June 2016

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JUNE 2016

Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated. AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE

NOTIFICATION This is a timely reminder to let everyone know: Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc Memberships are due. See pg 28 for info and application form

Letter to the Editor Just wanting to remind people that Macropods, Marsupials and some native birds are protected which means it is against the Law to kill these animals unless you have a specific license. A person has been seen in the Balgal Beach Road area on the edge of the scrub and then chasing a wallaby, and this person was carrying a bow and arrow. There have been numerous cases of this type of senseless killing going on south and north of here but never thought it would come to our bit of “paradise”. I cannot say if this was the intension but doubt if he was like the last guy I saw and was “shooting” trees?? We have a haven here for our native wildlife and do not need low life coming in here decimating it. Please if you see anything like this call the local police and the wildlife people. Thanks Gaye


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

Indoor Bowls Evenings At The Community Centre Wednesday evenings 7-9pm!!!! This is a NEW activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups (cost $2 pp per evening) Just turn up and see how much fun you can have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855

LOCAL PHONE BOOK CLOSING SOON If you haven't registered your information drop it into the Rollingstone Police Station !!! Just remember this is NOT just a phone book but a means to communicate with everybody in times of an emergency (such as a cyclone) Your information can be kept out of the phone book if required for privacy reasons, just make sure your data is UP TO DATE.



Rollingstone & District Lions Club Inc. We would like to thank everyone for their support of our Mother's Day Raffle. The Mother's Day Raffle drawn on 7th May Winners are listed below:

1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize

Ruth from Mystic Sands Mr Whiting from Townsville J Wilson from Bluewater

SATURDAY 25TH JUNE at the CAR BOOT SALE SPONSORED BY TOWNSVILLE RSPCA Microchipping and scanning services available and this will be at a greatly reduced cost ( $30) also scanning to see if your pet has been microchipped or to confirm contact details on the chip FREE

GOING AWAY ? Let the police know you will be away so they can keep lookout for you on their regular patrols in the area!!

Car boot sale Community Centre Carpark Sat 25th June 9 -12

For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service


NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Hello It was only after last month's notes were published that I realised I did not mention Mothers' Day. “I like it when my mother smiles. And I especially like it when I make her smile.” ― Adriana Trigiani, Viola in Reel Life. Being a mother does not necessarily come from biology - there are so many wonderful women in the world, whose nature it is to care. To all those Mums and those who care just the same as Mums, you are all wonderful. The cancellation of the Official Opening and Art Competition and Exhibition, it is with greatest apologies to those getting ready to exhibit your art/craft, we saw the need to cancel this event. Please be secure in the knowledge that this event will happen in the very near future. Car Boot Sale 25 June - 9am til Noon at the Community Centre - There is a need to book your space but there are no site fees etc. This is a special Car Boot Sale with the RSPCA sponsoring the day offering $30 microchipping and free microchip scanning. Come along, have your pet's microchip scanned to check the details or secure your pet's safety by having a microchip implanted - while checking out the bargains from the car boot sellers. RaDCA Memberships - are due at the end of this month. See the membership form in this issue; join as a member if you have not already. This is your opportunity to have a say in how the Community Centre is run and the types of activities presented. Committee nominations will be called in July's issue and the AGM with committee elections, will happen early September. 7.30pm 23 June – Ergon Public meeting - Mark Biffanti from Ergon, is coming to the Community Centre for a public meeting to discuss the current issues being experienced by the local community regarding power delivery and billing. This is a perfect opportunity to hear from the experts and to have your say. Wednesday Evening Indoor Bowls - 7-9pm $2.00 per person. A trial was run to see if Evening Indoor Bowls was going to be taken up by the community. The first session on Wednesday 25 June saw 7 people having a game. This was a great number particularly when the word was only passed around that morning. It has been discussed that some meetings such the above Ergon Public meeting will cross paths with Evening Bowls - with prior notice there should be no concerns. Friday Weight Circuit Exercise class is held at 8am at the Community Centre. This class costs $10 and designed for all ages and fitness levels. Rollingstone Coast care – This dedicated group has a goal of clearing all the pest plants from the Esplanade foreshore. They are looking at doing a 2 hours stint on the second and fourth Saturday mornings of each month. It will be great to see the esplanade in near to pristine condition. Please, if you can help by giving a couple of hours a month this time will be really appreciated. Are you interested in learning more about Ancestry.com? We are trying to organise a bus trip into Townsville to partake in an Ancestry.com workshop to be held at the Library, please call Chris 47707855 to express your interest. Interested in any of these notifications and want to learn more please call Chris on 47707855. Take Care Chris


on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5

Rob Thomson has had a tough run lately with his back – hospitalisation, etc. We hope to hear more positive reports regarding his recovery as the days go by. John Finn is also unwell and our thoughts and best wishes go out to him and his family. Marion Pettifor, Ken Jeffree and Ken Padgett have also come to our attention as being unwell. We collectively send our best wishes for a quick recovery.  For no given reason other than we thought it would be a good idea/investment, the Association has purchased a Badminton Set which can be set up inside or outside for the enjoyment and increased activity of all. Just speak with Chris or call her on 855 if you’d like to access this equipment.  We’ve also ordered in a set of Soccer Goal Posts; and we’re having work done to the Cricket Pitch to make it serviceable. Don’t forget that there’s a Half Basketball court for use behind the RTC at the Community Centre; and we have cricket equipment, basketballs and soccer balls available – again, just ask Chris. So along with the Indoor Bowls set-up, we’re well organised for a range of sporting entertainment, if anyone so desires.  New window coverings are going into the big Hall to replace the curtains which have done a sterling job now for about 10 years.  The Centre is very busy with all areas being well-patronised. We’re pretty much open 7 days a week now! And the number of people seeking services from the RTC never ceases to amaze us.  Don’t forget the Public Meeting with Ergon next month (Thursday, June 23rd). Time to get all the dirty water off one’s liver – respectfully, of course.  We’re also looking at doing a presentation with regard to Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Support in the not too distant future. Butter Cream: Beat 125g Soft Butter until very pale. Gradually add 2 cups Sifted Pure Icing Sugar, beating well after each addition until combined. When people don’t know what’s really happening in your world, they SPECULATE/PERCEIVE.......... When they think they know, they FABRICATE......... And when they do know, they just HATE..............

THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm Books for sale from as little as 50c

7th & 21st JUNE

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information


MAY RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 26th May 2016 Rainfall for May : 23.2 mls Year to date: 902.7 mls Wet Days: 7 Days Max Temp: 30° (20/5/16) Min Temp: 14° (13/5/16) To access all the data from our local weather station go to: www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard? ID=IQUEENSL849


BLUEWATER 5741sqm.................$139,500 Town water, beach suburb, primary school

BLUEWATER 8616sqm.................$169K Town water, beach suburb, primary school

BLUEWATER 94.2 Acres ..............$645K Development potential

Bluewater: 6 new acerage house sites soon 

TOOLAKEA 159.5 Acres ............. $1.2Mil Development potential

MUTARNEE 471.5 Acres ...............$330K Highway frontage, grazing potential, sugar farming

MUTARNEE 830.3 Acres ...............$530K Highway frontage, grazing potential, sugar farming

Call Tom 0499 888 676 tomasdwc@gmail.com www.toolakeaacreage.com.au DWC - David Wadley Commercial P7

ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) 

RollyRag’ Disclaimer

The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.


BALGAL BEACH MARKET 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot, Bric a Brac etc


0457 815 453

Presented by

For online information on what's on look up



0429 523 012

P 10

OK… hands up if you’ve seen us at the intersection of Balgal Beach Road and Mystic Ave, doing RBT. Now, what about the people who actually got to blow into the machine? And finally, what about those few who actually had a reading? OK, hands down. This time, hands up if you’ve been pulled over on the highway (or anywhere for that matter) for speeding or talking on the phone. Take the hint kids… the flavour of the month for police for the entire Townsville District is TRAFFIC! The small RBT sites on our back streets will continue – the larger RBT sites on the highway will be with us, Deeragun, Ingham, Tac Crime, Traffic Branch and the wonderful people from Qld Transport – the focus for the regular patrols will be on drink/drug driving, speed, seat belts, fatigue and distraction/inattention. They’re referred to as the “Fatal Five”, and for good reason – these offences are responsible for taking more lives on Queensland roads and any others. So in the words of the late, great Don Juan – you might not be the first, but if you’re not careful… you might be next. *** Let me clear up a few quick things about the business at Bushy Parker Park a week or two ago – two people lost their own lives – we believe it was drug related – we can’t tell if it was accidental or deliberate except that there were no suspicious circumstances and no third party involved – they weren’t locals to this area – and if I could blow up social media… I would. I understand that you think you have a “right to know” and that some people want to be the first to have the information and be able to spread it around before anyone else – but it doesn’t make the situation any easier for those who have to deal with it first-hand. And I’m not just talking about the investigators or the ambos – that information filters back to family members just as quickly – people who might have known those involved – people who don’t deserve to hear about the passing of loved ones on a Facebook site or a media outlet. I know it can’t be controlled, much less stopped – but it would be worth using some discretion and forethought before being the bearer of tragic news… don’t you think? *** And while I’m on the trail of tragic news, it is with deep regret that I must inform you people who have a thing for red heads, ginger beards and policemen in shorts, that Senior Constable Shaun “the sheep” Sutton is ‘off the market’. By the time this edition is in your hot little hands, the ‘big red rig’ will be a happily married man. Don’t tell anyone… but he and Jen are sneaking away to the north to elope. We managed to scrape together his last 10 minutes’ worth of Rec Leave (he’s done more travelling than Marco Polo lately) so once he’s back on deck, he’ll be working till next Easter before I give him another break. *** EFTPOS is coming! Yes folks, our little office is finally entering the 21 st century – kicking and screaming – with the introduction of an EFTPOS machine at our front counter. But don’t get too excited… you can still only pay for the same things that you used to pay for – still can’t pay for speeding fines and things like that – regos, CTP, weapons licenses are all good – BUT… no cash out! We’re not sure exactly WHEN this new piece of modern magic will arrive at the counter, but hey… *** That’s it for this month – short and sweet. Keep watching for the grey nomads, they’re not done with us yet. Don’t forget the 100 Year celebration of the Rolly State School in August – give us a call if you want to be involved. Let us know if you’re planning to go on holidays so we can keep an eye on your place while you’re away. If you haven’t given us your details for the local Phone Book – GET ONTO IT SOON. We’ll have to close it off shortly so it can be printed and distributed. And just in case you’re wondering… I don’t really know if Don Juan actually said that to anyone… but I bet he thought it a lot. Stay safe Goughy

P 11


47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website www.bluewatermedical.com or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation

This month's puzzle: Cover That Hole A manhole is a hole which allows someone to gain access to the sewers or other pipes which are below ground. Our local town recently decided that all the town's manhole covers should be changed from square to round ones, but this time they absolutely right. Why? Answer to last month's puzzle: The Sign Post The man knew the name of the town he had left that morning. So he replaced the sign so that it correctly named the direction he had come from. It would then be correct for all the other directions. P 12

