May 2015 (1)

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MAY 2015

Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.

SALE-A-THON !! Grosvenor 'Vanity' S/S cutlery $1/piece York 102 Bench, weights & DVD $120 Table circular 1m w/ four chairs $50 Asian china 50+ pieces $35 Fishing gear; rods, lures, etc., $various Generator 6KVA petrol $795 Jerry cans, metal $5 and $7ea Ammo boxes for camping $10 and $12 Stretchers, 2x, quality, excellent $30ea Light stands, 3x, surface rust $12 Single bed and mattress $30 Jack: hydraulic, floor, rolling $15 Canoe, 16ft Canadian lightweight fibreglass w/ paddles $695 4770 7111

Letters to the Editor What is happening to our place of paradise?? In the past week we have had numerous dog attacks on our local kangaroos. Now before you say "dingoes, wild dogs" I think you have to agree that these animals do not leave tyre tracks nor in some cases wear collars or similar. One of the wildlife carers spent 2 days trying to catch a very badly injured 50-60 kg 4 year old male Eastern Grey kangaroo who had been savaged by a dog(s). His bottom jaw was wrenched away from the top and was hanging loosely. He was unable to eat or drink. Talk about cruelty.!! The locals in our area enjoy having these icons of Australia living peacefully side by side. They are a huge tourist attraction and are a major drawing card to our area. Those who either come into our area or who live here and allow their dogs to desecrate paradise need to be stopped, they need to be caught fined and their animals taken away from them. I ask everyone to be alert and report and if possible take a photograph of the dog/dogs and report to Townsville City council Ph 1300878001 This can be used as after hours if necessary. Any caged dogs on utes will be suspect!! Even though 95% of these utes will have responsible dog owners it is the other percentage that is the problem. Australian native animals are protected. Do we want to wait until dogs attack humans and don't say it will not happen as people in the area have already been bailed up by loose dogs. It will and does happen. Signed “ A really angry, frustrated and VERY concerned citizen� (Name and photos of deceased kangaroos withheld by editor)


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre. Thankyou to Caitlin Hemming and Bella for the incredible photo they sent to us here at the Rollingstone Rag. One VERY amazing image!!! If anyone else has photos they feel would be great to include please send them to us at

RAINFALL REPORT Monthly rain totals as at 28.04.15 Rainfall for MAY 138.8ml 2015 Rainfall Year to date 647.7 ml 13 days of rain

Sadly missed will be Keith McGuinness who passed away recently. He served for 10 years as President of the Golf Club and recently celebrated his 90th Birthday.

MOTHERS DAY Sunday MAY 10th The Golf Club is having a special Mothers day lunch . Don’t forget to spoil your mum or wife and book for this yummy lunch!!!

Don’t forget weight circuit excercises and Yoga as we need 10 people to in each group to make them viable.

SUE Blom will be at the RTC on Wednesday 10-1 on 2nd Wednesday in May

For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service

The Mobile Library has a new timetable that will begin on Monday 4th May, that affects the times at the Northern stops and sees the Toomulla stop cancelled due to very low visitation.

The new times for Rollingstone Community Centre will be 11.30 am – 1.00pm …. 13th & 27th May PLAYGROUP : 12 months ago there were 14 families now we have dwindling numbers and we don't want to loose this fantastic service. Comeon mums check the Calander on the back of here and come down with your littlies!!!!! There will be no Weight Circuit classes on 8th May because the Biggest Morning Tea will be on. After you have eaten lots on this day you may resume your Weight Circuit classes on 15th May with renewed vigour!!!!

Chris will returning to the Centre this month with some interesting tales of her trip to Anzac Cove !!

TASMAN TURTLE PICNIC DAY Saturday 23rd May TYTO PARKLANDS 11am -4pm see insert for more info

OP SHOP Specials Rack everything $1 for the month of MAY Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information


Rollingstone & District Seniors Seniors membership is now due, if your membership is not paid by 30 th June 2015 you will be deemed un-financial. Yoga and weight circuit are now beeing held in the Hall and times are on the Calander at the back of the Rollingstone Rag so please support them as they need 10 people to make it viable for them to conduct these great activities. Anyone interested in Board games? If so Bernice is looking at holding an afternoon at the RTC on the 3 rd Tuesday of the month. Contact Bernice on 47707497. The Mothers Day raffle tickets should be handed back to Rhonda now- the Raffle will be drawn at the Biggest Morning Tea. The Biggest Morning Tea will be held on 8 th May at the Hall, start 9.00am for 9.30am start. It will be a great morning, with the theme being the Fanciest and most novel Parasol. There will be a fashion Parade featuring clothes from our fantastic Op-Shop, with some pretty good looking models! Also an auction with some great items up for grabs and entertainment from our local “stars”. Our Babz will be the compare again this year, she always does a fantastic job. All the Community is invited so please come along! Gwen (47707540) is planning a trip to Chillagoe from the 21 st to 26th May- the cost will be around $325 plus fuel and food. I believe there are some fantastic caves up there! Numbers will be limited to 20 so think about it and if you are interested please contact Gwen. On 29th May we are planning a trip to Jezzine Barracks, cost is a donations, then a fishing trip to Cattle Creek on Rosie on 30 th of May, weather permitting. The 2nd June is Morning Melodies “the Beggars” or movies followed by lunch at a venue yet to be decided. The Upper Ross PCYC group visited our Bowls group on 15 th April and a morning of Bowls and cards was enjoyed by all. The day was topped off with a lovely lunch at the Mystic Sands Golf Club. 26 Seniors from Rollingstone and Magnetic Island had a great day on Tuesday 21 st April at Riverway with trips up the River on Rosie, Captain Ken and Deckie Joy did a great job. A barbeque lunch followed- great burgers cooked by Rhonda. Mark the 14th August on your calendars, The Northern Beaches Seniors Luncheon will be held in our Hall. More details later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------During the last week in March a group of 12 Seniors travelled to Atherton for a six day stay. On the trip we visited places such as Mareeba, Malanda, Granite Gorge, Tinaroo Dam, the Chinese Temple and the Herberton Heritage Village. The Herberton Display Village was a highlight of our trip and an absolute must-see for anyone travelling North, the authenticity of the buildings and the miners' cottages gives a real insight into the hardship of the way of life of the first pioneers to Australia. We sampled cheeses, chocolates and liqueurs, had picnic lunches, Devonshire teas, bbqs and a boat ride on Lake Barrine all in idyllic surroundings, and finished off with a Chinese Banquet meal on the last night. On Saturday morning we visited the Yungaburra Markets - another must-see, so many, many stalls we could have spent all day there! The camaraderie amongst the group was great with lots of joke telling, “leg pulling” and laughter. A BIG THANK YOU goes to Gwen Cahill for organising this trip and seeing that everything ran smoothly, and also a BIG THANK YOU to her hubby Peter (our bus driver) for getting us there and back safely and never complaining once to any of the navigators and back seat drivers. Peter, your fortitude and patience with all of us deserves a medal - thank you……..Claire

13th & 27th May

A wealthy Arab Sheik was admitted to hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store his type of blood in case the need arose. As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn't be found locally, so, the call went out. Finally a Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman in appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW, 5 carats of diamonds, and $50,000 dollars. A couple of days later, once again, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery. The hospital telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate more of his blood again. After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of Black Magic chocolates. The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had before. He phoned the Arab and asked him: "I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me another BMW, diamonds and money ... but you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of chocolates." To this the Arab replied: "Aye laddie, but I now have Scottish blood in “ma veins".



