The year 2023 marks a new chapter of Hong Kong Façade Association as it is in transition to operate as a registered notfor-profit organization. The board is looking forward that with the new organization HKFA will be more effective to communicate with different stake holders on various subjects that are for the interests of our trade.
One such example is the process of finished private building flats/units handover to homebuyers. The trend that private housing Developer adaptation of homebuyers’ inspector acceptance as the final acceptance has impose a new challenge to all parties including developers, contractors, and suppliers. Particularly that inspection distance and acceptance criteria varied on inspector and are different from standards agreed.
While there are challenges, there are also opportunities. The construction innovation technology fund established 2018 provide fundings to industry to adopt new construction method and technology. We are updating our façade course curriculum to cover new BIM technology related to our us.
Our industry is very competitive, we fight hard to get our project as always. However, above cases also show that while we compete, we also need to cooperate at the same time. Come join us, let us work together on issues that affect all of us.
Mr. Andy Chan W.Y. Chairman of Membership Sub-Committee Marketing Manager of G&M Engineering Co LtdHong Kong Façade Association (HKFA) was founded in 1998. It is a non-prof it organisation that aims to draw the industry together to serve the society, through activities organised by the association. HKFA aims to unite members on industry issues, guarantee bene f its for the industry, standardise industry norms, serve the entire membership, achieve co-operation in the competitive market and promote healthy development for the trade.
To enhance professional training in the façade industry, HKFA has successfully conducted professional courses in collaboration with universities, since 2011. Working closely with other professional institutions the Association promotes façade engineering excellence and provides support for their CPD programs by conducting periodic technical seminars covering different façade technology topics.
香港建築幕牆裝飾協會成立於1998年,是一個非牟利營運機構,旨在通過舉辦活 動,凝聚業界力量,共同服務社會。在業界問題上團結會員,保障行業權益,訂定規 範及服務全體會員,同時在競爭劇烈的市場上加強合作,一起推動行業健康發展。
為提升幕牆行業的專業培訓,自 2011 年以來,香港建築幕牆裝飾協會已成功與大 學合辦專業課程。協會並與其他專業機構密切合作,通過定期舉辦並涵蓋不同幕 牆技術的研討會,促進工程精益求精,並為他們的持續專業進修課程提供支援及 技術課題。
Hong Kong Faç ade Association
Rm 04,12/F, Kenning Industrial Building
19 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong www.hkfacade.org
Executive Secretary 行政秘書: Connie Man W.K.
E: info@hkfacade.org, T: +852 2704 7597
2023年的「香港建築幕牆裝飾協 會」展開了新一頁,協會以註冊 機構運作,眾理事期望在新的架 構下,協會將能更有效地與各持 份者就業界關切的議題進行溝通 和協商。
當中例子包括為私人新樓小業主 交樓程序,發展商接受以小業主 僱用的檢驗人員作收貨前最後檢 測,但雙方卻沒有一致確認的檢 測方法與標準,對整個行業由發 展商,分判商,以至供應商也帶來 很大挑戰。
有挑戰亦有機遇,2018年成立的「 建造業創新及科技基金」為建築 業界採用新技術提供資金;幕牆 協會文憑課程亦已將相關 BIM 技術納入為新的科目。
幕牆行業競爭激烈,為取得工程合約有時會互不相讓,但上述事例反映我們仍需 要共同合作才可繼續向前。歡迎加入我們的協會,讓大家同心協力面對要處理的 問題。
陳偉賢先生 會藉事務委員會主席 信越控股有限公司 業務經理
The FAÇ ADE is the of f icial publication of Hong Kong Faç ade Association
Publisher 出版商: Mike Staley
E: publisher@rofmedia.com, T: +852 3150 8988
Editorial Committee 編輯委員會:
Sammy Hui (Head of Editorial Committee) / Richard Shek / Elizabeth Dooley (Consulting Editor) / Mike Staley
Advertising 廣告: Bryan Chan
E: bryan@rofmedia.com, T: +852 3150 8912
Alfred Ng
E: alfred@rofmedia.com, T: +852 3150 8911
Designer 設計: Michelle Morkel
Translation 翻譯: Derek Leung / Krista Chan / Jasper Lau / Billy Leung
In-house photographer 攝影師: Walter Ding
Designed & Published by ROF Media
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The FAÇADE is online at www.issuu.com/rofmedia
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Copyright 2022 Ring of Fire Limited
Table of Content
Designing Sustainable Façades by Inhabit Regional Manager, Jovi Wong
Orientop decorative glass found throughout bustling MTR network
EOC engineers new paradigm for contemporary retail & hospitality
Lead8 retail concept carefully balances traditional and ‘new era’ for Nanjing
BOC Financial Centre represents hallmark of timeless modernity
Green community centre opens in Chengdu’s new High-Tech Zone
Yulin Grand Theatre connects the city to its glorious historic past
Science Centre embraces science, sustainability and the universe!
Attention to thermal performance a key factor for energy-saving Study and countermeasures for condensation and crystallisation
Construction Innovation and Technology Fund supports the Industry
HKFA Certificate In Façade Engineering promotes the industry
東翹裝飾玻璃遍及繁忙交通網絡 EOC 為當代零售和款待業設計新範式
22 封面故事
33 建築設計
代表永恆的現代標誌 - 中銀金融中心
8 12 33 46 16
46 技術講座
56 新聞
30 58
58 培訓
A high-quality building designed with occupant’s wellbeing in mind not only is good for people but also makes financial sense. The building envelope plays a critical role in contributing to energy efficiency and overall sustainability in buildings as well as improving occupants’ comfort.
Additionally, future façades will need to be designed with changing climatic conditions in mind, to maintain performance in warmer environments, higher outdoor ambient air temperatures, with longer periods of heat and changes to rainfall patterns.
As a barrier between the interior and exterior environments, by incorporating appropriate insulation materials the façade prevents heat loss and reduces heat gain, significantly reducing the
energy required for maintaining a thermally comfortable indoor environment. In Hong Kong’s sub-tropical climate, incorporating shading devices into the façade, such as louvres or a brise soleil, reduces the amount of solar heat gain, which can help to reduce internal solar heat gains and thereby reducing the building / space cooling demand. In the design of the Hong Kong Ocean Terminal Extension the form of the building is a direct response to its climatic context. Large, cantilevered terraces shade the lower levels from the tropical sun while the building’s balustrades act as louvred shading devices for the terrace below.
Designing the façade to harvest natural light into the building can reduce the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours, saving energy and creating a more comfortable interior environment for
the occupants. The Shaw Auditorium at Hong Kong’s University of Science and Technology was designed with floor-to-floor glazing with a relatively high visual light transmission (VLT) of approximately ~70%. This was possible due to the large overhangs of the offset rings of the structure providing shading to the glazed façade elements and reducing heat loads.
Advanced façade engineering involves the use of cutting-edge technologies and materials such as smart glazing, insulated cladding, and Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BiPV). Advanced glazing technologies such as low-e coatings, triple glazing, and dynamic glazing can significantly reduce heat transfer and solar gain.
It is estimated that embodied carbon accounts for over one third of carbon emissions of a building. The use of sustainable materials in the building envelope with a high recycled content, materials manufactured with renewable energy, and ecologically sensitive materials can contribute to the overall sustainability goals of buildings, including significantly reducing embodied carbon emissions.
Sustainable façades can provide a range of benefits to building occupants and the wider community, promoting access to natural ecosystems, daylight experience and honouring alignment with human's circadian rhythms. These benefits, reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions contribute to increased property value.
Designing and implementing sustainable façades requires a holistic approach taking into account a range of technical, economic, and regulatory considerations. Careful consideration must be given to factors, such as availability, cost, materials, maintenance, and energy efficiency.
The use of high-quality materials and advanced technology can be an upfront expense expensive to procure and install which means the cost of sustainable materials in the building envelope may be higher than implementing traditional façades, which can make this option less appealing to developers and building owners.
