THANK YOU... We’d like to thank the following students and staff for their contribution to this edition of Fresh Magazine Vera sugar WADE TOMLINSON CLAIRE FITZSIMONS PAUL DABELL HUW COOK RACHAEL BLANEY ELIJAH WILLIAMS CHRIS O'BOYLE GEMMA KELLY JON FOLEY
If you would like to write or be a part of the production team for Fresh Magazine 2012-2013 please contact steve.molyneaux@
Congratulations on making it to Roehampton guys and girls! This is where the fun begins! It’s all a bit daunting at first, so many new people, new places and of course being left in charge of a hefty student loan - but fear not, we at the Students’ Union have been in the exact same position, made all the mistakes there are to make and can now, hopefully, guide you peacefully through you first week and indeed all 3 years at Roehampton. This magazine intends on doing 2 things, the first is a cheeky plug at what a Roehampton Fresh Magazine looks like with tips on how to get involved in producing the monthly editions of the mag, whilst the second aim is to provide you with all the necessary info on what to expect at Roehampton, some useful contacts and an introduction to key staff, officers and projects that the SU do for all students at Roehampton. Check out the contents guide on the next page to get a better idea of what the magazine offers, alternatively get stuck in page by page and make a mental note of who’s who at Roey! See you all in September! x
Steve Steve Molyneaux Chief Editor/Artistic Designer 3
5. PRESIDENT Welcome from your SU President
21. life as a fresher Your President looks back on his own experience of ‘moving-in’ day
Welcome from your VP Communications and your VP Welfare
22.programme reps/academic support
Welcome from the 4 college presidents
An introduction to the academic support the SU offer
Ten Top tips from the su president
12. Freshers week!
All you need to know about this years Freshers Week!
14. Introducing Student life
Information on the Student Life project 2012-2013
18. the london experience
Journalsim student, Vera Sugar, tells Fresh Magazine what London has to offer
24. University student ambassadors What are student ambassadors and how do you become one?
25. quick tips - parents & students
Some more tips, this time for parents and students
27. rsu merchandise
Get kitted out with the latest RSU FairTrade clothing
S U P R ES I D EN T Hello and welcome to Roehampton University, an experience that you’ll never forget. My name is Wade and I’m your Student Union President for the year ahead. During your time here you’ll have the chance to create priceless memories, gain friends for life and achieve that sweet piece of paper that separates you from everyone else, the amazing degree! As a student at Roehampton, you are now automatically a member of the Students’ Union. In this position you have the opportunity to get as much out of University as possible. The SU has a lot to offer you, especially with our increasing interest in the enhancement of student life: a variety of entertainment programmes and events, various volunteering opportunities, a wide range of campaigns, great welfare and academic support team, clubs and societies and much more. Roehampton is full of tradition, so do your best to become a part of it! As president, it’s my job to ensure you have the best possible time here. Through a wide range of representation, your voice can and will be heard. So if you have an issue with education, campus life, events, etc...your opinion matters and you can have an influence. My role also involves being your bridge in communication to where decisions are being made. So anything at all, let the Union know and we’ll do our best to make it happen. I had an amazing time as a student and now I’m in this position to certify that you have the same experience, if not better. Our office is located opposite the Union Bar (convenient?) on Froebel, feel free to come meet the team and say hi! Wade Tomlinson x
A note from your new Student Media. Officer... Hello my fellow Roehamptonites! And newbies. Welcome to the new Academic year at the glorious University of Roehampton. There are plenty of things to be excited about, such as the return and arrival to campus, FRESHER WEEK (an event that is always to be celebrated!) and the start of a new term. After the conclusion of a brilliant year, we are set to make this an even better one. So firstly, a warm welcome to the new RSU team, who are sure to work hard to guarantee that everyone has a fantastic year. And secondly, welcome to myself! As the new RSU Media Officer, I will be working for FRESH, developing and driving the magazine forward by writing, editing, and coming up with new ideas. If you want to be a part of the FRESH team or just want to submit an article, get in touch ( I promise I do not bite. I am looking forward to bringing you all the recent news and finding out what you want to read about. Shout out to all the 2012 Graduates who will be sorely missed! And let’s get this year started. I am thrilled to be a part of the RSU and meet a lot more people this year. Diana Lava 5
