Things To do In London Christmas On A Budget
THANK YOU... We’d like to thank the following students and staff for their contribution to this edition of Fresh Magazine MAXINE TAYLOR LAURA GREENSLADE VERA SUGAR JAKE FLEMING IZZY STOCKS KATE GRIFFITHS KARINA BYRNE
If you would like to write or be a part of the Fresh Magazine team please contact steve.molyneaux@ 28-29: CORBY COMES TO TOWN
22-23: IZZY & KATE
32-33: BLOGS
Hi, I’m Holly. I am a first year Psychology and Counseling mature student, freelance journalist, musician and now co-editor of the lovely Fresh magazine. I also quite like rabbits and pasta (not on the same plate, of course). I live on that campus where all the weird people hang out (a.k.a. Whitelands) and I hope to bring a bit of that endearing oddity to Fresh magazine. In my short few weeks in Roehampton, I have realised that there is a lot of undercover, creative talent lurking in the dark corners of the uni bars, cafes, halls, greenery etc. that needs to be liberated and given the exposure and praise it deserves. I’d love Fresh to be the platform for this talent, so get your cameras, notebooks, guitars, get your paint out and get creative. Roehampton – your uni needs you…. Hey everybody, I’m Emma, and I am a third year English Literature student at Roehampton. I am delighted to be working with Holly as one of the coeditors for Fresh Magazine, along with the team of skilled writers we have on board with us. To tell you a little bit about myself, my ‘enthusiasms’ in life are literature and music. In my spare time I play the ‘cello and write for various online blogs. I have found working on Fresh to be a challenging, fun and rewarding experience. In case you didn’t know already, Roehampton is one of the very few universities that offer sole control of its student magazine to its students. It is amazing that Fresh Magazine belongs to us all, and I believe that, as time progresses, it will develop into an extremely interesting and engaging read. We intend to provide content that is written by students, for students!
Holly & Emma Editors 3
t e e m the team NEWS
I am Jo Spencer, aged 21 and the News Writer for Fresh Magazine. I’m currently a third year combined, Drama and Media student. Fresh is a great way to get to know the university and the people in it. It’s a long-term career goal to work in the media industry, so where better to start getting experience than at university. If you have big news, Fresh wants to know about it! Jo.
FASHION Hey fashionistas and fashionisters of Roey! We are Izzy, Kate and Grace and we will be contributing to the revamp of Fresh with an unmissable dose of style! With a fab four pages to fill, we will be sharing with you our love for customizing and everything vintage, how to follow catwalk trends on a budget, while also updating you on any mustattend fashion events! We are also super-excited for our new double-spread feature: Fresh Style Spotted. We will be on the look-out for the funkiest outfits around campus so girls and boys, dress to impress and you could appear in the magazine! Follow us on Twitter @FreshFashionRoe for the latest fashion gossip and to see what we're coveting for our wardrobes. We would love to see what you're wearing and we will retweet our fave outfits- we promise! Much love, Izzy, Kate and Grace.
Hey there, this edition introduces the new student-led Fresh magazine. As a team, we hope to bring to you articles on the ‘outside world’ as well as things that relate to Roehampton life. This month, we are responsible for bringing you features covering everything from hipsters, to flash mobs and the cheapest activities at Christmas. This year we want everybody to be involved so please get in contact if you have a good idea for a feature story, we’d love to hear from you. The difference between features and other articles is that they have a personal touch. Each feature will be unique much like the individual who writes it. We, as a team, all love the freedom of writing about experiences in our own voices. We hope to get you all involved as much as possible, so please follow the magazine on twitter @FreshRSU for updates, competitions and opinions. Laura, Maxine and Vera.
FILM Hi there film lovers! So I am the writer for the FILM pillar of Fresh! I will be bringing you all sorts of information, from movie previews and reviews, to film events, premiers and DVD/ blu ray releases to add to your collections. I am looking for participation from you guys as well, this whole pillar won’t write itself, and if you think there is something you would like to write about, do not hesitate to contact me. Now welcome to the newly revamped film page, brought to you by a film lover. Diana.
MUSIC Hi everyone, we are Hasan and Karina, and we will be writing the music pillar for Fresh magazine together. Hasan’s favourite genres of music include pop, R&B, female rap and Japanese/ Korean pop, with his favourite artists being Madonna, BoA and Brown Eyed Girls. Karina has a love for music, and a particular zest for discovering the latest tunes. She loves checking out the underground/alternative scene and promises to bring all her great finds to the ears of all you lovely Roehampton students. We are going to reveal just one phenomenal aspect of our vibrant city via the medium of music all around London. We look forward to introducing everyone to "fresh" music to listen to! Keep reading, people, Fresh is a changed magazine!
SPORT Hi, I’m Jake and I’ll be running the Sports section in Fresh Magazine. I’m a third-year English Language and Philosophy student. I’ve always enjoyed writing about sport, and wrote a lot for the old Fresh Newspaper up until that was retired. My main sporting interests are football and Formula One, but I will strive to include a good variety of sporting news in Fresh Magazine. This will hopefully include all the latest sporting news from around campus and in Roehampton’s fantastic societies, as well as an article or two on the more global side of sport. If you wish to contribute to the sports section, feel free to send me any news or articles you have. Jake. 5
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How to sell happiness Student life getting you down? Don’t know what to do with that annoying 50p that just keeps rattling around in that idiotically tiny pocket in your Levis? Well, Maxine Taylor has the answer for you: read how you can now BUY HAPPINESS, (and for the bargain price of 50 British pennies*) …*subject to availability. It was certainly not an all-singing and alldancing performance, but the charisma of the man selling happiness certainly succeeded with me. Aesthetically pleasing, some may say, but I’m not sure what I liked the most. Perhaps the alien stickers on his acoustic guitar or the sunflowers along his shabby guitar strap. Possibly his blue waistcoat with yellow leg warmers and Burberry beret-combo synched the deal for me. Whatever it was, the busker who boarded the westbound northern line tube at Angel station made me smile from the second he squeezed himself between the rush hour passengers. He politely announced to the young lady and gentlemen next to him that he was going to play a song – nice of him, considering the close proximity and lack of personal space that rush-hourpassengers are made to endure everyday! He then began to play, strumming out a relatively enjoyable and upbeat ditty. Effectively, it was about himself and how he was not a tramp, drunk, big issue seller nor has he signed on. Naturally this musical interlude grabbed the attention of everyone in the carriage, the passengers put down their papers, kindles and smartphones, and looked up – which was exciting to see, as not once in London have I witnessed rush hour passengers take time to notice one another for any reason.
