Headteacher: Mr A C Smith BEd MA Rake Lane ■ Milford ■ Godalming ■ Surrey ■ GU8 5BZ Tel: 01483 411100 ■ Fax: 01483 417984
Registered address:
E-mail: info@ Internet: Company No: 07694358
5 5 6 7 8 10
School Vision School Values Code of Conduct Safeguarding Statement Home School Agreement School policies
INFORMATION ON ADMISSIONS Page 12 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17
Admission Policy Pupil Admission Numbers Arrangements for disabled pupils Special Educational Needs
GCSE results Exam results analysis Destination of last year’s leavers
INFORMATION ON CURRICULUM Page 24 Page 25 Page 25 Page 26
The Curriculum Religious Studies Sex Education Extra Curricular activities
INFORMATION ON PUPIL SUPPORT Page 28 Page 29 Page 29 Page 30
Rewards and Sanctions Tutor Groups Year Leaders Use of Pupil Premium Funding
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 39
Uniform Calendar & School Day Friends of Rodborough List of Governors and staff Complaints procedure
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Headteacher: Mr A C Smith BEd MA Registered Address: Rake Lane ● Milford ● Godalming ● Surrey ● GU8 5BZ
Tel: 01483 411100 ● Fax No: 01483 417984 E-mail: ●
September 2012 Dear Prospective Parent RODBOROUGH – ACADEMY STATUS On 1 August 2011, Rodborough converted to an Academy. The Governors took this important step because they believed it was in the best interests of the pupils at the school both now and in the future. The ethos and vision of the school remains as it always has been. There is no intention to fundamentally change the nature of the school. Academy status gives us more independence from Local Authority control. It puts us in charge of our own destiny. We are confident we can use this independence for the benefit of your child’s education. Thank you for showing an interest in Rodborough. This booklet is intended to provide you with all the information you need about the school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on the telephone number or e-mail address shown above. Yours faithfully
A C Smith Headteacher
Company Limited by Guarantee
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Company No: 07694358
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PROSPECTUS FOR 2013/14 ADMISSIONS INFORMATION ON SCHOOL LIFE School Vision School Values Code of Conduct Safeguarding statement Home School Agreement School policies
RODBOROUGH – SCHOOL VISION “Rodborough will be a dynamic, progressive and technologically advanced school”. We will achieve this by:
Striving to ensure that the skills, abilities and aptitudes of every child are developed fully to their potential to enable them to be happy, fulfilled and adaptable life long learners.
Developing the school as a centre of educational excellence for our pupils and the local community.
Working with our parents, business partnerships and the local community to make the whole educational experience for our pupils more diverse and relevant.
RODBOROUGH – SCHOOL VALUES To bring out the best in ourselves so that we may work together & strive for excellence. People * We value and respect every individual * We challenge and cherish each member of our community * We listen to one another * We appreciate other points of view * We look for ways to support one another * We work together in all that we do Performance * We expect a great deal of ourselves and others * We keep our standards high * We are intolerant of the second rate * We appreciate everyone's personal development * We make clear what is to be learnt * We set realistic tasks * We celebrate achievement Place * We care for our environment
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RODBOROUGH – CODE OF CONDUCT At Rodborough we are concerned that each pupil should achieve the best that he or she possibly can. There are two main rules for pupils to help us all fulfil the School Council pledge to make Rodborough a better place with your help. 1. Do as asked by teachers, support staff and prefects. If you wish to discuss this – do it: At the right time ... end of lesson, break, lunchtime In the right place ... in private not in front of other pupils In the right way ... in a sensible and courteous manner 2. Consideration for others We wish you to treat others as you would wish to be treated. It is important that you consider how your words and actions affect other people. Be polite in your dealings with all staff and other pupils. Other school rules: o School uniform must be worn correctly and smartly at all times. Trainers should only be worn for PE. If you have a uniform problem, bring a note from home to the member of SLT on duty at Reception during registration. o It is your responsibility to arrive at lessons properly equipped with planner, pens, pencil, ruler, rubber etc. o Hair should be of a natural colour and styled in a manner which does not draw attention. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. Make-up should not be noticeable. No nail polish. No jewellery is to be worn except one small plain stud in each ear and a watch. Facial and other obvious piercings are not allowed. All earrings must be removed for PE and Sports activities - covering with a plaster will not be accepted. o Outdoor coats should be plain. ‘Hoodies’ are not permitted. o School property should be treated with care. Litter should be placed in the bins around the site. Stay within school bounds. o Punctuality to registration and lessons is essential. Signing in and out at reception is essential if you arrive late or leave early. Do not leave school during the day without permission. See your Head of Year to get a green slip signed. o Smoking on or near school premises, and in school uniform, is strictly forbidden. Cigarettes, matches and lighters must not be brought to school. Knives, ‘BB’ guns, aerosols and alcohol must not be brought to school. o Lunches and snacks must be eaten in the dining area. You must clear up after yourself. o Chewing gum should not be brought to school. o Mobile phones should not be brought into school on the advice of the Police. If they are brought in, then you do so at your own risk. We reserve the right to confiscate them if they disturb lessons or are Rodborough School 2013/14 Prospectus
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o o o o
used in inappropriate places. They should only be used at reception. The taking of photographs and videos with mobile phones is forbidden. Pupils are strongly discouraged from bringing valuable items (e.g ipods, expensive watches, phones etc) in to school and we accept no responsibility for their security. If you need to bring a large amount of money to school for any reason it must be taken to reception where it will be kept in the safe. Pupils must follow the ICT code of conduct. Complete work in class as directed by your teacher. Do not disturb others. Do your homework fully and hand it in on time. Move around the school in a sensible fashion. Keep to the left in corridors or on the stairs Games at break and lunchtime should not endanger people, equipment or buildings. If a ball is ‘roofed’ the caretaker will eventually retrieve it. Don’t climb up to get it yourself. Only soft balls may be used on the playground.
