Fresh edition 9

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CONTENTS ISSUE #9 new! fresh FOOD pg 18-19

pg 28 -29


4-5: news

20: iron man 3

6-7: Love London

21: bfi film festival

26-27: viva forever... 28-29: new! fresh food

10-13: fresh & future

22-23: festival fever

30-33: blogs

14-15: no more fergie time 17: a summer of sport

24: portobello market fashion

34-35: graduate mentor scheme

18-19: do you remember when...

25: kate's craft corner


Hello Roehampton, Summer is here!! It will bring us holidays, fun and – more importantly – no more essays. However, summer is bittersweet for Roehampton as it means we have to say goodbye to all of our lovely third year students and send them out into the big, bad world to find jobs and do that thing where they have responsibilities and stuff (or maybe skip that and do an MA). The same goes for here at Fresh where we have to say goodbye to a few of our wonderful team of writers and we are grieving already. You can read all about our third years’ journey with Roehampton and Fresh in Maxine’s feature (pg 10&11) and you can also learn how to get involved with Fresh by turning the page. BUT WAIT; before you turn the page, here is what this last 2012/13 edition of Fresh has to offer: In this edition, we have articles from our usual gorgeous writing team, as well as a few extras especially for summer, with Celia bringing you a yummy Greek couscous recipe (pg 30-31), perfect for those sunny days that England is so – ahem – famous for, and Grace bringing you a selection of fun things to do in your summer break in our wonderful London Town (pg 6&7). If it’s reviews you are after, head over to Diana’s film pages for an Iron Man 3 review and read Laura’s review of the Spice Girls musical (yes, you did read that correctly) (pg 28-29). Also, the fashion girls will give you all the advice you need to start the summer looking amazing (pg 2224), and Jake will tell you where to get your sport fix over the summer with a variety of sporting events on offer in good ol’ Blighty (pg 17). So, it is with sadness that we shall say a teary-eyed goodbye to our third year writers. A massive thank you to all of you for your amazing contribution over this past year, you have been magnificent. We wish you the absolute best for your future conquests and hope that you think of us now and again when you all become journalists at national magazines and awardwinning writers. And, finally... Please don’t leave us!!

Holly Editor 3

NEWS 01 02 03

roehampton award Graduation frigby:result

roehampton award This year brings around the Roehampton award. The event is to recognise those who have made an outstanding contribution to the University of Roehampton student life. It is an award that encourages students to build on achievements that can help them develop and enter into the world of employability. Roehampton looks to give awards to students who take part in things such as volunteering, leadership roles, service and extracurricular activities. Nominations closed on May 10th, but you should attend the event to see what it is all about. It will be held in the Portrait Room, Grove House, Froebel College on Wednesday May 29th at 5pm. 4


jo spencer



After dissertations, essays and exams, three years hard work is coming to a close for all the final year students at Roehampton. Graduation for all those looking to graduate this year will take place at Guildford Cathedral, Guildford on the week of 22nd25th July. All the information is now on the Roehampton website where third years can hire their robes and tickets are to follow. Good luck to all those graduating in July! Frigby is one of our annual university events, hosted at the start of May. The inter-collegiate football match has been hosted between the colleges and for many years has been one of the sporting highlights of the academic year. This year has seen no less than previous years; water fights, chanting, drinking, and many other shenanigans. Digby Stuart College Football team has triumphed for the sixth year in a row against Froebel College Football team to gain the Frigby winners title.

Frigby The game was epic, with slide tackles, yellow cards and a wonderful win to Digby. Froebel fought hard to keep their draw, but a goal in the second half put Digby one ahead. The final score was 2-1 to Digby and they hold onto the shield for another year. 5

LONDON'S CALLING YOU! Hey Roehampton! May is finally here, and if you haven’t planned any traditional May Morris dancing, here are some things you might prefer!

Something A Little Different... A bar that doesn’t sell any alcohol, you might ask what is the point in that? Well actually, so you can bring you own! And that can be anything from spirits to champagne. BYOC (Bring Your Own Cocktails) in Covent Garden is a little joint hidden away in Bedfordbury Street behind a discreet door with a unique 1920’s feel. Awash with gramophones, vintage signs and exposed brickwork you are made to feel as though you have stepped back in time. Described as an “underground drinking den”, this is the perfect place to shake up your mixers and have a special ‘mixologist’ whip you up anything with fresh syrups, vegetable juice, herbs and spices to cordials and bitters. Advance booking is a must as this place is so exclusive it only seats 18 people! Prices are £20 a head.

Try new food... Go to Inamo in Soho (W1F 8ZP) for a totally unique and modern dining experience. Projectors are used for menus so customers can order their own food and drinks, adjust their light settings and themes at their individual tables; find out where to go for another drink in the area or even book a taxi home! This techy restaurant serves a mixture of Japanese, Thai and Chinese cuisine and offers a 2 course set menu for £15. Be adventurous and brave yourself for their chilli syrup and spring onion cocktails or vanilla vodka and kiwi liquor. Get tipsy the Japanese way and try Sake; a traditional alcoholic drink made from fermented rice, drunk warm in small porcelain cups. Why not!




Whip out your spandex and leg warmers (or any other outrageous 80s fancy dress attire) for a Roller Disco! Based in Vauxhall (SW8 1RZ), this is the ideal place to go clubbing on wheels. Spin around to great feel good music, sing-along tunes and house classics. Think of your friends, glitter balls and silly dance moves, what could be better?! They even host parties and hen/ stag nights.



FEATURE Do you like garlic?

Or want to warn off any vampires (including anything to do with Twilight)? Then Garlic & Shots (W1D 4RD) is the place for you! All of their food contains garlic, their mission is for you to leave ‘marinated in garlic’; not ideal if you have a hot date afterwards! But this is a bar after all and if you don’t fancy their food, their vast menu of 101 shots is worth trying out! Put your drinking skills to the test with a variety of wild alcoholic concoctions. Think you could handle tequila, Jack Daniel’s AND vodka in one go? Could you down chilli, tabasco or even garlic in a shot? If not, there are lots of other fruity (and less/non-alcoholic) drinks to float your boat.