The design of sustainable façades must take into account factors such as the orientation of the building, the local climate, and the surrounding environment. In the case of the French International School in Tseung Kwan O, the windows are recessed and carefully
oriented to minimise the effect of Hong Kong’s intense sub-tropical sunlight while allowing ample daylight into the building’s spaces. Also, the façade’s precast GRC panels are profiled in such a way that the recessed windows with low-e glazing within the reveals are partially shaded and therefore the solar heat gain is reduced to create a more energy efficient building.
For sustainable façades to function effectively they require regular maintenance. Vested operations team need to participate in the design process to understand and provide comment and experience on keeping a building operating at its best potential - which includes maintenance of the asset. An integrated access and maintenance solution that is designed at the outset of a project will allow easy and regular maintenance which positively influences the user experience for the building’s occupants.
Building codes and regulations may not always support the implementation of sustainable façades, particularly when renovating older buildings. Regulation does not yet fully address sustainability considerations in major refurbishments and this can make it difficult to obtain permits and approvals for installation within a limited timeframe.
Industry publications play a vital role in promoting the adoption of sustainable façade engineering practices and showcasing innovative solutions in the field. Through highlighting new products, technologies and design strategies, these publications push the industry forward and encourage the development of more sustainable solutions.
Case studies and project success stories inspire engineers, architects and other designers to take up the sustainability challenge. Working closely with the industry experts and associations such as the Hong Kong Façade Association, promotes common practices, innovation and knowledge sharing, and collaboration in the industry. The outcome will be a more sustainable environment for our region and improved comfort and health for the wider Hong Kong community.
Jovi Wong Regional Manager Hong Kong, Macau, InhabitAs the bustling MTR network has grown into all of Hong Kong’s eighteen districts over the decades, Orientop, Asia’s premier supplier of decorative glass can now be found in a growing number of stations throughout the city.
These stations include Hung Hom, Sha Tin, Hin Keng, To Kwa Wan, Admiralty, Causeway Bay, Central, HKU, Sai Ying Pun, Kennedy Town, Tsim Sha Tsui, Lei Tung, Tai Tong Road, Kowloon Tong and University stations, where every day of the year, Orientop’s decorative glass installations now bring an extra bit of colour into the lives of millions of passengers passing through MTR’s vast network.
The Shatin-Central Link is a strategic railway network project that traverses through several of Hong Kong’s districts, connecting Tai Wai and Admiralty. The Link, which interconnects with a number of existing MTR lines, provides services to East Kowloon and strengthen the connection between the New Territories with Hong Kong Island. Since the operation began in May 2022, SCL passenger numbers have reached one million daily.
The service not only offers convenience to the citizens but station designs are also complemented with colourful new artworks. In order to deliver a better modern user experience, art pieces and murals are incorporated in many of the new station’s concourses, as well as on the platforms.
With headquartered in Hong Kong, Orientop takes great pride in supplying decorative glass with vivid colours now adorning the walls, a departure from the traditional theme of mosaic walls previously used, along the platforms, enriching the visual appeals to passengers. These days, beautiful glass walls and partitions can be easily seen when traveling to different stations, like Admiralty, Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan and Shatin stations.
Compared to the previous use of traditional mosaics, digital printing on glass allows for more patterns to be created, meaning that more interesting designs can be placed in different areas of the stations, some of which tell nostalgic stories related to the specific neighbourhoods that individual stations serve, contributing to a more vibrant and memorable journeys for the MTR’s passengers.
With two factories in mainland China, managed by its in-house team that follow strict quality assurance, Orientop has been providing
high-quality products that are well received by its customers, with safety being a particular priority. Due to the high level of traffic in which the products are placed, the selection of materials must pass through specific quality control procedures during manufacture. The glass panels used, for example, are all tempered, less likely to break, anti-scratch, easy to clean and have passed the heat-soak and safety tests required by the Buildings Department and the MTR Corporation.
Not only does Orientop produce flat decorative glass, they also supplied the tempered glass cylinders around the pillars on the platforms at Admiralty station (crystal glass of 15mm thickness and radius R980mm). Despite the difficulty of creating curved, tempered glass, especially glass with such great curvatures, Orientop rose to the challenge.
With its own design team, the company is meticulous when managing designs and colours. This professionalism dedication to their craft, is yet another reason why the MTR Corporation opts to work with Orientop.
Providing decorative glass aside, Orientop has created a four and a half meters high crystal glass structure by putting multiple large glass panels together at Terminal One of the Hong Kong International Airport. Measuring six square meters, the giant new glass house is used as the entryway to the new food court.
In addition to providing glass products in these mega projects, Orientop has also overseen the challenging installation process of assembling glass panels of over 1500 lbs per piece. Due to many spatial limitations and constraints of the nature of the site, the installation could only take place in the early hours when the terminal is free of travellers. As a leader of the glass industry, Orientop came prepared and worked together with the different teams using various machinery and equipment to meet the challenge, creating practical and aesthetically pleasing artworks that are modern and fitting for one of the world’s busiest international air hubs. Orientop is committed to providing the world with highquality indoor decorative glass and is honoured to serve the city’s world-class rail and aviation sectors.
For more information, please contact
Tel: 2796 8868
Whatsapp/Mob: 93137783
SKP Chengdu officially opened in early 2023 and is set to become an unparalleled landmark for fashion, technology and art – a new milestone for the city.
Located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, the development is part of the SKP chain of high-end shopping centres, which also includes locations in Beijing and Xi'an. Featuring a wide range of luxury brands and designer stores, it also offers a plethora of dining options, a cinema and a series of different parks atop the structures, described as a "botanical patchwork quilt". In addition to its luxurious shopping experience, SKP Chengdu is garnering a reputation for its unique architectural design, establishing itself as a recognisable landmark in the city.
Comprising half a million square metres of retail space, this biophilic masterplan is a holistic and collaborative design, realised by Sybarite with SKP Operators, James Corner Field Operations, Eckersley O’Callaghan, Arup, Speirs Major, Buro Happold and The Fountain Workshop over a three-year period.
Conceived as a place with an undeniable sense of interconnectedness – a combination of urban parks, sunken spaces and shopping avenues – SKP Chengdu is a TOD (Transit Oriented Development) and as such creates dense, walkable, and mixed-use spaces near transit hubs that support the development of vibrant, sustainable and equitable communities. With 99 percent of the buildings below ground level, the store is divided into four main areas: Chengdu SKP, Chengdu SKP-S, K Avenue and G Avenue. At ground floor level, only a few pop-up stores are visible interspersed amongst 33 crafted landscapes and scenic spots.
The multi-level store is anchored by the SKP department store at the north and the future-focused SKP-S department store at the south, which is topped by six towering water-fountains, known as ‘The Towers of Life’, that reach up to 36 metres high.
A sequence of pavilions, which house key luxury brands, is flanked by these two anchor stores, and separated by canyon-like walkways that are crossed by angled pedestrian bridges. At the centre of the park is a bamboo garden contained within a glazed Central Cube, which provides light and access to the shopping levels below ground.
Eckersley O’Callaghan, an award-winning firm with an international reputation for its creative yet rigorous approach to engineering structures and facades, worked in close collaboration with Sybarite to develop and design the intricate facade elements, structural glass features and advanced engineering of many structures around the development – crafting an environment that is both visually stunning and highly functional.
The design of the facades plays an important role in alluring visitors and act as a visual signifier embodying the values of the SKP brand. Distinctive and complex, they are characterised by a unique mix of materials (brushed brass, pearlised aluminium, fritted glass) and coded motifs (curves, canopies and façade ‘origami’ back walls).
This was the second time Eckersley O’Callaghan worked with Sybarite for SKP after their successful involvement in SKP Beijing. For SKP Chengdu, they engineered the facades and canopies in the main entrances of the two department stores (SKP and SKP-S), the glazed Central Cube, the SKP glass box, the circulation boxes and the Y-shaped pedestrian bridge.
