The FAÇADE #23 (2021)

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Member’s News

Tech Reviews | Project Features 2021 ISSUE 23

The official magazine of the Hong Kong Façade Association

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MESSAGE FROM HKFA Summarising the year of 2021, the difficulties faced by the construction industry can be described as, unpredictable. The plans for progressing projects were always delayed by the global chaos in logistics. The cost of materials that had been budgeted proved to be far behind the actual steep increases in raw material costs. Even the glass curtain wall industry was negatively impacted. In the application of building technologies, in order to speed up the progress of projects and strengthen the co-operation of the design and construction teams, major project teams joined the ranks of those adopting Building Information Modelling. Although the curtain wall industry does not hold the large part of BIM applications, it is still expected to catch up with this trend as the use of other industries matures. Looking forward to 2022, as each large-scale infrastructure enters the superstructure construction period, more curtain wall projects will enter the delivery phase. It is hoped that the China-Hong Kong-Macao port will be able to complete the customs clearance as soon as possible, to ensure smooth and unimpeded business exchanges, to continue to maintain the high-quality level of Hong Kong projects in terms of quality management and transportation times. Although the high prices of raw materials and the problems of international logistics and transportation all need time to resolve, I hope that the curtain wall industry can still unite, face the difficulties, and reach for new heights! Sincerely, Leung Hon Yan, Michael, Vice Chairman Industrial Affairs Sub-Committee, HKFA Executive Committee

About Hong Kong Façade Association Hong Kong Façade Association (HKFA) was founded in 1998. It is a non-profit organisation that aims to draw the industry together to serve the society, through activities organised by the association. HKFA aims to unite members on industry issues, guarantee benefits for the industry, standardise industry norms, serve the entire membership, achieve co-operation in the competitive market and promote healthy development for the trade. To enhance professional training in the façade industry, HKFA has successfully conducted professional courses in collaboration with universities, since 2011. Working closely with other professional institutions the Association promotes façade engineering excellence and provides support for their CPD programs by conducting periodic technical seminars covering different façade technology topics. 香港建築幕牆裝飾協會成立於1998年,是一個非牟利營運機構,旨在通過舉辦活 動,凝聚業界力量,共同服務社會。在業界問題上團結會員,保障行業權益,訂定規 範及服務全體會員,同時在競爭劇烈的市場上加強合作,一起推動行業健康發展。 為提升幕牆行業的專業培訓,自 2011 年以來,香港建築幕牆裝飾協會已成功與大 學合辦專業課程。協會並與其他專業機構密切合作,通過定期舉辦並涵蓋不同幕 牆技術的研討會,促進工程精益求精,並為他們的持續專業進修課程提供支援及 技術課題。

Hong Kong Façade Association Rm 04,12/F, Kenning Industrial Building 19 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

香港建築幕牆裝飾協會 香港九龍灣宏開道19號 健力工業大廈 12樓04室

Executive Secretary 行政秘書: Connie Man W.K. E:, T: +852 2704 7597


總結2021,今年建築行業所面 對的困難,可以用變幻莫測來形 容。原本計劃了的工程進度,總 被世界各地的物流大混亂所延 誤。原本已預算好的材料成本, 也遠遠追不上原材料瘋狂上漲 的幅度。當中玻璃幕牆行業,亦 難以獨善其身。

在建築科技應用上,為加快工程 進度及加強設計及建築團隊的 合作性,各大工程也紛紛加入了 建築信息模擬(BIM - Building Information Modelling)的行 列。雖然幕牆行業在BIM討論中 的持份並非最多最大,但在其他 各行業的使用轉趨成熟下,仍能 有望趕上這大潮流的步伐。

展望2022,隨着各大型基建進入上蓋施工期,更多的幕牆項目將進入交付階 段。希望中港澳口岸能盡快全面通關,以確保商務來往順利無阻,好讓在質量 管理和運輸時間上,續繼保持香港工程的優質水平。雖然原材料價格高企及 國際物流運輸等問題,仍然需要更長時間解決,希望幕牆業界仍能團結一致, 迎難而上,再創高峰! 行業事務關注委員會副主席 梁瀚恩


The FAÇADE is the official publication of Hong Kong Façade Association

Publisher 出版商:

Mike Staley E:, T: +852 3150 8988 Editorial Committee 編輯委員會:

Sammy Hui (Head of Editorial Committee) / Richard Shek / Elizabeth Dooley (Consulting Editor) / Mike Staley Advertising 廣告:

Bryan Chan E:, T: +852 3150 8912 Alfred Ng E:, T: +852 3150 8911 Designer 設計:

Michelle Morkel Translation 翻譯:

Derek Leung / Krista Chan / Jasper Lau In-house photographer 攝影師:

Walter Ding

Designed & Published by ROF Media Printed by Elegance Printing The FAÇADE is online at All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner, without the prior written consent of the publishers. All reasonable care is taken but accuracy of information rests with the clients and contributors; the publisher bares no responsibility for any factual errors that may occur. Copyright 2021 Ring of Fire Limited

Table of Content


Cover story 14



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42 48

10 Design ushers in a new era of retail at Jinwan Mall, Zhuhai


Foster + Partners wrap the Dubai -Expo signature Mobility Pavilion in a skin of stainless steel

Swire redefines sustainable performance at Two Taikoo Place Guangzhou’s Infinitus Plaza symbolises infinity and connectivity LWK + PARTNERS enlivens intercity living with Hengqin Port TOD


DOW marks milestone 50 years BIM ushers in new technological changes



8 建築設計

10 Design在珠海金灣開啟的零售新時代

14 封面故事

Foster + Partners 為迪拜世博會打造的標誌性展館

22 專題特寫

重新定義優雅和可持續發展的太古坊二座 象徵無限和連通的廣州無限極廣場 橫琴口岸 TOD 打開雙城生活的通廊

42 科技講座

標誌著陶氏里程碑的 50 年 BIM 帶來的新技術變革

48 活動

網上研討會 - 風的影響實務守則 建築幕牆培訓課程

Webinar reviews Code of Practice on Wind Effects Certificate in Façade Engineering

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 7

A New Lakefront Shopping Experience Delivers Hypermodern Living

Text: 10 Design & Norman Yam Images: 10 Design


Architectural Design

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 9

International architecture practice, 10 Design (part of Egis Group), welcomes shoppers to the 117,000sqm designed mall that sits on the edge of Jinsha Lake in Zhuhai, China.

Jinwan Mall is 10 Design’s second project to complete on Huafa’s Jinwan Aviation City, along with the recently built Industrial Service Centre and soon to be completed International Business Centre. Jointly led by Design Partners Ted Givens and Scott Findley together with Project Partner Miriam Auyeung (COO), the retail scheme envisions the integration of a traditional courtyard garden with hypermodern space. The development weaves together the main mall, retail street and the waterside pavilions consisting of F&B and retail spaces, with ample outdoor spaces opening onto the lake. The retail street and the mall are tied together with the glass canopy spine that allows for weather-proof connectivity and use of the amenities.

Facade concept, building materials and lighting Based on a façade concept fusing historical influence and futurism, the mass of the mall is warped into an abstract garden wall maximizing street frontage, while creating a large courtyard garden facing the inner lake. The façade design was inspired by traditional Chinese garden walls composed of stocks stacked upon each other, characterized by a wonderful patina alongside an undulating form and contours. A futurist façade with implications of motion and time lends further expression to the classical garden wall concept. Design Partner Ted Givens said: “The façade pattern was generated using a rhombus form inspired by the 4th dimensional quality of the hyper cube, imbedding motion into the form and allowing idiosyncratic formal qualities.” The simple angled edge of the rhombus panels creates a slight unbalance and energy brought back into balance by the combination of multiple elements as in a stone wall.