Not so well.....Barry Stevenson, Bruce Sommers, Bruce Woollard, Jim Kennedy, Clyde Stewart, Graham Foster, Betty Grady (fall), Alf Coleman (fall). Gladys Pace has had a really tough time lately. Let’s hope things are looking up for her; sending love and best wishes. And the same to Debbie GeritzKing who is extremely ill from side-effects of the MS she suffers and which has now confined her to bed. Vicki West has sold her home and moved away. Vicki and her late husband, Tony, were most active within the local golfing fraternity. A lovely lady who will be sorely missed. On a sad note we have lost Keith McGuinness, a long-time resident of Rollingstone (Mystic Sands). Keith served for about 10 years as President of the Golf Club during which his contribution to the local scene was most substantial. He recently celebrated his 90th birthday but hadn’t been in robust health for some time. Vale Keith. As Chrissie is on annual leave, anything pertaining to the RTC will be covered in this column – but only for the May issue. “The Station” Community Library is a LENDING library only. It’s not a swap/exchange bookshop. There are some books for sale very cheaply but they’re mostly books of which we already have a copy. This being the case, we respectfully ask that if you borrow any reading material, it is returned when you’re finished with it. LocaBalgal Beach resident Jennifer-lee Sinclair has been accepted into the 2015/2016 Townsville Emerging Leader’s Program which is run by Townsville Enterprise Limited (TEL). The program is designed to expose Townsville’s next generation of leaders to a wide array of economic drivers in the region as well as providing a mentoring program with existing business leaders. Jennifer has been selected by mentor Ray Burton (CEO of Townsville City Council). Jennifer is a Senior Project Manager/Valuer with Opteon Property Group and is passionate about the economic growth and development of Townsville, especially in relation to the Townsville State Development Area (TSDA) and the Northern Beaches which she calls home. Thanks to Eamon for connecting “The Station” up to the water. We now have tea and coffee making facilities in place. (RTC): We would like to have Alex Salvador’s Drum Circle visit us again later in the year. However, this is an expensive exercise and we need to know if the community (particularly families) will patronise it. The first one we ran on a Saturday morning and it was extremely popular with the kids. The second time we had him up here was on a Saturday night with a bonfire and all, but numbers attending weren’t good. PLEASE let us know what you think so we can make a definite booking. He’s very popular and a date-claimer is getting harder to organise. (RTC): We’ve been advised from Council that our Mobile Library is an endangered species, so PLEASE support it if you’re able. Already, Toomulla has lost their service and other communities south of the city are experiencing the same outcome. It’s the old story: “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”. This is such a wonderful service, it’d be a shame to see it disappear into the fog and the mist. (RTC): Playgroup numbers are painfully down. We have no understanding of this because just 12 months ago around 14 families were in attendance each Thursday. On Easter Thursday in April, there was ONE family turned up! This Group is such a fabulous resource and we can ill-afford to lose it also; so we implore the young parents to consider taking part in something your littlies will obviously enjoy. An initiative of the Rollingstone Community Association is the proposed formation of an entertainment group: singing, dancing, instrumental, acting, comedy, etc. You don’t have to be of any standard to join because “joining” and “partaking” are the 2 most important aspects of this venture while at the same time, entertaining. ‘From little things, big things come’, so we’re encouraging you to call the RTC on 855 to register your interest and shortly we’ll decide on a date to get together and nut out some sort of cohesion, organisation and programme. We’d like to think this group would then be available to “perform” at local events and bring a smile to lots and lots of happy faces!! The Association will be the support base which should make life a little easier financially. We’re presently looking at a Tuesday morning after Water Aerobics has finished for the year for the formation of this Group. All ages are welcome. (You may have seen other notations of this kind under last month’s Community Notice Board banner – well, this is what it’s all about.) (RTC): Doctor to Your Door does not service the Townsville Northern Beaches area further north than Black River. They are constantly extending their boundaries so this may happen sometime in the future - presently, no. The GP Super Clinic in Deeragun is not allied with the Bluewater Medical Surgery. I'm not going into the nitty-gritty of the disaster that befell the delivery of the April RAG to certain parts of the community, suffice to say that "stuff" happens in real life, so best to suck it up and get on with living. It wasn't the fault of the Community Association, so I'm not offering apologies other than to say that it won't happen again - mostly for the sanity of those of us at the coal-face. I will repeat that the RAG is compiled by volunteers, costs the householder nothing and is distributed by volunteers. It is a privilege to receive it and not a right! It costs the Community Association approx $1000 a month to print, a percentage of which is offset by advertising. If, in future, your newsletter is a little late in arriving and you’re having withdrawals, feel free to present yourself to the RTC and we'll accommodate your craving - on the understanding, of course, that you return the second copy you receive (on regular delivery) to the RTC, for continued dissemination. It'll help to defray our costs, even if only a tad. We’ve printed so many extras this month, it’s sinful. We understand that as owners of and responsibility for the RAG, the buck stops with us; but we'd like to appeal to your more benevolent sides and ask for a little more tolerance, understanding and less ire should hiccups as have just occurred surface again. As they say on Facebook: TIA………………………. Recently put in place are added community activities for the interest, benefit and enjoyment of our all-ages adult population. To date, there’s a Board Games Afternoon happening one Tuesday afternoon per month. Yoga started on Wednesday, April 22 nd at 1pm and we also have Weight Circuit Exercise Classes in place at 9am on a Friday; a Computer Class that meets one Friday morning a month under the tutelage of a Council Officer and it’s FREE; and starting in May, we will be meeting to form the proposed Entertainment Group. This is all very commendable but to keep these activities in place, it is required that a minimum of 10 participants attend most days. Again, it is a case of “not using it will result in losing it” and this would be such a shame with all arrangements finalised. We’ve had complaints of the cost involved but it must be realised that the days of freebies and low prices are all but over as everyone tries to make a living to nurture and educate their families in an increasingly demanding world. Probably, it’s about how much you value your physical and mental health. You are not expected to attend everything, but to make choices which will benefit you and that you’ll enjoy. That way we should be able to keep the numbers as required by those delivering the services. We ask that you give this your sincere consideration. P.S: Is there anyone in the community that can play MAHJONG and who would be willing to instruct our Games Afternoon group once a month until they know what they’re doing?


