THANK YOU... We’d like to thank the following students and staff for their contribution to this edition of Fresh Magazine
EMILY PARKMAN EMMA TILLEY IZZY STOCKS KATE GRIFFITHS JAKE FLEMMING JO SPENCER LOUISE EVANS If you would like to write or be a part of the production team for Fresh Magazine 2012-2013 please contact steve.molyneaux@
A winter welcome to you all Roey! Edition 4 of Fresh is here, the cold dark nights have set in so what better way to keep entertained than to have a read through the latest news and hot topics! Fresh Magazine has now fully recruited the team that will make the magic happen this year - but that doesn’t mean you can no longer get involved! As you’ll see in this edition, we always have room for guest writers, so if you have something you want to shout about (and get a little journalistic experience at the same time) then why not contact one of the team to get involved. The team will take over the magazine in time for the Christmas edition, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing some budding journalists running around campus very soon! This is the first time ever that Fresh Magazine will be entirely student led, from content through to design so it really is the start of something huge! It’s mixed emotions from me, I know in my mind it’s the right thing to do, handing over my duties to students who want to learn the ropes in magazine production and improve the publication, but my heart will always want to cling on! I really hope you’ll all give full support to the team, after all they’re taking their own time to make a better publication for you all to enjoy! Anyhow, this edition, possibly one of the most interesting editions to date, from personal stories of studying with a disease, to all the fashion latest must haves it’s worth a read from start to finish - you’ve done the hard part of getting a copy, now enjoy the read!
Steve Molyneaux Chief Editor/Artistic Designer 3
5: SU PRESIDENT 7: VP COMMS//VP WELFARE 8-9: STUDENT LIFE INTERNS 10-11: CP'S & SITE REP 12-13: cleaner Thames challenge 14-15: Fresh tv Introduction 4
SU P R ES I D EN T Hello once again Roehamptonians!! It seems like time has flown since you all arrived or came back to University. The work must be gradually kicking in by now. Don’t let the fact that it gets darker earlier get you down, it just means you can go out in fancy dress a bit earlier without looking like an idiot. Committee spaces are almost full regarding student places. If you have a say in a specific area I shall be putting contact details of the student representative alongside the committee they sit on, on our website in November when hopefully all positions will be full. The University will also be going through a Quality Assurance Audit very soon, our submission is now complete, you can check this out on the RSU website any feedback would be great. It was good to see a lot of students help out with the Thames clear-up M.A.D project. It looked to be an incredibly successful day. S.H.A.G week was a big hit as well, seeing many attempt to show up the rest on the massive Rodeo penis, and we had so many participate in the S.H.A.G based games in the Union, well done to the winners. We now have the “getting wasted, not cool” drinking campaign up in action, thank you to those who are backing this. It’s great that we can all turn up smashed and have a good time, just don’t end up at a point where you’re stuck in the toilet, needing assistance from security to start your journey home...early. Look out for the Fresh TV team at events where you could be a face of advertisement to those wanting to come to Roehampton. Make sure you get yourselves to a firework show around London, Battersea and Clapham are always good! Halloween was fantastic, loving some of the amazing ideas for costumes. Personal favourite was BANE from Batman!! Next up we have Mo-Vemeber, now I am incapable of growing facial hair but even I will try my best to rep the Mo. Keep an eye out for competitions and opportunities to get involved. Remember it’s never too late to join a society or sports team, volunteer in an RSU project, be a part of a campaign or even talk in a Radio show. Make the time at university worthwhile!!
As Notorious BIG once said “...and it’s still all good”, another great month in Roehampton. Lets’ make the next one even better. All the best and a happy Halloween/Guy Fawkes night. Wade x 5
The weeks really are getting the better of us all at the moment and everything seems a little rushed, however, one thing that has been far from rushed is the development of the Fresh Magazine team that will be taking control of the publication from the next edition! This really is exciting news for our students, not only does it enable students to produce the publication from content and design to edit and print, it will hopefully improve the publication substantially. The primary objective is to engage more students than ever before, the team hope to achieve this through improving the content and increasing distribution. Through improving the content, hopefully, the publication will appeal to far more Roehampton students than it currently does, this could mean attracting more people to write for the magazine or simply more people to read the magazine but in what ever way it works, it will undoubtedly become a more comprehensive, student led publication with content that appeals to all! Through improving the distribution, we hope to increase awareness and availability, we’re fully aware of the issues that are stopping students from just grabbing a copy to read over a coffee and they’re being addressed with urgency ... all in all, some exciting changes are in motion. Check out the rest of the mag for more news on Fresh Media services. Steveo xx
Hiya! We’re now midway through the 1st term back and how time flies when you’re having fun! For those of you that are freshers, look around at those new best mates of yours & it’s hard to imagine how life was before meeting them!
