St. John Neumann Church
Au S ti N , t ex AS
Co lle C ti o N o f Progre SS of l it urgi CA l i te m S D e S ig N iD e AS
De veloped through the work of SJN A& e C ommittee and r oh n & Associates Design, i nc .
m ay 3, 2008 through January 16, 2009
overview of the contents & purpose of the binder index
1. Preface
a. Project team members
b. A&e Commitee - Job Description
c. Theme for the Building Project
d. A&e Committee Background research for Design ideas
e. A&e Criteria for formulating Preliminary Designs
Design History
2. Design Consultant’s Suggested Changes to Architectural Drawings
3. mosaics
a. Dome
b. Pendentives
c. Shrine Backgrounds
4. Art glass
5. Sculptures
a. Crucifix
b. Sculpture Saint John Neumann
c. Sculpture our lady of the rosary
d. Sculpture St. Joseph & Child
e. Sculpture 3 Arch Angels
f. Column Sculptures
6. Sanctuary Back Walls - carved relief
7. liturgical furniture
8. liturgical Appointments
9. tympanum
10. exterior Door Panels
11. Side Wall medallions
12. Stations of the cross
13. Day Chapel mural
14. Sketches and illustrations
15. fund raising Presentations - 3 versions
St. John Neumann Church
1. Preface
a. Project team members
b. A&e Commitee - Job Description
c. Theme for the Building Project
d. A&e Committee Background research for Design ideas
e. A&e Criteria for formulating Preliminary Designs
St. John Neumann Church
most reverend gregor y m. Aymond, D.D. - Bishop of Diocese of Austin
reverend Bud roland, Pastor
reverend Jim evans, Associate Pastor
Professional Team:
Project manager: ed lee – Broaddus & Associates
Architect: luis Duron – Stg Architects
liturgical Designer: rolf rohn – rohn & Associates liturgical Design
Building Committee: Arts & Environment Committee:
reverend Bud roland
John Barzizza
rebecca Joseph
Peter lamy
ed lee
Dan listrom
gerry Nichols
lynn meredith
Nancy Clark
lucille lamy
margaret Parrish
Capital Campaign Committee:
Doug murrell
lisa Allen
emily Bien
Doug Clark
John Dirrin
rebecca Joseph
tasha Key
ladd Pattillo
Vern Pohlmeier
Theme for the Building Project, St. John Neumann St. John Neumann Church
The theme employed throughout the architectural design of St. John Neumann Church is ‘ trinity through the Cross,’ a truth we express whenever we make the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As we enter St. John Neumann Church, we are immediately drawn into this mystery. With its prominent North-South-east-West orientations, the interior takes on a cruciform dimension. Dominant within this axial floor plan is the ‘ trinity of Domes’ of the Baptistry, the Altar of Sacrifice and the Catafalque.
We enter and pass by the Baptistry and the living waters of creation which invite us into a new life within the Church. under the all-encompassing center dome are the Crucifix and Altar of Sacrifice where we participate in the very life of Christ through the Sacraments of Holy eucharist, Confirmation, matrimony and Holy orders. Here we are united in a profound way with Christ as members of His mystical Body. All of creation and our entire beings and lives are offered up to the father through the Cross and the Holy eucharist in praise and thanksgiving for our creation, redemption and sanctification. finally as we leave the Church and are sent forth, empowered by the Holy Spirit to make disciples of all nations, we pass by the Catafalque and are reminded of the passing of our time on earth and our ultimate birth into eternal life, a fulfillment of the new life begun at Baptism.
Theme for the Building Project, St. John Neumann St. John Neumann Church
As we enter St. John Neumann Church we are immediately drawn into the mystery of the Cross through the trinity. With its prominent North-South-east-West orientations, the interior takes on a cruciform dimension. Dominant within this axial floor plan is the ‘ trinity of Domes’ of the Baptistry, the Altar of Sacrifice and the Catafalque.
We enter and pass by the Baptistry and the living waters of creation which invite us into a new life within the Church. under the all-encompassing center dome are the Crucifix and Altar of Sacrifice where we participate in the very life of Christ through the Sacraments of Holy eucharist, Confirmation, matrimony and Holy orders. Here we are united in a profound way with Christ as members of His mystical Body. All of creation and our entire beings and lives are offered up to the father through the Blood of the Cross in praise and thanksgiving for our creation, redemption and sanctification. finally as we pass by the Catafalque and are sent forth, empowered by the Holy Spirit to make disciples of all nations, we are reminded of the passing of our time on earth and our ultimate birth into eternal life, a fulfillment of the new life begun at Baptism.
The theme employed throughout the architectural design of St. John Neumann Church is ‘ trinity through the Cross’. The symbol of the Cross is represented as the wedding, the uniting of heaven and earth over time.
Jesus Christ Himself in the perfect prayer to the father prays that His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven as He gives us our daily bread, our sustenance as we carry our crosses daily – through time. We are created in the image and likeness of god: the father, Son and Holy Spirit and so are called to live out our lives as other Christs, members of His mystical Body, one with the Cross. This truth is manifested each time we make the Sign of the Cross over our bodies in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Cross is the ultimate sign of god’s love. it is the very essence of life. it symbolizes ‘Creation’ through the order, justice and integrity of the plan of the god the father. it symbolizes ‘redemption’ of mankind and creation through the mercy and sacrifice of Jesus, the Son of god made man. The movement of this creative and redemptive love within the trinity and throughout the world, from its beginning to its completion, is the Holy Spirit. The universe – with its longitudes and latitudes, its graphs and grids – is simply a series of crosses. from atoms to planets the cross is the underlying component of all matter. This same 3-D mesh forms the infrastructure of our being. This mesh, conformed to our body, is what we call the soul and so man is intrinsically a ‘sign of the cross’.
