Rollingstone Rag May 2023

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MAY 2023 Free official newsletter of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (Defibrillator) available at Fisherman’s Landing, Mystic Sands Golf Resort, R&D Lions Club, Toomulla Little Library and Paluma Hall, for public use. A PUBLICATION OF THE ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

COVER: Courtesy Kim Love, ANZAC Dawn Service April 25, 2023.

THE ROLLINGSTONE RAG: Is a free publication produced by the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated with news and information for residents and visitors to Rollingstone, Balgal Beach, Mystic Sands, Crystal Creek, Paluma, Mutarnee, Bluewater, Toomulla and surrounding suburbs in North Queensland, Australia.

EDITOR: May 2023 Edition: Jennifer Greene


TEL: 47707 799


For permission to reprint any part of this publication, contact the Publisher. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated.


The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher).

The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the Publisher.

The Publisher accepts no responsibility for

views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavour to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published.

The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive.

In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.


The Rag is a great place to advertise and is very cost effective. You can provide your ready-made file or we can design an Ad for you for a small fee!

For more information or to discuss your Ad, please call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email: or Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after

hours in the mailbox located at the end of veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Please make sure your name and details are on the envelope.

*extra costs for supplying the photocopying, if required


Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 2
Full Page (18 x 26cm) $120 incl GST Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80 incl GST Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50 incl GST Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $25 incl GST Classifieds (up to
$10 incl GST Flyers / Inserts*
incl GST Rollingstone / Balgal Beach Rainfall Report for April 2023 Rainfall as at 26 April 2023 101.5mm Year to Date 1261mm Wet Days 7 Maximum Temp 35.10 14th April Minimum Temp 18.60 22nd April Local Weather Station Information at:
20 words)


$2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school projects and FREE for Job Seekers.


The Community Association has the following items available for hire. All prices include GST.

Tables $5.50 each Chairs $0.55 each Eskies $11.00 each Cold Room* per day or part thereof $55.00 (including GST)

Cold room, and Bain Marie are fixtures

Note: Pick up of hire tables and chairs is between 8am and 2pm Monday to Friday only unless by prior arrangement with staff.


Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available.


Price on application

All large functions .......... $330.00 (including GST) (includes the use of all hall facilities with the exception of cold room and chip cooker)

For more information regarding the Hall and Equipment Hire please call the Centre Manager on 4770 7855


If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your gate. Call Chris at the Community Centre on 47707 855 to arrange.

Collections are available weekly on Thursdays only.

COST is only $5!!

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 3
Printing & Photocopying
A4 Single Sided .10¢
A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original .05¢ / page A3 Single Sided .........................................20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .......................................40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .....................10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .................50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W). .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) Laminating Business Card .50¢ A4 $2.00(incl. GST) A3 $2.50 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) Important document scanning ...............................$5.00
(Black & White)
/ page

Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris at the RTC.


9.00am Mondays Line Dancing @ Hall

12.30pm Mondays- Cards @ Hall

9.00am Wednesdays Indoor Bowls

9.00am Thursdays- Cards in Community

8.00am Fridays Weight Circuit

2nd May Learn To Crochet

2nd May—Gwen Cahill Celebration of Life

3, 17, 31 May Mobile Library

6th May—Balgal Beach Markets

9th May—Craft @ Hall

13th May—Potluck Dinner Night

13th May—Bingo @ Hall

15th May—Men’s Meet Up

16th May—Board Games

18th May—VET @ Hall

23rd May—Biggest Morning Tea

You don’t need to be a member of a Group to join in activities at the Community Centre. Just come along if there’s something happening and you’d like to be part of it. It usually costs $2 to participate. For more information, call Chris on 4770 7855.

May 2nd. 2.30pm, Rollilngstone Community Hall

Wrapt Wildlife would like to invite friends of Gwen Cahill to a small celebration of Gwen’s life. Gwen was a dear friend to many out here and did enormous work for the Rollingstone’s Seniors and as a wildlife carer.

Following Gwen’s wishes we are holding an afternoon tea where we can remember and reminisce.

If anyone would like to help with refreshments please call either Gaye or Christine Green .Welcome all.

Put your desire to get involved to good use, become a State Emergency Service (SES) volunteer. For more information visit your local SES HQ training night on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month or phone 0460 692 749 for more information


Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 4


(3rd Thursday of each month)

Thursday MAY 18th at 9am

The Community Association requests when attending the vet clinic at the Community Centre that you please take a seat and wait your turn, regardless of the nature of your visit.



Played on the 3rd Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall.

Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoonof fun with likeminded people.


31st May 2023



At the Community Centre

Wednesday Mornings 9-11.30am only $2.50

This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & all age groups.



Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 5
Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Come and join us for a great time! For further info contact Chris on 47707855 STATION
At the Community Centre
Monday to Friday 9-3pm

Covid-19 - Social Distancing, Hygiene practices and staying at home if unwell are still to be observed.

Covid-19 Antigen Self-Test kits available at the Community Centre cost free to eligible card holders.

Every Sunday 7:30am Catholic Mass at Com/Centre Hall

All denominations welcome

4,11,18,25 May

3, 17, 31 May

9:30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup in Hall

NoTCH Second Bite Food Relief

11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day)

13 May Potluck Dinner

18 May 9am MARGARET THE VET Text 0403262212

23 May Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea


12.30pm 1.30pm 2pm 9am 5pm 9am 5.30pm 8am

Linedancing - Each Monday at Hall

Monday Cards, Community Hall

Craft - 2nd Tuesday of Month

Board Games - 3rd Tuesday of Month

Indoor Bowls - Each Wednesday

Your Pace or Mine Walking Group – See Facebook

Thursday Cards; Thurs Cards in Community

Barefoot Bowls @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

Weight Circuit - Each Friday at Hall

4,11,18, 25 May Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – leaving the hall at 8am – bookings essential





• Thank you to the TCC for delivering a load of Mulch. The Association and gardens thank the Council, gratefully.

• As above, there is a lot happening at the Community Centre in the coming months. Keep the dates on your calendar

• Thursday 13 April saw the children painting rocks for the soon to be fairy garden. We have rocks now sporting beautiful flowers, mushrooms, ladybugs, rainbows and a couple of ghouls. Thanks to Ann, Rhonda and Shirley for organising and supervising the workshop.