One the most challenging aspects of the project, was the development of the Central Cube which sits at the heart of the site and acts as a gateway into the shopping areas below. The cube consists of a central steel structure that cantilevers out to support the roof build up. A nine-by-nine metre skylight sits between the four main columns to provide light to the lower ground floor level. The cube is enveloped by a fully glazed facade, with a nine-metre opening on the front face to facilitate circulation.
The roof structure of the cube is supported through the four tapered steel columns that are fixed back to the underground level. It has been designed to integrate a water feature at its crown, creating the illusion of a linear glass waterfall which offers an experiential route for visitors, as they walk through surrounded by the calming water. Ensuring the steel structure could accommodate the necessary services, whist remaining lean and refined, required a considered approach.
Stability for the Central Cube from unbalanced horizontal winds and seismic loads was a strict requirement – to avoid torsion. A traditional approach to tackle this would have been to introduce concrete shear walls, cross braced steel bays, or heavy moment frames – all of which would have detracted from the desired simplicity and transparency.
Ian Langham, Director at Eckersley O’Callaghan, comments: “To lessen the structural demand of the central core columns, we utilised the glass to perform this function. This required detailed analysis and an in-depth understanding of the interaction between the steelwork and glass system, as well as careful envelope detailing to transfer horizontal loads whilst at the same time facilitating vertical
releases at the glass roof interface. This proved to be challenging within the limited space available to create the slender roof edge in order to achieve the architectural intent.”
Along with the Central Cube, the canopies, circulation boxes and pedestrian bridges all entailed complicated, non-standard, bespoke designs and required sophisticated, detailed analyses, studies and assessments to help realise their vision.
Ian continues: “Translating Sybarite’s concept into reality required a process of research and working collaboratively with the client, architect, fabricators and other consultants to overcome the neverbeen-done-before aspects of the design. Drawing from our extensive experience of projects in China, we were able to quickly adhere to strict design codes and regulations. This meant we were able to take a sensitive approach to design, with each innovative aspect having to prove its structural capabilities from first principles and by rigorous testing before approval.”
Torquil McIntosh, Co-Founder of Sybarite and spokesperson for SKP Chengdu, comments: “The approach to facades is layered to create a depth and three dimensionality which conveys a sense of architecture in motion. Sculpted entry canopies extend and cantilever up to three-metres beyond. A system was proposed for a curtain wall with glass panes and spandrel panels with all the solid cladding as ornamental attachments.
“The layers themselves encourage pattern, silhouette and a subtle play of light throughout the day. At night, facades pulsate with light and colour. The addition of digital panels within the facade allows the opportunity for dynamic content collaborations that are ever-changing and present a constant sense of newness. Sybarite did away with the traditional logo inscribed on the building, opting to integrate the SKP logo as a piece of the facade itself. This brand marque is underplayed in a way that the facades and architecture become an extension of the brand itself.”
SKP Chengdu challenges every expectation, standard and rule of luxury retailing in terms of craft, quality, innovation, entertainment, engineering and sustainability. Its use of high-quality materials and innovative design techniques has helped to create a unique and memorable destination.
MixC Nanjing is a new retail-led development located in the city’s central 700-year-old Sanshan Street district. The 83,800 m 2 scheme takes the form of a lowrise retail precinct that pays respect to the location’s centuries-old context.
The scheme is located near the centre of the city and the famous Qinhuai Tourist Area known for its historical landmarks and rich mix of ancient cultural sites. The immediate area surrounding the site features heritageprotected buildings and high-density living with little commercial development currently existing.
While MixC Nanjing is positioned between two protection zones, the ‘Menxi Traditional Residential Area’ and the ‘Nanchuting Traditional Residential Area’, it does not exclusively belong to either. However, the design team has paid attention to the reappearance of historical textures and the macro thinking that informs the planning requirements for these areas.
Within this setting, the site features a ‘Yunzhang Gongsuo’, an original office building for Nanjing Yunjin (silk industry), as the centrepiece of the retail development.
The overall planning placed strong importance on creating an open scheme, supporting connectivity and visibility to the traditional cultural building. Internal pedestrian streets have been carved into the site to echo the original urban fabric and surround the historic building.
The architectural design of MixC Nanjing captures the identity of Nanjing through its selection of materials, style, scale and colour. The architectural and façade design language has been informed by studying the city’s building typologies and adapting the core elements.
The triangular site offers opportunities to adapt the façade design strategy along each side to fit comfortably within the district. Facing the main commercial boulevard, the multi-storey façades show an interpretation of traditional Nanjing architecture along the tree-lined throughfares.
Within the development, the façades facing the inner streets feature layered setbacks, an adaptation of old village streets. The design also helps to facilitate a connection between the indoor and outdoor experiences. Interestingly, the façade design also supports the commercial retail strategy in this area.
Typically, the focal retail units have the strongest visibility to the street, but in MixC Nanjing’s case, the hierarchy has been restructured to give anchor tenants prime spaces within the internal pedestrian streets.
The third and final façade design strategy faces the redeveloped Chengnan Residential area. To provide a dialogue and integrate with the urban fabric, Lead8 has utilised a ‘Yanliaofang’ inspired design. The façades on this section stand between one and two storeys in height and have a Chengnan residence engraving as a design feature.
Well-connected, MixC Nanjing is strategically located near multiple train stations in the city. The open format has enhanced street mobility and network accessibility to benefit visitors arriving from different access points.
The fourth-floor rooftop serves as a retreat from the bustling streets, offering green outdoor spaces and places for quiet recreation for the general public.
The development has also been conscious of environmental performance. A number of green systems, construction techniques and materials have been integrated to reduce its impact, from solar panels to grey and rainwater collection and recycling and the local sourcing of materials from Southeast China.
Lead8’s vision was to deliver a retail concept that carefully balances traditional and ‘new era’ for Nanjing. Through our design philosophy, we have reimagined the street texture of the district with the aim of continuing the historic urban fabric for the long term.
Claude Touikan, Co Founder & Executive Director of Lead8.
Metal materials on the southwest façade have helped to reduce glare for neighbouring residential while Low-E glass reduces heat gain, and natural stone and granite walls minimise the reliance on glass and heat gain along the east and west facades.
“With its unique positioning, location and concept, we believe this development ushers in a new flagship for Nanjing’s famous tourist area. Through our design, we have shown how urban placemaking and historical influences can balance the demands of modern commercial life with the importance of preserving local history,” shares Touikan.
The streets facing the commercial boulevard are multi- height and feature abstract interpretations of traditional Nanjing architectural elements.
The inner streets surrounding the traditional building are given high visibility. Layered setbacks, village street influences and two-three storey heights are features.
The street facing the redeveloped Chengnan Residential area draws on ‘Yanliaofang’ inspired facades. Chengnan engraving is a key feature.
Location: Nanjing, China
Developer: China Resources Land
Architect: Lead8
Size: 83,800 m2
Crisp geometry of creates iconic gateway to Shanghai Free Trade Zone
The practice conceived this building as a pair of slender towers that are the focal point of the grand boulevard approach which will frame views to the central lake at the heart of the Free Trade Zone and the ocean beyond.
Situated on the only island site in the lake, two symmetrical towers stand adjacent to each other, separated by a taut vertical void but bound by a common podium. This iconic pair of building will serve as the symbolic gateway for the prosperous economic development of the FTZ, China and the world beyond the horizon.
Visitors approach the building via a long gently sloping arc ramp that takes them from the grand boulevard entrance, across the channel and onto the island where they rise up to the top of the retail podium to enter the towers via the banking hall that is the central space of the complex. Below the podium is a premium retail complex that is integrated into the landscape and forms the base on which the two towers rise. The towers themselves contain Class A office space and a branded 5-star hotel complex at the top of the northern tower.
The exterior skin of the tower will be a sleek all glass enclosure which will clad the building in the most energy efficient and technologically advanced glazing available, providing the latest in thermal insulation and solar heat gain protection. The positioning and shapes of the towers and podium are designed to minimise wind flow turbulence around the site while maximising views to the surrounding areas.
