Rollingstone Rag March 2020

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Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING available for PUBLIC USE

The Rollingstone Management Committee has decided at this time, not to sell the older Community Bus, for a trial period, to gauge the financial viability of the bus being utilised as the hire vehicle within the community. At the end of this timeframe, a calculation of the Bus’s financial viability will be undertaken and the decision to either sell or keep the vehicle will be made public. Thank you to all who have made enquiry to the sale of the vehicle.

A very big Thank You to

Corey Crabb and his grandfather Jim Lennox for the repair to the sound system in the hall

CRAFT DAY Tuesday 10 March 1.30 pm to 4pm at the Hall

POSITION VACANT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE SECRETARY Pineapple Festival Planning Committee is requiring a person to fill the position of Volunteer Committee Secretary. The present Secretary is relocating toward the end of the year but will be available 24/7 for support and consultation, and in the first instance shall work with you and show you all that is needed. The job is very fulfilling and easier than you think! All that is needed is average computer skills, access to the internet, the ability to engage with social media (facebook page updates), send emails, write up minutes and have approx 3 days per month free to attend a meeting and do a bit of admin! Age is no barrier, and you would find yourself planning the Festival with some awesome people! If you would like to help our Community out and need something fulfilling to do and achieve, please contact Chris Richardson on for more info!

SAVE THE DATE BreastScreen Queensland will be visiting Rollingstone 1-7 April. Phone 132050 to make an appointment. See page 9 for further details

Come and have a chat, bring your own craft project along or check out what others are doing so you can start your own! Everyone welcome, suitable for all ages. Please forward any photos you may have of community events for publication, after all “A picture paints a thousand words”. We are always happy to receive information about special events that have occurred locally, eg: special anniversaries, birthdays etc. that may be of interest to the community. Please email photos and a short blurb for publication to (we may need to amend or hold over to the next edition due to space and/or publishing restrictions). Cheers the Editors

The first Balgal Beach Market for 2020 will be Saturday, 4th April BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac . NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach inc. Presented by Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club For online information on what's on look up BALGAL BEACH MARKET

What is happening in the Community—Current Online information ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Look us up on Facebook


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris at the RTC.


IN AN EMERGENCY INCLUDING FIRE RING 000 Rural Fire Brigade contacts: Rollingstone/Hencamp; Raymond Pace 47707285/ 0427116604 Fire Warden; John Pace 47707348


Townsville Snake Catchers Facebook page has a list of snake catchers If you are bitten, ring 000 and treat any bite or suspected bite immediately. Remove children and pets to a safe place.

Haven’t disposed of your Christmas cards yet? Please don’t throw them out, donate them to the RTC, who will repurpose them. P lease drop the used cards (minus the personal greetings) into the Centre. Contact Chris or Mark at the Centre for further information.

VISITING VET PROTOCOL The Community Association requests that when attending the vet clinic at the Community Centre, that you please take a seat and wait your turn regardless of the nature of your visit. It has come to our attention that on several occasions certain people have queue jumped as they say they are only wanting scripts filled for tablets. Please be advised that many of those patiently waiting are also only wanting scripts filled. PLEASE TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE QUEUE

A travel note from Gwen Cahill Gwen will not be organising any overseas travel until the Coronavirus is clear. The proposed visit to Port Douglas has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers.

Are you having technology issues with your mobile device? Mr Fixit is doing a University course in Internet Technology, and wishes to gain some experience in this field. If you are having problems with your device please contact Mark or Chris so that arrangements can be made for you to come to the centre with your device and this young man will try to help.

The Tooth Doctor will now come to Balgal Beach on Saturdays. The next time they will be here is Saturday 21st March 2020. See page 13 for more details

Front page: Australia Day, January 26th 2020 at the Rollingstone Community Hall. Page 18: Award Recipients.



NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Every Sun Check Diary 13 & 27 Mar 10 Mar

17 Mar

Catholic Mass at Com/Centre 7:30am Linedancing, Yoga, Weight Circuit, Waterobics, Indoor Bowls Elevate – Youth Group Craft Group – Open to all interested parties. BYO Craft - 2nd Tuesday of the month 1.30pm-4pm at the Hall Board Games – Scrabble is only 1 game played – come and learn new board games or bring your favourite

Each Thursday of the month Thurs 5, 12, 19 March Weds 4 & 18 Mar

Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – leaving the hall at 8am – limited seats bookings essential. Notch Mobile Playgroup 9:30am at the hall. 11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day)

Wed 4 Mar

Hairdresser at the RTC from 9am

Thurs 19 March

9am Visiting Vet on Hall Verandah

Easter School Holidays TBA

Fisherman’s Landing Kid’s Fishing Competition – details to be announced

1-7 April

Breast Screening Qld – 132050 to book

Catching up after the break: Christmas Carols went from Fireworks being cancelled due to the fire risk - to holding the carolling in the hall because of the rain. The Council generously offered funds initially to pay for the Fireworks, when this did not go ahead, a purchase decorative solar lighting was made with the funds. Thank you to the Council for your generosity. With the rain uplifting spirits especially after the heat, all enjoyed Carols. A big Thank You goes out to all assisting with the running of the Carols who include: the Lions for the food and drinks, Judyana, Trevor, and musician friends for their entertainment and set up and break down, and Michael on the chairs. Thank you to the stars of the show - our children from Rollingstone School and Mutarnee School. This is an extra in their curriculum and thanks goes to the teachers who spend their time preparing the children and the technologies used on the day. You are all wonderful. Congratulations to the Australia Day awards winners – Listed on page 18. As with Christmas Carols much work goes into organising and preparing for Australia Day. This year we also included 2 Dunny Derby Workshops to build and decorate your dunnies. Thank you to all who knuckled down and built and painted the Dunnies. The “Dunnies” were a great hit and when auctioned at the end of the day raised $360 for the Lions Drought Relief. A Special Thanks goes to Taylah for presenting the “Welcome to Country” and to the Leos and children for performing the National Anthem. Townsville City Council funded the Australia Day event covering the cost of the food. Tommy, Ann, the Leos and Lions, Margie Ryder, Nick Dametto, John H, John M, Mark E (and everyone I missed to mention) worked to present the Australia Day Event – THANK YOU. Thank you to the Crabb/Lennox Families for your valuable help with the Sound System. The speakers in the ceiling are working beautifully again. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. The Council has again supported the Rollingstone Rag with a grant to cover the cost of purchasing the Paper. Council’s support of our humble Rag is just wonderful. The Railway Display is getting closer to fruition; Brett from NQ Concreting and Bobcat Hire is undertaking the work for us and would be working on it right now except for the rain. Sometimes we cannot have it both ways. Envision Hands, according to their website, have closed down their collection points for the time being, citing they now have enough bottle tops for the 3D printing of Prosthetics for children for well into the future. Their website says they appreciate the Country getting behind the project and hope that the recycling will continue. There are some simple projects online that can use the bottle tops for example colourful roof tiles were being made to cover the roof of a cubby house in one state. 12 months on from the Monsoon Flooding Event – Flood Recovery Support is still available @ NOTCH: •






