July Rollingstone Rag

Page 1

JULY 2018

Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE

Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business.

Something for the Rollingstone Youth Years 7-12 Aftershock is booked at the hall from 7pm on Friday 3rd and 31st August, and again on Fri 14 Sept. Fun, fitness, food and games are on the offering here – gather a group of your friends together and join in the fun. This activity is fully supervised by the Northern Beaches Connections Group under the leadership of Justin Osbaldiston mob: 0420563915 for enquiries.




Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm

Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm

Benita’s Weight Circuit Classes are open to everyone, including children from approx. 7 years. Classes are run on Wednesdays and Fridays mornings from 8am. Costs per class—$10 per adult $5 per child/student.

PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), just call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done.

COST is $5.

As the end of the Financial Year approaches, it is time to think about volunteering for a position on the RaDCA Management Committee. A nomination form is printed in this Rag. Call 47707855 for more information regarding the roles of the Management Committee or to express your interest. P2

Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

WINTER BEACH WALK TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS 9.30am AT THE STINGER NET WALKING FOR APPROXIMATELY 1 HOUR CATERS FOR ALL ABILITIES This activity has been organised as a substitute for Waterobics over the winter months.

For more Information…..ring Sentoria on 0466642538

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. New members are sought and will be made most welcome. See page 31 for contact details


PRAYERS for RHONDA and MICK Please give a thought/ prayer/ best wish or however you express your feelings, for Rhonda and Mick. We are all hoping they are home soon. Volunteers required for delivery of the Rolly Rag to the local community once a month (excluding Jan and Feb) Please contact Chris at the Centre on:..4770 7855.

See page 4

All Proceeds go to the Flying Doctor Service

RaDCA have made a donation to the fundraising efforts by the Mystic Sands Golf Resort—to help support Rhonda and Mick Coulson, during this sad and very trying time. Praying you are both home soon, safe and well.

Rollingstone Community Association yearly memberships are due Only $1.00 per person See Mark or Chris at the RTC SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY 11 July 1pm HANDS ON WILDLIFE At the Community Centre Come along and meet Ranger Dan’s Friends Bookings essential on 47707855

Thank you so much to all those who contribute photographs and articles for inclusion in the Rollingstone Rag. They certainly make the publication much more interesting!

What is happening in the Community—Current Online information




on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5

NOTES FROM THE R.T.C Sundays 7.30am

Catholic Mass at Com/Centre


Check Diary

Yoga, Weight Circuit

17 July 2pm

6 July 11am

TCC Computer Tutorial at the RTC

19 July 9am

4/18 July 11.30am

Mobile Library

19 July 1-3pm

9am Hairdresser at the RTC from Board Games at the RTC (3rd Tues of each Month) Visiting Vet on Hall Veranda (3rd Thurs of each Month) Carers Qld Meeting at RTC

