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Kitin 2015 100% beetles

1 # issue

Géza Szöllősi

Handmade HoLlywood

Szöllősi Géza Kitin című projectje privát mítoszok mentén mondja újra a popkultúra kollektív álmait. Blockbuster helyett barkácsrobotok érkeztek az űrből, hogy igába hajtsák az emberiséget. Szöllősi a szerves és a szervetlen közti senkiföldjére merészkedett, hogy kitenyéssze mecharovarjait, amik a kitin fémes csillogásában olvadnak össze egy riasztóan idegen, de mégis otthonos látomássá. Tökéletes harci gépek, de nem csupán hódítani jöttek, hiszen a Föld újranépesítése a feladatuk, ehhez felhasználják az emberi gazdatesteket, vagyis ők egyben egy új, fajközi szerelem hírnökei is. Nemez Z Márió

Massenger & Inka










Friends (Pablo & Jo)

Fritz X (Wunderwaffe)

Lilith in process

Jr Fritz X (Wunderwaffe)

Run of Lion

Annunaki No. 1-2., Bugs screen /candle-holder/, 31.5x2cm, 2014 In cooperation with A+Z Design ( Attila F. Kovรกcs, Zsuzsa Megyesi) Haunted Lounge Collection


Handmade Hollywood encapsulate arthropods in resin 1 Pistorius, beetles, resin, 21.5x21.5x9.5 cm, 2015 2 Venus, beetles, resin, 19x15x4 cm, 2015 3 Lucifer, beetles, resin, 24x14.5x9.5 cm, 2015 4 Party (Inka & Massenger), beetles, resin, 14x17x9.5 cm, 2015 5 Puby, beetles, resin, 19.5x15.5x7.5 cm, 2015 6 Postman, beetles, resin, 15x11x5.5 cm, 2015 7 Run of Lion, beetles, resin, 19x19x9 cm, 2015 8 Fritz X, beetles, resin, 23.5x20x7.5 cm, 2015 9 Lilith, beetles, resin, 20x20x8 cm, 2015 10 Friends, (Pablo & Bo), beetles, resin, 21x18x9 cm, 2015 11 Fight (Bullock&Fly), beetles, resin, ø18 cm, 2014 12 Drunk (Spion & Predy), beetles, resin, 20x20x7 cm, 2015 (Beetles are legally imported from Thailand) Reproduction photos: Krisztián Zana, Éva Szombat, József Rosta, Géza Szöllősi NextArt Gallery Hungary 1054 Budapest, Aulich utca 4-6. tel.: +36 30-421-0140

My Pets

Video works

Géza Szöllősi

Géza Szöllősi is a skilled multidisciplinary artist working in a wide variety of mediums including taxidermy, animal flesh, photography and graphics. He worked as designer in several award-winning Hungarian films like Opium, The Notebook and Taxidermia Géza’s artworks has been exhibited alongside artists such as Jake and Dinos Chapman, Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman in the ‘Decadence Now! Visions of Excess’ organised by Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague.

What is the taxidermy in fact? there is an animal, excise its skin from its body and make a same shape plastic body and cover it with the skin. Taxidermy project is a trial what happen if I change the form and put the skins different kind of shape. In this project whose genre requires a hyperrealistic approach nevertheless mixes with the mythological, and the objects – used to be live animals – find themselves in absurd situations, causing them pain while being human toys.

Zoetrope in Films

Opium - Diary of a Madwoman a feature film by János Szász Art direction, concept art

A zoetrope is one of several precinema animation devices that produce the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of that motion. The name zoetrope was composed from the Greek root words “turning”.


and her Friends

New Deities Project Flesh

This project addresses one of the main problems of sculpture, namely its medium. Opting for the hyperrealist approach, and drawing on works by George Segal, Duane Hanson and Ron Mueck, I set out to make sculpture that would be as faithful to the model as possible. This is how it became evident to me that I should use meat. (Even if the sculptures are not perfect renditions of the model.) Sculptures are usually created from materials that bear no resemblance to human flesh (i.e., stone, wood, etc.), whereas I have used material very similar to human skin: pork. First, it is an extreme approach to the Aristotelian mimetic theory of art; second, an interpretation of the definition of the scientific model; and third.

Complicated coherences, dimly foreshadowed connection systems, members of secret societies, all are woven in to the deep secrets of the canvas building up an unfathomable symbol systems. Géza Szöllősi draws the material for his pictures from the internet. It is somewhat difficult to identify his technique, as it occupies a territory between photography and digital print. The chief quarry for the series Suzuka and Friends is the internet catalogues for Japanese “real dolls,” those life-size, realistic mannequins with moveable limbs. He inserts these characters into his own and others’ family snapshots. The artificial emotion painted on the faces of these dolls, intended originally for sexual purposes, gains a different, “real” meaning in these new contexts.

Group Exhibitions

2015 /D/ DMY International Design Festival, Berlin, in project Haunted Lounge /I/ “Imago Mundi-Map of the New Art”, Benetton Foundation, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice 2014 / US/ Scope Art Show, NextArt Gallery /H/ /AU/ Young Hungarians | MOYA (Museum of Young Art) | Wiena, Austria /SK/ Creative Transgressions, Löffler Museum, Kassa, Slovakia 2012 / SK/ Organs and Extasy, Central Slovakian Gallery, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia /GB/ Unnatural Natural History, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, Curators: Coats & Scarry /GB/ /J/ “Seeing Oneself”, ICHO-AN Gallery, Osaka, Japan /MA/ The BIC, International Biennial of Casablanca, Morocco /SK/ “David Cherny”, River Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia 2011 /US/ Scope New York Art Show, NextArt Gallery /H/ /GB/ London Art Fair, Islington Design Centre, Mauger Modern Art /GB/ /CK/ ANGeLa whEre are you? Fishpiece Gallery, Zürich /D/ Galerie Schuster - NextArt Gallery /H/, Berlin /CK/ Morgeluft und schöni Maitli! Fishpiece Gallery, Zürich /SK/ Successful Hunting!, Nitra Gallery, Slovakia 2010 /CZ/ Decadence Now! Visions of Excess, Gallery Rudolfinum, Prague /KS/ Korea International Art Fair, Seoul, Mauger Modern Art /GB/ /GB/ London Art Fair, Islington Design Centre, Mauger Modern Art /GB/ 2009 /US/ Scope Art Show, Miami, Mauger Modern Art / GB/ 2008 /F/ Helsinki | Media Center Lume | Taste MOMEnts /D/ Berlin | DMY International Design festival | Taste MOMEnts /GB/ London │Café in the Crypt │100% Design Fest │ Taste MOMEnts 2007 /SK/ Bratislava | Medium gallery | Bio-Power /CK/ Prague | c2c gallery | Bio-Power /AU/ Vienna | MOYA (Museum of Young Art) | Young Art Europe 2005 /AU/ Vienna - Budapest | Kultur-Axe | Exostra project /G/ Berlin - Budapest (Sziget Festival) | Exostra project



Illustration for Agota Kristof: The Notebook /Le Grande Cahier/

Géza Szöllősi E-mail:


Géza Szöllősi All Right reserve 2015

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