In the façade execution, the original idea was to use panels to create a clean modern expression. Metal, stone and ceramic panels were considered for usage during the design process. Ultimately, metal panels were used to project a cleaner and bolder look. The sheen of the metal also allows better interaction with the lightings and to catch a view of the low-angle sunset and sunrise lighting hues. The project Design Leaders Peby Pratama and Rui Zhang helped realise Ted Givens’ design intent with special assistance from Design Partner Scott Findley in refining the final facade details. Lightings are used to amplify the sense of motion in the façade, call attention to the entrances and highlight the signage screens. The light magnifies the slots between panels, while selected panels are perforated to help create more open lighting spaces to enhance the experience of entry. Organic LED light slots are used to further attract people to enter the building, reflecting ripples of the lake and accentuating the organic nature of the inner courtyard. Design Partner Ted Givens said: “Our design for Jinwan Mall transforms the regular shopping mall into an outdoor retail experience closely linked to nature, creating a new paradigm of how people experience retail spaces and bringing a new destination to Zhuhai’s Jinwan District”. The urban frontage of the development along the roads creates an insulated appearance in contrast to the open, pedestrianised


Architectural Design

lakefront side of the mall. The perimetral wall facing the main streets is solid to prevent noise, except for two subtle openings acting as main entrances and glass fissures that allow dramatic views into the mall. The inner wall opens toward the lake and waterfront gardens via glass façades along with cascading down staircases and green terraces, blurring the line between the retail space and nature. The circulation is made effortless like a meandering stroll through the garden, starting from the entrances to the mall’s atrium, retail street and opening up to the garden and lake, by multiple pathways and interwoven spaces. The development's unique retail planning involving features such as the courtyard fountain and flexible waterfront space for pop-up shops and performance stages encourages gathering and lingering by visitors to the area. Project Partner Miriam Auyeung (COO) said: “The Jinwan Mall development has been designed to maximise the nature and outdoor lifestyle of Zhuhai whilst tying it to the hypermodern concepts of discovery and exploration. This new retail destination will provide the city with a public landmark that is inviting and accessible for all.” Photos taken by 10 Design and Photographer Zhang Chao

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 11

金灣華發商都的建築規模約11.7 萬平方米,是 10 Design 繼已落 成的金灣產業服務中心後,於華發金灣航空新城內參與的第二個 已落成項目,隨後還有即將竣工的金灣國際商務中心。 項目由設計合夥人 Ted Givens 和 Scott Findley ,以及項目合夥人 Miriam Auyeung (首席營運總裁)領導設計,其商業概念著眼於將傳統 的庭院式景觀與“超現代”的空間互相結合。在佈局策略上,項目將購物 中心、商業街、濱湖商業體及其附屬的一系列湖景戶外空間交織成而成為 一個整體,並通過玻璃頂篷系統對購物中心與商業街空間進行串聯,形 成一個連續、便捷、同時防風擋雨的步行系統。

基於融合了歷史和未來主義的立面概念,商場的體量被扭曲成抽象的花 園牆,大大地提高了臨街面之餘,同時亦創造了一個面向內湖的大型庭院 花園。立面設計的靈感來自中國傳統的花園牆,由相互堆疊的樹木而成, 帶有一點精緻的古雅風,以起伏的形式和輪廓呈現;而具有動感和時間含 義的未來主義外觀,進一步表達古典花園牆的概念。 設計合夥人 Ted Givens 說:「立面圖案是由菱形而衍生的,靈感來自超立 方體的第四維質量,加入動感,形成別樹一格的形態。菱形面板的傾斜邊 緣產生了輕微的不平衡,通過多種元素的組合加入牆身之中,使其能量 恢復平衡。」 在立面製作時,最初的想法是利用面板來營造一種潔淨的現代感。在設 計過程中考慮過使用金屬、石材和陶瓷面板;最終,團隊採用了金屬面

板,以投射出更乾淨、更大膽的外型。金屬的光澤還可以更好地與光線互 動,也可以捕捉到低角度的日落和日出色調,互相輝映。項目主管 Peby Pratama 和 Rui Zhang 在設計合夥人 Scott Findley 的協助下,一起實現 了 Ted Givens 的設計概念,並完善最終細節。 燈光用於強化立面的動感,引起途人對入口的注意,並突出標示屏幕。同 時,燈光也放大了面板之間的縫隙,結合沖孔的金屬板塊,創造更多開放 的照明空間,以增強進入的體驗感。彎曲形態的 LED燈槽用於進一步吸引 人們進入建築物,反射湖水的漣漪,並突出內院的天然氣質。 設計合夥人 Ted Givens 表示:「我們對金灣商都的項目設計,是用常規 的購物中心模式轉換為一種與大自然緊密聯繫的戶外商業體驗,創造了 新的商業空間體驗模式,也為該區帶來了一個嶄新的購物勝地。 」 與本項目開放而步行化的濱湖一側不同,項目沿道路的城市界面創造了 一種隔絕的形象。除兩個作為主入口的開口和一些可窺見室內的零星玻 璃立面以外,朝向主街的外圍建築牆均採用實面處理,用以有效抵禦城市 噪音。而內朝向湖景與湖濱公園的維護結構,則充分利用通透的玻璃立 面,結合逐級而下的建築體量與綠植平台,達到模糊商業空間與自然景觀 邊界的效果。 項目的動線設計讓人感覺像輕鬆地在花園中漫步一樣。首先由入口開始, 將人們向商場中庭與商業街逐步引領,進而藉助一系列通路與空間的交 織,向花園以及湖畔延伸開來。同時,項目中獨特的商業特色景觀規劃, 包括庭院噴泉、多變的湖畔活動空間、臨時店鋪及展演舞台等,也促使著 人們在這裡逗留與休憩徘徊。 項目合夥人 Miriam Auyeung(首席營運總裁) 表示:「借助對“超現代”概念的發掘與探索,金 灣購物中心的設計一直致力於最大化呈現珠海 自身關於自然景觀與戶外生活的城市特質。這個 全新的購物勝地,也必將為城市創造一個親切 且引人入勝的公共地標。」 現場照片由 10 Design和攝影師張超提供


Unit A, 9/F., Wing On Cheong BLDG, No. 5 Wing Lok Street, Central, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2543 7008 Fax: +852 2851 4321 Email: Website:

Mobility Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020

Stunning architecture that tells a mobility story Text: Norman Yam


Images: Foster + Partners

Cover Story

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 15

EXPO DUBAI 2020, billed as the “world’s greatest show”, is showcasing a total of 200 pavilions, each representing a participating country. The mega-event opened recently and will run until 31 March 2022.

Certainly, the largest and most impressive of them is Mobility Pavilion, one of the three signature pavilions based on the sub-themes of mobility, sustainability and opportunity. The pavilion is also named Arif after the first letter of the Arabic alphabet and symbolises the dawn of progress and new horizons. Designed by Foster + Partners, a British architectural design and engineering firm, it is a collaborative project with the event’s organisers to promote the overall theme “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.”

Building envelope strategy Standing at the south entrance to the site, Mobility Pavilion offers a ribbed and curve shape to cut a visually striking presence. There is a high-speed track that runs in a loop around it to showcase mobility. The building is wrapped with a series of horizontal aluminium louvres, widening to allow light inside and lifting to create the entrance canopies. Images of wind tunnels and aeronautical elements like aircraft wings are referenced to capture a sense of movement in the external envelope of the building. The strategy is to reflect light


Cover Story

Looking at the history of mobility, the first gallery contains three nine-metre-high statues of historical explorers, rendered in photorealistic detail by an Academy Award-winning design studio. Surrounding the characters is a wall relief that narrates the history of transportation. The second gallery focuses on the modern era, where movements of people, goods and information round the world are projected onto a large globe.

and capture movement around the building through its curved fins and allow the pavilion transforms from day to night, picking up colours and light from its surroundings. Three large petals also cantilever outwards from the building’s base, each of which contains an exhibition gallery. The core concept is to create a vessel for the expo’s three sub-themes, meaning that each theme has its own hall.

Surrounding landscape Complementing the internal functions of the pavilion, the surrounding landscaped areas proposes key zone for visitors to relax and enjoy the spectacle of performances and demonstrations. At a partly underground, partly open-air 330-metre track, visitors can witness cutting-edge mobility devices in action and learn how mass-produced technology is able to vastly improve the quality of life for people from developing countries with inventions like solarpowered tricycles, for example. A special area called The Stage consists of a raised platform for largescale presentations and shows, with sheltered viewing spaces for spectators from the underground portions of the high-speed track. Outside the pavilion’s exit is The Bowl, an area that houses a large amphitheatre with a seating capacity for 500 people, making it an ideal spot for visitors to rest and contemplate the mobility-themed journey that they had just undertaken in the building.

The third gallery explores the future and "a vision of the cities of tomorrow," imagined by children, with bright colours depicting the flow of data to show the limitless possibilities that lay ahead for the human civilisation. A strong cinematic and theatrical approach to the interiors design is adopted to engage visitors in the narrative woven with real facts, data and history to craft an experience rich in cultural and educational value.

Green project Based on the sustainable design of Fosters + Partners, Mobility Pavilion is a self-shading building, with metal claddings to reflect heat, and the photovoltaic panels on the rooftop harnesses solar energy for productive use. The landscape design is sensitive to water use. Due to the project being one of the largest in the expo, a huge amount of waste generated in several ways every day would be detrimental to the environment. Because of this, the designer wanted to limit the amount of carbon that went into the building. Mobility Pavilion has achieved the gold rating certification from the” Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)” green building rating system, which considers the project to be a contributor in implementing a sustainable site, energy savings, water efficiency, carbon emissions reduction and improved indoor environmental quality. The pavilion will be repurposed into a highquality office complex after the expo, as part of the larger legacy plan.

Interior narratives The pavilion is as much as an exhibit as what’s inside. Visitors make their way into the building through one of the three entrances where the aluminium fins are raised, between the petal forms. Once inside, they proceed to a circular passenger lift, reportedly the largest in the world built for a capacity for 160 people, that takes them to the top of the building. Then a series of descending ramps take them down to the three exhibition galleries.