Hands on Wildlife School Holiday 21 July 6.30pm Trivia Night Fundraising for RFDS Activity for 7pm. Aftershock Youth Group Friday Evenings Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – 3/31 Aug 14 5/13/27 July 8am leaving hall at – limited seats Sept 7-9pm 19/26 July Notchies Playgroup at the hall. Small fee 22 Sep time tba Free TCC micro-chipping and Carboot sale 9.30am applies. Celebrating the Qld Pioneers of the Townsville Northern Beaches Luncheon was a lovely day with great attendance. Our gratitude goes out to everyone involved with the organisation, planning, contributing and working on the day. We owe many thanks to so many people, and I apologise if I miss anyone here. Thank you to the Townsville City Council; Margie Ryder Div 1 Councillor; RaDCA; R&D Lions for lovely food and bar facilities; our local Pace Family for their donation of Fruit and Veg - enough for the 3 Lucky Door Prizes; the set up and break down team – the hall looked absolutely wonderful; the cheeriest volunteer waitstaff nothing was too difficult for you all and everything was done with beautiful smiles; our door person; Trevor Owen Duo; the Rollingstone Linedancers; Robert and Chris Richardson for Grace; and everyone else connected with the function. As we were celebrating the Pioneers of the Northern Beaches, gifts were awarded to the Most Senior Gent and Lady present on the day and the person who has lived in the district for the longest time (other than Mr Col Pace who was born here and our lovely MC for the day, Mrs Sue Von Wald). The Most Senior Man was Mr Bernie Smith at 87 years young, Mrs Terrie Dallman (with your permission Terrie) a proud 89 and Ken Turner as the resident living in Rollingstone for 43 years. Congratulations to everyone, we hope you all enjoyed the day as much as we did presenting this event. Free TCC micro chipping 22 September at the Community Centre in conjunction with another Carboot Sale. Times for both the Carboot Sale and the Micro Chipping times will need to be confirmed in the near future. The Carboot Sale held on 23 June was our biggest yet, with a record number of sellers and many happy customers making purchases. The weather was perfect, even though the lazy wind did invite itself along for a while, brrrr!! From my vantage point almost everyone left with a bag or some goodie in their hands. Thank you to the Lions for your sausage sizzle, Mon’s Coffee, The Op Shop, all our sellers and everyone who came along for a look-see, we hope you enjoyed yourselves. Let’s build on the next one, to be even better than this one. Entire Wellbeing has moved her second fitness class to Wednesday mornings at 8am. Benita apologises for any inconvenience from this change, consensus of participants was that it is easier to remember a morning class. Something for the Rollingstone Youth Years 7-12 - Aftershock is booked at the hall from 7pm on Friday 3 rd and 31st August, and again on Fri 14 September. Fun, fitness, food and games are on the offering here – get a group of your friends together and join in the fun. This activity is fully supervised by the Northern Beaches Connections Group under the leadership of Justin Osbaldiston mob: 0420563915 for enquiries. Qld Carers meeting Thursday 19 July 1-3pm – Qld Carers are here to help with information, advice and referral to all who are in a caring role at home regardless of the type of payment received or not. A Trivia Night is being sponsored by the Rollingstone Community Centre – as a fundraiser for the Royal Flying Doctors. Saturday 21 July is the date. Doors open at 6.30pm for the session to start at 7pm. Bookings are essential, maximum 6 people per team (can be less), $5 entry fee per person, book early as there is only space for 20 teams. Prize money for 1st place and runner up. Light snacks and bar are being offered by the R&D Lions. This event is priming up to be a good night of entertainment; get your friends together (especially the smartypants); book a table; test your knowledge; have some fun; and help the Flying Doctors. School holiday program – Hands on Wildlife – 11 July 1pm, Ranger Dan and Ranger Jackie will be here to present us with very interesting information about their beautiful animals. This is a chance for the kids to be up close and get to hold or touch some of Australia’s beautiful or not so beautiful critters. Gold coin donation. Please book through the RTC 47707855. We have had some great donations of assistive equipment to the Community Centre recently – our thanks for your generosity. The Department of Human Services (Centrelink) have upgraded the phone and installed a dedicated computer, multi copier and fax machine. This equipment is connected to its own modem and internet service. Free DHS WiFi is now available at the RTC – please note during office hours only. While donating the proceeds of the Qld Day Pioneers Luncheon raffle to the Townsville Hospital Foundation, Lynne (RaDCA Treasurer) found out that the Hospital Foundation is collecting books for a huge Book Sale 14 & 15 th July. RaDCA has contributed to this book fair by donating some of our double up copies in excellent condition. See Book Fair advert on page 21. The petition (yes, I stand corrected, I have been spelling it wrong for a long time!!!) supporting the dredging of the creek mouths at Rollingstone and Toomulla has been forwarded onto Nick Dametto’s office for actioning. 11 July 1pm

Until next time……………….keep yourselves safe (you are the only ones who can)………..

Chris P6

Keith Poulter

We are fortunate to have a number of organisations in our local community supporting our school, students and staff. Our school community would like to recognise and thank Pace Farming for their ongoing donations of fruit for our students. The fruit donated by Pace Farming is used for ‘Brainy Snack’ in the lower grades and is also enjoyed by students in the upper grades at lunch time. Thank you Pace Farming! One of the school’s priorities this year is to improve student writing. Teachers have been working hard analysing student’s work to determine what they need to work on to improve. Planning sessions have also taken place to ensure that students have opportunities every day in every subject to consolidate the skills that they have been working on. In Term 3, each class and every student will have a writing goal. We can’t wait to see the improvement that comes from having a targeted approach. As the first semester comes to an end, assessments are being completed, report cards are being written and I’m in the fortunate position to see outstanding student work and results that show significant student improvement. This is most pleasing. The school holidays are a time for staff and students to rest, relax and recover in preparation for next term. The holidays are also a time to encourage your child/grandchild to continue to read. Read to them, or have them read to you daily so that they start next term ready to go!

Principal Rollingstone State School Ph: (07) 47 707 313 Fax: (07) 47 707 282


What can I say? Our beautiful little Rhonda Coulson so ill in a foreign country. We’re all broken-hearted and helpless this far away. And poor Mick! Please God bring Rhonnie home safely. Have also heard that Rob Thomson is having on-going back problems and looks in line for further surgery. Jennifer-Lee Sinclair and Carl Ford welcomed a baby boy into their family in late June. Everyone’s in good nick, we believe, including Carl!!