• Again, the garden Pixies have been busy. The overgrown bush at the RTC received a muchneeded haircut during the month. Left work on Friday with growth in place, by Monday the Pixies had done their work. Thank you ever so much.

• Trevor J has done restorative work on our Peacock that lives on the station verandah. Thank you, Trevor. Your work is so appreciated. It will be good to see the Peacock back in place.

• Work has started again on the new swings at the Community Centre. Hopefully by this time next month the job will be completed and being used to its max.

Until next month – be the change you wish to see in the world. Cheers - Chris

Rollingstone Social Club News

We will be organising the catering for the Biggest Morning Tea on 23rd May 2023. Donations of morning tea items (cakes, slices, scones etc) would be most appreciated. Please contact Deb on 47707474 or Cheryl 4770 7027

New members are always most welcome. We have a number of interesting events planned for the coming months. Please join us!

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 6
Coming Events in June
’s Mosaic Workshop
7pm Beginner
June Camp Oven Cooking Workshop
June Bee Centric Learning Day working with TCC and the Townsville Bee Club
June CORES Mental Health Training –Free to the public
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 7

Your Local Community Pharmacy

Bluewater Healthsave Pharmacy

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

PH: 07 4778 6233

FAX: 07 4778 6733

8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 1pm Saturday

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy

114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4770 7400

FAX: 07 4770 7399

8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday


FREE Blood Pressure Checks

*Hire Equipment

*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies Blister Packaging for your medicines

*Full Prescription Service

*Ear Piercing *Faulding Vitamins

*Delivery available for those in need

MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids) Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee). Easy parking available

Monday 1st May.

We wish all our Mothers, Step Mothers and Grandmothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. Hope you all get spoilt.


Are you keeping track of your Prescriptions?

Do you know what the PBS Safety Net is?

Are you keeping track of your Safety Net?

The PBS (The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Safety Net reduces the cost of prescription medicines for individuals and families once the threshold is reached.

The Safety Net thresholds are updated each year on the 1st January.

This year dollar ($) amount for concession card holders is 36 prescriptions or $262.80. For General patients it is $1563.50.

Once you have reached the Safety Net threshold, concession card patients will receive all PBS prescriptions FREE of charge (excluding drug brand price premiums and private prescriptions). General patients will receive PBS prescriptions at $7.30 (excluding drug brand price premiums and private prescriptions).

You can either keep a record of your prescriptions by obtaining a record card from your local pharmacy or, if you regularly go the same pharmacy, they can keep a record for you.

Families can combine all members of their immediate family.

A family comprises:

• A couple legally married and not separated, or a couple de facto relationship, with or without dependent children who are listed on the same Medicare card or

• A single person with dependent children

NOTE: A dependant is someone younger than 16 years of age or a full-time student younger than 25 years attending school, college or university who is wholly or substantially supported financially.

For more information regarding The PBS Safety Net go to

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 8
Hello to all, Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy we will be CLOSED for the Labour Day Public Holiday




120 Mystic Avenue Balgal Beach

Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm

Tel: 07 4778 6444

OR you can book ONLINE via our website

General Practitioners and Allied Health Services

Queensland Health has provided the Rollingstone Community Centre with a quantity of Covid 19 Antigen Self-Test kits.

The RAT kits are available at no cost to specified Card Holders and can be picked up from the RTC

Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

Please wear a mask and use hand sanitiser if you are experiencing flu like symptoms.

Tel: 47707 244 Fax: 47707 100


OPEN Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. CLOSED Saturday, Sunday & all Public Holidays. Appointments are required.

The General Practitioners:

Dr Olga Hasa

Dr Vladimir Hasa

Dr Diana Hopkins

Dr Lucia Rajnoch

Dr Clyton Banya

Dr Renee Brown


Free Movement Physio (Fortnightly)

Pathology collection

Wednesday 8.30am-2.00pm


Every third Saturday of the Month

**No visit in May**

Returning Saturday June 17th!!!

For all other appointments and dental emergencies, we welcome you to your dental home at MYTOOTHDOCTOR TM Family, Paediatric and Special Care Dentistry

Bushland Beach Medical Centre T 07 4751 8999

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 9
Balgal Beach Medical Centre

Sadly, we’ve heard that Gwen Cahill has passed away. Such a capable lady who gave much of herself for the betterment of our community when she and Peter lived here. Our thoughts are with her family at this time. Vale Gwen.

Quite a few unwell: Rosa Christian, Margaret Butterworth, Dickie Charleston, Tony Richards, Gordon Payne, Geoff Prytherch, Bob Selby and too many with Covid, which seems to be running amok. Let’s hope these folk improve rapidly to enjoy doing more of what they like best.

Merle Douglas has moved to town. We will miss little Merle. She was always involved in whatever was going on and a very talented, crafty lady who contributed any way she could. We wish her well in the next phase of her life.

• It’s been all hands on deck at the Community Centre with daily activities and preparations for upcoming functions all in the planning stage. Along with that, we make presentation to the relevant authorities regarding services (or the lack thereof!!) and deal with community needs as required. And, we seem to have had a surfeit of meetings as well.

• The specialist craft evenings have to date been a success. Hope this continues to be so. Mosaics coming up in June.

• The Newbies’ Morning Tea was an abject disappointment and failure – for the second year! I think we know by now that it’s not needed and that everyone new to the district knows everything there is to know anyhow………until they need to know something and present at the RTC looking for advice/ assistance. We will give them a gift bag and attend to their wants and needs and I guess that IS all that’s wanted or needed. Again, we had 2 couples and one single chap new to the district turn up and a room full of well-meaning and well-intentioned local leaders, convenors and organisers. Oh well, I guess we’ve gotten the message this time. But a huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the morning.

• The staff and volunteers at the RTC have all been versed in the need for confidentiality. However, if you have work to do with Chrissie at the RTC and are concerned about your privacy, just advise Chrissie of this and there is a room available to accommodate this.

• So, sorry, but nothing much to write home about this issue – and probably that’s good!

Use a Packet of Vanilla or Butter Cake Mix and lie the fruit (of choice) on the cake batter. Cooking time may need to be extended drained, tinned apple slices, sliced bananas, and stewed peaches so far and each one has been very yumm.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

Live well, love much, laugh often


Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 10

Rollingstone State School

Our Term 1 camp for 2023 was awesome and everyone had the time of their lives.