Things to do...

Have you had enough of pretending your friends’ jokes are hilarious and hearing ridiculously bad puns? Then head to Covent Garden for some top jokes, at Top Secret Comedy Club (WC2E 8JT). With something different on every single night of the week and FREE comedy on Tuesday’s, it is so tempting it is almost laughable! Flyers are often handed out in Leicester Square with special promotions, so keep an eye out! For more comedy in London, check out www.londonisfunny. com.

Places to visit... Now that summer is almost on its way (the weather is a little less cold) and shorts are making an appearance, why not soak up the sunny English rays (haha) in Kensington Gardens (W8, nearest tube: High Street Kensington). Lie back on one of the many stripy deck chairs dotted around, ride a pedalo on the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park, stroll around with an ice cream and even feed the very friendly ducks for the perfect chilled day. Get active...Get your blood pumping at the legendary Southbank Skate


Park, this concrete enclave has been described as the birthplace of British skateboarding and has featured in countless magazines. Even if you’re not a skater yourself, it’s worth a visit just to see the slick skills and ‘max out’ in skater style. Nearest tube is Embankment.

Free... Do you feel like going out but don’t have much money and still want to have a crazy-good time? Try the Spotted Horse in Putney (SW15 1RG) for their brill pub quiz! It may be cheesy, but it is undeniably great fun. Nigel, the quizmaster, is a larger than life character who does not fail to entertain and pop out the most random questions possible! Every Wednesday at 8pm, plus if you sign up to their website you get a free drink! Win win. 7

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That time of year dawns on us once more. Summer Ball headliners have been announce Digby has been victorious at FRIGBY 2013, deadlines have been met and exams are ove Luckily, we have one last issue of FRESH to see through to the end of the academic year here Roehampton. The goodbyes are just beginnin fond farewells to friends on your course and s to follow are the flat mates. A special farewe from FRESH is in order as a few of us third yea write for the last time.

the experience... Jo Spencer; News Reporter, Diana Miguel Lava; Film Reporter, Laura Greenslade; Features Writer and Jake Fleming; Sport Reporter, reminisce a few Roehampton moments and offer a few pearls of wisdom from their time at FRESH. On asking the contributors to describe their Roehampton University experience, each of them had nothing but praise for the past three years. Diana stated: “The last three years have been overwhelming! So much has happened in what seems like a lifetime, but has in fact been so little time.” Jo compared herself to a possible future feature film: “I would describe my Roehampton experience as unchangeable! Something I wouldn't think would happen to me. I feel it was a little like a film storyline; 'young, small town northern girl moves to big city to seek out her dreams and fortune.' Laura explained that after her gap year she did not know what to expect from University but was ready to embrace it: “I took a year out before coming to university and so I was fully ready to move away and start a new chapter by the time I started Roehampton. I wasn’t sure what to expect of Roehampton but it has been an amazing experience.” Jake supported the overwhelming consensus that Roehampton University life is: “Great! I've loved university and I am absolutely going to miss being a student and living in London.”

the highligh


When discussing university it is fair to say there are always going to be th your mind, contributors of FRESH agreed. Jo said, “biggest highlight is being given the chance to go abroad. As mu friends and London whilst in America, it was something I never ever imag and University let me do that. It really changed my outlook on life, as clic Jake similarly praised the travel opportunities at Roehampton: “The two s been epic! If you've never skied with Roehampton, it's an amazing experie However, Diana stated: “One of my favourite memories has to be my sec With my team and my best friends, it was just the strangest in-between ph ones, but not so ignorant anymore!”

. ed, , er. e us e at ng; soon ell ars

When asked which year was her favourite here at Roehampton, Laura couldn’t quite choose. “Second year I was lucky enough to go on a study abroad to America which was the scariest thing I’ve ever done but definitely the best decision I made at Uni. It gave me a chance to travel and meet all different kinds of people. Although, third year has given me a chance to live with my friends which has been hilarious, I will be really sad to leave.”


hose highlights that stick in

uch as I missed my family, gined I would do in my life ché as that may sound.” ski trips I've been on have ence and well worth doing.” cond year fresher's week. hase, still one of the young

When asked whether she would change anything about her experience, Jo replied: “If I could change anything, I would have definitely gotten more involved with the activities and societies from year one instead of leaving it so late to even think about joining any.” Laura and Diana expressed that neither of them had any regrets, Diana added: “I think it would have all happened in the exact same way!” Jake, however, is haunted by missing a deadline: “I missed one deadline because I wrote down the wrong date. It was the entire module too - I felt like a complete numpty.” I can vouch for that error – it happens to the best of us buddy.

This is the first year FRESH magazine has had a completely studentled team, the benefits and praise for working at FRESH varied for each individual. Diana: “Fresh has actually been a very defining role in university for me, as it has kind of veered my interests towards the writing kind of aspect of my degree (Theatre).” Jake: “I've really enjoyed it. The past year has been great, as we've had a terrific team who have completely reshaped the magazine. It has been so rewarding to see our changes put into action.” Diana was asked to compare her time with the FRESH magazine team to her time previously with the University newspaper: “The FRESH team was better! We had our ups and downs like any team would, but we always pulled together and brought the work in to make a successful magazine. It was an absolute pleasure to read and work with all of them.” Laura supported this and explained: “Working on FRESH has been great fun. I want to write full time so it’s given me a chance to build up my portfolio as well as work with a great team of other writers. It’s also a great way to learn about how a magazine team functions.” Similarly, Jo added: “FRESH has been a great way to meet people and gain more experience in the writing field. I feel it is a rewarding way for me to build my skills as well as giving something back to the university.” Jo was asked whether news was something she wanted to pursue in her career. “News is something I am never too sure about. If I was given the chance I would take it, but who knows what opportunities could pop up.” Diana has been writing film reviews for three years here at Roehampton, however when asked what her favourite film review was she stated: “Do you know what, my favourite film review is actually by Rebecca Liquorish, it was a review of Les Miserables, which I adored. She has been a regular feature in the film pages all year.” Does teamwork and support get any better than that? 11


big day

The big day is upon us, graduation is a moment to cherish for everyone who completes an undergraduate degree. Not to burst the bubble too soon but what are the contributor’s plans once they graduate?

jake “I'm taking a primary teaching course in Portsmouth next year, with a view to making a career out of it. I'll still be writing my sports blog and doing my F1 podcast though, so the sports stuff isn't completely out the window!”