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 17


Cover Story

2020 年迪拜世博會被譽為「全球最偉大的展覧會」,可容納 200 個展館,顯示所屬代 表參與國的精髓。這項大型活動最近剛剛開幕,展期將持續到 2022 年 3 月 31 日。 當然,其中規模最大和最令人印象深 刻的是三大關鍵展廳之一的 Mobility Pavilion (流動館),最能突顯交流、 可持續性和機遇會等重要命題;再者,展館以阿 拉伯文字的首字母 Arif 命名,象徵著進步初現 和嶄新視野。 該展館由英國殿堂級建築設計和工程公司 Foster + Partners 設計,與活動主辦方聯合打 造,旨在推廣「連接思想,創造未來」的總體 概念。

Mobility Pavilion 位處世博場地的南入口,如 棱紋般成弧狀,視覺上極為引人注目。圍繞展館 有一條高速軌道環行,目的是向訪客展示交通 交流的象徵意義。另外,整個展館是由橫置的鋁 製百葉窗戶覆蓋,在擴闊空間讓更多光線進入 內部之際,也因為向高延伸而為入口區打造簷 篷的功能。 設計師參考了諸如風洞和一如機翼的航空元素 的形象,捕捉建築物外部圍護結構的動感,目的 是通過弧形翅片反射光線並捕捉建築物周圍的 動態,同時讓展館於日夜更替時從周圍環境反 映顏色和光線。

三個大花瓣形狀的設計也從建築物的底部向外 懸垂,每個花瓣其實內含一個展廳,旨在為世博 會的三個子主題各自打造容納和展示的地方。

周邊的園景區與展館的內部功能相輔相成,讓 訪客以輕鬆的心情好好觀賞和細味各種各樣的 表演和展示。在一條半地下半露天的 330 米軌 道上,訪客可以親眼看見最尖端的交通交流的 設備是如何運行,並了解大規模生產的技術如 何能夠通過太陽能電動三輪車等發明,大大提 高發展中國家人民的生活質量。 一個名為 The Stage 的特殊區域包括了一個用 於大型演示和表演的高懸平台,並為高速軌道 地庫部分的觀眾提供遮蔽的觀賞空間。展館出 口外的區域則名為 The Bowl,設有可容納 500 人的大型圓形劇場,是訪客小休和思考以交通 交流為主題的旅程的理想場地。

展館其實也是一件展品;訪客可以通過三個花 瓣狀展廳中高懸鋁翅片入口的任何一個進入展 館內。一進門,訪客就會走到圓形載客升降機, 該升降機據稱全球最大,可容納 160 人,訪客由

此可達展館頂部,然後沿著若干向下坡道走到 三個關鍵展廳。 談到交通史,第一個展廳包含三座 9 米高的歷 史探險家雕像,由奧斯卡獲獎設計工作室以照 片般逼真的細節呈現;展品背幕的牆壁浮雕則 講述了有關交通的歷史。 第二個展廳專注於現代,刻下世界各地的人、貨 物和信息的交流都投射到一個大球體上供訪客 欣賞。第三個展廳探索「孩子們想像的未來」和 「明天城市的願景」,用鮮豔的色彩描繪數據方 面的交流,展示人類文明的無限可能性。 展館的內部設計採用了強烈的電影和劇場手 法,讓訪客親身參與與真實事實、數據和歷史交 織一起的敘事說書中,營造出極具豐富文化和 教育價值的體驗。

在 Fosters + Partners 的可持續設計基礎 下,Mobility Pavilion 是一座自身已具有遮陽效 果的建築,當中的金屬覆層可以反射熱量;屋頂 上的光伏板則利用太陽能生產能源;景觀設計 則與用水有直接連繫。 由於是世博會最大的項目之一,每天形形色色所 產生的大量廢物均對環境有害。因此,設計師都 竭盡所能限制進入展館的碳量。 Mobility Pavilion 獲得了「能源與環境設計先 導」綠色建築評級體系的金級認證,評估該項目 在實施可持續場地、節能、節水、減少碳排放和 改善室內環境質量方面都有出色的表現。 展館將在世博會結束後改造成高質量辦公綜合 體,延續交通交流歷史恆河中不可磨滅的可持 續部份。

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BEHIND SIMPLICITY Two Taikoo Place redefines elegance and sustainable performance Text: Norman Yam

Images: Swire Properties, EOC, NBBJ

Two Taikoo Place, a 41-storey Triple Grade-A rated office tower in progress, is set to be a highly sought-after corporate address with a gross floor area of 1 million sq ft, flexible work spaces and a broad mix of dining and retail options, encased by a glass façade that overlooks lush green open spaces in the surrounding. Cladded with a curtain wall system, the 195 metres tall building stands on a raised podium made of full-height glass panels up to 15 metres high, with no mullion or bars across the windowpanes to block the view.

Project Vision Mr. Robert Levett, Senior Project Manager of Swire Properties, said: “The overarching architectural concept is to encapsulate the essence of Land, Sea and Sky, inspired by the businesses of the Swire Group. Being a “landlocked” building, the design for the tower is a response to two major assets of the Taikoo Place redevelopment project - the 70,000 sq. ft lushly landscaped Taikoo Square and Taikoo Garden as well as the unobstructed views towards the Central and Tsim Sha Tsui.”

Together with One Taikoo Place, the new office building is part of the Taikoo Place redevelopment project owned by Swire Properties, with a HK$15billion makeover to transform it into a global commercial hub. Both the new complexes will be linked to the existing eight existing office towers in Taikoo Place, by elevated airconditioned walkways and surrounded by landscaped gardens with cascading water features and additional al fresco dining areas. Representing Swire Properties, the project management team is responsible for the selection of consultants, besides overseeing the design concept and procurement by the contractors.

Design concept The facade concept developed by NBBJ, an award-winning architecture and design firm, is “designed a space that progressively grows in height, to reveal a light, transparent mass at podium level and a unique penthouse space with a flat roof for tenants to enjoy”, according to Mr. Levett. “We took great care in designing the project to deliver compelling experiences while ensuring we honour the client’s vision of Two Taikoo Place into the family of interconnected spaces,” said Mr. Jonathan Ward, Design Partner of NBBJ. The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 23

“The lobby is envisioned to be a powerful, wondrous space…a Great Ballroom… designed as a place that brings people together, a community focused on urban experiences and a comfortable room that welcomes people into the building,” added Mr. Ward. For the curtain wall, the intent was to reduce and soften the seemingly truncated tower massing, rendering it slimmer and taller. NBBJ introduced curved tapering corners to the tower and introduced vertical fins to act like “pinstripes” to visually elongate the tower. “Echoing the “Sky” element of the architecture concept, slight rotations of the façade’s fins are introduced to mimic movement of the cloud, while adding some sheen and highlights to the building’s exterior,” said Mr. Levett.

Maximising transparency whilst resisting typhoon loads While the façade with curves and rounded edges is a spectacular sight to behold, its design contributes to the building’s resistance to the elements in a city renowned for its typhoon season. At the podium level, the 15m tall panels are laterally restrained by pre-stressed high-strength stainless steel rods, lying entirely

within the glass panel build-up, composed of four 12 mm thick plies and laminated with 1.52 mm thick sheets of Sentryglas ionoplast interlayer. Due to the juxtaposition of flat and curved glass panels at the façade corner angles and Hong Kong’s high winds, movement joints between the rods were introduced to allow differential movements and avoid peak stresses in the glass panels. Entrusted with the façade design from concept to execution was Eckersley O’Callaghan (EOC), an award-winning engineering company specialising in structural and facade design. Mr. James O’Callaghan, Founding Director. of EOC said: “High typhoon loads, combined with due consideration of the podium façade geometry, required careful attention to the detailing of interfaces between the different panels. They have to be structurally sound but without undermining the architectural intent of providing maximum transparency.” “Never before had a glass façade with large deflections, typically used for facades with tensioned elements, been approved by the Building Department in Hong Kong. To secure their consent for application, we had to provide in-depth details through analysis, calculations and drawings to support our design,” he added.