VISIT TO WONDERLAND STATION Recently, I had the opportunity to take LNP Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Deb Frecklington, for a visit to Wonderland Station owned by Geoff and Vicky Toomby, in the Black River area. Geoff and Vicky run a small rural training facility on their property and specialise in delivering training to young indigenous people looking for an opportunity to take a new direction in their lives. I'm proud of the work that happens at Wonderland Station, because I played a role, when I was Natural Resources Minister, to secure the tenure on the property for Geoff and Vicky. The need for quality rural training is an important issue for Queensland. It was great to show Deb what is happening in this area of the Hinchinbrook electorate. INSPECTING THE OCEAN DROVER In mid-April I was fortunate enough to go aboard the Ocean Drover, a large live cattle export vessel, as it was being loaded out of the Port of Townsville. I undertook the inspection of the ship with the LNP Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Deb Frecklington, who had just come from a tour of drought ravaged Western Queensland. I met the Captain of the Ocean Drover and said hello to some crew members, including 5 Australian stockmen, who travel on the ship for animal welfare reasons. The export of live cattle to our overseas markets is an important economic driver for the beef industry in North and North West Queensland, supporting beef producers and local communities.

NUTRIMETICS offers a fabulous range of products -skin care, body care, and cosmetics - using natural and organic ingredients.

Contact Carol 0428 892029 for Complimentary in-home treatment Hot rock massage and facial Spa relaxation hot towel facial Top to toe facial + foot spa or Colour with cosmetics Visit my online store and have your goods delivered to your front door. Carol’s Nutrimetics


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $5.50 (incl. GST) Evening $5.50 (incl. GST)  Important document scanning $5.00 


Rollingstone State School Laughter and Learning! The final weeks of term 1 were very busy at Rollingstone State School. Fund raising for the McGrath Foundation with our Pink Stumps Day, the traditional Easter Bonnet parade and celebrating reading achievements across the school. Mrs Jenny Jackson, our wonderful PE teacher, coordinated the Pink Stumps fund raising day. In total over $750 dollars was raised for the McGrath Foundation and a fantastic morning of cricket was had by all. It was really wonderful to see so many parents out playing with the children, despite the heat. Further thanks to those families that donated to the cake stall, to Mrs Zander for organising the barbecue and Elodie and Ryan’s dad for spoiling us all with pink slushies and ‘good’ coffee. The last day of school was a combined Easter Bonnet parade and a celebration of the huge effort that so many children have put into reading this term. Each child was presented with a ‘high-five hand’ that recorded their personal reading growth against regional benchmarks for their age. We are exceptionally proud of the high number of students who are already over end-of-year benchmarks and all our Preps who are already on a reading level. A huge thank-you to acting Sergeant Darren for his time and enthusiasm while presenting all reading-hands and the Easter egg awards. We hope everyone has had a safe Easter and all students arrive back ready for more laughter and learning in term 2


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Hello Rollingstone, Who is this you may ask? Well it’s your one and only Senior Constable Darren HAGGARTY aka McHAGGIS aka Daniel CRAIG, ok I am dreaming again so I am told by my son Mitch. You have to love your kids for their honesty or do you? For those who don’t know I am relieving as Acting Sergeant whilst Goughy is Acting Senior Sergeant at Deeragun for a few months. Before you ask “How can he do it all alone?” I must admit my job is much easier with the help of Christine who has joined our Rollingstone team and brought a wealth of knowledge and experience. Please be easy on me, writing tickets comes naturally but writing the Rolly Rag is a bit harder especially after the creative writing skills of Goughy. Maybe if I do a bad job I will get the same look as when I issue a traffic ticket, hmm I will let you know next month. March/April has been a busy time of year and I have enjoyed taking part in some special celebrations. The Rollingstone State School held its Pink Stumps day fundraising for cancer. A day of cricket triumphs on the ovals with some special guests and I mean “Special” as to my presence and lack of cricketing skills and of course pink hat that is hard to miss even as it sits on my work desk. I am secretly hoping that the event was not filmed and added to You-tube titled “one of Queensland’s finest takes a tumble on the field”. Those of you who are worried I can only say that I am walking better now. Llucky we don’t have a sobriety test like our American counterparts although I am pretty sure even they don’t test for caffeine yet!!!! I also had the pleasure of attending Rollingstone State School to observe lovely Easter Bonnet creations “Great work to all” and presenting Reading awards. It just amazes me the dedication of Miss C, the teachers and staff at the school and the creative lengths they go to make teaching fun for the kids. I must admit I was a bit worried when I first met Mr Bruce who had a rather large jar of flies last year when I first visited the school but the experiment was explained to me and I can relax although I am wondering what I am going to do with several jars of flies I have collected from around my house over the last year! Easter in Rollingstone and surrounds this year was very different to last year with very minimal issues and only 1 arrest. I wonder whether this is because of my reputation where the sweat starts forming on peoples brows when I drive the police vehicle past them through the local camping areas but I am a realist and believe the sweat was just caused by the heat and humidity from the extended warm weather we have been receiving this year and the fact we haven’t had much rain to make the creeks flow. For those who don’t know, the Rollingstone division covers over 3000 square kilometres and extends North from Leichardt creek, South from Bambaroo and West to Zig Zag station. Over the Easter period my patrols led me over the Paluma range and it was great to catch up with Helen who manages Zig Zag cattle station. During my patrols I had a very interesting conversation with some campers. It seems that apparently if you have been trespassing for 40 years it is ok!!! Hmm, well I can say with confidence that this argument just wouldn’t stand up in court. I just look at it like this, would I be happy for anyone to set up camp in my back yard? Well apart from Tony Richards aka “Tony the excitable” the answer is a resounding No!!! Just saying. Well it has been 17 months since I arrived in this great community and I have met so many lovely people and I will try and mention some along the way. What can I say about my beautiful wife Puy, she is my rock and one of the kindest people that I know, Puy never has a bad word to say about anybody. I think as a society we need to embrace the little things, forgive easily, don’t say hurtful things, be tolerant of others and enjoy every day. Some very sad news with Duane & Gina finishing up at the BP, you will be missed by many and I wish you well in the future. (Just let me know when you start making Pies again and where). Lastly, please come and support our Local disaster management golf day on Sunday June 14 at Mystic Sands Golf club. Its $25 per head including lunch and its a fun day out with proceeds used for community projects. For information please contact the station on 47707144 or Tony Richards 0457284894……..Stay safe everyone.

P 11


47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation P 12

RAINFOREST INN PALUMA Licensed CafĂŠ / Restaurant/ Motel New Owners

Open 4 days a week Breakfast & Lunch 8.30-3.30 Closed Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays Dinner Saturday nights however Bookings are Essential

We also have spacious well appointed Motel units Why not join us for breakfast ,lunch or coffee and home made sweets and cakes!!!!