“I'm looking for a full time junior position in publishing or the magazine industry. I will be freelancing as much as I can for online magazines and if that all fails I will be off travelling.”

“I am going to take a gap year and work on my writing, enter some competitions, do some internships and get a job. In September 2014 I am hoping to start my MA in writing for Screen and Stage”

jo “I have been very lucky to have found a full time job as an Administrator. I say it's the first rung on the career ladder as I want to stay in London to search for a job in the field I am interested in. Who knows what the future holds; I’m still young and wanting to explore the world!”


Any pearls of wisdom for future FRESH contributors? Jo: “My advice to a FRESH writer is to keep up to date with current affairs, also what is happening in and around the University. Be open to other people's ideas and constructive criticism, it's only a way to improve, it's nothing personal.” Laura: “Other writers have always told me to just keep writing, whether it is a blog, a diary or a tweet. I guess practice makes perfect.” Jake: “Don't be afraid to write on a sport you don't know about. I think having to learn and research enough about a sport to report capably on it is a real learning curve, and helps you to develop your skills as a writer.” Diana: “Write because you love it, not because you're forced to.”

Describe FRESH...

“Polished” Jake

“Creative & exciting” Laura

“A must read” Jo

“Worth it!” Diana

I may be biased but for the very first student-led team of FRESH magazine; we kicked ass! Each issue has grown in size and the content has been vast and varied. I am proud to have contributed to the magazine at my time here. It has provided me with a platform to exhibit my work and afforded me wonderful opportunities to meet new and interesting people. With a number of vacancies available next year, get in touch and join the team! For regular readers of any one of our pillars or features you can keep up with our writers over the summer and into their future via their blogs and twitter. Diana: Jake: Maxine: 13


It may have ultimately been Having spent his playing inevitable that a 71-year old career as a talented striker man would eventually call with a number of Scottish time on an illustrious career clubs, Ferguson began filled with relentless success, his managerial career with but that did not make the spells at East Stirlingshire announcement that Sir Alex and St. Mirren, before Ferguson would be retiring landing his first major job at any less of a shock to the Aberdeen. There, he broke footballing world. Though the Glasgow dominance of managers come and go, the the Scottish League and unique legacy and wealth of won the title, before pulling achievement that Ferguson off an extraordinary feat has managed in his 26 years the following season and at Manchester United is a feat leading Aberdeen to the that will never be matched, and European Cup Winners' Cup. though the phrase is banded It was an unprecedented about far too often, this truly is piece of silverware that drew the end of an era. the attention of Rangers,


Arsenal and Tottenham who all approached Ferguson. However, in 1986 he chose to move to Manchester United. Surprisingly, Ferguson's long career at United was nearly cut short. Three years into his tenure, Ferguson went on a torrid run of eight games without a win, and was said to be just one more defeat from the sack. United went on to win the FA Cup that season Ferguson's first silverware in England, and the trophy that is said to have saved his job. He then went on to repeat his European Winners' Cup success by leading United to

AN illustrious career filled

victory in the same tournament two seasons later. The advent of the Premier League in 1992 also marked the start of Ferguson's dominance over English football. With the signing of Eric Cantona adding a touch of class to the squad for the 92/93 season, United were able to run away with the title following a slow start. In the next four years, United won three titles and the foundations of Ferguson's long-running success were built. The signings of Roy Keane, Andy Cole and Peter Schmeichel were complimented by the inclusion of academy graduates Ryan Giggs, David


Beckham and Paul Scholes. Despite Alan Hansen famously dismissing the team by saying "You don't win anything with kids", United's young and inexperienced team never stopped winning, achieving two League and Cup doubles with the freshfaced squad. But arguably Ferguson's crowning moment came in the 1998-99 season. Reeling from a resurgent Arsenal snatching the title during the previous season, United were able to steal the Premier League title on the final day of the season. A week later, they overcame Newcastle in the FA Cup Final, and with

Ferguson's first European Cup Final just a few days away, it became a real possibility that United could do the unthinkable and win an historic treble. The game did not start according to plan, with opponents Bayern Munich going 1-0 up early on. However, two goals in stoppage time turned the tie on its head, and in the most dramatic of ways Ferguson had led a team to glory in a way that had never been seen before. As with anyone who spends so long at the top, controversy never strayed too far from Ferguson.


The Scot was regarded as a strong disciplinarian, but this was taken to the extreme in an incident in 2003, where Ferguson allegedly kicked a boot at David Beckham, causing him a facial injury and resulting in his eventual leaving of the club. Ferguson regularly fell out with players leading to their removal from the team, with Paul Ince, Dwight Yorke and Roy Keane falling foul of their manager's authority. Nevertheless, it clearly worked. Ferguson continued to keep United at the top throughout the noughties and up to today, rebuilding the squad a number of times

with talents such as Ruud van Nistelrooy, Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney, and winning title after title. Ferguson crowned his achievements with a second Champions League win in 2008, leading United to a penalty-shootout victory over Chelsea. This season began like any other for United. Robin van Persie was brought in for a bit of attacking flair, and United comfortably sailed to the top of the league, staying there to collect the club's 20th title. His recent interviews and programme notes said nothing to suggest that Ferguson was


d with relentless success

thinking of ending his reign, and it seemed like he would continue to build the team and look towards another great campaign next year. However, the shock announcement that Ferguson will retire really puts into perspective how triumphant his career has been. He has managed United to 38 pieces of silverware, including 13 league titles, over his 26 years in charge. He has overseen generations of success, and he has done it all at one club. For many of us, we have never known a time where Sir Alex Ferguson was not in charge of Manchester United, and it is unnerving to think that such a time is just around the corner. 15



Curse the odd-numbered years! All it can mean is there will be no Olympics, no World Cup and no Euros to distract us from the void that the end of the football season leaves us with. But let's not despair: there is still plenty to look forward to this summer, and hopefully it will be enough to keep us from forlornly hitting refresh repeatedly on the BBC Sport page at work, hoping for scraps of transfer news.