Sustainability While the glass building envelope is visually spectacular to behold, it is designed as part of a larger sustainability strategy that has enabled Two Taikoo Place to be pre-certified for LEED Platinum, BEAM Plus Platinum and WELL Platinum. Compared with typical commercial buildings in the city, the building is designed to achieve 38 percent energy saving through various green features such as the air handling units with electronically commutated (EC) plug fans, highly optimised chiller control system with powerful data analytics, energy efficient lighting and control systems. The facade design helps maximise daylight harvesting to a large extent, with the latest developments in glazing production leveraged to ensure high levels of light transmission. Vertical shading fins were also introduced in the façade design on North, West and East facades to block out a portion of direct


Cover Story

The 195 metre tall building stands on a raised podium made of full-height glass panels up to 15 metres high, with no mullion or bars across the windowpanes to block the view.

sunlight, further reducing the solar heat gains. Early studies were carried out by EOC, coordinated by the Design Team, to evaluate the effectiveness of horizontal as opposed to vertical shading, according to Mr. O’Callaghan of EOC. EOC investigated several glass-coating options from suppliers in Europe and Asia to meet the stringent glass solar performance requirements and help mitigate unwanted solar heat gains, thereby reducing the cooling loads. “The coatings were assessed with respect to solar performance, feasibility for curving, and aesthetics including transparency. Through our network across the supply chain, we coordinated the extensive glass sampling process to reach the preferred solution. We also pushed hard to get composite action approved by Buildings Department for the curtain wall glazing, which led to a 20% saving in the total glass thickness with a corresponding reduction in the embodied carbon of the façade,” said Mr. O’Callaghan.

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Grappling with supply-chain disruptions A diverse array of materials used to build the façade system, from low-iron glass to carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium, silicone, mortar, nylon, rubber pads and gaskets, were largely sourced in Europe and mainland China. Wong and Ouyang HK (Ltd), a Hong Kong architectural practice engaged as overall architect for the project, has been working closely with local specialists and overseas consultants to ensure that the construction work continue smoothy as scheduled. However, the project was stalled when the pandemic was at its height. Citing an example, the company’s Associate Director Ms. Winnie Lau recalled: “Lockdowns and border restrictions were imposed across Europe where production of the raw glass materials we procured for the project’s tower façade system was suspended. Finally, when production went ahead, our people were unable to travel to the factories to inspect the products. Instead, we conducted remote visual inspection with the use of video conferencing software.” “Thanks to the assistance of our business partners, we managed to assemble a quality inspection team to scrutinise the quality of the glass materials, when they reached the northern Chinese city of Tianjin for pre-fabrication. Upon their arrival on our site in Hong Kong, our consultants had to work very hard, with the contractors, and hired many more workers onsite to make up for the unplanned downtime, ” she said. Tianjin North Glass, a specialist supplier of super-oversized tempered, laminated, insulated and digital printed glass materials worldwide, is behind global architectural projects like the National Bank of Kuwait, the headquarters and dozens of stores of a globally famous electronics company and Two Taikoo Place is one of the most recent among them.

Echoing the “Sky” element of the architecture concept, slight rotations of the façade’s fins are introduced to mimic movement of the cloud, while adding some sheen and highlights to the building’s exterior. Mr. Robert Levett Senior Project Manager, Swire Properties The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 27

簡約 背後 重新定義優雅和可持續發展的 太古坊二座 位處優越商業地段的太古坊二座,樓面 面積達一百萬平方呎,當中包括了多元工 作空間、食肆和商店,這座樓高41層的甲級商廈 以玻璃外牆設計,可以俯瞰四周的翠綠景觀。 大廈外觀採用幕牆式設計並與平台相連,總高 度為195米,裙樓以15米高的玻璃包裹著,中間 沒有任何窗架,令景觀一覽無遺。

項目理念 太古地產高級項目經理 Robert Levett 說:「整 個建築概念是融合天、地、海的精要,與太古集 團的業務息息相關。這座大廈的設計銜接太古 坊重建計劃中的兩個重要環節 — 佔地7萬平方 呎、佈置了青翠園景的太古中央廣場,以及可盡 覽中環和尖沙咀景色的太古花園。」 這座新建的大廈與太古坊一座同屬太古地產的 物業,是公司耗資150億元之太古坊重建計劃的 一部分,務求令這一區成為環球商業樞紐。兩座 大廈與太古坊現有的八座商廈由多條冷氣高架 行人走廊連接,周遭設有花園、流水裝飾及露天 茶座。太古地產的項目管理團隊負責選聘顧問, 也負責監督設計概念和承辦商的採購。


設計概念 獲獎的建築設計公司NBBJ負責建築外牆的設 計概念 — 打造出有漸進高度的空間,建築平台 透光而寬敞,讓租戶享用一個設有平台的特色 閣樓空間。 NBBJ 的設計合夥人 Jonathan Ward 先生說: 「我們非常用心設計這個項目,務求達致美輪 美奐的效果。同時,我們也實現了客戶的期望, 令太古坊二座與同系的各個空間和建築聯繫起 來。」 他補充:「大堂展現強烈的空間感,一如華麗的 舞會,讓大家聚首一堂,以舒適的環境和現代化 的體驗來歡迎市民進內。」 幕牆設計刻特意化繁為簡,讓大廈看起來更高 更纖細。NBBJ 將大廈的邊角設計成弧形且逐漸 收窄,並使用垂直的建築鰭片充當條紋裝飾,令 大廈看起來更修長。 Levett 先生解釋:「外牆裝飾用的建築鰭片輕 微扭曲,意在模仿浮雲飄動,同時為建築增添 一些光度,正好呼應建築概念中 『 天空』 這 個元素。」


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高透明度 抵禦颱風 弧形的邊角除了美觀外,也是大廈的防風設計 之一,用以在風季抵禦颱風來襲。 在平台,15米高的面板由預應力高強度不銹鋼 桿控制,支撐整塊豎立的玻璃,當中有4條12毫 米厚的樁柱以及多塊1.52毫米厚的離子夾板。 基於在立面角位處置了平滑但彎曲的玻璃及防 風要求,桿子之間使用了活動關節,輕微的移動 讓玻璃卸去部分壓力。 外牆設計從概念到執行由專門從事結構和外 牆裝飾設計的獲獎工程師公司Ekersley O’ Callaghan(EOC)一手包辦。EOC的創辦人兼 董事James O’Callaghan先生說:「除了考慮平 台外牆的幾何學外,還需要小心處理不同面板 之間的接口和當中的細節,以確保大廈承受高 強度的颱風負荷。這個部分在結構上必須穩固, 同時不失建築物所需的透視度。」 他補充:「玻璃外牆連拉緊的配件常用於建築外 牆裝飾,在這之前,香港屋宇署從未批准過如此 大幅傾斜的玻璃外牆。為確保申請獲得他們的 批准,我們通過分析、計算和繪圖等來提供詳盡 細節,以支持整個設計。」

可持續發展 玻璃建築外牆固然美觀,但同時也是可持續發 展策略的一部分,使太古坊二座獲取能源與環 境設計先鋒評級(LEED)、綠建環評(BEAM Plus)和WELL建築認證的鉑金級預認證。 與城中的一般商業大廈相比,太古坊二座能節 省38%能源。全賴這座大廈的多項綠色設計, 例如:使用電子整流風扇的空氣處理機組、應


用強勁數據分析的高效能冷凍控制系統、節能 照明和控制系統。外牆設計有助採集大量日光, 而最新研發的玻璃幕牆也能透入更多光線。 O’Callaghan先生說大廈的北面、西面和東面 採用了垂直的遮光建築鰭片,直接阻擋一部分的 陽光,減少吸取太陽的熱力。EOC在設計團隊的 協助下進行了早期研究,與垂直遮光對比,評估 橫向遮光的效能。 EOC 研究了歐洲和亞洲供應商的多款玻璃塗 層,嚴選能發揮玻璃採光功效同時減低不必要 太陽熱力的產品,以降低冷負荷。O’Callaghan 先生續說:「我們根據太陽能性能、弧度的可行 性和美學等方面評估這些塗層。通過我們的整 個供應網絡,與供應商聯絡並協調廣泛的玻璃 取樣流程,以達成最佳解決方案,並在我們努力 爭取之下,獲得屋宇署批准的幕牆玻璃複合施 工。這樣令總玻璃厚度減少了 20%,同時令外 牆的含碳量也相應減少。」

解決供應問題 建造外牆系統所需的各式各樣材料如低鐵玻 璃、碳鋼、不銹鋼、鋁、硅、砂漿、尼龍、膠墊, 以至密封墊,全都經歐洲和中國大陸大規模採 購。 王歐陽(香港)有限公司負責這個項目的總體建 築設計,與本地的專家和海外的顧問緊密合作, 確保建築工程能如期順利完成。 不過,項目受到疫情影響,該公司的助理董事 Winnie Lau女士憶述:「當時全歐洲都採取封 關和邊境管制,我們採購用作大廈外牆裝飾的 玻璃原材料生產受阻。最終,他們恢復生產,但 我們的人員卻無法到工廠檢驗產品,結果只能 透過視像會議,遙距進行仔細目測。」

她補充:「很興幸在業務夥伴的協助下,我們組 成了一支專業隊伍,親臨天津為準備生產預製件 的時候,詳細檢查玻璃物料的品質。而當他們的 顧問在抵達香港後,立即到工地與承辦商一起 密鑼緊鼓,並僱用更多的工人全力追趕進度。」 天津北玻可以提供超大鋼化、夾層、隔熱和數 碼印刷玻璃材料的專業全球供應商,曾為世上不 少建築物提供優質玻璃產品,當中包括科威特 國民銀行、全球知名電子產品公司的總部及其 數十家門店、以及新近完工的太古坊二座。


大廈的設計銜接太古坊重 建計劃中的兩個重要環節 — 佔地 7萬平方呎、佈置 了青翠園景的太古中央廣 場,以及可盡覽中環和尖 沙咀景色的太古花園 The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 31


symbolises infinity and connectivity Guangzhou’s Infinitus Plaza, the new headquarters of a large Chinese herbal medicine group, presents a striking geometrical form wrapped in a stylish facade. Information & Images: Zaha Hadid Architects

Infinitus Plaza is the new global headquarters of Infinitus China, a century-old Group specialising in the development and production of Chinese herbal health products with over 5000 retail stores across the country. The 185,643 sq. m Infinitus Plaza marks a gateway to the new Baiyun Central Business District. Built on the site of the decommissioned Baiyun Airport, the new district connects Guangzhou’s city centre with Feixiang Gongyuan Park and the new communities within the former airport’s redevelopment. Situated next to Fexiang Park station on Line 2 of the Guangzhou Metro, it straddles the metro’s sub-surface tunnel, dividing the headquarters into two interconnected buildings.