Because the Cross is trinitarian, it is eucharistic, from the greek word meaning thanksgiving. god the father in loving the Son gives His plan to the Son. The Son, totally open and receptive, lovingly accepts the gift, nurtures it and brings it into being, giving back to the father the completion of the plan, the kingdom. This giving and receiving of one to the other, freely and openly, in appreciation and thanksgiving, is love. This sharing and loving exchange is itself, the Holy Spirit. There is no end to this love. it creates and gives life forever.
man is a living sign of god’s creative love. Jesus, the Son of man, through the gift of the Holy eucharist gives us a sharing in god’s trinitarian life, thereby uniting god and man, heaven and earth as we journey through time.
march 22, 2008
St. John Neumann Church
5-2-08 b Symbols
Alpha & omega god as the beginning and the end.
trignetra ancient symbol of trinity from Celtic art.
Passionflower denotes Passion of Christ
Pelican feeding her young with her own blood Jesus’ passion and death p. 12
Phoenix rising from ashes Jesus’ resurrection p. 12
Holy family flight into egypt
Cockleshell pilgrimage; Baptism
4 symbols of universal priesthood:
Baptism & Confirmation marks of priesthood of laity multiplicat’n of loaves & fishes and eucharist and ordained priesthood
last Supper
xP (Chi-rho) represent mary and Jesus respectively
7 doves Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit p. 59 tree of Jesse lineage of Jesus & mary and entrance (as thoughts for our entrance; not found in basilica)
‘How lovely is your dwelling place, o lord, mighty god (Ps 84) ‘my being proclaims the greatness of the lord. my spirit finds joy in god my Savior.’ Passion & death of Christ
A&e Committee Background research for Design ideas
• Under the main dome are 36 stained glass windows p. 7
Themes of Holy trinity – 12 windows
Worship – 8 windows
• Dome above the Baldachin: Triumph of Lamb
• Lamb of Apocalypse with blood flowing from pierced heart and scroll at feet
• 24 elders divided in 4 groups form a cross around Lamb
• 4 evangelists between groups
• At corners: 4 angels each holding globe showing XT reign extending to 4 corners of world
• 3 Domes in Crypt Church representing trinity: father, Son and Holy Spirit
• Descent of Holy Spirit
• Dozens of bright red “ tongues of fire” against brilliant gold dome
• Flames descending on Mary and apostles (6 surrounding, 6 in distance)
• Flames descending on ordinary men, women, and children.
• In 4 corners: images of people from Asia, Africa, Europe & America: Spirit’s universal sanctification of world
• Biblical ref: Acts 2:33, Joel 1:2, Psalms 103:30, Wisdom 7:24-8:1
e & W transept
• Last Judgment Mosaic (West)
• Shows Christ’s glorious Second Coming
• 4 angels trumpet the message
• Fire rages on earth and mountains are split by divine power.
• Savior beckons the saints to himself: Virgin Mary, Peter and Paul, John, Teresa of Avila, elizabeth of Hungar y, John Vianney, martin de Porres, Pope Pius x, isaac Jogues, Thomas more, maria goretti, Stephen and cast of other accompanied by angels.
• Also: colonial-American man, frontier woman and child, Native American woman, modern businessman, laborer, boy soldier, friar.
• 5 people who have turned away from salvation, suggesting condemnation.
• 6 Days of Creation Mosaic (East)
• Center: hand of God the Father and Adam & Eve
• Below, enclosed in earth: human fetus symbolizing dust from which man was formed
• Top: expanses of universe
• Left: waters, sea creatures and aquatic plants
• Right: dr y land with animals and vegetation
• Left corner: symbols of DNA, basic unit of living matter
St. John Neumann Church
Patronage and titles of mary
The immaculate Conception: Patroness of the united States
our lady of guadalupe: Patroness of the Americas
The immaculate, Queen of the universe
‘Thou art the glor y of Jerusalem, the joy of israel, the honor of our people.’ (Jdt 15:9) ‘my being proclaims the greatness of the lord. my spirit finds joy in god my Savior.’ (Lk 1)
‘i am the immaculate Conception’ – lourdes
‘o mary, conceived without sin, pray for us…’ – lourdes ‘mother of the Church’ Pius xii at close of Vatican ii p. 50
‘Sign of certain hope and comfort to the pilgrim People of god (Lumen Gentium 1964)
5 marian Dogmas
mother of god
Virginity of mary
immaculate Conception
(Co-Redeemer, Mediatrix, Advocate yet to be proclaimed)
mary in Scripture
Visiting elizabeth & magnificat Wedding of Cana miracle of crippled (‘your mother is outside’) foot of Cross
Blessed Sacrament chapel: mosaic of mary at foot of cross holding a vessel to catch blood and water flowing from his pierced side
Pentecost in upper room
Woman to crush the head of Satan – genesis
Woman clothed with the sun, moon, stars – revelation
Seven sorrows of mary:
1. Prophecy of Simeon (Lk 2:25-38)
2. flight to egypt (cf. Mt 2:13-18)
3. Search for Jesus in Jerusalem (Lk 2:41-52)
4. meeting at the carrying of Cross
5. Crucifixion (Jn 19:16-30)
6. Jesus taken down into mary’s arms
7. Burial of Jesus (Lk 23:50-55)
rosary: old & New testament quotations
• Annunciation OT: angel, Moses & burning bush & redemption from slaver y (Ex 3:1-4)