We did so much on camp like painting on boomerangs, rolling down hills, obstacle courses and doing the very muddy crocodile roll in filthy water.

A group of kids went under the waterfall at Millaa Millaa Falls and could hardly breath because of the pressure of the water.

Dinner was yummy! We had hot dogs for the night and had icecream for desert.

Every morning we had bunk inspections with Miss U. For bonus points, we made sure our room was shimmering, she had plenty of salutes and a light show for entertainment.

My favourite activity was the flying fox because when it went on the zip line I did not think that I could do it. The most challenging thing was the obstacle course because I was trying so hard to get over the rope and almost slipped and fell backwards. By


Everyone was having a FANTASTIC TIME at camp because it was intense and thrilling. The bed times were sooo annoying cause Tyson is bad at being quiet. I really enjoyed the obstacle course because it gave me a lot of exercise, which was fun, but the flying fox was definitely my favourite.

At Mungalli Camp I loved the lunch and dinner because you could see Mungalli Falls right where we were eating. It was magical and the food was great. The night walk to the waterfall really really hurt some people’s legs, but not mine because I’ve got fat calves. In the middle of the day we went to Milla Milla Falls and took part in an obstacle course. Go there, it’s a lot of fun! The people that work there are amazing, and the food is good. The bunk beds, I give a 6 out of 10. I had to figure out the temperature at Mungalli Falls because it was colder than I’m used to. I was disappointed once camp was over.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 11


Over recent months there has been a noticeable increase of complaints from concerned parents regarding issues surrounding school bus safety. Problems arising from inadequate supervision were highlighted when the recent Bluewater State School bus incident that led to more than 15 primary school children being hospitalised with mysterious health issues after consuming lollies onboard a school bus became national news.

The safety of Queensland school children aboard school buses should be the highest priority and I am calling for all school buses to have an adult chaperone on board who can assist bus drivers and supervise behaviour and activities on board.

For as long as I can remember, Queensland school kids have traditionally travelled for long periods of time on school buses without any direct adult supervision and here in parts of regional Queensland that can be anywhere from half an hour up to three or more hours per day.

Schools and day-care centres have to comply with strict legislative ‘staff to student’ ratios to ensure that children of specific ages and in particular numbers are correctly supervised.

To have children almost completely unsupervised as soon as they leave the school gates is entirely at odds with the high standards of care we deserve and expect when it comes to keeping kids safe.

School buses transport unsupervised kids from as young as prep through to older teenagers 17 or 18 years of age. On an ordinary day, no parent would voluntarily put their young child in that situation yet if the situation applies to a school bus environment, that somehow makes it a situation that parents are expected to accept.

There is something fundamentally flawed about the concept of such young children being confined in the company of older teenagers for any amount of time and it is a situation that school bus drivers should not be given the responsibility of overseeing.

Unfortunately, society has changed and so too must the measures we set in place to protect vulnerable children.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 12 1st Saturday of Every Month! 8am to 1pm The Esplanade Balgal Beach



Boating & Leisure Club News

Hi everyone,

Our April BBQ, started on a sad note with our Club members observing a minute’s silence in memory of a special gentleman, and friend to all, Stewart Humphries. He was certainly someone we will all miss. R.I.P. Stewie.

Our night had an Easter theme, and the winning golfers, Phil, Sue, Shirley and Col, with an excellent score, claimed their Easter Egg prize. But it was a lot of fun all round. The raffle prize, a Lounds’ Fresh Seafood Voucher, was won by our new member Robyn Robyn, being the newest member, drew the raffle; her own number.

The member’s draw was won by Phil, with a cute Easter gift. Other prize winners Cheryl, Teresa and Rhonda, also received an Easter gift.

Congratulations to you all. Thanks Bernice for your creativity with the prizes; you always add a special touch to the occasion.

Our cooks Denis and Jim, as usual, did an awesome job on the BBQ, as did the ladies with food prep and desserts. No complaints anywhere. Before the

next newsletter, we will have a day at the Ingham Markets and lunch at the hotel.

Our next BBQ will be MAY 7th starting 5pm. We will have a Mother’s Day theme; Don’t forget your plate cutlery and drinks. Then on Sunday 21st May, we will check out the Willows Markets before heading to the Brothers Football Club at Kirwan for lunch. We intend to have lunch at Bushland Tavern on Sunday June 11th. We’ll update that next month.

For enquiries or to join our club, contact Linda, 0499343573.

Till next month, stay safe and all the best from your committee.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 13
Next Sitting — 13th MAY 2nd Saturday of Every Month! Doors Open 12.30pm Eyes Down 1pm 40 Calls $100

TICKETS $2.00 EACH OR 3 FOR $5.00




Just a little about the Artist: Mr. Fred Hannigan was born in S.A. He enlisted in the army in World War 11 and fought in New Guinea as a tank driver. During that deployment he was injured and returned to Australia.

He already has an interest in drawing and in later life was a self- taught painter. He died in the 1980’s.

You can purchase your tickets from RTC or Op Shop

Raffle drawn 29th July 2023 at the Art Exhibition.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 14


Hello Rollingstoners,

If you are an artist, or know someone who is, please consider participating in this year’s Exhibition. Planning is already under way. The dates are July 28th, 29th and 30th . Once again in concert with the Car-boot Sale.

Contact: Ann Martin: 0408 100 083 JULY

Mark your calendars folks. It will be bigger and better than ever. We are open to a wider area this

year reaching from Black River to Ingham and back to Paluma. Any painting is acceptable unless it has already been in one of our exhibits. We are really hoping for more sculptural 3D work, including pottery and carving. Multi-media work also very welcome along with the regular 2D paintings, of course.

Markets We have tables and a marquee at the Balgal Beach markets. Please come along and support us.

There are other exciting initiatives bubbling along, as well. Watch this space. A@RTeam


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc

Fishing: Although there was no winner for Fishing: With great weather over the Easter period a number of Club members have been getting amongst the reef species. Although there have been a number of Barra being caught around the area, none have been caught/or entered in the monthly club competition.

The March club competition was taken out by Peter Hall. with a great haul of Nannygai and Coral Trout. Congratulations Peter.

