October 2014

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Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.

For Sale

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Congratulations to all involved in the Pineapple festival. Great event and plenty of stalls. Good atmosphere. My family really enjoyed the event. My son Dean and some of his mates won the Pulling the Tractor competition and the Tug Of war and had a great time with friends on the Saturday. Kind regards Ray Gartrell ( Councillor Townsville City)

1928 BSA Motorcycle “Basket case”

$1500 ONO

KOPPERS LOGS 2.4 Long New Condition!!!! $10 each ph Mike on 0468315155 Paid advertisement

Letters to the editor are always welcome : please email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or drop off your letter to Chris at the Community Centre or to the box at the back of the coverway at the centre !




LAWN MOWER REPAIRS Need your hand held lawnmower serviced, tuned up , new blades or repaired Call Barry 0431 535 467 ( Balgal Beach resident)

47 886 436 Paid advertisement

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information

For up to date information, photos of events and current happenings please visit Rollingstone and District Community Association, our Facebook Group page ( please note this site is not for comments or chatting just to keep the community up to date with what is happening here at the Centre)

1st, 15th & 29th October

Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre. OP Shop needs donations especially giftware...coming up to xmas these donations are very much appreciated!!!

For those knew her, we are sorry to say that Margaret Morice who lived here and worked at the Golf Club with Col Nagle has unfortunately passed away 23 on Sept 2014, after a long illness. Always a lady sadly missed from Joyce and Robin Morice.

Paluma Sunday Markets Sunday, 5th October, between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm. There will be a sausage sizzle, home-made preserves and cakes, woodcraft, quilting, crocheted and knitted wares, handmade jewellery from Australian gemstones and much more. Come along and enjoy a day on the mountain

Raffle Winners for Northern Beaches Festival Major Raffle. 1st Prize: 3.95m Predator Boat and Accessories valued at $9800 A. Ruff - Toolakea Beach. (Ticket # 1673) 2nd Prize: $1000 Gough Plastics Voucher Greg Wackley. (Ticket # 0031) 3rd Prize: $500 Stockland Gift Card Joe Cross

Congratulations to all three winners. Rhonda Schwarz Events Coordinator 2014

Northern Beaches Festival

Thankyou to Deeveena for her front cover

Don’t forget Tai Chi is on Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm at the RTC

Expressions of interest to run the Rollingstone Community Bus either to Townsville of Ingham on a 2nd day!!!

Pace Fruit truck on highway every Sunday. Fresh fruit and vegies and often plants and orchids available. Eggs and Honey also available. Chris Martin and her partner Brian. Chris works very hard for our Community and puts long hours in to make things work well. Her dedication and organaisation ensured the Pineapple Festival was an amazing event enjoyed by not just our Community but many who travelled from afar to join in the fun..


Balgal beach Markets also have fresh produce, great coffee, food and lots of interesting stalls to browse . Check the Calendar at the back of Rollingstone Rag for dates and times.

Monthly rain totals as at 25th September 2014

Rainfall – 9 mls Wet days so far 3 Temperatures - Max 29° Min 9° The yearly rainfall to date is - 1255.8

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook site Rollingstone and District Community for all the photos of the Pineapple Festival. P3

NOTES FROM THE R.T.C. I would like to thank all the people involved in all the organising and running of the Pineapple Festival 2014. What a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More). Last year I saw the links of the chain lock together to create this event. I was amazed last year and my amazement has grown exponentially. This event is a great team effort and really highlights what a community can achieve when everyone pulls together. A BIG THANK YOU to Ian Dow, John Muller, the TCC grounds maintenance and the team who worked so tirelessly to have the grounds looking sharp. And a big thanks to you – the community - for coming out in force to share the fun and enjoy yourselves for the day. A couple of my friends visiting from Victoria, could not stop commenting about the sense of community they felt and wished they could take some back to their home town. A special thank you to Deluxe Freight for providing a truck and driver on short notice for the Festival Parade. Very much appreciated. The 3 September AGM went well with the existing Management Committee remaining in their positions, less Rod Girvan who chose not to re-stand for the position of Vice President. The 2014-2015 Management Committee would like to thank Rod for his time, dedication, loyalty and expertise during the time he held a position on the committee and we wish him all the best with his future endeavours. We have a new double sink in the kitchen with a shiny new swing tap. Thanks to Bill Kirkwood for taking a rusty old sink and making it new again, Doug Bull for installing the sink and Eamon for purchasing and installing the tap ware. The shelving has been completed in the Station thanks to Doug Bull; still waiting for the go ahead for the deck and ramp – it is getting closer. Leisure accessible are asking for a donation of a wheelchair to be permanently kept on ‘Rosie’. Ken has borrowed RaDCA’s wheelchair recently and has come to believe that having a wheelchair permanently on ‘Rosie’ would be excellent to assist those who are not so agile get on board in some of the more difficult locations around Townsville. Take care………….Chris

RAINFOREST INN PALUMA Licenced Café / Restaurant/ Motel New Owners

Open 5 days a week Breakfast & Lunch 8.30-3.30 Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays Dinner Saturday nights however Bookings are Essential

We also have spacious well appointed Motel units Why not join us for breakfast ,lunch or coffee and home made sweets and cakes!!!!

1 Mt Spec Rd Paluma 47708688 rainforestinnpaluma.com



Hardy's home pet care New to the area we are a locally owned and operated mobile dog wash. Our services include worming and home pet care with more services to come. Dogwash $15 for the first dog and $10 for every other dog Please call Corinne or Colin 0458192041

1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month From 8 am - 1pm granduur

Held in the Park near Fishermans Landing proudly presented by the Fishermans Landing Fishing Club If you are interested in having a stall phone REBECCA 0422 198900

COFFEE on BORTON s Saturday and Sunday 10 to 4.30 Wednesday to Friday 10 to 2.30

Geoff and Wendy Cooke Borton St. Mystic Sands



Alf & Betty Coleman’s son, Mark, has had his (double) lung transplant and is presently doing well. Sending lots of good thoughts and wishes in Mark’s direction, particularly, and to all his family as well. One of our very best friends, Jan Farmer, is not very well at all. We miss her cheeriness and pray all will turn out well for our “Spike”. Jannie had major stomach surgery for an extremely errant ulcer and is now coming along very well indeed. Good news all around. It is with much sadness we’ve just learned of the passing of Margaret Morice, sister-in-law to Robin and Joyce and Aunt to their family. “Aunty Marg” was a lovely lady and lots of us got to know her well during her many visits to Rollingstone to visit family, and her involvement in many local activities. We offer our heart-felt condolences..................Vale, Marg. Sick Call: Bryan Reinke; Clyde Stewart; Margaret Norris; Peter Kesteven; Alec Barr; Ray Sharpe; German Joe Ulrich, Nick Winkelmuller, John Price. Judie A. has had her Dad visiting for a couple of weeks. Normally don’t recognise our many visitors, but Roy Hargreaves is 93 and what a wonderful old gentleman. Still very savvy, very independent and very capable and that is so very good to see in an era when old age seems fraught with so many debilitations. He’s been joining in all the daily activities at the Centre, and we’ll really miss him when he leaves. WOW................the Pineapple Festival: what a ripper!! The best yet, with the sincerest of thanks to Chris (our Centre Manager), John Muller and Ian Dowe (both Lions) on whose very strong backs the success of the Festival rested and once again they’ve acquitted themselves magnificently. Otherwise, thanks to everyone who contributed on the day and to Y’ALL (the community) who turned out to make the day such a success. So many and diverse stalls, the Op Shop fairly buzzing with 5 women working to keep up with the demand, the Lions catering to the masses, a great parade participation and big mobs of entertainment. The amount of approx. $7k (that is absolutely brilliant) raised on the day will go towards a big ole generator to keep the Community Centre in power in the event of a severe weather event. Sadly time again to remind anyone who posts notices on the Community Association chalk boards around the village NOT TO POST ANYTHING REQUIRING AN ADHESIVE, please. And also, please, remove your notices when they are no longer relevant or past their use-by date. We’ve had our 2014/2015 Annual General Meeting which was most civilised and went extremely smoothly. We weren’t “hung out to dry” for any misdemeanours of any great proportion and one can only take from that response that we’re performing as expected - well, let’s hope so! - or am I kidding myself yet again?. Anyhoo, the Committee hasn’t changed other than that our Vice-President has stood down for personal reasons and that vacancy hasn’t been filled. We live in hope and would like to think that during the year, someone will express interest in coming on board to work for the community. We badly need an injection of young blood. A “thank you” of large proportions to Ken Turner for the donation of a BULL BAR for our Bus, along with $1000 from the RSL towards the bus signage. An extremely generous gesture on both accounts and for which we are truly most grateful. So many nice, kind folk around. Our bus service is going from strength to strength. We’re so pleased to have implemented something so positive and beneficial for so many. Still waiting on feedback regarding running the bus to town another day during the week. Please pass on expressions of interest to CM Chris on 4770 7855. We are aware people are using the Community Centre parkland to exercise their dogs. Now, we don’t have a problem with that per se except when you don’t pick up the dog’s droppings and when you let him/her chase the wildlife. We would therefore ask you to be respectful of our prerequisites and attend to both these conditions, otherwise, we’ll have to put a ban on letting your dogs run loose and requiring that you have them on a lead at all times – which sort of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? While on the subject of wildlife, we would ask you most respectfully that if you or a car close to you hits an animal on our local village streets, before you leave the scene, would you please contact the Wildlife Carers (phone numbers in this publication), and not leave the animal to lie there suffering should it still be alive. One of our local carers is registered to give the injection that will end its life and suffering, if it’s unable to be saved. Please consider this compassionate action. For those with a Hearing Loss, please take time to read the “Smoke Alarm Subsidy Scheme” advertisement on Page 14 of the September RAG.  Well, after several agonising years of waiting for 2 particular carpentering jobs to be attended to and completed, we can at last report delightedly that the big new double sink and flash mixer tap in the kitchen of the big Hall are in place and the shelving is installed in the old Railway Station Building. And, now we can think about moving in the books that will constitute our Library. My God, it’s hard to believe that it’s all finally happened. We’ve only got the Roller Door and the deck and ramp on the Railway Station Building to go for the present, at least, and all that should happen directly. Thank you to all who helped make it so.........at last. And, yes, a local builder did the job so the money stayed in the community. Please take time to read the insert in this month’s RAG newsletter. It’s most timely; along with Council’s Media Release regarding the recreational use of ATVs (doesn’t need an apostrophe as this “s” is only indicating a plural). STOP PRESS: Queensland Transport won’t allow us to fit Ken’s donated Bull Bar to our Bus, but he’s given us the go-ahead to sell it with the money going to the Community Association. There are some VERY nice people in this world! Looking to acquire any Railway Memorabilia that isn’t too large and that we can display in the Railway Station building. Not looking to create a museum, just some small stuff of historical interest. Would particularly like an old cup and saucer from the refreshment rooms era – you could use them as door-stops almost (lol); and the Station Master’s message baton and lamp would be great as well. And, another “thank you” to the anonymous person who has kindly and quietly left a second lectern for us. We appreciate your wonderful gesture, and will use it in our new Library.

