• 賴逸敏 • Lai Yat Man
• 水墨紙本設色 • Ink and color on paper
Studio 003
yatman1987@hotmail.com 6127 4888
• 92cm x 244cm
挖掘空間 人長大了,才知道世界很大,愈來愈覺 得自己擁有的空間不足。選擇踏上視藝 的路,對此感受更深。
Mine Space Not until I had grown up did I realize how big the world was and how insufficient was the space that I possesed. I have had such strong feeling since I engaged myself in art making.
狹小的空間,創作起來總是不自在。 究竟這小小的空間可以容納甚麼?
You are cramped when working in a tiny space.
What can be stored in a tiny space?
看可以打開一個甚麼的空間。 I try to work with some little squares to explore my hidden space.
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