MAY 2014 Sunday
MAY 2014
1 8-3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards
2 Zumba Gold 9am
3 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm
10 BINGO 1.30
9.30-11.30am Playgroup
7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
9-12 Indoor Bowls
8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
Zumba Gold 9am
15 8-3pm Community Bus shopping Visiting Vet Margaret 9-12 Hall 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
Zumba Gold 9am
Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm
22 8 to 3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
9-12 Craft Group
7pm - AA Meeting
1pm Thai Chi at Hall
7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
9am - Line dancing
3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
9-12 Indoor Bowls
6.30pm Beaches Church
1pm Thai Chi at Hall
9 am - Cards Lions Club 7pm at the Hall
7pm - AA Meeting
9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 9.30 Sue Blom at RTC
9.30am Seniors Biggest Morning Tea at RTC
11am-1pm Computer literacy with TCC
6pm Art Under The Stars Gails Place
18 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
19 9am - Line dancing
20 3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
21 9-12 Indoor Bowls
9 am - Cards 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Meeting
25 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church 8am at HQ SES TRAINING
26 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards
27 3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
1pm Thai Chi at Hall
Lions Club 7pm at the Hall 1.30pm Carers Support Group at RTC
7pm - AA Meeting
28 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall MOBILE LIBRARY
Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club BBQ 6pm
29 8-3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING group
30 9am Zumba Gold
Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.
Motorcycle enthusiasts interested in day cruises?
14th May & 28th May
beginner level, looking for new experiences.
Phone Anja 0408006464 Paid advertisement
We are now able to provide monthly rain totals !!!! As of 29th April No. of wet days: 15 Total Monthly rain: 332.7 Total yearly rain: 1142.2 At the RTC we recorded the highest wind gust during Ita at 68 klms per hour and the rainfall for that 24h period was 273 mls.
FOR SALE KOPPERS LOGS 2.4 Long 100 round 160 available $10 each !!! ph Mike on 0468315155 Paid advertisement
QB innerspring mattress Gas Cooker Camp Wardrobe Camp Kitchen and much much more
47 886 436 $6000 ONO CONTACT RHONDA 0408459609 Paid advertisement
Paid advertisement
s author)
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris.
Paluma Mountain Market Dates. Sundays 8th June 9.00am to 1.00 pm. 27th July 10.00am to 4.00 p.m. 5th Oct. 9.00am to 1.00 pm. New stallholders always welcome. Ph.47708559 or 47737675
PALUMA ART/ CRAFT EXHIBITION. Northern Beaches Festival Seeking artists/ craftspersons interested in being part of this exhibition. There is no entry fee and a $100 People’s Choice Award will be made. Opens on Sunday 27th July 10.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday - 2.00 p.m. Closes at 4.00 p.m. on Sat.2nd. August. Contact Lynn 47737675 or Colwyn 47708559
Welcome and a HUGE thankyou to 2 new volunteer editors to help produce the Rollingstone Rag Kerrie Cochrane and Gaye Lovell.
Interested in forming a scooter/ light motorcycle (up to 250cc) Balgal Riding Group for short social rides within a 50km radius please contact John Holliday on 0414808483
Saturday May 10th 8-12pm Markets at the Bluewater Community Centre $10.00 A stall Sausage Sizzle, Drinks,Music, Great Family Day. Want a copy of Rollingstone Rag sent to you online? email to to be included on the database
A big Thank you to Yvonne Greer who is always sending interesting bits and pieces for inclusion into the Rolly Rag
THANK YOU SIMONE LENNOX (R&M photogs through facebook) And KRISTIE WILLIAMS for your amazing images of
Please join us at the Burke Street Headland on the Strand on May 17th 2014, from 9am for our walk to raise awareness toward Neurofibromatosis and then afterward for a $2 sausage sizzle and some fun family activities Raffle to be drawn 12 midday, 17 th May $2 per ticket Winners will be notified as soon as practicable after the draw
1st Prize: Ipad Air 16GB with Wifi courtesy Radio Rentals RRP $599 2nd Prize: 4 Burner Gas Hooded BBQ courtesy Bunnings RRP $199 3rd Prize: Pamper Pack courtesy Bushland Beach Pharmacy RRP $100 2 Tickets Cowboys home game 31st May courtesy JKM Accountants Tickets available at Gails Place and Community Centre
For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community
Balgal Beach News look us up through Facebook P3
NOTES FROM THE R.T.C It was really pleasing to see so many children and families taking advantage of the fun to be had at the Community Centre during the holidays. Bubbles and foam were flying everywhere along with the screams of fun and laughter. There are a few people I need to thank, as without their help the day would not been the success it was. Thank you to Ian Dow, Tom Ruddick, Angie Barr and Nevis Foster. Your help and good fun was the difference on the day. Also thank you to Kellie and the crew at Amusements Plus for a great job done. I am always open to suggestions for School holiday programs, as parents you know what your kids like most; from the great roll up this time I am thinking more fun outdoor activities would be a way to go. I would love to hear your suggestions. We are now able to provide monthly rain totals in the community news section of the Rag. At the RTC we recorded the highest wind gust during Ita at 68 klms per hour and the rainfall for that 24h period was 273 mls. Not a bad effort. Hope everyone faired well with little damage. We are implementing some new office hours at the RTC; Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays the RTC will be open between 8am and 4pm, on Tuesdays and Fridays, the doors will be closed at 1pm to allow for administration time. Look out this month for the Biggest Morning Tea being hosted by the R&D Seniors, come along on the day and share in the entertainment, have a chat with friends and enjoy a cuppa while wearing your best and finest hat. That's right hats are the theme for this year. It was a wonderful turn out for the Anzac Day commemorations again this year, it is always heart warming to see the community support our soldiers past and present. There has been some wonderful work achieved at the RTC recently, it is looking all spruced up, shining like a new pin with the new garden beds, and painted rails all thanks to Di S and her troop of helpers. Thanks to you all, I marvel at how quickly the plants have established themselves - just like they were always there. I would also like to thank Ian D and Reg G for sanding and undercoating the rails providing an excellent base for the new paintwork. This is a big month for thank you's - and this one goes to Girvan Engineering for the donation of bollards to the Community Centre thank you. Justice of the Peace services are now available at the RTC - there is no need to book to use this service however if the documentation is of a sensitive nature, calling in advance to make an appointment would be something to consider. Don't forget the activities on offer at the Community Centre include Linedancing, Cards, Tai Chi, Craft Group, Indoor Bowls, Zumba Gold, Playgroup on Thursdays and the Vet on the third Thursday of each month. Sue Blom also comes along to the Centre once a month and is always available for contacting by phone or email should you have a concern regarding the Council or community. Cheers……………...Chris
Sunny Days Carer's Support Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 1.30pm at the RTC. The group gives carers the chance to meet other carers, talk, listen, support others and be supported Phone: 07 4773 5808 P4
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month From 8 am Held in the Park near Fishermans Landing proudly presented by the Fishermans Landing Fishing Club If you are interested in having a stall phone john 0427 078934
