Summer Ball 2013 Fresh (Edition 8)

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CONTENTS ISSUE #8 THANK YOU... We’d like to thank the following students and staff for their contribution to this edition of Fresh Magazine





4-5: news







If you would like to write or be a part of the Fresh Magazine team please contact steve.molyneaux@



Welcome back one and all to what will hopefully be a very sunny Roehampton for the final term of this academic year. We have packed the ‘all you need to know’ information on this final term into this edition of Fresh Magazine, but to point you in the right direction make sure you check out pages 17-20. All the usual content is covered again, so look no further for all your Fashion, Film, Craft and Culture needs! I’d personally like to say a huge thank you to Grace Kindred for her work on a ‘Love London’ feature which we hope will become a regular article in the magazine - so Grace, thank you and a warm welcome to the Fresh team. On the topic of the Fresh team, sadly some of the regulars will soon be leaving us, so if you have been reading Fresh and wondering when a chance will crop up to get involved then ponder no more, we will be announcing all the details on how to join the team for the next academic year, throughout this term online and in print. Remember, it’s not just a magazine, Fresh covers all media and there will be chances to get involved with our Radio, Television and Photography teams as well with us here at Fresh Magazine. Have a fantastic final term Roehampton, happy Fresh reading!

Holly Editor 3

NEWS 01 NSS 02 FRIGBY 03 SHITELANDS 01 NSS The National Student Survey takes place every year and for the last 8 years the University of Roehampton has taken part. The survey offers students the chance to voice their opinions about their time at their university. The aim is: “to grasp an understanding of academic experience and satisfaction at the university,” and is co-managed by the university and its Students Union. The Roehampton Academic Learning Advisers and programme representatives have been two of the biggest successes to come from NSS and Roehampton is




very lucky to have such great people in the roles. Students may wonder: ‘what’s in it for them?’ Well, firstly, possible improvements to different areas in the university, but other incentives include free printer credit, pizzas and also the chance to win an Apple iPad after the survey is officially closed. Last year Roehampton had a fantastic 68% feedback rate, this year we’re aiming to reach 70%. Steve Molyneaux, SU Vice President says: “UoR and RSU would like to thank all those that have taken part and express gratitude for having the patience to put up with the lengthy campaign, it’s been fun for us to attend lectures and department talks and

meet students to get a real idea of their thoughts regarding their academic experience. To have a survey that students can implement their critical feedback - positive and negative - into is a tool that we’re grateful to use at Roehampton. We look forward to receiving the full results once the survey closes.”

To have your say at the University of Roehampton, go online or fill it out at the library, you have until April 30th.

02 FRIGBY A football match; a college rivalry dating back decades; a chance to have fun with healthy college competition. Saturday May 4th sees the long-standing Roehampton football match: Frigby, with Froebel and Digby teams playing to win the cup. The event invites all students and parents of the team to join in with this huge yearly event. It is a day of friendly, fun football. Buses pick


NEWS students up from Digby Stuart College car park and take them to Sutton Football Ground where the match takes place at 1.30pm. Afterwards there will be celebrations at a special Saturday bop where all can get geared up in their college colours to celebrate or commiserate. Both teams have fund raised all year to be able to put on this event, Froebel Strip and Digby Player Auctions have been two of the most memorable. The teams have trained and played matches and for some, it will be their last chance


to play for Roehampton before graduating this summer. Gareth Ventin, from the Froebel football team says: “It’s the second biggest day of the year. This year is our year! And it should be on your Roehampton bucket list.”

Tickets are still available from the college president or social secretary of either Digby or Froebel college depending on which side you have chosen to support during the match.

The one and only date in every Southlands and Whitelands students’ diary; a grudge match that happens once a year to put the old ‘who is best’ debate to rest. Historically speaking, Whitelands are the best, having been the successful team 5 out of the last

6 years. However, as with all derby games, Southlands are not to be over looked, with some great players and ample enthusiasm, this game is sure to be as entertaining as always. This game doesn’t, yet, have the sense of occasion that Frigby does, but being held on campus and (hopefully) under some summer sun, it’s something that all students should take the afternoon out of the study rooms to be a part of. A BBQ on site, open bar, icecream van, half-time cheerleader performance and the ever popular bouncy castle; there really is something for everyone. Held at the end of May on Whitelands Football pitch, these two teams will go head to head in a crowd pleasing 90mins of football rivalry - keep an eye out for further details on the college Facebook groups. 5

“ 6


THE HAYWARD LIGHT SHOW Since childhood, I have always been fascinated with lamp stores. Each time I walk past by them, especially around sunset, the shiny glass always attracts my sight. Somehow, the collection of light in a tiny space creates a marvellous atmosphere that is more than appealing to me. This is the main reason why, when I heard about the Light Show in the Southbank Centre, I immediately wanted to know what it was about. The Light Show is a collection of installations, laid out in a very spacious


exhibition hall, the Hayward Gallery. And by installations, quite blatantly, I mean lamps; more specifically, however, sources of light. But don’t be fooled by the simplification: the exhibition shows a whole new aspect of artificial lights, from a bulb attempting to recreate the exact shade of moonlight, to a light of which one might not be sure whether it is there. The main theme explored here is simply, in a way, the testing of our perception of light in very different forms of art. One would not even think of how many forms of lights we

see in our day to day life, and this is exactly what the exhibition is pointing to. It is a chance to see light, but also smell it, hear it, taste it and perceive it in any other way. The exhibiting artists come from all around the world, from countries like Pakistan, France, Scotland or the USA, and they all bring a different representation of artificial light. It is not only the sight that they give the audience, but they invite the viewer to physically interact with the exhibited items.