The second verse of the busker’s song was intriguing for everyone. The busker sang about how one day he had decided his career plan was quite simply to sell happiness - for the bargain price of 50p. “I could play until I burst”, he said, successfully coaxing smiles and polite conversation among the passengers. The real shock for me was the response from the passengers; well, the audience for all intents and purposes. A suited and booted London lawyer-type of a golden age, shall we say, jiggled his pocket full of change and caught the attention of our in-flight entertainment. “Hey chap, do you know ‘Hey Sheila”? He requested. “Oh I love that one, but ya know I just can’t play it” the busker exclaimed. Then another request ... Promptly followed by: “Oh what a classic”Another request… “Oh yes I learnt to play that once.” The busker stated proudly. Here came my smile, when it became apparent that he only knew his own song and the one riff that was associated with it. Everyone was laughing about the scenario playing out before them; even better: people were paying for it! Sadly, Kings Cross rolled up and here I had to depart, but I certainly took my smile with me as this mysterious man certainly succeeded in selling me happiness with his amusing repertoire. My journey home on a jam-packed rushhour tube has never before been graced with such entertainment for the simple price of 50p. As I clambered up the station steps I realised that I forgot to pay my 50p; effectively, I stole my happiness. But next time I will definitely oblige. Oh, my love for London. 7
Movember Madness Students and staff raise over £1,000 November is dedicated to the men’s charity: Movember (see what they did there?). It started in 2003 in Australia as a bet between friends to bring back the moustache and it has now become a global phenomenon.
This year, Jonathan Carter—Campaigns Intern—has gotten University of Roehampton involved with a 25-man-strong team. The team of students and staff let their facial hair grow all November long to raise money and awareness of prostate and testicular cancer, which affects 40,000 men a year in the UK. The fundraising for Movember has been endless with a pop-up barbers shop, a bake sale with Movember-themed cupcakes, film nights and much more. Michael Benson - Social Secretary of Digby Stuart College - tells Fresh Magazine, ‘I decided to get involved with Movember as I know it’s a good cause. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with testicular cancer a few years ago, he’s made a full recovery and I’ll do anything I can to help that story be repeated across the world. Plus, it’s a good laugh, requiring not much more than looking stupid (and a little bit creepy) for the month!’ Baz Barrett—Student Life Development Officer—says, ‘I was on the tube and sat opposite me was a man with a moustache. No words were exchanged, not even a handshake. We looked at each other, nodded and smiled. From that point on, I knew we were Mo bros. It was beautiful. I hope the success of team mo-hampton this year has made the men (and women) of Roehampton think, “I want to be part of that team, I want to be like those guys”, and next year we won’t be raising hundreds…but instead, thousands of pounds to Movember.”
On 21st November, students and staff of the University of Roehampton took part in the march through central London organised by NUS (National Union of Students). The protest was held to raise awareness on education and the rise in youth unemployment.
are questioning whether to go to university or not. EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) was scrapped last year making it harder for 16 year-olds to have good education opportunities. Similarly, as the economic downturn hit and as the UK government focuses on other reforms, there Since September 2012, has been a rise in youth maximum tuition fees rose unemployment. Check the from £3,000 to nearly £9,000 SU Video for more on this at a year in English universities and more potential students
Things To do In London
Christmas On A Budget
It’s cold, it’s rainy and campus is a washout. With essay deadlines looming over our heads, what better way is there to motivate us than the thought of Christmas? What a wonderful time of the year, and it is the season to be jolly after all. Is it too much, should I stop yet? If you, like me, need a break from essays and can’t wait for the holiday season - then here are my top Christmas activities to do in London on a student budget.
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland is one of my favourite places to visit at Christmas time, not only for the amazing food (okay, completely for the amazing food) but also for the great atmosphere. Hyde Park drops this little slice of Christmas heaven right into the middle of central London every year, and it keeps growing in popularity. Entry to the Winter Wonderland is free, and there are lots of attractions and activities that you can take part in if you want to. These range from seeing Santa to ice-skating, an observational wheel, a magical ice kingdom and Zippo’s circus. You can make this festive adventure as expensive or as cheap as you like. From 23rd November, the gates to Winter Wonderland open and they don’t close until the 6th of January. If you’re looking for something close to home, then the University of Roehampton are also holding a Winter Wonderland on Digby Campus on 12th December.
Camden Lock Night Market
During the run up to Christmas, Camden Lock offers a night time market with edgy festivities for an alternative Christmas experience. You can expect the usual shops, bars, restaurants and clubs, quirky stalls with busking and street art. So if you are looking for some different and unique Christmas presents, then this is the place to shop.
Central London Lights
If you have not yet been into the centre of the city and seen the amazing Christmas light displays, then you really should. All of the themes are creative and fun - topping the previous years by a long way. London’s Oxford Street has a mouth-watering Marmite display, and love it or hate it you’ll find it hard to resist these lights. Regent Street, this year, has changed from its usual nets of fairy lights that hang across the street - and instead the mile long parade celebrates the twelve days of Christmas. Meanwhile, Carnaby Street has stuck to its rock ‘n’ roll roots with a theme that celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the Rolling Stones.
Southbank Xmas Market
At any time of year, London’s Southbank is a great place to go wandering if you are looking for street art, busking or random entertainment. At Christmas, they introduce the Christmas Market. The Christmas Market holds a variety of stalls in German style huts selling gifts, decorations and food. The Southbank Centre Square also is holds a special event for Chocolate lovers, and during 7th-9Th December there is a Chocolate Festival. The event provides an opportunity to take part in tasting sessions, and I can assure you that I’ll be right at the front volunteering myself for this.