1 Mt Spec Rd Paluma 47708688

Thanks to Fred and Paula Gillam for these amazing pictures of White breasted Sea Eagles taken at Mystic Sands recently


Council Clippings - Division One Hello every one. By the time you get this Anzac day will have come and gone and hopefully you have all enjoyed the day the weather has been perfect so it all went off well. There has been much talk of the super stadium and a lot are very confused with what is being portrayed in the local paper. My stance on this has never changed, there is a big picture and much more is needed than just a stadium. The council has been promised $65 Million with a further $35 million if the current government get re-elected. This is nowhere near enough for just the stadium component but it is a great start on the river front project and we are grateful for this money. The only thing that might have changed is that now the council is being heard in all of this. The whole plan includes a water front upgrade along Ross Creek, an Art Gallery fit for our city, a convention centre and a stadium. To be included also is a small theatre as we have a growing arts community that needs to be catered for. Have a great month and I will be out 2nd Wednesday of May

P 14

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G’Day All! Fishing has been really good, with members landing some excellent catches. Pictured is our Merle Dickenson with a 58 cm Fingermark and a club record 56 cm Maori Sea Perch caught on the shoals at Balgal Beach. WELL DONE MERLE, you and Ken always seem to get amongst them! Our Clubs April get together was held at Acheron Drive beach in the camping area. We had a beaut arvo and social evening. Good weather, NO sandflies or mossies, it was lovely with lots of laughter and socialising. We played a new game with the Girls verses the Boys. WAIT FOR IT..... IT’S CALLED ‘SAGGY BALLS” and our handy man Tom Ruddick made it to Rhonda Mullers’ specifications. A VERY GOOD GAME TO PLAY. The boys won of course. HA HA. The food was delicious, we had hot dogs on fresh rolls, heaps of good nibbles, followed by delicious sweets. Our members are a good mob to be with! Mothers Day is our next celebration in May at the Community Hall and we will be entertained by our special singer Judyanna, and I imagine there will be lots of dancing as well. Visitors are always welcome to our functions with huge meals for ten dollars for adults, children under twelve free, members are free. Please support our sponsors whenever possible……….All the best from your Committee.

P 15

R.S.L. NEWS ANZAC Day, our most attended commemorative service of the year and what a great turnout this year! The centenary of Gallipoli has certainly drawn attention to much of what has established the Australian character, mateship, heroism and resilience under extreme conditions. Thank you to all of those who made the effort to get out of bed early and attend the DAWN SERVICE. This year we estimate that over 1,000 attended. Our services have been increasing in crowd numbers as word has spread re the memorable atmosphere at Balgal Beach. Our March, also well attended, reflected the enthusiasm that has been inspired by the stories shared on television, the radio, in the newspapers and books. I remember earlier this year, or maybe even late last year, being in the 2/3 classroom at Rollingstone State School and reading a part of their class novel, which was about a soldier, his service and his letters home. It was pleasing to see the interest shown by the students in learning of this young man’s life. Our marchers included past service personnel, community groups, school students, from tiny preps to young adults, as well as other interested people. LT Kathryn Smith gave a moving speech at each of the services, as did Councillor Sue Blom. We also listened intently to the poems recited by students from Rollingstone and Mutarnee State Schools. The National Anthems were sung beautifully by the students from Rollingstone. A big thank you to Miss C, principal, and Mrs Burstow, our talented music teacher, for inspiring the students and putting in the effort to train them. Note the “our”, you just can’t help feeling part of Rollingstone State School, and I am lucky to be able to go there on occasions. I must admit that Mutarnee is also special, as I did a stint there a few years ago, and occasionally get to go there now and again. A big thank you to Mr Poulter and Cathy, who enthusiastically embraced Mutarnee’s traditional participation in ANZAC Day. So many more messages of thanks need to be given, but they do reflect the way our community comes together. The Townsville City Council ensured the park was clean and tidy, power and lights were available, and Sue Blom also organised extra toilets for the convenience of patrons. Thank you TCC and Councillor Sue! Pace Farms and Roscos, two local identities who are always willing to assist a huge thank you for the eggs, ice and storage also Sue VW and RADCA for chairs and use of the cold room. Blancos from Ingham provided the sausages and also have become our source for our meat tray raffles, which are so popular on Friday nights and on special occasions, such as ANZAC Day. Country Bake provided bread and a thank you to Steve W for organising that through Trevor. Pauls Milk are always willing to provide a crate of milk for our breakfast, so thank you to Larry from Pauls. We also thank Tip Top Bakery for contributing bread. These donations enable us to keep the costs down for our breakfast and also assist with costs related to conducting the service and following activities. Speaking of breakfast, what a great effort by the Lions Club. Thank you to all of the members who assisted with cooking and serving. Yummy as always! Thank you also to John Muller, our resplendent MC, Bob Zander for reminding us, and guiding us through, the religious significance of the service and day and to Rob Wilson and his SES helpers who are there bright and early to assist and ensure people know where to park. We had two golf carts, provided by John Gurd who drove himself and Steve Bower, plus Coach (Dennis Cleaver) who provided transport for Keith our 90 year old veteran. Thanks Coach and John whose Dad was a WW2 veteran. Unfortunately Rick Dyer was re-admitted to hospital and missed the service, he had organised a RAAF hat and shirt to wear and was so looking forward to being part of the march. Hopefully next year Rick! Initially we thought the flyover was not to be this year due to a shortage of pilots. However, this being the 100 th year of Gallipoli, spurred David Henry to take to the air and he flew in his 1971 Piper Cherokee, along with Graeme Atchinson in his magical 1930’s vintage Tiger Moth. Thank you David and Graeme! Thank you to the committee of the Rollingstone RSL: Jan for collecting wreaths, shopping for plates, water, soft drink, condiments and handling the money side. Mick for being the chief overseer and threatening everyone with their life if something goes wrong, just kidding Mick, but generally ensuring all is well on the day. Tony G (Mitre 5) for being our property manager and being in charge of the sound system…the most dreaded job! Technology can be affected by the wind, someone dial twiddling when they are not supposed to, but Tony hangs in there! Dowie, the man you need when a trailer and a nearly fully abled body is required, and he’s there! Des, who suddenly finds there is more to being on this committee than he thought, but he is taking on all challenges. Rod helps with setting up and cleaning up, liaising with council, as well as representing our interests in the District. Ewan, unfortunately could not be here, and he was upset, as Rollingstone, is his baby, however, with Queensland representatives being in Canberra, Ewan as State Vice President, had to attend events in Brisbane. A thank you also to Doug O for providing his ute, in Jim K’s place this year. I bet everyone could find the Gunfire breakfast area this year! Jim did manage to come, and assisted at the bar and with handing out soft drink. Thanks Jim! To Steve thank you for assisting with the bar and also helping with preparation back at the club. Here we were ably served by Vonnie, Emma, Colleen and Shannah to ensure people could relax following the more formal aspects of the day. Our Rollingstone RSL hopes to establish a bond with 9 Transport SQN, as we had with 35 SQN in the early years. On ANZAC Day, the Catafalque Party performed their duties to a high standard and we thank them and the officers in charge, W/O Jason Harton, LT Kathryn Smith, Troop SGT Paul McAnelly and Catafalque Party Commander L/CPL Benjamin Ralph, for their participation and efforts. Did you notice the flagpoles? Looked brand new, but that was due to a coat of paint from Bunnings. A phone call from Lisa, their activities officer, led to a meeting with her and her trainee, Christine at the Memorial site. Des, Mick and I believed the flagpoles were looking a little rusty and they offered to help. Thank you Bunnings from North Shore for the painting and the planters containing rosemary, the traditional ANZAC Day plant. Had on my list to thank some special members who are always there to help on Friday nights. Don’t know if I can do them justice now, as I have mentioned so many in relation to ANZAC Day. However, without Robyn, Gloria and Faye, as backups on Friday nights I would be frazzled and I’m too old to be frazzled! Thank you girls, you do a great job. Not taking away from those who help on their roster night, but occasionally people can’t make it and they are always willing to step in and help to sell. Sorry for prattling on for so long, but ANZAC Day is so special and the number we need to thank reflects the efforts that go into the day. Just realised I forgot about the Police, thanks Darren and Goughy for always being there for us, your efforts are most appreciated. ………………………...Cheers, Rhonda C P 16