Some installations are walk-in, allowing you to immerse yourself completely in the attraction; some of them are just simple, creative ideas that take a minute to understand.

It is a chance to see light, but also smell it, hear it, taste it and perceive it in any other way

The best thing about the exhibition is the simple fascination that it gives to its audience. There is no need to worry whether you understand some deep-down message, because the emphasis is not on that. It is more what you think of when you see these installations that creates the real message. You can, for example, walk into a dark room with strobe lights flashing, enlightening tiny fountains, and simply observe how amazing the sliced movement of water is in this specific content. It is simple, it is fantastic. The experimentation of artists with lights originates from the last hundred years; many different experiments with sound, shape, or time have been conducted. This specific exhibition will guide you towards examining the sources of artificial, or artificially recreated natural lights with fantastic sights and sounds. It is not an exhibition, but an adventure; and you have until the end of April to take part in it.




Roehampton Students' Union is a democratic student led organisation. The needs of Roehampton students are continually changing and the election process ensures that those holding positions of office are representative of our membership. These elections allow the students, to elect the coming years Sabbatical and part time officers. This is done via a ballot vote, within in which every Roehampton Student can vote.

THE FACTS 1,371 STUDENT VOTERS 37 candidates 22 Positions

4 voting stations 23 total voting hours

THE ELECTED International Officer Iulia 'Red Headed' Pavel: 374 Julia Summer: 493 Elected

SU President Wade Tomlinson: 812 Elected Vice President Campaigns Paul DaBell: 410 Elected

LGBT+ Officer Matt Hudson: 853 Elected

Vice President Welfare Rachael Blaney: 561 Elected

Mature Students Officer Anna Rowe: 828 Elected

Digby CP Damon Lattimer: 226 Elected Digby CSS Laura Goodbrand: 213 Elected Froebel CP Mikey James: 240 Elected

Volunteering Officer Claire Paul: 851 Elected

Froebel CSS Joe Kozak: 86 Elected

Womens Officer Jayne Tucker: 858 Elected

Southlands CP Molly Vingoe: 151 Elected Southlands CSS Avi Agarwal: 187 Elected Whitelands CP Siobhan Kelly: 143 Elected Whitelands CSS George Cole: 219 Elected Mount Clare Site Rep Amy Christie-Anne: 353 Elected Academic Officer Annie Bailey: 825 Elected Disabilities Officer Hannah McCool: 870 Elected

Environmental & Fairtrade Officer Jenny Foulds: 828 Elected

RAG Officer Huw Cook: 851 Elected

RSU would like to thank all those that took part in this year's election, including all those that voted and made their voice heard in shaping the union for the academic year ahead. The 3 elected Sabbaticals will begin their term in office on July 1st 2013 and all other officers will assume their elected position as of September. We wish all those elected the best of luck and feel confident that Roehampton Students' Union will further improve on its mission to enhance the student experience through representation, development, activities and support. 9


The internet is full of amazing content. Blogs, tutorials, pictures and videos…so many videos. Cute cat videos, sports videos, hilarious prank videos, music videos, interviews, and talk shows. But the videos that are taking over the cyber-sphere are a new breed made by Internet users. Ali Cohen got involved in the trend when he started a YouTube channel a few years ago. Ali first started a YouTube channel when he was trying to break into TV presenting, finding that it was essential that he be able to demonstrate his skills with a show reel. With an interest in gadgets and technology, it seemed the perfect place to start. “I filmed a whole load of random crap from album reviews and interviews with friends, to BBC3 idents (some of which were shown on actual TV!) and dicking around in public.” Sadly Ali found no presenting work but did gain a few work experience placements one, notably, on The Gadget Show. During that time, however, Ali found that he enjoyed making videos and watching others’ videos online. The main concept behind Ali’s YouTube show WDINT (which stands for ‘Why Do I Need That?) consists of humorous gadget reviews that take a different approach to most online gadget tutorials. Ali says, “I love gadgets myself, but I kept finding that all gadget reviews were incredibly boring and factual, telling me about processor speeds and screen resolutions, none of which I cared about. So I thought it might be an idea to look at gadgets I owned, that I'd paid actual money for, and try and explain to people in simple


terms - what is it? How does it work? And why do I need it?” He says, “As well as being a gadget nut, though, I like to try and make people laugh, so thought that the best way to explain situations where a given gadget might become useful would be to film them as silly sketches.” While he enjoyed making his first few reviews Ali says it dawned on him that this could be an expensive hobby, so instead he innovatively turned to reviewing new smartphone apps that are relatively cheap and used by the masses. Along with WDINT Ali has also recently started a series called 'What not to say' which he says came about thanks to a friend Chris who wanted to write a comedy guidebook for men telling them how they should and shouldn't act in certain situations. “After joking about it for a while we decided to film 'what not to say on a first date' with our mutual uni friend Paula, who besides being an actress also happens to be quite pretty, and pretty girls tend to do well for the view count on the old internet! It was so much fun to film (we spent most of the time pissing ourselves laughing), and more accessible to a non-geeky