This month hosts the training of our new body image peer leaders. The body image programme will be rolled out once the new peer leaders are fully trained and we will be working hard to help the woman of Roehampton see their bodies in a new healthy light! Our Women’s officer (Lucy Hayles) has been working hard to establish the very 1st Women’s Society, so if you’re interested in embarking on the body image programme please contact her for information & keep an eye out for promotion! As well as the body image programme, the Women’s Society will be campaigning on behalf of our 75% female population to raise awareness on the array of issues that affect women and their families. This includes domestic violence, women’s cancers & equality in the work place issues. One thing I’ve noticed since starting my sabbatical position is that, for a university that has such a high population of women, women collectively are seriously underrepresented therefore this is a massive positive step for us as a union! I highly encourage any proactive men about campus to perhaps consider establishing the same for our ever growing population of men on campus. Our College Social Secretaries have been busy bees this month & have successfully hosted events in each of their college social space. I commend their efforts & congratulate them on creating that essential community spirit within each of their colleges. Well done! Lastly, our Getting Wasted, Not Cool campaign is still well & truly underway! While we recognise that alcohol is very much embedded into the university culture, it’s vital that students are still noting the responsibility to themselves & to their friends, to monitor and moderate their consumption where need. We appreciate everyone’s contributions to this campaign, Flat Reps in particular, and we ask you to consider the message that it is delivering when on night’s out! Otherwise, I’ll see you all around. Remember that if you need anything, please contact me or pop in!Love Fitzy xxx 7
STUDENT LIFE : CAMPAIGNS So Sexual Health and Guidance Week is over now and what a week we had. Events every day from Quizzes and games across campus, a chance to guess how many Jonnies were in the Jar to win prizes, a sexual ethics debate regarding the age of consent, free STI testing every day in different areas of campus and of course, how can anyone have missed the 8ft Rodeo Penis that was at the Bop (congrats to Jade Amy Palmer from Froebel College who rode it for the longest all night!). It was a fantastic week where much was achieved, including completing over 100 STI tests, raising over £500 for RAG (we are at over £700 so far this year in total) and giving out over 1,200 condoms I think it is fair to say that our first major campaign was a success.However with another campaign down we must look toward the next and that means that in just 2 weeks we will start Movember! A fantastic, global campaign that aims to raise awareness for Men’s health issues with a particular focus on testicular and prostate cancer. Aside from encouraging men and ladies across campus to wear moustaches for the whole month, with that aim of raising money at the same time we will have another jam packed month of events and games that you can get involved in to win prizes and generally enjoy university life when you’re not in the class room! For starters our very own Human Rights and Philosophy Societies will be hosting another open debate for people to get involved in following a screening of the movie ‘Sicko’ where they will debating Global Health Issues on November 14th in the evening. The environmental team has teamed up with the Student Life Team to plant 1,000 flower bulbs across campus on November 6th where you can plant a bulb for a small donation in memory of someone you know who has passed away or may currently be affected by a men’s health issue. The LGBT+ society have booked in a guest speaker from the charity GMFA on the 13th November. Speak to Matt Hudson or myself for more info on that. As well as those events we will have Movember BOP (get your moustache out!), games every Thursday night alongside the regular RSU events in the bar, Barbers coming in to shave and groom your MO’s too! In the mean time you can join team MO Hampton on the Movember website whether you are a boy or girl, we are happy to have you on the team. Student Life is all about YOU so please get involved and contact me if there is anything you would like to run, host or have an idea about. Much love Roehampton – Farmer Jon
Volunteering is on a roll and I’ve got you lovely people to thank for it – so here it is again: THANK YOU SO MUCH ROEHAMPTON! We’re really making a difference and we’re having a bit of fun at the same time. A special big thank you goes out to everyone who braved the mud and headed down to Hammersmith Bridge for the Cleaner Thames Challenge – please read on for more information about our very successful second M.A.D. project! Our next Make a Difference Day project is going to be a good one! Get ready to bake some cakes because we’re hosting a tea party for the local elderly residents in a repeat project from last year. On Tuesday 20th November we’re joining up with Regenerate Rise so make sure you get involved! We need cake bakers, singers and dancers (anyone who can provide entertainment) as well as plenty of students who are willing to give up their time to have a little chat with a group of people who are bound to have some amazing stories to share. And did I mention that there is gonna be cake? We also have a Christmas party coming up on December 1st for local underprivileged families. So if anyone is interested in face painting, singing carols, helping out with Santa’s grotto etc. please let me know as soon as possible and we can get everything sorted out! Christmas is creeping up on us all and what better way to kick it off than by helping people who could really use a bit of Christmas cheer! Remember, if you want to come and visit me at RSU Towers to have a chat about anything volunteering related you are more than welcome to! Check out our Facebook page (RU? Inspired - Roehampton Volunteering 2012/2013) for all your volunteering updates and I shall speak to you in our next edition of Fresh! Love and hugs, Louise xx