Welcome, welcome! I’m sure there are a lot of thoughts running through your mind right now about making the decision to come to Uni but I hope that this edition of Fresh Magazine will help to ease some of the concerns you may have and make you feel nothing but excitement for the coming year! The magazine covers a fair bit of what you will encounter at Uni; an introduction from your Sabbatical team, and introduction from your College Presidents, an overview of Volunteering, Societies, Campaigns and Student Life at Roehampton, but as with many things it can not answer everything, you must ask all those questions yourself! Our offices are based in Lawrence Building Froebel College and are open 9am - 5pm so just drop in and see us anytime! We try to get out the office as much as we can and we will be trying to talk to as many students as possible throughout the year so we can stay in touch with all the issues our students are facing, so if we spontaneously sit next to you for some lunch in one of the campus canteens don’t be alarmed! Look out for the diaries we will be distributing at Fresher’s Fair, they also have a lot of information in the front pages regarding who is who and how you can really get involved at Roehampton, they’ll also help you organise your work load and best of all...they’re free! I look forward to seeing you all in September! Steve x
VP WELFARE & COMMUNITY Freshlins, Welcome to Roey! My name is Claire (a.k.a Fitzy) and I am your Vice President of Welfare & Community! This first term is going to be hectic for you all but give it a few weeks and I assure you that Roey will start to feel like home! No doubt you’re going to have a lot of questions that crop up over your first year, and in a nutshell, I’m here to guide you to any information that you find yourself needing. From wanting contact with Faith Advisors, booking an appointment with the Health & Wellbeing department, having a problem with funding, to sorting out an accommodation issue, I can act as the first port of call for any type of information you seek. Do not hesitate to drop me an email, or even just pop up to my office, I’m here to support you! This term hosts the campaign ‘Fat Talk Free Week’. FTFW focuses on encouraging young woman to think more positively about their own body image, and look beyond media portrayals of the ‘thin ideal’ – so please look out for some more information & get involved! Lastly, get to know your RSU Officers. Your officers are here to represent you & help you guys get the most out of your time here! On that note, if you see me around just rock up & say hi! We really thrive on and enjoy meeting & getting to know our students! See you about Love Fitzy x 7
Hey! My name is Rachael Blaney and I will be taking over as the new Digby CP. I am a Dance student here at Roey, going into my third and final year - scary! My CSS for this year will be the lovely Mike Benson, who I will be working alongside to make sure we give the Digby students, on campus and off campus, a great college year. Digby Stuart College is greatly facilitated as we have the library (we are obviously the envy of students on all the other campus'!) and we also have a great social space/canteen which will be put into use a lot more this coming term where we will hold events and College nights. Digby is also home to the reigning Frigby champions, the DIGBY LIONS, who will be looking for yet another victory next May - so any budding fresher footballers keep your eyes peeled for try-outs for the best team in Roehampton! Looking forward to meeting everyone and helping to make your university experience the best it can be. Bring it on :) xox
First and Foremost welcome to all the new students to the University of Roehampton and congratulations on choosing our awesome University. More importantly to you future Froebel students I would like to assure you that you’ve made a most excellent choice of college of which you will be calling your home away from home for the next 3 years. Froebel is a stunningly picturesque campus which is home to a welcoming community who are proud to live and study here and more importantly‌.. the Universities only 7 day a week bar!! The student led team for the coming year comprises of myself Paul DaBell (Froebel College President) and Mikey James (Froebel Social Secretary) who will do everything within our powers to make sure that your first year here is an enjoyable and entertaining one. Froebel gives you more social events and opportunities than no other college offers! Feel free to add both of us on Facebook and we will be happy to appease any concerns or answer any questions! Looking forward to meeting you all in September, Paul x
