Student Life Autumn Winter

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Welcome to the Student life Autumn/Winter Guide Student Life is a brand new initiative combining work form the University and from the Students' Union. The initiative covers four main areas, Campaigns, New Media, Volunteering and Societies. Each area is managed by an intern based within RSU, the role of the intern is to coordinate the projects of their particular area and to engage students with the extra-curricular activities to enhance skills and employability prospects. Student Life aims to give more than just an academic experience to students at the University of Roehampton, by developing and delivering regular campaigns, creating volunteering projects and supporting existing and new societies, the project has something for all students. This is your guide to the first term of this academic year within the world of Student Life, all the projects and contact details you will need to know can be found within this document. There will be a follow up document to this after the Christmas break so that you're always informed of the Student Life activities.





What is Campaigning?

Campaigns at Roehampton provide opportunities for you to get involved in local, national and international campaigns throughout the entire academic year whether you are a student or staff member. It may be something that you are really passionate about or simply a cause that piques your interest. Ranging from events and activities that engage students across campus, public demonstrations around London, VIP guest speakers and even chances to become involved by volunteering, there really is so much happening that you'll want to be a part of to enhance your student experience. I look forward to getting another great year of campaigns and events underway and really want as many people to get involved as possible to ensure that we educate, engage and empower our students all year long so that you each get the most out of your time here and can use the skills you have learnt in the future. Campaigning isn’t as simple as turning up at protests and waving a banner with your cause written across it. It often involves a great deal of preparation and dedication from people behind the scenes. Our aim this year is to make sure that students and staff are aware of what causes Roehampton is supporting and have access to resources and facilities that can encourage and help them become involved in a number of ways from simply getting involved in games and events to starting up and supporting your own campaigns that are worthy of our support. In addition to the campaigns we support there will be also one-off pop-up campaigns throughout the year that may only run for a day at a time. Jon Carter - Student Life Campaigns Intern

HOW TO GET INVOLVED... If you would like any more information about campaigning this year at Roehampton then you can just pop into the Student Life office below the RSU on Froebel Campus or simply come and find me in the RSU anytime. Alternatively you can contact Ben Hassan who is the campaigns officer this year and will be working with me to develop and run our campaigns. Jonathan 'Farmer Jon' Carter Campaigns Coordinator & Environmental Champion Jonathan 'Farmer Jon' Carter: (0208 3923782)


Ben Hassan:



Welcome to Roehampton 24-28 SEPT.

Proposed Dates Campaign Will Run: 24th – 28th September 2012 Immediately following Freshers Week. Main Aims of Campaign: To educate students and staff about their individual colleges and the history and legacy that surrounds them. Additional Aims of Campaign: To offer students a deeper connection with their colleges to help them form an identity with them.

Sexual Health & Guidance (S.H.A.G. Week) 15-19 OCT.

Proposed Dates Campaign Will Run: 15th – 19th October 2012. Main Aims of Campaign: To educate and engage students in a range of ways regarding sexual health (i.e. what is safe and what isn’t, what are appropriate methods of contraception, frank discussions on what partners enjoy and what they don’t). Additional Aims of Campaign: Good method of delivering contraception en masse at events and such, much of the pressure of STI testing is reduced during this week and gets more students to become aware of checking themselves and staying healthy sexually.

Movember 05-30 NOV.

Proposed Dates Campaign Will Run: 5th – 30th November 2012. Main Aims of Campaign: To educate staff and students on men’s health (focusing mainly on Prostate and Testicular cancer) and raise money to support the charity that is behind Movember. Additional Aims of Campaign: To engage the students and staff in a range of fun games, activities and such on campus throughout the days and evenings all month, culminating in one last event (Movember BOP) at the end of the month.

One Uni, One World Fiesta. 10-14 DEC.

Proposed Dates Campaign Will Run: 10th – 14th December 2012. Main Aims of Campaign: To educate and engage all of the staff and student body within the Roehampton Demographic through a celebration of all of the cultures, religions, societies and people that it comprises of. Additional Aims of Campaign: To aim to reduce an ‘us and them’ dichotomy that may be present across campus amongst students from different racial, religious5and cultural backgrounds.