• Visitation OT: Obededom welcomes Ark into his home (2 Sm 6:9-11)
• Birth of XT OT: Isaiah prophesied virgin birth (Is 7:12-14)
• Presentation OT: Hannah presents Samuel (1 Sm 1:24-28)
• Finding of XT in Temple OT: Daniel amazes elders by exonerating Susanna (Dn 13:45-65)
• Agony OT: Adam & Eve expelled from Garden (Gn 3:23-24)
• Scourging OT: Jeremiah unjustly beaten ( Jer 37:13-16) [also Joseph]
• Crowning OT: unlike shameful surrender of Jehoachin (2Kgs 24:8-17) [also David crowned king]
• Carrying of Cross OT: Isaac carries wood for sacrifice (Gn 22 6:-10)
• Crucifixion OT: Passover lamb (Ex 12:1-13)
• Resurrection OT: Joseph rescued from cistern (Gn 37:12-28)
• Ascension OT: Elijah into heaven (2 Kgs 2:1-15)
• Descent of HS OT: God gives Moses 10 Commandments (Ex 19-20:1)
• Assumption OT: Solomon brought Ark to Temple (1Kgs 8:19)
• Coronation OT: Bathsheba received honor from son Solomon (1 Kgs 2:19) [Luminous mysteries not included]
Women who prefigured mary
old testament; Sara (see also gal 4:31), miriam, ruth and Naomi, Judith, esther
New testament: elizabeth, Anna, mary & martha, Samaritan Woman
images representing mary:
fleur-de-lis (purity), tower of ivor y (strength), Cedar of lebanon (beauty & sanctity), ‘A’ & ‘m’ intertwined (Ave maria in Hail mary), ‘m’ (morning Star) p.7
5 point star and letter m with small + at center p. 8
Stars of Bethlehem (mary as mother of god)
Prophets related to the glorification of Blessed mother in Birth of Jesus
moses, Aaron, isaiah, micheas, Jeremiah, elijah, gideon, John Baptist, Simeon
12 old testament figures of Patriarchs and Prophets
• Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Jonah
• Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Daniel, Micah Malachi
St. John Neumann Church
St. Joseph
“The faithful husband will be highly praised
and he who is guardian of his Lord will be highly praised.”
images of Priesthood
• Priesthood of laity: sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation
• Ordained priesthood: multiplication of loaves and fishes and Last Supper
New testament figures
Apostles & St. Paul [Peter & Paul on ambo]
Saints depicting ‘faith’
ignatius of Antioch, Justin martyr, Jerome, Augustine, John Chrysostom, leo the great Charles Borromeo, robt Bellarmine, Thomas Aquinas, Pius x
fathers of early Church:
Ambrose, Cyril of Alexandria, irenaeus, Basil the great fathers of Church p. 56
Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Basil, gregor y Nazianzen (east)
Augustine, Ambrose, Jerome, gregor y the great ( West)
4 evangelists
matthew (man), mark (lion), luke (bull), John (eagle)
great saints of early church
iraneaus of lyons, Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, John the Baptist, John Chr ysostom, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine of Hippo, gregor y the great, Patrick, Columba of iona
early female saints p. 26
[See also Eucharistic prayer with early saints M & F]
Brigid of ireland, margaret of Antioch, Catherine of Alexandria, Susanna, lucy
Anastasia, Perpetua & felicity, Cecilia, Agatha, Agnes (mass)
Anne, elizabeth
Doctors of Church
There are 33 doctors of the Church; 3 women:
• Teresa of Avila
• Therese of Lisieux
• Catherine of Siena
American Saints
John Neumann
elizabeth Seton
mother Cabrini
Kateri tekakwitha
rose Philip Duchesne
mother Katharine Driscoll
isaac Jogues & North American martyrs
mother guerin
*** 56 bell carillon may be played from Within the tower or from console of organ in church p. 7
mary in Scripture
fathers of the Church – latin & greek
Doctors of the Church
St. John Neumann Church
5-2-08 Symbols
????? Patron of Austin Diocese
immaculate Conception Patroness of the united States
large palm tree tree of life with faithful as branches, or growth of Church from tiny seed into mighty tree
Hearts of Jesus and mary surrounded by 12 stars
mP mu-rho: mary, 2 letters of greek word for mother
xP Chi-rho, invokes crucifixion of Jesus and his role as the Christ
iC-xC and Ni-KA Christ Victor
representations of Satan snake, boar, dragon, griffin
instruments of xt’s passion lantern, hammer and nails, scourge, ladder and sponge, spear, knife crown of thorns
Bishops chair
4 great fathers (and Doctors) of Western Church
Jerome, gregor y, Augustine, Ambrose p. 39
Symbols of Apostles Thomas: builder’s rule and spear
James the less: club, instrument of martyrdom
matthew: t-square and purses (tax collector)
Peter: keys
Andrew: cross
James the greater: patron of pilgrims with scroll and staff
John: chalice and eagle
matthias: lance
Simon: saw, instrument of martyrdom
Philip: staff
Thaddeus: halberd
entrance doors entering paradise thru which faithful are invited to enter the life and grace of Christ
South dome: Holy trinity (explain in reverse with Beatitudes the most distant) external manifestations of trinity manifested thru the arches of
• Creation,
• Sanctification,
• Judgment and Triumph thru activities of
• prophets of OT and apostles,
• evangelists and doctors of NT who have extended the revelation of the trinity in time…
• then missionaries and pastoral, educational and social works that have brought that revelation to America.