Hi Guys my Name is Huw Cook and I’m the Southlands College President for this academic year. I’m a second year Journalism and Drama student and am looking forward to what is going to be an amazing year at Roehampton. Basically it’s my job to make sure you guys are having lots of fun and taking care of yourselves at the same time. If you ever have any problems or suggestions feel free to come and chat with me, I’m usually pretty open and friendly unless it’s the morning after Fez or Bop in which case feel free to bring me a coffee! I have an exciting year planned for Southlands with lots of parties, events and activities instore. I urge you all to get involved as much as you can and make the most of your time at Roehampton, it’ll be over before you know it so do everything while you still can, YOLO! We have a full month of fresher’s events planned for all you Southland Sharks out there so make sure you get your Southland’s Monthly event band to ensure that you don’t miss out (and save yourself a few quid). We have the all new Southlands Officer team this year providing you with all the opportunities and information you need to make the most of your time at Roehampton. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer and wish you all the best for the coming year. Huw xx
Hello my name is Elijah Williams and welcome to Roehampton, and most importantly welcome to Whitelands college campus. I will be your resident College president for the year. Basically the role of being your CP involves me being there for you! I am your voice to the University and I am the voice of the University back to you. I am here to help you in any way possible from letting you know what events are on from nights out to well-being and any information the Uni wants you to know about. If there are any problems or any ideas you have thought about and would like to see around Whitelands or even Roehampton come see me, my door is always open. With regards to events happening on Whitelands, that runs through my Social Sec Mr Simeon Entwistle, you will find out who he is, but he will be the guy to go to when it comes to events on Whitelands. He will be organising them throughout the year and is open to suggestions. See ya’ll around!!!! Peace 9
Here's a list of hints and tips that'll help you onto a great start in University and possibly help some of you throughout the year. Some of them seem a bit obvious, but after years of seeing and hearing of all sorts of incidents including: frying a pizza, trying to pay for a bus journey using a Debit Card and my personal favourite...the guy who spent most of his loan on clothes including a £250 pair of jeans, before paying his rent; you tend to try and cover all areas.
This allows and guarantees you entry into ALL fresher’s events. Freshers have highly regretted not buying them in the past as this is your chance to experience everything: get to know the area, meet new friends and have a laugh. Don’t miss out, get yours early!! The quotes “I didn’t think anyone else would get one” and “can’t believe it’s sold out” are heard way too often, don’t make the same mistake.
Twitter, Facebook, the University and RSU website will contain everything you need to know: So follow RSU or one of the sabbs, join the University of Roehampton Freshers 12/13 group and bookmark the Union website as these will be your links to find out everything that is going on in Roehampton. If you don’t have access to social networking, sign up!! The Twitter Revolution has begun!
Your flat/housemates will not cook, clean and wash you... unless you live with some pretty awesome people. Learn how to cook basic meals before you come, ask mum or dad it’ll make them feel loved. You don’t want to be that person who burns down the kitchen in the first week and if all fails, some genius invented the microwave. Learn how to wash clothes, share responsibility for cleaning and stay hygienic. Freshers flu may sound ridiculous but it’s not so funny if you experience it.
Any wacky outfits that you really can’t wait to wear again or always wanted to experiment with some stupid looking attire and never had an excuse to put it on?? Most Roehampton social events are themed and it’s always fun to get involved; this runs alongside collegial banter between each college. You’ll learn more about that when you arrive.
This is essential for before and after you arrive. We are here to help you but that doesn’t mean you can’t help yourself. A list will help make sure you pack everything that is necessary including: important documents in case you want to find work, suitable clothing for various situations and maybe even that sentimental teddy that we hate to admit we can’t live without. Other things you may want to consider are: a student bank account, planning out your available expenditure, buying books and paying any bills (rent), register with the medical centre...etc. Also consider getting a railcard and NUS card to cut the cost on travel and certain purchases.
