Welcome Fresh 2011

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A WARM WELCOME FROM ROEHAMPTON STUDENTS’ UNION The time has come for you to fly your mothering nests and enter university life and all that goes with it! Excited, nervous, ambitious and hesitant, emotions will surly be running riot right now but fear not, this publication of the Students’ Union newspaper will answer some of those burning questions you have to ask!


nside you will find a warm welcome from your Student Union team and some useful tips from them on how to make the most of your freshers week, and of course your entire time at Roehampton University. We have a dedicated team of 4 sabbaticals (1 President and 3 Vice Presidents, elected by students) who work alongside a team of 5 full time staff to enhance the student experience at Roehampton. Roehampton Students’ Union also includes 25 part time officers who dedicate their own personal time and effort to engage all our students and enhance their student experience! Take a look inside this exclusive edition of Fresh to find out what’s going on throughout Fresher’s week and familiarise yourself with the faces of the Students’ Union, they’re not to pretty but they are sure friendly ;) Also throughout the paper look out for TopTips these will be sporadic handy tips as thought up by your Student Union President, Alex Murray. TopTip 1: Come and find us in Fresher’s Week located in the The BigTop (Froebel Lawn), we will be there all week for a friendly hello or a helping hug!


Welcome To Roehampton H

ello - my name is Alex Murray and I’m the President of the Students Union. First things first... Welcome to Roehampton University and what I hope will be one of the amazing experiences of life! During your time at Roehampton you will meet some lifelong friends and build some crazy memories that you will look back on when you’re winkled and grey. As a student at Roehampton you are automatically a member of the Students Union. This means you can take advantage of all the services the RSU has to offer, you can have as active role as you like but as with everything, the more you get out of something comes from what you put in. We have a great entertainments programme, clubs and societies, volunteering opportunities, great welfare and academic support team, trips away, wide range of student media and much more – so stick your fingers in all the pies! As President, it is my job to ensure your time here is as good as it can be! Whether it comes down to events, education, campus life or learning resources the Students Union is here to ensure you have the best student experience you can have. Another part of my role is to act as the main student representative on university committees – this basically means that I am your voice when decisions are being made – so if you don’t like something or want change let us know so we can do our best to make it happen! I had an amazing time as a student at Roehampton and I hope you all do too! We’re located opposite the Union bar (standard) so if you want to come and find out more, feel free to drop in and say Hi!



! T S I L K C E CH

Sabbatical Team...

Alex Murray Baz Barrett Steve Molyneaux Claire Fitzsimons

President Vice President Activities Vice President Communications & Engagement Vice President Welfare & Community

alex.murray@roehampton.ac.uk baz.barrett@roehampton.ac.uk steve.molyneaux@roehampton.ac.uk claire.fitzsimons@roehampton.ac.uk

Full Time Staff... Chris O’Boyle General Manager c.oboyle@roehamtpon.ac.uk Jon Foley Entertainments Coordinator j.foley@roehampton.ac.uk Gemma Kelly Academic Support Advisor g.kelly@roehampton.ac.uk Kate Griffiths Receptionist rsu@roehampton.ac.uk Kennedy Small Finance Manager k.small@roehampton.ac.uk

1. GET A FRESHERS PASS With guaranteed entry into ALL Freshers Week events, where you’ll meet a load of friends, the Freshers Pass is a more than a head start in your Roehampton career! 2.INVEST IN THE BOOKS It’s probably best we nail this one out of the park before all the fun stuff. At the end of the day you’re spending loads of money on your degree so make sure you start off with flying colours and invest in the books. In fact, it should be your absolute first priority if you’re getting a student loan through. If you go to your subject briefings during freshers week, they’ll fill you in with what you need! 3.DIG UP THE WACKY OUTFITS Unearth that Superman T-Shirt or Wonder Woman cape from the attic and give it a new home in the form of a dressing up box! Fancy dress is a must here! 4.BRING YOUR CAMERA If you haven’t done so already, invest in a decent camera! There’s plenty of Kodak moments to come so make sure you capture them all! 5.GET NETWORKING Try to use websites such as www.yougofurther.co.uk and Facebook to meet people on your course before you’ve even had your first lecture! Trust us, Its a great way to break into uni with ease.

6. REMEMBER IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Especially if you’re going to be far from home, remember things such as passports. other ID and important documents or letters that you may need for registration. It’s possible you’ll start job hunting soon, so you may need your National Insurance etc. 7.GET WISE Learn how to use a washing machine, a cooker, a hoover etc before arrival! Practise making some meals that you can afford on a student budget and cook without any hassle! 8.GET FINANCIALLY WISE, TOO! Be sure to open a student bank account and confirm that you student loan is sorted before registration. Make sure your loan will cover accomodation, and if you plan to live off campus try to contact Roehampton accomodation ASAP! 9.MAKE YOUR OWN CHECKLIST - BUT NOT TOO BIG Each student’s unique, so along with this handy list that we’ve made you, make one tailor made to yourself. It makes packing a great deal easier! Remember to pack light! You don’t want to be unpacking for hours during Freshers week and you certainly wouldn’t want to be anti-social, would you? 10. IT SEEMS LONG, BUT IT’S VERY USEFUL Ensure you’ve read all the paper work, contracts etc before joining us! You don’t want to be out of the loop when you get here. Make sure you know where you’re going! Check out www.roehampton. ac.uk and www.roehamptonstudent.com