The Santa Run
The Santa Run is the ultimate Christmas charity event. Taking place all over the UK and around London, thousands of runners will enter to raise money for Snowsport UK - a charity that raises money to help people with disabilities enjoy snow sports. While it does cost to enter, it is completely free to go down to any of the locations and support the runners. I guarantee that watching hundreds of happy Santas running past will brighten your mood, as well as making you appreciate everyone’s charitable Christmas spirit. Santa runs that are local to the University include both Richmond and Battersea parks, and London Greenwich.
Musical Festivities
If music is more of your thing, then you’ll be glad to know that it is the season of singing. From 11th - 22nd December, Trafalgar Square will be hosting a series of Christmas Carol services. Nothing sounds more festive than hearing Christmas carols, and it’s so much better to go and visit them yourself than have them knocking on your door interrupting your viewing time of X Factor. A variety of choirs will be participating, and each one will be performing different songs and styles, so make sure your get down there and check it out. Alternatively, the Museum of London Docklands is hosting the London Gay Men’s Chorus for an evening filled with incredible vocal talent, lots of festive atmosphere and a late bar, with a free guided tour of the museum
So take a break from essays, put your ugliest Christmas jumper on and go exploring. After all, it is Christmas! BY LAURA GREENSLADE 11
Alexandra Matthews is a second year Sports Psychology student at the University of Roehampton, who also happens to be an internationally capped rugby star for the England Women’s national team. The nineteen year old, who has played four games for England, has also been picked as part of the team that will compete against New Zealand in three different matches. This includes a fixture at Twickenham on December 1st. At club level, Alex plays in the back row for local side Richmond. The club has an excellent history for producing England internationals (including some of Alex’s teammate, including Alice Richardson and Rowena Burnfield) and currently sits second place in the Women’s Premiership.
Alex picked the University of Roehampton for its specialist Sports Psychology course. The University’s close proximity to Twickenham, where Alex has her fitness sessions with the team, made it an ideal location for her. Studying at Roehampton ensures that Alex has the time to train twice a day, and the University cooperates by allowing her time off for both training camps and overseas matches. Last year, Alex won her first
international call-up for a test match against France in Châteaurenard. Her career got off to a fantastic start, as Alex scored a try within the first four minutes of the game. It was a surprise to her that she had even been selected in the line-up, with her family boarding a last minute plane to catch the action - when hearing Alex was expected to start. Following the game, Alex commented: “Being selected was a big surprise because the Wednesday game was just a development squad match so none of us expected the call to play Saturday. To score a try four minutes into my debut was just a dream. I couldn’t believe what was happening. The history in being only the third French crowd were a bit rowdy set of sisters to appear for the but the occasion was something I England rugby team. will never forget”. Alex’s glowing rugby career After this, she played the full has already taken her to some eighty minutes in England’s amazing places, as she travelled hard fought 21-7 victory over to Dubai in 2006 for a Sevens the world champions from New tournament with her ex-club Zealand, and has since received Surrey, and to California last an additional two full international year with the England Under-20s caps. Alex was also handed her team. She was named Surrey’s England Sevens debut in October Sportswoman of the Year in 2010, this year, which also began w and London Irish’s Club Person of w ell. She once again marked the Year in 2011. She attributes her debut by scoring a try, as her inspiration to play rugby to England recorded a 42-0 win over her parents, and especially her Germany. sister. After winning her first cap for England, she said: “I’ve With the upcoming test series, watched my sister achieve Alex will be hoping to establish amazing things with England and her place in the England team always wanted to be a part of it. despite her relatively young age. I didn’t expect to get that chance Her older sister Fran Matthews at eighteen though. Playing with has been capped twenty times for Fran is the dream of everyone the team, but the two have never in the family”. She cites her played together internationally. If favourite rugby player as Kiwihead coach Gary Street chose to hero Jonah Lomu, and names play them both, they would make Twickenham as her favourite
rugby stadium. With the Women’s Rugby World Cup set to take place in 2014, Alex has plenty of time to impress her coaches and secure her place in the squad. England automatically qualifies, based on their second place finish in the 2010 tournament, but they haven’t won the World Cup since 1994. Alex will hope not only to be a part of the England team, but a part of a team that brings home the trophy. We wish Alex the best of luck with her England career and her Sports Psychology c cc ourse, and that she will someday fulfil her dream to play internationally alongside her sister.
by Jake Flemming 13
SPORT Diving is a part of football we all love to moan about. Despite its prevalence in the game today, fans are becoming more and more frustrated by the unashamed and unpunished cheating. Much discussion has taken place in recent weeks, concerning what could be done to combat simulation, but no moves have been made by FIFA or the FA on this matter. At the moment, the rules stipulate that a player should receive a yellow card for falling to the ground too easily. This is good in theory, but in practise, it is a chaotic system. Spotting when a player is falling and when a player is genuinely tripped is an extraordinarily difficult t t ask for a referee, given the high-paced nature of the game. Every weekend there are more incidents in which divers get rewarded for their efforts, and we of course had the notorious sendingoff of Fernando Torres against Manchester United for diving when he was clearly tripped.
unashamed and unpunished cheating.
This leaves football with a problem. Diving is gamesmanship that offers a great reward at a very low risk. A new system is needed if football is to deal with the problem effectively. One of the ways in which people believe diving could be eradicated is by introducing retrospective punishments for any incidents of simulation. The idea is that if a panel were to go over the highlights of games and hand out fines, or suspensions for cases of diving, the problem would go away very quickly. I agree that this would be a solution that would work well. In fact, it’s so mind-blowingly perfect that you strain to wonder why such a scheme isn’t being implemented already. Unfortunately, I think there are two reasons that explain why this isn’t happening, and why this isn’t going to happen. A lot of fans believe a system that eliminates diving would just be an arbitrary and unnecessary change to football.
But the other, and perhaps more worrying reason, is that FIFA just don’t do progress. Football hasn’t made any significant modifications in the past decade, despite growing calls for changes on a number of different issues in the game. Unfortunately, Sepp Blatter and company are extremely staunch when it comes to altering the sport. Furthermore, with the controversial choices of the next two World Cup hosts, it must be questioned if FIFA are really interested in the concerns of the fans, or if they are more interested in what will make the most money.
