Llangollen district annual report 2016 2017 final

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Llangollen District


Sgowtiaid Ardal Llangollen

Annual Review Adroddiad Blynyddol 2016 – 2017

In 2018 Scouting will be enjoyed by 500,000 young people. They will come from every background, make their voices heard and bring positive change to their communities.

Kayak training Cae llwyd

Scouts are making a big difference. More teenagers are joining than ever and more young people are making a huge impact on their communities. The Scout Association’s Impact Report 2012

Front Cover Photographs Beavers: Cubs Scouts: Explorers Leaders

Abseiling Easter canoe paddle DofE Bronze final Expedition Zip wire

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Mission statement The Purpose of Scouting Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

The Values of Scouting As Scouts we are guided by these values: Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal. Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others. Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live. Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes. Co-operation – We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.

The Scout Method Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and: • • • • • • •

enjoy what they are doing and have fun take part in activities indoors and outdoors learn by doing share in spiritual reflection take responsibility and make choices undertake new and challenging activities make and live by their Promise.

Membership is open to all, irrespective of gender, race, religion, culture and economic background Patron: President: Founder: Year founded The Chief Scout: United Kingdom Membership World Membership:

HM Queen Elizabeth HRH The Duke of Kent Robert Baden-Powell OM 1907 Bear Grylls Youth 457000, Leaders 154000 31 million in all but five countries of the world

The Welsh Scout Council Cyngor Sgowtiaid Cymru Chief Commissioner Wales:

Gareth Watson

Chairman of the Welsh Scout Council:

David Chapman

The Welsh Scout Council Office: The Old School, Wine Street, Llantwit Major, CF61 1RZ. Tel 01446 795277, Email admin@scoutscymru.org.uk

Welsh Scout Council website:

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017



Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Scouting in Llangollen District The District is responsible for promoting the development of Scouting in the District and arranging co-operation with other organisations. It is also responsible for the raising of funds and the administration of the District’s finance and property and supervising the administration of Groups, particularly in relation to finance and the trusteeship of property. Attending to District administration, particularly relating to the appointment of Leaders, Section Assistants, Skills Instructors, Administrators and Advisers forms an important role for the District. The Llangollen Scout District covers an area comprising the southern part of Denbighshire and the south western part of Wrexham Maelor. It extends from Llandrillo and Corwen along the Dee valley to Chirk and includes from Johnstown to the Ceiriog valley.

The District is part of the Clwyd Area Scout Association which brings together the Llangollen District with the Scout Districts of Wrexham, Vale of Clwyd and Flintshire.

District Contacts • •

District Commissioner District Secretary

Jo Gregory Toni Harris

01978 790509 01978 854940

Group Contacts • • • • • • • •

1st Ceiriog Valley 1st Chirk 1st Corwen 1st Johnstown 1st Llangollen 1st Penycae 1st Rhosymedre 1st Trevor

Trevor Bates Rachel Owen Natalie Gallagher Michelle Wynne Roger Cragg Gerry Kellett (as Penycae) Elaine Anderton

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017

01691718294 rachyowen@aol.com njgallagher@hotmail.co.uk shellwynne@aol.com 01978 861593 07930 103090 01978 810672


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Group Section Meeting Nights Group/Section




1 Ceiriog Valley 1st Chirk 1st Corwen 1st Johnstown 1st Llangollen 1st Penycae 1st Rhosymedre 1st Trevor


Tuesday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Tuesday Thursday Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday


Tuesday Tuesday


Monday Thursday Friday

Tuesday Monday

The Growth of Scouting in Llangollen District Since the revamp of Scouting in 2002 the numbers in our District have doubled. There are still communities in our District without a Scouting provision so there is potential for further growth. 450 400 350 300 250 200 2017

















Annual Census of Membership Each year on 31st January a national census of Scouting’s membership is carried out. The table below gives a summary of the returns from the Llangollen District for the last 10 years. Year