Not everyone you meet will love Justin Bieber and you may encounter a few people who don’t like sports, this is a place where everyone will be in the same situation in a new environment. So if your flat mate or friend from a lecture is an intense fanatic of horror flicks and you’re more of a mellow Rom-Com fan, don’t agree to schedule in plans for a Nightmare on Elm Street Marathon every week if you don’t want to, you’ll get caught out sooner or later. It’s easier to just be yourself and everyone will share some common ground e.g. Batman can’t go wrong. Don’t force friendship.
Roehampton has such a great support network made up of various areas. Your module tutors, programme reps, programme convenors and subject leaders are always there to help if having any trouble with the academic side of things. Money doctors are available to advise you on your spending. Heads of Colleges are available for any welfare issues along with college tutors on campus who are available 24/7 for any out of hour’s issues. Security will be looming around campus and you always have us, the RSU team for various other issues. Roehampton is tiny compared to the rest of London, but we are in such a convenient location. This is a chance to experience the things you haven’t done, even if you’re from London there must be things that you’ve never bothered to do. I’ve been here for 3 years and have been in the players’ lounge at Wimbledon, been on a game show and have somehow been on an advert. The opportunities are waiting to be taken up, so go visit the London eye, watch the varsity boat race, get a photo next to Buckingham Palace and pick Morgan Freemans’ nose at Madame Taussauds! You have plenty of time, use it wisely.
Join a society, join a sports team, become a programme rep, sit in student union council meetings, run for a position during student elections, be more active within your college, be a part of a Make a Difference (M.A.D) project, Volunteer, Join a campaign...why not?!?! University is a place where you get as much out of it as you put in. Use your time here as best as you can and get involved, but make sure you balance this with your studies.
Don’t go spending your loan on the most expensive desirables because you’ll find yourself starving and lonely while watching others prepare as lovely meal just before going out to have fun. Try not to be “that guy/girl” that goes out looking great but comes back in a state, paralytic friends are selfish friends and it’s just a bit more embarrassing in front of people you have just met. Buy the essential texts for your course and prepare for a whole new learning experience. Be safe when travelling, try not to get yourself lost and make sure you’re with others. Stay in groups when travelling at night, it’s a new area, keep safe. Take contacts of important people.
Read through any documents or contracts you are given, before joining us. You don’t want to be out of the loop when you get here. Make sure you know where you’re going and what you are doing. Remember, we are here to help. For now get onto the websites and stay informed. Hope all this helps. and 11
the project...
Student Life is an exciting joint initiative between the University and Roehampton Students Union. Our aim is to provide you with a wide range of opportunities to socialise, make lifelong friends, enhance your learning, develop new skills and ultimately make your time at Roehampton fun and memorable. Throughout your time at Roehampton there will be many chances to get involved and embrace student life. This could be joining a sports team, feeling part of the college community, joining one of our many societies, becoming a volunteer, supporting campaigns or attending some of the many events and activities.
the interns...
The Student Life initiative employs 4 interns from August through to May who are focused on enhancing the student experience and delivering Campaigns, New Media, Societies and Volunteering projects for Roehampton students. The interns are all recent graduates of Roehampton as the Student Life initiative aims to help develop the skills of Roehampton students. This will be the second consecutive year that the SU have provided internship employability for Roehampton students and is an element that will continue to be developed. The four interns are managed and based within the Students’ Union from where they will work with the sabbatical team and full time staff to co-ordinate projects specific to their individual areas throughout the academic year.
the office...