What is New Media?

Student Life New Media, based within the RSU with the Communications team oversees several key elements to engaging students with all kinds of media and the roles within. Whether your looking develop as a TV Presenter, Radio host or an event photographer, our new media zone has something for you! Our New Media strives to give students a hands on experience outside of the academic experience that they receive on a daily basis, not all course will give practical modules and experience so it's a fantastic opportunity for you to go above and beyond and develop your personal skills.

Daran Akintola New Media Intern




Fresh TV, or 'RSView', is our online video channel that shows all the latest videos from the RSU projects. The channel, hosted by is linked to our website just like the online Radio station. This year we hope to develop the channel and engage far more students with video media and therefore FreshTV will be the main aim of this year for the New Media team. We will be looking for students interested in presenting, story boarding,filming and editing and hope to build a strong team that can create a great video piece for any RSU project that requires filming. Go online to have a look at some previous videos Fancy getting involved? just email

FRESH AIR Fresh Air is your very own radio station located in the RSU and is online 24/7 with over 12 different shows broadcasting every week with a plan to increase that with your help. The shows cover all sorts of musical genres including rock, pop, indie, r’n’b and electro but if you feel that anything is missing then please come down have a chat with myself, particularly if you feel you have anything to contribute. Fresh Air doesn’t just need presenters; we also need producers and broadcast assistants to ensure that we have great sounding and professional shows. All you have to do is drop us an email or pop in and see us at RSU.

EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY Event photography has become a much loved edition to RSU media over the last year or so with students fully appreciating the memories that our photographers capture for them. We recruit several photographers to work at our events, all they have to do is stay sober and capture the magic as it unfolds! As with everything this opportunity to develop your photography portfolio is just an email away!

FRESH MAGAZINE Fresh Magazine is the monthly publication from the SU that provides all the latest info from around the uni and features from our dedicated writers. This year we aim to develop a team of students that entirely lead the production of the magazine with the goal of the submitting 3 editions for a student media award in the summer. To be involved with Fresh Magazine just drop an email to



What Are Societies?

Societies have always played an important role in the student experience. They enable students to seek out and try unusual activities, meet new and exciting people, build relationships with their peers, develop their CV and even continue the pursuit of hobbies or interests from their school, college or home life. Student activities are as diverse as the students who organise them, societies cover a wide range of interests and the RSU and Student Life Office offer a great selection of opportunities for students to get involved in. At Roehampton we have over 30 well established societies and that number continues to grow with emphasis on development and student engagement. I along with my colleague Mark Wickens, our Societies President, would love to hear from you if you're interested in signing up to something or starting something new, you can contact us via email on societies@ or drop by the RSU in Lawrence building. You can also check out the RSU website where you can access a full list of societies as well as handbooks and guides to setting up and running your own, I look forward to seeing you all in September. Stay Fabulous. Michael Diss - Student Life Societies Intern

Twitter: @Roe_StudentLife Facebook: Roehampton Societies 12/13 8


Societies President

My name is Mark Wickens an I am your 2012/13 Societies President! I started at Roehampton in September of 2010, and after a very boring, lack lustre first year, I was determined in my second year to get myself involved with more happenings on campus, and to meet new, different people. Being a part of a society really helps you feel more fulfilled, by being a more invested member of the community. Not only that but it offers great opportunities to meet new people with a wide variety of interests. Our previous Societies President has done a very good job in trying to improve awareness of society’s events and communication between societies via internet networking on Facebook. I think this could be taken further to get inter-society support at events and fundraisers. I hope to create more interaction between societies; why just join one? Get involved and enrich yourself and your Uni experience, you never know, you might stumble upon something you love! In a close campus community like Roehampton, fostering an atmosphere of community and comradeship should be important. My aim is to create, a tight knit, fun-filled student body; A Happier Roehampton. Let's support each other and help make our Societies great! Lets give our Societies Spark. Mark Wickens Societies President


Choose your idea carefully:

It’s a great idea to think critically about your Society and share your idea with a few friends before you complete the next few steps. When you’re thinking of a new society, remember that it has to be something that interests a variety of other people, initially you’ll need around 10.Doing a little research into other societies already at the university gives you a chance to create something unique that will spark the interest of the masses. Make sure that your idea avoids prejudice and will not contain materials that are deemed offensive. Any proposals that do not conform to this will not be considered. Now to find your core membership!