Welcome to June everyone, where has the last 6 months gone !! Congratulations to the winners of the Mothers Day Raffle 1st Prize: Michele & Laurie - Rollingstone Resort Accom Voucher. 2nd Prize: Betty Coleman - Outdoor Mat. 3rd Prize: Michele & Laurie - United Chemist North Shore Gift Basket. We hope you all enjoy your prizes. Thank You to all those who supported the raffle and also Carolyn, Terry & Bev for your kind donations. So, our first Bus Trip was a success. We had a group of ten people and we headed off to the Bushland Beach Tavern Seafood & Wine Festival for 3.1/2 hours. We enjoyed the markets, seafood & music. We look forward to seeing more people take advantage of the ‘free bus’ trips that will be organised in the future. The bus holds 10 people including the driver. If you would like to share ideas or suggest some places to visit, please email schwarzee1959@gmail.com or you can ring me 47707813. Our next trip will be advertised on our FaceBook page, by email and also written up on the Community Notice Board. Okay here we go again ……. the SPEED LIMIT in and around Toomulla is 50kms per hour. For those few people who think that they can drive along Herald Street at 80 kms - 100kms …….. PLEASE SLOW DOWN. Honestly, have you ever thought of the disastrous consequences of speeding. Remember, you can help make our streets safe for everyone by slowing down. The Toomulla Beach Community FaceBook Page is performing extremely well. Please feel free to advertise your local business, list any items for sale, giveaways, or just share any news/photos on this page. It has been working wonders when it comes to lost animals. A couple of weeks ago there was two dogs returned to their owners in Toomulla through our Facebook page. Items have been successfully sold and given away also by advertising on the page. If you need help to set Facebook up or maybe you would just like to know a little about it, please do not hesitate to call me. I am happy to help. For all the Footy fans - First game for the State of Origin - Wednesday 1st June. Second Game - Wednesday June 22nd & the final game is Wednesday 13th July. Go QLD !!!! Happy Birthday to those celebrating in the month of June, and I know there are a few of us! Eddie White, Noel Gallagher, Sherree, just to name a couple or three!

NEXT VISIT TO ROLLINGSTONE 18TH JUNE If you would like to discuss an alternative day please call 47755754 or 0427298698


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News It has been yet another very busy month behind the scenes within your club, all done by a faceless few hopefully to keep our members happy and the Club ticking along. ANZAC Day was huge and it was very pleasing to see a good roll up of Club members at both ceremonies. President Di laid wreaths on your behalf accompanied by two of our junior members, Morgan McMahon and Alley Ruston who carried themselves with pride and dignity, two true young Club ambassadors. As I sat watching the wreath layers, most of them with proud chests dripping with medals awarded to them for their participation in various campaigns and theatres of war, I felt saddened about the so many lives ruined due to conflict but then the wee school children from our local schools stepped forward, hesitantly, two by two with an older (but not much older) child as their chaperone each couple clutching a small home made paper wreath. I then thought trying to hold back a tear brimming in my eyes, this is what it is all about, these children, our future; this is why we served, fought and some were maimed or died for, our future is assured. Congratulations and well done to all the students, teachers and schools involved. Another very successful Club end of month BBQ was held on 29 April. President Di announced the result of the March Monthly Fishing Competition and again it was the Jones Family show with Perry, Melissa and Jack scooping the pool. Congratulations. Our thanks yet again go to Robert ala “Le Cooke”(he dislikes being called Chef) for his fine dining experience to which we all have become accustomed. Don’t forget that if you like your steak or fish cooked in a particular way, Robert is only too happy to oblige if you are prepared to wait until after the initial rush. The 9 visitors present on the night were very pleasantly surprised in the standard and presentation of our feast. Thanks also to Col and Gladys Pace for their popular contribution of rissoles which are becoming the talk of the BBQ set. No successful function is possible month after month without the assistance of the behind the scenes members so a special thanks to our ladies who help set up, prepare the delicious salads etc. The standard of the variety of salads presented recently has been exceptional and they alone are well worth attending a BBQ but, a word of advice, get in quick! However, we should also thank our members for coming along to make the BBQs the success they are each month. Thank you. Some of our members are still on the sick list, Ron Condren (Condo) and President Di are both recovering after recent surgery and we wish them a speedy and safe recovery. Also Gladys Pace is doing a stint in hospital, get well soon Gladys and hurry back to us, fit and rearing to go. I don’t like to be the messenger of bad news but I have to remind you all that your Membership Fees are now due. Renewal Application Forms are available at The Landing so please rejoin this great little family club. The benefits are well worth the annual membership fee. Also, a reminder that during July or August the Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held. Some committee positions no doubt will be up for grabs so start thinking about what you can do to keep your Club up to its current high standard. Right, hands up those Club Members who know that the Balgal Beach Markets is owned, administered and operated by your Club? Just as I thought, not too many of our approximate 150 members’ hands went up. Well they are but sadly we have recently lost the full time services of one of our hardest workers and main stays through illness. Dan Dale who was your Club’s Market Coordinator has had to resign in that full time capacity due to his ongoing back and neck problems. Dan and Mon have also had to cease with their food stall operation but they will still be there serving their coffee and drinks. Dan has been the driving force behind our markets to keep them going each fortnight and he will be sorely missed. On behalf of the Committee Dan and all our members we wish him a speedy recovery from his terrible affliction and we thank him and Mon for their efforts with the markets in the past. The good news is that Dan will still be a part of the market scene but with a much reduced workload. Rebecca Hutchinson has agreed to take over the stall site bookings and advertising, Dan will open and close the markets and direct stall holders to their allocated position while the rest of the duties (raffles, stall fee collection, checking stall holder insurance compliance, complaints and comments, food preparation and sales when required, sign boards etc) will be distributed among other willing Club and Committee Members. Any volunteers? If you cannot offer any assistance on a regular or ad hoc basis then please at least come and support the markets, it is a good social outing and you may see something you think you need. The market day on 21 May was run successfully under these new arrangements and we thank Dunga Davies for his excellent food stall and Babz for the loan of her music equipment which had people bopping all morning. We have a rising young sports star in our Club, Stephanie Pratt journeyed to Brisbane over Easter to compete in the QLD Junior State Lawn Bowls Championships and is now the very proud holder of the Silver Medal after winning in the singles playoff 23 – 13 and 22 - 0. Shortly after, Stephanie came home first in her age group in her school cross country race. GrandDad Richard and Dad Robert are jostling for position to claim credit for her sporting success but when you look at them both and then at her Grand-Mother Jeanette and Mother Kirsty, we believe we all know where the talent originated. Sorry fellas. By the time this Fine Family Magazine reaches your letterbox or your roof top, come on, give her credit, Christine’s aim is getting better, the Club’s Closed Family Weekend away to Lucinda will be over. I hope we all had a great time. I shall report to you the goings-on, mayhem and mischief in the next article. The theme this trip is Arabian Nights and I for one cannot wait to watch Dickie and Col Cattle perform their belly dance. Don’t forget that we are on Facebook, Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach Inc. Have a look and make a comment or show us your latest catches. 2016 Interclub Fishing Competition and Member for Hinchinbrook Challenge I have just received the dates for this year which are from Saturday 16 July to Friday 12 August with the presentation night on Saturday 20 August. Rules etc will be available very soon but in the meantime, mark your calendar. Until next month,