Activities S

up little ones of Roehampton! I guess a little introduction is in order! My name’s Baz and I am your Vice President of the Student’s Union. My job basically entails getting you, the students, to have as much fun as possible and squeeze as much crazy and fun stuff into your social schedule here at the coolest University in town, Roehampton. I, like most Roehampton students have graduated this year but find myself clinging on to the Roehampton bubble, trying to pop it but I just can’t. Studied Sport Psychology in my three years here, loved it. I was Froebel College President last year, again, loved it, wouldn’t change it for the world, and now it’s my time to give something back. My role within the Student Union is really trying to push extra-curricular activities that you as students want to see at your University. These fall under four main areas: -Sports -Societies -Volunteering -Give It A Go These areas aren’t meant to stand there and look pretty, these areas are there for you to grasp, shake around and squeeze every opportunity out as much as possible! Every student at Roehampton has the chance to get involved with something they have never done/tried before and it is my job to help make that happen!



Here at Roehampton, there are roughly around 25 societies for you to get involved with. With the “The greatest efforts in sports came when the mind is as still increasing potential to push that number up throughout the year, clubs and societies really opens up as a glass lake.” your eyes and gives you the chance to experience something new and different. If you find yourself at a Now, we may not be able to set your mind as still as a glass crossroads, or feel like there is an opportunity to start something new then we are privileged to do that, lake but here at Roehampton working in partnership along- whether it is starting up a grass eating society or stamp collecting society you have options! There has side Sport Roehampton we can offer you a wide variety of been great success with our current societies, especially the third row dance society different sports and a better provision accessible to all. Sport putting on shows and inspiring students across all four campuses. All of our societies Roehampton provides many benefits for students, from simple at Roehampton are set up for students, by students, almost like a cute little family! health and well-being to vocational experience, skill acquisi- At the end of the year we hold the Societies Achievement Ceremony (SAC) where tion, job opportunities and a chance to meet new people and we get together with nibbles, drinks, look back over the successful year and award find that hidden sport that could take you to the Olympics! different clubs and societies and individuals for all their hard work, dedication and The best way to do this is get yourself down to Fresher’s fair, contribution throughout the year. Something not to be missed so don’t hang around! take a wander, mingle and sign up to what you think tickles your fancy. If you are unable to attend Fresher’s fair then you always have the opportunity throughout the year to sign up to Go on! Just give it a go! In the RSU we’re cool and call it GIAG, where, basically, we introduce you guys to a multiplicity of activities and opportunities to get involved in, something different for those who aren’t necessarily up for sports here at the RSU. all night parties and outrageous drinking sessions! There are four main areas to GIAG: Trips Away... This year the Sport Roehampton dream is to build as There is nothing better than packing your bags and fleeing the country for a few days to enjoy more of life’s experimuch student participation in sporting activity as possible to ences that the world has to offer. So, here at the RSU we offer a wide range of exceptionally priced trips for the get you guys loving the healthy life! If there is a sport that is tall, short, happy and sad to get knee deep involved! Whether it’s a day trip to the deep, dark depths of London dungeons or a long, sensible weekend away to Amsterdam we can cater for your many needs! These trips are definot yet recognised, that you would like to see then we offer nitely a great way to meet new people, try new things and relax through the stresses of academic work. the help and support to get things in the swing. Just contact Activities... the sport’s development officer who is always keen to improve ‘Actio’ the Latin word for activity; meaning a specified pursuit in which a person partakes: student sports participation. The majority of our sports teams At Roehampton we offer you the chance to gain skills and broaden your options and qualifications to help you are entered in to the BUCS (British University and College succeed in the future. Not only are the activities we provide fun and appealing, they range from cooking classes Sport) and compete on Wednesday afternoons in the 1st and to foreign language courses to broaden your language skills to adrenalin pumping pole dancing! Meet you people, learn something new...it’s all there! 2nd terms. Alongside this, the four Roehampton Colleges; Froebel, Digby, Whiteland’s and Southlands are entered into Keep Fit... With all the beer and takeaways consumed, we have to balance it out in some way eh! We work very closely with SESSA leagues for more mouth-watering competition! our partners at Roe-Active to give you guys the opportunity to experience a range of different Fitness Classes that Alongside the blood, sweat and tears of hardcore intense are accessible, fun and well run by Roehampton’s finest trained fitness instructors. Whether you’re into Zumba, competition, the sport’s teams at Roehampton are BIG on social sides of things and love a good social or fundraiser for Yoga or want to strengthen your abdominals, we have the classes for you! All classes come free if you join as a roe-active member or come along for just £2.50!! On the subject of membership; Roe-active has a fantastic range their team throughout the year. These socials really show you of memberships to suite your of fitness. Pop down to roe-active to meet the friendly fitness fanatics! Even if how becoming a member of a sports team is more than what you’re not a member and just fancy a light little session, hand over three of the Queen’s finest English pounds and happens on the field. There are also several infamous sporting get busy! With over 45 pieces of the latest technology equipment, Roe-active provides professional instruction, events such as Frigby, Shitelands and Frugby. Don’t worry... customised fitness programmes and ongoing advice and support to shape you up for the beach season! you’ll soon find out what these are! One prestigious event that Sport Roehampton honours their selves in is the end of year Volunteering is something we’ve really pushed these past 6 months or so to engage students within the local comSport Roehampton Awards dinner, where we can really appreciate the people who have made the difference to our time munity, whether that is internal or external to the University, we really want students to learn voluntary stills and in sport at Roehampton. If sports’ is your thing, don’t hesitate gain experience to take into the real world. With our fantastic new volunteering intern, Donna Jarvis, it is an area to contact Dave Bush the Student Sport Development Officer that we are looking to put a lot of care and attention into and really kick things off the ground. There are two main (d.bush@roehampton.ac.uk) who will sort you right out! He’s volunteering schemes that have taken to the main stage this past year. ‘RU Inspired’ and ‘MAD’ (Make A Difference). RU Inspired is a new scheme where it gives students the opportunity to volunteer in the local community a bit of a hero.