• WOMEN’S CENTRE-ON SITE SUPPORT FORTNIGHTLY Wednesdays from 9am-11.30am For further information call 47516511 A special shout out to Terri D who recently celebrated her 91st Birthday (I think she is tricking us as she doesn’t look a day over 70). Just a thought – do you know anyone celebrating very special anniversaries eg 50/60 years of marriage or 90th birthdays etc in the coming months and would like a mentioned in the Community Noticeboard please contact the Rag Editors. Sadly, the Volunteers Luncheon was postponed/cancelled due to the weather. We cannot apologise for the weather but we can still thank all our Volunteers – we wanted to keep you safe because are precious to us. Qld Breast Screening will be at the Hall again 1-7 April. Please call 132050 to book your appointment. A Craft Group is being organised to meet 10 March at 1.30pm. BYO craft gear and quoting from the Seniors article “have a natter regarding craft projects or do your own thing”. Please note – this group is open to all ages - all you need is an interest in craft or a good place to come if you don’t know where to start doing craft. As usual I get to this point and feel I have forgotten to mention something. I apologise if I have – in the meantime look after yourselves – you are the only ones who can. Cheers Chris P4


Unfortunately, the summer break has brought its sadness. We lost three (3) long-term residents during that time with Graham Foster, Patrick O’Connor, and Sandra Hankin passing away. For those of you who remember Ivon Black, you’ll be saddened to learn of his passing also, in Townsville during February. Ivon (correct spelling) was a good, kind man with a ready tongue, but he was always entertaining. Our heart-felt sympathy goes out to each of their families. Vale Graham, Patrick, Sandra and Ivon. And there have been any number on the “indisposed” list: Don Anderson (3 stents); Maureen Ryan (fall); Mick Coulson (very ill – major surgery); Trevor Phillips (treatment to remove invasive ear tumour); Jake Thompson (corrective eye surgery); Margaret Humphrey (Salmonella); “Robbo” Robinson (2 x Knee Surgery); Kerrie Cochrane (surgery); Joanie Ruddick, Ros Baker, and Ernie Rivard and we hope they’re now all over their debilitation or recovering comfortably and well. However, in the middle of all that, a little bit of good news: the Gottani Sisters, Pauline & Jenny, were inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and had their hand prints memorialised in the Walk of Fame during this year’s Tamworth Country Music Festival. Goodonya, girls!! And then we had a wedding reception in the big Hall during February as well. Ian and Suzie Dow’s son, John, married his love on Valentine’s Day. So apt and so special. We hope the celebration was just the best and that their life together is the same. • Due to increased usage of our Hire Buses, we have decided to keep the old Bus for the time-being and monitor its usage over a 6 month period to see if this is a “canny” financial decision. Those looking to buy it, only want to pay a minimal amount. BUT, it is in better nick than that and we just can’t afford to give it away – hence our present decision. • And for those critical of the not-so-pleasant temperature in the big Hall, we would advise that there are now 2 air-con units that are faulty and that together they will cost around $6,000 to have repaired. These units are now over 10 years old and past their use-by date, so we are loathe to outlay that amount as they are breaking-down quite often now; sooooo, we’re applying for funding for a replacement set which will cost the best part of $35,000. The application closes on Feb. 29th and we won’t know the outcome for 2-3 months. Sorry for your discomfort, but not everything always goes to plan. As soon as is earthly possible, we’ll have new, u-beaut air-cons in place for your delectation – probably just during that time of the year when they’re not needed! If we don’t get the funding, to be honest, we’re not sure what we’ll do, but we’ll do our very best no matter what the outcome. • And before anyone asks again about solar, we will advise this – as we’ve done now for some time – that we’ve tackled this matter 4 times in the last 10 years and been advised each time by (different) experts/specialists/ professionals that it isn’t worth our while. And the same applies to a MEN’S SHED. We’ve canvassed the district about 5 or 6 times now and not one person has ever put up their hand with regard to forming a Group. We don’t have the resources to do this and we no longer have any space at the Community Centre for something purposebuilt, so it’s not something we would consider tackling. • The Volunteers’ Luncheon was cancelled due to weather. Hopefully, by the time you read this, Brett will have started on our Railway Display; we’re looking at a new upgraded CCTV system; also a start on the Bush Tucker Garden after the required soil is transferred into the raised garden beds; a stage for the Oval; flash new Locality Signs designed by Mark and Chrissie; a residents’ Christmas Lights competition; a Kids’ Painting Exhibition; a Local Historical Photographical Display; having the Oval completely top-dressed and finished; and anything else we can think of to improve our Centre and make it as good as it possibly can be for the community. • We would like to make special mention of Warren Butterworth’s efforts over summer, for which we’re most grateful. On his own volition, he has voluntarily done repair and remake work on some of our Railway memorabilia and it looks great. He has also been available for advice when we’ve needed wiser input than our collective heads could provide regarding “railway stuff”. • We have numerous projects in the pipe-line, some of which are nearing completion, others still to be implemented. We’re hoping we can do good stuff for you and make for a happy Community Centre and an effective RTC. • And, if you have something to ask of the Association, please don’t assail Committee members. Bring your concerns to Chrissie, or if you wish to remain anonymous, drop a note into the old Army letter box beside the Cold Room. Christmas Carols and Australia Day went off well, and the New Year is fairly buzzing. Let’s hope it continues like that for all of 2020. I think we could all use a better year than poor old 2019. If you’re looking for something yumm, you might like to take the time to try this: fbclid=IwAR3E2O8zGEldlRXnFj_AooIAHzf5-_KublZlgTB7_DGa7am15x1UtTxU5Lk Live well, love much, laugh often Sancho Panza

Can everyone keep their can ring tops off the aluminium cans please? There will be a tin in the Community Hall for collection. The ring tops go towards the making of new

Rollingstone Community Association yearly memberships Only $1.00 per person If you want your say on how the Community Association is run. See Mark or Chris at the RTC P6

Rollingstone State School Hello Community We are back in the swing of things after a restful Christmas and New Year. School numbers have dropped down from 64 to 57 this year, but we remain busier than ever. This year we are running three classrooms; Prep/Year 1, Year 2/3/4, and Year 4/5/6. In was mid last year when Ian approached me regarding ways that our local Lions Club could support the school and our families. In conversation, I mentioned the student’s and staff desire to upgrade some of our technology. Some months later in the school holidays, my wife and I were hosting some friends from Cairns. It was late in the afternoon when a little Khmer girl raced around the corner with wide eyes and a concerned expression blurting out, “ANDREW! There is a really, really big man walking around your house and he is looking for you!” Fortunately, it was only Dowie. After a couple of cold beers around the campfire, he then simply handed over a cheque and grinned. My mates were flabbergasted, stating that if a couple of beers got a cheque of that size then he was certainly a bloody good friend. This then led to Dowie being offered beers by one and all. Unfortunately for my mates, beers did not yield the same result. Of course, the cheque was the Lions Club kind donation towards purchasing iPads at Rollingstone State School. It has taken some months to setup properly but finally this year everything has come to fruition. With the Lions Club’s kind donation of $3000 and a small top up from the school, we were able to purchase 10 new iPads to support student learning. It was an honour and with the greatest of pleasure for the Prep/Year 1 and Year 2/3/4 classes to show and teach Ian and John a few tricks about using iPads for Learning.