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The Pioneers’ Luncheon was a wonderful success from our point-of-view. A nice-sized crowd of just on 100 with great camaraderie, good entertainment and happiness prevailing. We’ve publicly and privately thanked all who supported us and then those who helped us on the day. Whether we do it again next year unless we get more substantial funding from somewhere will be discussed at our next Management Committee meeting. It hardly seems fair that our Community Association bears the financial brunt for the whole of the Townsville Northern Beaches each year without some contribution from others benefitting therefrom. Would Hall users please be aware that there is a ceiling/cap on the number of people safely allowed under Insurance for any function held in the big Hall when chairs and tables are in place? That figure is 120! (We had 150 at a function some years ago but it was not at all comfortable and therefore not truly enjoyable.) The Cricket Pitch has been given a makeover/upgrade, so if you’d like to use it once the grass has regrown, please book in with Mark or Chris at the RTC. We have quite a bit of cricket equipment available for use as well. "If legislation to protect animals is to be effective, it must be adequately enforced." (Richard Martin MP, 1822. Co-founder of the RSPCA.) Those of us who really do care have been harping on about this for ages now. I wonder if all levels of Government will ever do the right thing? Procuring Footy Goal Posts for Pace Park is comprised of logistics of greater proportions than many Army manoeuvres. We only need $9,000 and someone to listen to our pleas and we’re home and hosed. To have that happen seems to be never likely to happen. I guess all we can do is keep on keeping-on. Our Car Boot Sale was an unmitigated success. Big thanks to all who participated to make it so: Chrissie and Mark, the sellers, the buyers, the Lions and Dan & Mon. We will probably do another one on Septr. 22nd before it gets too hot and when we hope to have the Council Free Microchipping team in attendance. Just as a matter of interest, we make no money out of these community functions (or any others, for that matter), simply supplying the facility free-of-charge.

The veneer of civilised societies is very thin, a fragile thing that once broken brings forth monsters. Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.


COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM 2018-2019 We wish to nominate: _______________________________ for the position of:

 President  Treasurer

 Vice-President  Committee

Signed: ____________________________________ Seconded: _________________________________ Nomination: Accepted/Declined Signature of Nominee: _______________________


Trip Advisor


THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)


Half Page (18 x 13cm)


Quarter Page (9 x 13cm)


Business Card (9 x 6.5cm)


Classifieds (up to 20 words)




$55 $15

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required


$2/hour (or part of)

FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers. 

Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided

.10¢ / page

A4 Double Sided

.20¢ / page

A4 50 or more off 1 original

. 5¢ / page

A3 Single Sided

.20¢ / page

A3 Double Sided

.40¢ / page

A3 50 or more off 1 original

.10¢ / page

Colour Photocopying A3 or A4

.50¢ / page

Printing from Computer Black & White

.20¢ / page

Colour ◼

Scanning & Printing (B&W)


$1 / page .50¢ / page First page $1.10 incl. GST)

Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) ◼


- Business Card


- A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) ◼

Room Hire

1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)

Important document scanning

Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer


The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

P 10

Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday Morning and Night 9-11.30am & 7-9pm!!!! Morning: $2.50 Night: $2.00 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855

Come and join us for a great time!

BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac .

NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell

Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people .

Call 0457 815 453 Presented by

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club

For online information on what's on look up



Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater

Healthsave Pharmacy

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4778 6233

PH: 07 4770 7400

FAX: 07 4778 6733

FAX: 07 4770 7399

8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday

8.30am – 1pm Saturday

8.30am – 12pm Saturday

FREE Blood Pressure Checks

* Hire Equipment

*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies

Blister Packaging for your medicines

* Full Prescription Service

* Delivery available for those in need

MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)

* Ear Piercing

*Faulding Vitamins

Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available

Are you managing your Diabetes?  

     

Did you know that the rules have changed with NDSS and accessing your strips? You now have to see your Doctor every 6 months for a Diabetes check if you don’t use insulin. There is a 3 day profiling tool available from your Pharmacy that you can use to track your diabetes. This is very helpful to take to the Doctor to see how well your blood sugar is being controlled.

Is your machine an old machine? Speak with us about your machine as we may be able to upgrade it for FREE Are your strips in date? How often are you checking your blood sugar? Have you had your eyes tested recently? How are your feet? Have you ever seen a Podiatrist? Have you seen a dietician recently? Do you understand how food can affect your Diabetes? If you have any questions about the above questions please come and see us at your Local Pharmacy and we will be happy to P 12 run through your Diabetes management with you.