When a donkey brays at you, you do not bray back!

Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.


Andrew Cripps MP Ph: 07 4776 1428 Member for Hinchinbrook Ingham Qld 4850 Fax:07 4776 3503 Safe and Presentable Schools One of the programs introduced by the Newman Government that I am most proud of is the $300 million provided over three years to clear the maintenance backlog left behind by the previous Labor Government in our state schools across Queensland. In the Hinchinbrook electorate, this has seen more than $4.7 million over three years delivered to 31 state primary and secondary schools to provide our students and teachers with the best possible learning and teaching environment. The most recent round delivered $1.1 million to repair buildings, replace carpet and repaint classrooms, amongst other projects and the Newman Government is saving P & C’s time and money by allowing schools to have maintenance completed by local tradespeople. This has cut red tape and allowed our schools to source local contractors for planned or routine maintenance. This gives them the benefit of finding the best value locally and gets the job done quicker. It really was a dreadful legacy of neglect left behind by the previous Labor Government that a $300 million maintenance backlog had built up in Queensland’s state schools, with buildings in disrepair and some facing potential safety issues. Our students deserve the best possible education and our teachers deserve to work in a safe and presentable environment. The Newman Government, through the Advancing our Schools and Fixing our Schools programs, are delivering this outcome. I have a strong interest in education and believe our schools are among the most important community assets we have. Our young people are our future and that’s why I am delighted with this positive outcome for our local schools.

The FIRST ROLLINGSTONE SENIORS’ LUNCHEON That was in 2000 – and it was called the Pioneers’ Luncheon. It was happening in Townsville and it was suggested by Fred Gillam at a General Meeting of the Rollingstone Community Association that we have one for our own people who didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t go down the road to the celebration in the city. Mind you, in those days all this sort of information wasn’t as easily available as it is now. The meeting agreed unanimously that this was a splendid idea, and the lot fell to Trish Cronin and myself to organise it. Trish looked after all the decorating and presentation, we jointly did the catering and I looked after all the admin-type stuff. We spoke with (Thuringowa) Council which was much easier to do in those days – and they were much more receptive to innovative ideas - and they accepted the concept with open arms. “Just do it and send us all the invoices and we’ll reimburse you”, agreed Mayor Tyrell.............and they did. We were given carte blanch and with that, we started putting arrangements in place. Trish organised beautifully laundered white tablecloths and serviettes with equally impressive table decorations. She engaged Piera Pace to do the flowers for the Hall and guests’ tables; I approached Peter and Betty Farlow and they kindly gave us about 20 potted palms to place around the inside of the Hall (which really lifted the appearance). And, we even had Father Giles say an ecumenical Grace. We had decided to make the age of participation 65. It was 70 in town, but we thought that because we didn’t have as big a population, this would give us a greater number attending. It worked. So, I sat on the end of a phone for lengthy periods calling up anyone we could think of who qualified. We finished up with approx. 85 saying they’d be there. We gave prizes for the person(s) living locally the longest and for the oldest man and woman. Eddie and Shirley Rouse from Toomulla won the first category with Burke Von Wald and Daisy Dwyer (Trish’s mum) winning the other two. Pace Farming had given us a huge crate of fruit and vegies so we used that as a Lucky Door prize. We also had a painting created and donated by Fay Hannah, so we raffled that. We had music in the background. Fred Gillam and Michael Blake looked after the drinks, all done up in their black and white outfits – with cummerbunds, no less!! The serving was done by a dozen “junior” Seniors who didn’t qualify to attend the luncheon, but who were happy to contribute and were also done up in their black skirts and white blouses, looking very much the part and very attractive. The “official” table was made up of the Mayor (Les Tyrell); Colin Pace - President of our Community Association; Ken Turner MP – State Member for Thuringowa; Bob Katter – our Federal Member of Parliament; and Kathy Girvan and Sandra Chesney, two of our three Division One Councillor representatives. The main table hasn’t been as “well-stacked” since! We did a three-course meal consisting of a soup, a roast meal and sweets. Nothing flash, but just the ticket – and all greeted enthusiastically, particularly so because the whole day was on a “no charge” basis, and this was the first time this had ever been experienced publicly. We had made a huge bowl of punch and along with cold water or tea and coffee this was served on our guests’ arrival at noon for “meet and greet”. There was no alcohol available because we were scared of it being combined with all that medication. However, this was changed in later years!! It was a truly wonderful few hours with representatives of the “District” part of our name from up on the Mountain, Mutarnee, Hencamp and Toomulla. There was VERY much visiting among the “dignitaries” and their guests and this chatting went on for at least an hour before and after the actual meal. And I might add, it didn’t cost very much at all. Council was most impressed with our budgeting. Since that day, there have been 14 more luncheons: some good and some very ordinary. In later years and my supposed wisdom, I thought to involve the rest of the Northern Beaches - looking toward sharing and socialising with seniors’ peers - but it hasn’t always been successful. Everyone is, unfortunately, a little too interested in their own backyard and not prepared to always look beyond those boundaries. However, this may change as does the chain of command. Council is not as receptive as it once was and there are so many @#$%^&* rules and regulations to abide by, it almost destroys the concept and enjoyment to be had. No doubt, the newer hierarchy will take it on and it’ll change for good and all, but it can never destroy the memories of that first “Pioneers’ Luncheon” and a few that followed when it was just a simple, happy, local celebration. Sue Von Wald. Mint Jelly - This is the perfect partner for a roast lamb dinner as you know, but you could also: 1. Add mint jelly to the mince mixture next time you make lamb rissoles. 2. Want a dipping sauce for rice paper rolls/spring rolls, etc? Combine mint jelly, lime juice and soy sauce and stir well to combine. 3. You can make your own baking powder: simply mix two parts cream of tartar with one part bicarbonate of soda.


Bluewater Community Centre

Twilight Markets Fruit & Veg Fence Peekers Massage Hot Food Cold Drinks Entertainment Kids Clothes 2nd Hand Goods Raffle

Saturday the 11thOCTOBER 2pm-6pm All Enquiries: bluewtr@bigpond.net.au


Gidday Rollingstone Did everyone see that little green ATV on the trailer at the Pineapple Festival? Don’t worry… this isn’t another pitch about our fund raising or the Disaster Management Group. Meet Dale. Dale was my best mate for about 45 minutes during a trip into Townsville the other day. Dale (bless his bones) got drunk (VERY drunk) on a bus… between Bowen and Cairns… and fell asleep… on the toilet… on the bus… at Rollingstone. Yep… fast asleep, pants down and snoring peacefully cuddled with his head on the toilet paper holder. Not a good look according to the other passengers - and the bus driver, who had a complete sense of humour failure, decided that poor Dale was no longer welcome or wanted for the rest of the trip. Enter the local Constabulary (that’s me). Fresh from a few hours bashing through the scrub at Ollera Creek, with the little green ATV on the trailer ready to be taken back to Deeragun Station… being towed by a “ready to be traded in” troop carrier with a prisoner cage in the back. Get the picture? So… after some fairly delicate negotiations with the passengers and all the necessary introductions with dear Dale (which included not only waking him up but also preserving what remaining dignity he had at the time), my new best friend and I did a slow and wobbly waltz down the aisle of the Greyhound and into the prisoner pod of the Troopie – no dramas. We chatted and sang songs… a wonderful time was being had by all – until dear Dale – still in a drunken haze – looked out the back of the Troopie and started abusing the “little green piece of *#@* that was driving right up our ^%@*”. All very funny until my mate realised that it didn’t look like anyone was driving – “*%#@ he must’ve fallen out – HOLY *#@* IT’S O U T O F C O N T R O L – AAAAAHHHHHHH!” So with Dale now curled up on the floor of the cage in the “braced for impact” position, mumbling “We’re going to die, we’re going to die”, I had to pull over… firstly because I was laughing hysterically and secondly I had to show Dale that it wasn’t a threat – you know… just in case he decided he had to use the toilet again. *** My sincere thanks to RADCA and the Rollingstone LIONS for allowing us to sell our raffle tickets at the Pineapple Festival – and an even bigger thanks to those who have supported us by buying our tickets and with your donations. *** On a sadder note – our little community lost a part-time resident last week – Garry CLARKE from Mystic Ave passed away from a heart