audience than the other videos I'd done, that we decided to make a few more.” It was as a result of the 'what not to say' videos that Ali met fellow YouTuber Emily Hartridge ( Who her “10 reasons why” comedy relationshipfocused series has brought her public attention via the Daily Mail website and This Morning. Ali found Emily after one of her videos showed up as a recommendation at the end of his and got in touch to see if she'd like to collaborate. Since then, they’ve all become friends and regularly appear in each other’s videos. In terms of Ali’s personal goals taking up YouTube has changed his perspective. Ali has decided that he no longer wants to pursue presenting and instead wants to keep video making as an interesting hobby. But is YouTube actually good practice for aspiring video makers, presenters, or editors? Ali, says, “On YouTube, without the pressure of having to make something perfect for someone else, you can try out your own ideas and learn as you make each video.” Ali is entirely self-taught in terms of filming and editing and claims he still doesn’t really know what he’s doing. He spends time focusing on addressing the camera, writing scripts instead of improvising and continuously experimenting with editing techniques. Ali manages to fit YouTube around a full time job and spending time with his girlfriend, friends and family who have to be his toughest critics. He says that, on the whole, his family and friends are supportive, “My mum and dad are some of the best critics of my gadgety videos, because I

know that if they don't understand what the thing is, or there's not enough humour in the video to keep them from glazing over, then I need to re-film or tweak the editing. Mum doesn't like my 'what not to say' videos as much because they tend to be more rude, but dad likes them coz he gets to ogle my attractive female friends while they say horrendous things. When I was living back at home, Grandma and the cats featured in several sketches which proved popular with my friends, and Gran enjoyed her acting cameos, although I wonder if she ever truly realised (or could hear) what the videos were about.” In terms of outsiders reactions to his work Ali has experienced the odd (in both senses of the word) wedding proposal and proposition from other men. But, with British Gas using his video on remote control heating to train actual engineers how to talk about the benefits of the system to customers is, well, simply nuts according to Ali. So finally, if Ali could only indulge in watching one other YouTube channel what would it be? A tough question apparently, after some deliberation Ali decides, “… SO, I will say.... Hannah Hart (youtube. com/myharto) - she's been successful with her series 'my drunk kitchen' where she (although she's naturally very funny anyway) essentially gets sh*tfaced while cooking, badly. She's hilarious but also sums up what YouTube videos are about content that’s entertaining and engaging, but that would never make it onto TV in a million years - the 'new media' if you like. I feel like a bit of a douche for writing that though.”


ROEHAMPTON'S VARSITY VICTORY Roehampton University emerged victorious in their first ever Varsity event after beating the Buckinghamshire New University team. The event, held on the 20th of March, saw students from both Universities competing in a variety of different sports including football, netball, squash and hockey. With points being awarded for each victory, it was Roehampton who came out on top, coming from behind to score a 12.5-8.5 win. The events took place across four venues in the Roehampton area: The Bank of England Sports Ground, Roehampton Playing Fields, the MUGA on Froebel and the Roehampton Sports and Fitness Centre. While Roehampton had the home advantage, it was difficult to predict who would emerge from the day as the victors, as Bucks had impressed in the BUCS leagues and were looking in good shape. The score was tallied in ‘Ryder Cup’ format, with each fixture being worth 1 point to the winning team, and a draw being worth half-a-point for each. Some events had more than one team competing, such as in the men’s football where five different squads from Roehampton were able to participate. This meant that every single result was crucial to the final score. As well as team performances, two individual awards were up for grabs – Men and Women’s Varsity Player of the Year. Natalie Tucker from Roehampton went on to win the Female award, with a standout performance in the first-team Netball, one of the day’s most competitive events. Sam Wood of Bucks took the Men’s award, showing good form on the rugby pitch. There were some tremendous results for Roehampton during the day. Both the male and female tennis teams were able to take outstanding 12-0 victories in their ties, and the men’s football 1st team beat Bucks’ 1st team 4-0. As well as this, there were great wins for the squash teams, women’s hockey and badminton, and men’s rugby. Eventually, Roehampton would come out on top to take an impressive home victory in the inaugural varsity event. There was a great turnout from supporters too, with many students turning up to savour the exploits of some of Roehampton’s finest sportspeople. Congratulations to everybody who turned up and competed during the day! Here is the full scoreboard: Roehampton Women’s Badminton 1st 8 Men’s Badminton 1st 2 Women’s Basketball 1st 22 Men’s Basketball 1st 80 Men’s Football 1st 4 Men’s Football 2nd 1 Men’s Football 3rd 3 Men’s Football (Digby) 3 Men’s Football (Froebel) 1 Women’s Football 1st 1 Women’s Hockey 1st 2 Men’s Hockey 1st 0 Women’s Netball 1st 20 Women’s Netball 2nd 6 Women’s Netball 3rd 21 Men’s Rugby 1st 21 Women’s Squash 1st 4 Men’s Squash 1st 3 Women’s Tennis 1st 12 Men’s Tennis 1st 12

Bucks New 0 Women’s Badminton 1st 6 Men’s Badminton 1st 25 Women’s Basketball 1st 96 Men’s Basketball 1st 0 Men’s Football 1st 12 Men’s Football 2nd 1 Men’s Football 3rd 3 Men’s Football 4th 1 Men’s Football 5th 1 Women’s Football 1st 0 Women’s Hockey 1st 5 Men’s Hockey 1st 21 Women’s Netball 1st 16 Women’s Netball 2nd 6 Women’s Netball 3rd 17 Men’s Rugby 1st 0 Women’s Squash 1st 0 Men’s Squash 1st 0 Women’s Tennis 1st 0 Men’s Tennis 1st

jake fleming 12 FRESH MAGAZINE

PREMIER LEAGUE TEAM of the season 2012/2013


Premier League Team of 2012/2013 It’s getting to that point in the season where football fans will be sitting over a pint and discussing their team of the season so far. With teams fighting for their lives, and others pushing on for those precious European places, here are those players who have lit up the league this year.

jake fleming & gareth ventin

RB Pablo Zabaleta Stepped up to the plate once again in the absence of some leading figures at a faltering Manchester City this season. Averaging 4 tackles per game, combined with a useful haul of 2 goals and 2 assists in 24 games, as well as his unrelenting work rate makes him a more than useful player.

