New site addresses climate change and ways to address it

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New site addresses climate change and ways to address it EarthEclipse shares ways readers can make their lives more environmentally friendly A new site,, has launched to help inform readers about the effects of climate change and how they can take steps to combat it. Founded by Sonia Madaan, the site is designed to be a resource both to educate about the dangers the world faces from climate change and what steps users can take to reduce their carbon footprints and live more environmentally friendly lives. “I want to help people understand what environmental issues our planet is facing right now,” Madaan said, “and how by taking small steps like switching to renewable energy sources, we can make this planet a better place for future generations.” Already getting suffered by boast of environmental issues like climate change, increase in global warming, ocean acidification, ozone depletion, increase in pollution, loss of biodiversity, acid rain, natural resource depletion, overpopulation, waste disposal and many more, our planet requires some great initiative by various countries to come out with alternative solutions that could reduce the burden of these issues on our mother Earth. As William Ruckelshaus rightly said, “Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.” This is absolutely true in the sense that we humans have been pushing this planet towards extinction by ways of our activities like deforestation, urban sprawl, release of toxic gases in the atmosphere and that day is not too far when we might have to even struggle to breathe clean air.

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