School development plan 2012 13

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Key Areas: 1. Teaching & Learning: Enquiry-based learning 2. Teaching & Learning: L2 3. Teaching & Learning: Literacy 4. Developing the use of Open Hive 5. Enhancing Praise & Reward 6. Improving Careers & Work Related Learning 7. Developing a new approach to Performance Management 8. Embedding a more rigorous approach to Quality Assurance


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority 1. Teaching and Learning:

Objective 

To ensure the new Year 7 Curriculum is fully implemented

To develop a new Year 8 Curriculum for September 2013 that shows clear progression of skills from the Year 7 curriculum

To develop the quality of learning through: Year 7 Curriculum Delivery


Year 8 Curriculum Planning

Expected Outcomes

Autumn Review

Observe all teachers teaching Year 7 during the Autumn term and support them developmentally in their enquiry-based approach to learning. Use the Teaching and Learning group to share good practice in the development of the enquiry approach Use the Teaching and Learning group to develop teachers to be part of the lesson observation programme in the spring and summer terms To use Inset time to allow departments to develop Year 8 schemes of work based around the enquiry approach

Dates December 2012


Resources & Costs


Ongoing December term Ongoing & INSET days

  

A higher proportion of good and outstanding lessons in Year 7 observed through the observation programme Greater staff awareness of the qualities of outstanding lessons through feedback and discussions following observations A well-planned Year 8 curriculum incorporating enquiry questions and a clear focus on skill progression evidenced through revised SoW checked through the QA process Virtually all teachers in the school have been observed as part of the Year 7 lesson observation programme. The response to the programme has been positive and members of staff have appreciated the feedback they have received. We are keen for this to become part of the school’s monitoring programme so another set of Year 7 observations has been set up for the Spring term. This means that staff will be observed at least three times a year; twice developmentally and once as part of the performance management programme. Most staff are attempting, sometimes very successfully, to use an enquiry based approach to learning. Where it is more difficult, some useful discussions have ensued. The teaching and learning group have met on two occasions so far with the aim of sharing good practice. The initial plan to use members of the group in the observation programme has become more formalised with the intention to appoint a small number of coaches to support the Teaching and Learning team as a paid role from September. These will be appointed in the Spring term and will be trained during the Summer term. The Inset in October was focused on literacy (see Literacy section); the inset time in the Spring and Summer terms will be focused on the development of the Year 8 curriculum.

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority 2. Teaching and Learning:

Objective 

To develop the independent learner through: Year 7 Curriculum Delivery

Develop a whole school approach to developing the independent learner.

Actions   

Year 8 Curriculum Planning

   

Expected Outcomes

Autumn Review

    

Refine and develop the L2 curriculum working with a cross-curricular team in Year 7. Plan and develop the progression of L2 skills into the Year 8 curriculum. Embed the dissemination of L2 skills and the L2 approach across the curriculum through inset, the Teaching and Learning group and department representatives at department meetings. Use observations to establish whether this has occurred. Audit SoW for compliance with PSHE responsibilities and regulations. Implement revised SoW. Raise the profile of L2 across the school – through assemblies, posters and activities. Investigate how the reporting system can best support the development of the learner.

Dates July 2013


Resources & Costs


July 2013 Feb INSET & Ongoing

December 2012 July 2013 Autumn 2012 & Ongoing Spring 2013

L2 programme further developed and refined in year 7. L2 programme developed in year 8, incorporating PHSE material. There is an evident impact of L2 on learners evidenced through pupil voice. New departmental SOW incorporate L2 techniques. Observations and Learning Walks demonstrate a higher skill level amongst staff in developing independent learners.

Department meetings have been held with the new L2 teaching teams. The current year 7 SOW has been reviewed and improvements made. The first term of the new year 8 sow has been successfully delivered, teaching mind-mapping and incorporating the PSHE topic of drugs. We had some initial concerns as to the feasibility of teaching with both a PSHE and L2 focus at once, so we are pleased that this first SOW has been very successful and this is a model we can continue to develop. An L2 inset is planned for 4 th February to help disseminate the L2 approach across the school. The profile of L2 has been raised with themed assemblies delivered in sequence by the SLT. L2 ‘5Rs’ posters are in every classroom and around the school. The SOW has been audited for compliance with PSHE responsibilities and regulations and we are satisfied that we meet these. The PSHE themes have been mapped to show progression across the year groups and we are developing the quality of our delivery of these aspects alongside the development of L2 skills. We have begun to investigate the use of student self-assessment of themselves as learners as a possible contributory aspect of the reporting system.