and give something back to Roehampton. The more volunteering you do, the more fun you have and the more rewards you receive! ‘MAD’ project is more internally based within the University where more ‘day’ projects are established and students can give something back to the University. A great example of this is how the allotment kicked off immensely last year with students growing their own vegetables, making shelves and cut down hedges. Get involved guys!! So, as you can see kids, there is nearly as much crazy stuff to do at Roehampton than there are grains of sand. The best advice I can give you is do it with a heart wide open. Regret the things you don’t do at Roehampton and I promise you, deep down from the bottom of my heart, the next three years will be the BEST three years of your life. Whether it’s in the bar, on the court, down the street, in the library or at the BOP…I look forward to seeing you guys around! ‘Roehampton…London’s gateway to heaven’


Communications H

owdie Folks! My name is Steve Molyneaux and I have the honour of being your Vice President for this academic year, throughout this newspaper you will come across all different kinds of job titles so let me give you the low down of what it is I get up to on a daily basis! My remit is the Communications and Engagement Zone, which in a nut shell, is the media and campaigns hub of RSU. It is my duty to advertise all what is going on throughouot each week of the year, whether that is to do with clubs and societies, volunteering opportunities or the regular RSU events. My cheeky tips to you guys would be to make full use of the your student union website (www.roehamptonstudent. com) and social media platforms such as twitter and facebook to keep yourselves up to scratch on university life. So what about the campaigns element of the zone? Well as you will soon notice, Roehampton Students’ Union run many campaigns throughout the academic year to really engage students in a vast range of social, cultural and political areas. If you have a burning desire inside to campaign for something that means a lot to you, come and tell us and we’ll be more than happy to get you on board. As Alex mentioned in his opening blog of this newspaper, you are automatically a member of the RSU by being a student at Roehampton, however this does not me we expect you to be on every picket line at every protest and demonstration! All this means is we are here to help and represent every single one of you in almost every element of university life, if we cant help then I am sure we know a person who can ;) You can be as active or inactive as you wish with your student union membership although of course we hope you will come and ask a thousand questions and really get stuck in. Here comes a cheesy cliché ... the more you put in the more you get out ... it really goes without saying, but to make your C.V. that bit more sexy by the time you leave Roehampton, why not start by getting yourself knee deep in the RSU shenanigans - and remember, its a democracy so you could soon be sitting in my seat as Vice President ;) So now that I have bored you with old school clichés, below is a breakdown of what I can help you get involved with as your Vice President and please if you have any questions fire them my way as soon as you see my face around this wonderful campus of ours!! If you don’t happen to bump into me because your so busy doing every sport, helping every society and campaigning outside Westminster, feel free to drop me an email at steve.molyneaux@roehampton.ac.uk. Massive congratulations on getting a place at Roehampton University and I shall see you very soon! Much Love x

Fresh Newspaper The extremely smart ones among you will have by now worked out we have a student run newspaper called ‘Fresh’, if you hadn’t worked out what Fresh is ... its what your reading right now ;) This newspaper is entirely the love child of Roehampton students and we are always looking to extend or regular writers, so please get involved from day one if working on a newspaper production is your life long dream!!



RSView is the name given to our visual community which enables students to access video based content concerning the union. RSView is a relatively new venture for us, built with the primary aim to give societies and smaller factions within the union an opportunity to Fresh will be released once a month over the raise their profile, effectively FreshAir is our very own, in house radio show, academic year, and as we are incredibly wise folks at and as always with us at RSU, its solely created offering them a free means RSU we plan each one to be released around crucial by you guys, the students! This is an absolute of publicity via the RSU term dates, campaigns, events and the annual RSU fantastic tool to broaden your skills, modernise website and a chance to take elections. This means you guys are fully informed of your C.V and impress furutre employees all ownership over RSU media. what’s happening at your university, hopefully way whilst having some fun! We have industry before its happened. Look out for the Fresh ‘dump Over the coming year, standard radio equipment up at RSU which bins’ which can be found placed on each college RSView will be the place to is real simple to use even I can manage it ;) and I cant stress enough how much you will gain find out about our exciting FreshAir is launching for the first ever time this from picking one up and having a cheeky read ... if academic year so to record one of the very first campaigns and activities. this doesn’t tempt you ... they’re free, boom now shows, bust a groove up to RSU and tell us what Again, this has been handed your loving life! and when you want to record. The radio will run to our media intern to As Vice President, I am Editor-In-Chief of Fresh and from 8am-8pm daily online so please tune in and head up so that it gains the believe me when I say I need all the helping hands listen to what your fellow Roehamptoners have full commitment it needs I can get to write articles as sadly people get very to say. Its never been more easy to keep in the to be successful. If you’re bored of reading my blogs. Its really simple to do, interested in filming and know!! simply drop me an email with what you want to be editing footage relevant to put in Fresh or if your feeling extremely ambitious local or national events, or Dedicated to the FreshAir element of the we’ll get you to write and produce your own blogs/ Communications Zone is our new Media Intern simply make some great articles/reviews without any intervention from me footage of RSU events you for this year, Richard Williams, however myself and my media team (well maybe a little just to make and Rich will both be key contacts if you wish have attended then do not sure its all legal and lovely!) hesitate to get involved to get involved with what really is an amazing The paper cover local (internal and external) news opportunity...again its free, loving life even more to national and NUS (National Union of Students) Use the same contacts as now aren’t you!! news stories, they range from soft to hard features given for the comms zone. with aim of engaging, informing and representing contacts: steve.molyneaux@roehampton.ac.uk students at every level. richard.williams@roehampton.ac.uk