Stinger Net:

Mother Nature can be fickle at times. She provided great calm weather for fishing and boating but that same weather played havoc with the Stinger Net over Easter. The Northerly winds/breeze moved the net around into a shape that made it like a scoop and filled the southern end of the net with several tons of coral/weed and sand. The net was able to be dug out by hand on Good Friday, but Friday night tide filled the net to such an extent that we had to get a bobcat to dig it out on Easter Sunday. The net again filled on Easter Monday, requiring our ‘Net Guys’ to get there with shovels for an hour or so to clear the net.

Don’t forget you are required to send photos of you with your catch on a ‘Brag Mat’ to the club email address: .

Kids Classic Fishing Comp: Reminder, the club will be running the ‘Kids Classic Fishing Comp’ on the first Saturday in July (01 July 2023). Registration opens from 06:30AM, with fishing till 11:00AM, followed by a sausage sizzle and presentation of prizes

This is a great event for the kids is run in conjunction with the July Markets. There will be further updates in the coming months.

Club Bar-B-Que:

A reminder to all members the club Bar-B-Que is on the last Friday evening of the month on the deck at the Fisherman’s Landing. Bar-B-Que starts at 6PM. Thank you to all those that bring a salad or plate to share, as well as the BBQ cooks.

With the Wet season/Stinger season coming to an end, the Stinger Net is scheduled to be removed towards the later part of May.

The Stinger Net management is a community service carried out by the club and as such we would like to ask club members and general public, that if they see anything untoward with the Stinger Net can they please report it to Barry on 0407065868, Thank you.


First a big thank you to the Townsville Restorers Motorcycle Club for their great turnout at the April Markets. Their display of 23 motorbikes was testament to the time and effort they all put into restoring their pride and joy. The winner of the “People’s Choice” was motorbike No.19 owned and built by Graham, a local Balgal Beach resident.

The May Markets are on 1st Saturday in May (06/05/23). There will be a ‘Best Hat’ competition for all, adults and kids included.

Refer to the ‘Balgal Beach Markets’ Facebook page to keep up to date with the Markets and upcoming events/ displays/Stall Holders associated with the Balgal Beach Markets.

For more information regarding our club please contact us.


Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 16

Rollingstone & District Lions Club Inc.

Hello Rollingstone, and pleased to bring you another report highlighting what our local Lions have been doing to support our Community. Our Lions.

Some of our Service Projects this month have included:

• A stall at the Balgal Beach Markets promoting “Who are the Lions and what do we do?”

• A Bunnings BBQ with proceeds going to support local Community Projects.

• Part of the local Community Groups who supported the Communities Morning Tea for new arrivals to our Community

• Supported our Leo Club with their Easter Bunny Project at the Townsville University Hospsital

• Supported the RSL ANZAC Day Commemorations

• Conducted our Monthly Sunday morning Brunch.

• And at the end of the month, two of our members represented our Club at the Lions National Convention on the Gold Coast, and will report back to Club Members on new initiatives and Projects

being implemented to support those in need within our own country. And on Easter Monday, members took time out for a casual Social BBQ Lunch in the Garden at the Muller’s residence – Thank you Shirley & John. And wonderful to have Lion Tracey join us with her delightful Australian Lions Hearing Dog “Mawson” – he was the Star of the day and impressed us all with the way he could romp in the yard but still be ever alert to Tracey’s needs. And a great TV interview on Channel 7 on 19th April with Tracey and Mawson, with the interviewer lauding the Rollingstone Lions Clubs efforts in procuring Mawson and supporting Tracey through the process. A great example of a National Project of Lions supporting one of our own locals!

See you again next month, and if you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer a little of your time to “Make a Difference” in your community, please give me a call. We would love to talk with you!

Michelle Ambia, President, 0490 338 668

A very special thank you to Frank (and Christie) (Balgal Beach Pharmacy) who generously donated the first prize for the Mothers Day Raffle Lions are currently running.

As a fund-raising club, we truly appreciate donations of this type, and would like to share with the local community how generous Frank has been.

We would also like to acknowledge and thank Rosco & Olga (Rollingstone Store & Post Office) for their kind donation of a $50 fuel voucher as second prize.

Tickets are available from the pharmacy, or any current Rollingstone Lions Club member. We thank you for your support.

Rollingstone & District Leo Club

G’day Rollingstone, and isn’t it great to be a Leo! This month we were able to do our “Easter Egg Drive” just before Easter at the Townsville University Hospital, where we were “

parents, and also to some of the elderly patients as well. Not to mention the Staff and Volunteers who were very happy to also accept a gift from our Baskets.

As President I was also pleased to represent our Leo Club and support the Community Associations Welcome Morning Tea for newcomers to our Community. We would be very pleased to welcome any new Youth into our Club.

Leos also marched in the ANZAC Day parade and laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in support of the RSL’s ANZAC Day commemorations.

Next month we plan to have a stall at the Balagal Beach Markets – hope to see you there.

Want to know more about our Leo Club, please talk to any of the Leos, or contact one of our Leo Advisors:Travis Johnson: Mob 0439 540552 or Shirley Muller: Mob 0458 156646. President Marley.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 17


Very Basic for 12 years to Adult 6.45pm for 7pm

Tuesday 6 June 2023

At the Rollingstone Community Hall

• Presented by local Mosaic Artists.

• Basic equipment supplied.

• No cutting of tiles will be involved with the projects.

• Learn to plan and lay out a mosaic.

• Learn how to grout.

• BYO Rubber Gloves


booked in for Saturday, June 10, 8.30am for 9am until 4pm at the Rollingstone Community Centre. On the back of the successful Camp Oven Workshop held last year, The Community Association is hosting another workshop.

This day will cost $15 per head, with our Community Association subsidising half of the usual cost of $30. There will be a maximum of 20 for the Workshop and we would ask that you register and pay beforehand at the Rollingstone RTC at the Community Centre, payment on

the day is ok too. If you decide later that you no longer wish or are able to attend, we will happily refund your

You may bring your own Camp Oven if you wish; and you may also bring your own ingredients if you have a special dish with which you’d like some advice/guidance/ instruction. Otherwise, everything else will be supplied. The day’s cooking lessons will start with Damper and Scones which will then be eaten for Smoko; followed by a main meal like Corned Beef (for lunch); and after lunch, a Dessert which you can take home for your evening meal with the family! We will have Water and Softdrinks available for those wishing to purchase them, and Billy Tea and Coffee (gratis) as well.

