SEO Marketing - Powering Small Business Retailer’s To Expand Like The Big Boys The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) has just published current statistics for internet marketing. The group reports that Search Engine Marketing spending, including paid placement, paid inclusion SEO and purchase of technology platforms, is expected to strongly increase in 2016. This will have a dramatic effect on how small business does business on the Internet. More technology companies are enhancing services to make it easier for small businesses to access consumers. Google continues to release new products & programs like (Made With Code) that expands new avenues into the company’s giant footprint on the World Wide Web with a current arsenal of services & programs that enable small businesses to expand their consumer reach. The improvement in technology, and the flexibility, has increased the amount of money spent on search engine advertising, opening up new product doors that allows companies like google to brand within its current space while allowing new users to connect into the brand through many free services they offer, increasing advertising dollars across the board, holding 68% of the search market tells googles dominance in this space. Other companies like Bing & Yahoo should learn from this strategy and offer competitive free services to compete on a much larger scale with Google. Bing has captured 18.7% of the market, up from 17.3% in 2013. Yahoo holds 10% of the market with those numbers looking to fall into the single digits. Organic SEO is the strongest marketing tool. Three quarters of all advertisers use it. A close second is paid placement. The market is driven by companies trying to generate direct sales, however, brand awareness is growing as advertisers learn to use the net to improve PR and customer relations.