In addition to this Code of Conduct, Rodborough has a number of procedures which outline what must be done in various situations.
RODBOROUGH – SAFEGUARDING STATEMENT Rodborough is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All staff and volunteers are required to provide an enhanced CRB disclosure.
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RODBOROUGH – HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENT (full version) Success at Rodborough occurs when pupils, parents, and staff work together. The Rodborough home school agreement outlines the basic components of this partnership. You have signed this agreement before starting at Rodborough. The Pupil – I shall: o Come to school every day unless I am too ill to attend. o Arrive on time to registration and lessons. o Work to the best of my ability and also allow others to work to the best of their ability. (Do all my school work and homework as well as I can) o Behave well with appropriate behaviour to promote my learning, be considerate of others and keep to the Rodborough code of conduct. o Wear my school uniform and follow the school dress code. o Bring my planner each day and use it to write down important information such as home work and things to remember. o Bring the correct equipment to school so that I can participate in learning. This includes writing tools and PE kit. o Show care for the environment and other people’s property. o Accept responsibility for my actions. o Keep to the Rodborough Acceptable ICT Use Policy. o Behave well on my way to and from school, including on school and public transport, upholding the values of the school. Signed ……………………………………………
Parents/Carers – We shall: o See that our child attends school regularly and is at school by 8.40 am unless there are unusual extenuating circumstances. o Ensure that my child attends at the required time and is not absent for reasons other than ill health and for other circumstances agreed with the School. o Contact the school on the first and subsequent day of any absence and, for longer absences, provide a note on our child’s return to school. o Send our child to school in correct school uniform with the books and equipment needed for the day. o Sign the student planner on a weekly basis, get to know about our child’s life at school and support school events. o Support and encourage our child to complete homework and provide a quiet place for study. o Support the Rodborough Policies particularly with regard to Rewards and Sanctions. o Encourage high standards of behaviour whenever our child is on school related activities or on the way to and from school or on school or public transport.
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o Attend Consultation Evenings and discussions about our child’s progress. o Inform the school of any changes to the information supplied on the admission form or changes in circumstances, which may affect our child’s progress and behaviour. o Ensure that Rodborough always has an up to date emergency contact number for us. o Follow the appropriate system of making an appointment first and signing in at reception when wishing to see a member of staff. Signed ……………………………………… Parent/Guardian Rodborough - The school will: o Care for your safety and happiness. o Try to ensure that you achieve your potential as a valued member of the Rodborough community. o Provide the highest standard of teaching and provide a balanced curriculum and do our best to meet your individual needs. o Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility. o Keep parents informed through regular reports and annual Consultation Evenings. We will contact your parents about positive achievements or if there are issues affecting your work or behaviour. o Set, mark and monitor homework, and if you need them, provide facilities for you to do homework in school. o Keep your parents informed about school activities and offer opportunities for them to become involved in school life. o Keep your parents informed of all information through the school website, regular e-mails and letters home, and the termly Chronicles magazine.
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RODBOROUGH – SCHOOL POLICIES The school holds several different policies and procedure notes (listed below), many of which are available to parents on the school website. The policies are reviewed in a regular cycle at Governors’ Committee meetings and then ratified at termly Full Governors’ Meetings.
Equal Ppportunities} to be replaced by Racial Equality } Single Equality Scheme Accessibility Plan and Disability Equality Scheme. Curriculum. Sex Education. Special Needs. Charging and Remissions. Collective Worship. Admissions (following Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for Secondary schools). Attendance. Pay. Health and Safety. Performance Management – due to be updated. Staff Disciplinary procedures. Staff Grievance procedures. Claiming Governors' Allowances. Safeguarding (including Child Protection). Dealing with Parental concerns. Religious Education. Lettings. Rewards and Sanctions. Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme. Drugs and Illegal substances (including Alcohol & Tobacco). Anti-bullying. Emergency Plan. Code of Conduct. Assessment, Recording and Reporting. Homework. Teaching and learning. Examination Entry. Pupils’ Health and the Administration of Medicines. Recruitment and Selection of Staff. NQT Induction Policy. Capability Procedure for Support Staff. Capability Procedure for Teachers. Initial Teacher Training Policy. ICT Acceptable Use Policy. Financial Management Policy. Speaking Out Policy. Attendance Management. Home/School Agreement. Appeals Timetable. Eco Codes. Access to Education for Pupils with Medical Needs. Out of school hours learning. E-safety.