If there is a glimmer of hope that FIFA might be pushed to solve the diving issue, it lies with goal-line technology. Having been pressured for years and years, with more and more terrible referee decisions accumulating, FIFA finally cracked and agreed to introduce goal-line technology for the second half of this season. If this is a success, perhaps FIFA will learn to progress.
by jake Flemming
" 15
Here’s a question for you: what’s the most
to the American writer, Norman Mailer, it
popular trend that no one follows? That’s
means to „divorce oneself from society,
right, being a hipster. One of my best friends
to exist without roots, to set out on that
wears skinny jeans and a leather jacket and
uncharted journey into the rebellious
uses half a bottle of hairspray every day. He
imperatives of the self.”
listens to bands that no one has ever heard of and complains when we say so, and he still won’t accept it when we call him a hipster. Funny, isn’t it?
So who do we call a hipster today? You see them everywhere. On campus, off campus, at Topshop, at book stores, very commonly at vinyl record shops (because
But who and what are hipsters anyways? The
nothing is cooler than having your own
trend itself emerged in the 1920s, during the
record player). Look for clothes that look
jazz age. Naturally, back then, it was a little
like they’ve been dug out from their
different from what we know. Some think
grandmother’s closet, but still somehow
the word originates from the West African
fall perfectly on a body with „less than
word ’hipi’, which means to open one’s eyes,
2% bodyfat” (says wikiHow on how to be
and others say it’s the slang word for opium:
a hipster). Clothes and accessories from
’hop’. It isn’t much of a surprise that the most
charity and vintage shops, oversized
famous beat poets from the 1950s, like Allen
coats and knee-high socks, topped
Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac were the first
with a facial expression that looks like
poets to talk about, maybe even experiment
they just don’t care. All this has to fall
with the hipster trend and who helped to
perfectly into the image of I-just-threw-
develop a literary scene around it. This was
the push to spread the trend all over the
If you have all this, you might find the
USA. This was also the time that the trend
look finished off by Ray Ban glasses or
received its first definition too. According
sunglasses, a headband or a structured hat. The most common age of the trend’s
followers is between seventeen and thirty: rebellious and questioning. I guess we could say that people think „hipster-style” are people with a prolonged adolescence. I have listed the basics, but defining what a hipster really is or looks like is harder than you think. If you speak to them, you will most likely know by now. Do they name bands you’ve never heard of? Do they love to read the big classics? Do they go as far
the trend. Take for example the blog Look At This F-ing Hipster or the online comic site, Hipster Comics (follow the adventures of hipsters battling dinosaurs, aliens, vampires or robots!). Real hipsters are thus no longer called hipsters. They have started calling themselves something different before it became too mainstream.
as using made up or complicated words?
The flaw I see in today’s hipster
Ladies and gentlemen, we have stumbled
generation is unoriginality. Naturally, I
upon a classic hipster.
guess I’m not the only one who can
But there is a fatal flaw in the trend. If they became „mainstream” and so popular here in London as well, doesn’t it mean that they think they differ from everybody by looking like everybody else? Now that’s something to think about. Today it is not very common to meet hipsters who actually admit being hipsters. In our day and age, it has become more fashionable to make fun of hipsters than to actually be one of them. Hipsters make fun of hipsters the most. People dress like them, eat like them, act like them and accustom their taste in anything but the label. You may have heard of or seen pages and blogs that are created to mock
admire someone dressed in vintage clothes looking like he or she just stepped off the catwalk. The problem with the recently rediscovered style is that its followers add nothing new to our society. They all cherish the values of times long gone: the genius of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the music of Bob Dylan, just like anyone of us. But if we stick with them, we will never advance with our culture. What are future generations of hipsters going to admire once this one is gone? We need to leave our own mark. So hipsters assemble! The Times They Are a-Changin’. 17
Jodie Jones, 21, Primary Education Wearing: Topshop coat, Next Jumper (her mum’s!), H&M shirt, Topshop bag, Vans shoes. We say: A fabulous fur coat is a fashion-lover’s must-have for the chilly months. We love the way Jodie has contrasted the potential glamour of her coat with a pair of Vans for a laidback vibe. She has also ticked off one of our favourite winter trends with the dainty collar on her shirt.
CHARLOTTE Charlotte Taverner, 20, Creative Writing Wearing: Accessorize headscarf as a neckerchief, Vero Moda jumper, Warehouse blouse, River Island skirt, Primark tights, Coolway boots, TK Maxx bag. We say: Burberry made woodland creatures one of the hottest trends of this season, and we love Charlotte’s fox-print jumper! Mixing and matching prints (Miu Miu style), brings an outfit bang up to date. Wearing a headscarf as a neckerchief is a quirky-cute way to accessorize, and it’s a great money-saving tip!
Cara Milton, 19, Early Childhood Studies Wearing: Johnstons Scarf, H&M jacket, ASOS skirt, Vero Moda shirt, Primark boots. We say: Plaids and tartans made a huge impact on the fall runways, with lumberjack and Scottish inspired colours taking centre stage at Michael Kors and J. W Anderson. Cara incorporates the trend into an everyday look with a simple scarf. We love that she's added a rock 'n' roll edge to her outfit with her leather jacket and the tiny gold studs on her shirt collar.
Here at Roehampton you’re a stylish lot! From fake fur to jazzy jumpers, Roehamptonians know how to dress. We’ve been out and about papping our favourite looks and asking these lovely students where they get their fashionable outfits from. So, if you see a couple of blonde girls running after you, please don’t be alarmed! It’s probably because we’re loving your style and want you to feature in Fresh Magazine. So dress to impress Roehampton, and maybe next time it’ll be your face on these pages.
Connor Tuck, 18, History Wearing: Fred Perry parka jacket, Fred Perry rucksack, Cheap Monday jeans- all from Urban Outfitters, Clarks Originals Desert boots. We say: The parka is the outerwear piece of the season, featuring at Calvin Klein’s and Acne’s Fall '12 catwalks. The parka is effortlessly cool as well as practical, making it any sartorialist's essential. Connor combines his modish jacket with a hip backpack. The rucksack has had a revival this year and so while it's handy for all those library books, it is also an accessory to get you noticed!
