2 minute read
Playable Ad
Leading social platforms are a primary placement for playable ads. They are most commonly found in feeds or within Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat Stories carousel feeds. Ford develops a playable ad, where consumers are invited to complete a series of tasks for time, finding hidden landmarks on a map. High scores award players prizes and consumers can share their ratings via built-in social sharing. The highly entertaining playable ad is hosted on a microsite, shared via all Ford social media channels and is available for consumers to play on desktop and mobile.
Medium.com Series of Ghost Blogs
Ford sponsors a series of ghost blogs published on Medium.com on the new and exciting future of local manufacturing and its benefits. Each blog will feature a different benefit of producing locally — environmental impact, supporting local communities, and a reliable supply chain, among many. Medium.com does not have paid advertisements, and many people rely on it to get information and honest opinions. By including Ford as an example of these new trends in doing business in the United States, the company gaina brand awareness without using straightforward advertising.
Series of Video Stories on LinkedIn
By creating multiple videos of employees telling their stories on why they love working at Ford and what makes them proud to be part of the tradition in American manufacturing, Ford raises employee trust and brings back the confidence in the company. By doing that, it shows its target audience that Ford is still the innovative company it once was. The series of videos is posted daily on Ford’s LinkedIn page, with shares on other social media channels.
Copyright 2020 Anmari Koltchev
All content for Ford Mach-E: Brand Guidelines was conceived, written, and designed by Anmari Koltchev. Photography provided by Anmari Koltchev and Shutterstock.com, and in accordance with the License agreements of these parties.
Design Consultation
Roger Muller, ADV 370 Brand and Branding Academy of Art University
License the book is a non-commercial work produced as a student project for educational purposes, and as such is considered a derivative work under the Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright Law.
Printed version manufactured in the USA. Digital version available.