The Prep Students made sure that our new student Dowie didn’t fall behind.

Dowie and John learning how to blend sounds together to make words in Prep.

Dowie back to school learning fractions with Year 4 on the iPads.

On behalf of the Rollingstone School Community, we sincerely thank the Lions Club for their continued support and their kind donations that have such a huge impact on our children’s learning.

Andrew Stallman Principal Dowie tried to sit up the back at first, but Mrs Ratcliffe was quick to remind him that maybe a wise choice would be to sit up the front. Very tactful.

Rollingstone State School

12.30pm, eyes down 1.00pm P7

Office of Nick Dametto MP P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 | Member for Hinchinbrook Visit: 86-92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850 E:

Govt approach to crime needs to change Townsville and the Northern Beaches are continuing to suffer from what can only be described as a crime epidemic. In a speech to Parliament last month, I highlighted a series of incidents on February 19, which saw police endure one of the worst days of crime in Townsville. Nine cars were stolen, 17 homes were broken into and five cyclists were hit by a vehicle. Some of the crimes were committed by two boys aged between 11 and 12, who were eventually apprehended and charged by police. This follows a reported 104 unlawful use of a motor vehicle offences recorded in Townsville in December and 94 in January. My view is if your children are out on the streets at this time of night committing these crimes, you should not have the privilege of raising them. Recently, Indigenous Elders Russell Butler and Wayne Parker spoke to Triple M Townsville breakfast announcer Steve 'Pricey' Price about the current youth crime situation. From what was discussed, it would appear they have the same opinion as Katter’s Australian Party: it is time to get these tough nuts out of town and on country to do their sentencing where they can learn life skills. The problem is that youth offenders are not deterred by the current laws. Our relocation sentencing policy will act as a real deterrent for those youth offenders. This would be a harsh third option for magistrates that would be perfect for offenders who have not been successfully reformed through the current youth justice system. The State Government has an opportunity here to take on a community-backed policy or continue with the current approach towards Townsville's youth crime problem which is helping no-one. Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook


At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm


Trip Advisor



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Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required


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FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. 

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.10¢ / page

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.20¢ / page

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Rolly Rag Disclaimer


The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to. P 10

Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday Morning and Night 9-11.30am & 7-9pm!!!! Morning: $2.50 Night: $2.00 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855

Come and join us for a great time!

Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people.


Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater

Healthsave Pharmacy

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4778 6233

PH: 07 4770 7400

FAX: 07 4778 6733

FAX: 07 4770 7399

8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 1pm Saturday

8.30am – 12pm Saturday

FREE Blood Pressure Checks

* Hire Equipment

*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies

Blister Packaging for your medicines

* Full Prescription Service

*Delivery available for those in need

MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)

*Ear Piercing *Faulding Vitamins

Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available Welcome to the new year We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and welcomed the New year in with a bang. Just a reminder that our Pharmacy hours are

Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5pm and Saturday 8:30am – 12pm There is a new face to our Team, Matthew. Make sure you say hi and welcome him to the community. The weather has been a bit cruel lately and with that we remind you to keep your medication in a cool dry spot and if your medication is to be refrigerated to keep it on one of the shelves and not in the door. What is a Meds Check? The pharmacist gives you one-on-one time to review and discuss the best way to manage your medication. • • • • • •

They help to explain what your medications are How they are meant to be taken How they are to be stored When to take them eg. before bed To see if you are having any difficulties taking the medication Ensure that your medicines are working for you.

If you take prescription medicines, or have had a recent significant medical event contact your local pharmacist and see if a Meds check is right for you. Your local Pharmacy Team Frank, Bec and Kristie

P 12

BALGAL BEACH MEDICAL PRACTICE Tel: 47707 244 Fax: 47707 100 Please listen to any recorded message for information on out of hours services


Email: Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm Tel: 07 4778 6444 OR you can book ONLINE via our website

Call from 8am for Appointments Mon














General Practitioners and Allied Health Services

General Practitioners Dr Zakia Sultana Monday & Wednesday (Bulk Billing) Dr Yazar Win Monday & Wednesday March (Bulk Billing) Dr Lucia Rajnoch Tuesday (Bulk Billing) Dr Vladimir Hasa Friday 20th & 27th March only (Private billing) Dr Diana Hopkins Friday (Bulk billing)

Allied Health Services PHYSIOTHERAPY - Leanna Clarke (4th, 18th and 25th March) PSYCHOLOGY – Natalie Arnel (9th & 23rd March) DIETITIAN - Fuel Your Life (9th March) See your GP for referrals to these services. PATHOLOGY - Wednesday 8.30 to 12noon

At Balgal Beach Medical Centre every third Saturday of the month

21st MARCH 2020 Next SATURDAY Visit: Saturday 21 March


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD 8 MARCH 2020 Dear Member/s, In accordance with the Rules and Bylaws of the Rollingstone RSL, the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Sub Branch will be held at Mystic Sands Golf Club on Sunday 8 March commencing at 11.30 with lunch to follow. RSVP for lunch catering purposes is required by 1 March. Please phone RSL Secretary Suzi Vincent on 0409880902 or email Apologies should be extended to the meeting through the secretary. Agenda Items to include: President’s Report Treasurer’s Report Auditor’s Report Election of: Treasurer, Vice President, Committee Service Member Appointment of the Auditor for 2020 Motions for discussion: • School Bursaries • Polices and procedures • Strategic Plan • Payment to Rollingstone State School Nominations return by Committee positions to be returned to the Secretary by Friday 21 February via email or PO Box 38 ROLLINGSTONE QLD 4816. Suzi Vincent, Secretary

BABZ AQUA GROUP A fantastic group of people have been in the water, splashing, moving, laughing and enjoying the exercise routines on offer! Our numbers have grown, as has the enjoyment factor. Come join in on Tues and Fri mornings at 9.30 at the ROLLINGSTONE Beach Front Resort, any level of fitness is catered for. Bring a smile, water bottle and we will ensure a good morning of movement and fun.

SPLASH.…..FUN…...FITNESS Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available.