STUDENT LIFE: SOCIETIES The past few weeks have been incredibly rewarding, meeting with presidents and committee members, helping to plan their events and attending as many as I can. I must say it is a real privilege to work alongside so many enthusiastic and bright individuals all committed to standards of excellence that would make any student Union proud. The Roehampton Student Union Societies page, with individual tabs for all those who have requested a space, now contains contact information and a brief introduction to each. I am proud to welcome several new societies this term, who have all proved what we have always said: That student activities are and continue to be as diverse as the students who organize them. The The The The The The The The
latest Societies to join us are: Classics Society Cider Tasting Society Hindu Society Roehampton Reading Society Roehampton Palestine Solidarity Group Women’s Society Graduate Society
I attended the Big Debate on terrorism on Tuesday 16th October at Whitelands College, a fantastic evening of guest speakers, academics and students hosted by the Psychology and Human Rights societies, hats off to the organizers it really was a fantastic opportunity for healthy debate and a great forum to exchange ideas. PsychSoc is organising another debate to be held on the 11th of December on the topic of discipline & punishment. They would be very interested to hear from any other societies that would like take part of this event. Please email if you wish to be involved. As this issue of Fresh Magazine goes to press, the Roehampton Cider Society 2012/2013 are off to a cider festival at The Bricklayer’s Arms in Putney. Link up with them on Facebook to keep up to date with all the details. Third Row is hosting club foot on the 1st of November. They’ll be a fabulous band, photo booths, prize raffle and drink promotions at the bar! Well worth going down to support. The Classics Society is now live on Facebook:!/groups/239886379470091/ get involved and check it out The Music Society is making preparations for their production of Hansel and Gretel on the 6, 7 and 8th of December. For details of how to audition for a part in the production please email our Director of Music, Gulliver Ralston, on International mezzo-soprano Fiona MacDonald, who has sung the opera for Opera North, will be working with the conductor Gulliver to coach participants. This truly is a wonderful opportunity and one not to be missed. Dancers, singers and technicians, this is your chance to make a wonderful contribution to the Roehampton community. I will be hands on helping support this project working closely with Gulliver and the Music society. The Roehampton Players are hosting a Bond themed night on Saturday 27th at the Union Bar, best of luck to you all, the evening will be a very glamorous affair and I look forward to hearing all about it. We’re making a few simple changes to the RSU webpage, you will soon be able to download the Room booking form from one single tab on the webpage, and you can then fill it in and send it over to me for approval. Keep your requests coming in and keep me updated with all that you’re doing. I will be sending out a very important email to all Societies’ Presidents which contains a lot of really useful information for you all to feedback to your committees, if you do not receive one please do get in touch with me at Best wishes to all over the coming weeks, I look forward to updating you all again very soon. Please feel free to browse the Societies Webpage on the RSU website: Michael Diss, Student Life Office Societies Intern. 9
So heading down to Hammersmith Bridge to squelch around in the mud doesn’t sound like that much fun, right? Especially when the weather forecast is predicting rain, rain … and more rain. But when that mud squelching is for a good cause … well, that changes things a bit. The Cleaner Thames Challenge is an event organised by Thames21 who aim to clean up the dirtiest stretches of the river. Last year the Thames21 team saw about 250 volunteers haul about EIGHT TONNES of rubbish out of the river! That’s a whole lot of junk! So it was time for Roehampton to do our bit, head on down to Hammersmith and get stuck in – literally in some cases as there was a LOT of mud to wade through! We had a fantastic turn out of almost 30 staff and students who came to help out at various points in the day, and when college points and volunteering hours are on offer as an extra incentive everyone seemed happy enough to pick up a few plastic bags. It wasn’t just plastic bags that we found down there, during the course of the day we found various dead animals, some false teeth, three traffic cones, a steak knife, a wallet (complete with driving licence and credit cards) and a staggering FOUR guns! (although we made sure to follow procedure and let the Thames21 team deal with any dangerous finds). Everyone was expecting the day to be hard work but I think a lot of people were surprised about how much they actually enjoyed the day, I know that I was surprised by the fun I had – even if I did almost trip over into the river on more than one occasion! Personal highlights include waving to curious tourists on a riverboat cruise and doing the Gangnam Style dance in steel toe-capped wellie boots! So we braved the rain, we braved the mud and we really made a difference! Job done.
alongside the other Student Life interns, we want to generate imaginative videos of the amazing things that they do to help improve student life. We’ll be aiming to shoot videos of events that are thrown, volunteering projects, big campaigns and the activities of societies.