Find some like minded people:

Now you have to find 10 people other than yourself that are genuinely interested in joining your society. Ask them for their student numbers, email addresses and signatures and hand this information in with your proposal.

Make a proposal:

The idea for your society will need to be approved by the RSU just to make sure it complies with step 1. Please send a copy of your proposal to Societies@ In the proposal write a short summary of what your society will do and what its aims and objectives will be.

Write a constitution:

Once your proposal has been approved its time to write your society’s constitution! This is where you outline and agree on all aspects of your chosen Society, it can be one of the most fun documents to produce and a great way to get all participants to take ownership of the Society. A guide talking you through all the steps you need to complete for this is available from Michael Diss the Student Life Office Societies Intern.

Elect your committee:

A president, secretary and treasurer are the core members of the committee, in addition most societies will usually create new roles for other members in order to share the running of the society most effectively. It might be an idea, for example, to have a few members in charge of promoting and updating the social media pages. The committee agree the decisions on behalf of the society and will be voted into their positions. Once all these steps are completed you’re away and a fully fledged RSU society!


To get in touch please email Michael at: or drop by the RSU, Lawrence Building, Froebel.


What Is Volunteering With RSU?

‘RU Inspired’ which is our volunteering scheme and it provides a range of one off and longer term volunteering opportunities. The one off opportunities are known as MAD (Make A Difference) Day Projects, recruiting a high number of volunteers to have a positive impact either on campus or in the local community. In addition we aim to create partnerships/opportunities that will compliment your studies and enhance your CV. Through the Volunteering opportunities, RSU are able to give opportunities to students on all courses including Education, Criminology and Psychology.

Register & Reward Scheme The ‘Register & Reward Scheme’ (RRS) recognises the hard work and commitment that students give to volunteering by offering ‘thank you rewards.’ We ask volunteers to log the hours they give, whether this is volunteering internally on M.A.D. Projects organised by the university or volunteering externally for charities that are either linked to the university or charities students are already linked with. Flat & Program Reps, Officers and Sports Captains are also eligible to register in the RRS. Louise Evans Volunteering Intern

This year we're hoping to offer an exciting volunteering trip abroad to the student(s) who log in the most volunteering hours, so make 10 sure you get involved!



25th Sept.

Project 1: Post a Smile to a Sick Child It’s time to get our arts and crafts hats on as we’re going to be working with Post Pals to provide seriously ill children with letters, postcards and pictures, just some little things that are going to put a smile on their faces (and hopefully ours as well!) This project doesn’t take a lot of time but at the end you feel as though you have really made a difference to someone’s life, someone who could really do with a SMILE in this tough time.

19th Oct.

Project 2: Cleaner Thames Challenge We’ll be heading down to Hammersmith Bridge to work with Thames21 and help bring the River Thames back to life! So brave the mud and get stuck in, and what better way can you think of to spend World Rivers Day? It’s going to be a really worthwhile event, really ‘making a difference’ and we can reward our efforts with a bbq back on campus after!

20th Nov.

Project 3: RU up for a Tea Party? Calling all potential bakers and cake makers! We’re going to be teaming up with local charity Regenerate Rise to host a tea party for the elderly people who live in the local area. Tea, biscuits and cakes are going to be the order of the day and we’re going to have stacks of entertainment, so any musicians, dancers and actors out there – please feel free to get involved!

01st Dec.

Project 4: RU Feeling Festive? We’re teaming up with Regenerate to set up an amazing Christmas party for underprivileged families living in the local area. So if you feel like singing some classic Christmas songs, joining in with the Christmas carols, present wrapping and looking out for that special visit from Father Christmas then come and join us for this very special event!



STUDENT LIFE Twitter: @Roe_StudentLife Facebook: University Of Roehampton Student Life


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