This elevated plaza at the top end of the two semi-circular access ramps sets the ground for the twin towers with great attention to details and geometries as well as landscape design. A series of diamond-shaped skylights and an octagonal skylight provide an ample amount of natural light to the retail atrium below, and also emphasises the visual corridor between the two towers.
A project of this magnitude is a testament to the continued importance of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone to China and the Bank’s commitment to the greater economy. We believe this opportunity to develop a world class hotel and office tower marks yet another milestone in the exceptional growth this area has experienced as one of China’s most important developments.
This building represents an important evolution of iconic design elements from some of the Bank of China’s heralded headquarters, constructed in its most prominent capital cities. The rigorous geometries and clear expression of structure that have become the Bank’s signature expression are the hallmarks of the timeless, modern designs that Pei Architects have developed for the Bank over the last 40 years.
In this case, they believe the latest refinements, necessitated by the requirements of 21st century office towers, will create an instantly
This design represents the timeless modernity that is the hallmark of Pei Architects who believe its crisp, geometric form will stand out as an iconic gateway for the Bank of China and Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
recognisable tower and memorable gateway for the Bank of China at the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
The exterior expression of the iconic structural X bracing developed originally for the Bank of China Hong Kong has evolved into a slimmer version that reflects the particular needs of this project and the evolution of modern office operations.
The demand for increased floor-to-floor heights, larger windows, and more stringent energy conservation requirements have led the practice to develop a cladding system that utilises the most sustainable and technologically advanced glazing available while providing the latest in thermal insulation and solar heat gain protection without sacrificing the largest possible glass area for unparalleled views.
The intent of this project was not to simply recreate the exterior structural expression used in the Hong Kong Tower, but to adjust and to further refine the design to suit the needs of this particular site.
While the Bank of China Hong Kong was the definitive model of an integrated structure and architecture, the Shanghai BOC site requires a different attitude to the cladding and structural
Project Title: Bank of China Financial Center
Address: Shanghai, Lingang
Client: Shanghai Chenggang Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Program: Mixed Use, Office, and Retail
Location: Dishui Lake West Island, Shanghai, China
Design: 2020 ~ 2023
Completion: 2024 (expected)
expression. The open site, surrounded by water and the unique island location offers unlimited sightlines and views around the building complex. While the designers sought the efficiency of the Xbrace framed tower they did not want the structure to prohibit the openness of the floor plans or the façade.
Hence, they sought to minimise the bracing profile and changed the structure to a simpler lateral brace frame which reduces the structural member sizes and eliminates the need for corner mega columns. The thinner profile structure allows for the largest full height windows to be used on the office tower floors and the absence of corner mega columns offers unobstructed views to the most desirable executive offices and conference rooms.
Project Area: 286,000 sqm
Building Height: 194m
Number of floors: 39 above ground, 2 below ground
Design Architect: Pei Architects, LLP
Architect of Record: China Architecture Design & Research Group
Landscape Design SWA/Balsley
Structure & MEP China Architecture Design & Research Group
We sought efficiency and openness ... with the most sustainable and technologically advanced glazing.
Toh Tsun Lim, AIA, Principal in Charge
项目名称 中银金融中心 子
地址 上海临港
业主 上海澄港置业有限公司 功能用途 综合用途、办
公、商业零售 项目地点 中国上海滴水湖西岛 设计年份
2020-2023 年
竣工年份 2024 (预计)
总面积 285987.8平方米(含地下) 建筑高度 194米
建筑层数 地上39层,地下2层 设计单位 美国贝氏建筑事
务所 报审设计单位 中国建筑设计研究院 景观设计单位
SWA/Balsley 结构与机电设计单位 中国建筑设计研究院
Designed by international architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis Group), Haisco Plaza is officially open, welcoming leading tech-firm tenants in Chengdu, China.
Situated in the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park (SSCIP), a 1,034ha innovation platform jointly invested by Singapore and Sichuan Province of China, the Haisco Plaza development presents a unique opportunity to create a new commercial and retail community for the TMT (technology, media, telecom) industry. The Innovation Park is already home to several high-tech giants, including Haisco Pharmaceutical, OPPO, FOUNDER, and Kuaishou.
Managing Principal, Barry Shapiro, commented: “The overall masterplan for this integrated mixed-use campus places social interaction at the heart of the design. Our vision is to create a truly inclusive, human-scaled space for all tenants and visitors to enjoy.”
Diverse live-work programs on the campus are organised around an east-west central green axis, with multi-level shaded circulation routes between functions. The buildings are thoughtfully positioned to ascend in height along the green axis: the low-rise retail structures at the west draw attention to the centre of the campus and attract visitors from adjacent plots; the main headquarters tower occupies the most prominent northeast corner; and the leasable office towers rest in between. Each tower has stepped terraces and rooftop gardens, reinforcing the concept of outdoor living typical in Chengdu.
Standing as an iconic architectural statement, the main tower is made up of three stacked volumes descending in size, creating green
terraces along the south façade. The floor plate is efficiently designed as a parallelogram with central core to secure maximum flexibility for single and multi-tenant users, including the new research and development centre for the primary client.
The façade design borrows vertical textures and weaving patterns from the local Chengdu Embroidery to form a unified identity. A neutral yet vibrant colour palette was selected, encapsulating the dazzling modernity and infinite energy of the development. A high-performance curtain wall system with low-E coated glazing units features a series of vertical fins to achieve passive shading and minimise glare.
The retail section is also designed with flexible floor plates and extensive open terraces to allow for diverse retail formats and alfresco dining opportunities. Shops and restaurants extend along the central green spine, woven with sunken plazas and link bridges to form key activity nodes activating the inner street space and engaging pedestrians from all directions.
Atop the retail street, the leasable office towers are designed with varying floor plates and building configurations, enabling them to be flexibly converted into multi-storey headquarters or shared offices for start-ups.
Towers with larger linear floorplates are located to the north of the site while smaller ‘villa-style’ office spaces are located along the southern edge, maximising natural light intake and views of the central promenade. Green terraces are placed along the south elevation providing additional breakout spaces for office users whilst also serving as passive shading for the internal office spaces.
Yulin Grand Theater, focal point of Yulin City, Shanxi Province, China, is a 1,200-seat, 41,500 m 2 cultural destination which includes a performance convention center.
The building, with its meandering rock-solid appearance, with strong horizontal lines inspired by the natural topography of Northwest China, a cascading sequence of texture is a reference to the surrounding terraced fields.
As the water flows through the mountain and the valley, life flows through the internal and external parts of the theater in a seamless way, and everything, from how people move inside the building to where each component is placed, is organized around the goal of revealing the creativity within, with intervening spaces and masses that resemble the erosion-carved pillars of a million-year-old Shaanxi valley shaped by wind and water.
The overall façade design adopts energy-saving strategies, including major attention to natural ventilation and lighting, so that internal and external spaces can be integrated, and the building can have a dialogue with nature. Integration between interior and exteriors has been of primary importance for both functional and aesthetic reasons - a balance between indoor and outdoor spaces is fundamental considering the region’s weather.
A landscaped sunken plaza connects the theater and the retail center and represents a place for gathering and community. Envisioned as an anchor for Yulin, The Cultural Art Center is one of the most important facilities in the city and it represents a hybrid hub that consistently integrates art, culture and lifestyle, and truly connects to the soul of the city.
Guided by determined optimism, Gensler believes the power of design can spark positive change and create a future that promotes equity, resilience, and wellbeing for everyone.
Singapore’s 52,460m2 new Science Centre for the Singapore Science Center Board, will provide unique facilities and programmes as a destination for all Singaporeans to access science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and experiences.
The new Science Centre will continue the institution’s mission since its founding in 1977 to spark curiosity and innovation in generations of young school children and plans to leverage the new location and facilities to expand its outreach enabling Singaporeans of all ages to encounter and appreciate the importance of science and technology in their lives. Informed by the natural landscape of Singapore’s Jurong Lake Gardens, the centre looks to the future and maximises opportunities for visitors to interact with the surrounding gardens and lake.
Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) in collaboration with Architects 61, the centre is composed as five interlocking rectangular volumes housing a variety of exhibition galleries, interactive labs and event spaces in addition to ancillary facilities for visitors, administrative offices, archives and service areas.
Incorporating large windows serving as ‘monocles’ offering strategic views of the lake, each of the new Science Centre’s five volumes is uniquely orientated to enhance the relationships between the centre’s indoor and outdoor spaces. Appearing to float above the surrounding parkland, the design defines a series of courtyards and gardens leading from the adjacent MRT station towards the pagoda within the Chinese Garden.
Together with diverse indoor, outdoor and rooftop spaces for learning, the new Science Centre will be an exciting destination to encounter science and nature as well as offering many opportunities for community events.
It will feature a Children’s Gallery that is more than twice the size of the existing gallery and include its own interactive outdoor waterplay area, discovery trails in the secondary forest as well as a sensory trail on the roof garden. Older students can look forward to entering specialised labs and workshops that encourage hands-on learning of scientific concepts.
For instance, the new Eco-Lab will support students in scientific investigations, where they can retrieve and analyse samples taken directly from the Eco-Garden and continue to monitor the data collected from the samples with Internet of Things (IoT) equipment using their personal learning devices in school or at home, extending their learning experiences beyond their visit.
Through its programmes and exhibitions, the centre will also educate visitors on sustainability practices such as vertical farming systems. The new Science Centre will feature a new Observatory for budding astronomers to learn about the universe, as well as a
Digital Fabrication Lab with incubator programmes to nurture entrepreneurial aspirations and a Makerspace for young inventors to bring their imagination to life. A new outdoor Activity Plaza will be a focal point of the centre and offer STEM programmes and community activities. In line with the Singapore Green Plan 2030, it will incorporate sustainable design principles and energy performance strategies to reduce net carbon emissions.
Working with Atelier Ten, ZHA and Architects 61 have designed the centre with a target to attain the BCA Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy certification with outdoor zones shaded from the sun yet exposed to the prevailing winds. Natural ventilation and controlled
daylight will reduce energy usage while enhancing visitors’ experience and wellbeing.
Photovoltaics and insulating roof gardens will contribute towards renewable energy goals. High efficiency space conditioning with an intelligent building management system will aim to reduce energy consumption by over 40% while holistic water management and landscaping are planned to conserve and restore native plant communities.
In public buildings, the energy consumption caused by curtain wall accounts for more than 50% of the entire building[1], which means the facade thermal performance is the key factor for the energy-saving design of public buildings.
The two main parameters in the thermal performance of the curtain wall are U-factor (heat transfer coefficient) and SHGC (solar heat gain coefficient). So far, the typical building energy-saving design strategy is to reduce the U-factor and SHGC of the curtain wall to achieve lower heating and cooling energy consumption.
Normally, in addition to U-factor and SHGC, the curtain wall design should also include the condensation analysis under winter condition to avoid indoor condensation problem. In 2015, Singapore began to study the impact of insulated fenestration on energy saving and thermal comfort in tropical and subtropical climates [2], which brings another issue regarding the overheating in curtain wall. Subtropical regions such as Hong Kong is recommended to design and avoid indoor overheating due to the high solar irradiance in summer.
This paper selects Shenzhen, which has a similar summer climate to Hong Kong, as the boundary condition, uses THERM software of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to conduct thermal analysis for typical curtain wall systems, and discusses the overheating protection for curtain walls.
Outdoor temperature and solar irradiance of summer in Shenzhen 表1 深圳夏季室外温度和太阳辐射照度
Warmframe Technology Corporation
Yuzhen (Steve) Zhou is the technical director of Warmframe Technology Corporation, and focus on R&D and technical services. Steve has more than 20 years’ experience in facade engineering. As the first NFRC Certified Simulator (CS) in China, Steve has provided facade thermal design and engineering services for more than 400 domestic and international projects. In the past 5 years, he has published more than 10 research papers on facade thermal design. Steve holds bachelor degree in civil engineering from Tongji University. He is an active member of the Architectural Society of China (Building Physics Section) and LEED Green Associate (GA). He was also the committee member for the 2015 CTBUH Expert Peer Review Committee and FTI 2022 World Congress Review Committee. 周雨禎先生是暖框科技公司的技術總監,專注於研發和技術服務,具有20餘年幕牆設計經驗。作為中國 首位美國NFRC認證的熱工建模師(CS),周先生已經為400多個國內外項目提供了幕牆熱工設計服務。 在過去的5年間,他發表了10多篇關於幕牆熱工設計的研究論文。周先生擁有同濟大學土木工程學士學 位,他是中國建築學會建築物理分會和美國 LEED 會員,還曾是2015年 CTBUH 和 FTI 2022 年世界大會 的學術論文審查委員。
Text by: Steve Zhou Images:Warmframe Technology Corporation Table1In this paper, Shenzhen (22° north latitude), Guangdong Province of China is selected as the representative of the subtropical climate. The summer outdoor temperature and solar irradiance in Shenzhen are shown in Table 1 [3], the outdoor wind speed is 2.2 m/s, and the outdoor convective heat transfer coefficient is 12.8 W/(m2·K), the indoor convection heat transfer coefficient is 2.5 W/(m2·K), the indoor temperature is 25ºC , and the indoor relative humidity is 50%.
The head transom is selected as the typical detail for thermal analysis. There are 6 types of details with the following configuration (Figure 1).
Three types of frame: non-thermally broken frame, thermally broken frame (with 24mm nylon thermal break strip), hidden frame; One type of vision glass: laminated Low-e IGU (6+1.52PVB+6Low-e+12A+6), aluminum spacer; Two types of spandrel glass: laminated monolithic glass (6+1.52PVB+6), laminated Low-e IGU (same as vision glass).
The thermal analysis results by THERM simulation are as following (Figure 2)
Figure 3 shows the temperature indicator of glass center. Figure 4 shows the temperature of the inner pane glass. Figure 5 shows the temperature of outer pane glass. From the above figures, it can be found that the temperature of the outer and inner pane glass have little correlation with the types of frame and spandrel glass, mainly depend on the outdoor temperature and solar irradiance. It is also found that:
1) The maximum temperature for the inner pane glass of Low-e IGU is 37ºC
本文以中國廣東省深圳市(北緯22°)作為 亞熱帶氣候的代表,深圳的夏季室外溫度 和太陽輻射照度見表1[3],室外風速2.2 m/s,室外對流換熱係數12.8 W/(m2·K) ,室內對流換熱係數2.5 W/(m2·K),室內 溫度25℃,室內相對濕度50%。
熱工分析對象選為幕牆層間的下端橫 梁,按照以下配置進行排列組合,總共 6種節點(圖1)。 框有三種:明框非斷 熱、明框斷熱(24mm尼龍隔熱條)、隱 框;可視玻璃有一種:夾層中空Low-e玻 璃(6+1.52PVB+6Low-e+12A+6),鋁 間隔條;層間玻璃有兩種:夾層單片玻璃 (6+1.52PVB+6)、夾層中空Low-e玻璃( 與可視玻璃相同);
使用 THERM 進行熱工建模計算,各節點 的溫度分佈情況如圖2所示。
玻璃中心區域的溫度 這裡分別統計了內片玻璃表面(圖4)和外 片玻璃內部(圖5)的溫度(取值點如圖3所 示)。所示)。
2) For the laminated glass, including both laminated monolithic glass and laminated Low-e IGU, the maximum temperature of PVB interlayer is 72.6ºC, and the time duration of the temperature exceeding 60ºC is about 3.5~4 hours. According to a number of researches by the industry experts, long-term high temperatures will adversely affect the performance of PVB laminated glass, including:
a) As the temperature increases, the stiffness of the PVB laminated glass gradually decreases, and the bending performance will be weakened [4].
b) As the temperature increases, the shear strength of the broken PVB laminated glass decreases rapidly [5].
c) Long time being in a 60ºC-85ºC environment creates bubbles in the PVB interlayer and reduces the service life of laminated glass.