We did the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle last month and will probably let it go for a couple of years now. Business was nothing like the shop at Domain (we benefitted to the tune of $2000 last year) and such a lot of work and organization for a rather meagre return, although, it was $651 we didn’t have the day before we did it. As the saying goes: “it’s an ill-wind, etc., etc.” We have implemented new opening hours for the RTC. Please see Chrissie’s notes elsewhere in this RAG. Congratulations to the local Lions Club on the opening of their new facility. It was a great community day and well-attended and enjoyed. We have a small, old-fashioned milk churn at the Centre for the collection of donations towards the Lions Drought Relief programme. We encourage you to contribute for the sake of those in the bush experiencing hardship in so many areas: stock starvation, emotional distress, financial destruction, major environmental losses, etc., etc. Remember, these are the people who feed us!! Have you physically seen our newly dressed up Community Bus? If not, you’re missing a treat. Of course, it’s featured on the front cover of this issue but it’s “schmicker” in the flesh. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the local branch of the RSL for helping with the financing of this advertising signage. We’re now really “out there” and we reckon it’s about the best we’ve seen. Also, credit must go to David White who planted the original idea for some of the wording contained thereon. And special thanks to Don Anderson for all his “jiggery-pokery” in acquiring this vehicle for us in the first place. Up until Don’s wheeling and dealing, we really were having trouble making this dream become a reality. He made it happen for us – even if it did take another 2 years of dogged pursuit and smarttalkin’ by us to actually take delivery and THAT, finally, was Andrew Cripps’ doing. Thank you all so much for your contribution. We mentioned John Holliday, the Lions and Jamie, the mechanic, for their big clean-up on the bus in the April RAG. A walkway from the Hall verandah to the rubbish bins now situated behind the Hall was suggested by Shirley Cattle and Diane Yates, to be considered at a Management Committee meeting. According to Ian Dow, this water problem may resolve when changes proposed by Lions to the down pipes from both the Hall and the Lions Den are put in place. Consequently, we won’t be taking this matter any further; also, the engineering, construction and safety requirements set down by Council make it almost financially prohibitive. For those of you who’ve lived locally for a fair while, I ran into Joe and Judy Livingstone recently. They now live in the Deeragun area. Judy is suffering from breast cancer and is presently undergoing intense treatment. She’s doing it tough and had she not spoken to me, I would never have recognised her. I know she’d love a phone call – just for a chat, and I know all of you who remember them would join me in sending our collective best wishes. Chris’s holiday entertainment was a success, with lots of kids and parents in attendance. Thanks to all the big people who helped Chris and made it a happy, fun day for our youngsters. We’ll try to do more next vacation-time. Presently on a learning curve with what it is the kids really want/enjoy. If you have any suggestions, please speak with Chris because we’re anxious to have sensible input of that to which you may know kids will really respond. Was so good to see the parents stay on, as well. Public acknowledgement of several folk who’ve contributed ‘big time’ towards making our Centre even better recently: Di & Carol and Reg & Ian for the work done on the RTC handrails; Girvan Engineering for the bollards that will be installed at the car park end of the Op Shop (to stop any runaway cars); Margie Cheeseman for opening the Op Shop in her own time to offer weekend trading to those who are unable to access the Shop during the week – and making an absolute starring show of it all; Gordon for the major reno job he did on our almost “totalled” ride-on mower along with the many other handyman jobs to which he’s attended; and Tommy, Angie, Ian and Nevis for their contribution on the kids’ “Big Splash Day”..... thank you, one and all, you are so appreciated. We’re also putting out a plea for a couple more volunteer bus drivers, to take the bus into town on Thursdays – shopping day. We have a small core of those who’re happy to drive for us on that day, but would like a couple more. That way, we only require your input every so often. The new lock on the big Shed now means that should you need access thereto, even though you have a key, you’ll have to contact the RTC, the Treasurer or the President. You may or may not have known that after many years of service to the community, Nevis Foster has stood down from her position on the Association Committee. In her place, Velvet Friar has been appointed until the AGM in September. We thank Nevis for her major contribution and wish her well for the future. At the same time, we welcome Velvet and hope she enjoys her commitment. Tai Chi is now very much part of the activities offered at the Community Centre. It is open to all age groups and we would strongly recommend it as a proven panacea for many health and mental issues. Contact Chris at the RTC for more information. We’ll be planting a Lone Pine Seedling at the Community Centre grounds, as an acknowledgement of the sacrifices made for us by our many servicemen and women since Australia has been involved in theatres of war around the world. This is in preparation for next year’s Gallipoli jubilee – and is in remembrance, not celebration. The seedling is presently being nurtured locally for planting out when robust enough. The Anzac Day Dawn Parade was just superb – a “little cracker”,as Cr. Blom said and that’s not being one bit disrespectful but thoroughly courteous and on the knocker! John Muller controlled the event in his usual adept style; the speeches were not of long and tedious duration which meant everyone was entertained by all items contained therein; and the programme was most succinct making for a most enjoyable celebration on this most important day in our annual calendar. The fly-over, as dawn was breaking with the Last Post sounding, brought tears to our eyes; AND the attendance was least 500, we would estimate. That’s as good as you can get for a small township the size of Rollingstone and environs, and better than most. At this rate there’ll be even more next year, which must make the Rollingstone RSL mighty proud. Congratulations, folks, you certainly deserve any accolades that might be forthcoming. The morning parade wasn’t quite so well attended, but was nevertheless to the same high standard and a credit to all involved. Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”. P6
Andrew Cripps MP Ph: 07 4776 1428 Member for Hinchinbrook Ingham Qld 4850 Fax:07 4776 3503 NORTHERN BEACHES LAC INITIATIVE The Northern Beaches Ambulance Station, located on the corner of the Bruce Highway and Bowden Road, Black River, services communities on the Northern Beaches of Townsville from North Shore, Bushland Beach and Deeragun to Paluma, Mutarnee and Rollingstone. The Northern Beaches Ambulance Station services a rapidly growing community. This growth is set to continue, with all indications in Townsville City Council’s planning instruments suggesting that the Northern Beaches will be a strong growth corridor for the city. However, the Northern Beaches Ambulance Station and its officers are not currently supported by a Local Ambulance Committee (LAC). That’s why I’m bringing forward a proposal to form an LAC, so the work of the Station’s officers can be supported by the local community in the area. Anyone can join the LAC and a meeting will be held at the Northern Beaches Ambulance Station on Friday 23 May 2014 at 6pm with a view to establishing a committee. If you are interested in supporting this initiative, you would be most welcome to attend. I’ll see you there. NORTHERN BEACHES GROUPS SECURE FUNDING Community, sporting and not-for-profit organisations servicing Townsville’s Northern Beaches have secured funding from the latest round of the Queensland Government’s Gambling Community Benefit Fund and Breakwater Casino Benefit Fund. The following organisations secured funding, which will help them support local communities on the Northern Beaches: Thuringowa Rural Fire Brigade Group, $31,818, to construct toilet facilities; Rollingstone State School P&C, $31,818, to erect shade structures, Twin Cities Leisure Accessible Club, $14,320, to replace outboard motors.