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Australia and New Zealand’s landing at Gallipoli, Townsville North recently beautified two local RSL branches, as well as created an ANZAC Hero Garden for the nearby Northern Beaches State High School. Lisa and Christine, Activities Organisers for Bunnings, rang a couple of weeks ago and asked if they could help us in preparation for ANZAC Day. Mick and I met her at the Memorial and suggested painting the flagpoles as they had started to rust. As you can see our request was granted and they also provided 4 pot plants with rosemary. The Red Shirts were out in numbers when we paid the Kelso RSL a visit in early April! We managed to recruit eight team members to help refresh numerous tables, as well as the cement flooring of a patio area. Marigolds were also supplied for the gardens at the very enthusiastic requests of the RSL members. A big effort by our team but as they say - ‘Many hands make light work’! The results looked awesome and were greatly appreciated by the Kelso RSL branch .

Courtesy: Debbie Norris

Courtesy: Debbie Norris

Courtesy Kristie Hart

Courtesy Kristie Hart

Courtesy: Len & Wendy Clark

Courtesy Nicholas Holden

P 17

P 18

WILDLIFE CARERS Please keep these phone numbers handy!!!!!



4770 7540 / 0427 074 816



4770 7356 / 0412 965 535



0402 084 588

Wildlife First Aid Hints for animals commonly found in our district. As wildlife carers it is usually the public that identifies an injured animal requiring assistance first. It is therefore very important how the animal is treated when first found.  Look for parents, particularly for birds and if possible place the bird safely as near to parents or nest and observe.  Keep the animal warm. All native animals require a higher body temperature than ourselves. If they are injured or orphaned they go into shock and as a result their temperature drops.  If the animal is a Kangaroo or Possum please do not try and give them any fluids. Birds may need water which can carefully be dropped in mouth with a eye dropper but only a very small amount.  Contact help. This can be by phoning one of the above numbers. There are times when wildlife carers in Rollingstone district may not be available, If this should occur please phone the 24 hour wildlife phone on 0414717374. This information is very basic, the best action to take for the animals well being is to get it to a registered trained carer as quickly as possible. If the animal is severely injured arrangements can be made for it to be humanly euthanized.

ANOTHER LEISURE ACCESSIBLE CLUBS GOOD NEWS STORY. We had the privilege of helping to celebrate the 80th birthday of Joan White on 15 th April at Riverway. Joan is an “in-care” resident of The Good Shepherd. A bus load of her friends from The Good Shepherd and her family members came along to celebrate. We had a ball cruising the Ross River, some helped steer ROSIE creating lots of excitement and laughter onboard. It really was a top day, the food was really good and the birthday cake was yummy, making sure our birthday girl Joan wont forget her 80 th in a hurry. We will be heading off fishing soon and those involved are all so excited, they cant wait to go! On Tuesday the 21st of April we cruised Riverway with The Rollingstone Seniors and their guests, the Magnetic Island Seniors. Everyone had a great time and lunch was very social with lots of chatting and togetherness. TOP STUFF. We spotted a large saltwater Crocodile sunning itself on a log and were lucky enough to get up really close to take lots of photos. Their Seniors next outing on ROSIE is a fishing trip to Cattle Creek on the 30 th of May. We are looking forward to having everyone on board again as the laughs never stopped and the adventures were fantastic……Kind regards to all SKIPPER KEN AND DECKIE JOY,

P 19

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, The end of the month has come and gone with no rain to speak of. It’s good to feel the change of weather. The course is looking great, everything is so green and the players aren't melting while they are playing. There is a bit to say so I will start with the Monthly Medal results. Mens Div 1 Winner: Todd Small with 68 you gave that little white ball a good talking to well done Todd R/U: Denis Cleaver with 70 good on you Coach. Mens Div 2 Winner: Phil Thompson with 67 Mr dammit came good that day very good score Phil. R/U: Ken Dickenson with 70 that number seems to be good for runner up well done Ken. Mens Div 3 Winner: Tony Griffiths with 66 good to see Tony. R/U: Des Ward with 69 go get em big fella I can see Div 2 coming up. Ladies Div 1 Winner: Maree King with 76 I can’t congratulate myself with that score bad girl. R/U: Rhonda Coulson with 77 good game Rhonda. Ladies Div2 Winner: Merle Dickenson with 70 this time the 70’s get the prize great stuff Merle. R/U: Pat Onoprienko with 75 well done Pat. April was a very busy month for our golf club, the Vets had some good games as well, firstly there was the annual Cup for men and women and the winners were…... Vonnie Winn with a very good score in the high 30’s well done Vonnie. Bob Lloyd won the mens cup with a score in the 40’s good on you Bob. The following week there was the Monthly Medal or as we call it fight for a shirt day and the winners were Maree King with a fine 37 and Eddie White with another fine 37 well done to all who played that day. The club sent 2 men’s teams away to compete in the Pennants competition for this region. Home Hill was the venue course, and very tricky golf course. Our boys did very well with B Grade winning and bringing home the crown, the C Grade came very close losing by 1 point. Well done to all the men you did our club proud. To all the ladies out there who might like to come and give golf a go, we run a Wednesday event for beginners it’s a good way to get into the game and have fun as well. On a sadder note the community lost a very fine gentleman on 23rd April, Mr Keith McGuinness. Keith was instrumental in helping to get our club to grow and be known around the district. Keith served 10years as President, and in that time he gained a lot of sponsorship for championship matches closed and open. Keith knew all the members by name and when a new face appeared he went out of his way to introduce himself and welcome them to our club. He became a life member and after he fell ill he still came to the club from time to time to say hello and MEET new people. So I say goodbye Keith, hit em straight and I don't think there is any out of bounds in heaven. That's all for this month…..Look after one and other……Cheers……..Maree K.

MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB Our first club championship for 2015 has been completed with Michael and Mal worthy winners over a gallant Max and Terry in the mens pairs. After a close tussle for the majority of the match , the eventual winners skipped away in the last few ends to book themselves a spot in the district Champion of Champions to be played later in the year. Riding on the success of our Sunday morning barefoot bowls, we have decided to re-introduce Friday night bowls on a trial basis. The starting date will be Friday 8th May to be played from 6.00pm – 7.30pm with names required by 5.30pm. This will enable those dining at the resort to do so after the game as well as taking part in the RSL raffles and Goose Club. Ideally, we would love to see local clubs and businesses submit teams (similar to indoor cricket concept) to play in a social comp over, say, six weeks but this is for further down the track. Teams will be comprised of 4 members and bowls are available for those requiring them. There will be a small fee for participating ($5-7). It is probably timely to remind all bowlers that as we are playing at the Mystic Sands Resort, there are dress rules in place that need to be adhered to. This includes (but not limited to) singlets and tank tops not being worn and covered footwear is required when entering the club. Unfortunately, due to a lack of affiliated male bowlers, we have had to withdraw from the upcoming North Qld Pennants. This is disappointing but hopefully we can get the required numbers for next year. As promised, our green continues to improve every week and this is entirely due to a small band of helpers who are responsible for this improvement. Without personally recognising each individual, I would make special mention of our two newest bowlers (Phil T and Steve) for the artwork around the green and the new sand in the ditches. Thanks to everyone for your involvement. Sunday mornings continue to be the focal point of our club and its great to see new people turning up every week. Its a joy to see new bowlers reactions when they realise what a laid back atmosphere we provide and the fact there is absolutely no pressure on a persons performance. Games commence at 9.30am (names in by 9.00am) and go for approx 2 hours. As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292. Thanks. P 20


Barefoot Bowls Sunday 9.30am Friday night 6.30 pm Starting May 8th


Please Book

THE VOICE of “THE VON” Congrats to our “B” grade pennants team after winning division 2 pennants comp at Home Hill on the 19-20 April week-end. The team, captained by Paul Harry, won convincingly over Charters Towers and Magnetic Island to bring home the coveted pennants trophy Commiserations to the C grade team being not quite so lucky losing by 1 game to Home Hill after a third play off. All the players represented our Club honourably and enjoyed the week-end of sport and camaraderie with other clubs And while giving out congrats, our newest “Hole in One” member, Des Ward, achieved this recently on the 13 th hole while playing in the Sunday Bushranger Comp. Many golfers play a lifetime without achieving a hole in one and so its a huge achievement to do so. The drinks were flowing freely for several hours after in celebration. Congrats again Des. Bushranger comp is played each Sunday morning from 7.30am followed by Barefoot bowls at 9.30 And while bowls is mentioned, now that the lighting on the bowling green is repaired, a trial for Friday night barefoot bowls will begin on Friday 9th May. The response to it will determine how long it shall continue and normal Friday night meals from the menu will be available. Lunch on Mothers Day will be available from 11 a.m. Chef Paul is putting together an exciting menu for Mums big day and hopefully be complimented with some live music afterwards. Our Saturday junior golf numbers have dwindled off recently. To newcomers to Balgal beach, junior golf is had at the Golf club each Saturday Morning at 7.30 – 8.30 (excluding School Hols) for a small $2 fee, this fee is given back to the juniors throughout the year in small post-golf parties and a Xmas party and presentation. There are several instructors who are at the club each week to instruct and coach newcomers to the game. Some new players are as young as five and after a week or three of instructions and coaching, are hitting regularly 50 mtrs or better. Brian Reinke, captain coach, has the patience of Jobe with these young-uns and is highly committed and motivated to encourage our next generation of the sport. LATE NEWS: VALE' KEITH McGUINNESS We have just been advised of the passing of Keith, the Club President 1997-2008, Honourary Life Member of the Club, our next door neighbour and damn fine person, Keith was being cared for in palliative care unit in hospital at the time of his departure. Our condolences go out to his family and his special friends who had been assisting with his care prior to his most recent hospitalisation. I am sure farewelling arrangements will be known to all as soon as they are finalised. In the meantime, keep hitten 'em straight and far,…………………….Mine Host, Vonnie Thought for the Month: If you need to borrow money always borrow from a pessimist. They don’t expect to get it back.

P 21

P 16 P16

on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm

P 23

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello everyone I am filling in for Neil this month as he is on the last leg of his holiday. Rest assured all club members Di and Neil will be back at the beginning of May to get our club back to order! We hope they have had a great holiday and come back refreshed to keep our club running so smoothly. You might have noticed we have a new logo for our club, quite a number of logos were drawn up and presented to all our members at our March barbeque. Every member including children chose the number on the logo they thought best for our club. We had 10 different logos to make a choice from and the one at the top of this newsletter is the one the members have chosen. The April barbeque was well attended and a good time had by all! It is great to see our club growing with new members every month. It was decided to postpone our interclub fishing competition due to a lot of the committee away, but rest assured it is on our agenda to hold later in the year. We are currently running a raffle for Mothers Day with the lucky lady winning some terrific prizes - 1hour massage and beauty treatment, a beautiful bunch of flowers, A lovely bottle of wine and Tasty Thai voucher. The tickets are $2.00 ea or 3 for $5.00 and are available at the markets at Balgal Beach or from Fisherman's Landing. The club is running a Mother's Day Function this year on Sunday 10th May. The function will start at 3:00pm until 6.00pm, we have live entertainment kindly brought to you by the Awesome Duo "Charlie's Angels". There will also be games and prizes for the Mums and time for the kids to show their Mums how well they know them. The Mother's Day function will be held at Fisherman's Landing so come along and show Mum a good time. Dickies Fishing News Don't forget to put in your trip sheets with Townsville and Ingham Coast Guards before setting out or tell someone where you are going so if something goes wrong , locating you will be so much easier than searching the whole of the Barrier Reef. You can also leave your out of date flares and EPIRBS at the Fisherman's Landing for safe disposal. We monitor VHF Channels 16 and 22, also Channels 88 and 90 on the HF. Happy fishing and safe boating.