4770 7698

0437 555 469


Its been an incredible few months since the last edition of the Rollingstone Rag. The poor folk down south have endured terrible ordeals with some still in drought, others experiencing horrific wild fires and now having to endure storms and floods. Mother nature does not seem to take a day off! The efforts of the volunteers and emergency personnel to keep people safe was incredible. It was very apparent to me from many of the stories of survival that so many people had a plan, one to deal with contingencies and built resilience. What better way to improve our personal safety. Plan for it. This should be a consideration for each of us, it is our right and more importantly our responsibility as it impacts our daily lives. Not just yours, but your families, neighbours and strangers. It’s a great time for all of us to review our cyclone plans. Stay or go. Who do I tell? Where do I go? What do I take with me? Is my property secure? Your local SES and Townsville City Council have resources to assist with your planning which should start TODAY. Reporting matters to Police. Rollingstone clearly has some amazing natural resources nearby and it’s no wonder so many come to enjoy the area. The economic benefits of these is great for our locals, however sometime our visitors may need a bit of encouragement to do the right thing and on a very few occasions I may need to offer some friendly tips. If you see something that you know is not right and it upsets you so much you feel the need to express your ire – do it in the right forum. Police Link, 131444. This is where I get all my news worthy events. Issues not reported through the right channels may go unresolved which is not the best result for any of us. I’ve enjoyed the recent robust forums in both Toomulla and Balgal Beach regarding the Townsville City Council RV policy, mobile phone issues and the arrival of Ornatas at the old Toomulla Prawn Farm Site. Good to be able to see some robust discussions with our local and state officials taking place in good spirits. Footy season is just around the corner. Cowboys are specials for the finals this year. You read it first here. Hope to have some clarity regarding the permanent Officer in Charge of the Rollingstone Police Station in the next edition, until then, stay safe. Regards TJ Sgt 4006515 Rollingstone Station Mbl 0456096305 TIPS ON SECURITY OF YOUR HOME AND BELONGINGS My name is Brandon, I'm a qualified locksmith and security advisor. I've been working in Townsville for the past 8 years. Due to the nature of my work I see a lot of break ins and attempted break ins. I have a good knowledge of the techniques that criminals commonly use, and what works/ does not work when trying to keep them out of your house. I thought I'd post some general home security advice as good relevant information can be difficult to come by. (This is not an advertisement. I won't mention any specific brands or companies. Please take this as general advice only) Background: Most of the break ins and thefts in Townsville are not being committed by professionals. It's usually amateurs or kids looking for an easy opportunity. No one is specifically targeting you, for us it's mostly about not being the low hanging fruit. Cars: Any passenger car made after 1996 has an immobiliser system installed. This is why car keys can be so expensive and have to be programmed to the car. These systems are extremely effective. Long story short: for someone to steal your car they need your keys, usually this involves stealing them from your house. House Locks: Deadlocks are the most crucial part of your home security. The most common method I come across for break ins involves the criminal using a large pair of multigrips or plyers to break and force open door knobs. A deadlock that is properly installed is immune to this kind of attack. I cannot stress enough that just a standard knob or lever on your wooden door is not good enough, it is vulnerable to being opened in under 30 seconds with common tools. If you don't have deadlocks get some ASAP. Getting into the habit of locking your screen door with the key is a simple way to protect yourself. If you lock the screen door with a key, you need the key to unlock it. Doing it this way prevents people from poking their fingers through your screen door and flicking it open with the turn snib. Don't just rely on having plastic or metal finger guards around your screen door lock. Plastic guards can have a hole melted into them with a lighter. A piece of wire can be used to reach around the guards and operate the snib. The best way to secure your screen door is to lock it with the key. Not only is a properly locked screen door surprisingly difficult to open, it is very noisy to try. The best, cheapest and easiest way to increase security on glass sliding doors and windows is to buy some sticks of wood dowel from the local hardware store. Just cut them to size and leave them in the tracks when you have the window/ door closed. You can get deadlocking glass door locks, but they can be expensive. Cameras/ alarms: Are a good idea but not essential. Cameras and alarms are usually utilised once someone has broken into your house, this post is mostly about prevention. They can be a good deterrent, but don't rely on that, as some criminals just don't care. If you go for cameras or alarms get a professional to install them and get multiple quotes, the price differences between local companies can be significant.

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411 P15

YOGA work to your edge and your limits A general guided Hatha light flow class Sundara Yoga Garden Studio 17 Salamander St, Bluewater Tuesday 6.30—7.30 pm Restore and release Yin Saturday 8am to 9am—General Hatha flow Rollingstone Community Centre, Balgal Beach Saturday 10.30 to 11.30 am Nicole: 0410 474 460

Lions are taking up a collection of old mobile phones that are no longer being used. Collection bin (plastic container) is in the Community Hall

The Bookmobile visits twice each month on Yellow Bin day. Located in the carpark at Rollingstone Community Centre P16

Op Shop Please be mindful, that while all donations are gratefully received, your goods need to be in reasonable condition. Please ask yourself “if it is not good enough to give to my best friend—is it good enough to give to the Op Shop?” Please be advised the Op Shop cannot accept: Electrical goods; large knives; bulky, chipboard or damaged furniture

9am—3pm Monday to Friday and 9am—12noon 1st. SATURDAY of the MONTH

Rollingstone Op Shop News To all our regular customers thank you for supporting us over the past 12 months. We appreciate everything that is donated to us and in turn we enjoy your visits to the Op Shop. We try hard to keep the Op Shop in tip-top condition and ensuring our goods are of the best quality. • DVDs $1 • Adult Clothing $2 • Specialty/ formal wear items up to $5 • Children’s Clothing up to $1 • Kitchenware, books, bric-a-brack and more at marked prices. Check the Rollingstone & District Community Association Facebook Page for SPOT SALES – this is something new.

11th & 25th March FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library

We are open Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm and the first Saturday of each month. Come on in and grab a bargain.

Rollingstone & District Seniors Welcome everyone to 2020, I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. Seniors AGM was held on 5/02/20 at the Hall and a new Committee was elected. President: Wendy Clark; Vice President: Deb Calder; Treasurer: Len Clark; Secretary: Kerrie Cochrane; Committee Members: Bernice Ivett and Cheryl Pearson. Thank you to the Outgoing Committee for job well done over the last couple of years. Also, a very big Congratulations to Joh and Committee Members on the terrific job they have done with The Biggest Morning Tea. A lot of hard work was done and a huge amount of monies raised at The Biggest Morning Teas. Ingham Seniors were booked for a day out with us on the 18/02/20. We were having morning tea and games, Hoy etc at the Hall then Lunch at the Mystic Sands Golf Resort. The day was cancelled for a later date by the Ingham Seniors.

• ‘Golden Oldies’ at The Ville on 5th, 12th and 19th March 10am – 11.30am. Free entry and Free Tea and Coffee, $10 ‘Roast of the Day’ if anyone is wanting lunch. Different entertainment weekly.