DAN Dan Mordente, 20, English Literature and Philosophy Wearing: Vintage Levi’s denim jacket from Camden, River Island jeans, Topman hoody, Blue Inc boots and tee, River Island bag, Camden belt. We say: Denim with shearling featured amongst an array of reworked denim at Canadian brand DSquared2’s menswear, catwalk show. Dan nails another trend with his choice of t-shirt- burgundy has been hailed the new black. His coordinated accessories make for a polished look and we totally fell in love with his vintage-feel satchel!
James Macdonald, 20, Human Rights and Sociology Wearing: Thursday band t-shirt, H&M jeans, River Island hoody, Burton jacket, Converse hi-tops, Vans rucksack. Band tees and Converse are timeless staples in any music enthusiast’s wardrobe. Guitarist James rocks the rejuvenated 90’s grunge look. Think distressed jeans, worn hi-tops, oversized plaid and that essential band top. A young Johnny Depp is your style icon here! Girls, you too can ooze the ‘I can look cool without trying’ attitude: team a vintage tee with cutoff or acid-wash denim.
@FreshFashionRoe 21
CHRISTMAS CRAFT CORNER What would a Christmas party be without a novelty festive jumper or two? Well, quite frankly, it wouldn’t be worth going to and that’s why this year our office Christmas Party has a mandatory Christmas Jumper theme. It would be very easy for me to go out and buy the required jumper, but I thought I’d do something creative and have a go at making my own.
The first thing I did was to cut out 5 squares, 3 in the holly pattern and 2 in the striped fabric. I then took the gold ribbon and put a cross on each of the boxes to make them look like presents. The look was completed with a bow on each and I was ready to start the tedious task of sewing them onto the jumper. Top tip - always allow more time than you think for this, it may just be me being a perfectionist, but it took FOREVER!! (pics 2&3)
I like to think I’m quite skilled with a needle, but I have limits and actually knitting an entire jumper is abit beyond my capabilities (at the moment!) so I headed to Primark to pick myself up something cheap and cheerful that would act as my blank canvas to decorate as I wish. I opted for a £6 cream number as I thought this would go with any colour fabric I choose. I then hot-footed it to fabric land in Kingston which is like a treasure trove of fabrics and sequins and all things sparkly. I could have spent a fortune in there but managed to reign myself in and picked out some festive holly print fabric, along with some stripy material in complimentary colours to keep it chic. Gold ribbon completed my search and I was ready to start sewing. (pic 1)
And there you have it, one festive jumper ready to be unveiled at the Office Christmas Party. I am comforted by the knowledge that nobody else will be wearing the same thing as me and I’ve turned something that could potentially be a fashion disaster (Mark Darcy in Bridget Jones anyone??!) into something chic and wearable. I will be tucking mine into a high waisted leather pencil skirt, popping on the heels and applying a coat of red lippy to complete the look. It is Christmas after all! (Pic 4) Merry Christams and a Creative New Year! xXx
As a girl who is bijoux-obsessed, I absolutely adore ear cuffs right now. Featuring in Jason Wu and Rodarte’s Spring 2013 shows, the cuff has totally outdone the classic chandelier earring. Although Jason Wu gave us demure, little cuffs, Rodarte’s version was much edgier, showcasing pewter dragons that twist from the earlobe to the tip. What I love about this accessory is that it breaks the boundaries of the traditional stud earringvoluminous proportions are achievable with the cuff and no new piercings are required! Sienna Miller, Mary-Kate Olsen and Cara Delevingne are all fans of the ear adornment with Cara pictured here (1) wearing a beautiful, oversized sparkler. Whether you go for ornate and delicate, or a dramatic dash of glamour, the cuff will transform an up-do and LBD. As well as the usual shopping hotspots like Topshop and ASOS (see picture 2 for their gorgeous Double Jewelled Ear Cuffs, at just £8!), check out funky jewellery sites Rings and Tings or Chelses Doll to invest in next season’s hottest jewellery trend. The statement necklace is another way to update an old party piece, being Olivia Palermo’s trademark. (3) Here she adds a luxe gold necklace to her leather dress, demonstrating how to perfectly punctuate a simple frock. I recently picked up this jewelled beauty (4) in Primark for an incredible £6! It will complete my New Year’s Eve outfit and is versatile enough to wear over cute knits and blouses after the big night. If you’re set on buying items for your wardrobe that reflect next season’s trends, then opt for a flowerembellished necklace like the ones seen on Oscar De La Renta’s and Gucci’s Spring/Summer ’13 runways.
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Festive greetings Fresh Fashionistas! Now, I don’t know about you, but every year I start to panic over what I am going to wear on New Year’s Eve. This year I’m thinking: do I really need to splash out on a glitzy new dress that will then sit in my wardrobe until the next special occasion?! This year, I’m all for recycling an old dress and adding that essential bit of shimmer with a fabulous new accessory.
Happy partying! Izzy xx check out my blog at: 23
Last week, Twilight fans across the globe swarmed to the cinemas in their thousands to watch the highly anticipated final instalment of The Twilight Saga. Breaking Dawn Part 2 starts where the previous movie left off, with Bella fully transformed into a newborn vampire. In the first ten minutes, she has sped through the forest at superhuman speed, thrown herself off a mountain and opted for lion over deer as her first meal. It all seems a little rushed over; perhaps the producers were a little over excited to get to the main action, and it’s understandable why. The climax of the movie is what every Twilighter out there has been waiting for; it seems the visual effects department finally has a budget. Even the acting seems to have improved, (slightly). Robert Pattinson smoulders, Taylor Lautner is delightfully entertaining and Kristen Stewart even cracks the odd smile. Breaking Dawn Part 2 brings Stephanie Meyer’s creation to an epic conclusion, much to the delight and pleasure of the loving twi-hards who have followed the romance of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen since the first book was published in 2005. Make sure to pack the tissues, the ending is sure to have you quietly sobbing behind your popcorn. But is it really the end? If rumours are to be believed, a spin-off has worked its way into the pipeline. Perhaps the story is not over yet after all. The Twilight Saga lives on! Sorry about that...