Hopefully, all the while you’ll be watching Bruce, Pat, Mary, and Matthew, asking questions, listening and learning, and being involved (cooking) as well. If you’ve any more you’d like to know, please call Chris at the RTC on 4770 7855, or myself (Sue) on 0407 753

We’re really looking forward to this Workshop – it should be great fun and most worthwhile.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 18

Fairy Garden Rock Painting

During the break, RTC held a free rock painting session for the children. The rocks will become part of the Rollingstone Community Garden. WELL DONE KIDS - YOU ROCK!!!

The Community Association requested some Mulch from the TCC and they have responded with this truck load. Thank you to the Lads and Lady who delivered the mulch.

If anyone could spare some time to help spread the mulch, please contact Chris at the Community Centre

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 19

Hello everyone,

it has been a very busy time with possums, Chris is overloaded and had to hand some on to other carers in our group. They are coming in at all sizes, babies who have been separated from their mothers from unknown reasons and adults coming in with an infection caused through injury or stress. It is easily treated if got to quickly enough.

We have a fantastic new release sight for our possums and once they are old enough we transport them there where they are safe and have plenty of food. I thank the kind member of the public who offered us this site. He can also take wallabies. Safe, large release sites are hard to


they are like gold and we do not like to over populate a site.

By now everyone will of heard of the passing of our dear mate Gwen Cahill. We have known Gwen not only as a Balgal resident but also as a wildlife carer. I have taken many birds to Gwen for assessment and care and I sorely missed her when she moved into town but at least I could ring her for advise. I have now lost that privilege. Gwen was a great help to the Rollingstone Seniors and she organized many trips away both local and overseas.

I know I have some great fun memories of times away. The good thing was she could get us the cheapest price possible. She was a typical matron, bossy as all, but we loved and respected her so much. RIP our mate.

Rollingstone area has lost many wonderful people over the past few years so we need to encourage new comers to step forward and replace those we have lost. We have a great community here if you just put out your hand. We are in paradise.



GAYE LOVELL: 4770 7356 0412 965 535


CHRIS GREEN: 0402 084 588


PATRICIA: 0447 755 861 Toomulla

If you require a deceased animal to be removed, please contact Council on 13 48 10

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 20

Toomulla News

AED (Defibrillator) available at little library in Herald Street

Well, our fantastic author Len is taking a well-deserved holiday, and has asked me to write the newsletter this month. It has been a long time since I have written so I am hoping I can do this as well as Len!

The second round of Lucky Numbers has started, and we have had two winners already winning $50 each Shellyweek 1 & Darryn – week 2. Good luck to everyone for the next three weeks. The 50 numbers sold very quickly this time round.

Mother’s Day is coming up and we have a beautiful Hamper to give away to one lucky member of the Community Association. Membership cost is only $5 per household, and this gives you the chance of winning any of our 3 giveaways throughout the year – Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. You are also eligible for a discount on the Community Christmas Party.

There are a couple of upcoming events for the month of May, firstly we are having a Morning with Cr Margie Ryder on Saturday 27th May starting with breakfast at 8.30am then 9.30am Cr Ryder will have open discussion & updates with the community.

Tony Barton from Ornatas Lobster Farm will also be in attendance to talk to people & give an update on what is happening over on the other side of Saltwater Creek where those lovely Lobsters are growing.

Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto will also be coming along to talk to residents and answer any questions or queries throughout the morning. We welcome everyone to come along if you are available to listen & talk to all three speakers as well as enjoy some breakfast with everyone. Shelly Beans Coffee is also coming along so you can purchase a coffee to have with your breaky.

Our next event will be the first game for the State of Origin, on the Big Screen at Brett & Kaylene’s place at 8 The Esplanade. There will be a gold coin donation Sausage Sizzle, Shelly Beans Coffee, our lovely resident coffee lady will be there with coffee & soft drinks for sale. It all starts at 6.30pm & finishes at Full Time on Wednesday 31st May. So, wear your supporters gear and come along and cheer on your team. Everybody is welcome, please bring along a chair & BYO drinks. Go Queenslander!!

As a committee member for the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival, which is well and truly into the planning stages, I can promise you that it is looking like one spectacular festival for this year. This festival cannot happen unless you have volunteers who help with the organizing, setup, running on the day and then the cleaning up the next day. So, if you would like to be a volunteer on the day please contact Suzi Vincent -

Please remember if you would like to add anything into the newsletter next month please email me at

I would like to wish all the lovely mothers in the community a very Happy Mother’s Day. Enjoy your day. Cheers, Rhonda.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 21
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 22

Hello Rag Readers, Acting Senior Constable Sophie HORROCKS of Kirwan Station has already spent 4 weeks relieving at Rollingstone Station with another 8 weeks to go. We are lucky to have her in the community with us and one of her first tasks was to enter an article in the Rolly Rag regarding the QPS response to Domestic Violence. Thanks for your contribution Sophie read on. TJ

Each month of May the Queensland Government focuses community awareness towards the effects domestic and family violence (DFV) in the community. The entire month is dedicated to raising the awareness and effects of Domestic and Family Violence on our community.

As it is Prevention Month, I have put together some information for Rollingstone readers about what domestic violence is, the role Police have and what support services are available in the local Townsville and Ingham areas.

What is domestic and family violence (DFV)?

DFV occurs when one person in a relationship uses violent, threatening or abusive behaviour to maintain power and control over the other person.

DFV does not always involve physical violence. A wide variety of abusive behaviours including coercive control, emotional, sexual, verbal, or financial abuse, harassment or intimidation, damage to property or threats to do any of these things.

Under Queensland Legislation DFV is recognised in several different types of relationships:

• Spousal – defacto partners, biological parents of a child, or same-sex couples.

• Intimate personal – two people in an established relationship - which does not have to be sexual.

• Family – related by blood or marriage, or culturally related.

• Informal care – an unpaid carer who assists with day-to-day living.

What police will do when you make a domestic violence report:

Police take domestic violence seriously. If you call us to report a domestic violence incident that is happening now or has just happened, our first priority will be the safety of the people involved.