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PROSPECTUS FOR 2013/14 ADMISSIONS INFORMATION ON ADMISSIONS Admission Policy Pupil numbers Arrangements for disabled pupils Special Educational Needs
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This document sets out Rodborough’s determined admission arrangements for September 2013. 1.
The Published Admission Numbers for Rodborough for 2013 admission is 180.
Applications for admission at the normal intake will be managed in accordance with Surrey’s coordinated scheme on secondary admissions. Please see Surrey’s coordinated scheme for Secondary Schools at Appendix 1 for further details regarding applications, processing, offers, late applications, post-offer and waiting lists.
Applications for Secondary school must be made by 31 October 2012. Places at Rodborough will be offered on the basis of the preferences that are shown on the application form. Parents will be asked to rank up to six preferences and these will be considered under an equal preference system.
The admission arrangements for September 2013 for Rodborough are set out in section 6 below.
Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names our school will be allocated a place before other applicants are considered. In this way, the number of places available will be reduced by the number of children with a statement that has named the school.
When the school is over-subscribed for any year group, applications for entry in 2013/2014 will be ranked in the following order:
First priority: Looked after and previously looked after children Looked after and previously looked after children will receive the top priority for a place. Looked after and previously looked after children will be considered to be: children who are registered as being in the care of a Local Authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989(a), e.g. fostered or living in a children’s home, at the time an application for a school is made; and
Children who have left care through adoption, a residence order or special guardianship order.
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Places will be allocated under this criterion when places are first offered at a school and the Local Authority may also ask schools to admit over their Published Admission Number at other times under this criterion. ii)
Second priority: Exceptional social/medical need Occasionally there will be a very small number of children for whom exceptional social or medical circumstances will apply which will warrant a placement at a particular school. Supporting evidence from a professional is required such as a doctor and/or consultant for medical cases or a social worker, health visitor, housing officer, the police or probation officer for other social circumstances. This evidence must confirm the circumstances of the case and must set out why the child should attend a particular school and why no other school could meet the child’s needs. Providing evidence does not guarantee that a child will be given priority at a particular school and in each case a decision will be made based on the merits of the case and whether the evidence demonstrates that a placement should be made at one particular school above any other. Places may be allocated under this criterion when places are first offered at a school and the Local Authority may also ask schools to admit over their Published Admission Number at other times under this criterion.
Third priority: Children who will have a sibling at the school A sibling will be considered to be a brother or sister (that is, another child of the same parents, whether living at the same address or not), a half-brother or half-sister or a step-brother or step-sister or an adoptive or foster sibling, living at the same address. A child will be given sibling priority if they have a sibling at the school concerned at the time of the child’s admission. For the initial intake to the school a child will be given priority for admission only if their sibling will still be at the school in September 2013. This will apply both at the initial allocation of places and also when prioritising the waiting list. Giving sibling priority has the effect of maximising the opportunity for children in the same family to be educated at the same school. If within this category there are more applicants than places available, any remaining places will be offered to applicants who meet this criterion on the basis of proximity of the child’s home address to the school (please see criterion v).
Fourth priority: Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address The nearest school is defined as the school closest to the home address with a published admission number for pupils of the appropriate age-range, as measured by a straight line and which admits local children. The nearest school may be inside or outside the county boundary. The child’s home address excludes any business, relative’s or childminder’s address and must be the child’s normal place of residence. In the case of Rodborough School 2013/14 Prospectus
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formal equal shared custody it is the address of the parent who claims Child Benefit for the child. In other cases it is where the child spends most of the time. All distances will be measured by the computerised Geographical Information System maintained by Surrey’s Admissions and Transport team. The address to be used for the initial allocation of places to Year 7 will be the child’s address at the closing date for application. Changes of address may be considered in accordance with Surrey’s Coordinated Scheme if there are exceptional reasons behind the change, such as if a family has just moved to the area. The address to be used for waiting lists, after the initial allocation, will be the child’s current address. Any offer of a place on the basis of address is conditional upon the child living at the appropriate address on the relevant date. Parents have a responsibility to notify Surrey County Council of any change of address. If within this category there are more applicants than places available, any remaining places will be offered to applicants who meet this criterion on the basis of proximity of the child’s home address to the school (please see criterion v). v)
Fifth priority: Any other applicant Remaining places will be offered on the basis of nearness to the school measured in a straight line from the address point of the pupil’s house, as set by Ordnance Survey to the nearest school gate for pupils to use. This is calculated using the Admission and Transport team’s Geographical Information System. Where two or more children share a priority for a place, e.g. where two children live equidistant from a school and only one place remains, Surrey County Council will draw lots to determine which child should be given priority.
Tie Breaker and the admission of twins, triplets, other multiple births or siblings born in the same academic year Where two or more children share a priority for a place when using distance as a tie breaker, e.g. where two children live equidistant from a school and only one place remains, Surrey County Council will draw lots to determine which child should be given priority. In the case of multiple births, where children are ranked consecutively in their order of priority for a place and there are not sufficient vacancies remaining for each of them, wherever it is logistically possible, each child will be offered a place. Where it is not logistically possible to offer each child a place the child(ren) to be offered the last remaining place(s) will be determined by the drawing of lots.