BALGAL BEACH MEDICAL PRACTICE 104-138 MYSTIC AVE BALGAL BEACH Email: manager@balgalmedical.com.au

Tel: 47707244 Call from 8am for Appointments. Out of Hours please listen to any recorded message for more information

In July we welcome our new bulk billing G.P. - Dr Zakia Sultana. To stay updated through the month you can “Like� us on Facebook. General Practitioners Dr Vladimir Hasa (Wed/Fri) Dr Olga Hasa (Tues/Fri) Dr Vibhav Pandey (Mon) Dr Zakia Sultana (Mon to Thurs) Physiotherapy Katrina Kerr attending each Tuesday in July. Podiatry Teresa Matai attending Monday 9th July. Social Work Amanda Kruger attending Wednesday. Please see your G.P. for a referral for any of these services. Pathology Services are available each Wednesday from 8.30-12noon


Lions are taking up a collection of old mobile phones that are no longer being used. Collection bin (plastic container) is in the Community Hall

Wednesday at 8am—9am Friday at 8am - 9am

The bookmobile visits twice each month on Yellow Bin day. Located in the carpark at Rollingstone Community Centre P14

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF RESORT WOMANS OPEN What a fantastic day! Great Fun! Great food and company! Hole placements were like the USA Open…just some of the comments after 37 ladies from near and far played in the Ladies Open on Sunday 24th June Maggie Island, Ingham, Lavarack, Rowes Bay, Tropics, Ayr, along with 9 Mystic members had a challenging day on the course prepared by Greg and Mick. Overall Gross winner: Laura Andersen from Ayr Golf Club and Overall Nett winner: Paula Place Tropic Golf club (Willows). Winners were presented their prizes from Our Major Sponsor PACE FARMING represented by Natalie Pace. Merle Dickenson and Bunny Osbourne had great rounds resulting in C grade Nett Winner and Runner up. Bunny also won nearest to line and nearest to pin. Many thanks to all the helpers, sponsors, management and staff of the Resort; who made the day a great success with many looking forward to returning next year.


We have had a very good month with lots of beautiful donations into our little shop. Clothes, Shoes, Bags, Toys, Books, Glassware and knick-knacks. You must come and see all our specials. There is a big table with jeans @ 0.50c each, winter jumpers @ $2.00 and board shorts $1.00 plus a table of freebies and in the Freebie boxes, we have books of all sorts eg: Cooking, House and Garden, Craft and Kids. We had great sales on the Pioneers luncheon Day and the Car Boot Sale in June and lots of donations resulting from the Car Boot Sale. Our Op Shop is also assisting local residents to send clothing to the Philippines to be distributed to the under privileged families. It is lovely to be a part of this, knowing we will be helping to make someone’s life in a different country a bit more cheerful.

We are looking for volunteers to help in the Op Shop. We flexible with time - a full shift or just a couple of hours………….Stay healthy….Ang



4th & 18th JULY FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library P15



Stay cool this summer! PH MIKE 0411753 775 0R 0403404323

4770 7698


0437 555 469

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411


Thank you to our two residents for your wonderful effort of cleaning up along the roadside of Toomulla Beach Road. They collected 4, yes 4 Garbage bags full of rubbish. This is quite sad to hear that this much rubbish is dumped along our entrance to Toomulla. Hopefully it is not the local community residents who are throwing this rubbish out of their cars when leaving or arriving into their beautiful community. From what I hear there was a lot of flavoured milk containers, large single beer bottles still in their brown paper bag and lots of empty Jim Beam cans! The Lucky numbers have started with the first draw for $50 last week. Congratulations to our first winner. We sold out very quickly this time and I am sorry for the people who missed out on snapping up a number. Fathers Day Raffle Tickets will be selling from the end of July and all committee members will have tickets to sell. $1 per ticket or 6 for $5. Your chance to win a magnificent prize for Dad! Adam King who is the Senior Officer for Environmental Operations with the Sustainability Team from Townsville City Council would like to hold a community meeting to discuss the current pattern of coastal erosion which is occurring everywhere along the Eastern Coast of Australia. Adam has given me some interesting information regarding the erosion along Toomulla beaches & the beaches of North Queensland to read, so I would like to share this with residents: The current trend for creeks to migrate north in front of Esplanade Beaches, cutting of pedestrian access to the beach is occurring everywhere there is a creek in the Townsville region. At present, because recent poor wet seasons have been weak enough to allow creeks to ‘meander’ in front of the beach. This causes the erosion when combined with high tide wave action. Cutting a path through the sand bar in front of Saltwater Creek will not change the prevailing conditions which support the creek continuing to meander along the beach front. This means that the creeks meandering state will fill in any artificial gap dug through the sand bar VERY quickly. This has been tried at other locations, as close as Borton St Mystic Sands by Council in the past and has failed. The coastline has never and will never stay still and that substantial losses of coastal revegetation are inevitable. It is a misconception that vegetation in the Esplanade can protect against erosion. It can slow it down a little but the essential importance of the vegetation is that what remains becomes a seed base that will lead to Beach Recovery and Beach Building in periods when environmental conditions are suitable for sand deposition. Even with the substantial loss of trees and sand from the Esplanade, the importance of the Coastcare groups plantings will be realised in coming years when conditions are right for sand deposition and seed germination from the remaining vegetation, of which there is a lot at Toomulla. This process is very evident where Council Parks with no native vegetation seed base existing immediately adjacent to a naturally vegetated coastline with a high seed base. At Horseshoe Bay on Magnetic Island the Park part of the Esplanade is eroding badly… and yet, either side of the park the beach has already completely recovered from recent storm events and looks totally unaffected by erosion. This process requires rotting vegetation to be buried by sand naturally to provide the nutrients for the seeds. This can be either from eroding fallen trees or flood debris washed up on the beach which also contains huge amounts of viable seeds from coastal plants. This is difficult to achieve in an area where the creek itself washes a lot of the organic material out to sea. Hopefully, there will be enough left to support seed germination. This is why the collecting and burning of wood from the beach is so detrimental to the beach recovery process. There has been instances when Council actually responded to a request to remove all the ‘rubbish’, (branches, sticks and logs) off Pallarenda Beach after a major storm thus greatly diminishing the chances of beach recovery at that location. Adam would be only too happy to clarify any of the content above or discuss anything else at a Community Public meeting on Saturday 28th July 2018. He will be providing similar information as above and try to answer any questions that we throw at him. There will also be a discussion regarding a new pathway to the beach as some of the other pathways can no longer give us access to the beach. The morning will start with a free BBQ 9am - 9.50am then the information session & meeting will start at 10am down in Toomulla Park. BYO chair. It is great to see that our Community Mail Box is being used & I would like to thank all those people who are sending in those letters & information to the TBCA. All requests, remarks and ideas are certainly being taken on board!! Happy Birthday to those celebrating in July….Cheers….Rhonda. P.S. I think the peacocks are here to stay!!