As well as these videos, we’ll be aiming to produce a weekly news show that rounds up all the brilliant things that have happened in I hope everyone has settled in to Roehampton the week and a glimpse of what we’ve got life quite nicely now and haven’t missed too to look forward to it in the week ahead. With many lectures. In case you don’t know, my this, we hope to eventually build upon the name is Steven Coates and I’m the new New content and ultimately include more features Media Intern along with Daran Akintola. and segments, for example, a sports team round up. Not only will we be focusing on the This year we’re pleased to announce the happenings that student life have to offer but beginning of something pretty awesome for we’re looking for people to help create some the university and Students Union. As some of you may know Fresh Air radio station has original content too, such as quiz and game shows. been running now for over 18 month with a successful array of shows for your lovely As this is a brand new project it may have hear holes to enjoy. Daran has been doing a a few teething issues to begin with but with fantastic job as station manager so far and your help we can create something for us his plans for the radio in the future are big. Like an elephant. So as Daran is in charge of Fresh Air, I’ve jumped aboard ship RSU to WE’RE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO help set up and establish Fresh Television! This year we’re looking to bring in a team of enthusiastic students to help produce some great video content that showcases student life at its most awesomeness. Working
all to enjoy. And this is where I need YOU! We’re currently recruiting a team of you lovely people to help run Fresh TV. Already there is some exciting content which you can view through Roehamptonstudent. com and our Vimeo channel which you find at www.vimeo. com/rsview. Make sure you check that out and enjoy it! In the mean time, don’t forget to join Fresh TV on Twitter and on Facebook. So if you want to get involved come up to the RSU media office and have a chat, also get in contact through the facebook pages or ping me an email expressing your interest then we can all begin creating some amazing content for Fresh TV .
I look forward to working with some of you soon! All the best, Steven Coates Steven.coates91@hotmail.
Steve Molyneaux Vice President
Who doesn’t love a cheeky supermarket box of beers on offer? Or three bottles of wine for just £10, we’ve all been there, we’ve all spent a chunk of our student loans this way, but when is it all too much? Each and every year we kick start the autumn term with the infamous Freshers Week! The historic rule of ‘anything goes in Freshers Week’ may seem like a good motto to live by when first arriving (or starting back) at University and this care-free attitude is something we’re happy to embrace as a SU if it helps students settle in at Roehampton. We try our utmost to offer an inclusive week for all with a range of events from alcohol related to more casual and sober intended nights, it is for this reason that we have no complaints with those students who wish to have a few drinks to help them enjoy their nights. However, we also have a crucial role to play in the wellbeing of all our students and it is this that we prioritise throughout all of our activities. Once the madness of Freshers Week has passed us all by, we normally see that excessive drinking subsides and everyone attends events drinking well within their own limits, this year has been somewhat different. As the weeks have gone by, we have recognised that the time is right to review our entertainments policy, as well as develop an on-going campaign to inform and educate students on the dangers surrounding excessive drinking. It goes without saying that a key part of each year is the training of flat reps and RSU officers in regards to the issues that affect students nationally – and it’s even more obvious that one of the most dangerous is cheap alcohol leading to binge drinking. At the start of last month we invited all flat reps to a meeting, held by the SU with representatives from the event security we use and also two college tutors. The meeting was to discuss our concerns around the continuous excessive drinking by students from all years. We were delighted to see flat reps fully engage with our proposed campaign ‘’Getting Wasted…Not Cool’’, in just one meeting we had gone from a team of no more than 10 people trying to get this message out to the student body to a team of over 200! So if you have seen a few people and posters sporting the ‘’Getting Wasted…Not Cool’’ slogan, hopefully it now all makes sense. The campaign is not just a flash in the pan, we hope to keep perusing it in whichever way we can, and currently this is in the form of a video for FreshTV and this very article for Fresh Magazine. We’re also putting steps in place to engage the University services with this, Sport Roehampton are the latest to jump on board on and they’re doing a sterling job! They have briefed their sport captains and have also revised their own code of conduct policy to target the notorious ‘’initiations’’ and already we are seeing a huge improvement in drink awareness. With everyone on board we aim to encourage sensible drinking for all so that good times don’t go bad, nobody wants to spend their night looking after a friend who is too drunk, this campaign can only work if everyone comes together, so if you’re that drunk friend pay attention, Getting Wasted…Not Cool!! 15
Freelance community dance artist Becky Lee, talks to FRESH about graduation, ambitions and the community dance sector...