Waiting lists Where there are more applicants than places available, waiting lists will operate for each year group according to the oversubscription criteria without regard to the date the application was received or when a child’s name was Rodborough School 2013/14 Prospectus
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added to the waiting list. Waiting lists for the initial intake will be maintained until the last day of the Autumn term when they will be cancelled. Parents wishing to remain on the waiting list after this date must write to the school by 31 December 2013, stating their wish and providing their child’s name, date of birth and the name of their child’s current school. After 31 December 2013, parents whose children are not already on the waiting list but who wish them to be so must apply for in-year admission. Waiting lists for all year groups will be cancelled at the end of each academic year. 9.
In-year admissions The following applications will be treated as in-year admissions:
applications after 1 September 2013, for admission to Year 7 all applications for admission to Years 8 to 11 Applications for Rodborough must be made to the school on Surrey’s common application form. Where there are more applications than places available, each application will be ranked in accordance with the published oversubscription criteria for each school. 10. Home to School Transport Surrey County Council has a Home to School Transport policy that sets out the circumstances that children might qualify for free home to school transport. Generally, transport to secondary school will only be considered if a child is travelling more than three miles to the nearest school with a place. Transport will not generally be provided to a school that is further away if a child would have been offered a place at a nearer school had it been named as a preference on the application form, although exceptions may apply to secondary aged children whose families are on a low income if they are travelling to one of their three nearest schools. Eligibility to transport is not linked to the admission criteria of a school. In considering admission criteria and school preferences it is important that applicants also consider the home to school transport policy so they might take account of the likelihood of receiving free transport to their preferred school before making their application. A full copy of Surrey’s Home to School Transport policy is available on Surrey’s website at or from the Surrey Schools and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004. 11. Right of appeal Parents have the right of appeal against refusal of a place. The timetable for appeals is published on the school’s website.
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Year Group
2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13
Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7
Pupil Admission No 180 180 180 180 180
No of Applicants (first preferences)
Actual No Admitted
215 227 235 209 229
180 180 181 180 180
Number on roll in September 2012 (as at September 2012) Year Year Year Year Year
7 8 9 10 11
180 179 180 181 180 900
As an Academy, we will adhere to Surrey County Council's admissions criteria (see earlier pages). PUPIL ABSENCES 2011/12 (to 1 June 2012) Incidence of absences (as percentage of possible attendance) These figures are calculated as required by the Department for Education Percentage of authorised absences 3.9% Percentage of unauthorised absences
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RODBOROUGH – ARRANGEMENTS FOR DISABLED PUPILS The school tries hard to ensure that disabled pupils are not treated less favourably than other pupils. Through the Governors’ Health and Safety (Buildings and Sites) Committee and the Disability Users Steering Group, the school is active in its efforts to support disabled pupils. Disabled users are consulted about the site, the curriculum and our communications systems to identify areas where we could improve. The Disability Equality Scheme, which includes our Action Plan, can be found on the school website. Recently we have provided ramps in key areas, resurfaced uneven paths, provided a special gymnasium room, improved our disabled toilet provision and ensured all lessons that need to be are on the ground floor.
RODBOROUGH – SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS The school has a dedicated Special Educational Needs Department led by the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). All pupils identified as having Special Educational Needs (SEN) are entered on the school’s SEN Register. There are three levels of SEN: Statement, Action Plus and Action. The Department has a team of around 17 Special Needs Assistants who support SEN pupils. Most of our provision is used to support pupils in their timetabled lessons to help them access their curriculum entitlement. We do withdraw pupils on a limited basis if they need help with literacy, numeracy, behaviour management or social skills. Pupils on the SEN register are reviewed regularly. Parents of all SEN pupils are informed annually of their position on the register and their area of support. Information regarding SEN pupils is issued to all staff so that they are aware of pupils’ needs.
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PROSPECTUS FOR 2013/14 ADMISSIONS INFORMATION ON EXAM RESULTS GCSE results Exam results analysis Destination of last year’s leavers
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Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Level 2 (A* - C Passes) Including English & Level 2 Maths 79% 67% 76% 61% 83% 76% 83% 76% 83% 68%
NB. Rodborough was adversely affected by the English Language downgrading fiasco in the summer of 2012. This negatively affected the English Language 5 A* - C (including Maths and English) measures by 8%.