h s e r F

We love to keep things Fresh at RSU and over the last year or so ‘Fresh’ has become somewhat of a brand for our media platforms. This year (you lucky devils) is what I like to call the golden year of Comms as we finally have it all - well nearly all! You have read about the newspaper not its time to tell you about our newest edition to the team, ‘FreshAir’.

Engagement A new element of the communications zone is ‘engagement’. Although we do a lot of great things up at RSU towers, in the past, it’s not been our best party trick. Nevertheless, it is something we are going push further emphasis on over the next year. Engaging with students involves everything from us communicating with you, to encouraging you to communicate with us, and to take more ownership and direction within the union wherever possible. This can range from giving us feedback to getting involved and running in our annual RSU elections. For example, we have listened to your feedback in regards to our online media and are now redesigning the Student Union website and social media pages to become more accessible to you. Engagement is not only just about feedback though; it’s about activitism and collectivism and in short, getting involved!


Welfare and Community H

ello Freshlins! My name is Claire Fitzsimons (a.k.a fitzy), and I am your Vice President of Welfare & Community Sabbatical within the Roehampton Student’s Union (RSU). I am here to help you guys out with any personal issues that you might be experiencing. From financial difficulties, to struggling to keep up with your work load, there is not a problem that you cannot come to me with. I will help you guys come up with solutions and goals to work towards in relation to any issue, in order to ensure that your university experience is a smooth as possible. Because of the nature of my role, I therefore have an open door policy, which means that you are welcome to pop in for a chat at any time! If for any reason I am not in the office, I will swiftly respond to any messages or emails. Welfare Zone This year, the focus of the Welfare Zone will be to help you guys learn more about issues such as; mental health, sexual health, alcoholism, drugs, eating disorders, pregnancy, finance management, smoking, personal safety and how to look after your wellbeing. Again, should you find yourself struggling with any of these issues, please do pop us to see us! Your enquiry will be dealt with the strictest of confidentiality. The Welfare Zone works alongside the university’s Welfare Officers and Welfare services. This means that we are able to provide you with up to date, and relevant, helpful information. We can also provide FREE condoms, pregnancy tests, and sell personal attack alarms for £1. Community Zone The Community Zones strives to ensure that all students groups have an equal platform to express their opinions and voice concerns. This is achieved thought our students group representative officers such as, the 4 College Presidents, Mount Clare Site Rep, Disabilities Officer, LGBT Officer, Mature Student’s Officers, Women’s Officer, Cultural Diversity Officer and the International Students Officer. All these groups of students help form the awesomeness that is the Roey Community! Our diversity of students is something that is quite unique, and therefore we like to do our best to help each individual student feel a part of our community! We achieve this sense of community through representing students on both a local and national level, and supporting campaigns like Black History Month & LGBT History Week. I also work alongside the local community Police Officers in order to continually address student safety issues. Lastly, I also work with the the university’s Chaplaincy services to help Students of different Faiths again feel a part of the wider Roey community. There is something for everyone, and there is a group of students for everyone to feel a part of, my job is to help enhance your university experience by making you aware of these groups. It is important to us that you are provided with opportunities to become engaged, and address any personal issues. We want you to have the BEST experience of Roey and will continually strive to make your issues our priority! Look forward to meeting you all & see you around Freshlins Love Fitzy x

Key Campaigns: S.H.A.G Week: 28.11.11-02.12.11 Don't Diss My Ability: 13.11.11-18.11.11 Fat Talk Free Week: 18.10.11-22.10.11

L.G.B.T.Q: 06.02.12-10.02.12 Safer Neighbourhood Team


he Roehampton Safer Neighbourhood Team welcomes you to Roehampton University and of course to Roehampton itself. I am the police Liaison Officer for the University and have held the position for the past three years and well as a LGBT Liaison Officer. In conjunction with the Students Union and the Welfare and Community Department we hold a drop-in session for students, called ‘Report It!’. This happens once a week and is based in the Union Bar and Cafe (Froebel Campus).Keep a look out for dates which will be posted online. As well as doing this we also hold a ‘Report It!’ road show three times throughout the academic year where we go round all the campuses and hand out information about personal safety and crime prevention, which gives you an opportunity to come and talk to us about any concerns that you may have. Everything that gets discussed is treated in confidence! We do encourage you to come and see us, not only for you to get to know us, but also for us to get to know you, so we would love you to pop by and say hello!


