Crested macaque monkeys Follow friends before family
Mark Zuckerburg "Sells Out" to the Stock Wall Street is clicking “like” when it Market comes to the new Facebook stocks Facebook to investors. appearing on Wall Street. “Zuckerburg didn’t become the Five years ago Yahoo offered Henry Blodget, a business richest twenty-seven year old Mark Zuckerburg one-billion dollars for Facebook. Mark Zuckerburg refused; however he is now exciting many stock exchangers with the release of Facebook stocks! With the new invention of “Timeline”, the new Facebook layout, advertisers back target their “prey” more easily. This means Facebook is getting more and more popular in the advertising world and therefore getting more and more money. After the publishing of “Timeline” the estimate of Facebook’s value was raised to $80 billion.
Cameron and Miliband collide over train fares
annalist and a host for a Yahoo daily economy show says, “American stock exchangers are very excited but the hype is absurd to the predicted outcome of its success. It is going to be a very large successful business but I’m not convinced it’s going to be as greater business as some people think. It is still a social media business”. I believe Blodget has got a point; the reason the Facebook stocks are so exciting is due to the release of, “Timeline”. However Zuckerburg must now think of ways to keep the public, and more importantly, investors interested.
easily. He has invented an internet phenomenon which advertises kill to be on. Why on earth would he choose to sell a business which has million of possibilities? By putting Facebook on the stock market Zuckerburg can make a fortune and keep advertisers excited.”
Is the future of Facebook stocks clear? Most definitely not! However some things are for sure, Facebook will grow more, it will be an internet sensation and Mark Zuckerburg will carry on being VERY rich. Charlotte Hogarth
Our business annalist, Timothy Feasy, explains why Zuckerburg is willing to loan shares of
Ed Miliband, Labour’s Leader blames the government for not preventing commuters in London from paying unreasonable rail prices after fare increases. David Cameron in questioning said that some season tickets have been increased by up too £300 , he then defended him self and said that when Labour were in power they put in place greater rises in rail fares. On average the price of a ticket has risen by 5.9% this year, says Mr Cameron. But this has been proven wrong by Watch Passenger Focus and commuters have faced a rise of up to 11% . British rail prices are ten times more than some European countries on seasonable tickets. Claimed by a transport pressure group. Tara Anderson
National Diary
FROZEN BRITAIN Getting Prepared, Facts and Statistics ~ Frozen Britain How can you be prepared for the winter weather?
Keep up to date with weather forecasts.
If you need to go to work, prepare
your car in a safe place so you can get out easily.
Whenever you go out make sure you have plenty of warm clothes, and food and water in case you get stranded anywhere. Also, always let someone know where you’re going.
Put grit on the roads the night before the bad weather is due.
Make sure you were lots of layers. Be careful when you walk or drive on compacted snow because it may of turned into ice.
Always take it slow in case of black ice.
Get lots of food in storage, in case you get snowed in.
This is a quote from met office explaining some of the facts “In the UK there are, on average, 27,000 extra deaths in winter compared to other months of the year - 80% are thought to be due to the cold weather. The cold temperatures can cause physiological effects such as thicker blood, increase in blood pressure and tightening of the airways - making people who already have chronic conditions even more vulnerable.” These figures are rising rapidly and we need to take action as Britain is becoming colder every minuet. All over Europe it is getting colder. The average temperature for Moscow at this time of year is -8C, however it has got colder and now is a chilling -16C. In Poland it is -22C, and will spread due to the winds coming in from the east. People cannot live in these conditions, and have been forced to stay inside in some countries. This is much lower than normal, and is due to stay with us. This weather has had fatal consequences all over Europe, 5 people have died in the space of 4 hours. Many homeless people are suffering very badly from this weather, so the government put coal heaters in the street for them to keep warm in these harsh conditions. Lily Barker
National Diary
Aiding the Awful, Deadly Drought in the Horn of Africa The foremost important scheme giving vital aid in Africa involves workers from the Oxfam charity working with mothers in the Horn of Africa’s drought by helping to provide them suitable land for living and faming to get food and improve family health. The worlds banks are increasing their funds to provide help for the millions of people suffering in the drought in Africa. These funds are and will provide the people of Africa with fresh clean drinking water and doctors and medicine to improve peoples health in the life threatening, unpleasant, severe conditions of the drought.
Myriads of countries throughout Africa are faced with one of the worst droughts they have ever experienced , countless numbers of people are suffering critically with malnutrition. 10,000 people have already died and it is predicted to become considerably worse in the coming weeks. Tara Anderson
National Diary
Lily Barker
Do you believe that GCSE exams have become easier in recent years or are our children brighter and better educated? – Anonymous. As I sat my GCSE’s a while ago, it is hard to say, however with the rising C-A* grades, it is being shown the youth of today is more focused on their education and therefore achieving respectable grades. Also there has been a lot more one to on help and extra help provided for those who need it.