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RODBOROUGH - LEAVERS Where did the 2012 leavers go on to after completing their studies? Information collated using Easter 2012 information. Total number of pupils in Year - 179
% of Year Group
Godalming College
Guildford College and other Further Education Colleges
Into job or apprenticeship
Looking for work
Not known
0 Total
Percentage going on to Further and Higher Education
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0% 100% 92%
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PROSPECTUS FOR 2013/14 ADMISSIONS INFORMATION ON CURRICULUM The Curriculum Religious Studies Sex Education Extra Curricular activities
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RODBOROUGH – THE CURRICULUM In the Lower School (Years 7 – 9) pupils study: Maths English Science French German Design and Technology* Computing
Geography Music History Learning to Learn Religious Education (RE) Physical Education (PE) Art Drama
* Design and Technology in Years 7 – 9 includes Food Technology, Graphics, Resistant Materials and Textiles Technology. In the Upper School (Years 10 & 11) pupils study: Core examination subjects: Maths English Language and Literature Science*1 ICT (OCR National course) *2 RE (Philosophy and Ethics) (short course) *2 Core non-examination subjects: Social studies (including Personal, Health and Social Education) PE 4 optional subjects from the following list: Music Geography Art History Drama RE (full course) Food Technology*4 GCSE PE Graphics*4 French*5 Resistant Materials*4 German*5 Textiles Technology*4
Business Studies Health & Social Care*3 Computer Science
*1In Year 10 all pupils take Core Science GCSE. In Year 11 most pupils take an Additional Science GCSE whilst most able Scientists have the option to take separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). *2 Currently by the end of Year 10 all pupils will have completed the National course in ICT which is equivalent to a GCSE grade A* - C. These courses are currently under review and are likely to change. *3 This course is a BTEC. It is vocationally based and delivered in double time (6 lessons per week). Pupils attain the equivalent of two GCSE certificates from this course. Rodborough School 2013/14 Prospectus
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*4 As a specialist Technology and Humanities School, all pupils have to study a subject from the specialist options at GCSE level. *5 Pupils attaining a level 5 in a Modern Foreign Language by the end of Year 9 have to study a modern foreign language at GCSE. Some may choose to do two. Those not achieving this level may choose not to continue with a language at GCSE level.
RODBOROUGH – RELIGIOUS STUDIES Religious Studies forms part of the curriculum in all five years in the school and aims to inform, stimulate thought and increase understanding of religious ideas. Christian beliefs form the core of the course but aspects of other religions are also included. In the Upper School the religious influence on our values and on our attitudes to current social and moral issues are considered. We have introduced Philosophy and Ethics (Religious Studies) as a short course at GCSE standard for all pupils in the Upper School. Assemblies are based on moral and ethical issues and are organised for different year groups throughout the week. Pupils will receive two Assemblies a week. Any families wishing to withdraw their son or daughter are asked to contact the Headteacher to ensure proper alternative provision to suit the child's needs.
RODBOROUGH – SEX EDUCATION This is a natural part of becoming adult and, as such, is approached with sensitivity and clarity as an integral part of learning. The sex education policy is based on four principles: 1. Sex education is an integral part of the curriculum. 2. Aspects are dealt with in a number of curriculum areas especially Personal Social and Health Education (Social Studies). 3. As children develop at different rates the programme should be one of continual review and development. 4. Teaching should be from the basic assumption of a secure, loving family relationship. Speakers with particular expertise in health related matters visit the school to talk with small groups. Through the Lower School PSHE programme teachers, with particular training, work with groups to explore an Rodborough School 2013/14 Prospectus
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appropriate programme. An explanation of the basic biological principles forms an integral part of the Lower School Science syllabus. In the Upper School relationships, sex education, sexually transmitted diseases, aspects of child development, individual and family responsibility form part of the Personal and Social Education programme. Details of all courses are available at the school. Any families wishing to withdraw their son or daughter are asked to contact the Headteacher to ensure proper alternative provision to suit the child's needs.
RODBOROUGH – EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES We believe that extra curricular activities enhance, enrich and extend the school curriculum by enabling pupils to take part in a range of innovative activities outside school hours. At Rodborough we run an extensive range of extra curricular activities, from regular outings and trips linked to the curriculum to weekly special interest clubs, study support, various music groups, sports training and inter-school sports matches. The clubs meet at lunchtimes or after school. They are run by teachers, support staff and sometimes by the pupils themselves. We encourage our staff to be involved in running or supporting extra curricular activities. We encourage all pupils to attend at least one extra curricular activity as we firmly believe this helps to build well rounded individuals and ensure they gain maximum enjoyment from school. We may ask for a contribution from parents for some of our school activities and outings. It is, however, our policy that no child should be excluded from any curriculum based activity on the grounds of cost. Parents who have any concerns about this should contact the Headteacher, in confidence. A new programme of extra curricular activities is established each September and a separate leaflet enclosed in the Prospectus outlines the clubs for this academic year.
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PROSPECTUS FOR 2013/14 ADMISSIONS INFORMATION ON PUPIL SUPPORT Rewards and Sanctions Tutor Groups Year Leaders Use of Pupil Premium Funding
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RODBOROUGH – REWARDS AND SANCTIONS We aim to develop pupils’ potential by encouraging and recognising positive achievement, effort, service, attendance and behaviour. We will try to reward four times as often as we sanction. Rewards come in many forms:
Verbal or written praise by a member of staff. Housepoints – these are given for work of a standard beyond what was expected or for a high level of effort. Achievement postcards – these are awarded to the senior pupils only. Commendations – these are given for work of a very high standard or done over a period of a term. School Colours – ties or badges and Colours letters from the Headteacher are awarded for exceptional contribution to an aspect of the school (Upper School only).
Those pupils who fail to follow the school’s Code of Conduct and School Values can expect to be sanctioned according to a clear, known series of stepped sanctions. The hierarchy of sanctions provides a firm and commonly understood structure for pupils, staff, parents and governors in order to maintain the code of behaviour. A pupil’s response when disciplined can escalate minor incidents into major ones. Some pupils recognise the fact that they have done wrong and seek through their actions to make amends. All behaviour at level 2 or above are logged and kept on the child’s record. A copy of our Rewards and Sanctions Policy showing the hierarchy of praise and punishment is available on our website or a paper copy can be provided on request.