Elegant but resilient facade The project’s elegant curved façade is clad in perforated aluminium shading panels to allow visual connectivity and fluidity. All the panels were subject to surface treatment of PVDF coating that adds a metallic finish and ensures they remain durable, free from discoloration and protected against acid rain and extreme weather.

Reducing heat is achieved through the use of double insulated lowenergy glazing to deliver effective shading while not compromising entry of natural light. A secondary steel structure has been added to the face to reduce the risk of wind loading. Comprising a series of x-shaped stainless-steel connectors, the structure is fixed to the outer panels for additional strength and protection from the elements.

Architectural expression of corporate connectivity The Zaha Hadid-designed towers are imagined as a series of rings to promote connectivity within the internal spaces, encased in the elegant building envelope. Translucent from the inside, those within the building can see the external surrounding but people outside of it cannot see in. Arranged around central atria and courtyards, the rings-inspired design echoes the symbol for infinity “∞”, with a variety of shared indoor and outdoor spaces created to build a strong sense of community (Si Li Ji Ren) and define Infinitus’ corporate culture. This complex geometry called for careful and precise planning by the design team. Establishing collaborative work spaces that are healthier and more adaptive to new ways of working, the 8-storey building is designed to enhance interaction and communication between all departments. It also houses the group’s herbal medicine research facilities and safety assessment labs as well as a learning centre for conferences and exhibitions. The interconnecting bridges provide several flexible communal spaces for employees that promote individual and collective wellness including the gym and exercise rooms, recreation and relaxation zones as well as restaurant and cafe. The bridges also link up the plaza’s offices with shopping and dining areas.



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Green building certification Exposed to Guangzhou’s humid subtropical monsoon climate, Infinitus Plaza has been designed and constructed to LEED Gold certification and the equivalent 3-Stars of China’s Green Building Program with its life cycle carbon emissions estimated at 15.3% embodied carbon and at 84.7% operational carbon emissions. The structure was designed in a way to reduce the amount of concrete required for construction and increases the proportion of recyclable content employed. 25,088.33 tonnes of recycled materials have been used to build Infinitus Plaza, including primarily steel, copper, glass, aluminium alloy profiles, gypsum products and wood. Annual solar irradiation analysis is a determinant for the width of the outdoor terraces to self-shade the building. This analysis has also enabled the estimation of the number of external perforated aluminium shading panels to optimise reductions in solar heat gain. These measures, together with double-insulated low-E glazing, provides effective shading and heat insulation allowing the admission of natural light throughout the building, while reducing solar heat gain and energy consumption.

Rain water recycling Powered by photovoltaics under the building’s smart management system, a number of sprinklers spray atomised particles of collected rainwater onto the ETFE membrane roof above each atrium to dissipate heat by evaporative cooling. This translucent, doublelayered ETFE membrane roof includes a 60cm cavity of compressed air. When the membrane’s exterior surface reaches 35°C through solar radiation, spraying for 3- 4 minutes every half an hour is automatically activated to cool its surface temperature by 14°C, effectively lowering interior temperatures by 5°C. Solar water heating on the rooftop further reduces energy requirements.

Ensuring good indoor air quality The building’s smart management system is equipped to monitor temperature, carbon dioxide, PM2.5 particulates and other pollutants. It also has fresh air linkage to ensure good indoor air quality, detecting the level of occupancy and automatically adjusting indoor airflow for optimal comfort with minimal energy consumption. Upon its inauguration recently, Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza has become an important anchor to the development of Baiyun District as a national center for China’s health industry, contributing to the city’s economy and offering excellent employment opportunities for the local communities.

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無限極廣場是無限極(中國)的新全球總部,乃一所擁有百年 歷史的中草藥健康食品研發及生產集團,在全國擁有 5,000 多所

185,643 平方米的無限極廣場座落在廣州空港中央商務區,位於已停用 的白雲機場,連接廣州市中心與飛翔公園及機場重建新區,鄰近廣州地 鐵二號線飛翔公園站旁,總部分為成兩棟相互連接的建築,由地鐵地底 隧道橫跨。

弧形外牆由穿孔鋁製遮陽板覆蓋,呈現優雅的視覺效果及流動感。所有 遮陽板經PVDF塗層表面處理,加上金屬飾面,使其耐用、不變色,防止受 酸雨及極端天氣影響 ,並透過使用雙層隔熱低輻射玻璃提供有效遮陽, 減少熱能,卻不影響自然光線。 外牆加上二級鋼結構,降低風壓,結構由一系列X形不銹鋼連接部件組 成,並固定在外板上,以增加強度及保護。

由札哈哈蒂建築師事務所設計,大樓設被想像成一系列環環相扣,貫連內 部的空間,並配以不凡的建築立面設計;從裡面看出來是半透明景觀,可 看見外面環境,但外面卻看不見內部。 圍繞中庭及庭院的環形設計呼應無限符號「∞」,創造多個共享的室內及


室外空間,營造強烈的社區感(思利及人),定義無限極的企業文化,複 雜的幾何形狀需要設計團隊進行仔細及精確的規劃。這座八層樓高的建 築旨在建立更健康、更能讓員工適應新工作方式的空間,有助加強所有部 門間的互動和溝通,它亦設有集團的草藥研究設備、安全評估實驗室、會 議及展覽學習中心。 相互連接的天橋為員工提供不同的靈活公共空間,提升個人及團體健 康,包括健身室及練習室、娛樂及休閒區以及餐廳及咖啡室,天橋將辦公 室與購物及餐飲區域連接起來。

因應廣州潮濕的亞熱帶季風氣候,無限極廣場的設計和建造獲得了 LEED 金級認證及中國綠色建築評價標識三星級,整個生命周期的二氧化碳排 放量估算為15.3%的隱含碳量水平,運營碳排放量則為84.7% 。 結構設計旨在減少施工所需的混凝土量,並增加所用可回收材料的比 例。 2萬5千噸再生材料用於建造建築物,主要包括鋼鐵、銅、玻璃、鋁合 金型材、石膏製品和木材。 每年的太陽輻射分析是室外露台寬度的決定因素,以對建築物進行自我 遮蔽。該分析還能夠估計外部穿孔鋁製遮陽板的數量,以優化減少太陽 能熱增益。 這些措施與雙層隔熱低輻射玻璃一起提供了有效的遮陽和隔熱效果,讓 自然光進入整個建築,同時減少太陽能得熱和能源消耗。


建築物智能管理系統的光伏模組,許多灑水噴頭將收集的雨水霧化顆粒 噴灑到每個中庭上方的 ETFE 膜屋頂上,通過蒸發冷卻來散發熱量。 這 種半透明的雙層高功能氟樹脂薄膜的頂上包括了一個60厘米的壓縮空氣 空間。 當外膜表面達到35度時,系統便每半小時自動噴灑三至四分鐘,使其表 面溫度降低14度,便有效降低膜內5度,屋頂的太陽能水熱能可進一步降 低能源需求。

大樓的智能管理系統可監控溫度、二氧化碳、PM2.5懸浮顆粒及其他污染 物。它還具有鮮風流動功能,保持良好的室內空氣質素,檢測空間佔用水 平並自動調節室內氣流,以最小的能源達到最佳舒適度。 近日已經開幕的廣州無限極廣場,已成為將白雲區發展成中國健康產業 中心的重要推手,為城市經濟作出貢獻,以及為當地社區帶來就業機會。 近日開業的廣州無限極廣場已成為白雲區發展成為中國健康產業中心的 重要支柱,為白雲區經濟做出貢獻,為當地社區提供良好的就業機會。

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 37


With STENI façade panels you get a customisable, long lasting, environmentally friendly product with BIM modules for designing advanced and detailed façade plan.