9 Beatitudes east: Blessed are poor in spirit, meek, they that mourn
South: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice, merciful West: Blessed are clean of heart, peacemakers, they that suffer persecution for justice sake
Pendentives American Saints: isaac Jogues & rene goupil & martyrs, Kateri tekakwitha Philippine Duchesne, mother Cabrini, elizabeth Seton
Central Dome (p. 16) Pantocrator (also see front cover – not the one in dome): to create a sense of awe in the presence of the divinity and majesty of Christ
• Heavenly Jerusalem: 4 scenes
1. Vertical trinity or Throne of grace. father seated with outstretch arms supporting His Son attached to Cross and below the Dove of the Holy Spirit. Below text: glory be to the father to the Son and to the Holy ghost.
2. ezekiel & 4 Winged Creatures: 4 evangelists matthew (man), mark (lion), luke (ox), John (eagle), prefigurations of St. John’s vision of apocalypse & hence link between ot & Nt p. 17
3. elijah lifted into heaven: prefigurement of Ascension of Christ
4. Woman of Apocalypse rev. 12:1
• 4 Cherubim with blue wings separate 4 scenes, praise Trinity
• Seraphim in a ring around the center of the dome, highest spirits in choirs of angels, represented in red amidst flames: aflame with the love of god
• 8 Archangels & angels in lower circle of dome each governing one of the 16 circumpolar constellation of the northern and southern skies (see p. 19). Angelus means messenger: mediators between heaven and earth.
- Archangel michael (-el: of god, warrior of god, lord and guardian of souls), pictured in armor, commander in chief of host of heaven, victorious over lucifer.
- Angel with coat of arms of Pope Paul Vi, wears sleeved vestments of deacons to represent servants of Christ in offering the eternal mass in heaven.
- Archangel raphael, healer of god, companion of tobias, protector of travelers, carries a pilgrim’s staff and candle, wears the casual: the roman wayfarer’s garb which is source of the liturgical chasuble.
- Angel, in roman tunic and toga, carrying coat of arms of Bishop of time.
- Archangel gabriel, ambassador/messenger of god (brought message to mary at Annunciation), holds scroll with words: Ave gratia Plena; on left wing: monogram of BVm, above left shoulder is Archangelic cross
- Angel with seal of diocese
- Archangel uriel, light of god, holds the sun in his hands, with coat of arms of artists because his function: pass judgment on artists at the last Judgment
- Angel holds a model of the Cathedral of St. louis, as its guardian
St. John Neumann Church
- Archangel Barachiel (blessing of god), chief guardian angel, crowned with wreath of white roses
- Angel carries seal of city
- Archangel Juhudiel (teacher of god), holds the Book of Knowledge
- Angel dressed in 13 century garb with seal of St. louis (for us: St. John Neumann)
- Archangel Zadkiel (righteousness of god), stayed at hand of Abraham at sacrifice of isaac
- Angel, intercessor for all who worked for the Cathedral in any capacity, holds inscription: Pray for the builders and benefactors of this cathedral
- Archangel raguel, (protector of god)
- Angel dressed in an early chasuble holding coat of arms of Holy See
Pendentives see p. 21 for picture
Ne: blindfolded angel symbolizes old law with partial view of the revelation of god. Holding Ark of Covenant and Staff of Aaron (i had not a shadowy image of the future)
NW: angel with full vision represents fuller knowledge of the revelation of god in New law; holds cross, chalice and host (from the fullness of Christ i have received grace and truth)
Se: angel rep secular authority, symbolized by scepter and crown (ever y individual is subject to higher powers)
SW: angel of ecclesial authority symbolized by crosier and church (All power is given to it in heaven and on earth)
4 arches support’g dome
Arch of Creation (east) p. 22
god father with eye (omniscience) on each side; below michael with fiery sword in right hand and in left shield with inscription: Who is like god? rest of arch: world god created: 9 choirs of angels with crosiers, 6 days of creation in large discs: creation of light of firmament separating waters, trees & plants, sun, moon & planets, creation of birds & fishes, Adam & eve. (Ps 102:26 in the beginning o lord, you established the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands)
Arch of Sanctification (West) p.23
The spreading of the good news of salvation throughout the world under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a mammoth dove dwelling in bosom of the father.
• Angels on either side bear 7 smaller doves symbolizing 7 gifts: fear of Lord, piety, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, counsel, fortitude.
• Right: saints inspired by HS to spread the seed of faith in world: Augustine, Francis Xavier, francis Solano; Columban, Cyril & methodius; martin, titus, timothy.
• Left: faithful expounding the doctrine of faith: Justin, Cyprian, Augustine, Basil, Jerome, Alphonsus liguori; Bonaventure, francis de Sales, Peter Canisius. Inscription on arch: Ps 104:30 He sent forth his Spirit, and they were created, and He renewed the face of the earth.
Arch of Judgment (South) p. 24
last judgment with Christ as judge, encircled by rainbow at top center.
• Right side an angel with scepter of Christ’s authority; left angel holds a books of judgment; bottom left 3 of dead in tattered clothes & eyes closed (cannot see xt ) & rising from tombs; behind them the ruins of a city and figures of the apocalyptic red horsemen – war & fire – ravagers of the world on the last day. Then St. Peter at gates of paradise with roman chasuble and primitive of 1st cent. Bishop.