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RODBOROUGH – TUTOR GROUPS Tutor groups comprise between 27 and 31 boys and girls. We always try to place pupils with at least one chosen friend. Most of our new Year 7 pupils will already have met their Form Tutor at the Intake Day and Intake Evening held late in the Summer term. The Form Tutor is responsible for their pupils’ general welfare for their first year of Rodborough. Some Form Tutors will remain with their tutor group for the whole of the pupils’ time at Rodborough. Tutor time is at 8.45am and 1.35pm each day. The Form Tutor will take the register on both occasions and will give out any notices or distribute letters to take home (usually on a Thursday). The Form Tutor is a good point of contact for parents who may be unsure who they should approach for advice on various issues. If not able to help with a specific enquiry themselves, the Form Tutor should be able to pass parents on to the correct member of staff.
RODBOROUGH – YEAR LEADERS Our team of five Year Leaders form part of our strong pastoral team. A Year Leader is assigned to each year group and will be in charge of a team of six form tutors. Parents who are unable to resolve concerns with a Form Tutor, in the first instance, should contact the Year Leader. The Year Leader may contact parents about their child periodically if there are matters to celebrate or concerns which need to be brought to a parent’s attention. Pupils will have regular contact with their Year Leader through assemblies and are encouraged to meet with them to discuss any problems throughout the school year. It is our aim that Year Leaders build up a good relationship with each pupil within their year group. Year Leaders for 2012/13: Year Year Year Year Year
7: Mrs C Hines 8: Mr B Farrell for the Autumn term, then Mrs S Westhead 9: Miss L Moyler 10: Miss H Morgan 11: Mrs M Fjord-Roberts
Historically, Mrs Hines has taken on each new Year 7 intake, but the other Year Leaders follow the pupils through the school from Year 8 to Year 11.
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RODBOROUGH – USE OF PUPIL PREMIUM FUNDING The Government believes that the Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to the main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their wealthier peers. This funding is primarily used for disadvantaged pupils and the Government requires each school to publish how the funding has been spent in the previous year. Rodborough has used this funding of £29,670 in the academic year 2011–12 to support: 1. Additional practical and applied learning courses for our pupils aged 14 - 16, over and above the funding we receive for these courses. 2. One-to-one tutoring and mentoring programme in Key Stages 3 and 4 in Mathematics and English. 3. Extra curricular and financial support for pupils in receipt of free school meals covering the following items: help with uniform, lunch cards and locker costs, help with revision lessons held during the Easter and Spring Half Term holidays; help with curriculum trips and visits; help with Technology and Art supplies usually paid for by parents. 4. Additional classroom and small group support for pupils on the SEN register over and above the funding we receive. 5. The support of EIKON’s Youth and Family Support Worker for the year.
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PROSPECTUS FOR 2013/14 ADMISSIONS MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Uniform Dates of the school year Friends of Rodborough List of Governors and staff Complaints procedure
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RODBOROUGH - UNIFORM School uniform: We have a simple and easily maintained uniform, the wearing of which is compulsory. A high standard of personal appearance and school uniform is expected of all pupils. In the Autumn and Spring terms, pupils are required to wear a uniform of white shirt and school tie with maroon v-necked sweatshirt (with school logo) and black trousers or skirt. The sweatshirt and tie are required to be worn at all times except, with a teacher’s permission, when the weather is unseasonably warm. An optional waterproof and reversible school coat is available. In the Summer term, the white shirt and tie is replaced with a grey marl summer polo shirt with school logo. Polo shirts are compulsory for the Summer term. Trainers should not be worn except for PE. Pupils are asked to wear sensible black shoes (not boots or sandals). Coats, hats and other outdoor clothing may not be worn in lessons. The PE kit is as follows: 1. Compulsory maroon rugby shirt (reversible with inside white sections). 2. Logo maroon polo shirt and/or athletics vest are optional for the summer. 3. Black games shorts are available to both boys and girls. These are compulsory for the boys and optional for girls who may wear black cycle shorts if they prefer. 4. Optional black games skirts are also available for girls. 5. Maroon games socks. 6. An optional tracksuit is available – black with white piping. 7. Football boots (for both girls and boys) Purchasing school uniform: All uniform items above should be purchased through the school, except for white shirts, trousers, outdoor coats, hats and shoes. All PE kit should be purchased through the school, except for PE footwear. The school administers the purchase of school uniform using school support staff. A very small profit is made by the school to pay for the extra support staff required – overall, a considerable saving for parents who previously used an outside supplier. Wherever possible, orders are administered daily, so parents will find their orders are fulfilled promptly, within two working days (unless an item is out of stock, in which case it may take a few days longer). We advise that school skirts should be on or about the knee (within 10cm). Parents sometimes find it difficult to find suitable school skirts, which is why we are now asking that they be ordered via our uniform supplier, through the school. Trousers should be a tailored style rather than lycra. School shirts must be worn tucked in, so fitted styles are unsuitable. Parents can use the Rodborough Shop facility to buy uniforms online by clicking on the WisePay symbol on our website You will need to have your WisePay log in details to hand. Alternatively, uniform orders may submitted on a uniform order form, available from the school Reception or website, with payment attached and posted in the payments box in Reception. Uniform may then be collected from the office within a couple of days. We also offer special Uniform Sale Days in the school holidays for parents of new pupils. These dates are notified to new parents in the early summer. Variations to the school uniform: Variations based on religious grounds may be considered by the Headteacher.