Academic Support H

ello, my name is Gemma Kelly and I am the Academic Support Advisor for the Students’ Union. My role is to support, guide and advise students through any Academic issues.During your time at University, you may require advice about academic issues. The Students’ Union is equipped to deal with any Academic query if we don’t know the answer we will know someone that does.The Students’ Union is an independent service from Roehampton University which can advise and guide students through the University’s academic & disciplinary regulations.

If you are considering an academic appeal against a decision of an exam board, or you wish to make a complaint the Students’ Union can explain the grounds on which you are able to appeal or complain and the correct process to do so. We provide free, confidential and impartial advice to all students, we are here to guide you through and hopefully reach your goals.


Programme Reps

s well as offering academic advice I also head up the Programme Rep System with the RSU President, Alex Murray.

What is a Programme Rep? A Programme Rep is an elected student from your academic programme. Their main job is to liaise and represent the views and opinions of students on that course and to feedback to members of staff and the Students’ Union. We re-launched the Programme Rep system last academic year with somefantastic and enthusiastic reps getting involved, this year we aim to continue and get academic representation at the forefront of every programme.

Being a Programme Rep Being a programme rep gives you the opportunity to contribute tohow your course is developed and also represent your fellow students, ensuring that any issues they have with their course are dealt with and that any changes or improvements to the course can be communicated back to the students. It looks awesome on your C.V. and gives you a great experience in meeting skills, public speaking and is also a great way to meet new people. Being a programme rep will give you the

opportunity to contribute to how your course is developed and also represent your fellow students, ensuring that any issues they have with their course are dealt with and that any changes or improvements to the course can be communicated back to the students. It looks awesome on your C.V. and gives you great experience in meeting skills, public speaking and also a great way to meet new people.

Becoming a Programme Rep If you’re interested in becoming a rep, talk to your programme convener or drop Gemma Kelly, Our Academic Advisor and email on g.kelly@roehamtpon.ac.uk

TopTip “Programme Reps are there to ensure your programme thoughts and concerns are heard. Feel you got what it takes to fill the boots? Contact RSU to find out more!”


The RSU Interns T

his year is all about the ‘new’, you’ve read about the new radio station and you’ve heard from your three new sabbs ... well there is more to add to the ‘new’ list. For the first time ever, RSU have employed 2 new interns who are with us until the end of January, they will work alongside the team to enhance the student experience, with the main aim of their remit being to engage students further. The two interns work on seperate zones within the RSU, Richard (Media Intern) will focus his work within the Communications Zone whilst Donna (Volunteering Intern) will concentrate her efforts around the Activities zone. The ability to have these interns is an amazing achievement, representitve of the great work previous RSU teams have done for Roehampton students, by having them on board this year we hope to interact far greater with every student, on campus or off, mature, post graduate or undergraduate. They will strive to help diversify the RSU’s services and give greater clairty to what we do. Alex Murray, SU President says, ‘The Student Media Intern has been introduced to the RSU to add extra vitality to our range of media. Developing Fresh Air, our student radio station, working on RSview video projects and ensuring you guys have an events photo gallery. The Media Intern will be the main lead for Fresh Air, so any potential radio stars – come and learn how and create your own show for Roehampton’s audio enjoyment. The Volunteering Intern has been developed to support the Activities Zone playing an active role in the volunteering programme ‘RU Inspired’. This will include recruiting volunteers; liaising with local voluntary organisations and developing MAD Projects (Make a difference) to give you guys the opportunity to take part in wider extracurricular activities and build on skills for your CV’.


i, my name’s Richard Williams and I’m New Media Officer at the RSU. A big part of my role is running Fresh Air – Roehampton’s newly launched radio station. The station will be run by the students, for the students, and played in all public places around campus. I’m looking to get as many of you guys involved as possible. So, whether you are a budding DJ, or interested in being a sound technician or producer, feel free to get in touch. The best way to do so is to visit our stall at the upcoming Freshers Fare, have a chat and sign up, or to email richard.williams@roehampton.ac.uk or steve.molyneaux@ roehampton.ac.uk. We’re also looking for photography students who are interested in snapping various events for our website, as well as film students eager to document student shenanigans, so please drop me a line too on the above email address. You may also see me about as one of the resident DJ’s at the Bop and Club Foot - playing all the best indie, electro and alternative rock. So come say hello, and request a song too!


“Want to write a blog that will have hundreds of people reading your thoughts? Maybe produce a radio show that will win you a Mobo? The place to start is right here!”

R.U inspired to Make a Difference?