Ninger (Sometimes also known as Neil Thompson)

P 14





Dickie’s Fishing News G’day folks, did I imagine it or did the morning temperature drop a little this week to indicate that our beautiful North QLD winter is arriving. The cooler mornings will encourage all types of predators into our creeks and creek mouths with grunter, bream and whiting being the most prolific. The regular top spots of Taylors Beach, Cattle, Crystal, Ollera and Rollingstone Creeks have all been producing good catches of whiting and bream especially at the mouths of these systems where bait is obtained from the schools of herrings. The weather has not been good for boating out to sea however; there have been reports of coral trout and Spanish mackerel being landed around Rattlesnake and Acheron Island reefs and shoals up to 5 kg. Fingermark have been caught on live squid around Gun Barrel shoals mainly at night but watch out for the squid’s ink squirts when bringing them on board as the make a mess in your boat. Grunter has been landed on the inner shoals out from Mystic Sands and also at the Paluma shoal area. The Paluma shoals out from Saunders Beach can be very shallow at low tide so be careful. No reports of diving or fishing around Havanah, Esk or Brisk this month probably due to the weather so they should produce good catches once the winds drop. Hopefully the winter weather system of 15 to 20 knots when the highs go through down south, a 3 or 4 day break of good boating Weather will return with more cold mornings to kick start the doggie mackeral season. Well that is it for this month folks. Don’t forget to check your vessel and safety gear before going to sea; we have already had a near disaster early this month at the mouth of Rollingstone Creek. Put in your trip sheet or tell someone where you are planning to go and your expected return time. Note we monitor VHF channels 16 and 22 and also 27 MHz channels 88 and 90. You can leave your out of date flares at The Landing for safe disposal. Tight lines and as always, safe boating. Regards, Dickie.

A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months. .. When the smog lifts in Los Angeles U.C.L.A. .. The batteries were given out free of charge. .. A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail. .. A will is a dead giveaway. .. With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress. .. A boiled egg is hard to beat. .. When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall. .. Police were summoned to a daycare center where a three-year-old was resisting a rest. .. Did you hear about the fellow whose entire left side was cut off? He's all right now. .. A bicycle can't stand alone; it's just two tired. .. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. PP1515

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Lions being part of something great Lions International Motto – ‘We Serve’ Lions are part of a global service network, doing whatever is necessary to help our local communities and our world wide community June is here, it’s the halfway mark of the year for most people, but for Lions International is the last month of the year and July 1st is a whole new beginning with a new International President. Here at Rollingstone it’s the final month of my term as the local Club President as we welcome a new Board with Ian Dow as the Club President It’s a time to reflect back on what our club has achieved over the past 12 months and we can gain confidence knowing that we are one of the consistent performer clubs in our District and have maintained our status over the past 9 years. We have maintained a close working relationship with local community groups and helping out where we could to make Rollingstone & District such a wonderful place to live as well as making a contribution to the world wide work of Lions International. We can be proud of the work started by our foundation members and PDG John Muller who has continued to guide us as we approach our 10th year Celebrations that will coincide with the 100 year Celebrations of Lions International in 2017 I am pleased to have served as President of our Lions Club for the past 12 months and I know that our Lions Club will continue to service our community well with team Dowie. John Holliday Club President

ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB and JUNIOR LEO’S Leadership….………………………………………...…......Let’s Experience………………………………………………..…Enjoy Opportunity…………………………………………...……Ourselves Hello all, time for another Rolly Rag article from the Rollingstone Leos. Firstly I'll play some catch-up and talk about something I could've & should've talked about in last months edition of The Rag (I know, I know), and that's our involvement in ANZAC Day. We had a small contingent marching behind our Lions members during the march and we had Leos and Junior Leos lay wreaths at both services. Three of our Leos were also up early to help our Lions at the dawn service with the gunfire breakfast. Well done to all! Moving on now and hopefully by the time you're reading this our Junior Leos will have already had a before school breakfast at Rollingstone State School on the 27th of May. They will have served fruit, cereal and toast (among other things) to their fellow school pupils for a gold coin donation from which the funds go straight back to the school and it will have all happened without any problems whatsoever... Here's hoping. Until next time, as the great Bugs Bunny says... That's all folks. Jake Thompson, Secretary & V/President,



4770 7540 / 0427 074 816



4770 7356 / 0412 965 535

RELOCATING POSSUMS Over the past few months I have found out that a gentleman in Townsville has been trapping possums and dumping them will nilly in other suburbs. I have been fortunate to have had a young lady contact me when she found a possum up her tree and found out where it had come from. She now asks people to bring them to her and then she brings them out to me to assist in their safe release. I had a young male, then an older male and the last ones I got were Mum and baby. It seems they are all from the same family. You cant just release possums anywhere, they are a protected species and it is illegal to do what this chap was doing. Possums have to be released in a well vegetated area, they need gum trees and hollow logs to live and hide in. They are tree dwellers in the wild. They need food such as wild passionfruit, mango leaves, eucalyptus blossoms, Lilly Pilly, Bottle Brush and heaps more bush tucker. Not releasing possums in these areas lead to dehydration, starvation, stress, sickness and eventually a slow painful death. Possums who have been relocated in the suburbs have a very slim chance of survival. They also have the threat of cats and dogs. If you find a possum, don’t try to trap and relocate. Ring the Wildlife Carers. If you hear of anyone doing this, please ring the Wildlife Carers. P 16

P 17

ROLLINGSTONE SENIORS MORNING TEA What a morning at the Rollingstone Seniors Morning Tea on 14 May 2016! There must have been at least 100 seniors at the Rollingstone Community Centre for morning tea this morning, with visitors from as far south as Bushland Beach and as far north as Forrest Beach. This year, the committee presented a number of "debutantes" as part of their mornings’ entertainment. I was pleased to receive them as they were introduced. What an interesting group of "young ladies" they were. I'm sure their families are proud of them. The Rollingstone Seniors are a great group of active people in the local community. I'm very proud to be their local MP and I appreciate these and other opportunities I get to talk to seniors in the Hinchinbrook electorate. TOWNSVILLE NORTHERN BEACHES COMMUNITY GROUPS SECURE GCBF FUNDING Two not-for-profit organisations on Townsville’s Northern Beaches had successful applications in the latest round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. The successful organisations were: Paluma Rural Fire Brigade - $18,181.82 – to extend their facility C&K Bluewater Community Kindergarten - $7,507.11 to install ceiling fans and storage Many groups rely on these quarterly programs to provide much needed funds enabling them to upgrade and improve their facilities and to continue their service within the community. I congratulate the committed members of these community organisations who took the time and effort to complete the often time-consuming applications for these grants. QUESTIONS ABOUT YABULU WATER RULES I have moved to test the restrictions on landowners accessing water resources on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. I have asked the State Development, Natural Resources and Mines Minister, Anthony Lynham, a Question on Notice about the provisions in the Queensland Nickel Agreement Act which restrict public access to water resources on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. If we can’t have jobs at the refinery, as the local MP, I’ve got to investigate alternative economic development and job creation opportunities on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. Whether it is new residential development, agriculture, or other industrial projects, the current restrictions means alternative economic opportunities will be limited. That situation can’t go on forever.

P 18

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All, Our celebration of Mothers Day went really well, with musical entertainment by Judyana and Greg, they have great singing voices. Thank you just so much guys for your contribution to our celebrations. You both helped to make our night. Another excellent job by our cooks and special food dish makers. Congratulations on a wonderful spread. IT WAS TOPS. We had several fun competitions during the night conducted by Judyana. The Lound’s Fresh Seafood raffle was won by Cheryl Pearson. Loundsie has the best and freshest seafood in Townsville. Please support them whenever you can. We will be heading to Cattle Creek on Wednesday 1 st of June aboard ROSIE for a day of fishing and crabbing. WEATHER PERMITTING OF COURSE. Contact Joan 47707006. REMINDER. Our next BBQ at the Community Hall is on Sunday the 12th of June (Please note the change of date) and will be an Australian dress theme so get in the swing and dress accordingly, it will be another great fun night. Visitors are always welcome. Cost of meals is $10 with children under 12 years free. Members are always free. Our annual club membership fee has been increased from $20 to $25 effective from the new financial year. Our annual trip to Lucinda is on the 8 th and 9th of July returning on the 10th. This is a beaut weekend away. For more information contact Ken 47707276. Make sure you have booked your accommodation and seat aboard ROSIE. The clubs trip to The Cultural Fest is on Saturday 20 th August. Please check with Joan for more information 47707006 . We will be taking the Community Bus for this trip. Until next month stay safe. Kindest regards from your Committee.