Great Expectations… great book, great film? 30/11/2012
Yet another adaptation of the Classic novel is being released to the public. This time, Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes take the roles of Miss Havisham and Magwitch respectively. Mike Newell seems to have really picked up on the dark aspects of Dickens’s tale and the trailer is filled with ominous music and sombre settings. It is a beautiful piece about love, seduction and high society and I am thrilled to see the newly revamped book on screen, with such successful names taking on the roles. If Fiennes’ and Carter’s performances in Harry Potter are anything to go by, then we are in for a treat with the adored characters being brought to life by such renowned performers. I hope that this adaptation does not flop, like many other re-envisioning’s of novels have, as I am looking forward to seeing it. Given the magnificence of the trailer, I will risk rating it four stars hoping that it will live up to my Great Expectations.
PREVIEW: BY DIANA LAVA THE HOBBIT 13/12/12 It is finally here! The most anticipated film of the year, the prequel to one of the most beloved sagas in the world; The Hobbit hits screens worldwide this Christmas. After Lord of The Rings, Peter Jackson brings back to life some of the most epic characters ever to be seen on screens, and takes audiences worldwide back into the fantastical world of Middle-earth. I am dying of excitement to watch the film. If the previous saga and the trailer are anything to go by, then there is no doubt that the creative prowess of Jackson will not disappoint. I, like many others, am looking forward to re-meeting Gandalf and Bilbo. Seeing the characters in a new light and linking all the stories to the LOTR story line. It is bound to be the biggest success on screen this Christmas, and hopefully beat box-office records. I already have plans to go watch it with a dear friend, so make plans yourself, because I assure you, you will not want to miss out on watching what promises to be a huge success!
This year’s Christmas animation film is out, with actors such as Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher and Hugh Jackman voicing some of the most cherished childhood characters, and it seems absolutely riveting! Personally, I love it when they change the story lines of fantasy characters that have been known and loved for so long. William Joyce and David Lindsay-Abaires’ writing brings to life new aspects to the personas and definitely revives the stories to children all around the world. Now is the time to be excited about fantasy stories again, as Santa seems to have tattoos and Jack Frost is number one in his naughty list! I cannot wait to see my childhood dream characters revived in this fantastic adventure. Let’s hope the story line is new and cool, just like Frost. 25
THE 2012 REVIEW 2012 has been yet another fabulous year for music, so here is Hasan Beyaz’s list of some of the year's must-have pop, rap and R&B music from markets across the globe.
Flashback - After School
Ghost Street - SingerSen
Genre: K-Pop
Genre: Pop
Standout Track: Flashback
Standout Track: Shadows
One of Korea’s most consistent girl groups made a sensational comeback with their complex choreography.
Incredible EP from the criminally underrated Chinese Bjork.
1991 - Azealia Banks Genre: Rap Standout Track: 1991 The debut EP from this mouthy Harlem rapper showcases one of the most promising female rappers since the days of Lil’ Kim, Foxy Brown and Missy Elliott. Super Ultra - Charli XCX Genre: Pop Standout Track: Velvet Dreaming One of Britain’s freshest talents illustrated her unique vocals and lyrical style yet again.
Armor On - Dawn Richard Genre: R&B Standout Track: Automatic Richard infused dance and R&B in a way not done before, showing Richard as a force to be reckoned with.
MDNA - Madonna Genre: Pop Standout Track: Falling Free
90’s Gold - Honey Cocaine
The pop legend failed to make an impression with her odes to partying hard, yet beneath these songs lie some of the queen’s most personal and truthful tracks to date.
Genre: Rap Standout Track: T.O. Gold (Freestyle) A fantastic mix tape full of Honey’s signature, quirky lyrics and lively adlibs.
Muse - Jolin Tsai Genre: M-Pop Standout Track: Fantasy The Mandopop queen successfully jumped on the electro bandwagon, putting her own spin on this overused sound.
Born to Die - Lana Del Rey Genre: Alternative Standout Track: National Anthem Electric Shock - f(x) Genre: K-Pop
The depressive diva won the hearts of millions with her sorrowful album.
Standout Track: Electric Shock Full of experimental instrumentals, Electric Shock is a stellar release that cements f(x) as one of Korea’s finest idol groups.
Believe - Justin Bieber Genre: Pop Standout Track: All Around the World A much more sophisticated effort from the teen-pop king. 27
Corby comes TO TOWN Delicate melodies and rugged good looks are a couple of swaying factors which add to the likeability of young Matt Corby. Aged just 22 he’s managed to mark this winter’s UK tour with a big fat SOLD OUT…but he is far from a sell-out! His songs demonstrate courage and a young artist willing to throw the conventions of mainstream song writing to the wind. It’s easy to understand why he was a finalist on Australian Idol 2007 and now he’s back with more to offer the music industry than before (and most other upcoming artists).With notjust-your-average vocals, guitar and piano buckled onto his instrumental belt, he’s now signed to communion records (co-founded by Ben Lovett from Mumford and Sons) and it’s perfectly acceptable to say that Matt is a musician on the rise. Although us Londoners have just missed his ‘Scala’ gig on 21ST November, I’m certain there’ll be plenty more chance after he’s done entertaining the rest of Europe this season!
Have you ever heard of the ‘Secret Garden Tour’? Imagine picnic blankets, cuddles on the grass and fairy lights and you’ll have a pretty accurate vision of what it is. Back in the days when Matt wasn’t really known beyond Australia he made an exciting decision, alongside his band mates, to organise a mini-tour by car. Hundreds of fans gathered together around warmth bearing camp fires in Gardens across Australia, with people struggling to get tickets due to the immense popularity of the shows. Funded mostly by the $20 entry cost paid by fans, Matt and his team were able to travel between suburban yards playing music and warming peoples’ hearts with his soulful grumble. Matt and his team know the meaning of perseverance, oftentimes they
would only manage to cram in 4 or 5 hours sleep before having to jump back in the wagon and ride on in the direction of the next bunch of loyal fans. It wasn’t all blood, sweat and barely any sleep though. The video diaries on YouTube demonstrate exactly how much enjoyment came from the tour; it’s really quite remarkable to see a true musician, through and through, loving the act of performance and sharing his words of wisdom with an entirely new generation of music lovers.