Under the Domestic Violence (Family

Protection) Act 2012, if Police reasonably suspect domestic violence is happening or has just happened, we must investigate. In order to do this we are provided lawful powers to enter and search the premises to ensure people are safe from any further harm and violence and to gather evidence. We will liaise with all people involved to determine what has occurred, we may require the names and addresses of any person involved.

How do Police protect victims?

In Queensland, a person who commits domestic violence is called the respondent and the person who needs protection is called the aggrieved. We have a duty of care to protect the aggrieved and under legislation:

• If Police believe domestic violence has taken place, we can issue a Police Protection Notice (PPN) to the respondent. In its most basic form it requires the respondent to be of good behaviour and not commit domestic violence against the aggrieved – or associated persons (children).

• When necessary addition conditions may be sought on the PPN to prevent the respondent from contacting the aggrieved, coming within a certain distance of a premises or other restrictions.

• If we believe the aggrieved is in immediate danger the respondent may be taken into custody for up to four hours and during this time Police will make application for a Protection Order.

• If the aggrieved has been hurt, property damaged or other criminal behaviour substantiated Police may charge the respondent with those offences criminal offences WITHOUT A COMPLAINT FROM THE VICTIM, this is in addition to making application for a Protection Order.

A PPN and Application for a Protection Order will go to Court and will be assessed by a Magistrate who determines if a Domestic Violence Order (DVO) will be granted. The respondent will not receive a criminal record or be imprisoned when the protection order is made. But, if they breach the conditions of the protection order, criminal charges may be instigated.

Help and support for victims of domestic violence:

If you do not feel comfortable contacting or talking to Police about DFV, there are several specialist support and services available in Townsville and Ingham to provide help

and support with the application process for victims of DFV. You can also ask us to make a referral to an appropriate support agency for you, or go there yourself. These services also provide information about private applications, where you can apply for a Domestic Violence Order yourself, without Police intervention.

These agencies include:

North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service (NQDVRS):

390 Flinders St, Townsville QLD 4810 (07) 4721 288

Hinchinbrook Community Support

MCILWRAITH STREET, Ingham QLD 4850 (07) 4776 1822

DV Connect 1800 811 811 24/7 crisis phone line providing confidential advice and counselling as well as referral to crisis accommodation for women and children escaping DFV.

DV Connect Mensline 1800 600 636 Statewide phone line providing confidential advice, referral and information services to men affected by DFV.

1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

A national service providing counselling to people affected by sexual assault, domestic violence or family violence. You can phone this service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Lastly, if you need to report non-urgent police matters you can contact PoliceLink - 131 444. And always, if an emergency is happening now, your life or property is in immediate danger or an event is time critical ALWAYS call Triple Zero – 000.

Domestic Violence is not restricted to men dominating women. All people can be victims of Domestic Violence and police will investigate with impartiality.


Rollingstone Station.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 23

There was quite a good attendance and the Reports by the President, Treasurer & History Project Convenor were read revealing continued progress by the Association in tending the needs of the area while maintaining a healthy balance of funds despite the many increases in costs. The Townsville City Council’s Maintenance contribution was continued when the PDCA pointed out that work undertaken by the Community came at a fraction of the cost that it would take the Council to do it.

The election of officers brought about several changes with Juanita Poletto becoming the Secretary and Anneshka Brown the 1st Vice President. President Jamie Oliver and Treasurer Wilfred Karnoll retained their positions as did committee members Lynn Hyland, Jill Meads, Ross Hyne and Charlie Allen. Two new committee members were elected; Leonie Crennan & Linda Whitley.

Following the AGM there was the normal General Meeting which brought forth some ideas including the reinstatement of “Christmas in July” and the “Paluma after Dark”, which has been held a few times recently, will be held bi-monthly as a regular event. Other events were put forward for consideration.

It was a big Easter at Paluma with lots of visitors to the village, both day visitors, renters and campers who stayed on for a few days. The local accommodation was fully booked and reports are that the camp ground at the Paluma Dam was at capacity. There were certainly a lot of people out and about enjoying the beautiful Autumn weather and all that Paluma has to offer.

The fundraising efforts for the PDCA on the day were outstanding. The Sausage Sizzle alone took over $630.00 and thanks go to Don, Leslie, Anneshka and Jill for keeping everyone fed. Lynda made the delicious coleslaw for the BBQ. Jill was a roving volunteer who popped up everywhere and between herself and Colin the coffee/tea stall raised $80.00. Stella’s contribution of freshly baked scones with jam and cream were a delicious addition to the coffee/tea stall, giving people the opportunity to enjoy a Paluma-style version of ‘Devonshire tea’

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 24
Peter & Jan Cooke


The Paluma Bakers Stall made a record profit of some $454.00. Once again the Kitchen Goddesses of the village excelled themselves with their efforts. Eleven ladies baked to their hearts content to produce a huge variety of cakes, slices, biscuits and other sweet treats. Anneshka and Bronwyn deserve special mention as they both went above and beyond.

Anneshka donated a huge variety of goods including freshly baked hot-cross buns. Bronwyn’s gluten free options and very glamorous baked treats sold like’ hotcakes’ and were all snapped up early in the day. Thanks to the following ladies for their outstanding and very generous contributions for the cake stall – Stella, Ros, Bronwyn, Jill, Anneshka, Julia, Jan, Lynn, Michele, Bobbie and Jennie. Charlie ran the cake stall, assisted by Michele.

Other funds were raised on the day from an Easter raffle run by Wilfred. The raffle raised over $140.00 and the Easter egg and chocolate-filled food hamper was won by ‘Jessie’ ,a visitor to the village staying at one of the cottages on Mt Spec Road. Con the Fruiterer (aka Wilfred) raised $165.00 from the sale of produce (pineapples and bananas, etc). Les and Lynn report that the Paluma History (books and card sales) raised $124.00. Peter and Jan ran the book stall as fund-raising for the Paluma Rural Fire Brigade.

The overall success of the Paluma Easter Market and the impressive fundraising for the community is possible due to the generous contribution of time from the many volunteers in planning, setting up and cleaning up on the day. Thank you to all of the volunteers from the community, well done and a big thank you! And a similar big thank you to all those residents and their visiting friends and families who stopped in at the market to buy a sausage sizzle, some baked goods for morning/afternoon tea and to shop at the numerous stalls. Your support is greatly appreciated. Well done Paluma!