RW Luis Suarez Liverpool’s saviour and the Premier League top scorer. 22 goals in 29 appearances even though he has played as a lone striker for much of it.

CAM Juan Mata Mata has gained 10 goals and 10 assists for Chelsea in a season where he has pulled the strings in most games that he’s played in. As well as this, he has a pass completion of 85% and averages 3 key passes per game.

CB Jan Vertonghen Andre Villas-Boas has utilised the Dutchman in a number of roles this season, but when he’s played at centre back he has been imperious. An uncanny ability to read the game sees him chip in with 3 interceptions per game.

CDM Yaya Toure In a stuttering season for Man City, they have looked like a different team when the Ivorian has played. His departure for the African Cup of Nations hit the Champions hard, and with an 89% passing accuracy and 5 goals currently, you can see why.

GK Asmir Begovic The Stoke keeper’s reputation has grown tenfold this season, with a number of the big boys said to be sniffing around for him. An ever-present for the Potters, he’s kept 10 clean sheets in 30 games.

CB Branislav Ivanovic Another often used as a utility man, but centre back appears to be his calling. Good in the air and far more level headed than he has been in other seasons, he deputised for Terry during his layoff supremely.

CDM Frank Lampard Arguably Chelsea’s greatest ever, the contract saga hasn’t put Lampard off his stride, with him picking up 12 goals in 21 appearances. Chelsea fans will be wondering why Roman hasn’t put a piece of paper in front of him yet. A modern legend.

LB Patrice Evra An impressive 4 goals and 5 assists so far this season from United’s flying left back, who is proving to be a useful leader to have on the pitch as well.

LW Gareth Bale Although comparisons to Messi and Ronaldo may be immature, the Welshman seems to have found the consistency that he maybe failed to achieve in previous seasons. 16 goals in 26 appearances sees him beat off the competition.

STR Robin van Persie Van Persie has continued his fine form despite the transition, contributing 27 goals in 29 appearances for United, despite a drought in March. 13

W E H T : C I G A M A PP R O L Y A T E N I X A M

Chat Perf

We have had the scratch and sniff books; that always smelt vile. We have had smell O - vision and 4D theatres. Now, the Japanese have got something to intrigue our senses further, with a touch of what I like to call App Magic. The Japanese company Chaku Perfume have developed an iPhone app and accessory system that delivers smells. Yes, delivers smells. The attachment, which is smaller than the average size USB stick, discreetly plugs into the charger/docking port. The gadget contains an atomizer and smell tank, which can release up to 15 smells per cartridge ranging from cinnamon to sweat. This luxury is expected to retail at $60, not bad for the initial novelty. What’s next, perhaps Apple are already working on the iNose or even better the iTaste.


let us kno your fave apps @freshr


Students are not known for their health conscious lifestyle choices, but if you could use an energy boost and perhaps a little motivation to get ready for that summer sun, then the Larklife bracelet and app combo could be ideal for you. The app strives to motivate individuals to have a healthier lifestyle, based upon their own unique data and individual choices such as munching down on a big mac or happy meal. It has a handy bar code scanner for tracking the food you eat, with nutrition using your regularly input data. Wearing the to track your data while you snooze; particu as it recommends ways to increase your en gathered while you sleep. Described by Lar exercise, diet and sleep tracker: “Larklife c finding that extra energy.” Imagine having a even makes snide comments to motivate y been sitting for a while”. Yes, this app says





nal tips personalised to you, e wristband at night enables it ularly helpful for us students nergy levels based on the data rk themselves as more than an coaches you to feeling great and a life style coach 24/7, which you, such as: “Noticed you’ve s it as it is.



An essential app for Apple lovers is the Find My iPhone app. There is nothing worse than that anxiety attack that hits us when you lose your phone. 1666 mobile phones are lost on London public transport every month (TFL lost property office.) Find My iPhone is an app that will enable you to locate a lost or stolen iPhone, IPad, iPod or Macbook. Simply install this free app onto any IOS device and sign in with your apple ID. The app will locate your device and pinpoint its current location on a map. For those who have simply misplaced it in their flat, the app will play a loud sound for 2 minutes even if the device is on silent. A key feature is the ability to remotely lock the device and display a custom message upon its screen. Also, my personal favourite, for those of us who store sensitive information on our devices the app will remotely wipe the device to protect your personal data.

Secret DJ: The Social Jukebox

For music lovers and control freaks. This free app is one way to see exactly what's happening in your favourite local hangouts, including our very own union. You can select what is next on the jukebox and those who do so frequently have the potential to become The Official Secret DJ of that very joint. The ability to hear what's playing in a variety of venues is not all this freebie provides: it enables you to purchase the songs being played from iTunes and you can check in and let your friends know where to meet you. Incorporating the social nature of students, Secret DJ lets you share all your songs, people and places you like via Twitter and Facebook. 15


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Is the indecisive weather getting to you and spoiling your outfit too? Well here are just some of the ways to spark up your outfit no matter what the weather, so that you’re prepared for the weather tantrums.

With this very unpromising weather it can be hard to dress well, feel comfortable and still be warm- or cool depending on the day. It seems all the seasons have merged into one with some wearing a winter outfit of fur and boots and others wearing dresses on the same day. Indeed this can be annoying when you have set off early for the day and your outfit doesn’t match up to the majority later on, but there are ways to get around this. Just because the weather’s mood keeps changing, doesn’t mean yours has to.