Call Eamon

PH: 0478 790 134


Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Hello everyone in the greater Rollingstone area, and trust everyone is now enjoying our cooler part of the year. Wonderful to see the great community support to commemorate ANZAC Day and to attend both the Dawn and Main services at the Rollingstone Beach Cenotaph. Congratulations and “Thank You” to the Rollingstone RSL for their efforts in leading us in this commemoration of 100 years of the landing of our ANZAC Troops at Gallipoli. Well Done also to the School Children for their terrific contribution, and to all who participated in the parade to ensure that the Spirit of Anzac remains well and truly alive in our Community. The Motto of our Lions Club is “We Serve”, and it was indeed a pleasure for our members to assist with the cooking and serving of the ANZAC Breakfast and to also participate in the march afterwards. Great to see our Leos involved also. Over the weekend 17-19 April five of our members travelled to our Lions Camp Kanga at Proserpine. Nestled below the beautiful Peter Faust Dam, the old construction site is now home to our Lions Youth Camp and consists of 36 Accommodation Cabins plus a commercial Kitchen and large activities hall. School Camps are very popular right throughout the year, with the camp also hosting various other groups like fishing clubs, wood turners, quilters etc. There is also a large sports oval, camping ground and camp kitchen which is open to the public, with 12 of the cabins also rented out to campers and fisherman who regularly fish the dam for Redclaw and Barra. If you would like an idyllic getaway for a few days or as a group, simply call the Managers Ray & Kay Spiller on 07 49472600 and tell them the Rollingstone Lions recommended them. So why were we at Camp Kanga? Lions from across our District came together for a large working bee, with some helping to erect new sporting equipment (goal posts and obstacle course) on the oval, preparatory work on an abseiling course, while several of us formed the painting brigade with 4 Cabins (8 rooms) fully repainted. Camp Kanga will be host to our Lions International Youth Camp in July /August when over 40 youth from around the world will gather for a week’s cultural exchange, so this work is very timely to help prepare and upgrade the Camp facilities. Till next month, keep well and remember if you need a hand, please contact us. All requests are considered on their merits, and if we can help we will – whether it be cleaning gutters, a ramp for a wheel chair or helping our elderly with some yard work – our Lions are here because “We Serve”………..John Muller – President Mob 0407 114687

ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB and JUNIOR LEOS Hello all from the Rollingstone & District Leos Club! It's been a quiet month for us this month really, but you might recall in last months edition we talked about our car wash at the Rollingstone BP. I am happy to report that (thanks to the efforts of all involved) we raised a total of $300 to go to the Rollingstone State School's P&C, and ultimately their chaplaincy program. The next project on our calendar of events is ANZAC Day, where we will be marching alongside our Lions and laying a wreath at the morning service. This year is obviously a very important year in terms of ANZAC commemorations, with this being the 'Centenary of ANZAC' and we as a Leos club are most certainly excited to be able be apart of the event and pay our respects to our diggers Would you like to be a part of your local Leos Club - please give me a call to discuss. Jake Thompson, Secretary & V/President. ….Mob 0447593394 Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411

P 25 P 25

PLAYGROUP Fun Crafting I hope everyone has enjoyed the break and had a wonderful Easter. My family and I did as we went away to Rollingstone for Easter. This term we will be having some fun just crafting, looking at some fun painting activities and making some play dough with a twist. We will also be heading back to school; the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at Bluewater state school and the 2nd and 4th Thursday at Rollingstone State Schools. Bunnings North Community Involvement team have jumped on board again this year and we will be crafting with them in store and at our centres. We also have Launchzone included again and to make it easier for everyone to remember I have made this the last Wednesday of every month. We will also be heading on an Excursion this term so put your thinking caps on and come up with something fun for the groups to do. Check your programs and our Facebook page to keep up to date with all the exciting things that we will be doing this term. We are always open to suggestions, so if you have any ideas come and see myself or drop your ideas in the suggestion box in the main reception area. Memberships for 2015 are due now. Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me A.S.A.P. Membership is still $20 a year and only $3 a session for a family. Let’s go have some fun. Till next time keep playing……..Nicole

So I will try and get the right month for this newsletter! (not that anyone noticed that I got it wrong last month) Welcome to May. On behalf of the Toomulla Beach Community Association, I would like to pass on condolences to one of our long time wonderful supporters….Eddie White, who sadly lost his grandson due to tragic circumstances. Our thoughts are with you Eddie at this very sad time. Thank You to all those people who supported the Easter Raffle. Congratulations to the winners and I would like to thank Eddie for your kind donation of the bottle of Rum. Once again I would like to thank Kate at United Chemist for your continued support. 1st : Easter Hamper - Margie Gallagher 2nd: 700ml Bottle Rum - Margaret Adams 3rd : Bottle Wine: Sam Sibson. Our next raffle will be for Mothers Day and we have another three prizes to give away. 1st Prize: $50 Gift Basket 2nd Prize: $20 Scratch-Its 3rd Prize: Bottle Wine. Tickets will be for sale out the front of 62 Herald Street and also available from Mick Wellington, Margie & Noel Gallagher & Don Cumming. $1per ticket & the raffle will be drawn at 6pm on Friday 8th May 2015. Please feel free to come along for the draw at 62 Herald. One of our residents is going away to China in a few months. George decided that rather pay for those expensive flights, he would try to help his lovely wife to try and keep costs down, and in return this would allow her to have more spending money whilst enjoying her holiday. She might even be able to bring a lovely gift back for her darling hubby. George built his lovely wife a single engine, one seater plane …well sort of…it has got a motor (piston powered)…and it has got one seat…would be very cheap on fuel and the best part is that she would not have to undertake any flight training. The only trouble is that when George took the “plane” into Department of Aviation…they weren’t sure exactly what category/class to register it under!! Well…it was a wonderful thought George. Glad to see his lovely wife has a great sense of humour. Don’t forget to check out Toomulla Beach Community Facebook page. There are always weekly updates. Feel free to advertise your local business on this page. If you would like to include any news or photos in the newsletter please email it to me - Happy Birthday to anyone celebrating during the month of May. …….Cheers………Rhonda.

P 26

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay All of us have some contact with Nature almost every day and most of us are interested in what we have seen, especially if it might be of danger to us. If I drive up to a friend's house in the evening to watch TV I leave an outside light on to guide me to my garage when I come home and to light my way into my home. Usually I see a great variety of moths on the house wall under the light. They fascinate me. They range from tiny things no bigger than a mosquito to the gigantic Atlas Moth with a wingspan up to 225 mm. Birds are everywhere, sitting on garden fences, flying from tree to tree, in flocks flying over your house or over Townsville. Lizards may be in your garden or on the rocks by your local streams. Mammals are also everywhere around you - yes, even, maybe, in your house or flying over it. Rats and mice maybe in your house or shed or in the bush nearby. Bats and flying foxes may be passing over your house or catching moths by an outside light. Various insects are around us wherever we go and many of them are not seen because they are so small. However, a lot of the wildlife you see may change over time. In the past 25 years of my residence in Paluma I have seen many changes. Many of the long term residents of Rollingstone/Balgal will also have noted similar changes. I used to see White-breasted Woodswallows which nested on a telegraph pole outside our Community Hall. I have not seen them there for about 10 years now. Rainbow Lorikeets never came to our bird tables before Cyclone Yasi. As I write this there are 12 Lorikeets at my bird table. Not many wading birds are seen on your beaches all the year. A lot of them are migratory. A lot of your seabirds, Silver Gulls and Crested Terns and others are there most of the time. The list of birds in the Rollingstone/Balgal and Clemant Forest area has been built up by several naturalists over several years. Maybe you can add to the list. A couple of your residents recently photographed a pair of White-bellied Sea Eagles near the beach. You wont see many of them for they form pairs and each pair will patrol a few kilometres of the coastal area around their permanent nest sight.. You probably know of the nest sight behind Bunning's store in The Domain in Townsville. There is a lot to see out there. Did you know you have tortoises in your area?