Wed 04 @ 6:45 pm

Wed 03 @ 6:45 pm

Wed 18 @ 6:45 pm

Sat 13 @ 9:00 am

Fri 20 @ 5:00 pm ( Mt Spec)

Fri 19 @ 5:00 pm (Mt Spec)

Sat 28 @ 9:00 am

Wed 24 @ 9:00 am



Wed 01 @ 6:45 pm

Sat 03 @ 9:00 am

Sat 11 @ 9:00 am

Wed 07 @ 6:45 pm

Wed 15 @ 6:45 pm Sat 25 @ 9:00 am Wed 29 @ 6:45 pm

Wed 21 @ 6:45 pm Sat 24 9:00 am DECEMBER


Sat 01 @ 9:00 am

Sat 01 @ 9:00 am

Wed 05 @ 6:45 pm

Wed 05 @ 6:45 pm Sat 15 @ 9:00 am Wed 19 @ 6:45 pm Sat 29 @ 9:00 am

JUNE RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 28/06/18 Rainfall for June: 0.2mls Year to date: 1326.7mls Wet Days: 4 (sort of) Max Temp: 27° on 13/06/18 Min Temp: 9° on 18/06/18 To access all the data from our local weather station go to: www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/ dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849

Something for the Rollingstone Youth Years 7-12 Aftershock is booked at the hall from 7pm on Friday 3rd and 31st August, and again on Fri 14 September. Fun, fitness, food and games are on the offering here – get a group of your friends together and join in the fun. This activity is fully supervised by the Northern Beaches Connections Group under the leadership of P18 Justin Osbaldiston mob: 0420563915 for enquiries.


Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and Welcome. Due to the Family Fun Weekend away to Cardwell, there was no Club BBQ held on Friday 25th May. However, we will see you all there on Friday 29th June at 6.30pm at The Landing. The Family Fun Weekend away saw a disappointing number of only 12 Club Members to brave the elements and adversity to trek to beautiful Cardwell. The weather was very unkind, windy, rain and white-caps, making fishing conditions very average. In truth, not one line went into the water all weekend but we had a lot of fun nonetheless. Saturday was used to go sight-seeing and surprisingly enough once you start looking there is a lot to see. Because there was no fishing activity, the social side of the weekend was hectic to say the least and the writer was most grateful to be packing up to head home after breakfast on Sunday morning. Thanks Dickie the MasterChef’s Senior Apprentice for keeping the food coming at the appropriate times. We also thank Dickie for providing us with some wonderful games like finding his reading glasses that were eventually found hidden in his shoes. Also, on Saturday night it was find his phone which, after an extensive search of the van park it was located in his hand! He was using it as a torch to look for his missing phone. Entertainment was provided by a talented duo of Col Cattle and Babz Armitage playing their instruments and singing some foot tapping songs. They are now known within the Club as “Passion Fingers”. Richard “Twinkle toes” Pickering impressed with some dazzling fancy footwork on the dance floor and Les “The Voice” Griffin impressed the judges. Thanks also to President Graham who put together another brain aching trivia paper which was won by Garry Luff. Congratulations everyone for many laughs. Club Membership. Yes Members, it is that time of year again to renew your membership to this great little club. Applications for renewal have been forwarded to all current members so please pay your dues by the required date. Annual General Meeting. President Graham has advised that the wheels have started in motion to hold the Club’s Annual General Meeting which will be conducted once the Club Auditor presents his report etc. As always, all committee appointments will be declared vacant at this meeting and new elections held. Members, now is your chance to step up and join the committee to ensure our club goes forward and not stagnate. Please think about it. Sadly, Committee Member Sloane Palmer lost her Mother Pat suddenly in early June. On behalf of the Committee and all Members we express our sincere condolences to Sloane, Rod, Brooke and their family. On a brighter note, Vicki Fischer is recovering well from her recent double knee operation and is again mobile. Bruce Woolard has returned from a short stint in Brisbane for specialist treatment and is glad to be away from the rat-race and concrete jungle. The Club Markets on Saturday 2nd June was again fairly quiet despite the good number of stall holders in attendance. The Club Big Breakfast did not do too well and this poor showing has been attributed to my lack of cooking skills particularly when cooking the eggs. We need to bring back by popular demand our International Chef Coy Luff who does a great job. Courses: During 2015/16 and early 2017 your Club organized a number of courses which were either free or at a very low cost to our members to attend. These courses included full first aid course, boat licences, CPR and CPR Refresher. The courses can again be organized provided sufficient numbers of our members wish to attend as the course providers insist on a minimum number to students to conduct a particular course. Interested? Talk to President Graham. One course that is now being organized with great haste is the “Tide Chart Reading Course for Beginners 101”. John Gurd and Perry Jones are on the top of the list to attend. Who was it that said the Rollingstone Creek mouth did not need dredging? Club Merchandise. There are some (a few) Club Stubby Coolers for sale at a bargain basement price of just $8.00 each. Don’t miss out on this once in a blue moon offer. Club Treasurer Jeanette Pratt is taking orders for Club Shirts. Jeanette is always at the BBQ, you cannot miss her as she is the one doing all the organizing and doing a great job too. Kids Classic Fishing Competition…..This is the final reminder about the Competition on Sunday 15th July which is the last day of the school holidays. All kids are welcome to participate not just the children of our members so please spread the word. Due to the Editor’s plea for brevity due to limited space, we cannot include Dickie’s Fishing Report this month. If anyone wishes to find out from Dickie the hot spots to fish this month he would be glad to pass on his infinite wisdom on this matter. We did receive a lengthy golf report from a bloke called “Mongrel” and snippets from the report are as follows: Fishermans Landing Fishing Club Breakaway Intrepid Golfers…...Barry and Condo got the group going and Condo has been the big improver. However, he cannot be sure whether he should be playing right handed after playing left handed all his life with no improvement to his handicap. Barry and Condo played in a two- man Ambrose in the major 18-hole competition and came in with a creditable 69 net but due to the number of bandits in the competition they were placed 4th. Welcome back Dickie after several months away from the game. His first shot went straight into the dam but he showed improvement as he loosened-up; except for one shot where he froze to the spot as stiffness and a lack of fluids caused a lock-up. President Graham returned to the group and has improved his game having a par on the first hole he played, consequently, the group came in only 2 over par. The next Market Day will be on Saturday 7th July. Volunteers are always required to help out at The Big Breakfast so put your hand up, it is a fun morning. Don’t forget your membership is due for renewal and see you all at the markets on Saturday 7th July…...Until next month, Ningr


Can everyone keep their can ring tops off the aluminium cans please. There will be a tin in the Community Hall for collection. The ring tops go towards the making of new Wheelchairs


Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G, Day All, Fantastic!!!! is the only way to describe this event. A large number of our members (20) attended the Theatre Restaurant in Ingham; the play was called ROBIN IN THE HOOD. It was a comedy which had every one in hysterics. What good actors live in Ingham and the dinner was spot on as well. We will all be going next time, that’s for sure. Our monthly get together was a CURRY NIGHT with many different dishes and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Curry Curry Curry and a couple of non-curry dishes as well for those of us that don’t eat curry. And the sweets were magnificent too as always. We played Team quoits, lots of laughter and jolliness, team four won the gold. Well played and won by a good margin too. It was Geoff Ivett’s birthday so we all sang happy birthday and gave him a beautiful gold present, he was so excited. Tom Ruddick was awarded fish of the month with a 52cm Sweet lip. Congratulations Tommy. The LOUNDS FRESH SEAFOOD raffle was won by Jan Holliday, it’s a beaut prize Jan…….Enjoy. On Sunday 17th June our club held a fishing competition in Rollingstone Creek from 9am till 12noon then lunch at Fisherman’s landing at 1pm.’Our ROSIE’ was full with every one on board having a ball. Judyanna won 1st prize, Joy won 2nd prize, and Judyanna won 3rd prize. JUDY WAS JUST TOO GOOD FOR US ALL ON THE DAY. Lunch at the Landing was excellent thanks to Dickies girls. THANKS GIRLS YOU ARE TOP COOKS. Our next BBQ at the hall is on 8th July. Visitors are always welcome, meals are 10 dollars per head, children under 12 are free. Members are always free. REMINDER…..We are going to Hervey Range Tea Rooms for brunch on 24th July. Good food and a lot of fun guaranteed. SO COME ALONG AND JOIN IN………….STAY SAFE AND SMILE LOTS. Kindest regards from your Committee.