attack at his house. In spite of the best efforts of police and ambulance officers, he wasn’t able to be revived. Garry was a retired Police Officer who served with distinction in Townsville… and a good man. *** Let’s talk about scams for a minute. There are a few kinds getting around that you probably need to be aware of. There’s the ones that arrive in the mail on letterhead from a solicitor or bank telling you (and using your name and address) that a long lost relative has left you a fortune in another country and possibly asking for bank account details or that you send an email for more details. Some of them come as an email using some bodgey reason for you to go to a web address or make a phone call for more info. DON’T – don’t open the web address, don’t return the correspondence, don’t make the phone call and DON’T GIVE THEM ANY INFO. There’s some very flash and sophisticated computer software out there – flash enough to be able to enter your computer once you’ve gone onto their web site or opened their email. Once that happens, your bank account details, email accounts, social media accounts and even photos are open to them. No matter if you’re a dead set gumby on the computer (like me) or a black belt at the internet – DON’T GIVE UP ANY INFO TO ANY SOURCE THAT YOU DON’T KNOW. The basic rule of thumb is this – if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. *** Facebook – I’m not a fan. I have a page or a site or whatever it is where I can read stuff – I’ve had a go a “posting”, “liking” and “messaging” – but if you look up “Facebook gumby” in the dictionary you’ll probably find my photo.

I have phone numbers and contact details coming out of my… ears. My mobile number is the worst kept secret since the US Government said, “Area 51?? Don’t know what you’re talking about.” If not, then 131 444 or 000 will get you where you need to go. Please don’t rely on using social media to tell us anything important.

And while we’re discussing it – I understand that people use sites like Facebook to complain about things – I get that… understand completely. But when the time comes that you want to know something solid and factual (not just rumours or opinions or someone’s version of the facts) I urge you to contact someone who knows about your issue – some organisation that has some direct involvement with what your problem is. Chris at the RTC is a great source of info and she can usually point you in the right direction. Or maybe you can ring here and we can help out if we can. *** I know, I know – I told you I wasn’t going to talk about our fund raising – I lied – of course I’m going to talk about it. We had a Golf Day at the Mystic Sands Golf Club a few weeks ago and absolutely nailed it. The list of donations and contributors is getting longer and I’ll make a list to put into the NEXT Rolly Rag as a formal THANK YOU to all concerned. We’re a little over two thirds of the way to our target and feeling pretty confident about how it’s all travelling. *** And while we’re on the subject of fund raising, please do me a favour… if you (or anyone you hear of) have any concerns about what we’re doing, please come and see me. I’m only too happy to explain all this to In spite of all that, I’ve been convinced to anyone who needs to know more. create a Facebook site for our Disaster Management Group. Once I get my head I had a chat with the LIONS the other night around it a little more, we’ll be able to give and as I explained to them, the purchase of an you details about what’s happening, what All-Terrain Vehicle is only another step along we’ve already purchased and what we’re the way. There are projects and ideas floating hoping to achieve. What I’m looking for now around in my head for what more we can are photos – local ones of floods, cyclone accomplish for this community and I’m damage, bush fires, recovery efforts – looking for partnerships with any club, anything that relates to Rollingstone and our organisation, association or individual who communities (including, of course, Toomulla, might be interested in helping. With the kind Mutarnee/Crystal Creek, Paluma, Hidden permission of RADCA and other stakeholders, Valley and the western end of our world). I’ll set up an information session at the Hall in I’ve had a few offers of help to set it up which the near future and lay out a few ideas. I will be accepting in the near future, but any pics you have will be greatly appreciated. Until then, stay safe. Now… I’ve said it before but it bears saying Cheers again… please don’t rely on Facebook or any Goughy social media to tell us anything important. Please don’t send me email or social media messages about crime that’s happened or hoons in cars or any kind of emergency and expect that I’m going to read it straight away, much less do something about it.


Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 10

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News

Please support our sponsors ...LOUNDS FRESH SEAFOOD.....PRO TACKLE.....MOTOR MARINE.

G'day Everybody, Our Fathers Day Celebrations at Ken Turners place was a fantastic night. Backyard cricket in the arvo was good fun as always. The ladies played a new game of Rope Ball which was a lot of fun and skill. The GHOST trailer rides were very exciting for young and old with lots of frights along the way. By popular demand we had to do it twice. Our MKR Pumpkin Soup Competition was won by Vicky O’Brien and was voted unanimously the best by the three judges. Well done Chef Vic. The tasty variety of stews were followed by the perfect dessert dishes. Fifty four people attended and we were entertained by TOP SINGER, BOB MILLER, and our favourite poets. IT WAS A REALLY GOOD NIGHT. Thanks everybody. Our Lound’s Fresh Seafood Raffles were won by Bill McClure and Rhonda Muller. Good prizes to win, best seafood in Townsville. Cutting of the Fathers Day cake honour was given to John Price. Thanks John, it was a very yummy cake as well. We also took part in the Pineapple Festival partnering with Leisure Accessible in the play in centre ring. It was great fun for all involved.

Congratulations to The Pirates of Balgal for winning first place in the most humorous section. Our clubs Annual trip to Lucinda is on the 10, 11 &12h of October. ROSIE is fully booked. We will have a BBQ Friday night and a smorgasbord dinner at the pub Saturday night with lots of fishing in between. It is always a fantastic weekend away. Our next BBQ is at the Community Hall, 5pm, on Sunday 5th of October. AN INVITATION. Join us at our monthly BBQ usually held at the Community Hall 5pm start on the first Sunday of the month. $10 a head for non members, kids under 12 years free when accompanied by an adult. BYO drinks.

Please support our valued sponsors Lound’s Fresh Seafood, Pro Tackle Motor Marine. Cheers until next month. Kind Regards from your Committee.

P 11

BLUEWATER 2 Purono Parkway, Purono Park ,4818

OPEN Monday to Friday from 8.00a.m. At the BLUEWATER MEDICAL CENTRE Dine In and Take Away 2 PURONO PARKWAY, PURONO PARK Phone: 0747 786 077 Specialty Morning or Afternoon Teas Catering by Arrangement

For all Appointments

Ph: 4778 6444

Acuwellbeing Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Lynette Dennis Bluewater Medical Centre, Bluewater Ph 47786444 Northern Beaches Chiropractic, Burdell Ph 47742184 Naturally Healthy, Belgian Gardens Ph 043883442 RN & Midwife, Health Rebates www.acuwellbeing.org P 12

Megs’ Beachside Hairdressing 47707528 All ladies mens and childrens hairdressing requirements Please phone Mon - Friday 9am-5pm for an appointment 32 Madelaine Dve Balgal Beach

P 11

R.S.L. NEWS The months are whizzing by and it seems like we have just had Vietnam Veterans’ Day, and it is time to turn our thoughts to Remembrance Day. This year, the service will be held at the Memorial at Balgal Beach. This is a change from Bushy Parker Park, as the committee feel the setting is picturesque, usually with a cooling breeze, and that is where our Rollingstone RSL Memorial has been built. The RSL is on the process of having replica plaques made of those on the wall at Bushy Parker Park. This is in response to requests from members who had plaques laid on the Memorial Wall at Bushy Parker Park. We hope to have this achieved prior to Remembrance Day. The plaques will be mounted around the steps of the memorial at Balgal, as discussed at a previous general meeting. A big thank you to Gloria and Kon for helping out with the raffles on Friday nights. Most people endeavour to follow the roster, but lately, due to illness or people going away, we have not had a raffles ticket seller, and Gloria and Kon have happily volunteered. Glad to hear Phil Ryan is on the mend and we hope Maree King will soon be back to her effervescent self. I think they are the only RSL members on the sick list at the moment, but if there are others we wish you a speedy recovery. If the weather could help we would all be feeling wonderful, as the days have been just beautiful lately. It appears that the problem with the Districts will be resolved soon, resulting in the re-establishment of the North Qld District. Rod Girvan is our representative, and we assume he will be re-elected Vice-President. The Rollingstone RSL was pleased to be able to donate $500 towards the purchase of an ATV by the Rollingstone Police. On the Disaster Management Day, President Ewan Cameron presented a cheque to Goughy on behalf of our members. It’s happened again! Our Goose Club Jackpot has been won. On Sept.5 th, John and Pierra Pace came for dinner, and were to be joined by son Steven and family. John bought numbers for all family members, and luckily for Taryn, number 92 came up in the first draw and resurfaced for the jackpot draw. Congratulations Taryn on your $400 win! John, Pierra, Nellie and Mario, who often dine together, are great supporters of the Golf Club and our raffles and Goose Club. The jackpot is now $240, but even $200 would be a bonus win. We have 2 meat trays each Friday night, and they are proving to be very popular. Then, if the crowd is sufficient, we sell 50 tickets at $1 each, for a bottle of spirits or $30 club voucher. Good value!! If you haven’t been before, why not give it a try. Enjoy a lovely dinner as well to complete the evening. Lots of bantering in relation to the footy at this time of the year! I have received information from Teresa Mayer, Bob Katter’s secretary, via Shelley from North Qld District, in regard to Certificates of Appreciation for Defence Service Personnel who have served or are deceased. If you have served overseas in conflict or peace keeping situations, you may wish to apply for one of these certificates. The awarding of these is a part of the Australian Government’s Commemorations program, Saluting Their Service, through the Department Of Veterans’ Affairs. Please see me if you are interested in applying for one of these awards. Finally, we will be holding a Quarterly General Meeting at the Mystic Sands Golf Club on Sunday, October 12 th at 10:30 am. All members, service, associate and social are encouraged to attend. This is an opportunity to find out about the direction of the RSL and contribute ideas towards our Rollingstone RSL Club. You will also be able to chat and enjoy friendship with fellow members following the meeting. Hope to see you there. Cheers, Rhonda C.