What are your views on the recent rising unemployment figures? – Anonymous. I believe the current unemployment figures are a disgrace and a real discredit to today’s government. It doesn’t help that the pigs of our national government, which supposedly look after our best interests, feel the need to take away the right to get a good education at our universities. Our taxes paid for their university but due to swine's making entrance fees higher only the privilege few may attend. Our hard earned money paid for the universities of this country and now we may not attend and furthermore we get the pleasure of being unemployed. They need to change these ridiculous situations now before the job climate really starts sinking!
What are your views on the new university fees? – Charlotte. I am outraged by the new university fees, they are absolutely disgraceful. How is the youth of today meant to get a good education and job when the greedy pigs raise the fees? They have tripled the price from £3000 to £9000! Who really has the money to pay that? Only the privileged. Our children are so much brighter these days but would no longer be able to shine and unleash their intelligence. I am appalled by these fees.
National Diary Tara Anderson
Random News Stories of the Week Polar Bear onto Weighing Scales with Tomato Sauce and Tinned Fish It’s hard to weigh a polar bear, especially when he wants to go for a swim swim.. Walker is three years old and the only polar bear on show in Britain, in a park in Scotland.. Scotland
Man Accused of
Stealing Ice Glacier This week in Chile, in South America the police arrested a man for theft of a section of ice glacier glacier.. The man arrested had 5 tonnes of ice in the back of his lorry, which was thought to have come from a glacier called Jorge Montt , situated in Patagonia.. Patagonia
Nevertheless the keepers have to weigh him him.. One of the keepers at the park bought some mackerel and tomato sauce from the local shop and Walker the polar bear really enjoyed it it.. Was this the way to get him on the scales? This delicious mix definitely worked, and Walker weighed in at a mammoth 403 kilo grams, 63 stone and at only three years old he has plenty more growing to do.. do
The police believe that the man found with the ice was taking it to the capital city of Santiago to, be used in extremely expensively priced drinks and it would be worth ÂŁ4,000 000.. Global warming is effecting many glaciers, therefore this causes them to decreases in size and as a result of this some glaciers including the Jorge Montt glacier are protected by laws laws..
National Diary
Does processed meat really give you pancreatic cancer?
Researchers in Sweden have found that eating 50 grams of processed meat, the equivalent too two rashers of bacon or one large sausage, increases your risk of pancreatic cancer by 20%. But the World Cancer Research fund says that pancreatic cancer may be linked to obesity. Are we a nation of obese, obsessive processed meat eaters? Eating red meat frequently, has previously been linked to Bowel cancer in addition to this the government, at the beginning of 2011, recommended people to eat 70 grams or less of red meat each day in addition pancreatic cancer is now the 11th most common cancer in the uk. The British Journal of Cancer investigated approximately 6,650 patients suffering with pancreatic cancer. The results established that eating 50 grams of processed meat every day does increase the risk of you getting pancreatic cancer by about 19%, therefore the more processed meat you eat the bigger the risk of you becoming ill with pancreatic cancer, so if you eat 100 grams of processed meat each day you are 38% more likely to get pancreatic cancer. This is the true story of someone who suffered pancreatic cancer: “It started in September 1999 when I was working in a Special School and finding it hard to be as active as normal. I was 57. By the November I felt very tired, and took two days off……………the first time in my working life I was not well ! I went to the doctor three times, but by December I was looking yellow. I was told I had stress. This was stupid, so I went to see my old Doctor who was semi-retired. He immediately sent me to the local hospital in Southend. I had a scan, was told my bile duct was constricted by a tumour and it was pancreatic cancer. A stent was inserted, and gradually the bile would flow away. The doctor said I was in-
operable, and had about four months to live. My wife refused to accept this, and got the name of a specialist at the Royal London. We spent two horrible weeks waiting to see if an appointment would come. After my notes were lost my wife phoned the Royal London and got me an appointment to meet the surgeon in London in early January 2000. He questioned me at length, sent me for another scan, and I had to be back in the Royal London the next day. I returned, got in bed, was tested and told an operation would be next morning. At about 6.30 next morning I went down, and the next thing I knew was coming round three days later in a ward. It was then I found I had had a Whipple Procedure. I spent four weeks in hospital, and then went home. I was able to return to part-time work in the May. I continued my recovery, and was delighted to go back full-time in September 2000.I was closely monitored by my doctor for two or three years, then every six months, then annually. Because all the tumour was out I didn`t have chemo. I am now 67, very active and feel good. It`s true I have had other illnesses since 2000, (phlebitus, bad reflux, dehydration) but I got over these. I had a wife who wouldn`t accept my fate and a brilliant top surgeon, and team, to do the op. I look forward to whatever comes along now. Mick” This story is written by Mick himself, from the Pancreatic Cancer Action website. This shows people can recover if they believe in themselves they can get better and they do. Mick is not the only person many people have written their stories of how they got through pancreatic cancer, so if you want to read some of these amazing, heartwarming, recovery stories go to:
National Diary
NATURE NEWS “Crested macaque monkeys go to their friends before their family" said by scientists.