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ArchitecturalFeature Design

Information & Images: LWK + PARTNERS


In September 2021, the State Council of China officially announced its plan to build a Guangdong-Macau indepth cooperation zone in Hengqin, an island located in the southern part of Guangdong’s Zhuhai, separated from Macau only by a bridge. While Hengqin has always been a natural connection point between Macau and Guangdong, the plan is a strong statement of a synergistic future and deeper integration for the neighbours. Under the new framework, intensified economic and social cooperation between the two and greater improvements in urban infrastructure can be expected. As more Macau residents will choose to live or work in Hengqin, cross-border mobility and exchange will also increase. Hengqin Port Mixed-use Development, Zhuhai, China is situated right beside the Hengqin port itself. Architect LWK + PARTNERS designed it as a transit-oriented development (TOD) with efficient programmes closely integrated with convenient transport, setting an excellent foundation for capturing the latest development opportunities. As a multipurpose development, the project makes an engaging urban lounge at the city’s gateway which revitalises the island community.

Super node of two cities Rapid urbanisation has brought a range of urban threats to cities of China, such as densification, traffic congestion and environmental pollution, just to name a few. These not only put pressure on resources, but are directly affecting the quality of life of inhabitants. TOD has consequently risen as a major development model in Chinese cities, which forms walkable neighbourhoods through effective planning of functional spaces, railway connections and the creation of a friendly and accessible pedestrian network. The result is ‘station-city integration’ emerging as a way of living that energises the community, providing more efficient use of land The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 39

and growing interconnectedness between living, work, recreation and public services. Hengqin Port Mixed-use Development consists of two super highrise towers standing at 203.9 and 164 metres with a four-storey podium and a four-storey basement. It has offices, a hotel, retail spaces and serviced apartments directly connected with the port and associated commercial facilities.

Urban gateway, urban lounge Hengqin is an island with limited land. Hengqin Port Mixeduse Development adopts a vertical programme with a strategic organisation of functional spaces, public spaces and landscaping, creating a strong urban connector. While it links the port’s facilities, traffic planning and surrounding streetscape with thoughtful planning and building designs, multilevel underground spaces and footbridges allow people to channel through communal areas and enjoy a comfortable user experience. As regional development speeds up, the project is well positioned to facilitate further reform and upgrade of the city’s industries and living standard. The project brings about a comfortable and convenient slow mobility system that unifies with its surrounding environment, road network and the port. An all-weather walking route is set out to reduce the need for cars, encouraging a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in the community.

Building design with local characteristics Embracing Hengqin’s goal to become an eco-friendly city, the project’s modern architectural language expresses both a humanistic spirit and respect for urban ecology. The two towers stand in complementing heights with one another to create a dynamic skyline inspired by the natural landscape in Hengqin. By adopting a streamlined design and marine palette, it also avoids disrupting the native landscape and coastal environment. LWK + PARTNERS consciously incorporates local symbols, styles, forms and construction methods in the architectural details. The tower façade is clean and simple, free of over-decorative elements and with horizontal features on every floor to balance out the sharp tall tower form. The scale, texture and materials of the façade also resonate with the adjacent buildings.

The commercial podium was designed by another practice

To save energy and foster a biophilic built environment, the overall planning, layout and building fabric are all designed to favour summer shading and natural ventilation. Green roofs are also treated as a fifth façade to raise the presence of natural greenery. The project qualifies for a three-star rating under China’s Assessment Standard for Green Building (GB/T50378-2014).

Next trend: Green TOD As China’s society becomes increasingly aware of natural conservation and environmental health, TOD as a planning approach is shifting from a purely functional, efficiency-driven and compact model to one that aspires to liveability, low-carbon building and harmony between people, cities and nature. The idea of ‘stationcity integration’ is moving towards ‘station-city-human integration’. LWK + PARTNERS believes that Green TOD is the core driver of sustainable development amid rampant urbanisation and traffic challenges, while also taking into account every city’s unique characteristics. The advancement of information technology and smart city initiatives will also be closely linked with TODs, which are urban centres with intensive business and foot traffic, in realising sustainable urban development.



打開橫琴口岸 雙城生活通廊

中國國務院於 2021 年 9 月公佈《橫琴粵澳深度合作區建設總 體方案》,將橫琴島劃為“橫琴粵澳深度合作區”,確立粵澳兩地 協同發展的戰略局面,以及橫琴在粵港澳大灣區建設中的示範角 色。與澳門一水一橋之隔的橫琴島地處珠海南端,是連接珠海與 澳門的中樞點,擁有與澳門融合發展的先天優勢。隨著基礎設施 逐步完善,兩地經濟社會發展融合,在橫琴居住、就業的澳門居民 大幅增加,人員交流將逐漸頻繁。 中國珠海橫琴口岸綜合發展項目位處橫琴口岸之側,建築師 LWK + PARTNERS 充分利用其交通優勢,將公共交通導向型發 展(TOD)理念融入項目規劃及設計,配合橫琴島目前獨特的發展機遇, 打造兼具多元化功能、高效便捷的城市門戶會客廳,為城市升級創造有 利條件。


中國城市化進程急速,面對人口密集、交通擠塞、環境污染等大都市問 題,不但對城市資源造成壓力,更直接影響人們的生活質素。TOD 作為 現時國內重點的城市發展模式,通過有效組織多元化的功能空間,以軌 道交通和友善通達的步行網絡貫穿項目和周邊社區,能更有效使用土地 資源,建立居住、工作、休閒和公共服務互相連接的短距離生活圈,以“ 站城一體化”的生活模式激發社區活力。 橫琴口岸綜合發展項目由一棟 203.9 米超高層塔樓、一棟 164 米超高層 塔樓、四層商業裙樓及四層地庫組成,設有辦公樓、酒店、零售及商務公 寓,直接連系與澳門的通關口岸及商業設施。


在島上土地資源限制下,橫琴口岸綜合發展項目採取垂直發展策略,對 功能空間、公共空間、綠化景觀進行立體劃分,建構一個擁有城市會客 廳功能的 TOD 綜合體。項目從佈局和建築設計上與橫琴口岸綜合交通 樞紐的通關、交通組織方案以及周邊街區連接緊密銜接,並妥善利用地 下空間、人行天橋等進行多層動線分流,滿足公共疏散聯繫空間的要求, 並提供舒適的使用者體驗。依託強勁的區域發展勢頭,項目的樞紐角色 更為明顯,帶動橫琴的生活及產業升級轉型。 橫琴口岸綜合發展項目的設計綜合考慮周邊環境佈局及路網結構,與口 岸設施直接連系,致力建設舒適便捷的城市慢行系統,減低行車需求, 滿足“晴天不打傘,雨天不濕鞋”的全天候出行需要,構築以人為本的步 行環境,鼓勵健康可持續的現代生活模式。


項目運用現代設計手法,塑造具有生態建築特徵的建築,體現橫琴“山 水都市、生態島城”的特色,突出以人為本的城市人文精神。高層塔樓的 空間形象塑造了高低錯落的天際線,以橫琴的山脈地貌為靈感,同時避 免天際線和豎向線條過於長直,采流線型設計和海洋色彩融入周邊景 觀,體現海濱生態城市特色。


LWK + PARTNERS 團隊重視建築細部設計,融入了橫琴符號、風格、形式 和構建做法,展現宜人尺度。大樓立面以簡潔明快設計為主,避免大量裝 飾性構件,每層使用橫形構件進一步平衡高聳塔樓的尖銳感。立面尺度、 肌理、材質也與相鄰建築保持關聯。 為節約能源及實現親自然的建成環境,項目的總平面規劃、建築平面設 計和構造設計都有利於夏季遮陽與自然通風。另外,團隊重視第五立面設 計,平屋頂均設計為綠化屋面。建築方案符合《綠色建築評價標準》 (GB/ T50378-2014)三星級標準。

下一個趨勢:綠色 TOD

隨著國內社會大眾對自然生態和環境健康日益重視,TOD 的規劃思路已 從純粹功能多元化、高效緊湊和出行便利,逐步轉型為以舒適生活體驗、 低碳建設、人城自然和諧發展為目標,從“站城一體化”邁向“站城人一 體化”。 LWK + PARTNERS 總結多年經驗所得,視 “綠色 TOD” 為應對快速城 市化和城市交通挑戰的可持續發展核心動力,緊扣每個城市可持續綠色 發展所蘊涵的特性。隨著信息科技前進發展,TOD 作為商業和人流的集 中地,將與智慧城市建設交互影響,實現城市可持續高質量發展。

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DOW’S STRUCTURAL SILICONE SEALANTS 50+ YEARS PROVEN TECHNOLOGY Silicone came out more than one hundred years ago. In 1943, Dow Corning (acquired by parent company Dow in 2018) was the first to offer and commercialise silicone as a product for combating gaps on aircrafts in the 1950s. Information & Images: Jerry Ma

After that, silicone (or commonly known as silicone sealant) became commonly used in window sealing and waterproofing during construction. In the 1960s, silicone sealant was developed and used in the structural glass assembly. Supplying silicones that structurally bonds glasses and aluminium frames have changed the appearance of cities around the world, revolutionising the way architects design façades with better appearance and functions. The caulk or sealant is made of silicone polymer, because Si-O-Si as silicone sealant’s major composition is different from organic C-C and C-O, resulting in different performance compared to traditional organic substances. Silicone sealant remains flexible within -50⁰C to 150⁰C for withstanding the climate (cold, heat, sunlight, ultraviolet rays and acid rain), and it adheres well to materials including glass, anodised aluminium with protective coating. This technology has been widely used for construction in recent years due to its reasonable pricing. Establishing partnership with PPG Industries in 1964, Dow Corning used structural Silicone Sealant for structural silicone glazing– attaching the vertical sides of external glass to interior glass fins which are used for fixed up and down with translucent structural silicone sealant. Named as Total Vision System, this curtain wall design provides a larger view and extra all-around support, to reduce the thickness of the glass, save costs, make the glass larger, so as to increase its visibility, as well as meet high wind loads.