• Left and above: angel holding a barque, symbol of the Church, channel of Christ’s grace on earth; then St. Dismas, the good thief, the 1st to enter paradise; on this side of xt , the BVm as mother of mercy Right” John the Baptist offering his head as a sacrifice;
• Below Michael the Archangel, sheathing sword in his scabbard (battle for souls is over), next St. Odile (established feast of all Souls in 10th cent) as shepherd of dying with lantern in hand (invoked at hour of death); bottom: group of doomed, nameless and faceless carrying black shield with white skull & ice and snow all around (no love).
Inscription on arch: He has prepared His throne in judgment, and He has judged the whole world in equity.
Arch of Triumph (North)
Church triumphant in heaven with figures from ot & Nt. left, great saints from New Dispensation:
• Adalbert, Rose of Lima (1st canonized saint from Western Hemisphere), Elizabeth of Hungary;
• Founders of religious orders: Francis of Assisi, Ignatius Loyola, Benedict:
• Great national patrons: Boniface of Germany, Louis of France; Patrick of Ireland;
• Apostles: Peter, Paul & John; Xt’s mother. Right, heralds of good news of salvation from OT
• Immediate precursor: John Baptist;
• Prophets: Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah;
• Kings: Hezekiah, David, Solomon;
• Leaders: Samuel, Joshua, Moses;
• Patriarchs: Melchizedek, Abraham, Noah. Inscription on arch: You have redeemed us, o lord god, in your blood and have made of us a kingdom for our god p. 26
St. John Neumann Church
• Resurrection garden with Mar y Magdalene as Apostle of Resurrection to the Apostles p. 28 If xt has not risen your faith is vain
• Descent from Cross, procession to tomb, centurion: This man was the Son of God
• Christ with disciples on road to Emmaus & breaking of bread: They knew Him in the breaking of the bread.
Resurrection theme p. 30:
• Raising of Lazarus: Lazarus come forth
• Jonah and whale
• Doubting Thomas: My Lord and my God
• Eucharist: risen XT
• Clump of wheat springing up from seed: Unless the seed dies…
• Phoenix: consumed by fire & rose from ashes
• Large Cross with gold crown: XT ’s death & resurrection
• Gigantic flame with Mary & 12: I will pour out my spirit on all flesh
• Effects of Holy Spirit in actions of Peter and Paul
• Peter with walls of Jerusalem speaking boldly: You will receive the gift of the HS
• Paul with Barnabas preaching to gentiles: I have made you light to the gentiles.
Pentecost theme:
• Baptism of Christ, the first manifestation of Trinity: I will baptize with HS
• Ascension of XT. Would send the HS to teach you all things
• Flame hovering over water, at top: creative power of love and life, supernatural & natural p. 31 Thomas, builder’s rule and spear.
• Peacocks: paradise & immortality & grace poured out thru Mass
• Alpha & Omega: Christ as Beginning and End of all things
1. Priesthood of ot & Nt
• Cross and throne: XT ’s death, both priest and victim
• OT priests: Abel, Aaron, Melchizedek Simon, son of Onias
• Saintly priests of new dispensation: Gregory the Great, Athanasius, Peter Damien, Anselm of Canterbury
• Abraham sacrificing Isaac: God will provide a lamb for a burnt offering (Gn 22:8)
• Melchizedek offering bread and wine, unbloody sacrifice: There shall be offered a clean oblation (gn 22:8) p. 34
2. Christ and eucharist
• Lamb on altar with banner as seen in Revelations: Behold lamb of God… p 34
• Chalice and host: fulfillment of sacrifice of Melchizedek
• Seder, celebration of Passover, OT prototype of Eucharist
• Nativity: Incarnation, word made flesh: Glory to God in highest and peace…
• Miracle of Cana
• Cross surrounded by sun, moon, stars, water and God Father: Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased p. 35
• Last Supper, fulfillment of the Passover Eucharist theme
1. Symbols of eucharist
• 4 Seraphim with 6 wings (Is. 6:2) to praise and adore Christ in Divine Liturgy: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
• Quatrefoil medallion with 2 fish and fishing net: Christ in Eucharist and apostles as fishers of men
• Star of David: Ancestry of Christ; Your throne, O God is forever and ever (p 41 for Latin)
• Pelican feeding its young with own flesh: Christ in Eucharist
• Crown of thorns; grapevine; deer drinking from fountain of living water (ref: Ps. 42)
• Chi-Rho (XP): Christ as source of all grace
• 12 apostles in dome with words: Go therefore teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father … p. 37
• Behold the Bread of Angels
• Medallion with chalice and monograph IHS (first 3 letters of ‘Jesus” in Greek), represents Christ as great High Priest p. 44
• Sacraments of the Eucharist: Holy Orders, Holy Eucharist, Extreme Unction
2. 4 Doctors of Church on eucharist
• East: Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom
• West: Ambrose, Aquinas
3. 9 Choirs of Angels surrounding altar as they surround throne of god in heaven; choristers of god in heaven (good theme for choir also)
• West wall
• Seraphim, fiery spirits of love with leader Uriel with a sword
• Cherubim, many eyed with Jophkiel
• Thrones, throne bearers of the divinity with Japhkiel, with wheel of fire at his feet
• North wall: Princes of heaven, each with scepter and seal of God, IC-XC
• Dominions, typifying God’s dominion over world, with Jadkiel
• Virtues, typifying invincible courage, with Mankiel
• Powers, protectors of mankind, with Raphael
• East wall
• Principalities, protectors of rulers, with Shamael
• Archangels, servants of the throne of God, with Michael
• Angels, God’s servants in various capacities, with Raphael (though not formally their leader but often shown with them)
St. John Neumann Church
trinity Dome
With Archangels michael, gabriel, raphael. uriel. See p. 40 for a detailed description of the symbol of the trinity
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Christ in Blessed Sacrament: 2 adoring angels and 8 cherubs: Behold the bread of angels
outstanding preachers of the Word of god
1. Symbols for 4 evangelists
• John: eagle
• Matthew: human head
• Mark: lion
• Luke: ox
2. 4 eastern fathers:
• John Chr ysostom
• Basil
• Athanasius
• Gregory Nazianzen
3. 4 Western fathers:
• Ambrose
• Augustine
• Jerome
• Gregory the Great
mary Chapel
Scenes of mary
• Presentation by Anne and Joachim and Mary, Health of Sick
• Annunciation and Mary, Mother of Mercy: her mercy to all who turn to her
• Visitation and Mary, Help of Christians (Lepanto)
• Assumption and Mary, Refuge of Sinners
A&e Committee Background research for Design ideas
All Souls Chapel (our Catafalque area)
Symbols of Christian death
• 2 Medallions at opposite ends focus on suffering, sorrow, and death that were a part of the life of Christ Himself and His Blessed mother Christ, the man of Sorrows our lady of Sorrows
• Burial of XT and apparition to Mary Magdalene in garden
• 2 fold nature of death: death and hope for life and happiness beyond the grave.