As part of the continual development of the internship programme the SU offers, this academic year sees the opening of the brand new Student Life Office. The office, based on the ground floor of the SU offices, will be a key space for students engaging with the four main areas of Student Life. Each of the interns will take it in turn to work from the office so that each week there is a member of staff on hand within the office to help any student that wishes to use the space. The office can be used for societies, volunteers and campaigners to meet, plan projects, store material in the provided lockers and generally work on improving awareness of what they do. To use the Student Life Office all students have to do is contact the relevant intern (i.e. Volunteering Intern if needing to work on a Volunteering project) or any full time member of staff and they will be able to advise on availability. 15
Campaigns RSU run a core schedule of 8 campaigns, they a very organic in approach as we aim to seek involvement from students, staff, societies, local and national organisations. Campaigns are devised to create awareness and educate our students on a wide range of issues. Previous campaigns have included Go Green week, RAG Week (raising & giving) and Funding our Future (tuition fees). You can get involved in campaigns simply supporting or by taking a more active role assisting the planning and delivering and campaign. A full list of campaigns can be found at campaigns, alternatively please come up and see visit Jonathan Carter our Campaigns Intern.
New Media
RSU have recently developed ‘Fresh Air’ our online radio station, last year this proved a massive success with over 30 students producing and presenting regular radio shows including Oh la la, freedom spark, fuzzy logic and transmission . RSU also have RSView our own TV channel, capturing all aspects of student Life, we are currently recruiting presenters, directors, technicians and editors. If you would like to get involved with either the Fresh Air or RSview then please get in touch. RSU also produce Fresh our monthly student magazine again we encourage as many of you as possible to submit articles, write reviews and support its production. Please tune in at If you would like to get involved in any these projects then please come and visit Daran Akintola our New Media Intern or Steve Molyneaux VP President Communications
RSU have approximately 35 active societies and growing covering a wide range of interests, beliefs and activities and is the perfect way to meet like minded people and make friends. The societies are supported by RSU but ultimately run by students for students, a few example societies include St John’s Ambulance, ACS, Film, Allotment , Islamic and Dance Societies. The good news is you think there is a niche in the society market you can come up to RSU and will provide you with some simple guidelines to start up a new society. A full list of societies and contact information can be found at www., alternatively please come up to RSU and visit Michael Diss our Society intern.
‘RU Inspired’ is our volunteering scheme and it provides a range of one off and longer term volunteering opportunities. The one off opportunities are known as MAD Projects (make a difference day), recruiting a high number of volunteers to have a positive impact either on campus or in the local community, usually followed by few drinks and food as a reward for our hard work. Projects last year included Thames Clear Up and a Tea Party for the elderly. In addition we aim to create partnerships/opportunities for those students who would like to volunteer on a longer term basis identifying organisations that will complement your studies and ad enhance your CV. Great way to have fun, meet friends and give back to the community. A full list of volunteering opportunities can be found at www.roehamptonstudent. comvolunteering, alternatively please come and visit Louise Evans our Volunteering Intern. 17
LONDON SERVED UP WITH A LITTLE BIT OF SUGAR What makes for a great time at the University of Roehampton? Vera Sugar tells Fresh Magazine it’s not all about hanging around the lawns and ponds of our beautiful campus, it’s all about getting into the heart of London’s sights and attractions. My advice to you: think small first. Grab your Oyster card and see what’s around! Candidate number one: Putney. There’s a line of cute restaurants and pubs with many student-friendly prices like Wagamama for noodle-lovers or The Spotted Horse for fish-andchips fans (quiz nights also!); but if you want to do a little shopping, be it clothes or food or supplies for pre-drink parties, you’ll find what you’re looking for. Need I say more? In Kingston, you’ll find a wider supply of shops and restaurants, and a massive movie theatre for all you film students. One thing to remember: Orange Wednesdays. Bring along
your student ID too, and you have pretty much reduced your ticket to 50% of its original price! P.S.: Don’t forget that with your student ID you also get a free McFlurry/Cheeseburger/ hamburger with your meal in McDonald’s. Set for something big? Then it’s time for London. Time to plunge into all the attractions everyone is talking about. Get to Hammersmith Tube Station with the 72 and the world is yours. Hint: the tube will take you anywhere. Go take your picture with, Big Ben and ride a double-decker and call someone from one of those red phone boxes. You deserve it. It’s worth it to do the cliché
things. London Dungeons, the London Eye, the Globe Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, Trafalgar Square… Fancy arts? Most museums have student discounts, too. Some of them, like the British Museum, will even let you go in for free. Quite a catch. I’m sure you’ve heard how green this city is. It’s not only our campus that hosts a whole generation of squirrels. Hyde Park is one
If there is one
thing I want to add: don't stay on campus all the time.
