A summary of InfluencerCon Sao Paulo 2012

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Influencer Conference SP

The conference: Since 2010, it s been in New York, London, Berlin and in 2012, it started in SĂŁo Paulo and Mumbai.

The concept: InuencerCon is a global content platform joining tastemakers, innovators and iconoclasts across industries, including arte and culture, marketing, advertising, philanthropy and entrepreneurs to discuss the current scope and future of these subjects.

Influencer Conference São Paulo: Our role

Zeitgeist s role As curators of the first edition of InfluencerCon in São Paulo, our responsibility was to find people and institutions that could represent trends in the most important subjects for the event: entrepreneurism, culture, technology and philanthropy.

Day 1 - Inspire

InĂŞs Silva

Marcella Coelho

Maure Pessanha

The Why, When and Hows of Entrepreneurship

Facundo Guerra

An analysis of a changing city landscape through nightlife

Philip McKenzie

Rodrigo dos Reis

Influencer Conference

Entrepreneuring: Gen Y's Rock N' Roll

Matheus Ortega


The DNA of social venturing: be simple and carry a big message

Day 2 - Engage

Gabriel Borges

AndrĂŠ Tassinari

The new Brazilian way of doing businessÂ

Rodrigo Alonso

Non-siloed thinking applied to building organizations

Max Petrucci

Murilo Farah

How business-oriented toolset can be used to leverage social causes and spread the word

Day 3 - Disrupt

Gilson Schwartz

AndrĂŠ GravatĂĄ

Marco Fisbhen

Future of learning

Mario Lapin

Guto Requena

Magu Bueno

New urbanism: citizen-centered urban spaces

Whys, Whens and Hows of Entrepreneurship ‣

The talk Inês Silva from Startup Pirates, Maure Pessanha from Artemísia, Marcella Thomaz from Endeavor tell some of the stories of their organizations, as well as what kind of help they can offer entrepreneurs and companies of various kinds and sizes.

The context In a country where 60% of students think of working on their own businesses, the support and education regarding entrepreurship is rather scarce. This is why we ve done this panel - to demonstrate the existence and efficacy of training, mentoring, funding and support organizations in several levels: for startups (Startup Pirates), social businesses (Artemísia) and companies with high impact potential (Endeavor).

Influencer Conference

pics needed!

The talk Philip McKenzie, founder of Influencer Conference, tells the audience how the conference was conceived and what it s about.

The context In Philip s view, influencer culture is getting more and more global and decentralized geographically and it has critical importance in spreading new, transformative ideas that break boundaries between fields of knowledge - and one of the objectives of InfluencerCon is identifying and connecting converging spots in the cities the conference takes place.

Entrepreneuring: Gen Y's Rock N' Roll

The talk Rodrigo dos Reis, founder of Zeitgeist, analyzes some social changes and the evolution of the ways young people rebel and try to change the world, as well as the central role entrepreneurship has in this issue .

The context Gen Yers live in a world where the lines between art, business and causes are blurrier each day. The idea that it s no longer necessary to choose between changing the world and earning money, or being an artist and an entrepreneur at the same time has gained critical mass and has concrete examples. This inclusive approach, through breaking with previous generations, offers transformative potential for society, from inside out. And as many of these efforts are inspired by the efficiency and pragmatism of private ventures, entrepreneurship has a critical role. With growing funding possibilities and cheap technology, these movement can be as game-changing culturally as Rock N Roll was for Baby Boomers.

Uma análise da evolução de São Paulo através da vida noturna

The talk Facundo Guerra, former owner of Vegas nightclub, and current owner of Lions Nightclub, Z Carniceria, Volt and Cine Jóia spoke about changes in culture and in the entertainment market throughout his entrepreneurial career.

The context Since the opening of Vegas, Facundo s first club, back in 2005, when the electronica scene was still the most important, there s been a migration to a more fragmented context, spread among other genres, as well as some previously untried rotation on themes for each party and night, first tried at Vegas, one of the places responsible for the gentrification of the area known as Baixo Augusta - reinforcing the global idea that some low value, ill-frequented places, when occupied by youth and artists, can rapidly gain value. Another important transformation was a renewed interest in concerts, a reflex of a new way of relating to music which resulted in more market for smaller concerts. This change enabled the opening of Cine Jóia, a connection linking São Paulo to global trends and rising artists, instead of established acts. From his learnings, Facundo has shown how nightlife became an extension of social media.

The DNA of social venturing: be simple and carry a big message

The talk Matheus Ortega e Mundano told the audience how a simple message, transmited through art can bring genuine social transformations.