‘Brother’, his track released in 2011, is a stunning gateway song; it’s the type that leaves his global fan base wanting more and more…oh and more. The song shouts legendary, it’s anthem-esque yet soothing to the ears. Although this may not sound possible, he’s made it so. The opening is only comparable to a young wolf crying out to his mother in the woods; it goes without saying that it takes phenomenal vocal ability to be able to execute this sound with the level of excellence that he does. Matt sure delivered with originals like ‘Souls A ‘fire’, ‘Light Home’ and the truly beautiful piano based ‘Made of Stone’.
Do yourself a favour and check out his songs, you won’t regret it. If you’re in luck you could manage to snag a couple of tickets to one of his live gigs before they’re all gone, I’d hurry up though!
Karina Byrne FACEBOOK
[Wa r n i n g: t h i s a rt i c le c o n ta i n s c r az edda n c e-ty p es, s ec r ecy a n d M i c h a el Jac ks o n fa n s]
FLASHMOB FEVER BY MAXINE TAYLOR A casual Thursday at The Union saw students at Roehampton blown away by the talented band Electric Feel, whose covers featured Neyo’s ‘Closer’, Maroon 5 favourite ‘Moves like Jagger’ and Emeli Sande’s ‘Next to me’. Although the band received a warm reception and got the audience going, the highlight of the evening was, in fact, the flash mob moment that nobody saw coming. Dressed to impress; zombies, pumpkins and deranged dolls stepped out of the crowds
and into character as the band started up the iconic Michael Jackson Thriller. The dancers of Third Row Dance Company busted out the much-loved moves brilliantly and took everyone by surprise.
One onlooker referred to the moment as ‘thoroughly exciting’ and another stated that: “I have never seen a flash mob before but thought it was brilliant, I felt so confused at first but then the penny drops and it’s just exciting”. Kayleigh Prescott, Third Row’s Artistic Director, described the moment in an interview with Fresh: “It was fantastic to see that the people around us were genuinely pleasantly surprised at what was going on”.
The Halloween event was the first fundraiser of the year for Third Row Dance Company, which has been running intermittently for the past 6 years. This year, Third Row consists of 12 dancers and 3 co-directors; all third year students within the Dance degree programme at Roehampton. When asked how often Third Row does flash mobs, Miss Prescott stated: “I don’t think flash mobs are something that should be done a lot. I suppose if people suspect that you’re going to do a flash mob it ruins the element of surprise”. Flash mobs were originally designed as a social experiment; the first one took place in 2003 at a Macy’s Department store in 30
New York City. Following this, flash mob mania went worldwide and the videos went viral on YouTube and other social media sites. My particular favourites include the inmates from Cebu, Philippines at a maximumsecurity penitentiary who have over a million views on YouTube for their Michael Jackson tribute flash mob. The 2011 Bayonne’s festival in France witnessed a red and white army of an estimated 2000 dancers rock out to Gaga’s ‘Born this way’. One closer to home was when over 200 students from University of East London utilised Buckingham Palace as their stage and distracted the visiting tourists from the
UEL STUDENTS PERFORM 'ROYAL FLASHMOB' Beit Shemesh, Israel, flashmob'
changing of the guard with their hand clapping, feet stomping synchronisation to a musical medley. When discussing with Miss Prescott about future possibilities of organising a much larger flash mob outside campus, she expertly avoided the question, saying: “A few of the company members took part in a flash mob that was held in Trafalgar square this summer as part of ‘Big Dance’ which had more than 1,000 dancers involved. That was a massive project, which involved months of rehearsals and planning in smaller groups around different locations in London. It wasn’t until the actual day it happened that everyone was brought together.” Flash mobs are not just for sheer entertainment, they can come in all shapes and sizes with a colourful array of motivations behind them; some try to make a stand about something and some try to voice an opinion. For example, in January this year 250 women formed a flash mob in Beit Shemesh in Israel to protest against the segregation of women in the state. Cebu,Philippines, Prison inmates flashmob
Miss Prescott discussed with me how: “On the one hand flash mobs can be useful for sole entertainment purposes, but on the other, they can be used to show artistic expression. They have a great ability to create an impact or get people’s attention who might simply be going about their daily routine, which is then interrupted by this mass of people dancing. It creates a great buzz.” A flash mob is not just dancers, it does not matter what the mass of people are doing; the surprise element is what makes the point; the sudden disruption to the average day by a mass of synchronised people. Miss Prescott expressed her views on the matter: “As long as flash mobs keep surprising people and achieving their purpose, whatever that may be to each group, I think there will always be something fascinating about suddenly seeing and being amongst a group of people who emerge together out of nowhere for a brief period of time and all of a sudden everything returns to normal”. Later this year, there is due to be a flash mob protest in Barcelona where the organisers are hoping for a crowd of people of the same sex to kiss each other for two minutes in front of Pope Benedict XVI. Although this flash mob is not a mass of dancing queens, the idea of utilising art forms within protests is not new, but in this modern society is still as powerful as ever. Third Row will be having their first performance evening of the academic year on Wednesday 12th December at 7pm in the Michaelis Theatre on the Froebel Campus, Roehampton. They will be presenting two new works choreographed by Jack Webb and Rachel Erdos. Tickets available on the door £5/£3concs. 31
B LO G S Hey team, the world of Roehampton Volunteering is going very well! Over the past few weeks we’ve held some very successful events, including our big M.A.D. Project – RU Up for a Tea Party and RU Up for a Christmas Party. The tea party especially was a massive hit with cakes and Earl Grey all over the place! We’ve promised that we will go and visit our elderly guests very soon, so make sure that you keep an eye out for dates to be announced in the New Year. We’ll be singing along to Tom Jones songs again before we know it! There are loads of projects planned for next term, all as exciting and as fun as the ones that we have completed, so if you want to get involved please search RU Inspired on Facebook and join our group! Or alternatively you can contact me on Lots of love, Louise xx Hi guys! The last month has seen the progression of the live shows 'Freshly Squeezed' which have now been lengthened to 90 mins providing much more hot entertainment, music and Roehampton news. Other presenters have also been enhancing their shows with guests and competitions. If you're a little strapped for cash and looking for a way to get a couple of free tickets for the Bop then this is the right way to go about it. We've even managed to give away some tickets to Amy Macdonald and a pair of free tickets to Belfast in promotion of Aer Lingus' new route from Gatwick to Belfast. In the next coming weeks expect to see more of the faces from Fresh Air plastered around the University as we unveil our promotional posters and scheduling for 2013! Don’t forget if you’ve been thinking about having your own show or helping out on a current show; the best way to go about this is drop myself a line and come check out the studio. Toodles! 32