candy stands, tea stalls, beer gardens, rides and an ice rink too. Definitely gives you the spirit. Not to mention New Year’s Eve. The fireworks… Oh, those fireworks…!
(trust me, it took away all the fun from cooking!). But hey. I found a Chinese restaurant in Wimbledon where I had a three-course meal for 6 pounds. Now how is that for a deal? Feature by Vera Sugar
of the best things to do on a sunny Saturday. But if you don’t want to go that far, Richmond Park is just down the road with all its deers chewing the weeds. If you get the chance, stay a few days in December before you go off to holiday. Take a walk on Oxford street and see for yourself how amazing the Christmas lights are. Hyde Park hosts the Winter Wonderland with
If there is one thing I want to add: don’t stay on campus all the time. You will realise, especially if To be a feature writer for you’re living in halls, that Fresh Magazine, simply you get so comfortable on email campus you don’t even steve.molyneaux move anymore. Big mistake. We’re lucky enough to be in one of the world’s greatest cities. Why would you waste your time in your room? I’m not saying go out every single day. I understand that food at the Union is tasty and cheap 19
Life as a Fresher... Student Life was all a bit too much at first...
Presidential speech 3 years later!
Your SU President takes a look back at his very own ‘moving-in’ day... It was a sunny Sunday in 2009, also the day of the Manchester derby, a day in any circumstance; not to be forgotten. Alongside sharing this day with a popular football match, it also happened to be the London bike race, which added another 2 hours to our journey travelling from the south east of Essex. The family were in a state of excitement...probably because they were finally getting rid of me, but I was also looking forward to moving away and attempting to live without the luxuries of a family home....well sort of. We arrived late, as usual. Went into reception where we were greeted by flat reps and staff who guided us round to sort the paper work. I then met my flat rep, a smiley and cheery character, full of enthusiasm. She guided us to my halls where I learnt how to access the building and more importantly my room. We were then left to unpack, luckily enough the family stayed to help for that part. Unpacked and sorted, we headed back to the car to say goodbye. Mum did the typical mum thing and began to cry. It made everything just that much more difficult. But they finally set off back to Essex and left me on my own. So I found myself in some strange new place, no idea where I was, not sure how to get home and intensely sweating from unpacking; this was sure to make a great first impression
on the first few people I met, “that sweaty, smelly, lanky guy wearing a dodgey shirt, sporting a strange Brentwood sweep like haircut accompanied by a criminals accent”. Thankfully I got the complete wrong idea. I returned to the flat and met the rest of the freshers, all sitting in the kitchen looking like a bunch of mistreated animals, too scared to move or talk. And then we played the cringe ice breaker games to get us all settled, forced upon us by the forever smiling flat rep. Well in fact, they sort of worked, everyone got talking and it felt like we had knew each other for quite a long time. Finally it was time to head to the welcome BBQ and party at the social space. Alcohol happened to personally be my saviour in these situations; if it gave me confidence to dance like an idiot then surely it would allow me to talk. ...Well I didn’t even need it, everyone in the room shared the same problem and everyone went about fixing that the same way. Talking and making friends. Only one guy smashed out of his face in the room but it was a quality first night which led onto an even better week. 3 years later I have now graduated but have gained some unforgettable memories, friends for life and a priceless well as a degree. 21
We provide free, confidential and impartial advice to all students, we are here to guide you through and hopefully reach your goals.