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Hi everyone, We are very busily getting ready for our 100 year birthday celebration. Our committee is meeting fortnightly while we get everything organised for the community party. If you would like to host a stall, please call the school on 47707313 as soon as possible. We will be constructing a tiled wall mural as part of the 100 year celebration. Current staff and students will be creating their own tile for inclusion on the wall. If you, or your family, wish to create a tile for the mural, it will only cost $10. We provide you with the template (10cmx10cm), you design the tile (it can have words or drawings), we send it away and it comes back to us as printed wooden tiles. Do you know, that 100 years ago, the school land was donated by the local publican, Isabella Fitzpatrick, who later became the first woman to serve on a Local Council? The school was announced as Rollingstone State School on the 29th February, 1916, at a total cost of ÂŁ325. In its first year the school enrolled 28 students. We now have 82 wonderful students and continue to grow. In the last 3 years, our school has increased its enrolment by 35%, and we continue to get bigger.

P 19 P 19

R.S.L. NEWS It’s Sunday 15th May 2016 and so I am very early

with the Rolly Rag article due to my having a cataract operation tomorrow. Have you had one? It seems that eye cataract surgery is going around our area at the moment and we should count our blessings. A few of our RSL members have had the operation, including J O’K and Macca and both have been really pleased with the results. Treasurer Jan has her turn coming, along with Annie from next door, and there are probably others I have not heard about. Pam S, has recovered well from her operation and is back walking again, so it doesn’t take too long to get back on your feet. If untreated it leads to blindness and we are lucky to live in Australia where we have excellent doctors to assist us. We had a wonderful ANZAC Day, as reported in the May article, and now set our sights on Vietnam Veterans’ Day. This year is a significant one as it is the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. The 18th of August was chosen as Vietnam Veterans’ Day to remember the significance of that battle, but of course there were many other battles associated with that terrible war. A war in which we possibly shouldn’t have been involved, but that is how the politicians saw the situation. Many of our veterans were physically and mentally scarred, but those who have survived, endeavour to ensure their mates are remembered on the 18th. Perhaps you could make an effort to attend this year. More on that closer to August. The club is continuing to enjoy good patronage on Friday nights and we thank those people who continue to support the RSL by purchasing raffle tickets and Goose Club numbers. We have made it to $340 for our jackpot, as of May 20th, and hopefully it will continue to grow. Rhett and Emma are both working hard to keep the club going and we need to thank a number of volunteers for pitching in and assisting the groundsman. Bob M, Macca, Bob L, Hutt, Cocky, Ashley, Paul C , Bob B, Allan J, Wayne B, and my apologies if I have missed anyone. They have assisted with mowing, chopping, removing dead trees and general tidying up. Then of course there are the ladies, such as Di S, Maree K, Pam Mc, Cheryl L, Jackie B, Maureen C, and again my apologies for missing any ladies. They too, have weeded, cleared and planted to add to the overall look of the place. We also have those assisting with the bowling green. Phil S, Michael B, Mal D, Max S and probably others I do not know, have watered, mowed, rolled and tidied that area. Overall, we need to say a Big Thank You to Paul H and Chris F (Meaty) for all of the assistance given to Brett, Greg and Dave. Why mention all of these people when this is an RSL column. Well it does help to fill the space I am given!! However, it also reminds us that amongst all of those helpers we have a number of RSL members and supporters, who are working with fellow golfers and bowlers with the same outcome in mind. We love living in Balgal, Mystic Sands and want to promote the facilities here. Congratulations to all of those people and I hope to help when I get over my operation. Update on 20th May. I am allowed to read, watch TV and I guess use the computer, but not for long periods. So I have a couple of items to add to this month’s article. Firstly, we have a few members who are not travelling too well. I believe Bob S is recovering as we see his hand waving when we pass and his spirits must have been uplifted by the Dragons return to form (except for last night against the Rabbits). Hope you are feeling better Bob.


Rob T has been in hospital and has to have an operation on his back in the near future. Poor Rob was in so much pain he had to lie on the floor with his feet on the wall for relief. Hopefully the operation will help Rob. Kevin Fleming, one of the first members to join the Rollingstone RSL and one of the first committee members, is also having to go to hospital for a heart operation. So we wish all of our member’s good health in the near future so they can enjoy the wonderful winter we usually have in North Queensland. The other item relates to “The Spirit of the ANZACs”, a travelling show that is being taken around Australia as a part of the centenary of the First World War. I have booked 20 places for the mid- morning session on Wednesday 7th or Thursday 8th of September for a group of our members to attend. I will get back to members closer to the time but we are looking at taking a bus to town, seeing the exhibition and possibly having lunch at the RSL or another location. More information closer to the time. However, you will need to wear a school uniform as they replied that they had received a school booking. I did state that I was enquiring for the Rollingstone RSL and there may be elderly patrons, but we’ll deal with that when I hear back from them. Please keep it in mind and let me know if you are interested in attending. See you at the club on Friday nights! Take care all. P 20 Cheers, Rhonda.



Call Eamon

PH: 0478 749 444 JOBS UP TO $3,300


We had a fantastic month thanks to some amazing donations. The response to furniture donations was amazing and we look forward to many more donations of good quality furniture and other household items. This is a good time to clean out your cupboards and send them off to us!!!! We sold tables, chairs, cupboards, lounges with these “ big ticket� items really increasing our profits quickly. Apologies for Saturday 21st May as ( there was a wedding at the Hall!) Please note we will now only be opening on the first Saturday of each month ( for the time being).

Please let us know if you would like us to open on other Saturdays by calling Chris at the Centre on 4770 7855 and leave a message if she is not there.

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 22

Paluma In the Clouds Les Hyland

Rollingstone Biggest Morning Tea - 13 May 16 You folk “down below” certainly take top place in staging events. The morning tea was outstanding, not only in its fundraising but also in the catering and especially in its entertainment. The debutante parade was nothing short of fantastic but for us from Paluma the sight of Andy Bishop in his female guise was an apparition too hilarious to behold without bursting ones sides with laughter. Congratulations on a magnificent morning.