First and foremost, there is The Ashes. Nowadays, England can feel pretty good about their chances against the Aussies, with the last series ending with Australia's first home defeat in the series for 24 years. Though England will definitely be the favourites (especially considering the drubbing Australia suffered at the hands of India recently), it will be a hard-fought contest that should include all the drama and tension an Ashes series promises. The first test begins on July 10th, so look forward to some balmy summer evenings with the cricket. Then there is Wimbledon. With Andy Murray scoring his first Grand Slam victory at last year's US Open, Murray-mania is sure to be through the roof at Wimbledon this year. Tennis is enjoying a great era right now, with Federer, Nadal and Djokovic all extremely worthy competitors in what is likely to be a thrilling championship. Whether you catch the 493 down there or watch it all on the BBC, there is no excuse not to enjoy Wimbledon at the end of June. You can bet that interest in this year's Tour De France will be high, with cycling taking a starring role in last year's Olympics and Bradley Wiggins making history by winning the Tour last year. However, this year's challenge from Team Sky will be led by fellow Brit Chris Froome, meaning the Tour will have a new winner and potentially a new British winner. The battle for the yellow jersey begins on the 29th of June. Still can't get football out of your head? Lucky for you, the Women's European Championships also take place this summer. Germany will be looking to continue their run of success in the tournament, having strolled to victory in the last five Euros. However, the England team have the pain of being beaten finalists in 2011 to overcome, and will offer stiff competition for the rest of the competitors. With the BBC showing every England game, football still has its place this summer. This is but the tip of the iceberg. For golf fans, there is the US Open and the British Open to look forward to. Petrolheads can enjoy the British Grand Prix on the 30th of June. The Athletics World Championship takes place in August, giving the 2012 Olympic heroes a new stage on which to shine. There is the British and Irish Lions tour for rugby fans. Finally, the Epsom Derby and Royal Ascot will keep horseracing fans happy. So if you are a sports fan, there is no reason to be down - summer is going to be just a packed with drama and excitement as it always has been.





Cue the complaints that we had to increase the price of The Bop to a fiver! However, that extra pound has secured three headline acts for Summer Ball instead of two as well as keeping ticket prices at £50 - every cloud and all that!

THERE WAS NO su radio station...

FreshAir joined the SU ranks just two years ago and has been hugely popular since day 1! An internship with the SU has also been created as a result of its growing success and last year it was the official launch platform for the Summer Ball.

THERE WAS NO PUB GRUB... That’s right...Somehow we all used to survive without the lifeline that is The Union Pub Grub. A Full Monte or sausage baguette have become such a formality that it’s hard to remember what we did without it!

southlands had a pond... Long gone are the days in which, after a night at The Bop, the residents of Southlands would take an early bath in their very own pond! Memories include the sad death of a badger, a student prank of putting washing liquid in the fountain but more importantly, sun bathing by the pond on a clear and sunny day!

THE LIBRARY WASN'T 24 HOURS... A very new addition to the ‘deadline weeks’ of Autumn and Spring term is the 24 hour opening of the library. This has been a hit with all students, some making the most of it and spending a full 24 hours in their! Just where did we used to do our work so late in the night?! Thank you library staff!

there were no student life interns...

Take just a moment to think back to the days in which there were no Student Life Interns...This team has raised over £14,000 for charity, almost doubled the number of active societies and led over 10 volunteer days in one academic year. Before the Student Life team it seems we all just sat around eating Pub Grub...Oh wait, we didn’t even have that!


you could buy pizza at the bop... This one is for those in their fourth (or fifth!) year at Roey! Bop Burgers were put to one side for a year and replaced with Trattoria Pizzas, as much as these were loved by all, it’s safe to say Bop Burgers are the real favourites! 19

FILM It has to be said, this is a marvellous year for MARVEL! – Too much? – Well it is true! After the huge success that was 2012’s film Avengers Assemble, it seems the superheroes have been quite busy developing their own movies. This year we will still be able to see Thor 2, and in another saga, Wolverine returns. However, let’s not deviate from the matter at hand, Robert Downey Jr’s reprisal of our favourite armoured hero – Iron Man! The latest and rumoured last instalment of the Iron Man series, was by far one of the most exhilarating cinematic experiences, ever! The screenplay was fantastically worked by Drew Pearce and Shane Black, who created wonderful, witty and funny links to 2012’s Avengers Assemble; brought new dimensions to the beloved Tony Stark/Iron Man. With incredible direction from Black, again his idea for the reinvention on screen of the comic books was fantastic, both his writing and vision coming to life. Let us not forget, however, the amazing cast! Gwyneth Paltrow was, for me, the surprise of the movie. Paltrow’s Pepper Potts is transformed in this film into a whole new character that deserves to be commended for a fantastic performance. The sequel introduces the fabulous Guy Pearce in the shoes of new baddie, Aldrich Killian. Of course, there is not matching the performance of star and protagonist Robert Downey Jr, who grabs audiences’ attention from the start. There is no question, after three character films and a superhero film, that Downey Jr is Iron Man. However, I have to say, that the best character of all was The Mandarin! Portrayed by British actor Ben Kingsley, his performance has to be the highlight of the film. If you haven’t seen it yet, I will not ruin it for you, but believe me when I say; he is not what you expect. The adored series graces screens all over the world one more time, with a new story! New enemies, new memories and new jokes; it is definitely worth watching. It does not disappoint its predecessors, and I will take a huge leap of faith here, but I have to say, this was my favourite film of the sequel.