• Morning Melodies at the Civic Theatre 4th March, Buddy Holly Tribute. • Craft afternoon will be happening on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm – 4pm. Bring your own craft gear. We can have a natter

regarding craft projects or do your own thing. Board Games still on 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. Gwen Cahill is our Travel Guru and she has a trip organised for Port Douglas in late April with Motel accommodation at $110 double per night and at the time of going to print there are still some seats on the bus. Ring Gwen for more information on 0427 074 816 That is all for this month and hopefully I will get better at writing the Seniors Notes.......Cheers......KC


Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only NO Bulky Items, Furniture or rubber tyres GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE



Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm

Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm

Benita’s Weight Circuit Classes are open to everyone Classes are run on Friday mornings from 8am—9am Costs per class—$10 per adult


Welcome to 2020 and already it is March! Hoping everyone enjoyed the festive season as much as I did. And now it’s time for another year of patience, persistence and perspiration which will make an unbeatable combination to success for all. We started the year off with a very fun Australia Day in the park. Our champion Thong Thrower for the day was Jace ….. and what a throw. What about the crab races?? Slow to start but after 4 rounds they seemed to know what they had to do, with a little coaxing, and over the line went the fastest crab with the winner, Patricia, taking home the $$$. Rudi & Margie Ryder cooked up a delicious feed of Lamb & Sausages for everyone to enjoy whilst people had a fun time playing cricket, kids doing their best colouring in and trying hard with the Trivia. Simon, Bianca and daughters from Ornatas Lobster Farm also came over to celebrate the day with us. It certainly was a good day for everyone. The Community Consultation for the RV & Camping Strategy meeting on the 1st Feb was presented by Townsville City Council - Ellen Cox & Cr Ryder. The feedback that they received from the community was very helpful and will certainly contribute towards the strategy and also the final version of the document. You have until March 9th to give your feedback online. You can go to this link and have your say. The Community Meeting on Saturday 8th was very well attended by the community. Cr Margie Ryder, Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto MP, Simon Davis from Ornatas Toomulla Lobster Farm and our temporary OIC of Rollingstone Police Tony Jacob were there to answer lots of questions and listen to suggestions from the community. Simon gave us all a very interesting and educational presentation about the Lobster. Ornatas also put on a very delicious lunch (cooked to perfection by Rudi & Noel) along with some refreshments for everyone. Very enjoyable day. Thank You Simon. Our Lucky Numbers have started. Eddie Rouse, Barry & Wendy and Selena are our first three winners so far, with two more draws to go. The Easter Raffle will also start this month with 1st Prize - Esky & Easter Eggs. Tickets will be $1each or 6 for $5. The raffle will be drawn on Sunday 5th March. Good Luck everyone. Happy Birthday Rudi, Jayden, Macey, Debbie, Destiny for the month of February and Happy Birthday to those celebrating a birthday in March. Cheers everyone. Rhonda.

ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA DAY AWARDS 2020 2019 Community Event: R.A.C.E. Art Exhibition Young Sports: Taylah McMahon Helping Hand : Steve Leary Good Neighbour Award:

Vanda & Alan Simmons Vicki & Geoff Fischer Betty & Alan O’Callaghan Young Citizen Award:

Marley Parker Morgan McMahon Senior of The Year Award:

Joan Ruddick Rollingstone Citizen of The Year:

Shirley Cattle




Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.DAY All. We trust you all had an enjoyable Christmas and welcomed in the new year with much GUSTO. 2019 was a great year for our club, let’s make 2020 even more exciting. Any new ideas are always welcome. Our Club Christmas Party was a great night with excellent Christmas food. Thanks to Faye and all the ladies who cooked and made such lovely creations. We were well entertained with the best music from THE TWO LOUS, they are a fantastic duo. A number of folk were up dancing and having such a good time. Jan won the members lucky number draw. GOOD ON YA JAN.

Michelle won THE LOUNDS’ SEAFOOD RAFFLE. Lound’s have the best seafood in town. WELL DONE MICHELLE great prize. Bruce Jnr. and Linda came first in the best dressed outfits. They put in the effort and looked great. Lotsa laughs. Good job both of you. Santa Claus was also there spreading lots of joy. Even had a few pics. Our Club’s members, Shirley, Joan, and Allan and Vanda all won awards on Australia Day. Very deserving too. We had our first club BBQ for the Year and we had an excellent roll up. Thanks to cooks and sweets providers. Delicious as usual. We played Quoits and had lots of laughter and heckling as usual. Team five won the gold. Well done team. Bob Jewell won the raffle . Good on ya mate. Terry had her 91 st birthday and we all sang happy birthday as she cut the cake. YUM. Her daughter was a welcome visitor too. We will be having a committee meeting to decide this year’s programme; it will be excellent. Our next BBQ is the 9th of March; see you all there for a night of fun. Visitors are always welcome cost is $10 per head, children under 12 free. Members are always free. Yummy food too. Your committee wishes you all a happy, safe and prosperous new year. P19

WILDLIFE CARERS ROLLINGSTONE, BALGAL BEACH and surrounds GWEN CAHILL: BIRDS …………………………………………………………………………………...4770 7540 / 0427 074 816 GAYE LOVELL:WALLABIES & KANGAROOS ……………………………………………………...4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 CHRIS GREEN: POSSUMS ………………………………………………………………………………..0402 084 588 Well it’s time again for the Rollingstone Rag. How time flies. It’s been a tough few months all over, with bush fires, droughts and floods. The wildlife couldn’t take a trick. For me personally it was rather emotional losing animals all over the country. My heart broke a little piece at a time with every animal that was lost. The devastation was not only to wildlife but also to the livestock. At home here we had our own crisis to deal with, the drought taking its toll on wildlife. Mums of all species were being killed one way or another, which meant a lot of babies and joeys coming in. Gaye, Gwen and I were run off our feet. The word was put out for donations of any kind that we could use for the animals and you people of Balgal and Mystic did what you do best and we had donations of all sorts. So from Myself, Gaye and Gwen the BIGGEST thank you. With the arrival of the rains, things have settled down a bit... but animals still keep coming. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and celebrated with your family and friends. See you in the great outdoors..... Chris