- Winged hour glass: fleeting nature of time and all things mortal
- mosaic stars: symbol of hope
- Crossed palms ( immortality and victory over death) surmounted by burning torch (light of faith that enables the Christian to see beyond death) next to stars
- in center between stars and cross and palm symbols is another set of crossed palms surmounted by a cross (death of Christ and victory of His resurrection, a promise of like triumph for every Christian who dies in the lord.)
- Crossed palms and a crown beneath a dove with an olive branch in its mouth and the whole arched by a rainbow: god has made a covenant with man (rainbow) so that eternal peace (olive branch and dove) and triumph over suffering and death (crossed palms) and the reward of eternal life in heaven (crown) will be assured to those who die in the lord. may they rest in peace. (requiescant in pace)
- lighthouse and ship: hope
- tree: life
- Snail: eternal life
- Dolphin: Christ
- xP: Chi-rho
- Alpha and omega: Christ as the beginning and end of all Christian life
- Cross
- lighted candle in candlestick: light of faith which enkindles a hope for life eternal. may perpetual light shine upon them (lux perpetua luceat eis).
- Anchor and dolphin with Alpha and omega to each side: anchor (hope), cross (xt’s redemptive death), dolphin (symbol of xt), Alpha & omega (beginning & end). requiem aeternam dona eis Domine (give them eternal life, o lord).
- Chalice surmounted by host: eucharist and mass (means available to every Christian to participate in salvific death and resurrection of Christ). Signum futurae gloriae (Sign of eternal glory).
- risen Christ: most glorious sign of eternal life carrying banner of victory over death. 2 eagles or phoenix with inscription: Jesus Christ, Son of god, our Savior. i am resurrection and the life (ego sum resurrection et vita).
- Crux fidelis – lux perennial (faithful cross – light eternal)
We have assembled the package of sketches and descriptions that we developed on site or discussed in conversations and finished in Pittsburgh.
our thanks for ed’s cooperation in working with us to supply preliminary measurements as much as possible. The package includes the following:
Plan of the space
Dwg # item type location Theme
g-1 Art glass West transept Sanctification (Blessed Mother side)
Art glass West transept Windows - Sanctification
The center portion at the top are swirling flames … This is to represent god the father (the light of god) This is supposed to tie in with the top of the other transept glass on the east side.
from it are flowing the waters of life, they spiral out to the sides. in these waters are the saints, martyrs they are processing from the early days to the present.
We are showing them from the earliest martyrs and saints on the top to the newer saints of today. John Paul ii and mother Theresa as well as just lay people (adults and children) mixed in with them will be toward the bottom. The saints & martyrs should be holding symbols so that they can be identified.
Dwg # item type location Theme
Art glass West transept Windows - Sanctification – Cont’d.:
The flames come from the center of the top thru the water and surround the Pentecost scene. flames should be red gold as in dome. Around the image of god the father there are the 7 gifts represented as doves in circles.
The left and right arches at the top are to show the same shape of the dome and the dark waters of the firmament.
g-2 Art glass east transept Creation (St. Joseph side)
Art glass east transept Windows - Creation
outside the arch going across the 3 upper windows are the dark waters of the firmament. inside the arch across the upper 3 is the creation of the heavens.
The lower windows represent the creation of the earth (Adam & eve) in the center, the tree of life in the center … on the right is the water, and the creatures that would be found in water … on the left are the plants and animals & birds found on earth.