Paluma In the Clouds..Les Hyland PDCA AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Paluma & District Community Association was held in the Community Centre on Easter Saturday April 4th. The Officers for 2015/2016 are as before with the addition of a 2nd Vice President - Wilfred Karnoll. President ; Lynn Hyland. 1st Vice President ; Colwyn Campbell. Secretary ; Michael Drew and Treasurer ; John Tubman. St Patrick’s Day. The St Patrick’s Night Function, held - in good Irish fashion - four days late was a real fun night. It brought an assembly of some 30 revelers to sample a great variety of dishes including Dublin Coddle, stew, and loads of green potatoes. The bar, working on past experience, laid in a small stock of Guinness and could have sold that four times over ! You never know. The Irish Quiz was voted too hard and was won by Wendy Kaus with 13 out of 20. We were favoured with two real Irish visitors, Alli and her mother Hazel, who were visiting the Hylands, said it was a great night and that the natives were friendly. Clean up The day after was the annual cleanup of the Community Hall. Although small in number a great transformation was achieved. Many thanks to Charlie, Neil & Judy, Michael, Gayle and Bill and our two Irish visitors who were willing conscripts ! Playground In late Sept. 2014 the PDCA was contacted by TCC re the proposed re development of the playground. A meeting was held in late Oct. with representatives of the PDCA , PEEC staff and TCC to discuss the whys and where too's. Presently it is partly sited on the PDCA lease and this needs to be rectified plus the long term problem of the sand fill washing over the edge and also exposing a storm water pipe inside the sand pit. All parties were in general agreement and equipment pieces/sizes etc. were selected at a later date in Dec. It was envisaged that a new layout would overcome drainage and the lease problem. All was ready to order the equipment before the Xmas closure so that work could be done early in the New Year in time for Easter. The PDCA pointed out the location of the septic drainage trench right on the edge of the cement rim and wanted this checked out thoroughly re how close a playground should be to such a thing according to current by laws etc. before the siting plan was drawn up and shared. There is also a white drain pipe that leaks out between the two large trees in front of a picnic table. Then it started... Numerous meetings , emails and visits by a consultant later and we are now told that the trench cannot remain that close to a playground nor the creek so all is on hold until they have costed and agreed to a different type of septic waste management and it has a site plan that meets all by laws. Maybe we will have a new playground by the Oct. school holidays. QNPWS After several meetings with Queensland National Parks & Wildlife Service there is progress to report on the facilities at McClelland’s Lookout. Already painting of picnic tables and the toilets has started and pavements have been cleaned and repaired. Refurbishing of the shelter shed and repair of the Barbeques will be done. We are assured that water supply and the barbeques removed from Little Crystal Creek will be replaced but this has not yet happened and causes considerable angst to visitors who have been used to the facility for many years. Nevertheless the negotiations have put in train improvements that have been lacking for some considerable time. Markets The Easter Sunday Markets proved quite busy with a constant flow of visitors rather that\n any big rush periods. Most stallholders did quite well. The next Markets will be on the Sunday of the Queens Birthday Weekend - 7th June P 27

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 35 Rollingstone Qld 4816 Community Centre Manager Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail:

Ambulance C/o Northern Beaches Station

4778 6033

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President Faye Thomson 4770 7616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 4770 7034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

4751 6511

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President Garry Luff 47707008 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub


Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm)47707 153 Rag office 47707799 Janine Jones 0407882009

Paluma & District Community Association President Lynn Hyland 4773 7675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 4770 8559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman

Police 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Acting Sergeant Darren Haggarty

Rollingstone RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 4770 7058

ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson Rollingstone State School Principal Kacey Constantine

Rollingstone & District Lions Club President John Muller 4770 7285 4770 7348 4770 7619

13 2500 4770 7498

47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C President Brad Gough Secretary Mutarnee State School Principal Lydia Jamieson Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information

4770 8131

47715 411

47707510 0407114687 Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc. President Rhonda Muller 47707957 Secretary Claire Spittler 47707258 Toomulla Community Association President Rhonda Schwarz Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge Animal Ambulance (after hours) RSPCA Inspection Straying Stock National Parks & Wildlife Service N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue Margaret Preston (Vet) Justices Of The Peace Nellie Berra After 4pm Chris Martin


4774 5130 4774 5130 4774 4714 4773 8411 4721 2399 0414 717 374 4770 7540 0403 262 212 47707 352 B/H 47707 855 P 29

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga, Sara, Tanya and Mieka PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30

MAY 2015 Sunday





Friday 1 9am Weight Circuit Class 11am Computer Class

3 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

4 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing


6 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

5.30 Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ

7pm - AA Meeting

10 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

11 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing

12 Lions Club 7pm at the Den

7pm - AA Meeting

7 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping

Saturday 2 Balgal Beach Markets From 8 am to 1pm Op Shop 9-12

8 9am RTC Biggest Morning Tea

9 1.00 BINGO 1.00 Community Hall


16 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm

9am Cards

1pm Yoga

9.30am Playgroup at Hall

13 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11am 10-1 Sue Blom RTC

14 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping

9am Weight Circuit Class

9am Cards

Op Shop 9-12 - 1pm MOBILE LIBRARY

1pm Yoga 17 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

18 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing

19 2pm -4pm Board Games RTC

20 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

7pm - AA Meeting

1pm Yoga 7.30pm SES

24 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

25 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing

SES 8am

7pm - AA Meeting

26 Seniors Morning Melodies (pg 4) Lions Club 7pm at the Den

27 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

21 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Visiting Vet 9am Cards 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

28 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards

22 9am Weight Circuit Class 6pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ

29 9am Weight Circuit Class

23 11am -4pm Tasman Turtles Picnic Day Tyto Wetlands FREE EVENT see insert


11.30 am - 1pm MOBILE LIBRARY

1pm Yoga 7.30pm SES

____________ 31 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

_______________ 1st June 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing

_______________ 2nd June

7pm - AA Meeting P 31


Courtesy Nicholas Holden

Courtesy Kristie Hart

Courtesy Kristie Hart

Courtesy Kristie Hart

Courtesy Kristie Hart

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