Figure 6 shows the temperature indicator of frame and glass edge.
According to ISO 7730, a comfortable indoor temperature in summer is 24ºC-28ºC[6]. “Assessment standard for healthy building, T/ASC02-2016” requires that the maximum temperature of the inner surface of the external wall is not higher than the indoor air temperature of +3ºC[7]. However, regarding the temperature of curtain wall, currently, there is no specific code or regulation. Considering that the maximum temperature of inner pane glass is 37ºC, in this paper, 40ºC is set as the critical temperature for the inner surface of curtain wall.
Figure 7 shows the temperature of the frame. Figure 8 shows the temperature of glass edge.
From the above figures, the thermal insulation performance of the curtain wall are ranked from the best to the worse as following:
Hidden frame + spandrel IGU >
Thermally broken frame + spandrel IGU >
Hidden frame + spandrel laminated glass >
Thermally broken frame + spandrel laminated glass >
Non-thermally broken frame + spandrel IGU >
Non-thermally broken frame + spandrel laminated glass.
Figure 7 Frame temperature 圖7 框室內表面的溫度匯總 Figure 8 Glass edge temperature 圖8 玻璃邊緣室內表面的溫度匯總 Figure 9 Inner pane glass temperature (with and without external sunshades) 圖9 內片玻璃表面的溫度(設置外遮陽前後) Figure 10 Outer pane glass temperature (with and without external sunshades) 圖10 外片玻璃內部的溫度(設置外遮陽前後)The maximum and minimum temperatures of the frame and glass edges differ by 13ºC and 5ºC respectively, where:
1) Regarding the non-thermally broken frame system, the maximum temperature of the frame and glass edge is 56ºC and 46ºC respectively, and the time duration of frame temperature exceeding 40ºC is about 5.5 hours.
2) Regarding the non-thermally broken frame system, the maximum temperature of frame and glass edge for the spandrel IGU is 5.1ºCand 1.7ºC lower than those of the spandrel laminated glass. The time duration of frame temperature exceeding 40ºC is also reduced from 4.5 hours to 3.5 hours.
3) Regarding the hidden frame system, the maximum temperature of frame and glass edge for the spandrel IGU is 6.4ºCand 2.4ºC lower than those of the spandrel laminated glass. The time duration of frame temperature exceeding 40ºC is also reduced from 4.5 hours to 2 hours.
Having external sunshades helps to avoid direct sunlight on the exterior surface of the curtain wall, thereby reducing the solar heat gain. Taking the thermally broken frame with spandrel laminated glass as an example, assuming that the solar irradiance is reduced by 30%, the temperature of each component are as following (Figures 9, 10, 11, 12).
As can be seen from the above figures, under the 70% of the solar radiation, the temperature of all components have been reduced significantly, especially the temperature of the outer pane glass lowers by 12ºC.
It means that external sunshades not only improve the indoor thermal comfort, but also reduce the risk of the PVB interlayer overheating.
As mentioned earlier in this paper, the frame and spandrel glass types have little impact on the temperature of glass center, but have a great impact on the temperature of frame glass edge. Based on the traditional thermal break system, the effect of using high-performance Warmframe (Figure 13) is: the temperature of frame lowers by 9.4ºC (Figure 14), and the temperature of glass edge lowers by 3.9ºC(Figure 15), which contributes to avoid the overheating problem and maintain the comfortable indoor environment.
In this paper, THERM software is used to simulate and sort out the component temperatures of typical curtain wall systems in the subtropical region in summer, and the following conclusions are obtained:
1) The temperature of glass center varies upon the outdoor temperature and solar irradiance. The types of frame and spandrel have little impact.
2) When laminated glass is used as the outer pane of glass, the impact of long-term high temperature environment should not be ignored. For the curtain wall facing east and west, interlayers with better thermal stability may be considered for safety concerns.
3) The thermal insulation structures of frame and spandrel glass types have a major impact on the indoor temperature of the frame and glass edge.
4) Having external sunshades is effective to avoid the overheating of curtain wall. For the curtain wall without external sunshade, high-performance Warmframe may be considered to lower the temperature of frame and glass edge in summer.
5) When designing curtain wall projects in subtropical regions, especially when there are specific requirements for indoor thermal comfort, to avoid overheating, it is recommended to carry out the thermal analysis using two-dimensional thermal finite element analysis software.
[1] Chen Hongbing, Tu Guangbei, Li Deying. Impact of curtain wall for building energy consumption. [C]// China heating ventilation and air conditioning annual conference. 2004 陳紅兵, 涂光備, 李德英. 玻璃幕牆對建築能耗的影響[C]// 全國暖通空調 製冷2004年學術年會資料摘要集(2). 2004
[2] Chen Fangzhi. New viewpoint of fenestration in tropical climate [C]. FDC Seminar. Beijing. 2015 陳方志. 熱帶氣候節能門窗的新視角[C]. 2015年FDC研討會門窗幕牆的 節能與創新,北京,2015 [3] MOHURD of China. Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings. GB50736-2012[S]
中華人民共和國住房和城鄉建設部. 民用建築供暖通風與空氣調節設計 規範 GB50736-2012[S]
[4] Huang Xiaokun, Liu Gang, Stephen J Bennison. Experimental Research on Bending Behavior of Laminated Glass Panels under Various Temperature[C]. China fenestration annual conference. Beijing. 2010 黃小坤,劉剛,史蒂文·本尼森. 不同溫度下夾層玻璃受彎性能試驗研究 [C]. 2010年全國鋁門窗幕牆行業年會論文. 北京.2010
[5] Mohammad Amin Samieian, David Cormie, David Smith, Will Wholey, Bamber R. K. Blackman, John P. Dear, Paul A. Hooper. Temperature Effects on Laminated Glass at High Rate, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 111, January 2018, Pages 177-186
6] Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria. ISO7730-2005[S]
[7] The architectural society of China. Assessment standard for healthy building. T/ASC02-2016[S]
中國建築學會. 健康建築評價標準T/ASC02-2016[S]
Build4Asia 2023 is the No.1 Trade show for the Building, Electrical Engineering and Security Industries in Hong Kong which covers every facet of the construction industry from building materials and automation, smart city technologies, property management to total surveillance system.
Build4Asia 2023是香港領先的建築、電氣工程和防火保安展覽會,帶來 一系列建造業嶄新產品、科技及服務,包括建築材料、樓宇自動化系統、 智能家居、安全檢測系統、物業管理等。
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Based on a large number of façade project cases and testing specimen, this paper studies the cause of condensation and crystallization problem in the shadow box of curtain wall. This study also proposes countermeasures for preventing these problems. Investigations and references are offered for future curtain wall designs and production of similar façade construction project.
KEY WORDS - Condensation, Shadow box, Spandrel glass, Curtain wall design
The usage of monolithic glass for shadow box of curtain wall is quite common in curtain wall projects in Hong Kong. As a coastal city, Hong Kong is located in subtropics, the salty and humid environment plus the large temperature difference between day and night, condensation problem to the shadow box is easy occurred. The worse is, crystallization to the glass surface is found, which is irreversible.
When obvious condensation appears in the shadow box glass and even affects the appearance of the facade, the after-sales department needs to be involved.
In the process of curtain wall maintenance, observation and preliminary analysis have been done by our engineers to the demounted shadow box glass. Most of the condensation can be wiped and cleaned, the glass can be reused in the facade.
However, a small part of glass could not be completely cleaned. It was found that there was white attachment on the inner surface of glass, which was rough when touched. We extracted the sample and sent it to the laboratory for testing. The test report reveals that the white attachment is a crystalline solid, which its main chemical composition is silicide, which is similar with glass. Based on the report, it is believed that the generation of the white attachment probably due to the weathering effect of glass in a warm and wet environment for a long time. The fluctuations in humidity and temperature with the content of carbon dioxide in the air circulation could intensify the weathering process.