How did you find life after graduation? I graduated from University of Roehampton in 2010 full of excitement for the community dance sector. It was a slow start finding contracts with lots of ignored emails and out of my depth moments but I have been lucky enough to have worked with a wide variety of groups, including; dance with the older community (Age Concern), Caribbean senior citizens society, gentle mobility for the elder community, dance for nursery ages, mother and toddler movement, youth inclusion programs, contemporary youth dance companies, inclusive dance for children with special educational needs, professional contemporary for adults with learning difficulties, after school clubs, theatre schools, theatre companies and semi– professional performance companies, educational dance and freelance dance within education programs.
Tell us more about your current employment? ActOne runs all ability dance projects for disabled and non-disabled children and young people. Our goal at ActOne is to make the performing arts accessible to all, regardless of disability or circumstance. I began working in a voluntary capacity for ActOne straight after graduation and very soon after I began an Assistant Dance Lead role with the company, enabling me to develop my skill set through internal and external training courses such as managing challenging behaviour and working with young people on the autistic spectrum. I am also a Dance Lead at DanceBase, this job entails teaching with a team of support workers inclusive sensory classes for young people, choreographing showcases and communicating with parents and personal assistants. We have a strong team ethic at DanceBase, we can have up to six support workers and trainees in each classroom as many participants need one to one support in order to assess the material. I feel privileged to lead sessions at DanceBase as it provides a creative
space where every individual matters and creativity is and gain experience; observe classes, shadow encouraged without judgment or preconception. artists, gain teaching experience and network with dance agencies. Be aware that work won’t come ActOne urgently needs the support of the community to you... create the work for yourself! Ask schools to be able to continue delivering its very valuable if you can set up a club or if nursing homes/ work with disabled and vulnerable people. There community centres around the local area want a have been huge cuts in funding for charities and class. Be confident with your ability. across the arts sector. More than ever our projects are dependent on the goodwill of community grant Be willing to volunteer for free – more often than managers, sponsors and donors to make our projects not this can turn into a paid position. If possible say accessible to all. Please visit to yes to every project no matter how small, these often make a donation. grow. Remember that reputation is very important, it’s a small world and people talk and often go on recommendation What are your ambitions for the future? Due to my experience in the community sector, particularly in delivering workshops and dance intensive in educational settings, I have been employed by an all girls boarding school as a Dancer in Residence. The role entails running youth dance companies and directing/choreographing performances and community service dance projects. I currently do this alongside my community work. I am also enrolled on a GTP (Graduate Teacher Programme) starting September, I am hoping to keep up my community work alongside my studies… eek!
Do you have any advice for students wanting to get into the community dance sector? Use your time at University of Roehampton to network
If freelancing, get advice bout liability insurance/ self employed tax & contributions and keep records of expenses. Be versatile (many styles and groups) and re-use material (or you can spend a LONG time planning for classes). Also always say yes to covering classes, I found these great experiences and can often lead to more full time contacts. Be prepared to work unsocial hours – evenings and weekends! It’s incredibly rewarding but working on many short term contracts can be quite isolating. I had to do long hours of driving… driving up to an hour for a hour and a half class, but these often developed or created all important contacts or experience I needed for the next project. Keep a props bag with hoops, ribbons, materials, hats, costumes, soft balls, inspiring images etc these are essential for work with young children or children with learning difficulties and can spark creative play and memories with older people. A good CV is important but I found speaking to an organization directly to be much more successful. Always leave your details as a position may become available and if you have already shown an interest they might take you rather than waste money on advertising.
Wow! Thanks for your fantastic advice! Anything else? I have really enjoyed working in the community dance sector and find it incredibly rewarding and varied... have fun and good luck! For prospective students wanting to know more about the dance courses available here at University of Roehampton take a look at:!/roehamptondance 17
DANCING WITH a pain in the Butt! T h e sto ry o f m y li fe s o fa r as a da n c er s u ffer i n g w i t h C ro h n's d i s eas e/U C. H o n est wo r d s fro m a da n c er j u st wa n t i n g to li v e h er d r ea m! EMILY PARKMAN GUEST WRITER
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2010 during my first year of the dance degree. Having a long history of the disease and similar conditions within my family meant I wasn’t surprised by the diagnosis. Imagine having a cut on your forearm and rubbing dirt into it every couple of hours. That’s basically what happens in the digestive system of someone that suffers with Crohn’s Disease when they eat. It’s an autoimmune disease which occurs when your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. Some of the symptoms I deal with on a daily basis are extreme fatigue, flu like symptoms, regular toilet trips and crippling stomach pain. In order to help control my condition changes have been made. I now live off of an expensive, sometimes tasteless diet of wheat and dairy free products. I sleep A LOT and need to keep my stress levels low, as these can contribute to the disease flaring up. Being a dance student this has been a challenge. We’re now 5 weeks into third year dancing and I fear things are beginning to spiral downwards... Again. Dancing has become less enjoyable and more painful. Eating hurts. Stomach acid in my throat. All the symptoms that terrify me into thinking I may have another year of struggle, pain and upset in order to achieve the degree I so badly long for. I just want to graduate at the same time as everyone else.