History Project The History Project is open for two hours every Tuesday and visitor numbers are slowly increasing as they do at this time of year with the advent of southern visitors. It has also become a drop-in venue for a section of the community which is a most welcome development. Mind you, Lynn’s weekly carrot [or date] cake might be part of the magnetism. Visitors from Rollingstone or further afield are most welcome and the 11.00 hrs opening does not require an early start. On Tuesdays neither of the eateries are open but tea, coffee and cake are available in the hall or a picnic/barbeque can be brought to the Village Green where facilities are provided.

Solstice Dance - 25 June 16 Advance notice as next issue will be too late! This annual event will take place on Saturday June 25 in the Paluma Community Hall starting at 19.30 hrs. It is invariably one of the best attended functions of the Paluma year as “Wattle ’n Gum” do a tremendous job in providing an authentic “Bush Dance” over the many years it has been produced. More people are very welcome to join in and you don’t really have to know the dances to enjoy the night. The bar will, of course, be open at very attractive [Non-Townsville] prices. Keep a sober driver to get you back down the Range Road.

Meeting with Margie Ryder May 16 The PDCA executive had a meeting with Margie Ryder - our new Townsville City Councillor - after the history Project on this Tuesday. The meeting was most productive and she is now aware of the issues that are in need of attention in Paluma & District. In particular, the overgrowth on the road beyond the village and the outstanding road repairs were discussed and it is hoped that these will receive attention shortly.

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay There is a new permanent sculptured snake in the grounds of the Gumburu Environmental Education Centre in Paluma named The Rainbow Serpent. It is a most attractive sculpture so, when you next visit Paluma you should make an appointment to see it. In a Service by the Catholic Church on Monday 9th May to celebrate this sculpture and its sculptor, Sue Tilley of Townsville, members of the Church, local Nywaigi Aboriginal elders and local residents and school staff attended and photographed the sculpture. I would like to suggest a scientific name for this sculpture – Pythonicus tilleyensis palumas catholicas. Two kilometres West of Paluma village there is a series of 4/5 acre farm blocks which attract many birds and mammals seldom found in the rainforest around the Paluma village. One block owner, Don Battersby, has noted Peewees, Willy Wagtails, Sugar Gliders, Striped Possums and another Possum yet to be identified. Recently, the first Cassowary to be seen this year, was recorded on the Paluma Dam Road. If you do see a Cassowary up here in the Paluma area, there is a notebook in a plastic cover attached to the rail of the shelter shed by the Community Hall where sightings can be recorded. It is nice to see that White Cockatoos are still in good sized flocks around Balgal.


4770 7698 0437 555 469

.. The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine is now fully recovered. .. He had a photographic memory which was never developed. .. When she saw her first strands of grey hair she thought she'd dye .. Acupuncture is a jab well done. That's the point of it. P 23

P 24

Rollingstone & District Seniors Well, what can one say! What a fabulous time was had by all who attended the Cancer Councils Biggest Morning Tea held by the Rollingstone and District Seniors. It was a resounding success and the most money we have ever raised for this event so Thankyou to all the wonderful people who made it so. We had so many donations that I simply can not name them all but here is just a few:

Roscoe’s General Store BP Rollingstone / Pace’s farm / RADCA Meg’s Beachside Hairdressing / NQ Mobile Wood Fired Pizza Fisherman’s Landing Fishing Club / Mystic Sands Country Club / East Ingham Hotel Now without the goodies from these kind people we would not of had such an excellent day. we just cant thank everyone enough. We have a great community spirit here. Then we had the wonderful people who donated all that fabulous food. Wow, did not know where to start. Such yummy food. Tea and coffee was okay too and very much needed to quench the throat after all the laughing. I mean just what did you think of our delightful youngish debutants? Didn’t they just make the day, three cheers for the Debs and their partners. The raffle that Judyana donated was won by Mrs Maureen Ryan, well done, thankyou to everyone who contributed to this wonderful cause. Ok, Pimpac has a concert on 26th June and then they have another one on August 21 st. That is a free concert so bookings must be made. Civic theatre has Sweet Sour and Saucy 11—12 Oct and then the Ultimate Tribute to Shirley Bassey 22—23rd November. I think I had better wind down or I will rabbit on for ages. I just want to reiterate and say THANKYOU again to all who helped make the morning tea the success that it was. Thanks for coming. Should tell what we made now, drum roll, $2,608 wowee!!!! Cheers Gaye

P 25

Playgroup News Term Activities



We are busy painting and creating this term, so make sure you wear old clothes and bring a spare change. Tuesday playgroup will be again meeting at the Bluewater state school on the 1 st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also have some excursions planned for this term and a couple of public holidays. We will be teaming up with Bunnings again to get our craft on there as well. Be sure to check your programs. I will try and get someone access to the Facebook page to keep you all up to date with all the exciting things that we will be doing this term. We are always open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas come and see myself or drop your ideas in the suggestion box in the main reception area. Membership is now due, Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me ASAP, membership is still only $20 for the year and only $3 per family per sessions. Let’s go have some fun Till Next time keep playing Nicole

Week 8 30 May -2 June Week9 6-9 June Week 10 13-16 June Week 11 20-23 June School Holidays

Marble Painting

Threading Cards Excursion

Bunnings is at the centre on Monday the 30th May. Tuesday Playgroup is at Bluewater State School.