It’s all about the layers. The key to getting round the mood swinging weather is to beat it, and play it at its own game. Layering allows you to dress up for the unpredictable weather and still feel comfortable, as you’re able to take off and put on to suit the weather. There’s nothing wrong with combining a variety of different pieces from your wardrobe you just have to do it well and make it work.





you don’t want to be too hot or too cold, so you have to be smart when picking your jacket. Although we do love a bit of faux fur, it may be time to put it down as the weather plays with us. But fur is a statement piece for the autumn/winter and with the spring clothing in store now, you may be able to invest in a discounted piece of faux fur on sale for autumn/winter 2013. For now you need to have a jacket which can easily be packed into your bag. Packable parkas, leather/PU jackets and gilets will keep you in style for the ups and downs of the weather. VISIT:, Asos, boohoo and even ebay for a statement piece leather or PU jacket. Switch it up with a leather gilet, over a waterfall cardigan or long sleeved maxi dress



Once the jacket is sorted the rest of the outfit is pretty much fun. You can literally do what you want with it, and adjust it to keep you warm or cool. Denim- If you’re a denim lover well, now is your lucky time. Not too thick or too thin it’s perfect for the blurred seasons.

Denim shirts teamed with leather bottoms is a great look or under a knitted cardigan. Stone wash jeans are a nice way to spark up a plain casual outfit.


Jersey- fitted maxi dresses, skirts and waterfall cardigans are perfect for the four seasons. Check out my Team maxi skirts with leather jackets picks: or crop jumpers or tops. Waterfall cardigans, look nice and casual and suit most weather conditions

Asos, Missguided

Leather works great with pretty much anything. Over a sweatshirt with jeans and converses for a casual look, or with a plain T, maxi skirt and ankle boots for a bit more of a glamorous look. To beat the cold, team with a thin snood or scarf.

Leather/leather lookget yourself some cool leather pieces for your wardrobe.


Leather look leggings team nicely with materials like suede and plain sweat shirts, denim shirts and even waterfall jackets. Skater skirts go nicely with chiffon or denim shirts and crop tops

Ombre- From dip dyed hair to clothing, ombre or colour bleeding is so on trend now. Get yourself some ombre trends to bring some heat to your outfit. This runway trend is a big hit this spring/ Summer. Take the runway trend to the streetS...visit asos, boohoo, missguided


the new denim rule: dungarees IZZY STOCKS A great piece of denim is a wardrobe essential come rain or shine, and this summer sees the comeback of dungarees.


Funky hued and metallic pairs were embedded amongst Moschino and Philip Lim’s Spring/Summer ’13 catwalk shows, and the shops are brimming with the adventurous all-in-ones. Alexa Chung is your ultimate dungaree muse (1)- she manages to look the epitome of cool whether she teams her denim overalls with metallic wedges, Breton stripes, an office-worthy white shirt or her trusty black converse (she’s modelled them all!). The appeal of dungarees is that they are super versatile and will take you through from colder days to the true arrival of sunny spring. Pixie Lott (2) demonstrates how to utilise them as a transitional piece, cleverly combining her straight-legged pair with a roll-neck sweater and fringed loafers. I adore her studious, boxy bag too- don’t be afraid to add quirky, unexpected accessories for your own spin on the denim trend.


One of my favourite looks for Spring/Summer ’13 is the influence of the Wild West. Dungarees were made to go with cowboy boots, tapestry bags, checked shirts and embroidered headpieces. Take it from model Cara Delevingne, who rocked up to a festival last summer in this light blue denim all-in-one (3). Throwing a lightweight, paisley-printed shirt over her crop-top and dungaree combo made her look every inch an Isabel Marant kind of girl (effortlessly chic, with a hint of bohemian, to define). Sweet blouses, Cath Kidston lookalike prints or anything broderie anglaise will coordinate gorgeously with dungarees and exude a ‘Miss Honey’ innocence (watch Matilda if you haven’t- it is a wonderful film!) while neon jewellery and wedges will dress up your denim for cocktails at sundown. Dungaree shorts provide a practical yet uber-cool form of beachwear- throw them over a bikini and prioritise retro jelly sandals, playful shades and a fabulous straw sunhat as complimentary accessories.


With the right wash- not too clean, not too distresseddungarees are the perfect piece for laidback, denim devotees. Go for pinafore styles, floral prints and vibrant colour palettes alongside your classic blue jean pair if you like to experiment! I will be wearing my dungarees with pride for the Summer Ball day event!


HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO KILL A WICKED WITCH? Surely not as hard as killing a classic such as “The Wizard of Oz,” ...yet this movie somehow manages it. Set as a prequel to L. Frank Baum’s novel “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” Sam Raimi’s “Oz the Great and Powerful” falls desperately short of the charm and charisma of MGM’s 1939 masterpiece. Weighing down the spectacular production design, dazzling costumes and creative special effects is the weak script and the awkward, detached performances of the disastrously miscast actors; namely James Franco and Mila Kunis. Franco is neither great nor powerful as the small-time magician Oscar Diggs. His portrayal of the smarmy character is irritating and uncomfortable, so even in the parts where “you’re meant to like him!” you can’t help but hope he crashes his hot air balloon. Kunis is equally as frustrating as Theodora, the Wicked Witch of the West. While she is undeniably a stunning actress who has the potential to be spectacular (Black Swan, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, etc.) her forced performance left me thinking whether her heart was truly in it from the beginning, and I restrained the urge to yell “SHUT UP MEG!” every time she opened her mouth. However, this movie’s salvation comes in the form of Oscar-winning Rachel Weisz, who smoulders as Evanora, the Wicked Witch of the East. Weisz’s performance is strikingly sincere, as the true driving force behind the evil threatening Oz. It is fair to say that Oz is nothing compared to the sparkling Hollywood original, but there are a few ruby gems scattered here and there that manage to shine through the overwhelming disappointment.


