Dawson, ford, garbee & co purchase matterport 3 dimensional camera

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Dawson, Ford, Garbee & Co. Purchase Matterport 3-Dimensional Camera Dawson, Ford, Garbee & Co. have purchased a top of-the-line Matterport 3-Dimensional camera, which will enhance the visibility of all listings. It will propel your property listing to the forefront of the marketplace by essentially bringing them to life.

What is the Matterport Pro Camera: The Matterport Pro camera was “designed as a powerful tool that is unbelievably easy to use”. The camera collects both precise visual and spatial data to map entire areas in minutes. With users’ needs in mind, the manufacturers focused on automation and ease of use. The ability to generate reliable images and results with little to no training. “The Matterport 3D Showcase is the most realistic way to experience a property online.” The Matterport drone allows you to experience full immersive virtual spaces that feel so real, it’s like being there. In reality, we experience things spatially where our brains are constantly calculating distances, sizes and volumes to understand the world around us. Where video falls flat, Matterport Spaces give users more than visuals-they provide the feeling of being in a physical location. Real 3D data is the only way to give your audience a true sense of presence- the feeling of being in one place. That’s why Matterport Spaces are the most immersive way to experience a physical location online. Cameras are synced to a drone. With Matterport 3D Spaces, prospective homebuyers are wowed and mesmerized by the ability to ‘walk’ through what could be the home of their dreams. This ability to play into the buyer’s aspirational side, is what could take them to the next level in the home buying process.

Click this link to view a sample listing: http://dawsonfordgarbee.com/matterport. Realtors alike are sharing similar sentiments as this one, “Prospective clients are stunned! We’re definitely winning more listings with the Matterport 3D” (Josh Altman, Altman Brothers).

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