Please bring along a picture of your child to turn into a Craft. Or Email Nicole at playgroup@notch.org.au Monday Playgroup Is at Bunning.

Playgroup Party

Bring along your favourite party foods and get dressed in your favourite party outfit, and join us for some fun and games to see out the term.

School Holidays

11th July first day back of term 3.

P 26

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, Here we are again, another month down and it will be Christmas before we know it. I have spent most of the month between home and the hospital, and I have a new grandson!! He is just a little treasure, so mums and dads look after your little ones and guide them well. That's enough of me, now on to some scores and some well deserved wins. The first competition was the R.A.D.C.A.4 Ball Better Ball Medley and some good scores came in. Winners were Keith Stevens and Rod Barnett with a fine 45. Well played together boys. R/U were Megan Jeffree and Rhonda Gurd with 44. Just needed that that putt to go in the first time well done girls. All the scores for the comp were in the 40s or the late 30s some good golf was played on the day.

Monthly Medal Mens Div 1 Winner : Phil Thompson with 70. Well done Phil. R/U: Gary Smylie with 71. He just needed 1 or 2 less putts. Mens Div 2 Winner: Ken Dickenson with 70. Good on you Ken, Merle cant have it all her own way. R/U Tony Cochrane with 73. Come on Tony get a move on. Mens Div 3 Winner Keith Stevens with 78. Well done Keith. R/U Tom Ruddick with 78. Tom count backs are not fun, next time Tom. Ladies Div 1 Winner Maree King with 73. Well pat me on the back! R/U Pam McCarthy with 74. Well played Pam. Ladies Div 2 Winner Rhonda Coulson with 81. Hard day at the office Rhonda, good on you. R/U Merle Dickenson with 84. That was even a harder day at the office, well done Merle.

Mens Open Comp A Grade winner J Hoggan with 113. He plays at Willows Club. R/U Paul Harry with 121. Paul plays at Mystic Sands. B Grade winner Keith Ruddick with 130. Keith plays at Mystic Sands. R/U Gary Smylie with 131. C Grade Winner Brian Wilson with 138. Brian plays at Mystic Sands R/U D Neill with 141. Neill plays at Rowes Bay The comp was well represented by a lot of players from other clubs. This one is for you Dave: According to all the players on the weekend the course was presented very well. Thankyou very much Dave for turning our greens and fairways around in such a short time, I am sure it can only get better . That's all for now . Take care and look after one and other . Cheers Maree K.

MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB Our mens pennant team competed in the North Qld Pennants over the May long weekend and out of a total of 14 teams we came in at a very creditable 5th!!!! This was a tremendous result , particularly given the number of debutantes we had, and it has been great to see the increased level of interest generated by simply playing at a higher level. Both of the rinks involved acquitted themselves very well and finished with approx the same points which may have had something to do with the fact we had a father and son skipping the two teams. Well done to the eight guys involved . The Resorts new greenkeeper (David) has taken the bit between his teeth and is making a wholehearted effort to improve the condition of our green. While this may involve shutting the green occasionally for renovations , this sacrifice will be worth it in the longer term as we need a playing surface capable of hosting championship bowls. Our mens Dunn Cup side has been selected and will be posted on the board in the next week. This is the most prestigious event on the bowling calendar which sees the top team from each club in Nth Qld playing each other over a three day period. It was great to see the very popular Merle back playing after her recent tragic loss and even better to witness the way our wonderful group embraced her . Unfortunately Michael B. has just lost his father after a long illness and our thoughts and best wishes go out to Michael, Katrina and Tim. As usual , please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292. Thanks. P 27

P 28

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com

AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station

47786 033

BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

47516 511

FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Di Thompson 0427240472 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub

47516 511

COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:

rollingstonerag@bigpond.com Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407882009

POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Senior Constable Shaun Sutton Front Desk Admin Christine Ruston RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White

47707 285

PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 1st. Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 2nd. Vice President Wilf Karnoll 47788 441 Secretary Michael Drew 0428779302 Email: drewma@gmail.com Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron Secretary Rhonda Coulson

0417719043 47707 058

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Holliday Secretary John Muller

0414808483 0407114687

47707 348 47707 619

47707 540 47707 356

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Peter Cahill Secretary GayeLovell

13 2500 47707 498


47707 813

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine

47707 313

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C ASSOC. President Brad Gough Secretary Christine Ruston MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson

47708 131


47715 411

ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414717374 Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 041296553 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403262212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855

P 29

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga, Tanya & Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30

JUNE 2016 Sunday



Wednesday 1 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

5 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

6 9 am - Cards

7 6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den

9 am Linedancing 6.45 pm SES Meeting

11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

7 pm - AA Meeting

12 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ

19 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

13 9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing

8 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

14 2pm Board Games at the RTC

15 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

7 pm - AA Meeting

20 9 am - Cards


9 am Linedancing

6.30 pm Lions Club Dinner at the Den


7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing 6.45 pm SES Meeting 7 pm - AA Meeting

22 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

7 pm - AA Meeting




2 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

3 8 am Weight Circuit Class

9 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

10 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Biggest Morning Tea For Cancer

16 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9am Visiting Vet 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

17 8 am Weight Circuit Class


23 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 7.30pm ERGON MEETING at Hall

24 8 am Weight Circuit Class


6pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ

9am - 11 am Rollingstone Coastcare working bee

11am Computer Class

4 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop

11 9am - 11 am Rollingstone Coastcare working bee

1.00pm BINGO

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

6.45 pm SES Meeting

6.45 pm SES Meeting





9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards

9am - 12 CAR BOOT SALE

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls P 31


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