diana lava & rebecca liquorish

scary movie 5 26 FRESH MAGAZINE


iron man 3


look out for a

F SEQUELS star trek

FILM Originally the first instalment of a popular teenage book series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, Beautiful Creatures flopped on screen! Let’s start by talking about the two protagonists of the story, Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) and Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert). Ehrenreich did a splendid job of revitalising Ethan Wate by working his teenage charm into someone loving, funny and clumsy. Like most adolescent boys, he is in a journey to find himself, and Ehrenreich portrays that beautifully. Englert, who embodied the strongly written Duchannes, however, fell short in her performance. Duchannes, seen as a role model for young teenage girls in terms of confidence and moral compass, seemed very indifferent and unconcerned in the film. Englert might look the part, but she sure didn’t act the part. The film’s senior cast is star studded, with the likes of Emma Thompson, Jeremy Irons and Viola Davis making an appearance. If anything, their presence only gives the movie credibility. In all honesty the movie is not a complete travesty. Like most novel adaptations, some characters were cut, others altered, the ending changed, part of the action was left out; most of these audiences are accustomed to. However, if you are going to make all these changes to a book that is widely read and admired, give the lead role (Duchannes) to someone that will carry it well. Audiences left the cinema disappointed and confused by the film, it lacks in portraying the strong morals the book discusses and the huge sense of loyalty that the characters often struggle with. Overall, the adaptation was disappointing, if I had known, I would have waited for its arrival on DVD rather than letting curiosity lead me to the cinema.


hangover part 3 27


Go on, I dare you… Visit the provocative and punky Icecreamists boutique in Covent Garden (WC2E 7NG) and try the ‘Lady Gaga’. It is vanilla flavoured ice cream made with breast milk and served with an optional shot of bonjela or calpol, mmm! Or simply go for one of their tasty ice cream cocktails if you’re not feeling as adventurous. With staff wearing latex caps and all walls painted black, it is not your usual ice cream joint! Open until midnight this is a cool place to go at any time in the day. Try new food: Belgo, also in Covent Garden (WC2H 9LJ), claims to have the widest selection of beers in London. Try some yummy Belgium sausages with their ‘beat the clock’ menu where you pay the price of the time on your bill (between 5pm – 6.30pm) even served by some waiters in floor length robes and cloaks, an interesting experience from as soon as you step inside and walk the bridge over the restaurant Nightlife: Head to Madame Jojo's in saucy Soho (W1F 0SE), a vintage nightclub (previously a strip club) dating back to the 1940’s decorated with fifties glamour and Moulin Rouge style for a crazy and unexpected night out. Jojo’s has a wide range of live performers and bands on stage right next to the dance floor, from cabaret, burlesque, magic acts, soul, funk, old school to rockaoke. The electric atmosphere makes for a great party where anything goes and you’ll bump into all sorts of people. It’s definitely worth a visit; check their website beforehand for the best nights and performances. Things to do: Go on a Harry Potter walking tour! At only £7 each for student muggles, it’s cheap and certain to be entertaining. Tours are guided by a lively actor (who claims to have the ‘goblet of fire’ of voices) and will lead you around the distinctive places in London featured in the film; from the entrance to the Ministry of Magic, to the flight path of the deatheaters featured in the sixth film. Even if you are not potty about Potter, this energetic tour is a magical way to see some of the best sights in the city. Go along with friends and it’s sure to be a laugh.


how well do you know your london?


Places to visit: Be a true London tourist and visit the Tower of London (EC3N 4AB), nearest tube is Tower Hill. Tickets can be fairly pricey, but book online for student tickets costing only £15; decent value when you can end up spending a whole day there. Or if you’re trying to save money, walk around the stunning grounds outside the gate to get your cultural kick. It’s not every day you see an ancient castle in the middle of London! Despite the grim reputation of torture and death, there’s much more to discover about the history of a royal palace, the armoury and powerful fortress. See the Crown Jewels; go to the Medieval Palace, White Tower, The Prisoners’ exhibition and much more. But this is not a place just for history nerds, the attraction is combined with entertainment and funny ‘Beefeaters’ dotted around telling amusing stories. If you have nothing better to do, get out your map and camera and be London’s best tourist. Time well spent!