Beaver Scouts

Cub Scouts


Explorer Scouts



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

47 63 83 83 78 68 82 104 72 97

77 90 66 109 109 102 116 124 144 114

67 68 60 70 75 96 76 81 87 80

32 30 36 35 33 35 30 18 25 35

43 41 47 46 56 70 72 64 64 88

266 292 292 343 351 371 376 391 392 414

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Llangollen District Scouts – Annual Report We started this year with the sad news that Peter Davies, our long standing District Chairman passed away following a fairly short illness. Peter had been involved at local group level, before taking on his District role and is very much missed. After several months of deliberating and persuading, Laura Davies has kindly agreed to be my nomination for this role. Laura works as a health manager in Wrexham, is a local magistrate but most importantly is the parent of a Beaver Scout! Scouting remained active across all groups in the District over the year, but was most visible in the District activities which were well organised by our small but effective District Team and so well supported by our groups. This inter-group working, I believe, strengthens the support available to leaders and the experiences available to our members. I thank everyone for making them work. Despite being very small numerically, the opportunities offered are astounding and we were one of the few Districts nationally offering an Explorer Belt expedition. I’ll leave others to talk more about the experience but just want to share how privileged I feel to have local leaders able and willing to put the time and effort onto activities such as this. There is no doubt that quality of programmes run and opportunities offered can be measured by involvement of youngsters locally. Our membership numbers continue to grow steadily and we are now in the position that (unfortunately) some Beaver Colonies are running waiting lists. We have other sections running on maximum numbers. This means that we are now adding to the nationally broadcast figure of 50,000 young people across the UK who cannot gain a place in Scouting due to lack of adult volunteers. With the recognition that Scouting is proven to reduce the incidence of mental health difficulties in children, and provides quality skills for life, this is likely to become an increasing problem locally. So, as ever, we are always on the lookout for more potential leaders and helpers! Finally, congratulations this year go to Jack Knight on gaining of his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and and Queen’s Scout Award. Also to Wendy Rogers on receiving the Award for Merit.

Joanne Gregory - District Commissioner

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Cae Llwyd: District Campsite Report The District Camp Site continues to be more popular to scouting from outside of the District. Although it has recently been used more by some local groups. It continues to be a very popular site for overnight camping for practice and assessed DoE expeditions. It is also very popular as a venue for canoeing and raft building. Again, the District Play Day weekend had a lot of fun there last May with many leaders getting wet as they put their skills to the test. The Dee Valley Scout Canoe Club – fortunately, we have a group of instructors from within the District – again used the site for kayak and canoe training and a venue for a Foundation Safety and Rescue Training enjoyed particularly, by explorer Scouts who are hoping to complete their Silver DoE expedition on the water. The DVSC Club again ran well organised and popular canoe / kayak training weekends with two separate days for Paddlesport and BCU 1* training and assessment in June and two more in July concentrating on BCU 2* training and assessment. These were well attended. Discussions are still ongoing representatives of Dee Valley Water Company [now Severn Trent] regarding the renewal of the lease. Agreement has been reached to replace the drinking water equipment.

As always, if any Scout Group or Section is interested in using the site please contact me.

Gerry Kellett - Camp Warden

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

District Beaver Report The last year again has seen a rapid growth within the beaver sections of Llangollen District, with numbers up in all groups We still have six colonies, Llangollen, Penycae, Chirk, Johnstown, Trevor, and Rhosymedre. We have been having lots of fun already this year, and have even more activities planned for the months to come. As the Beaver Section in scouting was 30 years old we went out to Greenwood Forest Park and had an awesome fun packed time, the dragon coaster and the water slides all proved as always very popular. On our return we stayed at Wrexham Scout HQ and had a 30th birthday party sleepover. The catering was delicious as we had Pizza Hut delivery for our main course and Mr Tees Ice Cream Van for dessert 99’s all round. We had birthday cake, birthday games and lots of birthday fun, each beaver also got a handmade clay beaver to take home as a souvenir and memory of the occasion. To celebrate St Georges Day this year some of our district beavers attended a PGL weekend, yet another brilliant weekend of full on activities, ranging from zip wires, rafting, low ropes and aeroball and so much more fun had by everyone who went. In May some of our Beavers will again participate in the JOTT 2017 this year we are planning to walk from Chirk to Froncysyllte along the canal, taking us over an aqueduct and through two dark tunnels. I know all our individual groups have also been incredibly busy and we have given out over 30 chief scout bronze awards. I want to thank all the leaders for the ongoing hard work and commitment, we have seen a change in our leaders and welcomed in new faces and welcomed back some old faces too. So what with doing meetings themed around , Gardening, Global Issues, Poetry Puppets and storytelling, Photography, Fire lighting skills, Knots, Lighting Candles, Science fun , Putting up tents, Hiking, Canoeing, train rides, Den Building, I can safely say we have truly been very busy Beavers.

Sarah Harrison - ADC Beavers

District Cub Report Over the last year, the main Cub event has been celebrating 100 years of Cub Scouting. As a District, Cubs have had the opportunity to take part in going to see the Jungle Book and after party, the All Wales Cub Fun Day, the District Robin Hood Camp, District Cub Xmas Party and Kibblestone 2017 as well as completing 100 challenges set at the beginning of the year. Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