The monthly Working Bee at Paluma was held on Easter Saturday (8 April). A small group of volunteers turned up to undertake some much-needed tasks around the village. Colin and Richard carried out work along the Rainforest Walking Track in installing a new bench seat. Charlie, Anneshka, Wilfred and Michele took on the unenviable task of continuing the clean-up along the road verge at the Loop Road.

The clean-up involved trimming back the overgrown vegetation on the road side and in the table drain including dead wood, overhanging low branches, encroaching sword grass and a variety of introduced

weeds including dense patches of Singapore daisy. They also tackled the last of the lantana along the (raised wall) road verge at the top of Loop Road. It was hard but satisfying work in tidying up this area, removing some noxious invasive weeds and (hopefully) improving the stormwater flow to the culvert at the bottom of Loop Road. They were rewarded with a cool drink at the end of the session and some of them took home some leeches and ticks for their efforts.

Another improvement undertaken by Wilfred and Colin was the replacement of the ramp leading to the main door of the Community Centre. The timber has been there since before the Centre was opened in 2001. The next Working Bee will be held on Saturday 6th May so save the date and take up the challenge!

The Paluma Rural Fire Brigade celebrated its 40th Anniversary on Saturday 15th August with an Open Day at the Community Centre. It was notable that three long-standing members were present ; Len Cook, a member since formation in 1983 and Les & Lynn Hyland who joined in March 1987.

A delicious barbeque lunch was provided and a commemorative cake was duly cut and shared with those present. Lynn Hyland gave a brief history of the Brigade’s early years when we had only a trailer with a tank and pump as our fire fighting equipment. The original shed, of which the slab still exists, was built in 1988 with a loan from the PDCA and served until the combined Community Centre was built in 2001.

We would like to congratulate Ian & Julia Anderson on their recent successes representing Arcadia Beach in the Easter Life Saving Carnival. Well done both of you.

You will find a splendid picture of a Cairns birdwing caterpillar on the Dutchman’s pipe vine on the verandah of the Community Centre. Picture was taken by Peter Cooke.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 25 TRANSFER STATIONS Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLUORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE No Bulky Items No Furniture or Rubber Tyres TOOMULLA Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm BLUEWATER Saturday & Sunday 7.30am

Fantastic weekend results on 22 and 23 April with 17 players (3 teams ) heading down to Sarina for Mens Handicap Pennants for Div 1 and 2 . Home they came with the flag for division 1 and Division 2 saw Mystic coming 1st and 2nd Another Flag !!!

Awesome and thanks to everyone involved in making the weekend such a success.

Bring on July events!

1st Ladies Open

2nd Prostate Cancer 3 Ball Ambrose Event

15th & 16th Mens GNQ Women’s Handicap

22nd & 23rd Pennants

Mick and his team are madly working on getting some major works actioned including gardens and course tracks so course is improving by the week.

Vets and Bushrangers have been having big fields and with the humidity finally going, fields are filling up for our competitions.

April monthly Medal winners were::

Mens Div 1—Travis Reinders Nett 73, Winner; Darren Beavis Nett 75, Runner Up Mens Div 2 Allan Laundess Nett 71, Winner; Lindsay Pemberton Nett 77, Runner Up

Mens Div 3 Rod Charleston Nett 80 Winner; Nick Walker Nett 84, Runner Up

Ladies Rhonda Gurd Nett 73, Winner; Emma Perkins Nett 75, Runner Up

Congratulations to all, you qualify for November Medal of Medallist

Save the date for:

2nd July Prostate Cancer 3 Ball Ambrose

13th August Breast Cancer Fun Day 3 Ball Ambrose

26th August Pineapple Pairs

Lots happening down the club, pop for a drink, a round or a meal its all happening at the resort.

Remember to hit ‘em long, hit ‘em straight, but most of all have fun. Gurdie

Mystic Sands Bowls

Another successful month for Mystic Sands bowlers. Thursday nights have been well attended and with caravaners starting to head north, numbers will increase over the next few weeks.

Star bowlers over the last 4 weeks have been Emma Perkins, Big Barry O, bowler, and the gold man Bruce Smallbon, and of course, "the general" Mr Perko.

Good to welcome back Tom and Trudie, with their neighbours Chris and Rachael. Others back are Pom, Tom and Rosie, Hillary and Chelsea

On the bowls circuit Tim, Trudie, Bruce, Irene and "the Pres" played at Cutheringa on jackpot day. The Pres

playing skip led his team which included Trudie, to a 32 to 13 flogging of the home team. All the others had good games holding the Mystic banner up but no chocolates.

Three Mystic bowlers have been selected in the QRI challenge for Cutheringa. On the bad news side, we had to cancel the Smallbon Cup Day due to the hot weather and without a cover, duty of care came into play. Thank you to Noorla and Cutheringa bowlers for entering, we will play it in the winter. Keep watching the "Rag" for details.

Well that's all for another month. If you want fun and fitness come and join us Thursday nights from 5:30pm for a game and sausage sizzle. All for $5 and free tuition for HB beginners. Remember; if you don't use it, you could lose it. Till next month, happy bowling.

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 26
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 27
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 29 MOBILE MOWER REPAIRS I COME TO YOU! Repairs to all types of mowers including ride-ons, brush cutters and any small engines. PROMPT SERVICE, REASONABLE RATES Based in Toomulla PHONE: 4795 5904 MOBILE: 0431 639 193
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 30

Seniors Enquiry Line is a state-wide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.

We can help you with concessions, social activities, household assistance, retirement accommodation, financial and legal matters, health, education,

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800

Kids Helpline is a national, free, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.

(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DVConnect Womensline

1800 811 811

DVConnect Womensline is a statewide telephone service offering free professional and non-judgemental telephone support to women who are experiencing domestic or family violence. They can help women to obtain safe refuge accommodation, confidential counselling and referral to other services.

(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous

Supporting Queensland Grandparents

The service was set up by the Queensland Government Department of Communities to support grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. For more information visit:

Lifeline 131114

Lifeline provides Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to crisis support and suicide prevention services.