57th bfi london film festival DIANA LAVA

To all you film lovers out there who have dreamed long enough about picking up a camera and becoming the next Peter Jackson or Steven Spielberg, what are you waiting for? The BFI film festival is an annual Fall event that celebrates new film talent from all over the world, and it is currently accepting unsolicited submissions. So apply! Last year the festival went through some innovative changes as creative director, Clare Stewart, had just started her job. Amongst new subscriptions, the works of international directors/writers such as Pablo Larrain, Pedro Peirano and Martin McDonagh are shown. It is truly wonderful to see such a wonderful and eclectic mix in one space. You will get to experience cinema

from all over the world, in all sorts of languages regarding all kinds of different subjects. And obviously, some fantastic, new British films. There are tons of categories to pick from, for both submission and viewing; truly something for all tastes. Let’s not forget that film does not need to be explosive and full of effects. A lot like the article a few editions back on independent cinema, I am urging you to get some tickets. Independent cinema is such an understated art form, and it is a wonderful type of film to view. It will allow you to learn more about how different cultures influence the work of the directors and writers. If you are a potential filmmaker too, it is imperative that you expose yourself to every style of cinema that exists.

This year the festival runs from the 9th to the 20th of October. So buy some tickets as you will just be in second week of the new term and your loans would have just come in. I leave you on this note, my fellow Roehamptonites! Take advantage of all the opportunities our University has to offer, with a rich Film department and lots of artists waiting for a chance to show their talents, get together and make a film. Any film! Film Frigby and submit it, go to the Human Rights’ society film viewings. Experience film at its most, because London offers that opportunity to you. The BFI is located in the embankment; I know you all know how to get to Waterloo. It has been a good year for film, BFI will wrap things up nicely. 21




Summer is officially on the horizon...Cue walks in the various gorgeous London parks, beach BBQ’s and those highlyanticipated festival weekends. Regardless of whether you’ll be hitting V fest, mingling with the A-list at Glastonbury or rocking out at Reading & Leeds, these key festival wardrobe pieces will show you what to pack alongside your not-socool wet wipes, plasters and ponchos...





l a v i t s e F ever. F

FASHION i zzy stocks

Last month the stars flocked in their chicest getups to the hottest summer event of the year. Californian music fest Coachella serves as a tip-off to what every fashionista should be wearing come blue skies and sunshine. There was a flurry of the predictable (yet covetable!) seasonal staples- gladiator sandals, florals, headbands, cross-over bags and denim cut-offs, but these were punctuated by several off-the-catwalk trends that are guaranteed to gain you style credentials.

1 2 Diane Kruger (1) embraced this year’s overwhelming surge of graphic designs, wearing an edgy tee shirt with a print of Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones on its front. Band tees are undoubtedly made for blending into a festival wardrobe, and they are also comfortable and practical (covered shoulders= limited sunburn!) Graphic or slogan tees go with pretty much everything too, though Diane gets it so right with her combination of monochrome, tribal shorts and suede cowgirl boots. A 70’s style floppy hat- Diane wore one herself would take this look from rock ‘n’ roll to glam rock ‘n’ roll.

Actress Sophia Bush (pictured with Diane) opted for some funky, Erdem-esque patterned trousers and an ultra-stylish, though not as daring as you may be thinking, crop top. Seen everywhere from Miu Miu to Preen (2), the mid-riff baring top has evolved from the circa 2001 Britney days to become a sophisticated, elegant companion for your high-waisted pants, pencil skirts and shorts. Designers have focused on revealing the upper end of the middle- Balenciaga highlighted the bottom of the ribcage in their S/S’13 show with cut-out crops and tailored trews- which to me, seems a lot less scary than exhibiting the whole of your stomach! If the thought of baring is all too much, try Preen’s technique of layering sheer fabric over the top. Sophia’s pyjama pants too are bang on trend- they’re another great practical piece for festival frolics as they solve the worry of exposing yourself! I just need to point out Sophia’s leopard print Charlotte Olympia slippers herecoming complete with kitty ears and a face, they are so sweet! These celebs really know how to nail comfortable luxe!

3&4 5&6

A bold and brave pattern will always attract attention, and Solange Knowles (3) made a style statement with this zingy (literally!) Alice + Olivia lemon-print shift dress. A rule of the S/S’13 catwalks was to let your clothes do the talking. Mary Katrantzou demonstrated how to do this with her innovative foreign stamp-embellished fabrics; likewise, Henry Holland (4) took tie-dye to a whole new level with rainbow-coloured explosions on shirts and skirts. Inject colour into your festival wear with a quirky motif or neon tint.

Kate Bosworth (5) always gets that bohemia touch just right, and I adore her cream, laser-cut shorts and vest. They’re fresh, understated and the icing on the cake: they’re from Topshop! White is undoubtedly the most in vogue colour of the season. Valentino romanced us with their beautifully executed broderie anglaise (6), while Celine offered clean origami folds in the purest of white satin, and Chloe maximised their use of the soothing colour to emphasise their signature youthful femininity. Ultimately this trend is a blank canvas for styling- add pops of colour with interesting jewellery or colour block accessories- yet the crisp colour also stands alone and can be complimented with a classic tan tote and boots a la Kate. Which trend will you be modelling? I’d love you to tweet your festival snaps to @FreshFashionRoe.

Festival checklist... pretty sandals some form of denim

sunnies (pic 7) versatile vests

bikini (for showering!!) polka dots (on trend!)

a maxi skirt converse 23


On Saturday 12th April, volunteers at Portobello market brought the catwalk to the streets. The day lasted eight hours and included a red carpet runway set out for a catwalk to advertise the market clothing. Four stylists had a collection each, which ranged from monochrome and neon looks to 90s style, all with the motive to encourage and promote market shopping. I helped out on the day and I was amazed to find that every single item modelled that day, down to the fine details like the jewellery was bought from the market stalls and the vintage stores on Portobello road. My favourite piece was a vintage leather jacket going for ÂŁ45.00- what a bargain! With leather being a must-have for every season you could never go wrong at that price. So why not get down to a local market and see what you can find! Fashion is not about spending as such, but more about making things work together. You will be amazed at what you can find to bring your Spring/Summer ‘13 wardrobe to life.