SU P R ES I D EN T Freeeeeezing!! Time to kick back, relax and enjoy the festivities that Roehampton has to offer. Assuming that coursework and exam revision will be put aside for a few hours here are a few things to look out for: Roehampton’s Winter Wonderland-Digby Square Sport Roehampton Roller Disco- Monte Hall Christmas Grand - Clapham Grand These are just a brief few on top of Society and Sport fundraisers, the many goings on in London (Oxford circus lights, winter wonderland Hyde Park etc...) and many other student based activities for you all to enjoy. Student Senate had its’ first meet and a lot of important issues were discussed, some of the suggestions coming from “you said we did” have been addressed, keep an eye out for updates on the outcome. SUC will be holding a discussion on Tax evasion schemes in the next meeting 4th December, hoping that this will lead to a student staff debate in the future. The Quality Assurance Agency will be having their first visit to Roehampton on the 11th and 12th of December, this is the first visit after the University has completed a self evaluation. Please visit our website to look at our Student Led Submisson. In general hope you are all very well and are enjoying your time here, if something could be better, please drop me an email and I’ll do my best to sort it for you. This time of year is a way to really celebrate the end of term, but keep track of your studies and nail those assignments. Get a 1st, make the most of student life and have no regrets... “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender.” ― Tupac Shakur All the best. Wade Tomlinson- RSU President.
Hey Roey! So I guess I should congratulate all you first years on making through your first ever term, I hope youve enjoyed it! For those second and third years having a read of this, just keep on going, the end is in sight and you will defeat those essays! I’ll take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas, hopefully you have some great plans with family and friends, whether you celebrate the festive season or not, it’s a well deserved break that you should grab with both hands! I would also like to say a huge well done to all the students that have taken on Fresh Magazine and made it their own, the content is amazing and I can safely say this is one of the most content filled editions of all time! The deadline was looming but you made it guys! Well done! xx
Hello! Well done to the 1st years for completing your first term of uni! Consider yourselves well and truly established students! Now it’s important to keep up the momentum and really get to grips on different terminologies & essay styles that will set you up for the remainder of your studies. This term has seen the launch of the Body Image Program for the term. The interest that the Program has shown confirms that it’s a brilliant tool in helping young woman feel differently towards their bodies, and embrace an emphasis on health as opposed to imagine. Please do get involved. Lastly Deadlines and exams are creeping up for January; however it’s still important that you relax over the holidays and catch up properly with friends and family. I recommend organising a revision and work timetable in order to be clear about the work you must achieve over the holidays. I highly recommend the Open University website for study tips on managing your workload. If any of you feel as though there are certain aspects of university life that you’re struggling with or want to chat about, please remember my door is always open. Take Care & Merry Christmas - Love Fitzy 33
Merry Movies: Top 10 Xmas Movie Crackers e re are the must se e h r e d r o r a l u c i I n N o pa rt ry x m as films each and eve
Love Actually (2003) The most watched Christmas film in British television. A definite must see for everyone, as it will show in every TV channe l and you will most likely have a copy of it on your shelves . So snuggle up to your love d one, watch this movie with a warm hot chocolate and let the Christmas spirit take over.
al e (1946) A tradition It’s a Wonderful Lif heart strings the at lls pu t tha Christmas movie depicting the watches it! Truly of everyone who of those re ntu and the adve joys, the dramas t. les ful the to life e who choose to liv
The Polar Express (2004) Tom Hanks’s wonderful voice takes us on a trip to the wonderful land of the North Pole. Everything Christmas should be is in it: beautiful, magical and white! A tale of hope, belief and childhood dreams - a definite must see for all of us Christmassy people.
Home Alone (1990) What every kid dreams of! A house to themselves, no parents, no siblings, no family, just you… until it happens. Burglars versus the world’s smartest kid, in the biggest house, with the best Christmas decorations and a lot of snow.
, and need a serious Scrooge (2000) If you are . Let the as tch tm wa ris to Ch le vie Sto as, this is the mo How The Grinch tm ris ss of the Ch ne s eli thi lov u ed in yo and bask in the some hope instill your sitting room in ttle se irit sp true Christmas season. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Tim Burton’s fantastically festive and creepy Elf (2003) A comedy for the entire family. It certainly demonstrates that world is one of the most talked Christmas isn’t just for children but for everyone. So celebrate the season about and seen Christmas with laughter and enjoy the comedic talents of Will Ferrell in a festive manner. movies. So do not miss out on one of the most imaginative films in the industry and what it created! For families that th Miracle on 34 Street (1947) if you do not believe in Santa Claus enjoy a different take on the at a young age, then life is simply not worth living. So watch season. this film and believe, because for the sake of all the children in
the world, you need to keep the legend that is Santa alive.
The Santa Clause (1994) If you think your Dad dressing up as Santa during Christmas time is lame, then you have not watched this movie! I remember hoping and wishing this would happen to my family. Tim Allen graces the screen with the best Santa a child has ever seen.
Die Hard (1988) For men all over the world that do not want to watch the sappy, lovey dovey, animated Christmas films. Here is one full of action, gun shots and noise… set in Christmas. Definitely a must see for action film fans!
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