t’s a great time to be a student at Roehampton University and I’m thrilled to be embarking on my new role as Volunteering Intern and working with the amazing guys at the RSU. We’re changing the face of ‘voluntary work’ and we’re creating new, fun and rewarding ’volunteering opportunities’ for all you guys at Roehampton! Fresh up-to-date with the ‘European Year of Volunteering 2011’ initiative, RSU are promoting so many great opportunities for you to volunteer on campus and in the local community. The ‘RU Inspired?’ initiative aims to inspire new and existing volunteers to get involved in M.A.D (Make a Difference) Projects giving you the perfect opportunity to meet new friends, strengthen your C.V and really make a difference! As a recent Roey graduate I really believe in the project, employers are looking for you to stand out from the rest and in my view volunteering is the most rewarding way to do it! I can’t wait to start rolling out our M.A.D volunteering events, there really is going to be something for everyone. So don’t let these events pass you by -come and get involved! Get your hands dirty with fellow students and staff on our first M.A.D Project held on the allotments at the Froebel campus at the beginning of October. Enhance your team building skills and get a little exercise while working outdoors and then after a day’s graft in the garden we’ll all sit back and admire our efforts with a few drinks and chilled out music before sending off some Chinese lanterns under the Harvest moon … sound appealing? Keep your eyes peeled for more up-and-coming projects on the RSU website! It really is a win-win situation, not only will you get to be a part of a fun and worthwhile day but you’ll also get rewarded for it! …and I’m not just talking about the satisfaction you’ll get from seeing how volunteering your time for just one day can make such a difference to the tired and neglected worn out environment or a difference to the lives of those who are isolated and lonely in our community … I’m also talking about the ‘freebie’ rewards you’ll receive for logging the hours you give –you can receive gym passes, event tickets, T-shirts, hoodies and much more! There really is no better way to get the most out of your university experience while enhancing your personal skills. RSU know our students can be anything they want to be …so be involved, be creative, be supportive, be generous, be positive, and be ’Inspired to Make a Difference’. I can’t wait to meet you all at Fresher fair so make sure you come by and say Hi!!


When I st arted at R oeh how the U niversity w ampton, I was a lit tle unsure ould cater tions of a as to for the n postgradu e e ds and ex ate studen accommod pectat. The us ation and ual worrie me alongside s of the worrie eting people similar s and dem to me ex course. T isted ands of a he univers postgradu ity did the ries throu ate ir best to gh accomm combat th odating all in one blo e se worpost-grad ck - I belie students ve this is the uni as together an it means you are liv intelligent procedure similar sit ing with t of uation and hose in a ve find that very the events ry likely of similar age. I did h RSU put meet peop owever on are a le of ALL g reat way ages, givin to meet n t g o ew people an amazin g opportu - particula long week nity rly on a F of studyin riday night g you’re a There is a fter a ble to unw a great b alance at in d young and a t t he Bop. Roehampt crazy and on betwee having som students n being (if you wis e drinks with the y h to) and block with ou relaxing in some of your post nger your own just like y gra mu ourself!!! E NJOY IT G sic and friends tha d t really UYS! Ba rt xx

he main week ... t s r e h s e ck is r back to f rhaps sho ase e P k ! in h k t c o e h phr lture s Well let m of a cliché as the cu t a w h e w e m m r o o int. thing f use and s talking po o t t s e d g r ig o b w s the d to a strong culture wa ot so use n the n e h s t a e w m I the culture, but for week and an Asian s r e m h o s r e f I did r F g Comin ever, what efeel about w o y t H r . a r p a l e a y hat lif t the the casu fit in to t throughou u s o t y n e e v e such lik r l e regula . There is o u don’t fe t o y e v if a h s a ferent ou don’t realise w nts of dif ampton, y e h d e u o t R s ou, t d a n style, not for y cultures, a is f le o y t e s g e n lif a el the resher a broad r et who fe t if the F e a h m t o s t ie to lit le nationa of peop vital tool w a e f is ir a n f io y a udents Un ey are ver t there are h t S , e n h o t T p . ation oeham pt same situ time at R in and ada r u le o t t y e t s u o s gh I can tudent use throu elping all s culture. I f h n o o t d n d o e L p differindeed well equip brace the pton and m m e a h o e t o R e pired b to the it would ed and ins t e a ic c v u d d a e l y e n e and f lp you give you a est to he experience b y y a r e m v u ir o e do th ences y oey that R t a e s o by th Ramesh x ! in le t t se