Rollingstone & District Seniors Line dancing held its 14th Anniversary at the beginning of September. Our nimble Instructress really put us through our paces before we all sat down to a delicious morning tea kindly provided by all the dancers. Thank you Paula for your continuing and infinite patience in trying to instill into many of us wannabee chorus line ladies (with our stiff knees and two left feet) the intricate steps and formations required for line dancing. The music and the friendliness of all who attend make the sessions on Monday mornings really enjoyable. The lunch put on by the Townsville City Council at Reid Park went well this year. We were picked up on time and whisked away to a really lovely couple of hours dining and entertainment. The winners of the Father’s Day Raffle were:Gloria Bowgett. Ronald Moody. Judy and Peter Cummins. A big thank you to everyone for supporting your local Senior Citizens. Please note, there will be no Seniors’ Cake Stall now until Saturday 6th December 2014. Seniors’ Sports Day was held on 10th September and a group from Forest Beach Seniors attended. We provided morning tea and lunch, played some games (nothing too strenuous) and had a really good fun time. It would have been nice though to see a few more locals attend. Take care of each other………………………..Claire

Congratulations to the three winners for the Northern Beaches Festival Raffle for 2014. 1st Prize: 3.95m Predator Boat & Accessories – A.Ruff Toolakea Beach 2nd Prize: $1000 Gough Plastics Voucher – Greg Wackley 3rd Prize: $500 Stockland Gift Card: - Joe Cross. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets in the raffle. Thank you to Cr Sue Blom (and the local residents who also wrote to the council) on having the signs moved back on Toomulla Beach Road displaying where the free camping grounds are situated. There seemed to be a lot of confusion in the past as to where to turn right to the camping grounds. For some reason the campers/grey nomads would drive up to the Esplanade on the dirt road looking for the free camping grounds (even though the signs quite clearly display No Through Road), which causes a severe dust problem to the local residents. After talking to the residents along the Esplanade they are now very happy that the new signs have reduced the dust problem, and the larger vehicles are no longer digging the dirt road up whilst trying to turn their very large trailers around when they realise they have come the wrong way!!! What a great outcome for those residents. The ‘Lucky Numbers’ is about to start again. I will be coming around over the next few weeks to sell the numbers - $10 for 10 weeks per number. Each week we will have a draw and the Lucky Number drawn will win $50. Good Luck to everyone that will be in the draw. After a meeting with council regarding available land to build a Community Hall, the committee members will now have further discussions with Andrew Cripps regarding the availability of land in Toomulla. Fingers crossed the State Government will come good with one of the three proposed areas to build a hall. We will be able to give the community more information at the next AGM in October/November – Date to be advised. We will also have the proposed dates for the kids & adults Christmas Party for 2014. The Toomulla Community Association will be holding a Garage Sale in October. There will be a flyer put into everyone’s mailbox advertising the date to come along and grab a bargain. Well it is only a short newsletter this month, but anyway, Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating in October and just a quick reminder, there are only 12 weeks left until Christmas!! Cheers Rhonda. P 15

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, How is everybody in the golf world and beyond, hopefully all ok? It was good to see the turnout of golfers and non golfers for the Disaster management day. There were good golfers and some not so good golfers and some golfers for a day. We went around the course endeavouring to get that little white ball, you know the one that has a mind of its own, going forward, sometimes sideways and even a little backwards which seemed to be the order of the day. We had Jumping Jane Hargans, Mad Meg the Hairdresser and Megan’s sister whom I might say spent more time videoing the whole disaster rather than hitting the ball, but when she did get around to it could she make that ball fly. That leaves me to look after these little angels with laughter seeming to be the main objective on the day. Everybody had a wonderful day. The money raised will go toward the purchase of a four wheel ATV to be used by the police for various tasks. I have to give a big thanks to Brett and his helpers for preparing the course for the onslaught of players on the day. Hip Hip Hooray to you all. The Pineapple Festival was a big success this year with a big array of floats in the parade, we even had dressed up golf carts and our own little Pink Breast Cancer cart won the hearts of the judges on the day. WE WON 1ST Prize. Good on you Di Stephan for entering the cart in the parade. Now to some results for the September Monthly Medal. There were 36 men who played and only 11 Ladies! Gee it would be nice to see some more ladies come on board and join our little club. We always have a lot of fun. Mens Div 1: Tony Bidgood with a very fine 68. Under that beard there’s a very good golfer! R/U : Todd Small with 70. Softly softly catchy bearded man. Mens Div 2: Tony Griffiths with an amazing 62. Are you sure your not on some supplement program? R/U: Brian Wilson with 70. Well done Brian! Mens Div 3 Richard Gammie with a very fine 63. There must have been something in the water that day! R/U Stuart Hume with a very good 69. Good on you Stuart Ladies Div 1: Jackie Brown with 70 R/U Rhonda Coulson with 73 These two ladies knocked the rest of us over like nine pins good on you girls. Well that's about all for this month I am off to the snow for a while on grandparent duties. It will be wonderful to see my grandies. I don't get to see them very often and it’s been 2 years so I have a lot of catching up and having a good time with my family. By the way to my mate Pam Mac: when I get back the same old rivalry will be on for the pin shots. Good Bye for now……………….Good Golfing and look after one and other……………………...Maree K.


GARDENER Gardening Mowing Weeds Whipper Snipping Hedges Planting Poisoning watering as well as Housework Looking after your gardens while you are away

REASONABLE RATES If you need a hand around the garden OR house call me to discuss


HOME: 4770 7112 MOB: 0418 787 349 Open at: 26 Mystic Avenue When we are at home [look for truck and signs] Or call to make arrangements

P 16

Mystic Sands Golf Club

DINNER: Tues & Fri Nights 6pm – 8pm For catering purposes advanced bookings preferred. Weekly Chef's specials Raffles Tues and Fri nights Goose club Fri night; Jackpots each week until won


Open Daily 9am

Take away alcohol available


Saturday: Comps

Sunday: Barefoot bowls 9am


Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: pay $20 play 18 holes Tuesday: Vets Comp 8.30am Friday: Chook run Saturday: Club comp Sunday 8am: Bushrangers social competition & barefoot bowls

Call us to quote for your small function, birthday, anniversary or just because party. Call for social group or corporate golf / bowls days.

S. L & V.R.WYNNE ABN: 75737414593 trading as MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB stevon.consultancy@bigpond.com 135 Mystic Avenue` Ph (07) 47707 355

MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB The last month has seen a lot of activity within our little club with a significant number of new bowlers turning up to enjoy our great game. We were pleased to support the Disaster Relief Day, in conjunction with the golfers, with Brad and Darren delighted with the amount raised for the purchase of the new all terrain vehicle. Fathers Day was absolutely brilliant, when we had 28 adults and about 8 kids having a ball on the green. This was a record for a Sunday social day which was followed up with a great luncheon and terrific live entertainment from a newcomer to our area in the form of Miss Jade – a wonderful singer and guitarist. We have played a couple of club championships (Mens and Mixed Triples) which was initiated primarily to give some of our newer bowlers a taste of playing at the next level. The team of Bob, Bryan and Graeme will meet Max, Tony and Michael in the mens final while in the mixed triples Michael's team has triumphed over Graeme and will meet either Madonna or Phil in the final. It was pleasing to see Tim Blake (from Bowls Qld) set up a display at the recent Pineapple Festival . This was excellent timing in terms of promoting the upcoming `Come and Try Day ' which will take place at our club on Sunday 26th October and will be incorporated into our normal Barefoot Bowls or individual sessions can be conducted if desired. This is a great opportunity for people in our community to come along and try the game they have always secretly desired to have a go at.