G-3 Art Glass Balcony (South) Design “A”
resurrected Christ w/Symbols
Art glass South Balcony rose Window – resurrected Christ w/Symbols
The resurrected Christ in the center holding the world flanked with the symbols of Alpha and omega
Design “B”
Resurrection Christ w/Angels
Design “C”
Choirs of Angels
Dwg # item type location Theme
G-4 Art Glass Gathering Space Design “A”
Saints of the Americas
Design “B”
Possible Saints with Scenes
Design “C”
Vignettes of St. John Neumann’s Life
St. John Neumann Church
mo-1 mosaic Dome
top Center: trinity Symbol
Surrounded by: 12 Seraphims & flames
Then 4 scene quadrants melchisidech, Abraham & isaac, Nativity & Wedding at Cana
Between the 4 quadrants: 4 Symbols of the evangelists
Surrounded by: 12 Apostles & the 12 tribes of israel (in groups of 3) alternating with flowing water of life behind them
Surrounded by: “Our Father who art in Heaven + Hallowed be Thy name + Thy Kingdom come + Thy will be done – on earth as it is In Heaven”
r-1 mosaic Pendentives Soul of the earth
Three dimensional angels holding translucent spheres or orbs (longitude and latitude) representing the soul of the earth
S-1 Sculpture Blessd mother Chapel Queen of Heaven & earth figure executed in Statuary White Carrara marble standing on a globe of the world showing the united States with a separate gold jeweled crown. Sculpture will be mounted away from the wall as if she were “floating”
Mosaic Blessed Mother Chapel Back wall
executed in smalti mosaics. Background will be a rich blue having 12 large gold stars and numerous small gold stars randomly spaced. The Blessed mother will be surrounded by a gold aura of the miraculous metal going from lighter gold from behind her to a rich gold. Side openings to shrine to have floor to ceiling laminated glass panels with sandblasted clouds carved stars golf leafed
Dwg # item type location Theme
S-2 Sculpture St. Joseph & Child Shrine Joseph as father
figure executed in Statuary White Carrara marble holding the child Jesus. Joseph & the child Jesus will both be gazing down at us. Joseph is to represent the loving father, protector of his family. Sculpture will be mounted away from the wall as if he were “floating” Mosaic St. Joseph & Child Back wall executed in smalti mosaics. Background will be red-brown. St. Joseph will be surrounded by an aura of gold with a red gold band. white lilies with gold emanating from behind him going from rich gold to lighter gold then moving into red-brown background light then going to richer tones of red-brown.
A&e Criteria for formulating Preliminary Designs images and Descriptions of Preliminary Designs
S-3 Sculpture Gathering Space St. John Neumann
St. John Neumann as priest sculpture executed in various shades of marble. figure will be holding a real monstrance. He was the first to establish 40 hours of devotion.
St. John Neumann - Statue Pedestal
Pedestal will be executed in stone with the words
O Sacrament Most Holy + O Sacrament Divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving + Be every moment Thine!
S-4 Sculpture exterior (Sacristy) 3 Arch Angels
3 Arch Angels holding a cross … michael, raphael , gabriel. executed in Statuary White Carrara marble.
S-5 Sculpture Sanctuar y – Crucifix looking up saying last words
Corpus will be executed as a wood carving finished in light see-through glazes to see the warmth of the wood.
Dwg # item type location Theme
S-6 Sculptures Through-out church Community of Saints
The columns of the church will be in a cruciform shape and saints will be mounted into each of the 4 corners of the columns separated by a cap/base. The figures will be 3’ figures and will be stacked up 3 high giving a total per column of 12. Dwgs dated 5-8-08 there will be 12 full columns and 6 half columns.
S-7 Stations North transept Walls
fm-1A Altar table Sanctuar y 1-2nd century simple, powerful strength
Simple design showing power, strength and permanence. The building itself is a very powerful design. This design brings the attention to the altar for the celebration of the liturgy. Columns very substantial at 12” width, with a ver y substantial 10” thick mensa fabricated in Bottocino Classico marble. Columns are of the composite order created by the romans which is a combination of the ionic and Corinthian orders and speculated that the style dates as early as the first century A.D. We have used a forged iron grillwork between the columns that is a similar style to the grillwork used at Peter tomb in rome showing a knot at each of the intersections of the grill. reliquary will be of bronze and clearly visible. Since the image of water is used consistently through the glass and mosaic designs, we incorporated it into the mensa of the altar and will be the common “thread“ that ties all of the liturgical furnishings together.
St. John Neumann Church
trinity Dome
With Archangels michael, gabriel, raphael. uriel. See p. 40 for a detailed description of the symbol of the trinity
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Christ in Blessed Sacrament: 2 adoring angels and 8 cherubs: Behold the bread of angels
outstanding preachers of the Word of god
1. Symbols for 4 evangelists
• John: eagle
• Matthew: human head
• Mark: lion
• Luke: ox
2. 4 eastern fathers:
• John Chr ysostom
• Basil
• Athanasius
• Gregory Nazianzen
3. 4 Western fathers:
• Ambrose
• Augustine
• Jerome
• Gregory the Great
mary Chapel
Scenes of mary
• Presentation by Anne and Joachim and Mary, Health of Sick
• Annunciation and Mary, Mother of Mercy: her mercy to all who turn to her
• Visitation and Mary, Help of Christians (Lepanto)
• Assumption and Mary, Refuge of Sinners
A&e Criteria for formulating Preliminary Designs images and Descriptions of Preliminary Designs
All Souls Chapel (our Catafalque area)
Symbols of Christian death
• 2 Medallions at opposite ends focus on suffering, sorrow, and death that were a part of the life of Christ
Himself and His Blessed mother Christ, the man of Sorrows our lady of Sorrows
• Burial of XT and apparition to Mary Magdalene in garden
• 2 fold nature of death: death and hope for life and happiness beyond the grave.
- Winged hour glass: fleeting nature of time and all things mortal
- mosaic stars: symbol of hope
- Crossed palms ( immortality and victory over death) surmounted by burning torch (light of faith that enables the Christian to see beyond death) next to stars
- in center between stars and cross and palm symbols is another set of crossed palms surmounted by a cross (death of Christ and victory of His resurrection, a promise of like triumph for every Christian who dies in the lord.)