Figure 2 shows the materials test report provided by the laboratory. The chemical composition was studied through the scanning electron microscopy images (SEM) and Elemental analysis (EDX).
In the meanwhile, we conducted statistical analysis on the large amounts of maintenance cases, it was found that most of the condensation cases occurred especially when monolithic clear glass was used in spandrel.
Based the maintenance cases, we have done some design analysis of the shadow box. We have checked the shadow box assembly, ventilation holes and its size are set as per design. Ventilation holes setting is a standardized design of the curtain wall, which is good for the evaporation and discharge of condensation.
However, we found that some ventilation holes were partially or even completely blocked by sealant, resulting in poor ventilation effect. Moisture accumulated in the chamber could not be dissipated and provides favorable condition for condensation, humidity.
Moreover, in aspect of thermal analysis, glass condensation is related to the dew-point temperature of the cavity and the surface temperature of inner side of the shadow box glass, which promotes the usage of energy-saving glass unit for shadow box.
As we know, the major composition of architectural glass is SiO2, Na2O, CaO and a small amount of sodium silicate. Sodium silicate is soluble silicate, which is easily soluble in water. When water adheres to the glass surface, the sodium silicate on the surface is destroyed by hydrolysis, producing sodium hydroxide and silicon dioxide. This precipitated silica is just the crystalline solid which was observed during testing.
The hydrolyzed sodium hydroxide, in turn, reacts with carbon dioxide in the air to produce sodium carbonate, which adheres to the glass surface. Sodium carbonate is good in water absorption and non-volatile, it would turn into alkaline solution after deliquescence.
When the temperature and humidity change, the concentration of alkaline liquid increases, and these relatively high concentrations of lye in contact with the glass would erode the glass surface, thus the white crystals are formed. As the temperature fluctuates day and night, condensation water on glass surface is in cycles of evaporationcondensation. As shown in Figure 4, this cycle of evaporation-condensation accelerates the chemical reactions, eventually produce the crystalline solid and the reaction is irreversible.
We conducted a simulation experiment to support the analysis and also to find a solution to the problem. Fig. 5 shows the simulation experiment specimen.
27 specimens are set for comparison. It aims to determine the influence and its degree on the generation of condensation in respect of different situation: glass configuration, ventilation hole size and position, facade orientation.
At the same time, indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, glass internal surface temperature and humidity were recorded to provide data for dew point temperature analysis. The unitized curtain wall system was used in the test, and the test period was carried out for 12-month, one month for data acquisition.
The test field was carried out at roof floor of a high-rise building in Singapore, which is a country with a warm and rainy climate. The following table shows the description of the experimental samples.
The test results are as follows. For the samples of S1/S1A and S2/S2A sample, the condensation can be observed and then disappeared when the environment temperature increased. It can be inferred that if the ventilation holes works normally, even if condensation is occurred, it can be quickly evaporated with the temperature increasing, as to avoid water vapor retention to the inner face of shadow box glass.
For the samples of S3/S3A and S4/S4A, no obvious condensation traces were found. The results show that the usage of thermal glass unit, such as coated glass and IGU glass, can efficiently avoid condensation. An important effect to the coating of glass is isolation, which is to cut off the direct contact between water vapor and glass surface.
S1 8mmHS clear glass, Ø10 vent hole @ dry cavity of mullion
S1A 8mmHS clear glass, Ø15 vent hole @ dry cavity of mullion
S2 8mmHS clear glass, Ø10 vent hole @ wet cavity of mullion
S2A 8mmHS clear glass, Ø15 vent hole @ wet cavity of mullion
S3 8mmHS coated glass, Ø10 vent hole @ wet cavity of mullion
S3A 8mmHS coated glass, Ø15 vent hole @ wet cavity of mullion
S4 6mmHS+12AS+6mmAN IGU, Ø10 vent hole @ wet cavity of mullion
S4A 6mmHS+12AS+6mmAN IGU, Ø15 vent hole @ wet cavity of mullion
S5 8mmHS clear glass, no vent hole
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West / North
East / West
As shown in Figure 6, for the S5, obvious condensation can be observed at the edge zone of the glass and cannot easily be evaporated. This sample highlights the importance of the presence of ventilation holes.
Figure 7 shows the temperature and humidity record for four days of the S1 sample, as well as the dew point temperature results. The result shows, when the temperature is fixed, the dew point temperature changes about 1 degree for every 5% change in humidity. When the humidity is fixed, the dew point temperature changes by about 1 degree for every 1 degree change in temperature.
Based on the above test results and analysis, we propose the following solutions.
1. Ventilation holes. The test results show that in case of nonventilated, condensation is extremely easy to be occurred in shadow box and difficult to volatilize. Consequently, ventilation holes should be designed in shadow box and ensured that it isn’t blocked by anything, so that the moisture in the shadow box can be quickly discharged, hence the humidity degree in the chamber can be effectively reduced. This could reduce the dew point temperature in the chamber, and eventually reduce the probability of condensation.
2. Use coated glass. The simulation test shows that no obvious condensation traces were observed in the shadow box in case of using coated glass. Analysis shows that the coating layer could cut off the direct contact between water vapor and glass surface, so as to avoid the chemical reaction between the water and glass when evaporation-condensation cycle takes place in the chamber. Eventually, crystallization is avoided on the glass surface.
3. Use IGU glass unit. The simulation test shows that no obvious condensation traces were observed in the shadow box in case of using IGU glass unit. It has same effect as using the coated glass. Thanks to the lower U-value of IGU glass, which greatly reduces the probability of condensation of glass, effectively reduces the number of evaporationcondensation cycles, so as to avoid the chemical reaction between the water and glass. Eventually, crystallization is avoided on the glass surface.
The “Construction Industry Innovation and Technology Fund” (CITF) will subsidise the industry to adopt “Smart Safety Construction System (SSSS)” to enhance construction safety. With effect from 1 April, the total funding ceiling for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Advanced Construction Technologies of each applicant will be raised from the current HK$6 million to HK$7.5 million, of which HK$1.5 million shall be exclusively used for the procurement or rental of SSSS products after the effective date of the new initiative, so as to encourage SSSS adoption by the industry.
In other words, each applicant can receive up to HK$7.5 million for adoption of SSSS products to enhance construction safety when the new initiative comes into effect.
Ir Ricky LAU, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), said, “The Development Bureau (DEVB) has always attached great importance to construction safety. We have adopted SSSS in public works contracts in phases since 2020, and the first-phase of implementation in construction sites of different works nature has been largely completed. Experience shows that SSSS has made significant improvement in construction safety.
On this, DEVB issued a Technical Circular (Works) in February this year, requiring the adoption of SSSS in capital works contracts with contract sum exceeding HK$30 million. As for private works sites, the Government will subsidise contractors to adopt SSSS through the CITF, accelerating the drive of smart safe site and uplifting construction safety through the use of innovative technologies.”
Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), remarked, “Safety is never a one-man job, but requires the concerted efforts of the whole industry to put it into practice. The use of SSSS has become a trend in the industry as digital technologies can help practitioners identify potential risks and prevent accidents. Construction safety will be significantly enhanced via innovationand-technology-driven site mangement if there is a territory-wide adoption of SSSS in over 800 construction sites in Hong Kong.
So far, the CITF has approved a total of about HK$150 million to support the industry to leverage safety-related technologies. We strive to continuosly support the industry to adopt SSSS with the CITF. The CIC will also step up publicity by providing the relevant information and support so as to drive and assist the industry to achieve the goal of ‘Zero Accident’. For example the ‘Life First - Walk the Talk’ webinar series is held every third Wednesday of each month to discuss safety issues such as the application of SSSS, etc.”
Sr Eddie LAM, President of the Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA), said, “HKCA fully supports construction sites to adopt SSSS, and welcomes the new initiative launched by the CITF to support industry’s adoption. This significantly relieves the financial burden for SSSS adoption by the industry, particularly for the Small-and-Medium Enterprises.