n go fying experience you ca rri te st mo e th be to ndon seems there was smaller city to live in Lo ely new environment. If a let m mp fro co g a vin in , mo me 18, ho of m iling At the age rescue, with many sm liar faces, far away fro mi e fa th Un to id? s ra wa af on be pt n’t am fear Roeh one guidthrough. Who would be it. However, have no keys there was some uld my wo d is te th llec ne co I alo nt el fe me ever a time to meone would be there me in no time. The mo ho so , at nd lt ou fe ar I s sly er les mb aim me er wondering nty faces and helpful RSU my flat rep. If I was ev . I’m sure there are ple ek to we me s g er cin sh du fre ro g int rin , du om ask for help a great time ing me to my ro way. Don’t be afraid to ts, freshers week is en my ev d e fin th to th wi me ed g olv lpin inv is £40 t instantly he h the freshers pass same way as you. Ge ug e ho th Alt tly . ac ad ro ex g ab d elin an fe s of England involved of other students come from many part e perfect time to get ve th ha is o It wh t. , en rs ev he y ot er ev th e are no lecto socialise wi you access to style. Even better ther esting in as it allows life inv t h en rt ud wo st ly s ite ou fin am de inf is e plus, it taste of th s and have your first me ga ing ink dr ny ma th wi the morning. e modion, as I would say th tures to get up for in at tr gis re ee gr de ur yo want to night before of the year. You don’t to drink too much the st t re no e y th tr r to fo g is u kin yo ma ying. be My advice to bjects you will be stud ant decisions you will rt su e po th im y st jo en mo e to th nt of d Fez ng-over, you wa ule selection is one which is in Clapham an e fact you are too hu d th an to Gr e wn ‘Th do ; le bs du clu mo al trip to the loc choose any old shers week the definitely has to be a good night out on fre ek a we r s te er Af sh p’. fre Bo e of th ht d and Fez’; My highlig to ‘The Roller Disco an and from ‘The Grand to ips tr s se as bu ll tle we ut as sh ’, e ey there are fre which is in Putn bacon sandwiches. Plus e fre th wi us d ide ov ep. university pr Roehamptons door st on is to meet it at th is p’ Bo day which allows you e th g rin du the beauty of ‘The s itie tiv al ac s were, such as the loc worry there are various itie ss n’t ce do ne en al th loc e ing th th all ur r my d out where If clubbing is not yo and work out how fa o spent the time to fin wn als do I e sit im yt to da e me th r g fo rin e o a good tim you break it many people. Du s incredible but when e doctors. This was als em th se d an nk e ba fic e of th st in po d e pton. an gr shops, th y to settle into Roeham of having a couple of wa ct t pe ea os gr pr a e is Th . ek go we . Freshers took our student loan could last me until Christmas the best flat rep that to ve s ha ha to is gh th ou at en th e ky luc alis around your down you re us life. I was many questions buzzing ce to settle into Camp ill an st ch e t ar ea e gr er a th s If wa y. it pp perfect For me sure everyone was ha . Freshers fair is the de ity ma rs d ive an Un p e ou th gr at a ld as he eshers Fair’ flatmates out lunteering projworry as there is a ‘Fr keaways, societies, vo ta n’t al do loc en th on y n ida tio Fr ma e shers or th head by out is great, I left fre mpanies. They have inf co en giv ny ma ies eb m fre fro n of tio nt ma . Plus the amou way to gain infor ving many advice stalls ha as ll we as s am te ects, sport calendar and vouchers. a t, hir will be living t-s , ts ee sw , they are the ones you as em th fair with: a bag, pens ow kn to on induction days intro es in the week, getting o at Als tm . fla lps he ur ly yo ite th fin wi de t facebook? It same It is worth going ou not contact people via et everyone is in the hy rg W fo . r ar ve ye Ne ur y. yo wa of g lon st a smile goes a with for the re ur course. Remember yo on rs he ot to lf se duce your Brown xx situation as you. Kia

Fat Talk What is fat talk... “She’s too fat to wear that” “You think you’re fat? Look at me!” “You look great, have you lost weight? “I can’t eat that, I’ll get fat” These are all examples of ‘FatTalk’, and it appears that women can conquer all, besides from this constant referral to weight and size! Most of the time, the majority of us are unaware of our engagement with FatTalk...it is that prevalent and almost considered ‘normal’. This is very worrying! Just because something may seem normal, it does not mean it’s healthy! Women and Men alike are obsessed with complimenting one another on appearance. This reinforces the idea that beauty is the most important aspect of a person, which of course as intelligent and well evolved beings, we know is not true. Uttering what may seem like a harmless ‘FatTalk’ remark, such as “I’m so fat!”, only fuels societies growing prejudice towards people that genuinely struggle with weight issues on all levels, on a daily basis!




is time to make a stand against ‘FatTalk’! Could you imagine how unstoppable us girls would be, if we saved all of our energy used to dislike our bodies, and channelled it into developing a proud and empowered attitude towards our personal body image?”


eptember In 1879 the Suffragette Movement began, which lead to the 1918 Representation of the People Act, allowing women the right to vote for the first time. The 1983 Equal Pay Act gave women the right to the same pay as men. It is evident that women have come long way! Yet despite all of our opportunities, education, and empowerment, why is it that 75% of women in the UK are unhappy with their appearance and weight, and 61% feel inadequate compared to the media’s portrayal of ‘beauty’?

Fat Talk Free Week

Succeed Foundation

Fat Talk Free Week 18.10.11 - 22.10.11 It is for the reasons discussed in the ‘what is fat talk’ column that the RSU Welfare & Community Zone will be taking part in the first ever ‘Fat Talk Free Week’ at Roehampton, on the 18th -22nd October. We want to switch the focus from weight and size, to health and wellbeing! Fat Talk Free Week will be held in conjunction with The Succeed Foundation, a young charity founded in 2010. Their mission is to raise awareness of eating disorders and body image issues in order to place more importance on being healthy. This awareness is made available to all (from sufferers, carers, professionals and wider public) through the Succeed Body Image Programme.

The Succeed Body Image Programme has years of scientific research behind it, touching upon the causes and triggers of both eating disorders and negative body image issues. Also the programme has a high success rate of preventing eating disorders throughout Tri Delta Sororities across America. This year, RSU’s Welfare & Community Zone is very pleased to announce that we will be one of only two universities in the UK, to first implement The Succeed Body Image Programme! So if you would like to get involved, both girls and lads, please make sure you come along to the Welfare & Community Zone stall at Fresher’s Fair! In the mean time, keep your ears peeled for ‘FatTalk’, once you are aware of it, it will shock you how consistent it is!