The context Both Matheus and Mundanos s revolutions start off with simplicity: empathy for the suffering of others and using art as an universal language, capable of sending the message and mobilize. The part of their work that really makes a difference is that art was the means and not the end. Matheus music was the first step, culminating with the construction of a music school in earthquake-stricken Haiti. Mundano s graffiti on the carts brought visibility to the cart-pushers, which despite their critical role in all recycling taking place in the country have no respect from society, as well as for the help program he s organized, bringing real improvement for their conditions.

The new Brazilian way of doing business

The talk Gabriel Borges, founder of Likestore and partner at Ampfy e André Tassinari, partner at Garoa, exchange experiences about how recent tranformations in the country (social inclusion, access to information, etc.) have brought opportunities and defy some convictions about Brazilian consumer culture.

The context Likestore, a Facebook-based social commerce perfectly complements Brazilian cultural history of microentrepreneurism, respects local particularities regarding means of payment (installments, bank billets, etc.) and giving users an easy-to-use tool for creating online stores. Garoa is a trendless fashion brand that breaks the classic model of copying what s successful abroad. The success of both ventures reinforces the importance of adapting existing habits when shifting to digital businesses, as well as the existence of new space for bold brands not aiming for the usual targets, betting on the desire for self-expression, that grows despite the historical predominance of the need to belong in Brazilians.

Non-siloed thinking applied to building organizations

The talk Rodrigo Rubido Alonso, from Instituto Elos, tells how his organization has taken form and grown and how critical it was for them not to see themselves as a company or as a NGO.

The context Instituto Elos has sprouted from a collective of architecture students that wanted to change the world, and it s a visionary example of a model for institutions that have both for and not for profit ends. From the idealism of their founders, aiming to impact society, they ve structured a methodology to get deeply in touch with the communities they wanted to help. They ve also created a preparation course for social entrepreneurs, Guerreiros Sem Armas (Warriors Without Weapons), and from this network they created, they were able to generate demand what brings revenue for everything else: corporate training. Those two particularities - big picture thinking while defining themselves and building the network, then worrying about monetizing, nowadays taken from granted after the birth of major social networks, were way ahead of their time when the organization began, in the 90 s.

How business-oriented toolset can be used to leverage social causes


The talk Max Petrucci from Garage Interactive and Murilo Farah from Benfeitoria share their experiences on using business tools (advertising and PR) for social interest and causes.


The context In a context where economical development is indissociable from human and environmental development, the integration between public and private communications makes ever more sense and it s capable of beneďŹ t everyone involved. Garage Interactive is trying to change the social perception we have of mature citizens (60+), rather condescending, through changing the symbol used to represent them through crowdsourcing, bringing the issue to public debate, awareness for the agency s work and even the possibility of getting corporate support for the cause. Benfeitoria, an online platform combining crowdfunding and crowdsourcing to support socially-minded projects and getting their revenue from the support of people and institutions interested in helping causes, carries this idea deep in their DNA.

Future of learning ‣

The talk Gilson Schwartz, André Gravatá, Marco Fisbhen and Mário Lapin tell us about their projects, that improve and bring important advances in the education sector, each in their own way.

The context The revolution in education, a sector relatively unaffected over the last decades by technological advance, seem to finally have gained critical mass. From the several efforts being tried and applied in this area, we highlight gaming and using gaming mechanics as a means to increase engagement. Gilson Schwarz mentioned Conflitos Globais, a game about geopolitics, pionering civic engagement. Mario Lapin, besides talking about the development of Autopolis, has compared the evolution of learning to stem cell research: it s a possibility to leave one size fits most solutions in favor of more individualized approaches. Marco Fisbhen has talked about how access to high quality school curriculum content at affordable pricing for low income students can dramatically affect their performance in college entry exams. André spoke about his research on innovative schools worldwide and about general ideas and principles that can help bring necessary change.

New urbanism: citizen-centered urban spaces ‣

The talk Guto Requena and Maria Augusta Bueno, from Studio X, a collaborative network for architecture, speak about projects and ideas being put in practice to improve the urban space.

The context A good part of the urban context and architecture, originally bastions of a certain zeitgeist and thought of as the expression of a government, regime or of the power of a corporation are becoming more human, more user-centered and more participative. Much of the talks of both Guto and Maria Augusta have covered efforts in this direction, as well as the occupation of the public space by citizens, the creation of multidisciplinary groups to discuss ideas and improvements for cities, networks built around urban microinterventions and a generalized effort to make decisions on how cities structure themselves more present in public debate.


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