(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DVConnect Mensline

1800 600 636

DVConnect Mensline is a statewide telephone service offering free confidential counselling, referral and support to men affected by domestic or family violence.

(9am to 12 midnight, 7 days a week)

membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…...Phone: 4771 5411

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 31


32 Service Number All Emergency Calls (including Police, Fire, Ambulance and for reporting fallen powerlines) 000 Townsville Local Disaster Management Group Local Disaster Coordination Centre (only activated during declared emergencies) 1800 738 541 Townsville State Emergency Service (SES) - Tarping/Branches down 13 25 00 Queensland Police Service - Police Link (Non life-threatening calls) 13 14 44 Queensland Ambulance Service (Non lifethreatening calls) 13 12 33 Townsville City Council (includes Emergency After Hours, Flood information, Dengue outbreaks, Sun safety information) 13 48 10 Ergon Energy Loss of Supply and Emergencies 13 16 70 Origin Energy Natural Gas and LPG Gas Emergencies - leaks only 1800 808 526 North Regional Gas LPG Gas Emergencies 07 4774 5111 Telstra 13 22 03 Optus 13 13 44 Townsville Hospital and Health Service 07 4433 1111 Department of Transport and Main Roads (Road Closures) 13 19 40 Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS
BE FIRE AWARE and BE PREPARED Help Keep our Community Safe Stay up to date with current fire restrictions: or https:// Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone/Hencamp: Raymond Pace: 4770 7285 / 0427 116 604 Fire Warden: Rob Pratt: 0407 634 361
from anywhere in Australia—24 hours/7 days
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 33 Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407 753 562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 0427 707 689 Hon. Secretary Chris Martin........................................... 47707 855 Deb Calder 47707 474 Geoffrey Prytherch 0427 707 689 Phil Thompson……………………..…………..0412 416 027 Suzie Vincent…………………………………….0409 880 902 All Correspondence to: The Secretary 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 Community Centre Manager ............................................Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm………………….47707 855 Fax: …………………………………………………….. 47707 811 E-mail: Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ kitchen ........ 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail: Contact: Rag office .............................................. 47707 799 Police OIC: Sgt Anthony Jacobs; Refer to Police Link 2IC: Snr Constable: Brendan Pownall POLICE LINK 131 444 EMERGENCY ......................................................................... 000 CRIMESTOPPERS 1800 333 000 Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone Raymond Pace 47707 285 / 0427 116 604 Fire Permit Rob Pratt 0407 634 361 Toomulla Rudi Schwarz 47707 813 S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm..................................................... 13 2500 Duty Phone 0460 692 749 Rollingstone State School Principal: Andrew Stallman 47707 313 Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President: Annie O’Brien…………………………….……0418 252 450 Email : Mutarnee State School Principal: Michael Blake 47708 131 Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information………………………………………………………..47715 411 Ambulance C/O Northern Beaches Station 47786 033 Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President: Bruce Smith 0407 157 515 Secretary: Kerrie Cochrane 0412 492 861 Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. Email: President: Gary Luff 0448 137 008 Secretary: Mystic Sands Golf Resort………………………………………..47707 355 Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub 47516 511 Paluma & District Community Association President: Jamie Oliver 0408 710 030 Email:. 1st. V. President: Anneshka Brown ........................0472 768 227 Secretary: Juanita Poletto Treasurer: Wilfred Karnoll 47788 441 Email: Committee Member (Hall Bookings) Lynn Hyland PH: 47737 675 Rollingstone RSL President: Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary: TBA Rollingstone & District Lions Club President: Michelle Ambia ...........................0490 338 668 Rollingstone & District Social Group President: Deb Calder........................................47707 474 Secretary: Cheryl Pearson 47707 027 Toomulla Community Association President: Rhonda Schwarz 47707 813 Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge.................................................................47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 Bird Rescue, Patricia 0447 755 861 WRAPT 0474 630 785 Margaret Preston (Vet).................................... TXT 0403 262 212 Livestock on Highway REPORT TO 13 19 40 Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin, Community Centre, M-F 8am-4pm 47707 855

Rollingstone General Store

6.30am to 5pm every weekday

21 Rollingstone Street, North Queensland 4816


Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products

Gas cylinder refills

Newspapers and magazines

Gift cards and stationery

Milk and fresh bread

Pet food and bones


Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk

Hot pies and sausage rolls

Groceries and small goods

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels

Phone recharge for all networks


Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)

Phone credit (all networks)

Post parcels and letters





Lots of new stock on display.

Gas Refills

Phone: 4770 7340

Fax: 4770 7470


Barista quality Bounce coffee

Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.

Try our chocolate muffins


 Potatoes

 Onions

 Tomatoes

Going Fishing?

We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions

Rosco & Olga

 Eggs

 Bananas

 Pineapples

Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables


 Barbeque Sausages

 Lean Mince

 Rump Steak

 Rosco’s famous ham off the bone

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 34

May 2023

Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 35
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 MAY LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 2 2.30pm Gwen Cahill Celebration of Life @ Hall 7-9pm Learn to Crotchet @Hall 3 9am Indoor Bowls @ hall 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY 4 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 5 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 6 8am Balgal Beach Market, at The Landing. 9am-12 noon Op Shop 7 7.30am Mass at Hall 5.30 BBBALC BBQ @ Hall 8 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 6.30pm Lion’s meeting @ “Den” 9 1.30pm Crafts Afternoon @Hall 10 9am Indoor Bowls @ Hall 6.45pm SES training 11 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 12 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 13 12.30 BINGO @ Hall 7pm POTLUCK DINNER @ Hall 14 7.30am Mass at Hall MOTHERS DAY 15 9 am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 5pm MEN’S MEET UP @ Hall 16 2-4pm Board Games @ Hall 17 9am Indoor Bowls@ Hall 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY 18 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am VET at Hall 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 19 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 20 NO Project Outback Dental 21 7.30am Mass at Hall 22 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 23 9.30am CANCER COUNCIL’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA @ Hall 24 9am Indoor Bowls@ Hall 6.45pm SES training 25 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall & Second Bite Food Stall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort 26 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 9.15am Guitar @ Hall 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 27 28 7.30am Mass at Hall 10am Lion’s Brunch @ “Den” 29 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall 30 31 9am Indoor Bowls@ hall 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY
Rollingstone Rag, May 2023 36

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