Rollingstone & District Seniors Seniors have been busy getting together a calendar of events for this year and with Easter already behind us time certainly is flying. Let me start though by first of all saying a very BIG THANK YOU to all those people who helped with the Seniors’ Sausage Sizzle held at Bunnings, North Shore. You know who you all are. The time you gave, and no doubt your patience, was very much appreciated. Thank you all so much. At the beginning of April a group of Seniors visited the Upper Ross PCYC for morning tea and games. It was lovely to meet all our friends again (including Val Diehm) and we finished up with dinner at the Upper Ross Hotel where we were warmly greeted. Bingo has started up again. It will run every second Saturday of the month, the next game being on the 10 th May 2014 at 1.30 p.m. eyes down l.45 p.m. The Biggest Morning Tea for cancer is being held on the 9 th May 2014. The theme this year is “Hats” and we have Millers doing a Fashion Parade for us. It is going to be a really fun day but we do need some models - so anyone out there interested in strutting their stuff please contact either Pam Stewart on 4770-7607 or Cheryl Pearson on 4770-7027 – all shapes and sizes welcome. On the 20th June 2014 a Progressive Dinner is being held starting at 5 p.m. Cost is $25.00 per head with a limited number of 40 people. Those interested in attending the dinner should contact either Pam Stewart on 4770-7607 or Cheryl Pearson 4770-7027. Due to the limited number of people payment of $25.00 is to be made immediately (no IOU’s or “cheque is in the mail” excuses) – it really is a case of first in best dressed. More details about this dinner will be available soon. The Pineapple Festival has been set down for 13th September 2014 and Seniors will have a cake and popcorn stall there, but, again, more about this event later on. The Seniors’ Lunch this year is still under much discussion and you will all be advised when and where it is to take place in good time. More news next time, take care…………………………………………………..Claire P8
Gidday Rollingstone ’m on leave… holidays… vacation time… YEEHAH! And over Easter as well – can you believe that?! SIX WEEKS – count ‘em… 6. Mind you, by the time this Rag gets out there, I’ll only have a hand full of days left, but… SIX WEEKS people – HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know – you’re thinking to yourself, “What a ratbag thing to do to poor Darren – leaving the poor wee Scottish lad to his own devices and make him face the onslaught of not only the school holidays but Easter and ANZAC day as well. How could you do such a thing?” SIX WEEKS!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So… wanna know what I’ve been doing while I’ve been away? Does the expression “house bitch” mean anything to you? Yep, I’ve been a kept man (and loving it) in return for doing the cooking and housework. Don’t be mistaken here… I usually can’t cook to save my life, but there are a few basics and some variations on those basics that have managed to keep my head above water. I’m definitely no Master Chef or MKR contender – I’d probably struggle as a second hand dish pig – but we’re not starving either. Otherwise, I’ve had a great time with my favourite terrorist, watching her plot and scheme her way towards total global domination (one Lego block at a time) – training in my Gym, neglecting my garden, catching up on all the recorded TV shows that The Blonde complains about having to sit through and generally just kicking back and ignoring everything. Part of the Gym work (and this is the serious bit, so pay attention) has been to incorporate a long since forgotten skill I was taught by my Dad – my bicycle. My Dad, who was never a big bloke (or particularly fit) would spend hours running behind yours truly (at the age of about 6 or so) holding the seat to a demon – possessed Malvern Star push bike until I gained enough momentum to balance (badly) for a 20 or 30 yard pedal on my own. Dad would collapse in a sweating heap, asthma puffer in one hand and clutching his chest with the other – screaming at me, “For God’s sake don’t stop pedalling.” So… in order to follow family tradition, and to satisfy the Terrorist’s desire to be independently mobile, we upgraded her bike, took her to a wide open space where any collateral damage would be minor, fitted her up with enough padding to qualify her to take on the front row of the All Blacks and watched as she took off into the wild blue yonder. These episodes, which covered several weeks and a wide variety of scrapes, bruises and swear words that she DIDN’T learn in our house, have resulted in family bike rides in almost every given direction from our house. Now… the serious bit. Firstly – my heart felt thanks and appreciation for any of you and all of you who have passed my little clan on our narrow roads and given us a wide berth – even more so if you’ve slowed down by even a few km/h as you passed. We are not the only ones – there are more of us who choose to pedal, either by design or necessity – and even those of us who choose to walk or jog (I know… crazy right?) along our narrow roads. But… I have been given details of several vehicles (which have been passed onto my mad Scotsman mate) that have decided that their presence on the road is of far greater importance than anyone else. These vehicles have passed far too close to pedestrians and bike riders, at far too excessive speeds. The consequences of these actions can be catastrophic for the pedestrians and cyclists – particularly if they’re younger and not as steady or confident as others. I’m not expecting the offending vehicles to be locals – my locals have more respect for each other than that – they understand that our roads are there for everyone. I’m expecting, hoping and praying that the drivers in those vehicles are tourists - visitors – morons who think that it’s OK to come to someone else’s town and act like a fool. But having said that, either way – local or tourist – they will learn respect. If you or yours experience any such drama, please give us a call with as much detail as you can – rego numbers are great. Now… did I mention that I’m on holidays? A few weeks to go and the beard will be trimmed, the hair cut, uniform ironed and sunnies polished. Don’t forget that Miss Jenny and Haggis (do you like that one?... he could get used to that – right?) are here if you need them……………..Stay safe Goughy DID YOU KNOW ???? The first basic wage was 2pound2shillings0penny a week About $4.20 in 1907 Swimming during the day was illegal in NSW from 1833 until 1903 NIDOLOGY is the study of Bird’s nests. MISOCAPNIST is the hater of smoking BATRACHOPHOBIA is the fear of frogs and toads ATHROPHOBIA is the abnormal fear of flowers. DECUMBENCY is the act of lying down. There are 1100 types of Ants in Australia but only 26 types in NZ. P9
BLUEWATER 2 Purono Parkway, Purono Park ,4818