In recent years, the Total Vision System has been adopted in Apple stores, improving the aesthetic look with large panels and multiple layers of laminated glass. Thanks to the sealant, the store fronts can withstand strong wind pressure, while taking beauty and safety into account. With the advancement of technology, silicone manufacturers started to develop neutral cure silicone structural adhesives in the 1980s.Newly invented silicone structural adhesives provide stronger bonding, inner cohesive strength, better elasticity and more durability so it can be applied to different sorts of building materials. In addition to glass, building materials such as tiles, stone and metal plates with silicone structural adhesives can be used together for glazing and bonding, resulting in more exterior wall design possibilities. Other than the introduction of neutral cure structural adhesives itself, applying this to other construction techniques such as stick walls and Unitised System methods help create more and higher structural silicone glazing glass curtain walls, which have become popular around the world, changing the global cities' appearance and skylines. No one knows how long the service life of the Dow silicone material will last. However, the successful case of the Smith Hinchman & Grylls building in the United States in 1971 and two European material aging studies which provide scientific support show the Dow’s silicone can last 50 years of service time.

First Research – 25-year old DOWSIL™ 983 Structural Glazing Sealant has been tested and passed ETAG 002-1 European Technical Approvals IFT Rosenheim, a Research institute in Rosenheim in Germany was built in 1985. During the curtain wall renewal in 2010, the research team collected around 200 samples from the removed curtain wall unit and sent them to a third-party laboratory for ETAG 002-1 European Technical Approvals testing.

Johnson Wa Building, first silicone sealant project completed in 1958


Samples passed the test successfully even though they were aging for around 25 years. According to the specifications of the test, the structural glazing sealant is estimated to have a service life of more than 25 years. Therefore, the research team estimated the sealant used might have a service life of 50 years.

Tech Talk

Second Research– 50 years of structural silicone ageing test Dow’s research team has cooperated with a German material research institute named The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), to develop a structural silicone sealant durability test which is more stringent than the ETAG 002 test and more realistic in terms of reflecting the actual ageing scenario. A 50m high glass panel wall (with multiple layers of 2500mm width x 3200mm height thin glass) is made of the tested material (DC® 993 and DC®983). Using three different types of glass (monolithic glass, stepped Insulating glass and standard insulating glass), each piece of glass adopts a 4-sided hidden frame design and the joint design with 12mm (adhesive width) and 6mm (adhesive thickness) (design value as 210kPa). The glass installation also has a glass in deadload support and without deadload support. The test unit and materials need to pass • 50 testing cycles (set to have a 50-year service life) • 1 impact test • two additional testing cycles (extend two years of service life) DC® 993 passed the lab-testing recognised by the industry experts, showing that Dow’s product can have a service life of more than 50 years.

As early as the 1950s, Dow’s innovative silicone technology has helped architects to realise their creative designs in real life. After nearly 70 years, Dow and many industry peers have changed the skyline of global cities. From the first four-sided hidden frame glass panel installed in Smith Hinchman & Grylls building in 1971, to thousands of projects in different scales all over the world, there has not been glass shedding caused by Dow’s silicone structural adhesive products. Thanks to the free and well-planned engineering services offered by Dow, the safety of silicone structural adhesive products is ensured from different construction stages including design, material selection and testing, and inspection. Finally, it has to be emphasised again that although the cost of silicone products in construction projects is very minor, it still plays an essential role. From the careful selection of materials, adhesion and compatibility testing of the building materials, to reasonable joint design and correct construction methods, each step is critical and determines the outcome of the project. Therefore, when using a hidden frame for design, you should choose a supplier that can provide the above-mentioned services to ensure the project goes smoothly and safely.

JERRY MA TS&D Scientist Building & Infrastructure, Consumer Solutions Dow Chemical Taiwan Ltd Jerry Ma joined Dow (Formal Dow Corning) in 1996 and had been spent 25 years in technical service engineer role in construction industry to support customers/projects in Taiwan, ASEAN countries, Hong Kong and Mainland China. He is based in Taiwan. Currently he is supporting Dow Building & Infrastructure APAC’s Innovation Projects, Technologies and Product Application and Development.

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SH & G Building









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Introduction On Technological Changes

Brought by BIM to Hong Kong Facade Industry With the continuous development of the construction industry, many countries and regions are paying more and more attention to digital architecture. Hong Kong has joined the trending concept of smart city, and the Development Bureau has issued new technical guidelines every year to guide the industry in the application of BIM (building information modelling). At the same time, CIC has launched a large number of BIM modelling courses to meet the market demand and keep pace with the construction market. CIC has also implemented the government's technical and economic policies in the past two years, promoting the implementation and application of modular integrated construction (MIC) and engineering construction informatization. Setting up CITF fund, encouraging construction enterprises to learn BIM technology and digital transformation. BIM has become a necessary trend in curtain wall engineering. FAÇADE Journal will continue to share façade BIM with projects from Australia, Middle-East, Hong Kong and etc. in the year of 2022.


The applications of BIM in façade are plentiful and can be mainly categorized into the followings 4:

• • • •

BIM for BIM Design Visualization DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) FIM (Fabrication Information Modeling) ;

The application of BIM in façade industry can be puzzling as most engineers could have a hard time determining the nature of a BIM model from the capture above. Not only do we have to look at the geometric level of detail and the construction phase, we also have to pay attention to when nongeometric data are implemented. Additionally, the risk of as-built model delivery failure resulting in breach of contract is to be taken into consideration in order to fully appreciate the value of BIM application. In the upcoming technical article, we will share with you the mainstream BIM softwares in façade industry such as Revit, Inventor, Solidworks, Digital Project, Rhino, and Tekla, as well as some CDE platform.

Tech Talk

淺談 香港 建築幕 牆行業 的BIM技術發展 隨著建築行業的不斷發展,許多國家地區對數字建築越來越 重視,香港提出了智慧城市(Smart City) 的概念,發展局每 年都發佈新的技術指引,指導業界應用BIM (Building Information Modelling) 。 同時,建造業議會 (CIC) 爲適應市場需求,緊跟建造市場步伐,推出 了大量的BIM建模課程。 CIC近兩年也貫徹執行政府技術經濟政策, 推動模塊化建設技術 MIC (Modular Integrated Construction) 和 工程建設資訊化實施應用,并設立建造業創新及科技基金CITF,鼓 勵建築工程企業學習BIM技術,數字化轉型,BIM在幕牆工程中已成 爲必要的趨勢。

幕墻行業的BIM應用有很强的迷惑性,從配圖中大部分的工程師是 很難分清這個模型是屬于哪種應用。 我們不僅要從模型的幾何深度比較,還要從建模所跨域的時間工 期,從模型由數據轉化爲信息的時間點, 從竣工模型的違約交付 風險等多維度來比較,方能對幕墻工程的BIM應用價值有全面的認 識。 在後續的技術供稿中,我們將深入淺出地結合Revit, Inventor, Solidworks, Digital Project, Rhino, Tekla 等多款主流幕墻BIM軟 件以及多款數據共享平臺來和大家分享。

在2022年,本刊將透過澳洲,中東,香港等地的幕墻工程,分享BIM 在幕墻的設計及施工,運維領域有很多的應用,主要分爲以下四類: • 爲建模而建模 • 設計可視化 • 設計産品化DfMA • 加工模型化 FIM Information sourced & prepared by: WAYNE LIN Bcom of Actuarial Science, Macquarie University, Sydney Co-Founder of VDC Engineering Limited Principal Manager (BIM) of BCJV 3408 Third Runway Concourse & Airfield Project