HKCA has set up the Construction Safety Fund in recent years to strengthen the drive to construction safety, and also allocated HK$10 million to launch a new Environmental, Social, and Governance Recognition Scheme in the end of last year to subsidise the adoption of innovative technologies to elevate the performance of construction sites. We will join hands with the industry to uplift construction safety through the adoption of various measures and technologies.”
Mr. WONG Ping, Chairman of the Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union (HKCIEGU), said, “We welcome the Government to strengthen measures to promote smart construction sites, uplift the safety level of the construction industry, and to provide a safe working environment for construction workers. The CIC will provide relevant information and training to help workers master and use SSSS; HKCIEGU will fully cooperate in facilitating workers’ understanding and use of SSSS to raise safety awareness.”
The Chief Executive announced in the 2022 Policy Address that the Government would adopt SSSS in capital works contracts with contract sum exceeding HK$30 million from early 2023 onward and subsidise private worksites to adopt SSSS through the CITF starting from the first half of 2023 for uplifting site safety performance.
The Government set up the HK$1 billion CITF in 2018, and further injected an additional HK$1.2 billion in 2022, to encourage wider adoption of construction innovations and technologies. So far, the CITF has approved around HK$800 million, which subsidised 1,000 enterprises to deploy innovations and technologies to enhance build quality, environmental performance, safety and productivity, and provided innovative technology- related training for 15,000 practitioners.
The CIC is responsible for the management of the CITF, including processing applications, monitoring the progress of approved projects, funding disbursement and promotion.
為提升工地安全,「建造業創新及科技基金」(基金)將資助業 界 採用「安全智慧工地」系統。由 4 月 1 日起,每位基金申請者就建 築訊息模擬及創新建 築科技方面的總資助上限,會由現時 600 萬港元增 加至 750 萬港元,當中 150 萬港元必須 用於在新措施生效後購買或租賃 「安全智慧工地」系統,以鼓勵業界採用系統。換句話說, 在實施新措 施後,每位申請者最多可獲得 750 萬港元資助採用該系統,提升工地安 全水平。
發展局常任秘書長(工務)劉俊傑表示:「發展局一向十分重視工地安全。 我們在 2020 年 分階段在工務工程合約採用『安全智慧工地』系統,已大 致完成首階段在不同工程性質的 工地採用相關系統。經驗顯示『安全智 慧工地』系統對提高工地安全的成效顯著。
因此, 發展局已於今年 2 月發出工務技術通告,要求超過 3,000 萬港元 的工務工程合約全面採用 『安全智慧工地』系統;至於私人工地方面,政 府透過基金資助承建商採用系統,加速推 動工地安全智慧化,以創新科 技全面提升工地安全。」
建造業議會(議會)主席何安誠工程師表示:「安全非一人之事,須整個行 業投入實踐。安 全智慧工地為業界趨勢,透過數碼科技,我們可以發現 安全隱憂,預防意外。如果全港逾 800 個工地都採用『安全智慧工地』系 統,利用先進科技管理工地,自然能夠大大提升工 地安全。
基金至今共批出約 1.5 億港元資助業界使用提升安全的相關科技,我們 希望繼續 透過基金全力支持業界採用『安全智慧工地』系統,議會亦會 加強宣傳,提供安全資訊及 支援,例如定期於每月第三個星期三舉行『生 命第一:行出安全』網上研討會,分享『安 全智慧工地』應用等安全相關 議題,推動及協助業界,達致『零意外』的願景。」
香港建造商會(商會)會長林健榮測量師說:「商會全力支持工地採用『安全 智慧工地』系 統,並歡迎基金推出新措施支援業界採用系統,大大減輕 業界尤其是中小型企業對採用系 統的財政負擔。商會近年亦成立『建造 業安全基金』加強推動建造安全,去年年底再撥出 $1,000 萬港元成立全 新的可持續發展嘉許計劃,資助工地應用創新科技,提升工地表現。 我 們會與業界攜手採取各種措施及科技,加強工地安全。」
建造業總工會(工會)理事長黃平說:「工會歡迎政府加強措施推動智慧工 地,提升建造業 的安全水平,及讓工友可在安全的環境工作。議會將提供 運用系統的相關資訊及培訓,協 助工友掌握及使用相關系統;而工會會全 力配合,協助工友了解及使用系統,提高安全意 識。」
行政長官在《二零二二年施政報告》中提出,2023 年年初起在超過 3,000 萬港元的工務工 程全面應用「安全智慧工地」系統,並於 2023 年上半年 透過基金,資助業界在私人工地應 用相關系統。
政府於 2018 年成立總額 10 億港元的基金,並於 2022 年額外注資 12 億 港元,鼓勵廣泛 採用創新建築方法及科技。基金至今已批出約 8 億港元, 資助約 1,000 家企業採用創新科 技促進生產力、提高建造質素、改善工 地安全和提升環保效益,並為約 15,000 位從業員提 供創新科技相關的 培訓。議會負責基金的管理,包括處理申請、監察獲批項目的進度、發 放 資助,以及推廣。
To promote the development of Façade engineering in Hong Kong, HKFA strives to nurture new talents. Since 2017 The Façade Engineering Training Course has trained up over 300 talents in the industry. The course hosted by real world practitioner successfully coached students with both theoretical and practical knowledge on façade engineering.
To accommodate talents with diverse backgrounds, two courses are introduced:
1. The Foundation Course which opens to wide candidates that are interested about the industry. It provides a basic yet comprehensive introduction to students on façade engineering, including classi fication of façade, use of material, façade design & calculation, fabrication, logistics & installation.
2. The Advanced Course which opens to professionals in the industry. It provides competent and in-depth training to students on façade engineering through variety of topics. Such as façade design in details, structural calculation, the applicable design and governing standards & codes, façade materials & selection, PMU testing, and a new chapter on fire protection in curtain wall & façade systems.
HKFA will continues to provide professional training courses to support the façade industry. Your active support and participation will be a great encouragement to us in developing more resourceful training and certi fications to the industry.
The coming Foundation Course FC2-202305 is now open for enrolment.
Seats are limited and please contact our secretariat for more details, email to info@hkfacade.
香港建築幕牆裝飾協會一直致力培育 行業的人材。從2017年開始,本會 舉辦的幕牆工程課程為超過三百位同 業提供了專業陪訓。此課程由專業的 在職人仕任教,與學生進行了專業而 且實用的幕牆工程知識訓練。
為了滿足不同背景及專業的建築同業,本會開 辦了兩個幕牆課程:
1. 「入門課程」 為對幕牆建築業有興趣人士 開設。透過基本知識和深入淺出的教學,以增 強學生對本行業的認識。課程涵蓋幕牆分類、 材料使用、幕牆設計及計算、製造、物流及安 裝等項目。
2. 「高階課程」為行內人仕而設。此課程提供 了全面而深入的建築幕牆知識,包括幕牆設 計、結構計算、設計應用和監管標準及守則、 選材、PMU測試,以及新增的幕牆防火知識及 應用。
課程開展至今,透過專業導師的細心教導及 講解,參與的學員均對兩個課程給予非常正面 的評價。學員對課程的全面性,以至教學材料 都感到十分滿意。本課程的設計及教學材料均 由經驗豐富的導師精心打造。對於一心投入本 行業的人才,本課程絕對是不可錯失的進修機 會。建築幕牆行業在全球發展迅速,城市化及 建築幕牆的廣泛使用令本行業增長迅速,而 香港連接內地及東南亞市場,其地理優勢以 及領先技術必定能夠帶來無限商機。因此,我 們更需要大力陪訓本行業的人才,以保持領先 的優勢。
香港建築幕牆裝飾協會將繼續致力提供專業 訓練課程,以推動本地建築幕牆的持續發展。 業界的熱烈支持及參與,無疑為我們繼續推動 專業及優質的技術課程帶來無限的鼓勵。 2023年度幕牆工程基礎課程(FC2-202305) 現已開始接受報名。
座位有限,請電郵至 info@hkfacade.org 聯 絡我們的秘書處了解更多詳情。