OPEN Monday to Friday from 8.00a.m. At the BLUEWATER MEDICAL CENTRE Dine In and Take Away 2 PURONO PARKWAY, PURONO PARK Phone: 0747 786 077 Specialty Morning or Afternoon Teas Catering by Arrangement
For all Appointments
Ph: 4778 6444
P 10
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Hello again Rollingstone, and another eventful month of Service for our Rolly Lions. It was smiles all round on Saturday 29 th March when Rollingstone And District Lions Club officially opened their new Lions Den. This building is dedicated to the memory of our late Charter Member Lion Terry Giles who passed away after a battle with Cancer a few years ago. Because of the love and support of his Lions Family, Terry together with the support of his Son and Daughter left a sum of money in his will to assist the Lions establish their own Lions Den – a place to store all our gear and also act as our meeting place. There was fantastic support from the Lions Clubs of North Queensland with 12 Clubs represented on the day, and with a great turnout from the local Rollingstone Community and supported by Members of the Giles Family, The Hon Andrew Cripps MP, Member for Hinchinbrook and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines officially opened the building. Zone Chairperson PDG Pat Lynch from Ingham represented District Governor Gary Kenny at the event, and acknowledged the great example of “Club Care” by the Rollingstone Lions in supporting their late member Terry. The crowd in attendance had the opportunity to inspect the facilities which will also be a great attribute to the existing infrastructure at the Rollingstone Community Centre – especially when staging our annual Pineapple Festival and other Community events, and then participated in traditional sporting events such as “Pineapple Bowls”. As part of the afternoon’s activities, the Rollingstone Leos also presented a cheque to the District’s Drought Relief Appeal, being the proceeds of a Car Wash and other fund raising in the community, and especially also supported by RADCA’s own Drought Appeal. Following a traditional Barbecue, a wonderful fireworks display by Five-Star Fireworks (Thank you Lions Ian & Leisa Thomasson) closed the afternoon’s celebrations. And since then, Lions have also provided a “Cook’s Breakfast Off” on Easter Saturday morning at the Rollingstone Beach Caravan Resort, and have also supported the RSL with ANZAC Day activities including Brekky after the Dawn Service. Throw in a couple of small working bees to assist our community – just another month of Service by our Lions Club. Do you want to be part of a wonderfully dedicated group of people who volunteer their time and effort to “Make a Difference” in our community? Why not join your local Lions Club? Enquiries to Secretary John on (H) 4770 7510 or (Mob) 0407 114687. Till next month, as always – “We Serve”. President Mike
Rollingstone And District Leo Club
Hello all, a quick update from the Rollingstone Leos. We held a car wash on the 22 nd of March at Dunga’s BP Servo which went well, with the total proceeds of $175 going to Lions Drought Relief appeal. This plus an additional $100 was handed over to Castle Hill Lions President Phil Highland (the coordinator of the appeal) at the Lions Den opening. Also at the Den opening, Leos performed the Flag Raising Ceremony, conducted a small fundraiser, and also had our collection box out for the Drought Relief Appeal. From this, an additional amount of $80 is also going to the Drought Appeal. We had intended to run a disco during the Easter holidays, but of course with Cyclone Ita, that was postponed to date a yet to be determined. We are also glad to be involved with the Rollingstone State School with our joint ‘Junior Leos’ program getting underway. We are always open to new members from 9 years and up.
For more information on Leos, please contact any one of:James Baker – Leo Club President Mob: 0437 906025 Jake Thompson – Leo Secretary Mob: 0408 497225 Ian Thomasson – Leo Adviser Mob: 0408 757910
Email: Email: Email:
John Muller – Lions Secretary
Mob: 0407 114687
Slow Roasted Onions: Cut 4-6 large brown onions in half crossways, leaving the skin on, and place in a baking dish. Sprinkle with olive oil, red wine vinegar and seasonings. Then bake in a preheated 160C oven for 2 hours. When ready, peel the onions and toss with a little fresh oil, vinegar and seasonings. And did you know you can Freeze Chillies so easily: just package in a plastic bag, seal and place in freezer; no preparation and no blanching and they’re still crunchy when required! However, should you wish to pickle them, they will go mushy. P 11
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411
A Family recovery Hi, today I am 206 days sober and would like to share a recent entry in my daughters diary . She wrote “ I am so glad my dad stopped drinking. I used to think it was my fault, then my dad said it was his fault, but now I know it was nobodies fault” Below she had drawn a glass of water with good” written beside it and a glass of beer with BAD. I put them through so much but little things like this mean that they are getting better as I am. Thanks to AA and the 12 step program John …...A grateful alcoholic P 12
) Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All, Well another month has slipped by, the year is rocketing past so fast. Our monthly BBQ was great fun as always, with wonderful food and top company. Thanks must go to the cooks and preparation people for an excellent job. We played team golf putting with much encouragement from the sidelines and lots of laughter. Team one were the winners taking out the gold prizes. Joan, Moira,Wendy,Rhonda and Faye, played really well and deserved the win. CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS. The Lound’s Fresh Seafood raffle was won by Wendy Clark and the monthly fishing competition was won by Tom Ruddick with a 53 cm Finger Mark. GOOD ON YA TOM. Our Mothers Day Celebrations will be at the Community Hall on Sunday the 4th of May. One week prior to the real Mothers Day. Please let Faye know how many are coming so she can organize the catering. We will see you all there for another fun time. The weather hasn’t been very kind, with our seniors fishing and crabbing trip to Cattle Creek having had to be cancelled three times. The trip is being rescheduled. We will get there soon. THE PINEAPPLE gFESTIVAL is on Saturday the 13 th September. We will again be joining in with Leisure Accessible for the parade and performance in Centre Ring. If you would like to take part please ring Tom Ruddick 47707006 or Ken Turner 47707276 we do need some more people. IT IS LOTS OF FUN SO COME AND JOIN IN. DONT BE SHY. Six more would be most welcome. Do not forget our weekend away to Lucinda on the 10,11 12 th of October. It is always a perfect weekend. There is only one seat left on ROSIE so ring Skipper Ken on 47707276 ASAP to book. Other members take their boats so there maybe some spare seats possible???