The Jungle book was a great way to start the year with the release of the new film coinciding with St Georges Day and Cub Scouting being based on the story by Rudyard Kipling. It was a great turn out with two private screens being booked to hold everyone. The next big event was the All Wales Cub Fun day in Builth Wells. Activities ranged from Zip wire to bouncy obstacle courses to craft activities, many games to play and animals to hold. The Cubs go around in small groups along with approx. 1000 Cubs from all over Wales taking part in whichever bases they fancy. It’s a great experience which gives them freedom to explore on their own in a completely safe environment. In September the Cubs from Llangollen & District got together in Chirk Castle for a Robin Hood themed weekend. They took part in Archery and making yarn from sheep’s wool, wide games, craft and learning how to use a Pike! The final event of 2016 for 100 years was the District Christmas party in Bryn Collen school. As well as party food & a Cubs 100 raffle we had a magician along who entertained us all. More recently we have been to Kibblestone International Camp where the Cubs took part in Rock Climbing, Crate stacking, Air Rifle shooting, Woggle making, Archery to name a few of the activities on offer. As always I’d like to finish my report with a huge thank you to the leaders who have helped over the last year. With special thanks to Janet & Tracey for taking over and organising the District Camp and also to Rose for all of her help & support. So what’s next? That’ll be Llanboree 2017, with 80+ Cubs signed up, Shiver me timbers – looks set to be a great one, with things Ship shaping up nicely!!

Karen - ADC Cub Scouts.

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

District Explorer Scouts A great year again with the highlight of the last 12 months being the explorer Belt trip to Hungary and Croatia in Auguct last year. More about that in a moment. Other joint District Explorer Scout activities were as follows:─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Explorer Scout Forums Annual 10 Pin Bowling Competition won by Teague Birch [Penycae Explorers] Harry Potter Christmas Marathon and Fancy Dress Weekend Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition Training Weekend Banff Mountain Film Festival Shrewsbury DoE Bronze / Silver practice and assessed expeditions Various ‘get-togethers’ including a weekend camp to plan for the 2016 above Explorer Belt

Explorer Scouts also took part in several camps [within their Groups], various canoe training sessions and the annual River Wye and Severn Canoe Trips. The District expedition training weekend at Cynwyd [the former Youth Hostel] was a great success and fully booked up. This quality training enabled the Explorer Scouts to complete practice DoE expeditions and successful assessment. So well done to all those who completed their expedition section of the DoE. Congratulations also to those that have attained their Bronze DoE Award and Chief Scout Platinum Award.

The highlight of the year was the District Explorer Belt Trip to Hungary and Croatia. A total of 24 [15 Explorer Scouts, 3 Network Scouts and 6 Leaders] flew from Manchester to Budapest, the capital of Hungary. There were two groups who completed the 10 day challenges of undertaking an Explorer Belt on a foreign country. With various stop overs we travelled over 700k via Sarpentele, Zamardi on Lake Balaton, Fonyod, Badacsonytomaj, Kaposvar, Zagreb and Belavici, before finally arriving in Zadar on the Croatian coast from where we flew back to Manchester. Particular highlights were canoeing on the River Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Mreznica and our visit to PlitviÄ?e Lakes National Park [a World Heritage Site] known for a chain of 16 terraced lakes, joined by waterfalls, one of which is nearly 80 metres high. Walkways and hiking trails wind around and across the water, and an electric boat links the 12 upper and 4 lower lakes. Next year’s District Explorer Belt trip will be to Bosnia. Finally, Explorer Scouting within the District continues to be very successful with numbers growing again. It has also seen the start-up of a new Explorer Scout Unit associated with Chirk Scout Group. Scouting does not stop at the age of 14. So, if any Scout Troops within the District have Scouts approaching their 14th birthday please let me know to see if there is a way to begin Explorer Scouting within your Group or make sure the older Scouts are aware of the opportunities in maybe joining the already established Explorer Scout Units. Please let me know.

Gerry Kellett - District Explorer Scout Commissioner

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Llangollen District Directory District Commissioner District Chairman

Joanne Gregory, Plas Yn BWLCH Farm, Llandegla, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 3BE. 01978 790509, 07981280030 jogregory2000@yahoo.co.uk Laura Davies, Bryn Adel, 6 Coed Richard, Acrefair, LL14 3HS

District Secretary

Toni Harris, 5 Meadows View, Marford, Wrexham, Clwyd. LL12 8LS. toni_dave@yahoo.co.uk

District Treasurer Appointments Secretary District Badge Secretary ADC Beavers ADC Cubs District Cub Leader District Scouter District Explorer Scout Commissioner Diamond District Scout Network Commissioner ADC Activities