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority 3. Teaching and Learning

Objective Develop a coherent whole school approach to literacy

To improve literacy levels across the school.

Actions   

Implement a whole-school approach to the presentation of students’ work across the school Implement a reading programme throughout Year 7 through the tutor programme and English lessons Trial a personal spelling programme in the English department throughout the first half-term with a view to other departments using it at a later date Set up a handwriting practice session during tutor time for identified students at KS3 and4



September 2012


September 2012


September 2012


October 2012


Resources & Costs

 

Expected Outcomes

Autumn Review

Improved quality of presentation across KS3 – to be monitored by SLT through marking checks An improvement in students’ reading and spelling age development – to be tracked by LK/CMH termly. Underachievers to be fed into the Year 10/Year 7 Reading buddy scheme  Fewer students on the extra-time exams concessions list – to be tracked by RH/AH/DWI  Improved consistency in testing for exam concessions.  Collaborative planning on approaches to literacy between departments, in particular English and Humanities  The profile of literacy will be raised across the school as an important tool for life-long learning. Much of the Literacy programme has become established already. This was helped by the use of the Inset day on October 26 th where sessions were run on differentiation, spelling, understanding how to explain and handwriting. A ‘Perfect Presentation’ sheet was presented to staff in September and has been used in all KS3 exercise books (and some KS4 books although this wasn’t the primary intention). Staff monitor students’ books and use the guidelines to remind students about their presentation; SLT will check books during marking checks and also on call. The embedding of this practice and raising of presentation standards across the school will take time but there is consistency now. A reading buddy morning has been set up on Fridays in the LRC during am registration; this involves about 30 Year 7 students and 30 Year 10 students. Students attend this programme two weeks in three to allow them to take part in ‘Shake and Wake’ as well. The plan is to introduce other students as the need arises but also to remove improved readers from the programme. The spelling programme is being used in the English department and involves students being more active in correcting their spellings and using dictionaries. It has been decided that this programme will remain in English as it is time consuming for other departments to take on although some have asked to use the same approach. The students for the handwriting programme have been selected and intervention classes will begin on Monday 14th January.

Spring Review


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13

Strategic Priority


4 – To develop independent learning using Open Hive.

To ensure that the system works robustly within school to support systematic, school-wide use by staff and pupils.

Expected Outcomes




Resources & Costs

Improve the flexibility of the school Ongoing EB, DG, SL Costs for the plan are network to remove incidences of failed time. Development of access to Open Hive due to Rodborough’s the improved support internal network and/or hardware. systems and of staff  To ensure that Technical Support is Autumn EB, DG, SL skills are the priority reviewed in order to ensure that it more To ensure that staff skills Term for the Autumn Term. effectively supports the end user are sufficient to ensure that Supporting the use of experience on the system. all staff make routine use of  To ensure that hardware is pro-actively Ongoing EB, DG, SL the system will be the the system. top priority for the maintained to minimise downtime. year.  To ensure that communication from To set minimum Ongoing EB, DG, SL Technical Resources to end users expectations for staff and properly supports their routine use of the student use of Open Hive to system. support teaching and  To provide an on-going programme of learning. Ongoing EB, MAH, MW, CMH support focused primarily on the use of Open Hive. Autumn MAH, EB  To identify and work with line managers Term to support reluctant users of the system.  To ensure that planning supports the Spring 2013 EB development of the SIMS portal and single-sign in. Both should be implemented as soon as they are available.  To ensure that the switch to Open Hive in Sept – MAH, EB, CMH November 2012 for all online services and October information provided by the school takes place with minimum disruption to users. MAH, EB, CMH, MW  Ensure that students are familiar with Autumn how to use Open hive. Term  Ensure that all year 7 homework is December All teaching staff available on Open Hive. 1. There should not be any disruption to the use of Open Hive in school. Any disruptions must be fully reported and long-term solutions preventing repetition should be identified. 2. After a period of development following the recent upgrade there will be a reduction in long-term hardware issues and each teacher can expect to have a fully operational PC in every room that they teach in. There will be a clear identification of roles and responsibilities in Technical Resources and a clear identification of priorities focused on effective support for school systems. Where no immediate solution is available a timeframe and explanation will always be provided to SLT and the affected staff. 3. The support programme will be calendared and audits will identify where there is insufficient use of the system by staff. Line Managers will be systematically updated about progress of their departmental areas and the use of the system for the setting of 6

Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13

Autumn Review

homework for Year 7. 4. The Open Hive website will become the only school site when the contract with Uniservity ends in November. 5. Students and staff will be confident and comfortable in using Open Hive to support teaching and learning. The use of Open Hive has been more problematic than hoped. Staff were trained and primed to start setting Year 7 homework from September 1st but were thwarted by problems with Open Hive. These took several weeks to resolve and made the implementation fragmented. These technical problems have been off putting causing staff extra work. There have been problems with low ability pupils coping with the logging on and off procedures. Monitoring suggests that Year 7 have only a small proportion of their homework set on line An extensive programme of training was provided for staff in the summer and autumn term to help them with the technicalities of setting homework. We have highlighted the need to continue training for staff and pupils. Continued monitoring is needed to see if the situation improves

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority


5 - To enhance our current system of praise

To maintain and improve our current praise and reward system by: 

To make better use of the pupil planner as a tool for praise so that pupils feel praised more often. To encourage Staff to notice and reward pupils for a positive attitude to their learning and high quality work on a more regular basis.

Actions 

     

Expected Outcomes

Autumn Review

To investigate the availability of bespoke and customised Planner sections to enhance levels of praise and make better use of the pupil planner. Research and develop a reward stamp. Develop guidance for staff and pupils on the use of stamps Research appropriate rewards for pupils reaching the different reward thresholds. Investigate the possibility of creating a post of ‘praise manager’. Monitor and evaluate the use of stamps and the planner section to see whether or not it has achieved its aim. Work with School Council and Prefects to develop a system to collect the numbers of stamps being awarded periodically to add to the house totals.

Dates July 2012 July 2012 October 2012 October 2012 July 2012

Team JS / HoY

Resources & Costs Each planner section costs 26p 26 x 970 = Approx £2,500 extra Stamps Bespoke £10 each 100 x £10 = £1000 Additional rewards budget £2000 Cost of praise manager post allowance. £1000?

February & July 2013 Ongoing through School Council meetings

 Pupils and their parents report that they are being rewarded on a more regular basis through focus group and pupil voice  Planners are valued and well kept by the majority of pupils (monitored by HoY)  Staff notice and reward a positive attitude to work and behaviour more frequently than in 11/12. New bespoke ‘R’ stamps have been introduced and pupils seem to have responded very well to them. Both Upper and lower school planners have a new rewards sections where the stamps are recorded. Every pupil in school has been awarded one or more ‘R’ stamp. School Council members are gathering information about the numbers of stamps, postcards and commendations awarded to translate them into house points. Housepoint totals will be announced in assemblies periodically. Feedback from pupils suggests that they are feeling praised more often than in the last academic year as the stamp provides an immediate ‘feel good’ effect. 4292 commendations and 1022 postcards were issued during the last academic year 2011/2012. In the Autumn term a total of 2518 commendations were awarded and 758 postcards. 82% of pupils have received one or more commendation. These figures are almost double those achieved in the same period last year. Staff have responded very positively to the stamps and find them effective and easy to use.

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority


6 – Careers & Work Related Learning

To improve the information, advice and guidance available to pupils at Rodborough about careers and progression post-16.

To improve the quality of provision of work related learning and careers advice in order to ensure that students leave Rodborough with the ability to make informed choices about their future post-16.

Actions 

To develop the provision of work-related learning and guidance provided by the school.

To improve the monitoring of progression beyond Year 11 and

Expected Outcomes

Autumn Review

Work with Surrey LA and post-16 providers in order to identify data that can be used to monitor the progression of pupils beyond Year 11. To develop a simple and effective system for collating and distributing this information for use by departments, teachers, governors, senior leaders, parents and pupils. To review the effectiveness of the federation supported careers advice system that operates fully from September 2012. To work with the newly appointed Head of Social Studies to improve the quality of the core work-related learning curriculum. To review the delivery of work-related learning and careers advice across the curriculum with a view to developing a richer, more co-ordinated approach to learning about the workplace in all subject areas from September 2013.