One of the most frustrating parts of this disease, for me, is if you ‘overdo it’ for just one day it ends up affecting you for at least a week I have accepted now that every time I really start to enjoy dancing again I fall ill. I don’t think my body can cope with such physical exercise at this time in my life. Maybe one day I’ll be unable to dance because of this disease, that would break my heart, or maybe I’ll be able to control this disease without daily medication, which would be awesome! Trying to stay positive… That’s the hard part. I have only been feeling like this for about two weeks, so I still think there is a strong chance of getting back on track. I use a Salofalk enema every night, from now I’m going to use one in the day as well, hoping it may help heal things before it completely spirals out of control...I must must must get back on top of this horrid disease! I guess it’s a case of learning to take things a lot slower instead of jumping straight back into the swing of life as soon as I feel a little better. Follow me through Fresh Magazine, or check out my blog online, but more importantly if you’re suffering from something similar or have you’re own story to tell, just get in touch with us at Fresh Magazine. 19
GUARaNTEE YOUR WHITE XMAS a troupe ranging from absolute beginners who had never once worn a pair of ski boots, to Time is running out for you to book yourself a near-professionals who practically slept in place on the RSU Ski Trip! Unlike in previous theirs. The resorts are designed to welcome years, the RSU have opted to go for a winter a broad variety of abilities which means that, break, and this does leave a little less time for regardless of uhm-ing and ahh-ing about whether or not to how easy or go. If you are still on the fence about whether difficult you or not to attend, let me give you a little advice find it, there - go for it! will be runs that offer Especially if you’ve never been skiing before. It you the right truly is something that has to be experienced amount of before it can be truly appreciated. The thrill challenge. of being able to slide around the mountains, zipping around through the bracing winds and And for snow, is completely unique. Even the occasional those of moment of falling over and getting a face full of you with snow is something that is strangely enjoyable. experience, It’s one of those things you should at least try I can once in your life, and what better place to start personally than with the University, which offers by far the recommend cheapest opportunity you will get to enjoy this Val Thorens type of holiday. as a resort that offers some beautiful slopes with an It really doesn’t matter how well versed you are incredible amount of diversity, including some as a skier or snowboarder. Last year’s trip saw very fun opportunities to go off-piste. I was
lucky enough to visit this resort a couple of years back, and the snow was pure perfection throughout the week. You certainly won’t get bored of Val Thorens.
But the trip is by no means just about the skiing. The RSU offers different social activities for each night of the holiday, and given the nightlife of the Val Thorens resort, it should allow you to enjoy some unforgettable
evenings. There is a great magnitude of bars and nightclubs (including La Folie Douce Bar, which also had a counterpart in our last trip. If
it’s anything like the bar from that one - well, you’re in for quite a treat!), as well as some live bands, DJs and karaoke nights worth checking out. Whether or not anyone you know is going on the trip, the nights out are brilliant fun, and you will find yourself not wanting to go home. RSU have done everything they can to make this trip the best deal possible. After feedback from last year, students will enjoy better accommodation, and at £355 this will make the trip an absolute bargain. The price includes the travel, ski pass and the assistance of the reps for the duration of the week. For ski hire, this will be just another £69, and 2 days of lessons will cost another £65. That’s only £489 if you want the full package (Most ski trips can run up towards a grand, so this is a really good deal). However you look at it, the RSU Ski Trip is a tremendous opportunity to go and have a barnstorming week. If you still have any doubts about it (and in honesty, I did before I went the first time around), ask people who have been on the trip, or perhaps get in contact with the Student Union and ask them any questions you have. It’s getting close to the time you’ll need to get your deposit in (FRIDAY 9TH NOVEMBER), so make sure you don’t miss out!