Paluma in the Clouds - Les Hyland

Community Hall Work continues on the Hall extension and we are promised that it will be completed before the Solstice Dance on Saturday June 30th. The extension, at the rear of the building, will provide a meeting and training room for the SES and Paluma Rural Fire Brigade and can be used for PDCA committee meetings and even, possibly as an overflow for events in the Hall. The SES is seeking funding for computer equipment as a great deal of training exercises is now conducted online. The room is in the coverage area of the Wi Fi in the Community centre. Water Following the switch-on of the new water treatment plant on 17th April Mayor Jenny Hill and Clr Margie Ryder called a meeting in the Paluma Community Hall on Sunday 29th April at 13.30 hrs. There was an attendance of some 24 residents all but one being members of the PDCA but they were the ones notified as the meeting was convened at short notice and written notice would not have fitted into our Tuesday and Friday mail delivery. PDCA President Jamie welcomed the Mayor and Cr Ryder and Mayor Hill went on to confirm that the water treatment plant was in operation 5 days a week leaving enough in storage to cover the other two days; Saturday and Sunday. It is a Package Treatment Plant which strains the water through a system of membranes and tests have proved that the water is of Australia Standard quality and free of the Guardia and cryptospernum infestation which caused the problems over the last two years. The Mayor said that there was spare capacity which might be taken up by the two environmental education centres although this would be at a cost to them. She also intimated that should Paluma expand there would be no difficulty in supplying additional housing with water. The likelihood of expansion in Paluma is minimal as no land is available in the area excised from the National Park/World Heritage Area which surrounds the village. Michael Drew congratulated the council on bringing this project to completion saying he did not think it would be done or done in a satisfactory manner but was delighted that it had emerged in a form much more suitable that he could have imagined. An opportunity for residents to view the new treatment plant will take place on the afternoon Saturday 23rd June at 13.00 hrs. Ephemera in the Mist In the May edition I reported on the project to have this event revived for 2018. The Paluma Arts Association - a body separate from the PDCA but comprised of PDCA members, investigated this and due to lack of funding have decided not to hold it this year. They hope to reintroduce it next year as there will be a longer lead-in time for seeking funding and making the necessary arrangements. SES The training night on April 20th was different as we invited visitors from Rollingstone SES to join us. The idea was to let them see what our set-up is so that in the event they were called on to join us in any activation they would have a basic knowledge of what we have and, more importantly, where it is. There was a good turn out from our own brigade: Jimmy, Trish, Lynn, Les, Charlie, Rick, Tracy O’Leary and Linda Radbone. Charlie showed the new maps he has had produced covering the Paluma area on one large 1:25,000 sheet and showing the walking tracks with their markers. Those of us who had perforce to use the original survey sheets over the years greatly appreciated that Charlie’s map had Paluma village in the centre instead of having it in the corner of one sheet which meant you needed three or four sheets to cover the area which was fraught with the possibility of error. He has also produced three smaller sheets covering the Village and Lake Paluma. We were pleased to welcome Bob Wilson, Sandy Allen, Simone Brooker, Les Patterson and a new recruit Matt Tubb and to show them our communications room, appliance and trailer before having a chat over tea/coffee, cake and cookies. Altogether an excellent evening, meeting others with the same aims as the Mt Spec SES. “High Ropes” Opening The Official opening will take place on Saturday 23rd June at 11.00 hrs. and will likely be reported in the July “Rag”. Paluma Push The annual cycle race organised by the Townsville Rockwheelers and, this year, assisted by the PRFB will take place on Sunday 22nd July and as always attracts cyclists from far and wide. The route will be similar to last year with two courses - the Competition one at around 62 km and the Recreation one close to 40 km. Volunteers for helpers on the day will be welcome and should indicate their interest to Len Cook on 4770 8530 or email <anagama@activ8.net.au>. There will be a briefing for all on the afternoon of Saturday 21st. This normally takes place at 16.00 hrs: please check this time beforehand. “Paluma in The Clouds” Your regular scribe, me, having resigned as Editor of “Turkey Talk” - the Paluma Newsletter - after 21 years and 91 editions is now also resigning from “Paluma in the Clouds”. Old age does catch up with you! The good news is that Colwyn Campbell, the new Editor of “Turkey Talk”, will continue to contribute to the Rollingstone Rag so please send all the reminders to her in future. It has been a pleasure to contribute to the Rag since 2006 and I would like to commend your Editorial team on the production of an extremely readable magazine over those years. Keep up the good work!Thanks, Les.