Paluma in the Clouds - Colwyn Campbell Welcome to the New Year – although, it is hardly that now with two months almost gone already. Christmas and New Year holidays in Paluma came and went with a whirl. Over the holiday period, the community hall was bright with colourful lighting thanks to a grant from Townsville City Council and in many village gardens, the festive theme was echoed with lights draped over shrubs and hung in trees. Remembering the deluge of last summer, this year so far, has been mild, apart from some heavy rains late in January. In December grass was brown and crunchy underfoot, then rains came and almost overnight the village was transformed, with lawns green and luxuriant. It is amazing to see how quickly everything responds to rain and warmer temperatures. Lawns mowed only a week ago are already long and seeding, much to the delight of feasting red-browed finches and crimson rosellas which fly up in a flurry of red and blue when disturbed. The rain has also brought a plague of mosquitoes. Squadrons of them attack anyone who ventures out-doors. In late January, Paluma was powered by three big generators for several days after a fault in the lines caused two long blackouts each of about 8 hours. Wet weather hampered the work of technical crews trying to locate the cause of the problem so we were grateful to have the generators for the interim. The heavy rain accompanying wild electrical storms at this time, also precipitated the collapse of several sections of the restoration work on the Range road where slips occurred last year. Earth and rocks have broken through the binding mesh and large amounts of rock and earth have slipped. The Department of Transport and Main Roads is undertaking geotechnical investigations from 17 th February to 6th March and Mt Spec Road will be closed at times while this work is being carried out. Details of closures are set out below. Services Location Works: Monday, 17 February. Work hours 10.30 am to 3 pm. Stop/Go traffic controllers will be placed at either end of the work zone to allow traffic through work site. All traffic, including visitors, will be allowed through. Geotechnical Investigations (Drilling works): Sunday 23rd February to Thursday 27th February: Work hours 7 pm to 5 am, Night work. A full road closure will be in place. No traffic allowed; emergency vehicles excepted. Surveying Works: Monday, 24th February to Friday, 6th March. 6 am to 5 pm – see breakdown below. 6 am to 9 am: zone.

Stop/Go traffic controllers will direct traffic. Tour groups and local residents only will be allowed through the work

9 am to 3 pm: Full road closure. Tour groups, buses and residents only will be let through, timing based on information provided. 3 pm to 5 pm: Stop/Go traffic controllers will direct traffic. Tour group bookings and local residents only will be allowed through the work zone. A full road closure will be in place for all other visitors. Visitors will be directed to turn around at Little Crystal Creek bridge. Little Crystal Creek will remain open during the works. For enquiries please contact Engagement Northern on1800 625 648 The next event on Paluma’s social calendar is the St Patrick’s Day dinner which will be held in the community hall on Saturday, 14th March, starting at 6.30 pm. This is always a fun-filled evening. All are welcome, the only requirement is to wear something green and to bring a plate to share, preferably an Irish recipe. The Easter Market will be held at the community hall on Easter Sunday,12 th April. For enquiries about stalls, please ring Lynn on 0402 249 432 P 20

AaRT Artists at Rollingstone Team We would like to invite all 2D artists in the Greater Rollingstone Area (all areas serviced by the Rollingstone Rag) to participate in our upcoming Art Exhibition. No matter your media (Oils, Acrylics, Pastels, Water Colour, Charcoal, Pencil/Ink or combinations thereof), we would be delighted to have you join us. There will be a Maximum of 5 paintings for each artist (fewer are fine) All paintings to be ready to hang i.e. have D hooks and wire There is no theme There is no size limits There will be a People’s Choice award We will need a list of your paintings with photographs and sizes We will need a short Artist’s bio (100 – 200 words + photo) VENUE: Rollingstone Community Hall, 44 Community Crescent, Mystic Sands. (Turn off Highway at Balgal Beach exit, first right onto Mystic Avenue then first right onto Community Crescent. The Centre is at the end of the street.) PROPOSED DATES: (Will be revised as needed)

Expressions of Interest – Contact number (so we can keep you in the loop)


Information for Catalogue (Names of paintings, photographs, sizes, Artist’s Bio)


Delivery of art work to Rollingstone Community Centre

Sat 27 - Sun28/06

(Or weekday delivery to the RTC 8am-4pm) Bump in 9am ‘til we drop


OPENING NIGHT (details to come – it involves food and drink)


Exhibition and sales (The same weekend as the Car Boot Sale)


9am to 5pm Exhibition continues – 9am -3pm


Bump out 3pm – 5pm


AaRT People’s Choice Award 7pm Artists’ Dinner Mystic Sands Golf Club


Debrief Pizza Night Golf Club


Contacts: Rosa Christian 0439672906 OR Ann Martin 0408100083

P 21

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) This is a dental benefits program by the Australian Government for eligible children aged 2-17 years that provides up to $1000 in benefits for basic dental services in either a public or private setting. This includes dental examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions. Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and cannot be used to pay for services provided in a hospital. For eligibility to the CDBS a child needs to be between 2–17 years old and their carer must be in receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment. For more information about the CDBS, visit the Australian Government Department of Health website. Child and adolescent oral health services All Queensland resident children 4 years of age or older who have not completed Year 10 of secondary school are eligible for publicly funded oral health care via Queensland Health's Child and Adolescent Oral Health Services (previously referred to as the School Dental Service/Program.) Children younger than 4 years of age and those who have completed Year 10 of secondary school are also eligible for publicly funded oral health care if they are dependents of current concession card holders or hold a current concession card themselves. Eligibility for publicly funded oral health care in Queensland has also been extended to match the CDBS eligibility criteria. This means that 2–4 year olds and 16–17 year olds are also eligible to receive services in Queensland Health clinics if they are CDBS-eligible. General courses of oral health care are usually provided on-site at schools through fixed or mobile dental clinics. Some hospital and health services have reviewed and revised their service models and now provide oral health care to children and adolescents at larger dental clinics located within their hospital and health services rather than on-site within schools. Oral health care is provided by teams of oral health staff including dentists, oral health therapists, dental therapists and dental assistants. Visit the Queensland Health website for further information about child and adolescent oral health services. Dental emergencies Dental emergencies include toothache; a knocked-out tooth; abscesses and swelling; soft tissue trauma and bleeding. All enquiries regarding emergency and urgent care should be directed to your nearest dental clinic. Some Hospital and Health Services operate a centralised emergency/urgent care contact number. Emergencies are generally assessed over the telephone by trained staff and appointments are prioritised based on severity. Queensland Health provides a list of public dental clinics in Queensland, including telephone contact details for each clinic. If you are eligible for public dental services, contact your local clinic for an emergency appointment. Accident and emergency departments at public hospitals can provide emergency dental care outside normal business hours. For more information about oral health, call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the Queensland Health website.

March is Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) Awareness Month. By Sharron Mills

Because it is so rare and sometimes misdiagnosed, chances are that you have never heard of it. It is also known as Shy-Drager Syndrome (SDS), but you have probably not heard of that either. Patients with MSA are often initially diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease until it becomes clear that their symptoms are not typical for Parkinson’s. Consequently, MSA is sometimes called Atypical Parkinson’s. Misdiagnosis occurs because some similar parts of the brain are affected resulting, in the early stages of the disease, in similar symptoms to Parkinson’s. The difference is that MSA patients deteriorate faster and rarely respond to Parkinson’s Disease medication. Also, MSA is 80 times rarer than Parkinson’s. Some carers have likened MSA to ‘Parkinson’s on steroids’ or a ‘combination of Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Motor Neurone Disease’ all rolled into one. So, thank God it is so rare. Unfortunately, it was not rare enough for me to dodge it. There is no cure and no remission and there are no treatments that hal t the disease progression. That is the bad news. The good news is that MSA is not hereditary. It simply strikes out of the blue. Also, this is not a disease of the very young. Under 30s do not get MSA. Symptoms which can include erratic heart rate and blood pressure, bladder and gut issues, sleep, balance, coordination and mobility problems, most commonly begin in a person’s 50s but can occur at any age from the late 30s. Dementia is not usually a symptom of MSA. Because MSA is so rare, many doctors have never heard of it and will never see a single patient with the disorder. This, combined with the seemingly unrelated assortment of symptoms makes diagnosis difficult and often patients spend years going from doctor to doctor before getting a diagnosis if they ever do. I am thankful that the doctors at our Balgal Beach Medical Centre persisted until we got answers. Strange as it seems, even a gloomy diagnosis seems preferable to not knowing. There is promising research, including drug trials, happening. Research takes time and costs money. If you would like to donate or just want to know more about this rare neurological disorder, just google Multiple System Atrophy Australia or use the following information: NeuRA (Neuroscience Research Australia) Ph: 02 9399 1000 Web: P22