As Bowls QLD is promoting – come along and TAKE LIFE BY THE BOWLS! As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292. Thanks. P 17

Mike Leyland and his drones making the aerial images of the Pineapple Festival

PRIZE FLOATS Junior Float (under 17 years) Most Humorous Best use of Pineapples Best Decorated Bicycle Best Decorated Golf Cart/ Ride-on Mower Best Vintage Car/Truck/ Tractor/Machinery Junior Pineapple Princesses Pineapple Princesses Tug-of-war Male Female Junior Tractor Pull Pineapple De-topping Male Most Pineapples topped in 30 seconds Male Shortest time to top 10 Pineapples Female Shortest time to top 10 Pineapples Pineapple Throw Male Female Junior 100m Pineapple Pass and Dash First Second Third Colouring-in Competition Prep - Gr 2 - 1st Prep - Gr 2 - 2nd Prep - Gr 2 - 3rd

INDIVIDUAL/ ORGANISATION NAME Rollingstone State School Leisure Accessible Packing Shed John Holliday Mystic Sands Golf Club Rollingstone Hotel Kimberley and Gabriella Wannabee Princesses – Bernice, Joy and Rhonda V8’s R Sickay Sex Bombs V8’s R Sickay

Mikey Wong Mikey Wong Trish Truscott

Chris Berra Emma Rowe Jett Truscott

Acco Mob Pineapple Pullers MC’s Jasmine Kernaghan Lyriah Kelemete Abbey Biffen

Gr 3 - 4 - 1st Gr 3 - 4 - 2nd Gr 3 - 4 - Third

Chloe Hooker Celena Hall Ella Jordan

Gr 5 - 6 - 1st Gr 5 - 6 - 2nd

May Boonfrueang Madeline Bowditch

Gr 5 - 6 - 3rd

Jayden Bowditch

Pineapple Festival Raffle Winners Balgal Beach Units – Accommodation Voucher – Rollingstone BP Mystic Sands Club Inc – Golf Voucher – Chris Greenwell Rollingstone Caravan Park – Accommodation Voucher – Maggie Saffron Rose – Gift Basket – Col Pace Ultratune Garbutt - $200 Maintenance Voucher – Joan Ruddick Beaurepaires – 2 x Tyre Maintenance Vouchers – Rollingstone BP/Thomas Siliec Smile Dental – Zoom Teeth Whitening Package – Col Pace TJM – 2 x Folding Camp Chairs – M. MorrisAshdown Ingram – Pocket LED Inspection Light – Colleen (Golf Club) Battery Charger – Jodie Rule Booster Cables with Surge Protection – Steve Pace Fishing Warehouse – Fishing Rod – Cindy Pace Elders – Moulded Eskie – Megan and Ken (Hairdresser) Calanna Pharmacy – Gift Basket – Colin Pace Annandale Pharmacy – Gift Basket – Colin Pace Bunnings – 3 x Truck and Forklift toys – Rollingstone BP/Maggie Mystic Sands Bar & Bistro – 2 x Drink hampers – Rollingstone BP/ Joan Ruddick

2014 Pineapple Festival Major Sponsors Townsville City Council Andrew Cripps MP RaDCA Rollingstone Seniors R&M Paradise Pines Packing Shed Pace Farming Berra & Rattazzo Accorsini Farming Bluewater Pharmacy North Queensland Batteries Waters Abrasive Blasting Services

With Special thanks to: Elders Deluxe Freight Greg Mc Cabe Bob Miller Ngulumburu Boonyah Deeveena and Samantha and the “Usual Suspects” Northern Shimmy Sisters South Pacific Tae Kwon Do The combined Market holders and Amusement providers And the whole Rollingstone Community for coming along on the day and enjoying yourselves. Our very own SEAHORSE !!!

P 19

PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM SCAMMERS SCAMwatch is warning consumers with a disability to be on guard against scams – unfortunately, scammers target people whom they think may be vulnerable to try and take advantage of them. Some common scams reported by consumers with a disability include fraudsters claiming:  to represent a government authority or well-known business  that they are looking for a relationship  that the target has won a lottery or competition. Scammers employ a range of delivery methods to contact you such as a phone call, text message, email, through an online forum, or even face-to-face by knocking on your door. Their ultimate goal is to obtain your personal information or steal your money. Consumers with a disability, beware – if you receive an approach out of the blue from someone asking for personal information or money, don’t engage – press ‘delete’, shut the door or just hang up.

or pleas for money. If you do so, you risk being left broke and with a broken heart. Never send money to someone you have not met face-to-face. If your online admirer asks for money, no matter what the reason is, ask yourself: ‘Do I really know who I’m dealing with?’ Unexpected prize scams  Scammers often send emails, text messages or letters to people claiming that they have won cash or a prize in a fake overseas lottery or a competition – one that they never entered in the first place.  If you respond to a notification that you’ve won a lottery or competition that you never entered, you will be asked to make a payment via wire transfer to cover ‘taxes’ or ‘administration fees’ before the prize or cash can be released.  If you hand over your money, you will never see it again, and the promised prize will never arrive. If you are notified that you have won a prize or lottery, ask How these scams work yourself – did I even enter it? If not, press ‘delete’ or throw it in Scammers claiming to represent a government agency or the bin – it’s a scam. Protect yourself legitimate business  Many scammers take advantage of consumers’ trust in  If you receive an approach out of the blue from someone government authorities and well-known businesses or brands in asking for personal information or money, don’t engage – press order to steal your personal details or money. ‘delete’, shut the door or just hang up.  As the National Disability Insurance Scheme rolls out,  If you have doubts about the identity of a caller who claims to consumers with a disability should be particularly wary of anyone represent a government authority or business, contact the authority who contacts them claiming to be from the National Disability or business directly. Don’t rely on contact details provided by the Insurance Agency (NDIA) and asking for personal or financial person – find them through an independent source such as a phone information. book or online search.  Scammers will often claim that you are entitled to a refund or  If you receive a call out of the blue from someone claiming to payment from the government or business. However, in order to represent the NDIA and you are unsure whether they are the real receive the money, they will claim that you first need to make a deal, hang up and then call the NDIA using their official contact payment to them to cover taxes, fees or administration costs. number: 1800 800 110.  To make this payment, they will either ask you to hand over Remember that you can still receive scam calls even if you have a your financial details or send money via a wire transfer. private number or have listed your number on the Australian Alternatively, they may ask you to click on a link in an email to fill Government’s Do Not Call Register. Scammers can obtain your number fraudulently or from anywhere it has been publicly listed out a form or find out more information. such as in a phone book.  If you hand over your personal details to a scammer, they may be used to commit identity theft or to take your money. If you hand  Keep your personal details personal: Never share personal, over money, you won’t get it back. If you click on a link in a scam banking or credit card information or photos with someone you email, your computer may become infected with malicious software don’t know and trust.  Don’t open any attachments or click on any links in, or reply and compromise its security. The NDIA advises that it will not ask for your financial details to, suspicious emails – they may take you to a bogus website or over the phone or via email. If you receive a call out of the blue contain a malicious virus. from someone claiming to represent the NDIA and you are  Always keep your computer security up to date with anti-virus unsure whether they are the real deal, hang up. You can then and anti-spyware software and a good firewall. Only buy computer call the NDIA using their official contact number: 1800 650 717. and anti-virus software from a reputable source. Dating and romance scams If you think you have provided your account details  Scammers often approach people online claiming to be looking to a scammer, contact your bank or financial for love. They will form an emotional attachment with their victims institution immediately. and then take advantage of this to repeatedly ask for money.  You meet someone online through a dating or social Report networking website. Your admirer asks to communicate outside of You can report scams to the ACCC via the SCAMwatch report a the platform (thereby away from any safeguards that the platform scam page or by calling 1300 795 995. may have). You can provide information about suspected fraudulent or  You find yourself become increasingly emotionally involved unethical behaviour impacting the NDIS by email at with your admirer as you communicate with them over weeks, fraudreporting@ndis.gov.au or by calling 1800 650 717. months and sometimes even years. Information may be provided anonymously. If you require more  At some point your admirer asks you to provide financial information, visit the National Relay Service website. assistance to help cover costs associated with illness, injury, a family crisis, or even to cover costs to travel and meet you. They will typically ask you to send the money via wire transfer.  If you send them money, you will then receive further requests

To demonstrate how the Queensland Government is delivering on our promise to invest in front line health services, I am pleased to deliver these Frontline Facts as they relate to Queensland, and the two health services delivering in the Hinchinbrook Electorate – Townsville Hospital and Ambulance Services to the south of the electorate, and Cairns Hospital and Ambulance Services to the north. Dental blitz reduces long waits – In just sixteen months (February 2013 to June 2014) the number of people on Queensland Health’s dental waiting lists for more than two years has been slashed – from 62 513 to 0. Breast screen service targets exceeded - Over the last 12 months 244 700 Queensland women have attended breast screen appointments. This puts the service 3100 procedures ahead of their target for the period. Ambulance times at Emergency decrease – The amount of time it takes between an ambulance arriving at an Emergency Department and the patient being transferred off the QAS stretcher has dropped by 13 minutes under the LNP. In March 2012 it was 44.0 minutes. In March 2014 it is 31.0 minutes.

TOWNSVILLE HOSPITAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICES Quicker Emergency Department times – At the change of Government, 63% of people presenting to local hospital Emergency Departments were seen within 4 hours. In June this year, this has risen to 73%. Access to urgent surgery improves – In March 2012, 89.2% of local residents received urgent surgery within 30 days. In June 2014, 100% of local people are now receiving their urgent surgery within the clinically recommended 30 day timeframe. More patients seen within recommended times – At the change of Government, 744 local residents waited longer than clinically recommended for their surgery. In June this year, this has been reduced to 0.