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RODBOROUGH - CALENDAR & SCHOOL DAY School Terms and Holiday Dates 2013-14 2013 Autumn Term 3 September to 20 December 2013 Half Term from 28 October to 1 November 2013 2014 Spring Term 6 January to 4 April 2014 Half Term from 17 February to 21 February 2014 (Easter Bank Holidays: Good Friday 18 April 2014, Easter Monday 21 April 2014) 2014 Summer Term 22 April to 23 July 2014 Half Term from 26 May to 30 May 2014 (May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 5 May 2014)
What is a typical school day at Rodborough? 08.45 09.05 09.55 10.45 11.05 11.55 12.45 13.35 13.45 14.35 15.25
Registration and assembly or tutor time Period 1 Period 2 Morning break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch for all year groups, extra-curricular activities Registration Period 5 Period 6 School ends, extra curricular activities
The day is divided into six Periods of 50 minutes each. There is a total of 25 hours tuition each week for all pupils.
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RODBOROUGH – FRIENDS OF RODBOROUGH The Friends of Rodborough are a small group of friendly enthusiastic parents who meet regularly to arrange and run termly entertainment events. In recent years they have organised Christmas markets, Science lectures, quiz nights, car boot sales, fashion shows, a jazz night and other such events. They have raised funds by writing a “Helping Hands” Directory. In addition, they kindly provide refreshments at Awards Evening and support the school staff at Open Evening, the Year 7 Disco, Uniform sale days and Parents’ Consultation Evenings. The profits from the Friends’ events, added to the income from the school Trust Fund, considerably boosts the school’s income and helps to provide those important little extras. We encourage all parents to contribute to the school’s Trust Fund. By donating money (however small an amount) to the school by standing order, the school benefits enormously and, in addition, can claim Gift Aid. Money from the Trust Fund is used to purchase computers, data projectors, interactive whiteboards and other equipment for the school. Alternatively/additionally, if you are able to offer even a small number of hours a term, the Friends would be most grateful to hear from you. This is a good way to help your school, become involved in school life and form friendships with other parents of the school. You can make contact through Mrs P Ward, the Headteacher’s PA.
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RODBOROUGH – GOVERNORS AND STAFF RODBOROUGH GOVERNORS as at September 2012 but elections underway Community Governors
Parent Governors
Sponsor Governors
Mr J Copp Mr N Edwards Mr H Hallybone (Vice- Chairman) Dr A Klein Mr S Pugh Mr J Sandy Mr P Stimpson Mrs S Whitfield (Chairman) There is one Community Governor vacancy
Mr P Curtis Ms L King Mr D Nyss Mrs A Rawson Mr P Roche Mr D Stevenson There will be a Parent Governor election in September 2012
Mrs H Tickner
Staff Governors
Clerk to the Governors and Company Secretary
Mr R Elkins Mr A Grenville Mrs Lisa Lukaszewicz Mr A C Smith (Headteacher) There will be a Staff Governor election in September 2012
Mr M Armstrong-Harris Ms S Kennedy
Mrs P Ward
Co-opted Governors Mr M Hodgson
Mr A C Smith Mr M Armstrong-Harris Teaching Staff Miss H Allsop Mrs J Bearman Mrs F Burland Mrs R Chambers Mrs K Coulthard Mrs W Crocker Mr P Cross Mrs K Culbert Miss E Daines Mrs C Ebert Mr R Elkins Mrs L Evison Mr D Ewing Mrs E Extance Mr B Farrell Mrs C Fjord-Roberts Mrs P Frere
Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Head of History Head of Drama/NQT,OTT,GTP/Child Protection Officer Modern Foreign Languages English/Secondary Strategy Co-Coordinator Design and Technology, Head of Lifelong Learning Federation Director Head of Art Modern Foreign Languages Head of Technology History Mathematics 2nd in Mathematics Geography/Head of Vocational Studies Maths Physical Education/Temp Year 8 Leader (for Autumn term) Year 11 Leader/Drama Part-time teaching support for STAR Project
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Mrs C Giles Miss A Glaister Miss K Gubbels Mrs N Hales Miss A Harding Mrs I Hermie Ms T Hills Mrs C Hines Mr R Honeysett Mrs L Kemp Miss S Khan Mr R Lee Mrs S Lewis Miss C Mackay Mr G Meyer Miss E Mills Miss H Morgan Ms L Moyler Miss Z Noonan Mrs R Nunn Miss H Pater Ms R Perkins Mr S Perkins Mr B Perry Mrs H Piper Ms K Powell Mrs N Reynolds Mr S Ricketts Miss J Rojas Mrs E Rushmere Miss C Shephard Mrs L Smith Miss J Spencer Miss F Stirling Miss C Strange Mrs M Thompson Mr M Walker Mrs J Watson Ms E Webb Mrs S Westhead Mrs J Westlake Ms R Wheeler Miss P Willis Miss J Winn Mrs L Yeadon
