 3D printer include a longlife cathode-greater than 1,500 hours, helium- and smoke-free manufacturing, and JEOL USA'.s renowned service network. INFO# 144

Lithoz, hall 11.1, booth D48, showcases its multi-material 3D printer, CeraFab Multi 2M30. This lithographybased ceramics manufacturing or LCM 3D printer features two vats and is able to flexibly combine two materials in one

2. Roboze, hall11.1, booth C21, unveilsits next generationof3Dprinters.3. lncusGmbH,hall11.1,booth D42, provides a solution for the AM of high-performancemetalsandoffersanovel3Dprintingprocess tothegrowingmarketofMIM.

3D printed component and layer. Such previously unachievable combinations of ceramic-metal and ceramic-polymer but also highly fascinating functionallygraded ceramic parts with different porosities, chemical properties, structures, or densities are displayed. INFO# 145

Lubrizol 3D Printing Solutions, hall 12.1, booth E30, combines its comprehensive knowledge and AM capabilities. Serving as an end-to-end solutions provider from prototyping to mass production, Lubrizol is equipped to be a collaborative partner to businesses looking for a 3D printing solution. It features an extensive portfolio of materials for 3D printing, including its portfolio of ESTANE 3D TPU, which can be used in powder bed fusion or fused filament fabrication 3D printers. Engineered to meet strict market requirements for 3D printed parts, ESTANE 3D TPU is aversatile elastomer with unique properties that can go from as soft as rubber to being as rigid as hard plastics. The latest development, ESTANE 3D TPU M88A, is a soft and flexible polymer designed and certified for HP's Jet Fusion 5200 series, offering a friendly unpacking process. INFO# 146

Meteor Inkjet Ltd, hall 12.0, booth B102, is an independent supplier of electronics, software, tools, and services for industrial inkjet. Expanding 3D printing beyond prototyping and into the manufacturing space, inkjet technology enables two of the most flexible AM processes, binder jetting and materials deposition. Meteor shows a full range of solutions for 3D and AM print systems including the world's largest selection of electronics to drive industrial inkjet printheads; ready-to-use digital front ends that integrate with commercially available 3D build tools; software development kits allowing custom printers to be built from the ground up; and a complete suite of tools and services to support the design and optimization of print systems. INFO# 147

Prima Additive, hall 12.0, booth E81, presents its highly customized metal AM solutions equipped with innovative laser configurations. For powder bed fusion technology, the Print Genius 150 Double Wavelength is on display-a unique solution on the market, equipped with an infrared laser and a green laser for maximum versatility on any material. All Prima Additive solutions are open parameters and can be configured with infrared or green lasers according to production needs. Regarding direct energy deposition technology, Prima Additive exhibits the IANUS robotic cell equipped with a blue laser-a solution particularly suited to the processing of highly reflective materials. The IANUS cell can also be equipped with other advanced laser processes such as hardening or welding, as well as supplied with two different laser sources in double wavelength configuration or with two processes in the same system. INFO# 148

QuintusTechnologies, hall 11.0, booth Al1, developed a toolbox making it possible to get unoxidized component surfaces after hot isostatic pressing (HIP), eliminating the need for difficult, costly, or hazardous pre- and post-processing.

Using the Quintus Purus toolbox, consisting of best practice in HIP operation, new HIP equipment hardware and software capabilities, and bespoke oxygen getter cassettes, most of these issues can be avoided or substantially reduced. This gives rise to design advantages and substantially reduces the cost and environmental impact of manufacturing components. INFO# 149

Roboze, hall 11.1, booth C21, showcases unparalleled advancements in high-performance materials, precision engineering, and industrial-grade solutions. Attendees can expect to witness the unveiling of next-generation 3D printers that push the boundaries of speed, accuracy, and advanced material diversity. Roboze’s presence at Formnext promises to inspire manufacturers, engineers, and designers by highlighting the potential of AM for end-use production in sectors like aerospace, automotive, and energy. INFO# 150

Solukon, hall 12.0, booth D42, presents new key features for the SFMAT350 de-powdering system for medium-sized parts. From now on, the latest models of SFM-AT350 are compatible with SPR-Pathfinder software, which automatically calculates the ideal motion sequence to free the component from powder. In addition, the SFMAT350 is available with piezoelectric excitation. With this type of excitation, the most complex geometries of parts made of tough-to-handle material is very gently and easily cleaned. In addition, Solukon presents the SFM-PCU, an automated station for a safe and easy powder handling. With a volume of more than 100 eral system for large powder quantities, e.g. when depowdering large components or in serial cleaning. INFO# 151 displays a variety of tools and parts made on its large scale additive systems (LSAM). It shows a tool printed at a 45 degree angle, a variety of chairs printed from SABIC’s LNP ELCRIN WF006NiQ resin, a 30 percent glass-fiber PBT material that contains a 25 percent loading of chemically upcycled post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate water bottles, and a variety of other LSAM printed tools and parts. INFO# 152

TRUMPF, hall 12.0, booth D81, presents new technologies for more productivity and automation in 3D printing. From the dental industry to tool and mold to aerospace—3D printers from TRUMPF are used in many industries. One highlight at the show is the new TruPrint 2000. This 3D printer is ideal to produce removable partial dentures. Customers can also print other medical products such as spine cages and knee implants with the machine. INFO# 153

Xact Metal, hall 12.0, booth D98, showcases its XM200G2 metal 3D printer. This printer is capable of printing with single or dual lasers. It also prints at varying power wattages— 100W, 200W, or 400W. Available in the Xact Metal stand are parts printed on the XM200G of varying materials, written information about various applications the printer is being used for currently, and experts from Xact Metal to answer all your questions. INFO# 154

Get Ready to Jet

If you’re in the U.S. and planning a trip across the pond, there will be plenty to see in Germany come November. Check back with Industrial Print magazine as we post information on new product announcements during the event. IPM

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