CAIRNS HOSPITAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICES Quicker Emergency Department times – At the change of Government, 55% of people presenting to local hospital Emergency Departments were seen within 4 hours. In June this year, this has risen to 66%. Access to urgent surgery improves – In March 2012, 84.5% of local residents received urgent surgery within 30 days. In June 2014, 97.2% of local people are now receiving their urgent surgery within the clinically recommended 30 day timeframe. More patients seen within recommended times – At the change of Government, 410 local residents waited longer than clinically recommended for their surgery. In June this year, this has been reduced to 25.




Call Eamon

PH: 0478 790 134


P 21

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News SEPTEMBER Hello again and welcome. I am sorry but Cyril has gone off with a buxom youngish 70 year old back packer on holidays so we won’t hear his dulcet tones or have the benefit of his infinite wisdom for a while but don’t worry, he will be back soon licking his wounds. However, as always, you have me to guide you through our recent activities. The monthly BBQ on 25 July was fairly well attended by members and a number of visitors. Food was a plenty and our thanks go to Jeff (I don’t cook fish) and Heath who donned the aprons and took up the tongs. The Baker Family again took out all the fishing prizes so congratulations to them. At the committee meeting on 31 July, a proposed Events and Fishing Calendar was agreed upon and a flyer has been mailed out for your information and hopefully participation. It is of little use if functions or trips are organized but few turn up. The schedule is a full and busy one and we believe there is something in it for all. Additionally, the committee has agreed to try to subsidize functions to keep costs to you to a minimum, you can’t get much better than that! Our next event will be a Fathers Day Dad and kids mini fishing competition at The Landing. There will be prizes, a free sausage sizzle and more. Come on down for a great day out. Please register at The Landing. The other item is the Member for Hinchinbrook Interclub Fishing Challenge that commenced on 9 August and goes through until 5 September. This event culminates with a presentation dinner at Toomulla on Saturday night 13th September. A courtesy bus will operate and dinner costs will be subsidized for financial members. This is a top night out and we encourage as many members as possible to participate. I am very happy to report at last that avid club adherent Ron Condren (Condo) is now up and about and starting to look his old self again. While he still has to take it easy and tests are ongoing he can now get around for a couple of hours before he tires but that is a huge improvement over the past 8 months. Welcome back Condo! On a sad note I regret to report that Bruce Woolard is not all that well. We wish Bruce a full and speedy recovery so that he and Lyn can get that new caravan of theirs on the road again. If you are interested in the future management of the State’s fisheries you are encouraged to attend a local public consultation meeting, hosted by independent consultants MRAG Asia Pacific. The meeting will be held at the Townsville Show Grounds, Large Functions Room on Saturday 13 September from 9 – 11 am. The meeting is an important forum for anyone interested in the future management of fisheries as it offers them opportunity to provide input into the review. More details on written submissions can be obtained from President Gary or Vice-President Heath. Dickie’s Fishing News. Blow, blow, blow. That is what has been happening at the moment and possibly for another couple of weeks, with the onset of the southeasterly trade winds brought on by a series of high pressure systems passing west to east and ridging up the coast called Mango Winds. Prior to the onset of these winds, Cattle, Crystal and Olera Creeks were producing good catches of Grunter, Blue Salmon and winter Whiting with the odd Mangrove Jack thrown in for good measure. A moderate number of legal size crabs are being caught in Taylors Beach estuary and Rollingstone Creek. However, a lot of undersized Bucks and Females are also turning up in the pots so be vigilant. Excellent reports being received of Doggie Mackerel being caught along our inner shoals with some great catches south from Scrubby Creek and the microwave tower. Prior to the windy conditions, great catches of Nannygai were reported on Paluma Shoals and the inner reefs out from Mystic Sands but a lot caught were undersized. Squid and Pilchard was the best bait. Don’t forget that for the next few months we will have thousands (well, a lot anyway) of whales passing through or frequenting our local waters so keep a watch out for them and check out the legal distance to be away from them. These beautiful and graceful animals are great viewing and can be seen on a number of occasions from the shore. If you manage to get a reasonable day for boating over the next few weeks, don’t forget to put in a trip sheet to either Ingham or Townsville Coast Guards. Our next BBQ is on Friday 29 August commencing at 6.30 on the lower deck at The Landing. It is free for members and $10.00 for guests and visitors who, as always, are most welcome. Don’t forget the open forum at each monthly BBQ where you can discuss anything relative to your Club with the Committee. Don’t bottle up your ideas or frustrations so come along and have your say. I heard recently that young committee member, professional fisherman and pineapple terror, Dillon West is being dubbed The Sandbar Kid after a recent and no doubt unfortunate misadventure. News of the incident is sketchy but I am sure he will reveal all the terribly dramatic details in his letter of explanation (excuse) to the Editor in the next issue of this wonderful magazine. The experience must have been most traumatic, my informant, who is most trustworthy and is not known to exaggerate, says that as soon as his little rubber duckie got enough water under it to haul out, Dillon made a bolt straight to the bar at Fishermans Landing. Can’t wait for the next issue to hear the real story. Fishing Rule No 1. The youngest and most inexperienced angler in a group catch the biggest fish.

OCTOBER This month we have news of past functions and details of upcoming ones so please read on, you may wish to participate. Like Clancy, Cyril has “gone off a droving and we don’t know where he are”. Actually he hasn’t gone droving at all, just gallivanting with that buxom back packer. Due to an IT problem (ME!), the Club article was omitted from the September edition of the Rolly Rag. My two readers noticed and made comment but, don’t throw missiles at me because they hurt, the Editor has kindly offered to run both our September and October articles in the October edition. Thank you Janine. Our Club BBQ on 29 August was very well attended and a pleasant night was eventually had by all. However, the night did not start well with children bawling, mothers wailing and grown men whimpering. Yes, that dastard fiend, The BBQ Tongs Thief had struck again. Everything got back on track once a volunteer sacrificed himself and stole stealthily up the back stairs to steal some from The Landing Café.

MARK HEMMING with his 11kg Cobia

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Our thanks go also to Jeff and Heath who did the cooking and to David and Condo who volunteered their services. As usual, Ros Green provided the yummy extras for which we are most grateful. The Baker Family again took out the monthly fishing competition prizes and John West won the mystery prize. Well done and congratulations. We all welcome new members Nathan McAllan and Rochelle Barbary and, like all new members we hope you have a long and happy time in your club. During the BBQ, President Garry and Vice-President Heath outlined the Club’s proposed social calendar until 31 December and asked for comment and/or ideas. None were forthcoming but the invitation is still there for any member to have their say on the running of THEIR club. In a nutshell, the remaining Club functions at the time of publication are: 17 – 18 – 19 October – Big Fishing Competition, 4 November - Melbourne Cup Luncheon at The Landing, 14 15 16 November -Lucinda Family Fun and Fishing Weekend away, 31 December – New Years Eve Party at the Landing. President Garry also announced that our club has donated $1,000 to the Rollingstone Disaster Management Group toward the purchase of an ATV for use by our local police and emergency services. An additional $1,000 has been donated to the local Rural Bush Fire Brigade toward their fundraising for new equipment. About 20 of our Club members attended the Presentation Dinner on 13 September following the State Member for Hinchinbrook Annual Inter Club Fishing Challenge. A great night was had by those who attended, the food was superb. Mew Dale won the Junior Ladies prize and received a very nice trophy to hold for a year and a rod and reel combo (in pink). Toomulla won the inter club trophy with 2250 points while our club scored about 1150 points. The most meritorious award went to Mick Wellington from Toomulla with a 34kg cleaned Spanish Mackerel. Our club believed club member Mark Hemming’s 11kg Cobia might have been in the running. The Fathers Day Dad/kiddies fishing competition held at The Landing attracted a small but enthusiastic group. A free BBQ followed the presentation to 10 year old Jake Collinson of a fishing combo. awarded for the biggest catch of the day. Congratulations to a budding young angler who was obviously very happy with his prize. Cyril will be happy. The committee has announced that the much mooted Monster Fishing Competition dates are 17 – 19 October. Keep an eagle eye for full details as the limited space in this article does not permit full details to be published. Vice President Heath Green is looking for additional sponsors so if you are aware of a business or anyone who may be interested please give Heath a ring. In the meantime anglers, get your gear and boats ready! Our next away adventure is a family weekend at Lucinda from Friday 14 November to Sunday 16 November. More details are to come but so far the Club will provide for financial members a free BBQ on Friday night and subsidize the cost of dinner in the restaurant at The Lucinda Point Hotel/Motel on Saturday night. Accommodation can be booked direct to the hotel/motel on www.lucindahotel.com.au or 47778103 or at the nearby Wanderers Caravan Park on www.wanderers-lucinda.com.au or 47778213. When booking, please mention you are with our group. A range of accommodation options are available so jump on the net to check them out before booking. For catering and costing purposes there is an Expression of Interest sheet at The Landing to place your details. By doing so you are not obligating yourself to go, we just need an idea of the number of people for which we will be catering. If you cannot get to The Landing, please ring them on 47707227 and ask one of the very friendly staff members to put you on the list. This promises to be a great weekend away to play, relax or fish with your family so mark this one on that scrap of paper behind the dunny door. Also coming up with details to come will be a Melbourne Cup Luncheon at The Landing on 4 November. Ladies, dress up for this one and dig out those silly but I am told very fashionable hats. Don’t forget to weigh in your catch and to take a brag board photo using the camera available at The Landing. Importantly, be aware that Club Membership fees are now well and truly overdue so no current membership means no free functions and no monthly fishing prizes. Still on our sick list is Bruce Woolard but I believe he is up and about pottering around in his garden which is a good sign. We wish him a full and speedy recovery. Unfortunately this month we submit our article for publication sans that very informative report from Dickie of the latest local fishing hot spots, trends etc. Dickie is otherwise understandably preoccupied trying to select which tooth brush to pack for his upcoming overseas holiday. We wish him a great time and that he returns safely to our shores full of stories and fond memories refreshed and ready to look after the stinger net on behalf of our club for another season. Our next Club BBQ will be held at The Landing on Friday 26 September commencing at 6.30. It is free for financial members and $10.00 for those who are now non financial members and visitors who are most welcome. School age children are free so come on down for a great night out. On a personal note I wish to thank my dear wife Di for 47 years of marriage bliss together, OK so it all hasn’t been bliss but you get my drift. It has certainly been an interesting journey so far. Now for my very last rule of fishing. There are no rules, just get out there and have fun. …... Until next month, Ninger