Design and Technology/Cerise Manager Science Head of Modern Foreign Languages Science SENCO Science (maternity cover) STAR project Co-ordinator Year 7 Leader/Science Assistant Headteacher/English Head of English English Head of Physical Education/Maths English/Departmental Support Worker PE/School Sports Coordinator/D of E Coordinator Science English/Head of Literacy Year 10 Leader/Modern Foreign Languages Year 9 Leader/Music Assistant Headteacher Religious Studies English GTP Head of Science Head of Business Studies Mathematics Science (maternity leave) Beauty Tutor Modern Foreign Languages Head of Mathematics Head of Geography History PE Food Technology Assistant Headteacher/Health and Social Care/Student Support Head of Religious Studies English Modern Foreign Languages Head of ICT Mathematics 2nd in English Dept Year 8 Leader/Art & Design (on sabbatical for Autumn term) Food Technology Artist in Residence Art/Graphics 2nd in Science Head of Music/Head of Careers
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External Music Teachers (current as at July but may change in September 2012) Mr S Balch Flute/Saxophone/Clarinet Mr J Hayward Piano Mr Jarrett Guitar Ms A Lodge Flute Mr J Morrish Brass Mrs H Reeves Violin Mr K Strevett Piano Mr J Wills Percussion Non-Teaching Staff Mrs L Acton Mrs E Barraud Mrs L Barrow Mr P Bartlett Mrs S Boulton Mrs S Brabon Mrs J Brashaw Mrs J Brookman Mrs S Bullen Mrs S Carruthers Mrs T Constable Mrs J Coulshaw Mrs J Cripps Mrs S Crucefix Mrs F Doyle Mr P Drew Mr M Dudgeon Mrs G Ellis Mrs B Finch Mrs N Furlong Mrs S Gaff Mr D Gardiner Mrs T Gaunt Mr A Grenville Mrs S Halsey Mrs L Herring Mrs C Howick Mr C Hunter Ms S Kennedy Mrs C Knatt Mr S Loveday Mrs L Lukaszewicz Mrs J Macnally Mrs J Mangan Miss N Martin
Midday Supervisor Technical Resources Manager Finance Manager Day Caretaker Finance Assistant/Lettings Administration Midday Supervisor Science Technician Food Technology Technician Teaching Assistant for Textiles, Drama and Food Technology Learning Support Assistant Midday Supervisor Learning Support Assistant (maternity leave) Systems Manager LRC Assistant Attendance Officer/Year Leaders’ Assistant Learning Support Assistant Evening Caretaker/Maintenance Assistant Publicity and Project Fundraiser/Cerise Print Admin Officer Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant ICT Technician Beauty Assistant Examinations Officer & Reprographics Receptionist Learning Support Assistant Information Manager Science Technician Strategic Business Manager LRC Assistant ICT Technician Learning Support Assistant Senior Receptionist/School Nurse Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant
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Mrs S Mayne Mr S McPhail Mrs J Meyer Mrs L Newbery Mrs S Norcliffe Mrs M Nye Mrs M Osmanovic Miss L Partridge Mrs J Pellett Miss A Petherbridge Mrs J Simmons Mrs M Smith Ms J Stenning Mrs P Stephens Mrs S Walshe Mrs P Ward Mrs S Warren Mrs V Webster Mrs D Winter Mrs M Wythe
Educational Visits Coordinator Site Manager Senior Science Technician EIKON Youth Project Worker/ Family Support Worker Learning Support Assistant Art Assistant Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant Learning Resource Centre Manager Student Support Assistant Food Technology Technician/Student Support Assistant Caterer Admin Assistant for the Federation Director Headteacher’s PA /Clerk to the Governors Design and Technology Technician Receptionist PA to SENCO/Learning Support Assistant Learning Support Assistant
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RODBOROUGH – COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE How we respond to a concern raised by a parent Surrey County Council has produced a model procedure for parents who wish to express a concern about their child’s school. As an Academy, Rodborough has adopted this procedure. This procedure is summarised in the leaflet for parents, ‘Responding to Parents’ Concerns’. These leaflets and further guidance for parents are available in the school Reception. The formal procedure for making a complaint
1. Discuss you concerns with your child’s Form Tutor or Year Leader. 2. If the matter is not resolved, parents are asked, in the first instance, to raise their concerns with the Headteacher, Mr Smith. 3. In the unlikely event of the matter needing further consideration, parents are able to write to the Chairman of Governors through the Clerk to the Governors at the school. 4. If still unresolved, a parent may make a formal complaint by writing to the whole governing body. A complaints panel made up of a small number of Governors of the school will convene to consider the matter and then write to the parent with their decision. In any extreme case, the Local Education Authority has formal procedures to support parents and resolve matters. At Rodborough we are committed to responding to a parental concern as quickly and as sensitively as possible in order to resolve the issue promptly. Most concerns are resolved by the child’s Form Tutor or Year Leader. Parents who wish to discuss a concern with the Headteacher are asked, wherever possible, to make an appointment in advance, so that sufficient time and attention can be given to the matter. We will respond to letters of concern within five days and keep parents informed at all stages if the matter cannot be resolved immediately.
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