Colour BLOCK- Summer, summer, summer time. We all love a bit of colour block especially, when it gets to the summer and the market certainly shares a love for it too. You can’t go wrong with a little, cute, inexpensive bright top. So get down to the market and add some colour to your wardrobe. Monochrome and neon- for this ontrend look you will be amazed at what you can find on the market. Faux fur fashion pieces were very big at the vintage stores. With fur being a statement piece for Autumn/Winter 2013, vintage stores are a treasure island for one-off faux fur items, so take advantage! 90s- Air Max 90s or vintage Levi shorts, where better to shop than the market or vintage stores for this great comeback look.



PRINTS- the market certainly has its fair share of prints, and with bold prints being on-trend this summer mimicking the Versace colourful print, the market is certainly a saviour when it comes to pulling off this look.

grace henry

So I'm guessing by now that the Student Loan is down to its last few pounds and you currently have your arm down the back of the sofa trying to scrape together anything you can for that much needed post-library pint and bowl of cheesey chips at the Union. The last thing on your minds is probably a blow out shopping trip and with the summer festivals looming there's no money to update your wardrobe....but fear not! I am here to give you some handy tips to transform what you already have into something fabulous for the same price as the pint and cheesey chips.


Have a good look through your wardrobe, chances are you're not wearing half of your clothes and what you're doing is just picking up what's been slung over the back of your desk chair the night before - don't worry, I'm as guilty as sin for that! Pick out some clothes that you haven't worn in the last 6 months or so and think of ways that you can update them to make them more wearable for now. It could be as simple as taking the scissors to it and removing the sleeves, or perhaps turning it into a crop top - those of you who've read my last article will be very aware that crop tops feature highly on my Summer 2013 list! Scout out any charity shops in your area - FYI guys, Putney and Sheen have HUNDREDS plus as they are located in notorious "yummy mummy" boroughs, chances are they'll be full of designer gems for a fraction of the original price. Just the other day my friend picked up a gorgeous Mulberry (swoon) satchel in mint condition. Just goes to show that if you put in the effort you will be rewarded! On the same note, antique markets and car boot sales are also great places to pick up some gorgeous things. Broaches that will provide that added sparkle to an outfit, or a simple handbag that is begging for a update. Find a good haberdashery, these places are literally my Mecca when I'm looking for ideas for an article. I get really excitable whenever I'm in one as everything is shiny and pretty... but you have got to be able to control yourself and try not to get carried away, it could end up costing you a fortune!



Set yourself a budget. At the end of the day you don't want something you create to end up costing just as much as the designer item you based it on and this feature is all about saving you money, not bankrupting you for the entire Summer! Be brave and just GO FOR IT! If you mess up then don't worry, at least you haven't spent a fortune in the process - or you shouldn't have if you've read tips 1 to 4! If you are thinking of revamping your wardrobe for that amazing featival you've got plnned, or you're going on holiday and have spent all your money on the plane ticket, then give customising a go. It's cheap, it's cheerful and it's rewarding when you see what you've created. Oh and did I mention that you'll never have to worry about anyone else rocking up in the same outfit?! That's got to be worth the effort at least!


viva forever...



If you have been living in London and looking for some light entertainment then you’ve probably considered a popstar-inspired musical. Whether it is Michael Jackson or Rod Stewart, Whitney Houston or Queen that interests you, you can probably find a West End musical to suit you. To be honest it is a surprise that PJ & Duncan haven’t yet had one (I would totally go and see that by the way). The popstar musical stage phenomenon began a good few years ago and most of the shows have drawn huge audiences in with rave reviews. And while I love the theatre, these musician-inspired musicals have not really appealed to me so far. Then came along the Spice Girls Musical and from deep within me the little girl who never saw them in concert (thanks mum) suddenly resurfaced. Judge me all you want. The Spice Girls musical - Viva Forever - opened last November at the Piccadilly Theatre in Central London and while reviews have been mixed since its opening it has drawn in audiences from all over the world and helped many twenty somethings relive their youths. However, it was sadly announced a few weeks ago that the show will only run for another month and will drop its curtain for the final time in June 2013, seven months ahead of its planned closure. The story follows a young girl: Viva, played by Hannah John-Kamen, and her friends who together are a wannabe girl group called Eternity (see the connection) who are participating in a TV talent show much like the X factor. It follows the girls through their journey as they struggle to make it in the big wide music world while also holding on to their integrity. The girls compete in the TV competition as well as dealing with typical teenage dramas: bickering between friends, family problems and first loves.


With lots of high kicks, ZigaZiga ahhs and big performance numbers including a bizarre Spanish interlude, the show is very high energy and probably is more suited to a younger audience, despite the fact that most Spice Girls fans are now at least in their twenties. It has very (very) British humour, having been written by comedian Jennifer Saunders, think Ab Fab with more teenager dramas, more screeching and a bit of slang. And frequently it did have me wondering if tourists simply get lost and miss half

the jokes, but most of the audience seemed to laugh in the right places. You can most definitely see Saunders’ influence in the script, with Viva’s mother Lauren and her best friend Suzi very reminiscent of Patsy and Edina from Ab Fab. Throughout the show most of the adult characters seem to function in a state of humorous midlife crisis, while the younger characters really drive the story forward. Whether you like the characters or not the cast are stellar, with West End veteran Sally Dexter playing

the hilarious head judge dragon figure Simone, with Bill Ward, previously of Eastenders playing Johnny, and Tamara Ward as Karen making up the rest of the (completely fictionalised, of course) judging panel. Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Lucy Phelps and Siobhan Athwal sing alongside Viva as the rest of Eternity, with lots of energy and an overly strong attempt at a street attitude. Widely, the show has been panned by critics who have said it misses the large personalities of the Spice Girls. Perhaps it was simply too much to live up to. With all of the Spice Girls