Jeffs aerials on P 23


Rollingstone Community Centre 2nd & 4th Sunday at 6.30pm Come and join us in the RADCA Community Hall on Community Crescent We are a contemporary family style church with a relaxed North Queensland flavour


Also meeting at: Jensen: 13 Mt Kulburn Drive … Sunday 9.30am (Turn off Bruce Hwy at Len’s Feed Shed just south of Black River bridge)

Saunders Beach: Community Centre … 1st & 3rd Sunday 6.30pm Tea and Coffee to follow For details ring Ps Ian Morgan on 0407 475 161 or the church office 4751 9222 Australian Christian Churches Assemblies of God in Australia

P 24

WILDLIFE CARERS FOR ROLLINGSTONE, BALGAL BEACH and surrounds Last month the wildlife bird carer in this area received a phone call from a truckie. He told her that he had taken a large bird off the middle of the road and placed it in a shallow gully under shade. He was astounded that the vehicles coming towards him were flashing their headlights at him BUT no one had stopped to take the bird off the road. He was not impressed at all. Gwen headed off to Christmas Creek where the bird had been left to find it was a JABIRU ,now known as a BLACK NECKED STORK. These can grow to 110-137cms with a wing span of 190-218cms. This one was starving and near death when we took him into town trying to find a vet who would look at him. we did not know what damage he had so was very stressful when we could not find an available vet. Fortunately in the wildlife group we have a member who cares for raptors and she was willing to take this bird and try and help it. I have since heard from her that he is eating and gaining weight, he is due to be released back into the wild in the next few weeks, we will definitely be there to see him off. He is the first one she has ever had in care so it has been a great learning curve for all involved. We named him Jabby.

Please keep these phone numbers handy!!!!! GWEN CAHILL


4770 7540 / 0427 074 816



4770 7356 / 0412 965 535



0402 084 588


Hello from the Op Shop "WOW" that's what the Pineapple Festival was. What a wonderful and valued day. We also had a Family Day for the Op Shop Girls. All who donated when I put my hand up - you are all gems in our little community. My work Mates and Friends who put in a hard day's work plus Robyn M for offering her time even with her hubby unwell. Thank you Alison, Di S, Velvet, Lynda, Ben, Michael plus Chris who was thrown in the deep end. It takes a team to get over the line - Girls and Guys we did it again Thank you all. A special thanks to our supporters without your donations it wouldn't have happened. P 25

ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) $100.00 Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80.00 Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50.00 Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $15.00 Classifieds (up to 20 words) $10.00 Flyers/Inserts $80.00 Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com.

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE  Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $5.50 (incl. GST) Evening $5.50 (incl. GST)  Important document scanning $5.00 Centrelink Access Point Centrelink provides phone, fax and photocopier for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business.

RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

P 26

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Welcome to all in our local Community, and trust you were able to attend and enjoy the Pineapple Festival on 13th September, a joint collaboration between Lions and the Community Association. This event takes a lot of time and effort to plan, prepare, conduct, and on completion pull down and pack away. A very sincere thank you to all of those who assisted in any way with the conduct of this year’s Festival – without your support it simply would not happen. Did you think the Festival was bigger and better this year? There were certainly some new floats in the parade, new acts in the performing arena, more stall holders than previously, and plenty of entertainment for all ages. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, including our Major Sponsor Townsville City Council, and the support of you – our community members – on the day, the net result will be substantially higher this year, with these funds staying within our community to support future Community endeavours. The Festival Community is also aware of some shortfalls on the day, and these have been addressed in our Festival “Wash Up” meeting following the event. While the new Lions building worked very well for our cooking and bar areas, there are improvements we will make for next year – including provision of shade for our patrons waiting for food service. The committee is also looking at a better Speaker System so that all patrons can hear our ground announcer, and more entertainment to fill in the “gaps” in the program. A “Special Thank You” must go to our Pineapple Growers – indeed all those involved in the Pineapple Industry – for your generous support of the event. There was much positive comment regarding the quality of the Pineapple available for tasting & the Pineapple drink samplers in the Packing Shed Pavilion. And – recognising the Humble Pineapple this year in our Press releases and on the day as the “International Symbol of Hospitality” really did mean that Rollingstone was the “Hub of Hospitality” on the 13th. Also – we can never thank our hard working Committee Secretary Chris Martin enough for her hard work with this year’s event. A fantastic effort Chris to ensure all of the “behind the scenes” work was done to ensure another successful event on the day. Well Done from us all! I must also thank our Lions and Leo Members who worked tirelessly on the day – whether it was looking after the Stall Holders, Selling Raffle Tickets, Cooking and serving food, running the bar, coordinating the ring events, parking cars or just helping out where required on the day - your support is very much appreciated. Thank you also to Ian Dow who wore himself out running the ring events – so much so that he is taking a break from Lions while he gets his health back Other events that Lions have supported and conducted in the last month include:Catering and financial assistance to Goughie’s Golf day for the Local Disaster Management Group’s funding of an ATV Catered and financial assistance to Rossco’s “Dugong Cup” Golf Tournament – with proceeds to the local Rural Firies Conducted our annual “Bucket Collection” to raise funds for Children’s Cancer Research, where Lions collected donations through the Pubs, Clubs and Bars of Townsville on Friday night 26 th Sep and also Shopping Centres on Sat 27 th. Last year we raised $25,000 from this event, final count for this year still unknown Conducted a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle at North Shore Catered lunch for the RADCA School Program event at Balgal Beach Park on 30 th Sep. So – now we turn our attention to another “first” for Rollingstone, the joint Lions/RADCA sponsored fundraiser – “Longest Dinner Table” to be held on Saturday 8th November which will raise further funds for our local Disaster Management Group in their efforts to purchase an “All Terrain” vehicle to assist them in their duties. Please see separate “Flyer “in this bulletin, and we urge all residents to come and support this late afternoon/early evening of fun and “Rollingstone Themed” low level games and activities. Till next month, take care, and if you would you like to be a part of your local Lions Club, please give me a call on 0407 114687 John Muller - President

Its that time of the year again! Contact your local authority if you are concerned about smoke or fires on


P 27

Rollingstone State School Celebrating 100 years in September 2016 It has been a busy term 3 with lots of activities going on. August was sport month with the interschool games at red track in North Ward. The competitors took the remaining year 4567 students along as a cheer squad. It was a great day and Rollingstone took out the overall aggregate trophy. Great work Rollingstone. The day after red track, the year 4567 students left for the annual leadership camp at Domadgee near Innisfail. The learning experiences included: animal care, snake handling, teamwork, fishing and boating linked to beach ecology. My favourite was the ecology of Echo Creek. The geology and macro invertebrate studies provided an interesting addition to our studies of the Rollingstone Creek ecology. Each student was issued a camera and shown how to use the features. We have similar cameras at school and students are encouraged to use them. If anyone is interested, the Museum is running a photography competition for their Backyard Safari exhibition. There are excellent prizes for budding and experienced photographers. Please contact Mr Bruce if you are interested. While we were away, the playgroup had their first meeting at the school. I heard it was a great success and the children are looking forward to coming back. Application forms for Prep are available now and there will be an open day next term. Please contact the school for forms and details. The Pineapple Festival was a big hit and Rollingstone was well represented. We had a lot of fun preparing the float. A big thank you to Mark and his company for the loan of the truck.

The last Friday of term 3 was our annual beach clean-up day. The students collected 16.5 kg of rubbish from the beach. It will be sorted and catalogued to provide data for environmental research. This seems to be a lot of rubbish but it is less than last year. Next term, Mr Bruce will be looking for community volunteers to join our clean beaches program. Any takers?