P 13
I would like to say ANZAC Day was wonderful. Thank you to all of those who attended. The DAWN Service went really well with the flyover crossing just before Bob Zander’s prayer, and returning just as Cory Crabb completed his poem. The March, followed the police car, and LT Lyndal Cunningham, noted that they had to do short steps every now and again, because of the “little legs” following. Terrific to see so many students marching and thank you to Mutarnee who originally were only coming for the Dawn Service, but then decided to march as well. Following the service we met at the Mystic Sands Golf Club. The nibblies of sandwiches and hot treats were obviously delicious as we had to order extra. Thank you to Mieke and Vonny for your efforts that morning to prepare everything. The crowd supported our raffles well, and 3 lovely looking meat trays were won. President Ewan’s win got a bit of a ribbing, but he did buy tickets! Colleen, Steve and Emma did a wonderful job behind the bar as they had our crowd plus a number of golfers coming in to prepare for the pennants. Unfortunately we didn’t get around to playing two-up, as people headed off a little earlier than usual. That was to be expected as we have just had Easter and with the sun out I’m sure many reconsidered that camping trip or other outing! A final thank you to Nevis for organising new flags from Bob Katter. Graham and Nevis have been ensuring the flags go up at the Memorial site for many years and we thank them for that. Thank you again to our wonderful sponsors: Pace Farms for eggs and ice, Pauls Milk (obvious!), Roscos for storing the milk, Country Bake for bread, Blancos for sausages, Mystic Sands Golf Club for a large rum, and RADCA for the cold room and chairs. Then of course there are those who assist: the Police, this time via Acting Sergeant Darren; LIONS for the delicious breakfast, SES for parking; Townsville City Council for the presentation of Balgal Beach Park; Mystic Sands Golf Club for our between and post service functions. The RSL committee and members who pitch in with organising and setting up. The schools, Mutarnee and Rollingstone for their participation. Community Service clubs for participating in the services and march. Alan and his Flyover Team for the display at the conclusion of the Dawn Service. WOW! So many contribute to this day! The services occur with the assistance of the Defence Force. This time WO2 Jason Greer, SGT Ashley Smith and guest speaker LT Lyndal Cunningham, along with other service personnel from the 9th Transport Squadron, 3rd Combat Service Support Battalion, Lavarack Barracks who provided the guard. They always look so impressive to me! Our MC, Lion John Muller AOM, also an associate of our RSL, Councillor Suzanne Blom for her presence and speech, Chaplain Bob Zander for conducting the religious aspects of our services. A BIG THANK YOU to all! On a sad note, we lost one of our most Senior members in Bill Schofield. Bill and Esther (his wife), have been attending our services for a number of years, and Bill decided that he may as well join our RSL as he preferred the more relaxed atmosphere here. They would stay with Ros and Terry at the Balgal Units and had become good friends. It is too soon for Esther to make the trip but she will be back as they loved to holiday at Balgal. Another member, Gordon Shore, has been in hospital. Gordon has to take things steadily following an operation for a twisted bowel. Les Melvin too, has been in hospital with a heart attack, but is on the mend. AHH- the joys of getting older! Gordon says hello to his mates. Thank you to all who attended one or both of the services. I hope you found the services moving and a time to reflect on how lucky we are to live in Australia. Till June, keep smiling and enjoying our wonderful life in paradise!...................Rhonda.
P 15
MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers,….Its been some time since I sat down and started to put some results together for all the past club comps, Unfortunatly that's not going to happen at this juncture. You see in the last 8 weeks there has been a lot happening around the golf course and this takes a big chunk out of the time given to collate all the results. Throw in a cyclone, flooded golf course, and the odd health problem and the time slips by pretty fast. All the volunteers along with our very tired greenkeeper have been working day in day out to get the course ready for the mens pennants.Everything went off without a hitch and was a very successful weekend. Now its back to normal and I promise you there will be results and news every month from the May magazine on to the end of the year.The past three months results will be in the May issue along with all the news around the traps. So long for now, Good golfing and take care of one and other………………..Maree K.
Welcome to Cheersport NQ!!!! CONTACT PERSONS\ General enquiries:
Please contact:
Christy 0478 790 134
Team Coaches:
Mini All Stars:
Top Guns:
Pace Park Rollingstone Community Centre
Mini All Stars Tuesday 3.30-4.15pm Top Guns Tuesday 3.30-5.00pm
3-5 year
Pace Park
Rollingstone Community Centre
Primary age
Pace Park
Rollingstone Community Centre
Cheer Elite Coming Soon
High School age
Pace Park
Rollingstone Community Centre
This has been a really busy month with a lot of donations! Paintings, shoes (new) bags ( new) a wine rack, cot and baby wear, childrens wear, toys, a fantastic timber dolls house with furniture and good quality linen amongst so many other great donations. We opened the Shop on Sat Market Days from 10 - 12 with great success so this will be a regular open day from now on . Special thankyou to Lynda and Margies granddaughter for their help. Welcome back Leonie ( from Melbourne)
P 16
The last month has seen an increase in activity in our little club with a return to Saturday bowls and continued , fantastic patronage of the Sunday morning barefoot bowls. It is great to see up to 16 people having a ball every Sunday morning in a (very) social atmosphere where skill takes second place to ones sledging ability. If we awarded points for comments our pennant teams would be unbeatable! I encourage anyone in our community who has always had a hidden desire to try our great game to turn up at 9.00 am any Sunday and have a go. Cost is only $7 and juniors are welcome as long as they are 10 and over and accompanied by a parent. Male members are reminded that we will be contesting the North Queensland pennants over the June long weekend. There is a form on the notice board to indicate your availability which can be either one, two or all three days. At this stage we look like only fielding two rinks ( 8 players ) and we will again be calling on one of the non participating clubs to supply the third rink. Can I please ask members to attend to this promptly as we need to get our side finalised. Special thanks must go out to the small band of volunteers who have been working diligently on our green which is now looking and playing brilliantly. It is a credit to these people for achieving the results we have and also a special thanks to the rain gods for supplying perfect weather conditions. Our Sunday morning group will be sorry to see two very special supporters of our Barefoot Bowls leave for an extended holiday around Australia shortly. It has been a delight to have Col and Linda join in every week and we all wish them a safe and enjoyable trip ( and dont be away toooo long). As always , please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292. Thanks
P 17 P1
Congratulations to Liza Waters on winning the beautiful big Easter Hamper. Hope you enjoyed it Liza. Thank you to everyone for your continued support with the raffles. I hope everyone had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the break. The lucky numbers is into the 4th week and congratulations to the lucky people who have each won $50: Nat Smith, Annette & Sam Sibson, Pam Griggs, & Mick Wellington. Congratulations to you all and thank you for your support. The Council will put two extra bins down in the 48hour camping grounds (Toomulla Park) in May. This will allow for the extra grey nomads that come into Toomulla around June and hopefully help with the overload of rubbish that seems to build up. There has also been a letter sent to council asking for permission to place an ‘Honesty Box’ in the park. The money collected from the box will go to the Toomulla Community Association to put towards the building fund for a community hall. The council are sending someone out to find a suitable place for the box to be placed. The Honesty Box has been built & donated by a resident of Toomulla and has been made of steel, very suitable for what is needed. The Toomulla Fishing Club weekend in Lucinda was cancelled due to Cyclone Ita, and the new dates for a weekend at Dungeness – Hinchinbrook Marine Cove Resort is now 16th & 17th May. We are looking forward to a great weekend and hoping the weather is kind to allow us all to go fishing. The Northern Beaches Festival is coming up for 2014 and this is some of the events that will be happening: Saturday 12th July – North Shore Festival of Fun 6am – 1pm. Sunday 27th July – Paluma Arts & Craft Expo and Markets through to Saturday 2ndAugust. (Markets days will only be the 27 th & 2nd) Sunday 10th August – Bluewater Extravaganza Car Show. Saturday 13th September – Rollingstone Pineapple Festival. Sunday 14th September – Toomulla Junior Fishing Comp. The Major Raffle - 3.95 m Boat & Accessories will be drawn on the 14 th September at Toomulla. We will be selling tickets at the Northern Beaches shopping centres over the next few months. Each community is placed on a roster for ticket selling each year and Toomulla will be selling tickets at North Shore on Saturday 14 th June and Sunday 15th at Willows Markets. If you would like to come along and help out for a couple of hours selling the tickets please contact me on 47707813 or just pop in when I am at home. Each year a committee works very hard to raise money from the NBF and this is then distributed throughout the NB communities, so please consider helping out so Toomulla receives a portion of this. I am the Events co-ordinator for the 2014 Northern Beaches Festival and if you would like any further information about the festival please do not hesitate to contact me. Please feel free if you would like to add anything into the Toomulla newsletter just email me or ring and it can be added in. ……….Cheers Rhonda.