The University of Portsmouth team have discovered how quickly one monkey would follow the gaze of another. For macaque monkeys gaze following is extremely significant helping them to hunt and find food and look out for any predators. Scientific research has shown that friendship is very important for monkeys and sometimes more important that families. This
is what one researcher said: “We study these primates to assist our research in social evolution and find out why humans have social groups and different relationships with family and friends” BBC.
The scientific research team have worked with captive crested macaque monkeys at Marwell Wildlife Zoological Park in Hampshire and they found that during
Moreover on BBC news, breakfast show, Professor Larsson said: "Pancreatic cancer has poor survival rates. So as well as diagnosing it early, it's important to understand what can increase the risk of this disease." However Cancer Research UK said: “The risk of developing pancreatic cancer in a lifetime is comparatively small - one in 77 for men and one in 79 for women.” Furthermore Cancer Research’s information director, said: “The jury has not yet come to a final decision whether meat is a significant, important and certain contribute for the cause of pancreatic cancer. I believe further studies are needed to confirm this, on substantial scales, but analysis’ are now suggesting that processed meat may be a large factor. However smoking is still a much greater contribute to cancer.” Additionally The World Cancer Fund has recommend people to stop eating processed meat entirely. This is to prevent as many people from getting pancreatic cancer and also limiting the consumption of red meat per person to 500 grams each week. Pancreatic cancer is equal in both male and female, but you are more like to get it if you are in your 70’s or older and
experiments two monkeys would sit opposite each other and spend time grooming one another. Additionally when the researchers held a piece of fruit in their enclosure one of the monkeys looked towards it and the other naturally followed the monkeys gaze. Tara Anderson
pancreatic cancer is only 3% of all cancer in the UK. Furthermore pancreatic cancer is cancer of the pancreas; a gland found just bellow your stomach, which helps you to digest food using pancreatic juices. The pancreas also releases some insulin to keep your bodies’ sugar blood levels stable. Pancreatic cancer has few symptoms when the tumours begin growing, but however when they become considerably developed patients suffer from many symptoms such as rapid decrease in weight, mild pains that go to the back and cause weakness, jaundice- an illness where the white of the eyes and skin turn a yellow colour and finally fever and shivering, just to name a few. In conclusion I believe that pancreatic cancer has many causes not just processed meat that include: smoking increase your risk by about 30%, considerably more than processed meat, as said by Cancer Research’s information director, body weight and the amount of exercise you do on a daily basis and finally family history and other medical conditions you have for example diabetes or stomach ulcers Tara Anderson
National Diary
Puzzles Current Affairs Quiz: Win a free puzzle book worth ÂŁ5.99 and ÂŁ50 pound book vouchers. EDUCATION: How long does it take head teachers to sack teachers if they are under performing? BUISSNESS: What has happened to BAA appeal against losing Stansted airport? TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE: What can other cell can scientists turn skin cells into? ENTERAINMENT:
What award did singer Connor Maynard win at the MTV awards? To enter log onto National Diary's website and follow the link to competition, fill in the form and your answers and the winners will be revealed on the April 1st 2012. Tara Anderson
National Diary
The story of Harry Potter is defiantly a magical, enchanted series, however there was one that really stood out for me (not because it was in 3D) but I especially enjoyed Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2. Outstanding graphics, a beautiful heart warming story filled with romance and a twisted ending. Warner Bros have defiantly outdone themselves this time!
Voldemort takes this to advantage and uses Harry and burrows into his mind with his catastrophic ways to lead Harry to his death.
It is an all out battle and only one side can take victory. Friends die. Family die. It all happens in this phenomenal film. It is an epic finale which lasts just over 2 hours. 2 Harry is on the most dangerous hours being on the edge of your seat mission of all to find the last dying to know what happens next. remaining horcruxes to finally The stakes have never been higher destroy the evil Lord Voldemort. So and no one is safe. But it is Harry far Harry has seen three headed who is be called upon to make the dogs, goblins, Basilisks but worst of ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer all, death of friends and family to the climactic showdown with along the way. It is a race against Lord Voldemort. It all ends here. Its time for Harry and his friends to finally the end. What we have been find the remaining horcruxes that waiting for. The great battle are found in many places, in the between good and evil begins now. castle, in a bank and Voldemort’s A sensational, dramatic, mind side. It is gripping and even moving blowing film which defiantly when Harry realises that he is a deserves zapping 5 stars. horcrux, and realises what his destiny is, and sets out to fulfil it. Lily Barker
National Diary