P 28

P 25 P 25

It does not seem like it, but FROSTY MANGO is now

years old

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00 pm P 30

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay You have heard of the expression from England of "Hearing the first Cuckoo in Spring". This can, of course, be altered according to where you live. Yesterday (18/9/14) Bill Pyne of Paluma, came in for a "cuppa" and mentioned that he had just seen his first Red-bellied Black Snake this Spring. How many of you would care to say that with pleasure? Not many, I think. However, the snakes and lizards are waking from their dormancy, looking for food and for mates. A Water Skink in my backyard is already pregnant. However, a warning for you. Do not try to show-off by trying to kill a snake if you find one around your house. You might miss and get bitten. Ring for an experienced snake-catcher. National Parks may be able to help you there. Recently I took a group of about 12 ladies from the "Blankets of Love" Group on a walk along one of Paluma's rainforest trails. With Clemant State Forest around Rollingstone and Balgal you have all the makings for either educating yourself on your environment or joining a group to learn more about this area at the southern edge of the Wet Tropics bioregion.

Townsville Snake Catchers

Current list of licensed catchers for Townsville area. (Note: located means where the catcher lives, try to call someone close however we all will travel) Mark Davis 0419 211 989 (located in Douglas) Gavin (Blackadder Reptiles) 0419 788 167 Tanya Ross 0487766211 (located in Cranbrook) Paul Beri 0403303923 (located in Kelso) Greg Calvert 0432 043 467 (Preference is JCU, Annandale, Douglas, Riverside Gdns, Cranbrook, Fairfield) Chris Devon 0414525271 (located in Rasmussen) Other licensed catchers may be added, please forward your details and permit number.

With your seashore you have a wonderful strip to investigate.

Paluma In the Clouds‌‌...Colwyn Campbell September 12th was a perfect, sunny day for Paluma's annual Garden Competition, sponsored by Bunnings, North Shore branch. Paluma put on a brilliant display with many shrubs and trees coming into bloom, ground cover plants like balsam and nasturtiums providing a riot of colour and bulbs beginning to open their spectacular flowers. Perfume from the many flowering plants hung sweetly in the air and birds, bees and butterflies showed their appreciation, hovering and darting everywhere. Ann Bishop conducted the two judges, first around the acreage blocks and following lunch, around the gardens in the village. She reported that the judges were very impressed, making selection of winners a difficult task. Prizes are awarded in several categories including best acreage garden, best commercial premises garden, best village garden as well as awards for runners up and highly commended gardens. The winners will be announced at a Wine and Cheese Night to be held at the Paluma Hall at 6 o'clock on Saturday, 4th October. There will be much activity in Paluma in the next few months as extension work gets under way at the Paluma Environmental Education Centre. The work comprises two new building projects. In early September work began, first with the erection of a new power pole, to handle the extra power which will be required and then the placing of site office, store huts and safety fencing. The works will provide an additional accommodation block, which will lift the total capacity of the Centre to 70 beds. The existing dining room will be extended to provide room for separate dining and classroom spaces as well as more pantry space, a cold room and a storeroom. The work is expected to be completed in time for the start of the 2015 school year. It is exciting to see this project get underway as this school, along with Gumburu Catholic Environmental Education Centre, provides a valuable component to a child's education. Students come from as far away as Mt Isa and Airlie Beach to enjoy several days experiencing and learning about the rainforest environment. While on the subject of schools we offer congratulations to Gumburu. The Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary this month. A reminder that Paluma Sunday Markets will be held on Sunday, 5th October, between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm. There will be a sausage sizzle, home-made preserves and cakes, woodcraft, quilting, crocheted and knitted wares, handmade jewellery from Australian gemstones and much more. Come along and enjoy a day on the mountain. P 31

Local Characters

By Rolly Polly

Rosa is a poet, writer and painter who moved to Balgal when she decided she wanted a dog which was not conducive to apartment living in Townsville. So she went looking for a house and ended up here. Q: Rosa did you know about Balgal before you settled on it for a place to live? A: Yes, I actually used to visit the area in my youth. In fact I was nearly killed when I was stung by a box jellyfish and rushed to hospital. In spite of this experience I love the beach and still spend time there as often as I can. Q: I believe you have lived in many exotic places. A: My husband was an attaché with the Canadian foreign service so for thirteen years we lived in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Romania, Ecuador, Gabon in Africa and the Philippines. My four children were born in different countries. On our return to Australia we settled in Charters Towers. Q: You must have had some ‘hairy’ experiences in some of those countries. A: Worst was the Philippines where we were caught in the people power uprising and my family ran from safe house to safe house sometimes hiding in basements. It was rather terrifying but good material for my writing! Q: That brings me to your writing tell me about that. A: It started with a writing workshop where the teacher was Lindsay Simpson. She suggested I come to JCU to study for my Masters. She is an inspiration and has published many books including her most recent ‘Where is Daniel’ obviously about Daniel Morcombe. While I was studying I penned a couple of hard cover poetry books and five ebooks of poetry, won some prizes in short story writing competitions and wrote a novel. I am working on my second novel at the moment. Q: Lastly, if you came back as an animal what would you want to be. A: Eagle I think because they have such free spirits. I love painting eagles.

PLAYGROUP Welcome to Playgroup Term 4, we will be very busy this term, getting ready for Christmas. Yes you heard right Christmas!!! 85 days till Christmas. Who is ready? Or are you like me and haven’t even thought that far ahead yet. We have put together another fun filled program full of exciting things to create, we have some more of those workshops you like and Bunnings are still with us doing some really creative artworks, We have a lot to fit in this term. We have our all important Christmas party to organise, This year we will be having Rollingstone host us, for those of you that need a lift on the bus, look out for the booking sheet and get your name down early. This term will have also been getting to know our local community we have joined 2 of our local schools by hosting playgroup there once a month, and what a exciting time we are having the kids are really enjoying the change. We meet at our local schools on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Bluewater State School and the 2nd and 4th Thursday at Rollingstone State School each month. We have also teamed up with Bunnings Warehouse and they have hosted some of our playgroup sessions at our centres and we have travelled for some of our sessions to Bunnings Warehouse North Shore. Keep an eye out for the Christmas Party Flyer this should be any exciting day for the parents and children. Memberships are due now, Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me A.S.A.P. Membership is still $20 a year and only $3 a session for a family.

Let’s go have some fun. Till Next time keep playing Nicole

P 32

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 35 Rollingstone Qld 4816 Community Centre Manager Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 322 e-mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com

Ambulance C/o Black River Station

4778 6033

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President Faye Thomson 4770 7616 Secretary Joan Ruddick 4770 7006 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

4751 6511

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President Garry Luff 47707008 Secretary Ros Green Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub


Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm)47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:

rollingstonerag@bigpond.com Janine Jones 0407882009

Police 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) OIC Brad Gough A/Snr Constable Darren Haggarty Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White

4770 7285

Paluma & District Community Association President Lynn Hyland 4773 7675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 4770 8559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: sherylmoore@bigpond.com Treasurer John Tubman Rollingstone RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 4770 7058 Rollingstone & District Lions Club President John Muller

4770 7348 4770 7619

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson

47707510 0407114687 Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc. President Cheryl Pearson 47707027 Secretary Claire Spittler 47707258

13 2500 4770 7498

Toomulla Community Association President Rhonda Schwarz

Rollingstone State School Principal Kacey Constantine

47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C President Margaret Card Secretary Bob Zander

4770 7860 4770 7331

Mutarnee State School Principal Lydia Jamieson

4770 8131

Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information

47715 411

Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge Animal Ambulance (after hours) RSPCA Inspection Straying Stock National Parks & Wildlife Service N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue Margaret Preston (Vet) Justices Of The Peace Nellie Berra After 4pm Chris Martin


4774 5130 4774 5130 4774 4714 4773 8411 4721 2399 0414 717 374 4770 7540 0403 262 212 47707 352 B/H 47707 855

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Looking forward to helping you soon!

Rosco, Olga, Sara, Tanya and Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30

OCTOBER 2014 Sunday



Wednesday 1 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group

Thursday 2 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping



3 9am Zumba Gold

4 Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm

9 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup held at Rollingstone Primary School

10 9am Zumba Gold


16 8-3pm Community Bus shopping Visiting Vet Margaret 9-12 Hall 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup Location to be confirmed

17 9am Zumba Gold


24 9am Zumba Gold

9am Cards 1pm Thai Chi at Hall MOBILE LIBRARY

5 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church BBBLC BBQ 5pm

6 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards 1pm Thai Chi at Hall


7pm - AA Meeting

8 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall





7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

9am - Line dancing

9am Waterobics Rollingstone caravan park

9-12 Indoor Bowls

6.30pm Beaches Church

9 am - Cards 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Meeting

Lions Club 7pm at the Hall

9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall MOBILE LIBRARY

9.30 Sue Blom at RTC 19 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

20 am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards

21 9am Waterobics Rollingstone caravan park

22 10am Seniors Expo RSL Stadium 9-12 Indoor Bowls 9-12 Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING

23 8 to 3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup

28 9am Waterobics Rollingstone caravan park

29 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft Group 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm at HQ SES TRAINING

30 8-3pm Community Bus shopping 9am Cards 9.30-11.30am Playgroup

4pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Meeting

26 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 6.30pm Beaches Church 8am at HQ SES TRAINING

27 9am - Line dancing 9 am - Cards 1pm Thai Chi at Hall 7pm - AA Meeting

Lions Club 7pm at the Hall Aust Hearing ..call Chris to book


9am Waterobics Rollingstone caravan park

9am Waterobics Rollingstone caravan park

31 Zumba Gold Waterobics Rollingstone caravan park Fishermans Landing Fishing & Social Club BBQ 6pm

Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing From 8 am to 1pm

Bingo 1.30 RTC


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