Autumn Term


Spring Term


Autumn Term


Resources & Costs

LY, KCO, JS Autumn Term Summer Term


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A system for measuring progression beyond Year 11 will be ready to become fully operational from September 2013. A report on the first full year of the federation careers advice programme will be made to SLT and Governors in April 2013. Revised work-related schemes of work for Social Studies will start to be taught from September 2012. A programme of cross-curricular work-related learning will be planned by July 2013 for September 2013. There will be a better retention rate for pupils on post-16 courses as pupils are signed up to more appropriate courses as confirmed by the data provided by post -16 providers. Godalming College have been requested to send through an overview of what students have begun courses with them as part of the progression information. This is being chased up by LY on 14/1/13. MIT apprenticeships have provided progression information, but there is still a gap for those who have not followed mainstream routes. Further discussion is required to gain these responses. Once this data is accurate then the next step of the development plan can be actioned which is to disseminate effectively. Every pupil has had a 20 mins careers interview in Year 11. This has been through our Federation and they can request more if required. The Army and Connexions have also done work in this area with Year 11s. The process seems to have been followed and next to consider is its effectiveness. Coverage is positive and CW has advised that as a Federation we should survey the pupils to check that what is being offered is suitably well delivered, at the right time and with the right information. The process will now move on to Year 9s. LY has been working with KCO to alter the provision for core WRL. LY is investigating the extending of careers advice in Years 10&11. Main area of need surrounding Interview Technique and CV writing. Liaising with ZN about WRL content in the Activities week.


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority 7 - Performance Management (PM) To develop a new Performance Management Policy that better supports staff development and whole-school improvement.

Expected Outcomes

Autumn Review





Resources & Costs

ACS, SLT, To develop a new  Develop an implementation plan with key Autumn half term MLT Performance dates for staff and Governors. Management Policy in See line with national  Use the meetings system to clearly meeting statutory regulations. explain requirements, implications and pattern  To do this in benefits to staff and Governors. consultation with staff and Governors so that it  Develop and model recording system with Summer is clearly understood by staff and Governors that meets the needs term all and practical. of the policy and is practicable.  To ensure the policy Spring term contributes to continual  Develop a system of reporting to professional Governors that meets Ofsted’s development of staff. requirements in terms of linking pay  To ensure the policy progression to performance. enables Governors to carry out their monitoring role.  A new policy is in place ready to be implemented by 1 September 2013.  Staff are fully aware of statutory requirements and the procedures to be adopted.  Governors are fully aware of the Procedures to be adopted and ready to undertake their monitoring role. Discussion about broad principles of the new policy has taken place with Middle Leaders. There is a general feeling that with the increased observation programme giving 3 observations for each member of staff, rigorous marking checks and our normal measurement of performance against baseline targets and other objectives set and reviewed, we have the basis of the information we need to complete the new performance management requirements. At SLT we have considered whether we should incorporate any measure of progress made by pupils within the school, how to make sense of contribution to school life and the possibility of staff self assessment 

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


Rodborough School Development Plan 2012-13 Strategic Priority 6 – To implement the revised quality assurance process developed in 2011-12.



To ensure that the revised process is implemented in accordance with the SDP from 2011-12.

To review the effectiveness of the programme.

To distribute support materials for the process in September 2012 to all department heads. To ensure that the QA schedule is reflected in the annual calendar. To monitor the progress of the schedule and ensure that the outcomes from specific QA meetings are collated. To ensure that an additional monitoring process takes place to check the quality of departmental-level QA (book checks, assessment checks, pupil conversations etc…) To ensure that outcomes from the process are used to inform the updating of the SEF and the development of the 2013-14 SDP.



Sept 2012


July 2012


Ongoing through SLT LM


Resources & Costs

ACS / SLT As per calendar June 2013


Expected Outcomes

11. The QA process is carried out in accordance with the guidance by all department areas as evidenced by the departmental SEF 12. The 2012-13 SEF and 2013-14 SDP reflect the issues identified through the QA process.

Autumn Review

All materials have been produced and shared with Middle Leaders. Most were familiar with them as they formed the basis of earlier work we did in relation to QA. The QA process has its own schedule which is integrated into the AAR calendar. Changes to the LM system has allowed ACS to LM SLT members more closely. This is having the effect of formalising the LM agenda and sharpening up the accountability at all levels. Marking checks have been more rigorously adhered to and pupil checks by ACS have given an important cross check to departmental monitoring. The timescales involved in maintaining half termly QA focussed evaluation are challenging. We have just kept to the timescales in the Autumn term but a much shorter Spring term will increase the challenge but SLT have decided to deliver the plan for the year without modification

Spring Review

Final Outcomes


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