Lucy Morris, Pendyffryn, Grange Road, Llangollen, Clwyd, LL20 8AP. 01352704016. lucy.morris00@gmail.com Maggie Smith, Bryn Goleu, Eglwyseg, Llangollen, Clwyd, LL20 8EH. 01978 861156 eglwyseg@btinternet.com Anton Gregory, Plas Yn BWLCH Farm, Llandegla, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 3BE. 01978 790509, antongregory2000@yahoo.co.uk Sarah Harrison, 12 Linden Avenue, Chirk, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL14 5ER. 01691 773209, lienharas@hotmail.co.uk Karen Knight, 78 High Street, Rhosllanerchrugog, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL14 1AW. 01978 843084, karen@ponciau1.fsnet.co.uk Rosemary Corbett Thomas, 71 Pont Adam Crescent, Ruabon, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL14 6EE. 01978 820204 Gareth Pierce, 2 Bronywaun, Chirk, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL14 5PR. 07752 019284, 01691 238307 garethclimbs@yahoo.co.uk Gerry Kellett, Dunmore, Church Street, Penycae, WREXHAM, LL14 2RL. 01978 840651, 01978292476 gezabel@btinternet.com Gavin Scott, 6 Spruce Drive, Penyffordd, Chester, CH4 0FL. 07427 656221, network@clwydscouts.org.uk Roger Cragg, Rock House, Eglwyseg, Llangollen, Denbighshire, LL20 8EH. 01978 861593, 07985 334357, roger.cragg@live.co.uk

Clwyd Area Scouts


The Scout Information Centre How to contact us By phone: 0345 300 1818 (local rate) By email: info.centre@scouts.org.uk On Twitter: @ScoutInfoCentre By post: Scout Information Centre, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW We are open from 8am-7pm weekdays, and from 9am-12 noon on Saturdays. If you need to contact the out of hours duty officer in an emergency, please call 07977 539 630.

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Scouting age ranges There are 400,000 young people in Scouting, spread across five sections: Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and the Scout Network. Each section has its own balanced programme of activities, badges and awards.

Beavers (6–8) Beaver Scouts are our youngest members. They usually meet weekly to take part in a wide range of activities including games, crafts, singing, visits and good turns, along with plenty of outdoor activities. They will also have the opportunity to take part in the fun and excitement of camps and sleepovers. It may be the first time they spend a night away from home so it’s a real adventure for them.

Cubs (8-10½) A Cub Scout Pack can have up to 36 Cub Scouts and is split into smaller groups called Sixes. Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. A Cub Scout meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors. Camps and holidays are some of the most memorable events of the year for Cubs.

Scouts (10½–14) Each Scout Troop consists of small units of six to eight Scouts called a Patrol, usually led by a Patrol Leader. Outdoor activities feature prominently, with the highlight being camping. Throughout the year, Scouts learn various skills, such as map reading, camp cooking and first aid in preparation for camp. Rock climbing, potholing, gliding, photography and international experiences are just some of the things they get up to.

Explorer Scouts (14–18) Explorers are encouraged to lead themselves in deciding the programme and direction of the Unit, with support and guidance from leaders. The section also includes the Young Leaders’ Scheme, where young people are able to take on a leadership role in one of the younger sections. There is wider scope for activities like offshore sailing, campaigning, performing, parascending, mountaineering and expeditions.

Scout Network (18-25) Scout Network is the fifth and final section of the Scouting movement. Scout Network members take part in a variety of activities, which they undertake and organise themselves with the support of a Scout Network Leader. Example activities include abseiling, camping, circus skills, climbing, go-karting, gorge walking, hiking, pioneering and watersports.

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Minutes of District AGM Trevor Scout HQ 8th June 2016 1. Peter Davies welcomed everyone to meeting. Followed by a prayer by Gerry Kellett. 2. Approval of the DC's nomination for District Chairman. Peter Davies nominated and approved by the meeting. 3. Approval of the minutes of last AGM held 04.06.15. Minutes accepted as correct by the group. 4. Approval of the annual accounts for the year ending 31st March 2016. 5. Election of officers: Secretary- Toni Harris, Treasurer- Lucy Morris, District Badge Secretary Anton Gregory. Approved 6. Approval of the DC's nominations to District Scout Executive Committee Roger Cragg and Rose Corbett-Thomas. 7. Wynn Tunnah and John Stewart nominated as elected members of the District Executive Committee and accepted by the meeting 8. John Stewart nominated as on warranted member for Area Committee approved by the meeting. 9. No nomination to the Gladstone Centre Committee. DC to arrange. 10. Gareth Pearce elected to Clwyd Area Scout Council. 11. Gavin Scott and Thomas Gregory nominated as Young persons on Clwyd Area Scout Council. 12. The Annual report of the District Executive Committee accepted by the meeting as correct. 13. Speakers:a) Lucy Eaton, Young Person Substance Misuse Worker. b) Bethan Morris, 23rd World Scout Jamboree, Kiara-Hama, Japan. 14. Jo thanked all scouts and leaders for their attendance and welcomed people to stay for a drink before leaving

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Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Adolygiad Blynyddol 2016 - 2017


Annual Review 2016 - 2017

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