Get active: Try Park Run, hosted weekly at 9am on a Saturday (great for sweating out last night’s hangover). An event run by members; walk, jog or run around a three mile course for free then review your time and runners photo online. Simply join at uk and print off a barcode before you go, based at several locations across London, with Richmond Park being the closest to Campus. Why not give it a try! Free: Explore Borough Market in Southwark (SE1 9DE), nearest tube is London Bridge. One of London’s largest food markets, dating back to the 13th century, it is also one of the oldest. The market is overwhelming with loads of sights, smells and tastes. It’s truly a place for everyone, with special areas dedicated to cheese, alcohol, meats, fruit & veg etc. Buy huge slabs of fudge and enormous honeycomb pieces; the ultimate hangout for anyone with a sweet tooth. Missing Christmas?! Then you can even get that winter feeling back and wander around drinking mulled wine. Get into the cooking mood with delicious fresh pesto and sauces; even the worst student cook is bound to be inspired by Borough Market. Soak up the vibrant colours and enjoy all of the endless free samples on offer, you might even be able to stretch them to cover a free lunch! 29



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I was as sceptical as the next person when the catwalks and magazines became flooded with this midriff-exposing trend. For starters, the weather has been Baltic at best and I’ve spent the past five months covering up every inch of skin for fear of frost bite. Secondly, I was unsure if I could pull off the crop top trend; Christmas had taken its toll and as the weather was so bad, I’d spent the following months hibernating and eating copious amounts of food. Due to this, the thought of squeezing myself into a top that would expose my carb-fuelled winter was more than a bit daunting. However, as I found out, crop tops don’t have to be skin tight. There are plenty of styles to choose from and I thought I’d show you that no matter your shape, you can totally embrace this trend and make it your own. I decided to create two tops, one being a more loose-fitting, sporty crop top, the other being a summery number that can take you from day to night easily. I started with the latter and after a trip to Topshop, I’d found the perfect crop top to start customising. I’d gone for a pastel yellow, no sleeved top and this complimented the daisy chain trimming I picked up from John Lewis (pic 1). I started off by cutting the chain to the length I needed for both the collar and the bottom edge. It’s always best to get more trimming than you think as not only does it allow for mistakes, but you can also use any that’s left over on other items in your wardrobe! I’m not going to lie, it is time consuming to sew each little daisy onto the top but it’s worth the effort as you are left with something individual and unique (pic 2). With the help of some high waisted jeans – or shorts when the weather decides to perk up – this top will look great in the day time and by simply swapping the jeans for a high waisted pencil skirt, it will also be perfect for a night out. Oh I do love an item that can multitask! For the second crop top I wanted a completely different look, so, as sports luxe is still having its moment in the fashion spotlight, I decided to base my second top around this trend. The beauty with sports luxe is that it normally centres around loose fitting fabrics so you don’t have to worry about it clinging to those problem areas (not that you ladies have any, I’m sure!) With this crop top, I wanted to look for a jumper to begin with, so that I could cut it to whatever length I wanted, perfect for those of you who want a bit more coverage. I found a lovely, light weight grey marl jumper in Primark and at £6 I didn’t mind that I’d be taking the scissors to it! I also wanted to add a personal touch, so while I was snapping up my daisy trimming in John Lewis, I also bought some initial letters to add a varsity edge to the top (pic 3). I began by sewing the initials together to make it easier when it came to sewing them onto the top and after working out where I wanted them to go, I began to sew them onto the top. Once happy that they were secure, I then took the scissors to the bottom of the jumper. It’s best to do this gradually as you don’t want to cut off more than you ideally wanted! I began by just taking the elasticated hem off and this was mostly to see how the fabric would behave once cut. Fortunately it began to roll up on itself, which is ideal as it meant that I wouldn’t have to hem it and you also can’t see how dodgy my cutting “skills” are! Once you have cut it to a length you are happy with then voila! You have crop top number two done! (pic 4) As you can see, it’s really quite easy to turn something ordinary into something unique and on trend with a little bit of patience! (pic 5). If you’re feeling inspired and you have some free time then give it a go and don’t forget to tweet us your masterpieces to @FreshFashionRoe. I look forward to seeing what you crafty lot have been up to! 31

BLOGS CAMPAIGNS The final Campaigns are here! Summer Term is here and that means that the Campaigns desk only has 2 more things to throw at you. The first is the almighty RAG that is coming up soon (6th – 17th May to be exact) and there is a whole host of things going on much of which you can see elsewhere in this edition of FRESH but to give you an idea, we have Bingo, DJ Battles, Rock Nights, College Events, Staff Events and Gunge Tank at RAG BOP and prizes to give away all the tie such as tickets to the ODEON, tickets to the HAMMERSMITH APOLLO, meals for 2 and even 2 SUMMER BALL tickets up for grabs for the fastest hands each week in my AMAZING SKITTLES SORTING CHALLENGE! We are always looking for my ways to raise money and people to help out so if you would like to get involved then please come and see me in the RSU or drop me a call or email me (0208 392 3221 or This year our RAG total has increased from our total of £3,000 in the past to almost £9,000 already this year and so by getting involved you will be part of a record breaking year at Roehampton, so please get involved and help us reach that £10,000 total – there is information about our 3 chosen charities at the bottom of this article. The second thing coming hot off the Campaigns desk is the culmination of the first ever COLLEGE CUP. This year saw the creation of a Harry Potter style cup at Roehampton that is surely going to become a tradition for years to come. College Cup week will take place in week 6 of the Summer term (May 27th – 31st) and will be a week of games and activities that anyone can join in with. There will be a different competition on each campus from Monday – Thursday and on Friday we will be holding our final challenge for up to 50 players per College. This final challenge will see our students take (and possibly staff) take on a 120ft inflatable obstacle course on the main lawn with the final results being announced at the LAST BOP on Friday 31st! That’s all from FJ – Can’t wait to begin the games!

SOCIETIES The Societies’ Presidential Handover is well underway and with over 50 societies now represented by the RSU and Student Life office, it is set to be a fantastic summer term. If you’ve missed out on the chance to get involved never fear, I am still available to complete your society’s handover, as well as offering advice, support or approval of new ideas. Simply email to book a time slot. Thank you to all of you who have completed the handover so far, it really helps us to decide where we need to support you best, what we’ve done well and what we can do better. I’ll be releasing details soon about the RSU awards which will take place on the 23rd of May so keep an eye on your emails and the Facebook group. Best wishes, Michael Diss Student Life Societies’ Intern.