finding further fame after the split of the band and becoming increasingly idolised as individuals in the UK it is possible that we all look back with rose-tinted glasses imagining their music to have been lyrical wonders and their dance moves to have changed the nightclub floor forever. But love them or hate them the Spice Girls were iconic with many trying (but failing) to replicate their style, their music and the British presence. That being said, lets be realistic, Viva Forever was never going to compare to Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera or Wicked. It was never trying to. Sometimes in life we simply have to accept things for what they are. Pure, unadulterated fun. Especially for people of our age, the Spice Girls were our childhood, they were never trying to be taken seriously back then so what is with all the expectation that their musical would change the West End forever. If you love a cheesy pop song, can still remember all the words to ‘Spice Up Your Life’ and still have the ‘Stop Right Now’ dance moves down, then grab some friends and wander into central within the next month to catch it before it closes. On the day that I saw it, five brave women had even come dressed as the Spice Girls with pigtail wigs and a union jack dress in all its glory. Admittedly they did look slightly uncomfortable, like they probably expected everyone would be dressed up (they were not), but they styled it out and fully embraced the finale when the whole audience got to its feet for an all singing all dancing finish. So if what you want, what you really, really want is some self-indulgent fun then this is the show for you.The final show will be 29th June, 2013 so if you are interested in booking your last minute tickets visit: or 27


For 2 portions you need: 2pk CousCous (We used Mediterranean from Asda, but Ainsley also has some amazing couscous you should try out) Crème Fraiche Cucumber Tomato Avocado Black olives Red onions (which we left out this time, so if you don’t like red onions there is no need, but if you do you can add it in). Feta cheese Garlic Olive oil Salt and Pepper

Mediterranean/Greek style couscous 28 FRESH MAGAZINE

If you are tired of eating typical student foods like pasta, pasta and... pasta. Then you should definitely try one of our easy, healthy and cheap meal tips. On the menu this time we have our very own recipe creation: Mediterranean/Greek-style couscous, yummy yummy yum! This takes about 15 minutes to make and tastes like a sunny summers day out on the terrace with a fresh breeze blowing through you hair... so pretty damn good. So, the first thing you do is the making of the Tzatziki. Take your crème fraiche, add 2 crushed cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of olive oil and some salt and pepper and stir. Then use a peeler or a cheese grater to make some thin slices of cucumber and add about a handful. Stir and set aside.

Cut tomatoes (1-2 big ones, more if you use plum tomatoes), cut cucumber and if you can be bothered, cut all the olives in half, but there is no need really – it just looks pretty! We LOVE olives, so we used the whole jar, but you can just add olives as you see fit. Use half of a red onion and cut it so you get nice onion rings. Boil water for the couscous, which you have poured into a bowl or a pot. Be careful so that you measure the water correctly or else you might end up with quite a mash. Stir the couscous and put a lid on, wait 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, cucumber, olives and red onions and stir and add to plate. Use a spoon and scoop out pieces of avocado and add one half to each portion.

Celia Briseid & ROB READING

"Finally, 'sprinkle' feta cheese over the dish and put a dash or as much tzatziki as you like on the side. ENJOY!" 29


SU PRESIDENT Ahhh the summer!! Exams and assignments finished for most, time to sit back, relax and enjoy everything Roehamptons' beautiful campus and services have to offer. We have completed our final student senate meeting of the year and have submitted some of your best ideas to spend the 50k student budget; a report will be released soon. We have an incredible events schedule still to enjoy including the very emotional last bop. There's still time to submit your voice of opinion over to me to embed some ideas for next year so please email me on wade.tomlinson@roehampton. If you have struggled to pass the year or may be in some need of help regarding results that you have not expected, please visit the union and use our academic advice. Enjoy the rest of your summer, for those who are leaving, best of luck for the future. Always remember, Roehampton cares about your progress so please stay in touch. your graduation ceremonies will be awesome! All the best Wade Tomlinson.



I would begin with the cliché I’m yet to see much Sun, i the work and deadlines are p leaves not much else to do final few weeks before gradua another academic year. I wou to all those graduating this y remember when’ article on p how much things have chang Roey. It really is an ever chan for that is the students; having up for what needs improving development both academica having such confidence to m have the services an For those of you sticking aro much to look forward to. A b planned along with new ac Downshire House site, we’re and let us know how to mak projects - if there are certai see included in the new build know. Keep your eyes and ea these projects and h All that is left for me to do n Paul DaBell who is soon to b Paul has already done so mu all in capable hands. It’ll be a VP Campaigns so show him given over my two years, tell h importantly, tell hi Good luck Paul and good l continuing - thank you Ste



é summer term statement, however, if any, so I’ll move quickly on! All pretty much wrapped up now which other than sit back and enjoy the ation, or the summer holiday before uld like to say a huge congratulations year, I hope you found the ‘Do you pages 18 & 19 a great reminder of ged over the last three years here at nging campus and the main reason g the courage and passion to speak g at the University leads to constant ally and socially and without you all make your voice heard we would not nd facilities we have today. ound for another year or so, there is brand new library is currently being ccommodation on Digby and the e going to need you all to ‘chip-in’ ke the most of these exciting new in facilities or services you wish to dings then do not hesitate to let us ars open for focus groups regarding how you can get involved. now is to hand over my duties to Mr become the next SU Vice President, uch for the union so I believe you’re a tough year for Paul as he is the first m the ‘Roey support’ that I’ve been him when he gets it wrong but more im when he gets it right! luck to all at Roey, graduating or u for this amazing opportunity! eve Mols x