Diana Lava Rebecca Liquorish
From the producer of Insidious and the Paranormal Activity movies comes the frightening new thriller Sinister. The story follows a true-crime novelist who discovers a box of seemingly innocent “Home Movies” in the attic of his new house. As the tapes are watched, the shocking secrets of the house are revealed and the family find themselves in a supernatural nightmare. Like most modern horror movies Sinister has its fair share of jumps and those dreaded “Gotcha!” moments, but underneath the surface lurks a chilling storyline that delivers originality and fresh twists. Demonic entities, child possession, brutal murders and a spine-tingling soundtrack make up the scariest movie you will see this Halloween. The harrowing events that begin to unfold will haunt you long after you’ve left the cinema. Warning; this movie contains disturbing imagery and strong supernatural horror. Not for the squeamish or faint-hearted!
What do you get when you mix an original concept with producers who want to milk it for as much as it’s worth? Paranormal Activity 4! Or should I say Paranormal Inactivity. While it does manage to squeeze a few more screams out of its audience with cheap scares, it fails to offer anything new and refreshing. The film follows the same format of the previous films; footage is recorded (this time on laptop webcams... inventive!), The footage is watched back only to find that something is not quite right. Oh no, that door opened by itself. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of this film is that the audience are still left guessing at the basic storyline. The fourth instalment still refuses to give anything away; what happened to Katie and Christi at their grandmother’s house when they were kids? Why does the demon want a male child? What is actually the point of these films?! I assume that Paranormal Activity 5 will be hitting our cinemas next Halloween to hopefully bring this series to an end. Joy...
Daniel Craig is back! Skyfall has been dubbed the best Bond of the recent era, an overstatement maybe, but the film certainly entertains from start to end! A huge well done to Adele for a gripping soundtrack, matched by some outstanding opening titles in the first ten minutes of 007’s latest mission. The film conforms to all the cliché Bond attributes, from beautiful girls to a gadget filled vintage Aston Martin but is far from out dated. It throws in some typical British humour to bypass any chance of the old traits becoming too cheesy and I must say…it works very well! With the grim return of a forgotten agent and the death of a key character, Skyfall is a must see so book your tickets asap as cinemas everywhere are selling out day by day!
This year’s Halloween Film Release is Silent Hill Revelation (3D)! Rumoured to be terrifying, the trailer settles for using scenes of basic terrifying skill. With lots of light flickers, black outs, a girl that is reminiscent of Samara from The Ring (2002) and the entrance and exit of a parallel Universe, the only hope the audience can get is that the film delivers more fright than expected. Full of gloom and doom, demonstrated with the ominous black clouds and the flood of darkness that takes over sometimes, one can wish that the haunted story line of the main character is strong enough to keep the audience interested. Heather (Adelaide Clemens) is supposedly plagued by horrible childhood stories and nightmares and apparently the revelation is the unravelling of these mysteries throughout the film. Let us wait and see if this will be frightening or not. I myself will probably be scared, so I will judge it on the possibility and promise of its success hoping it will deliver. 23
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! There, I’ve said it. Now that it’s out in the open and we’ve faced our fears surrounding the “C” word, we can begin. With less than two months to go to the big day, there is no better time to start thinking about your festive wardrobe. Like myself, I’m sure money (or the lack of it) is a massive issue at the moment, so here’s how to plan your time and finances wisely to avoid the Christmas Eve mayhem! Firstly, take a look at your wardrobe. Anything that you haven’t worn in the past year that’s still got some life left in it can be sold. Pop it on EBay, it’s really simple and it may bring in some much needed funds for that party dress you’ve got your eye on. You need to be ruthless on24 this,FRESH maybe rope someone MAGAZINE
in to give you an outsider’s perspective, you’ll thank them later! Secondly, have a go at changing an item into something completely different. The other day I cut up a pair of loose fitting shorts and turned them into a skirt. However, if the thought of taking a pair of scissors to an item of clothing terrifies you, then there are other ways. Just the other day, I bought a little bag of gold studs from River Island (£6 for a pack of 10) (pic 1) and what’s great about them is they are created like an earring. You just pierce the spike through whatever you want – I popped mine on the collar tips of my shirt – and fasten it on the back with the butterfly clip. No faffing about with superglue or a needle and thread, just pierce and
go. Easy! If you do fancy curling up on the sofa with the needle and thread, baroque is a massive trend for Autumn/Winter 2012, as seen on the runways of Dolce and Gabbana and the print Queen, Mary Katrantzou. (pic 2) Think opulent palace décor and elaborate flowers and you’re almost there! There are some great fabric shops around so get creative, as shown, it doesn’t necessarily have to be clothes that you customise; a modified accessory can lift an outfit with minimal expense. (pic 3) Think of all the money you’ll save by staying in sewing instead of going out in the cold, that party dress will be yours for the taking! Festive love,Kate xXx