BLOGS NEW MEDIA We’ve been spending the past couple of weeks reflecting on last term while we think our coverage of the events and elections was great and definitely piqued a lot of interest. We do however feel that we can do much more this final term! By the time you are reading this we should be back from our Jailbreak competition which we will be broadcasting using our respective TV and Radio channels. Travelling from Glasgow to London with no money while fundraising for St Mungos which is a charity that helps those who are homeless; does seem like quite the feat and hopefully at time of reading we have made it back in on piece. This term you should see both of us out and about, not just creating engaging and exciting content for your sensory pleasures but also recruiting new members for next year’s FreshAir and Fresh TV teams. So if you want to get involved in some projects such as Fresh Nosh, News Roundups or making some radio documentaries or one off shows then drop us a line!

VOLUNTEERING Hey team! Stuff is going well here in the world of Volunteering! As always thank you so much to those who have been involved so far and for those of you who haven’t … don’t worry, you still have plenty of time to join us. We have loads of projects coming up including working with Barnes Wetlands Centre, soup kitchens, animals and many more. There are plenty of opportunities to help out around the university as well, for example – Sport Roehampton are looking for volunteers to help out with their annual10k and 5k Fun Run on May 17th. For more information or if you want to get involved please email: mary.robinson@ To keep up to date on all of the latest volunteering news please join us on our Facebook page, just search ‘RU Inspired?’ and become a member of the group for all of your volunteering needs. We still have time to really make a difference! Love from Louise xxx 33

BLOGS SU PRESIDENT Helloooo. Well hopefully by now we have a beaming Sun and the campus reverts back to its’ award winning summery look. May and June happens to be everyone’s favourite time in Roehampton. The work is nearly done, you have extra money left over from loans and there is so much to do. Keep an eye out for summer ball information, a must go to event. We also have a lot of collegial presence around this time so keep your eyes open for what is happening on each college. This is your time to sit back, relax and just enjoy what is left of the year. If there are any academic based problems you faced this year and would love to see corrected for next year, please feel free to get in contact with fact any problems at all send a message my way. I need to challenges over the summer term. Hope you are all alive and well. Wade.


Hey guys! So this is it, the final term of yet another Roey year! Mixed feelings all around for this term, some of you will become graduates, some will move off campus and into a house for the first time and some of you might now be panicking about where to live and if that late essay will ever get done! However, there is one rule and one rule only for this term...Enjoy yourself!! Hopefully the rain will ease off and we’ll be blessed with some summer sun, fingers crossed for a heat wave on May 25th!! There is so much to look forward to this term so keep an eye on all our online media channels so you don’t miss a thing! As always we’re hear to support you in every way we can so if the final term blues are getting too much, just drop in and see us, we’re and friendly bunch - especially in the summer months! Steveo xx

VP WELFARE & COMMUNITY Firstly, a massive well done to everyone who took part in this year’s elections! We had a great turn out even though the weather was against us and as a result I’m very pleased to be handing over the Welfare role to the lovely Rachael Blaney for the next academic year. At the beginning of the month myself, Steve and Wade attended the NUS National Conference in Sheffield. It was a useful experience to see how other Student Unions operate and we were able to bring back some positive ideas with us. If you guys have any suggestions as to how we can make our very own Students’ Union better, then get in touch. Finally, who’s excited for the Summer Ball?! I know you lot are very responsible adults, but if you do need to take time out from the festivities, then I will be manning the Welfare room along with our Volunteering intern, Louise. Hopefully I won’t see many of you in there! Take Care, Love Fitzy




Ladies and Gents, the number one rule to surviving our Summer festivities is to remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. You must not peak too soon, especially if you want to make it to the finish line, i.e. survivors photo in the wee hours after Summer Ball or the very messy Frigby Bop. Here's a few helpful hints to get you through...

English rose skin. Wear some sun cream to save yourself from standing out of the crowd for all the wrong reasons.

A Frigby T-Shirt is a must! For those few lemons who choose not to conform then at least wear your colours with pride. Is there a black and white army out there?

A camera is a must, waterproof if possible. Document the most highly anticipated events of the year, filled with laughter and fun, falling fantastically into epic chaos and drunken dismay.

Let's not beat about the bush, drinking water is the key to preventing that extra notch on the infamous chunder chart. This is not news, but it is necessary. During the day, Summer Ball is quite the low key, casual, affair. But make no mistake, under the cover of darkness, all eyes are on you! There is nothing worse than the double-take dress, avoid the risk by simply avoiding main stream dress mania, i.e. TopShop, River Island or H&M. If you must have THAT dress, then follow Fleetwood Mac's advice and find a means to wear it in .

Leave behind the Ray Bans, iPhones and all other expensive gizmos or gadgets. You will be worse for ware, your belongings will be vulnerable to theft or water damage, is it really worth it?

Although water is vital, lets not forget about the grub. It is a scientific fact (among us students) greasy foods will cure all evils (offers overleaf). Post-Frigby, a ten inch pizza will go down a treat and may get you set for that fateful Bop. Summer Ball has more mouth-watering munchie cures than you could ask for, indulge yourself — sometimes you just gotta!

Frigby may be THE football match of the year (sorry Shitelands), but it's best you keep your eye on the enemy. The main event is, in fact, the water fight; stock up on the supersoakers, water bombs and, for those of us on a budget, a good old bucket and sponge. Once the water starts flowing, no one is safe. 35 36

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