head up the Programme Rep System What is a Programme Rep? A Programme Rep is an elected student from your academic programme. Their main job is During your time at University, you may to liaise and represent the views and require advice about academic issues. The Students’ Union is equipped to deal opinions of students on that course and with any Academic query if we don’t knowto feedback to members of staff and the Students’ Union. the answer we will know someone that We re-launched the Programme Rep does. system two years ago with some fantastic The Students’ Union is an independent service from Roehampton University which and enthusiastic reps getting involved, this year we aim to continue and get academic can advise and guide students through the University’s academic & disciplinary representation at the forefront of every programme. regulations. If you are considering an academic appeal Being a Programme Rep gives you the opportunity to contribute to how your against a decision of an Exam Board, course is developed and also represent or you wish to make a complaint the Students’ Union can explain the grounds your fellow students, ensuring that any issues they have with their course on which you are able to appeal or complain and the correct process to do so. are dealt with and that any changes We provide free, confidential and impartial or improvements to the course can be communicated back to the students. It advice to all students, we are here to looks awesome on your C.V. and gives guide you through and hopefully reach you a great experience in meeting skills, your goals. In my experience as an Academic Advisor public speaking and is also a great way to if you ever have a question or things are meet new people. Being a programme rep not going well for you, you need to speak will give you the opportunity to contribute to how your course is developed and up asap, any problem that is identified quickly can be solved much more easily also represent your fellow students, and we can implement the correct support. ensuring that any issues they have with their course are dealt with and that any I cannot stress enough to NEVER bury your head in the sand and assume things changes or improvements to the course can be communicated back to the will be alright. Come and speak to me in the Students’ Union, even if you have students. It looks awesome on your C.V. and gives you great experience in meeting a question which you think is stupid, skills, public speaking and also a great we have all been students too and are experienced in the world of Roehampton way to meet new people. so take full advantage of our knowledge!!! As well as offering academic advice I also
If you’re interested in becoming a rep, talk to your programme convener or drop Gemma Kelly, Our Academic Advisor and email on 23
Get an NUS Extra Card (Your Students’ Union can give you more info on this) a 16-25 Railcard a Young Persons Coachcard and an International Student Identity Card will all help reduce costs.
Sites such as www.studentbeans. com, , www. and www. are useful for discounts and deals.
Rather than buying sofas and so on in advance if you are not residing in halls. Sign up to for unwanted but usable goods. London is also full of quality charity shops and markets, so do some routing around whilst exploring the capital.
4 5
PARENTS Sort out what your teen needs for IT. Most universities provide the internet in rooms, but you need connection cables- and a computer and printer are essential.
Your teen will need the kitchen essentials, its worth buying good quality pans and knives – and don’t forget the essential sandwich toaster.
Discuss budgeting – how will their loan cover food, bills, clothes, entertainment? Teach them how to stretch a pound.
Your child may appear excited to spread their wings and get to University, but they may also be covering up feelings of self-doubt and insecurities. Remind them that the first few Ask your Parents to teach you how to cook, it will save money in the long run weeks might be hard as they adjust, but it will pass very quickly and everyone will be in the instead of living on convenience food, same boat. and it is also healthier too. If you feel you are getting into financial difficulty it is important to get help asap, don’t bury you head in the sand. If problems are identified early on they will be easier to fix. The University has numerous support systems to help you.
Many laptops now have built in webcams, so you can call for free using Skype and see you’re teen on screen.
Emphasise the importance of registering straight away with a GP. Roehampton has its own Medical Centre on site, make sure your child is aware of this a get them to register.
It may become apparent that the course they are taking is not for them; this may cause anxiety but reassure them that they are not the first to experience this and that advisors at the uni can help.
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