Megs’ Beachside Hairdressing 47707528 All ladies mens and childrens hairdressing requirements Please phone Mon - Friday 9am-5pm for an appointment
Stanley Baldwin’s famous comment in 1931: ‘Power without responsibility, the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages’………………… it! Grief is the price we pay for loving…………..and this one as well!
One of the first banks in Townsville was the Bank of New South Wales. The original Charter of the Bank dated 1823, is on display at the Townsville Museum.
Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome to our Club's monthly gossip and other stuff. I must confess right at the beginning that I know little of the weather or recent fishing conditions (so what's new you all chorous) as I am not there, I'm here. In fact, I'm here, there and everywhere. But, be assurred fellow Paradisians, your Club's Scribe at Large is not lost, I am told regularly by my dear wife where to go. I can report though that some nice Cod is being caught near Condamine, good Yellowbelly at Tara, heaps of Redfin from Googong Dam near Canberra, oodles of Carp from the Lachlan River at Euabalong (where?) and no fish but a good feed of yabbies from the Paroo River at Eulo. Whilst near our Nations Capital I felt it my duty to suss out the hot spots both for fishing and for social pursuits. As I mentioned Redfin is plentiful in Googong Dam and are good eating. Queanbeyan just over the border hosts a number of watering holes and my pick (I checked them all out) was Walshes Hotel in the main street. On Australia Day they conduct yabby races in both lightweight and heavyweight divisions with all proceeds going to Legacy. Oh yeah, they also have xxxx Gold on tap. Club stalwart Ron Condren (Condo) is currently not feeling so good. We all wish Ron a speedy recovery and hope he will soon return with his many interesting tales of the past in the outback of WA, NT and QLD on cattle properties. Condo is another long serving committee member who did not seek re-election at the last AGM. However, as he has done over a lot of years, he still does club work in the background without wanting recognition or fuss. Ahem, except when he sets his beard alight! Come back soon Condo. It was pleasing to see that no one took up our offer to determine the sex of our Club's pseudo mascot' Snappy Tom who am led to believe has grown to some proportion. So, the name Snappy Tom shall remain until such time that he/she, through nature proves otherwise. But seriously, Snappy should not be treated lightly, familiarity breeds contempt which invariably leads to tears so please be croc wise near the water. Snappy has decided to set up camp near the only serviceable boat ramp within 10 cooees so if you are launching or just fishing be alert because we all know the world needs lerts. As I meander my way back to paradise and day in, day out, trampled by the stampede of southerners mainly from SA, Vic and NSW all heading north, I wonder if any of them really know of the dangers that lurk in our waters. Treat them gently and warn them please of the dangers in our creeks and rivers. Having endured over the past weeks the apalling weather "down south" it is no wonder that these poor souls seek another life in our beautiful north during their autumn and winter.A huge thanks to Robert Pratt who stepped up to the plate (literally) to cook the BBQ in March when our Two Terribles were unavailable. Condo was off crook enabling the local Bush Fire Brigade to have the night off and Mark the Angelic One was in another sub-continent south of the Burdekin working. It is new members like Robert who will ensure our Club revitalizes and continue to grow. He is a bloody good cook too. Sorry but there is still no details from the back room boys of the Fishing Competition. Apparently they are a little disorganized through work commitments and also from being absent from the area. However, the word I received from afar is, like Christmas….. its coming.On the local scene my informants tell me Mr. Truscott has finally got his boat going and has warned other club members not to bother fishing as he will now be scooping the monthly competition. Now that is confidence but anglers keep him honest and get out there anyway. Among the fish presented for inclusion in the competition; John West weighed in a healthy 4.54 kg Barra (not a salmon, sorry, couldn't resist that) and Brett Collinson a nice 1.7 kg Barra. Well done. Don't forget to weigh in your catch AND have your photo taken for the Brag Board. A reminder that Club Membership is available. Collect your applications at The Landing. The Landing Markets are doing well with some new stall holders now in attendance. Please support them as John works hard to ensure our markets are viable. Finally, a reminder of the Club BBQ on the last friday of the month, at The Landing on the Lower Deck commencing at 6.30 p.m. It is free for members and $10.00 for guests who are most welcome. Sorry, due to liquor licencing la ws, NO BYO. Come along to hear Dickie say "food is ready folks, please feed the children first". Until next month, keep smiling, it keeps everyone guessing what you are up to. ………..Ninger
Rollingstone Community Centre 2nd & 4th Sunday at 6.30pm Come and join us in the RADCA Community Hall on Community Crescent We are a contemporary family style church with a relaxed North Queensland flavour Also meeting at: Jensen: 13 Mt Kulburn Drive … Sunday 9.30am (Turn off Bruce Hwy at Len’s Feed Shed just south of Black River bridge)
Saunders Beach: Community Centre … 1st & 3rd Sunday 6.30pm Tea and Coffee to follow For details ring Ps Ian Morgan on 0407 475 161 or the church office 4751 9222 Australian Christian Churches Assemblies of God in Australia
Merry We Meet For the Last time til October. What an excellent season we have had, ending with a great breakup party recently. BIG THANK YOU to Vonnie, Mika and Emma for the fine food and excellent service. Also thanks to all those who joined, the dancing girls and singing along to make the night the success that it was. Richard and I had our own little adventure, we decided to take our van along and camp the night so we both could have a drink without having to drive home. Imagine our surprise in the morning when we slid open the van door and we were in the middle of a lake with the water almost up to the door. We were okay, we have our own bathroom but poor Tamika had to cross her legs while we had our toast and coffee and waited a couple of hours for the water to go down before we could go home. We were planning a more picturesque spot than the golf club carpark to have our breakfast. A few of us decided to continue on for a while down at the heated pool at North Shore and just do our own thing. Entry fee is $3.50. We are going to keep it at Tuesday mornings as that seems to suit us all. Anyone interested can contact me on 47707375 after Anzac weekend. I would like to thank all 39 girls and especially the 6 blokes that came along this season. Come on boys… there must be more 6 of you in this town in need of exercise and a few laughs. Thank you to all those who helped set up music, clock etc and help put away every Tuesday and Friday for the six months. Thanks to Gaynor and John and all the caravan staff for the use of their pool and the welcoming help that they give us. Last but not least I would like to thank a new comer for 13/14 who has taken to the program like the proverbial “Duck to Water.” Dianne Green has stepped up and taken the group a number of times while I have been away in Victoria to weddings and birthdays and so on. Thank you so much Di, it is great to have you along with your expertise. See you all in October. The starting date depends on how early the weather warms up. P 20 Stay Healthy and Fit…………………………………...Babs