- Crossed palms and a crown beneath a dove with an olive branch in its mouth and the whole arched by a rainbow: god has made a covenant with man (rainbow) so that eternal peace (olive branch and dove) and triumph over suffering and death (crossed palms) and the reward of eternal life in heaven (crown) will be assured to those who die in the lord. may they rest in peace. (requiescant in pace)
- lighthouse and ship: hope
- tree: life
- Snail: eternal life
- Dolphin: Christ
- xP: Chi-rho
- Alpha and omega: Christ as the beginning and end of all Christian life
- Cross - lighted candle in candlestick: light of faith which enkindles a hope for life eternal. may perpetual light shine upon them (lux perpetua luceat eis).
- Anchor and dolphin with Alpha and omega to each side: anchor (hope), cross (xt’s redemptive death), dolphin (symbol of xt), Alpha & omega (beginning & end). requiem aeternam dona eis Domine (give them eternal life, o lord).
- Chalice surmounted by host: eucharist and mass (means available to every Christian to participate in salvific death and resurrection of Christ). Signum futurae gloriae (Sign of eternal glory).
- risen Christ: most glorious sign of eternal life carrying banner of victory over death. 2 eagles or phoenix with inscription: Jesus Christ, Son of god, our Savior. i am resurrection and the life (ego sum resurrection et vita).
- Crux fidelis – lux perennial (faithful cross – light eternal)
St. John Neumann Church
fm-1B Altar table Same basic design as above only incorporating a difference grillwork pattern that ties the arches of the building into the design.
fm-2 tabernacle eucharistic Chapel 1-2nd century
Throne follows the same basic design of altar table so that the furnishings are in harmony with one another.
P-1 Panels entrance Doors mysteries of the rosary
Dwg # item type location Theme
t-1 tympanum Above exterior enthroned Christ & entrance Blessed Mother
Pt-1 Painting Chapel Back Wall Divine mercy
marble furniture:
1. Ambo
2. Baptismal font
3. Credence table
4. Holy Water fonts
5. Catafalque - memorial niche/book/etc.
6. Catafalque - flower Shelves
Wood furniture:
1. Church – Presider’s Chair
2. Church – Deacon’s Chair
3. Church – lectern
4. Church – Cantor Stand
5. Church – Wedding Kneeler
6. Church – enthronement of the Word
7. Church – table for the gifts
8. Church – Ambr y
9. Baptister y – Shelf & Cabinet
10. reconciliation Chapel Screen
11. Chapel – Altar table
A DD itio NA l Dr AW i N g S S ti ll N ee D e D:
1. tympanum - 2nd entrance design
2. exterior – St. John Neumann sculpture
Art glass:
1. Dome oculus – 20’ diameter
2. Dome glass along the outer ring
3. Chapel – windows (nave)
4. Chapel – rose window
5. Cr y room – window
12. Chapel – Ambo
13. Chapel – Presider’s Chair
14. Chapel – Deacon’s Chair
15. Chapel – Credence table (built-in)
1. tabernacle
2. Sanctuar y lamp
3. Church – Altar Candles
4. Paschal Candle
5. Church – Processional Cross
6. Advent Wreath
7. Consecration Candles
8. Chapel – Altar Candles
9. Chapel – Processional Cross
10. Catafalque – Wall Candles
11. Catafalque – gate (radius) – forged iron
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-01
Saint John Neumann Catholic Church Diocese of Austin, Texas Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-02
Saint John Neumann Catholic Church Diocese of Austin, Texas Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-03
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-04
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-05
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-06
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-07
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-08
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-09
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-10
Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
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Suggested Modifications to Architectural Drawings
Date here MO-20
St. John Neumann Church
Design: Rohn & Associates Design Inc.,
Sketch is an interpretation by Mellini Mosaic and Glass
Design: Rohn & Associates Design Inc.,
Sketch is an interpretation by Mellini Mosaic and Glass
St. John Neumann Church
Design: Rohn & Associates Design Inc.,
Sketch is an interpretation by Mellini Mosaic and Glass
Design: Rohn & Associates Design Inc., Sketch is an interpretation by Mellini Mosaic and Glass
5. Sculptures
a. Crucifix
b. Saint John Neumann
c. our lady of the rosary
d. St. Joseph & Child
e. exterior - 3 Arch Angels
f. Column Sculptures
Sculptures: b. St. John Neumann St. John Neumann Church
Sculptures: b. St. John Neumann St. John Neumann
St. John Neumann Church
St. John Neumann Church
St. John Neumann Church
Sculptures: d. St. Joseph and Child
St. John Neumann Church
Sculptures: d. St. Joseph and Child
St. John Neumann Church
Sculptures: e. 3 Arch Angels
St. John Neumann Church
Sculptures: f. Column Sculptures
Sculptures: f. Column Sculptures
St. John Neumann Church
St. John Neumann
Austin, TX
Preliminary Liturgical Designs
Floor Plan
Narthex - St. John Neumann Statue and Art Glass
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Sanctuary - Crucifix and Back Wall
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Dome Artwork and Pendantives
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West Transept Window
Sanctification, Stations of the Cross
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East Transept Window
Creation, Stations of the Cross
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Marble Furniture
Altar, Ambo, Tabernacle Throne, Baptismal Font
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Side Shrines
Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Joseph
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Choir Loft - Pantocrator Window
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