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome to this the commencement of another year of Club News with hopefully less drivel, just notices of what is happening within the Club. The New Year’s Eve Party at the Mystic Sands Golf Resort was well attended initially but then our Members left in droves after the meal and did not remain for the entertainment for which your Club paid $40.00 per head. Oh well, it is a free country. Coming up on the Social Calendar: Easter School Holidays. A Kids Fishing Competition open to all children, not just Club Members. More details to come. 29 to 31 May. Family Fun Weekend Away at a location yet to be decided. We normally go to Lucinda where the facilities are very good but some Members want a change and have suggested locations such as Kurrimine Beach which is an extra 1-hour drive, Cardwell, Mission Beach etc so we have plenty from which to choose. If you have a particular preference, please speak to one of your Committee members, it will save a lot of shouting at the next Committee Meeting. This has always been a great weekend away so consider attending this time Friday 28 February. Club End of Month BBQ at The Landing 6.00 for 6.30 pm. Saturday 4 April. First Balgal Beach Market for the year 8.00 am to 1.00 pm at The Landing Park. The result of the Closed Club Barra Fishing Competition held from 21 to 23 February will be published next month. For this competition your Club offered $500.00 in prize money so tune in next month to see who took out the prizes. Oh, you didn’t know it was on? Well open your bloody Emails! We welcome new Club Member Mr. Frank Truscott and hope he has a great time in his new Club. New and Renewing Memberships. Just a reminder that we still accept new and renewing applications for membership which are on the Notice Board at The Landing for your collection anytime. Applications may be handed to a Committee Member any Fri/Sat/Sun from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm at The Landing for processing. The Stinger Net. We were recently chided on Facebook by some of the abundant local keyboard warriors for not giving the local population a reason or reasons for the stinger net removal for a short period. The short answer is, not our responsibility! The nets are owned by James Cook University, leased to Townsville City Council (and others depending on the locality) and managed under contract to a Cairns based firm named UNINET. UNINET is responsible for all maintenance and therefore take the net out as required. Our Club is only responsible for the daily movement of the net in or out with the tides to ensure it does not get breached. So, in future if you want to whine, contact Council. In the most recent case, we have been advised that the net was removed for three reasons, after the then recent heavy rain it needed a thorough cleaning; there were three days of King Tides which would harm the net and support structures if it remained in the water; and the maintenance required to repair numerous punctures in the boom (that is the inflated bit that suspends the net Cyril). Apparently, people think it is OK to take their Fido to the beach so he/she may romp around the net area jumping on the boom or trying to climb onto it when out in the water. Their sharp claws pierce the boom then it has to be removed for repair so please, keep your dog away from the stinger net. Sorry, despite my prompts, I cannot get Dickie to do a Fishing Report for this month. However, he will submit one for next month err, hopefully. Well my three dear Readers, I said there would be less drivel in my articles this year so until next month, Ninger

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. Welcome to the first edition of the Rolly Rag for 2020, what a marvellous opportunity we have to communicate to everybody in our District both long time residents and newcomers who are just setting into our little piece of paradise. Our community is constantly evolving and displaying new growth and that’s exciting. Our Lions Club is also adapting to new ideas and progress, sometimes the transition is so smooth that we don’t notice the difference but a pause to reflect helps to highlight our directions. Our 2020 year has seen us off with a quick start to the year, our community service arm is in full swing again and we have offered support to our Leo Chloe Hooker to attend the Qld Soccer squad. Our recycling program is again in full swing and we appreciate your support as the funds raised go towards helping in the community. In conjunction with the Community Centre we made some changers to our Australia Day Celebrations; it was a pity that the heavy rain deterred some to attend, the new Dunny Races were a hoot and will certainly be back next year. Thank you to Tom Ruddick for his unique designs and all others who made this a highlight. While on the subject of growth, the Pineapple Festival Committee have also been busy in the first months of the year exploring new concepts and ideas. Can you help out here? Do you have an idea to increase involvement? Give me a call. I wear two hats, the President of the Lions Club as well as the Pineapple Festival Committee. Another exciting project by the Lions Club is that we financed 10 specialised computer tablets and software for our local Rollingstone School and myself and Secretary John H. visited the school to watch a demo of their effectiveness by the School Principal, Andrew, where I was invited to become a 1st grader. It was breathtaking to see Rollingstone catching up with technology that has already been introduced in larger city schools. It was good to see that our rural students are not being held back and our club will be looking seriously at continued funding for this program. Until the next issue in April, see you around Dowie Tel 0412396450


QUARTERLY RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 25/02/2020 Rainfall for December: 28.6mm Total for Year: 2387.8mms Wet Days: 13 Rainfall for January: 406.9mm Year to date: 406.9 Wet Days: 20 Rainfall for February as at 25/02/2020: 425.5mm Year to date: 859.4 Wet Days: 10

PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done. COST is $5.

Max Temp: 37° on 14/02/2020 Min Temp: 21° on 12/02/2020 Access the data from our local weather station at: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849


ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB Hello Rollingstone and District, welcome to a New Year of Leos Fun and Activity with a particularly warm “hello” to those new arrivals into our wonderful community. After a great Christmas break our Leos are back and already are very active within their community. Already this year they have:• Participated in workshops to construct their own “Dunny” for the Community Australia Day activities. • Carried out the Flag Raising Ceremony for Australia, with Leo Taylah delivering the “Welcome to Country” followed by the Leos leading the singing of the Australian National Anthem • Participated in all of the Australia Day activities, including winning their section of the Australia Day Dunny Derby. Well done Leos! • Elected their Committee for this calendar year. Congratulations to Morgan (President), Jye (Vice President), Taylah (Secretary), Marley (Treasurer) and Chloe and Montana (Membership Chairpersons). • Have held a planning meeting to confirm key activities and projects for the year, which was followed by a game of Bocce Bowls on the Village Green • Taken delivery of their new Leos Shirts – looking very Smart Leos! • 10 Leos plus Leo Advisors Travis, Shirley and John attended the District Leo of The Year judging and activities day in Townsville on 15 February • 8 Leos plus Leo Advisors Shirley and John will be attending the Queensland State Leo Council at Lions Camp Kanga Youth Camp at Proserpine on 13-15 March And the Leos will be actively supporting their Environment by participating in “Clean Up Australia Day” on Sunday 1st March – assembly is at 8.00AM at Bushy Parker Park and will include a Barbecue and Swim in Rollingstone Creek after – weather permitting. So, if you are over 12 years of age, new to the Community or have not yet joined Leos but would like to get involved, why not join us next Sunday for “Clean Up Australia Day”, join in the fun and find out what it is that Leos do here in our beautiful part of paradise. Or – please contact one of our Leo Advisors:Travis Johnson: Mob 0439 540 552 Shirley Muller: Mob 0407 114 687