The FAÇADE #23 2021 | 47


Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2019

Webinar Summary by Mr Bryan Wong The “Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2019” is fully effective since April 2021. There are significant number of new features in the 2019 Wind Code. It is important for all structural and façade designers to understand how the new requirements in 2019 Wind Code affect wind tunnel study and design of new development. Bryan presented the 2019 Wind Code stipulated the criteria for building require to carry out wind tunnel study. These include the building height is higher than 200m, very slender in plan or with unusual shape, the codified across-wind moment is significantly higher than the along-wind moment, or the building is located in a complicated local topography or surroundings area. Bryan explained the key new features associated with façade design include the introduction of size factor and the code covers design pressure estimation for building with and without dominant openings. A detailed methodology is provided to assess the sheltering effects of the surrounding buildings and determine the effective height of the proposed building for structural and facade design. In addition, the code also specified the wind direction factor to be applied to the design wind reference pressure. Bryan also briefly presented the other key new features which include the methodology to estimate the across-wind force, torsional force and building acceleration. The building acceleration criteria is also stipulated in the 2019 Wind Code. Based on extensive wind engineering experiences, Bryan highlighted number of flow phenomenon, which include vortex shedding, venturi effect, wake interference and downdraught, that can only be identified by wind tunnel study. Bryan further explained wind tunnel study can allow the design team to ensure the safety and optimise both structural and façade systems, and implement value engineering. The 2019 Wind Code specified that the design wind load and pressure can be reduced by as much as 30% from the code estimation if wind tunnel test is adopted. The 2019 Wind Code has provided comprehensive requirements for wind tunnel study, Bryan presented a comparison between the 2004 and 2019 Wind Code requirements. As all requirements for wind tunnel study are stipulated in the code, the method statement 48

reviewing process by the Buildings Department has significantly simplified and a lot faster. With the wind pressures results from the wind tunnel study, Bryan explained the façade designer should not adopt the highest wind pressure to the whole façade resulting in most of the area is overdesign. It is recommended to use the pressure percentile plot determined from wind tunnel study to optimise the façade design. Finally, Bryan presented a case study of a residential project which carried out wind tunnel study adopting both 2004 and 2019 Wind Code. The case study illustrated that it is expected wind tunnel study adopting 2019 Wind Code produces lower wind load than the code estimation due to the improvement of building removal method and introduction of wind direction factor in the new code. MR BRYAN WONG

M. Eng (1st Class, Imperial College, London) Associate Director of Windtech Consultants Committee Member, Hong Kong Wind Engineering Society Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Wind Engineering Society


Supporting Organizations




Steel Structure & Façade Specialist



(From left to right): Michael Leung, General Manager of Hilti (HK) Ltd, Dr. Dominic Yu, Principal of Alpha Consulting Ltd, Bryan Wong, Associate Director of Windtech Consultants, Matthew Chung, Facade Engineer, Cato Lai, Senior Design Engineer

Webinar Summary by Ir Dr. Dominic Yu “Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2019” has been launched for practical design in Hong Kong. It is important for all Structural Engineers to understand how the new requirements in 2019 Wind Code affect wind tunnel study and design of new development. By adopting new design requirement, Façade Designers and Engineers may be interested to know the implication to the curtain wall and façade design. Dr. Dominic Yu briefly explained the essential parameters and their differences between the Wind Code 2004 and 2019. By adopting the new Wind Code 2019, the Structural Engineer should consider(assess) the Directional wind effects (directional factor), the Shelter effects (Effective height), and the Topography effects (topography factor) for an economical design of building structure. The Structural Engineer can obtain those factors by a Wind Tunnel Test or the BD pre-approved structural program (NIDAWind). However, the Façade Engineer should assess the Pressure Coefficients (Cp) and the Size Factors (Ss) for the design of curtain wall or façade elements. Dr. Yu presented different considerations of pressure coefficients and at the same time highlighted the importance of edge zone such as corner and recess locations. The wind reference pressure should be taken at effective building height. The reduction of cladding pressure by 20% are also introduced with illustration of diagram. Examples are also given for the considerations of wind

reference height for Podium. Different pressure coefficients are introduced for balcony and canopy which benefit to the design of balustrade and canopy. For the newly introduced Size Factor, Dr. Yu presented the design considerations and influence on the façade design. The curtain wall systems, especially for residential projects, consist of various design composition in terms of module width, module height and panel size. The façade engineer can easily assess the Size Factor for individual façade element. A larger Size Factor will be obtained for a smaller half-perimeter of the load area (a façade element), and vice versa. However, it is difficult to select a representative Size Factor for a curtain wall panel/system with different mullions, transoms, glass panels and support brackets. It is emphasized that the design wind pressure will be applied to the whole performance mock-up instead of individual façade element. Therefore, the selection of design wind pressure (Size Factor) is crucial for a safety testing in order not to overloading nor underloading the test specimen.

Ir Dominic Yu BEng (Civil), Msc (Fire), PhD (Str.) MHKIE, MHKISC, MHKICA Principal of Alpha Consulting Limited

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To promote the development of Façade engineering in Hong Kong, HKFA strives to nurture new talents. Since 2017 The Façade Engineering Training Course has trained up over 300 talents in the industry. The course hosted by real world practitioner successfully coached students with both theoretical and practical knowledge on façade engineering. To accommodate talents with diverse backgrounds, two courses are introduced: 1. The Foundation Course which opens to wide candidates that are interested about the industry. It provides a basic yet comprehensive introduction to students on façade engineering, including classification of façade, use of material, façade design & calculation, fabrication, logistics & installation. 2. The Advanced Course which opens to professionals in the industry. It provides competent and in-depth training to students on façade engineering through variety of topics. Such as façade design in details, structural calculation, the applicable design and governing standards & codes, façade materials & selection, PMU testing, and a new chapter on fire protection in curtain wall & façade systems. Both courses received positive feedbacks from our former students. With the coaching of our experienced lecturers, students earned deep and practical knowledge on multiple topics about façade engineering. Students are fascinated by the extensive learning experience provided by the lecturers and the course materials. The course design & materials are tailor-made by our world-class lecturers, with deep knowledge and practical experience among the industry. The course will definitely be fruitful for students who are dedicated in a career in the façade industry. The façade industry continues to grow globally. Rapid urbanization and increase use of façade materials promote such consistent growth among the industry. Hong Kong lies in a strategic location connecting China and other Southeast Asia market, where our leading technologies creates tremendous number of opportunities. Therefore, we must strengthen our community through educating new talents and professionals.

建築幕牆 培訓課程 香港建築幕牆裝飾協會一直致力培育行業的 人材。從2017年開始,本會舉辦的幕牆工程 課程為超過三百位同業提供了專業陪訓。此課程由 專業的在職人仕任教,與學生進行了專業而且實用 的幕牆工程知識訓練。 為了滿足不同背景及專業的建築同業,本會開辦了兩個幕牆課 程: 1. 「入門課程」 為對幕牆建築業有興趣人士開設。透過基本知 識和深入淺出的教學,以增強學生對本行業的認識。課程涵蓋幕 牆分類、材料使用、幕牆設計及計算、製造、物流及安裝等項目。 2. 「高階課程」為行內人仕而設。此課程提供了全面而深入的建 築幕牆知識,包括幕牆設計、結構計算、設計應用和監管標準及 守則、選材、PMU測試,以及新增的幕牆防火知識及應用。 課程開展至今,透過專業導師的細心教導及講解,參與的學員均 對兩個課程給予非常正面的評價。學員對課程的全面性,以至教 學材料都感到十分滿意。本課程的設計及教學材料均由經驗豐富 的導師精心打造。對於一心投入本行業的人才,本課程絕對是不 可錯失的進修機會。 建築幕牆行業在全球發展迅速,城市化及建築幕牆的廣泛使用令 本行業增長迅速,而香港連接內地及東南亞市場,其地理優勢以 及領先技術必定能夠帶來無限商機。因此,我們更需要大力陪訓 本行業的人才,以保持領先的優勢。 香港建築幕牆裝飾協會將繼續致力提供專業訓練課程,以推動 本地建築幕牆的持續發展。業界的熱烈支持及參與,無疑為我們 繼續推動專業及優質的技術課程帶來無限的鼓勵。

2022年度入門課程 (FC1-202202)現正接受報 名,每年僅開一班,名額有限。如對本課程有任何查 詢,歡迎聯絡本會秘書處。

HKFA will continues to provide professional training courses to support the façade industry. Your active support and participation will be a great encouragement to us in developing more resourceful training and certifications to the industry.

THE 2022 FAÇADE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION COURSE (FC1-202202) is now open for enrolment. Seats are limited and only one advance course conduct each year. Feel free to contact our Secretariat for details.

Please visit website 50

Enrolment Form/ 報名表: facade-engineering-foundation-course2022-fc1-202202/


HKFA offers individual and corporate membership to those involved with façades and building envelopes, in Hong Kong, China and internationally.

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