VP WELFARE & COMMUNITY Summer is so close, you can almost taste freedom! This is the ultimate term for Roey! There’s so much time for new activities! So if there’s something you’ve been meaning to get into since January, a sports team or society, now is the perfect opportunity to start getting to know new people & setting yourself up for next year! It’s time to say goodbye as well to our 3rd years! You guys have worked incredibly hard, so milk this last term for what it’s worth & enjoy! It’s also my last few weeks here at Roey! Words seem to fail how much I have adored my time here (I must admit, I’m getting slightly teary eyed just writing this)! I rocked up here as a gobby 18 year old & the first thing I asked in fresher week 2008 was, “How do I get involved in the students’ union?” – I was a keeno to say the least! Something about this place made me want to step up and take a lead! I found myself loving my whole experience here and I genuinely wanted others to experience the same! You guys have given me that opportunity over & over again! First I was the Froebel CSS, then the Mount Clare Site Rep, & then as your VP Welfare & Community – and I can’t thank all the students who voted for me, helped me rally up support, and made t-shirts for me enough! Through my work, I hope my gratitude has been obvious. My time as VP Welfare & Community has honestly been life changing! I’ve seen students struggle with so many different issues, find courage to overcome them & go on to flourish and graduate! The lessons I’ve learned here (academically, work wise & emotionally) will stay with me and provide much needed reserves of strength which I will no doubt need to call upon in the future! I’m leaving Roehampton with a new found humbleness. In my future endeavours, I can only hope to be surrounded by such incredible, fun, positive, and diverse individuals – much like all of you! Appreciate your time here as much as I’ve appreciated mine: there really isn’t anywhere else like Roey! It’s been such a privilege & honour! Goodbye Roey – Love Claire Fitzy xxx 31

BLOGS CAMPAIGNS Well Roehampton it has been a virgin year for the student life office. We saw our ranks swell from 2 members to 5 and it is unbelievable what we have managed to achieve due to the new man (and lady) power and from all the support of the students and staff that have been involved over the last 9 months. Some of my highlights from the 70+ events from the 10 campaigns we have run from the campaigns desk this year include; Feed the 1,000, the Top Gear wheelchair race across London, the Rodeo Penis, the Gunge Tank, Man Summers night, LGBT Share a Secret, the Amazing Fruit Sorting Challenge and so many more that I can’t fit them all in here! By far the biggest success story of the year from the campaigns desk is R.A.G. This year we have raised almost 5 times more than we have ever raised in the past and that is all thanks to all the events you have attended, the competitions you have entered and of course the money you have generously given that has taken us to almost £15,000! It has been an amazing honour to have been the first Campaigns Intern for the Students’ Union this year and if I could I would stay in this role forever. I have loved every second of it and hopefully I will see most of your happy, smiley (sometimes drunk) faces next year and to everyone graduating, don’t be a stranger, come back and play soon! And like a fat kid in dodge ball...FJ’s out!

SOCIETIES Hello all! With the end of term approaching I’d just like to thank you all for your efforts this year to really put societies on the map at Roehampton. It’s been a real pleasure to work with you all and we’ve made some great memories. Thanks to everyone who’s completed the presidential handover so far, there’s still time to send them in and a copy of the form is available on the Facebook group simply send it to , best of luck with all your societies in the new academic year and thank you for making my job such a joy to do. Best wishes, Michael Diss Societies Intern


BLOGS NEW MEDIA Hello Roe, Term is quickly coming to end, but we've still got lots to look forward to! Here's a quick update on what those lovely new media boys have been up to recently. Firstly, we've been working on some new content for Fresh TV. The first episode of Fresh Nosh is complete and will be making it's debut very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Secondly, we've been planning some very special content that YOU will be getting involved with. Watch out for us out with our cameras on the lawn, coming over and getting your opinions on why you love Roehampton. From the radio side we’ve been wrapping up the year and should have some best of shows up in the next week. You’ll be able to find theses on our Facebook page. Due to the progress we’ve made this year at the station, we feel confident enough to make some submissions for the Student Radio Association, so fingers crossed. We will be running a few competitions with Jimmy’s World restaurant as well as Reading and Leeds Festival. So remember to keep checking the relevant Facebook pages and see you at Summerball! P.S Don’t forget if you want to get involved with Fresh Air or Fresh TV next, do pop into the SU towers anytime to see ourselves or drop us a line at Daran and Steven x

VOLUNTEERING Hey Roehampton! This is my last blog to you as Volunteering Intern, sadface, but I would like to use it to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has been involved in volunteering over my time here. I’ve really enjoyed myself, from the Cleaner Thames Challenge to the Post a Smile sessions, and I hope that you have as well! It’s not too late to get involved if you still want to! Coming up we have an Allotment Project, Barnes Wetlands Centre Volunteer Day and our final Post a Smile to Sick Child session. Please find us on Facebook by searching RU Inspired? to get in on the action. Again, a big thank from me, it’s been great working with all of you and good luck with whatever life throws at you! Lots of love and hugs, Louise 33


Graduate Mentoring Scheme (GMS) Mentoring is a process through which Roehampton students can gain an understanding of the world of work. It can also assist our students in developing the skills and confidence necessary to improve their employability as well as providing personal development support and guidance.

Guidelines for students What is mentoring? As a student you will be working alongside your mentor to strengthen your work related competencies and build on your academic and personal attributes in order to enhance your career progression and graduate skills. Why enlist on the GMS? This is a rare chance to meet with a practising professional, to guide you through the transition from University into graduate employment. A mentoring partnership can be an enriching experience through which you can develop your leadership and communication skills as well as developing the confidence and behaviours that contribute to managing your own career successfully. How long does the scheme last? The scheme is designed to run throughout the academic year with a minimum of three face to face meetings or Skype contact during this time. The length and dates of the mentoring sessions should be negotiated by the student and mentor in consideration of availability on both sides. Make an application: Please download the Information guide at, complete the application form and email to Richard Hill via

“I was delighted to hear that I have been allocated a mentor. Thank you very much for this brilliant opportunity. I have sent Mrs Fenton an email and am already very looking forward to meeting her” - Femke Lilian Berge (student) “I am very pleased to be part of this scheme and looking forward to participating in it” - Caroline Taylor (mentor) 35 roehamptonstudent.com35 35 36

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