WILDLIFE CARERS FOR ROLLINGSTONE, BALGAL BEACH and surrounds Please keep these phone numbers handy!!!!! GWEN CAHILL
47707540 0427074816
44210006 0412 965535
These girls are all Balgal Beach residents, members of Nth Qld Wildlife and are all Volunteers Each of the three can assist with any native wildlife !!! A WILDLIFE TALE I have been a wildlife carer for quite a few years now and really enjoy the work load because of the results.There is one aspect none of us like but it is a necessary evil. I would like to explain to everyone that we NEVER euthanize without taking everything into consideration . It is simple when the animal has been hit by a car, has two broken legs, bone protruding, lacerations and is in deep pain. That decision is relatively easy and straight forward – relieve it of the pain as we are unable to restore it to its former life. Save any pouched joey – a bonus, when we loose one life but are able to save the another. But then we have cases like “Splits”, a very large Balgal local big Grey male Kangaroo for 9 weeks, regularly checking on him, but in the last 3 days of his life he was going downhill, loosing condition, hardly moving, every move was painful. Everything was considered and the decision had to be made sand so when we went looking for him he had tucked himself away in a boggy marshy area. He was laying in water and too weak to get up, h had lacerations on his body, which were bleeding. He was euthanized with absolutely no stress. We treated Splits with the utmost care and carried him out to go to his final resting place. The procedure went so smooth, he had given up and we allowed him to die with dignity. We were affected and I know all the people who knew him would be as well. I wanted you to know he died as he lived with pride and dignity. THANK YOU to all the people who rang in and notified us during this time…..Gaye
Welcome back to Playgroup. Hope we all had a very relaxing Easter Break. Who can believe it is Term2 already, what a term we have planned for you, Let’s see if we can turn our trash into treasure. So please check the program to see if you can help with bringing in recyclables from home and there are a few times this term we need to bring along some other items that are required for the craft, if you have any ideas for Reduce Reuse Recycle please come and see me and we will fit them into the program. This term I would like to add some additions to the playground with the theme in mind so bring along your ideas and we will see what we can come up with. This term the parent survey’s will be handed out this is your chance to tell us what you like and don’t like about our service, to help us improve what and the way we deliver these services to you, so please fill them out and get them back to us as soon as possible Memberships are due now, Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me A.S.A.P. Membership is still $20 a year and only $3 a session for a family.Let’s go have some fun. Till Next time keep playing ……………………..Nicole P 21
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012)
Full Page (18 x 26cm) $100.00 Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80.00 Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50.00 Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $15.00 Classifieds (up to 20 words) $10.00 Flyers/Inserts $80.00
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Lynette Dennis Bluewater Medical Centre, Bluewater Ph 47786444 Northern Beaches Chiropractic, Burdell Ph 47742184 Naturally Healthy, Belgian Gardens Ph 043883442
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or
RN & Midwife, Health Rebates
RollyRag’ Disclaimer
The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.
Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST) Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $5.50 (incl. GST) Evening $5.50 (incl. GST) Important document scanning $5.00
Centrelink Access Point Centrelink provides phone, fax and photocopier for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business.
P 22
Call Eamon
PH: 0478 790 134
Open at: 26 Mystic Avenue When we are at home [look for truck and signs] Or call to make arrangements
Rollingstone State School Celebrating 100 years in September 2016 Congratulations to the the families and staff who were lucky winners in the P & C Easter raffle drawn on the last day of term 1. Hope some of those many eggs made it through to Easter! A big thank-you to Darren who was given the unenviable task of selecting the winners of the Easter bonnet parade for each year level, and to the creativity of the children, (and parents) in their construction.
Darren congratulating Mr Bruce on his winning one of the several Easter raffles.
Layla, winner of the Year 4 Easter bonnet.
Swimming lessons are finished for 2014, it was fantastic to see the improvement in confidence in many of the younger children, and technique in the older students. While these 6 weeks of swimming lessons are a great opportunity, our children do need frequent chances to practice these skills to maintain them. Any outstanding monies should be sent to the office as soon as possible please. ANZAC day is yet to come when this needs to be submitted, but a big thank-you to Mr Coulson who is continuing to attend the school ceremony each year. All of these occasions in a school are made much more real and memorable for students through the involvement of our community. Thank-you also to Mr Zander who continues to give hours of his time weekly to maintaining a safe, pleasant oval and surrounds for the children. This becomes an even greater task following cyclone Ita on the middle weekend of the holidays. While no major damage occurred, it certainly made for many small branches needing to be cleaned away prior to mowing and a very wet oval. Your dedication is much appreciated Mr Zander. It is a time of thank-you's! A chance comment while getting a hair cut has resulted in a donation of many books, preloved and new! Thank-you to Alan Francis Hair on Gearney Lane in Deeragun for organising this donation! With our huge focus on reading across the school, the greater access children have to a range of books, the better! Parents of Year 3, 5 and 7 students are reminded that Naplan testing is coming up. The 13th, 14th and 15th of May are all testing dates so it is important your children be at school on these days. This is NOT meant to be a stressful experience, it is not a test they can cram for. Encourage your child to do their best each day and make them feel good for doing so. With so many 'smart' devices available we are strongly recommending to parents they download the QSchools app. By putting our school in as a favourite you can link to newsletters and many other messages on upcoming events. An easy way to keep organised! Keep an eye out for our Data Notebooks, these will be coming home early in term 2. Students have been working hard to take ownership of their attendance and their learning. Their Data Notebook allows them to set goals for themselves, and celebrate the gains they make on a regular basis. Please read and discuss these with your child/ren.
P 25
It does not seem like it, but FROSTY MANGO is now
years old
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.