PUT A SCARF ON IT! With our student loans vanishing as we speak, along with any hope of a warm day, it’s time to update your wardrobe with those essential snug but stylish winter accessories; a scarf is a cheap and chic way to add to a new dimension to your outfit. Kate Moss, Jessica Alba and Rachel Bilson are just a handful of the A-listers who don’t leave the house without their trusty scarves in the chilly months. The fab thing about a scarf is that it goes with pretty much anything- I think a bit of mix-matching always adds a cool quirk to your outfit, so don’t be afraid to experiment with colour or bold prints. If you want to add a funky edge to your wardrobe like Rachel then this baroque-decorated Medusa Satin Square scarf from Accessorize will do the trick. Coming in pink or blue, it nails the hip, chain-style prints that featured
at Dolce and Gabbana and Versace and it’s a steal at £16. If a classic, cosy scarf is on your wish list then look to Brit model Edie Campbell for inspiration. (If you’re not familiar, then seriously, google her). Edie juggles walking
“CHEAP CHIC” for Burberry and Chanel with an Art History degree- cue your new student style muse! Here she wraps up yet still looks glam in a black and white checked scarf. Checks are in right now, with geometrics taking centre stage on coats at Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton showcasing a whole wardrobe of square- printed
pieces in Battenberg colours at their Spring 2013 show. You can get Edie’s preppy-cute look with this identical Houndstooth Scarf from New Look, just £7.99. I personally love my vintage scarves, and eBay is the perfect place to go searching without breaking the bank! I actually snapped up an old-school Topshop rose-patterned one the other day for a bargain £3! Just type in the search bar the colours and characteristics you’re looking for and it’s easy as that. Happy scarf-hunting, and don’t forget to stay warm! Izzy Stocks xXx 25
NEW PUB ON THE BLOCK This venture has given twelve lucky Roehampton students the chance to seek work - Jo Spencer takes a look at what’s on offer
Roehampton has gained a new public house. On Monday 22nd October The King’s Head pub opened its door! Eager customers have been watching the building going up over the past few months and they do not have to wait any longer to get a look inside. The Young’s affiliated pub serves a whole host of different drinks that may take your fancy. Alongside the drinks list there is a wide variety of food on the menu from main courses; standard bangers and mash to braised beef to scrumptious desserts of traditional bread and butter pudding to delectable spiced pear, black berry and pistachio crumble. The range of food and drink is endless. This venture has given twelve lucky Roehampton students the chance to seek work from The King’s Head. It isn’t the only pub in the Roehampton village area, but has set itself up to be the most stylish and appealing pub on the block. The pub seems like a world away from the area in which it is located, but adds a magical spark with the fairy lights and outdoor seating and inside an old traditional feel with a modern twist.
Louise Wheeler, a first year Primary Education student at Roehampton, is an employee at The King’s Head and she said ‘the managers at The King’s Head invested a lot of time in preparing us for the opening of the pub. I think it paid off, the pub has turned out amazing and I love working there. The staff are really friendly and the managers have been very understanding arranging our shifts around our studies.’ The official launch party gets underway early November so we’ll bring you more news in the next edition of Fresh Magazine. So head down there to look at Roehampton village’s newest pub. To get more information about the pub you can go to their website: Josephine spencer FRESH NEWS
YOU CHOOSE... we From 1st November the Library is once again giving students the chance to add eBooks to the University collection just by reading them! The Library invests in a variety of eBooks each year; now you have a chance to choose some of them for yourself.
What is included in the scheme? You will be able to choose from 5,000 new titles, all available to preview via the Library Catalogue (OPAC). The eBooks have been selected to cover all the subjects that the University specialises in and they cover every level, from first year undergraduate through to postgraduate level.
The extra 5,000 titles will appear exactly the same but you will first be offered a preview. You will know that the book can be nominated for Library purchase when you see the Do you wish to continue reading? prompt, having viewed the 5 minute preview.
How will I know when the book I’ve selected is available? As soon as you’ve clicked Yes at the prompt to continue reading the full text of the book will immediately be available for you, and other students, to access.
How can you find out about the books?
Will it cost me anything?
We already have several thousand titles available via DawsonEra, which you can access via the catalogue.
No, the library will pay for all the books you select. What you get is the benefit of having that book available for you and your friends to read as often as you want.
24 hour opening for 4 weeks Sunday 18 November – Friday 14 December Opens Sunday Closes Friday Saturday
Helping you Discover...
11.00 21.00 11.00 – 18.00 27