BALGAL BEACH WEBSITE Hi to All Businesses Owners in Balgal Beach and surrounds. We now have our very own website. It’s free to advertise your business or upcoming event. Jump onto The more people that register the bigger and better it will be for our Community. Email for further information. P26



Ingredients 470g pkt moist vanilla cake mix 1 cup Passiona 1 tbs passionfruit pulp

Method 1. Place the cake mix in a bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the Passiona. Use a whisk to combine. 2. Transfer enough of the cake batter to fill the four holes of the pie maker. Turn on the pie maker. Close and cook for 10 minutes or until the cakes are cooked. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Place the icing from the cake mix in a bowl. Add the passionfruit pulp and stir until smooth. Ice the cakes.

Volunteers wanted to learn to do the Rolly Rag so we can share the workload Call Chris: 4770 7855


COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.

Alcoholics Anonymous

44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816

For More Information 47715 411

Committee: President:

Sue Von Wald



Lynne Prytherch

47707 689

Hon. Secretary

Chris Martin

47707 855

Ian Dow


Deb Calder

47707 474

Geoffrey Prytherch

47707 689

Ann Martin All Correspondence to:


The Secretary

Community Centre Manager

Chris Martin

Community Centre Assistant

Mark Eberle 47707 855

8am - 4pm E-mail:

Fax: 47707 811

Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:


Rag office

47707 799

Police Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday

47707 144

(excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant


Senior Constable

Shaun Sutton

Front Desk Admin



Fire Permit

John Pace


Rudi Schwarz

47707 348 47707 813 / 0408021690

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm HQ

13 2500 47707 589

Rob Wilson

47707 498

Rollingstone State School Principal:

Andrew Stallman

Sophie Connolly

47707 001

47707 616


Kerrie Cochrane

47707 034

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President

Di Thompson



Neil Thompson


Michael Blake

47516 511

Paluma & District Community Association President

Jamie Oliver


1st. Vice President

Sarah Swan



Michele Bird




Wilfred Karnoll

47788 441


Ewan Cameron



Suzi Vincent


Rollingstone RSL

Rollingstone & District Lions Club President

Ian Dow



John Holliday


Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc. President

Wendy Clark



Kerrie Cochrane


Rhonda Schwarz

47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge

47745 130

Animal Ambulance (after hours)

47745 130

RSPCA Inspection

47744 714

Straying Stock

47738 411

National Parks & Wildlife Service

47212 399

N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue

Livestock on highway—REPORT TO Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin M-F 8am-4pm Max Agnew

Mutarnee State School Principal:

Faye Thomson

Margaret Preston (Vet) 47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:


President Raymond Pace 47707 285 / 0427116604

Hencamp Creek

Group Leader

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

Toomulla Community Association

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone

47786 033

North Townsville Community Hub

Rollingstone Qld 4816

Monday - Friday

C/o Northern Beaches Station


44 Community Crescent,



0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553 0403262212 13 19 40 47707 855 0409689320

47708 131

P 29

Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls


Groceries and small goods

Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)


Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters

Barista quality Bounce coffee


Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.


Try our chocolate muffins

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.








Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables

Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions

R os co, Olga, N ess i e & Eamo n


Barbeque Sausages

Lean Mince

Rump Steak

Rosco’s famous ham off the bone P30

MARCH 2020 Sunday 1 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre




2 9am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

3 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road

4 9am Indoor bowls at hall 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

Thursday 5 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall



6 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

7 9am-12 Op Shop 10.30 Yoga at the Hall

9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road 11am Computer Class at RTC

8 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 11.30am RSL AGM 5.30pm BBBaLC BBQ at Hall 15 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre

9 9am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 6.45pm SES training 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

10 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road 1.30 Craft afternoon at Hall 6.30pm Lions Business Meeting at Den

16 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30 Cards @ Hall 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

17 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road 2pm Board Games at the Hall

11 9am Indoor Bowls 11.30 MOBILE LIBRARY 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

18 9am Indoor Bowls 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

12 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

13 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road

14 12.30 BINGO at HALL 10.30 Yoga at the Hall

19 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community)

20 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road


27 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road

28 Council Elections as Rollingstone State School

9am VET at Hall

Mobile Dentist at Doctors 10.30 Yoga at the Hall

9.30am Playgroup at Hall 22 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre

29 7.30am St Anthony's Church Community Centre

23 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall 6.45pm SES training 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC

24 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road

30 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall

31 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4, Hencamp Road

6.30pm Lions Dinner Meeting

25 9am Indoor Bowls 11.30 MOBILE LIBRARY

26 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community)

7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

9.30am Playgroup at Hall









Fisherman Landing Fishing and Social Club BBQ at the Landing

10.30 Yoga at the Hall

7 pm AA Meeting at RTC



Warren (Butterworth) took on this little restoration project of the old railway reserve turnstile while the Centre was nice and quiet . Great job, thank you Warren

Aqua group at the Rollingstone Resort

Local artist/author Rosa Christian has had a poem and the painting which inspired it published. As one of ten finalists in the Mudgee Writers' recent 'More Than Words' competition her work was printed in a fine looking coffee table edition

Linedancing group celebrate Gail’s Birthday Gail formed the Linedancing Group in 2000 with seven members. Three of those seven members are still with the group which has risen to 28 It was fortunate that Gail's birthday (24/02/20) was on a Monday so that she could celebrate her birthday at Linedancing with her fellow activity partners


Induction into Country Music Hall of Fame Hometown Music Duo, the Gottani Sisters, Pauline & Jenny, were inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and had their hand prints memorialised in the Walk of Fame during this year’s Tamworth Country Music Festival. “Our hands are finally set in cement forever at the Hands of Fame. It was such an honour and we dedicated it to our Mum and Dad, Fay and Emilio Gottani.” “They have always been such a big Part of our journey from the very beginning. From the Rollingstone Pub in the 70’s, to Tamworth, to Nashville to Branson, Missouri and now back home. It has been an exciting and inspiring journey” The girls are scheduled to appear at many Country Music Festivals and musters from Cunnamulla to Ballina and many regular gigs.

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