We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00 pm P 26
Natures Notes - Roy Mackay It is three years since Cyclone Yasi caused so much damage to our environment, to say nothing of the much worse damage to Cardwell, Innisfail and others towns. It was in the woodlands and rainforests where the worst damage occurred here. Weeds spread and trees died and the patterns of movements of birds and mammals changed. Now Cyclone Ita has passed through and felled many of the trees that died after Yasi. So, changes are still occurring. But not all of our environment is changing. None of the birds or mammals of Paluma, Rollingstone or Balgal have become extinct because of these natural events. Numbers of some species of birds and mammals have changed such as Riflebirds and White-cheeked Honeyeaters are in less numbers in Paluma while we see more Rainbow Lorikeets. Watchers in Rollingstone and Balgal would also note changes in their fauna and environment. It was my pleasure to take Rob and Joyce Campbell, Scottish friends of mine from my Papua New Guinea days, 1960s to 1980s, for a drive along the Paluma Dam (aka Lake Paluma) Road to do some bird watching. We went to see the remnants of a Golden Bowerbird bower near Birthday Creek Falls. The courting and mating season for most birds is over and while these bowers usually remain intact, this one was damaged by the cyclones. We went on to the Dam and after a short time drove back. We had only come back about four kilometres when a fullgrown Cassowary stepped out of the forest about one hundred metres in front of us onto the road. We slowed down and as we closed the distance, the bird slowly stepped into the forest on the other side of the road. We stopped, got out of the car bristling with cameras and tried to take photos of the bird. It stepped slowly back and forth about five metres parallel with the road. Maybe fifteen minutes passed from the sighting of the bird to the finish of photographing - and so memories are made. The Brush Turkeys of Rollingstone/Balgal and Paluma are in greater numbers now than before the Wet Season. Late in the Dry Season and early in the Wet Season is when these birds build their nesting mounds. When the mounds of leaves, litter and soil is heaped up by the males to about 1.5 metres high he goes courting the females. When the females are ready to lay their eggs the males invite the females to his mound where he has prepared some pits in the top of the mound ready for the eggs. As soon as an egg is laid the male aggressively chases the female away while he fills in the pit with the egg inside. One female may lay up to 20 eggs per season. The male patrols his mound either adding or scraping away some litter on top of the eggs so as to maintain an average temperature of 35 degrees C. which he does by sensing with his tongue. Clever birds, eh? As I walked out on the streets of Paluma As I walked out in Paluma one day I spied a big python all dressed in bright colours All dressed in bright colours but cold as the grave I dragged the big python around to the roadside I scanned the big python to see what had killed it I spied the scarred skin where a speeding car had hit it Then saved the big python for the Townsville museum.
Paluma In the Clouds..Les Hyland Cyclone Ita crossed the coast near Cooktown late on Saturday 12th April as a Category 4 system and then turned South and ran as a Category 1 system off the NQ coast. It passed by Paluma early on Sunday and, thankfully, apart from forest tree fall had little impact on the village except for a really dramatic rainfall [over 280mm in most places] which filled dams, tanks and had the cascades on the Range Road running madly. There were two slips on the road ; at Windy Corner and near Culvert 53, but they were swiftly dealt with by Main Roads and caused very little inconvenience. We were indeed very fortunate to have escaped any major damage from this weather event, but remember we may not be so lucky another time. A well attended AGM of the Paluma & District Community Association Inc. was held on Easter Saturday 19th April in the Community Hall. The Executive of last year were re-elected and are President : Lynn Hyland, Vice President : Colwyn Campbell, Secretary : Michael Drew and Treasurer : John Tubman. President Lynn gave a very detailed report of the activities of the year gone by and Treasurer John reported that the Association is in a sound financial position. At the General Meeting following there was discussion on the markets & social events for the year. The Wattle ’n Gum Solstice Dance on June 28, the NBF Art exhibition July 27-Aug 2, the Garden Competition Judged on Sept 12 and winners announced at a wine & cheese night on Sept 27, the “Paluma Pick” on Nov 1 and a new event, a Tropical BBQ on Dec 13. The Octoberfest will be held on a date to be decided. John Tubman shared the plans for the extension of the hall. The meeting was in approval of proceeding with the rear extension to create a larger deck and a smaller meeting/training room for the PDCA & the Fire Brigade. There will be steps from this to the Village Green. The commemorative planting that took place last year will be referred to as “Trees in Memory” and signage is being looked into. The linking of tracks to provide a longer through walk similar to the “Misty Mountains” on the Atherton Tablelands was also discussed and a committee will examine this proposal. It was also decided to approach Townsville City Council about the use of the “Igloo” as a cyclone shelter if proved structurally appropriate. On Easter Sunday, as always, the Paluma Mountains Markets ran from 09.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs. There was a good crowd passing through - possibly attracted by the magnificent weather - and, in general, the stalls did fairly well. It was pleasing to see some of our more senior residents present ; Jack Gleeson and Neal Sellars who are nowadays quite infrequent visitors, were both in evidence. The next Market Day will be on the Sunday of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend ; June 8th. 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Hopefully we will be enjoying our beautiful winter weather by then.
P 27
Rollingstone & District Seniors Invites its members to a
on Friday 20th June at 5pm Numbers limited, tickets $25.00 per head available from Pam 47707907 & Cheryl 47707027
P 28
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 47707 330 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 35 Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 322 e-mail:
AMBULANCE C/o Black River Station
4778 6033
BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 4770 7616 Secretary Joan Ruddick 4770 7006 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB
4751 6511
FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Garry Luff 47707008 Secretary Ros Green PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub
COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact: Janine Jones 0407882009
POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) OIC Brad Gough A/Snr Constable Darren Haggarty RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Hencamp Creek Fire Permit Toomulla
Raymond Pace Zeppy Rattazzo John Pace Eddie White
4770 7285 4770 7352 4770 7348 4770 7619
S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson
13 2500 4770 7498
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine
47707 313
ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C President Margaret Card Secretary Bob Zander
4770 7860 4770 7331
MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson
4770 8131
47715 411
PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 4773 7675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 4770 8559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL - A. President Rod Girvan Secretary Rhonda Coulson ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President Michael Rule
4775 4858 4770 7058
47707311 0427286806
ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Cheryl Pearson Secretary Claire Spittler
47707027 47707258
ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 4774 5130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 4774 5130 RSPCA Inspection 4774 4714 Straying Stock 4773 8411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 4721 2399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414 717 374 Bird Rescue 4770 7540 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403 262 212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Yvonne Greer (please phone first) 47707 003 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855
Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week
Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards
Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470
Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce
Eggs Bananas Pineapples
Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham
Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!
Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon
PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly
Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions
Looking forward to helping you soon!
Ross, Olga,Sara and Micheal. PHONE: 47707340 FAX:47707470
Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30
MAY 2014 Sunday
1 8-3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards
2 Zumba Gold 9am
3 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm
10 BINGO 1.30
9.30-11.30am Playgroup
7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
9-12 Indoor Bowls
8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
Zumba Gold 9am
15 8-3pm Community Bus shopping Visiting Vet Margaret 9-12 Hall 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
Zumba Gold 9am
Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm
22 8 to 3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup
9-12 Craft Group
7pm - AA Meeting
1pm Thai Chi at Hall
7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
9am - Line dancing
3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
9-12 Indoor Bowls
6.30pm Beaches Church
1pm Thai Chi at Hall
9 am - Cards Lions Club 7pm at the Hall
7pm - AA Meeting
9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 9.30 Sue Blom at RTC
9.30am Seniors Biggest Morning Tea at RTC
11am-1pm Computer literacy with TCC
6pm Art Under The Stars Gails Place
18 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church
19 9am - Line dancing
20 3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
21 9-12 Indoor Bowls
9 am - Cards 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall
1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Meeting
25 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church 8am at HQ SES TRAINING
26 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards
27 3.30 - 5pm Cheersport
1pm Thai Chi at Hall
Lions Club 7pm at the Hall 1.30pm Carers Support Group at RTC
7pm - AA Meeting
28 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall MOBILE LIBRARY
Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club BBQ 6pm
29 8-3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING group
30 9am Zumba Gold