Welfare Community






Hi there! My name is Jon Foley and I have been involved at Roehampton University for the last 10 years now, firstly as a student studying Marketing, through to my current position as Entertainments Co-ordinator at Roehampton Students’ Union. My time as a Roehampton student was priceless and has provided me with so many life experiences and has shaped me into who I am and what I now do. I have been involved with the RSU since the end of my first year, initially as a DJ at the majority of events and then I was elected as one of five Entertainments Officers in my 3rd year of study. This voluntary position taught me valuable skills, both practical and social, and I have continued to build on these throughout my time at Roehampton. My role as Entertainments Co-ordinator is to essentially programme, organise and run RSU events both on and off the University campus for the students of Roehampton. The main aims are to ensure you guys have the most amount of fun possible during your time here, in the safest possible environment, while offering a programme of events that appeals to as many differing tastes as physically possible! As a students’ union we do try our hardest to provide as varied a programme of entertainment as possible, to cater for the massive demographic here at Roehampton, but as experience has often shown, it is not easy to make every single student happy! This year’s team of officers and I will take on board any ideas that you may have and where possible will try to improve and adapt our services. Most importantly of all, every RSU event or endorsed event is organised in a way to ensure the safest and most enjoyable atmosphere possible. We have worked hard on our weekly programme of events over previous years, and now believe we have found a good balance of events to cater for as much of the dynamic student population as possible. With a few major changes to bars and venues across the site last year and some additional improvements over the summer of 2011, RSU has adapted its programme of events accordingly and feel this will be an extremely exciting year ahead!! We look forward to seeing you all at RSU events throughout your time at Roehampton University!! Jon xx the likes of Air Traffic, The Rumble what a Karaoke night involves, so Strips, White Lies, Little Boots, Les simply turn up early, brave the stage Incompetents, Special Needs and yourself, or simply stitch your mates The Clapham Grand will be held Fez is truly an institution within The Thirst all taking to the stage. up!! Free entry and drinks promos. once a month and will play host to the walls of Roehampton and Cheap entry and cheap drinks our massive club night, which we will continue to be one of the promos! expect around 1000 of you guys to most popular nights of the Slap It On! is a new addition attend, making these memorable week. Boasting a fully functional to this years RSU Events programme There should only be one thought nights! Guest DJs and PAs will and is a night for everyone. Whether on your mind on a Friday night and Travolta-esque flashing dance appear throughout the year and this that is Bop, Bop, Bop! The Bop is floor, Putney’s Fez Club provides you are the next David Guetta London landmark of a venue, with the biggest regular night on campus the perfect excuse to cut a few or simply someone who fancies themed nights along the way. attracting around 800 party anispinning their favourite tunes in Who needs Jongleurs or The shapes, make a fool of yourself front of their friends, Slap It On! mals each week. It’s a no frills night Comedy Store when you’ve got your and generally have a laugh. The gives you the opportunity to try with drinks promos and fancy dress own comedy night, Laugh Out Loud, Resident DJ employs an ‘anyyour hand behind the decks! Simply themes (optional!) each week. The right here on campus?! This year thing goes’ policy to provide the sign yourself up to a slot behind main room in Monte Hall hosts resiwe will again be teaming up with biggest and best mix of music dent DJs playing only the best pop the bar, bring down your tunes Avalon, one of the biggest agencies all night long. Requests taken in and try win over the crowd. Even music, student anthems, with the on the comedy scene, to ensure onlyadvance and on the night, if the if you don’t fancy signing up, come added spoonfuls of cheese thrown the best acts are booked for your DJ has it we guarantee he will down, be entertained and broaden in throughout the night. The Union enjoyment. Scores of great acts have your musical horizons! Free entry & bar area acts as the second room, play it! Roehampton Exclusive graced the stage over with Club Foot resident DJs offering drinks deals will be in operation drinks promos the last 3 years, including Russell something a little different playing Acoustic Night will also be all night, every week. Howard, Greg Davies, Alan Carr, a Thursday night event encouraging Indie / Electro to keep the room Robin Ince, Jim Jefferies, Simon Bird, budding singer song-writers to get bouncing all night. Cheap entry, Jack Whitehall, Lee Nelson and Isy cheap drinks all night! up and belt out their best. There Suttie…… to name but a few! Please, This year sees a slight change to is no benchmark for talent and we please, please come and check this Thursdays programming, with the encourage as many of you to sign night out, as it really is a top quality introduction of a 4 week cycle of up as possible, whether you want RSU do not host their own regular night, with top quality professional events, all taking place in The Union, to sing your own little creations or events on a weekend, but here are Froebel. comedians, held in Monte Hall, cover a classic, anything goes! You some other ideas for you: Club Foot will be one of Froebel, sporadically throughout the The Union bar @ Froebel is open the 4 events held in The Union and can sign up for a slot at The Union year. Saturday and Sunday, showing in advance or simply turn up on the will be an Indie/Alternative club all major sporting fixtures as well night with a couple of top live acts night! as serving the usual great food Karaoke Night will be performing each week. DJs playing and drink from 12pm through til another new addition to the events No RSU specific events are held only the best in Indie, Electro, Pop programme this year on a monthly 11pm both days. Saturdays will see on Tuesdays, however The Union and good old Rock n Roll. This bar, Froebel, will always be open to night has been running for 7 years basis, also in The Union. We won’t sporadic events throughout each insult your intelligence by explaining term, with DJs to entertain and nurse your needs!! now and over the years has seen







a cheap, local alternative to central London. Sunday roast & the famous pub quiz to end the weekend is a must, but make sure you get down early to secure your seats, as it’s very popular!! Central London is also your oyster and there is so much going on, there isn’t any point in starting to name decent nights out as we’d be hear all day! We recommend checking online, the likes of Time Out, Ents24 and The Guardian Guide are all great websites. Finally, please always travel in a group and be sure to check out travel links on page 22 to find out how to head out and more importantly, how to get back!

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