Cost for Playgroup is $3 per child with a maximum of $6 per family for two or more children. There is also an annual fee of $20 for insurance. Contact 47516511 for more information.

P 24

GAME 3 11th JULY

P 25

R.S.L.NEWS I am writing the RSL article this month as you would all be aware that Rhonda is not the best. We wish her well and hopefully she will be repatriated back home to Australia shortly. Don Anderson has kindly made himself available to fly over to Istanbul to support Mick. Our President, Ewan has also had a stint in hospital but he is up and about now. We had our Quarterly General Meeting on Sunday 10 June followed by a lovely lunch prepared by Shelley at the Golf Club. Two important points raised at the meeting were the election of the Qld State President and also the new Constitution both of which were voted on at the RSL State Congress in Cairns on 22 to 24 June 2018. Tony Ferris from the Sunshine Coast was voted as the new RSL QLD President, however, the new constitution failed to be voted in. Another point raised was the grants available from the Anzac Day Committee. This Committee has funds available for events to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of World War 1 years – 2014 - 2018. It was suggested that a committee be formed to organise an event and apply for a grant to cover the costs. We will keep you informed of what is happening regarding this. Don’t forget that Vietnam Veterans’ Day is on Saturday 18 August 2018. Support from 9 TPT SQN has been arranged for the service starting at 10 a.m. The Vietnam Veterans’ Association has invited any and all interested members to a service to be held at ANZAC Park, adjacent to the Cenotaph commencing at 1600. Refreshments at the Townsville RSL is to follow. If anybody is interested and would like more details, please feel free to ring me Jan Battersby on 0409 493 035. Redefine Your Future Welcome to Winter! Who else has been feeling the chills over the past few weeks? Things are getting so dry and barren looking. I was thinking there are different stages of life where we can experience a chill and maybe life is a bit icy and remote much like winter when nothing is growing, things are cold, dry and not particularly moving forward. We can often lose ourselves in these seasons of life and let’s face it, they do happen and it feels like it will never end sometimes. Have you had life seasons like this? What did you do to move forward? You know at one point in my life I was seriously feeling as though this chilly dead stage of my life would never end!! I was a single mum at the time and had my 3 gorgeous kids, however, I may not have really thought they were all that gorgeous at times right then – whilst I loved them to bits it simply wasn’t enough and I wondered how on earth I was ever going to make ends meet. I wondered who would ever want a single mum with 3 kids and I wondered what on earth was I doing with my life as being at home simply wasn’t going to cut it for me especially as the kids were now all in school! One thing I did know, I was determined to lose Centrelink!! By 35-40 years of age I was flat out planning what was for dinner or even plan the week ahead, let alone a year ahead or to really l know what I wanted to be doing in 5 or 10 years’ time let alone create a picture of it!! Has anyone else felt like me at some point? Or maybe you feel like this right now. There is so much pressure at times on people and even more so these days to either have a career or a business or just to know what you are meant to be doing in life that it ends up feeling overwhelming. More often than not there is little to no instruction or direction to help you decide – it is simply assumed that you should know!! For some it’s easy, for others not so easy this can happen at all stages of life from leaving school to waking up one day with toddlers under foot. And you’re 50+ and your retirement job has disappeared, or your marriage of 30 years is suddenly over!! So we are left asking ourselves, or being pressured to know. How do I find my purpose? How do I create my future? How do I know what I’m meant to be doing? The answer can be found through some simple strategies we can use to uncover and identify what it is you want. Wherever you fit - know that you are not alone in this – in fact it’s more common than you realize. Join us at Connections~ Coffee and Chats! Tuesdays 9am. For more information and support to Connect and Redefine Your Future – I’d love to hear from you. Jen x Ph 0447 444 482.


G’day Rollingstone I’m still here…I survived…only just though. Turns out Goughy has a sense of humour. Who knew? What’s been happening? The Grey Nomads are in full swing escaping the freezing temperatures of down south but it appears they have brought the cooler weather with them! Please be patient when you see them on the road. Brumbies, Kangaroo’s, Pigs and even a Cow have been feeding on the green pastures alongside the highway or attempting to hitchhike a ride into town. Be aware they may be around and report all sightings to 13 19 40. I know it’s painful having to listen to the message, the operator has no idea where we are, the mobile reception in the area can be dodgy at best but the notification may just save a life. Rego, insurance etc. A few people have “forgotten” to pay their renewals and become unlucky “victims” of Traffic Branch. Almost certain they will visit us again very shortly and it won’t be to check out the local attractions or serenity!! Please, please check your rego to ensure it is valid. School holidays are fast upon us, so don’t forget to lock up or risk losing it. The usual influx of visitors in the area and they may want your stuff more than you do! I suppose that seeing as I tipped a bucket on Goughy last month, I should level the playing field up a bit and give you the scoop on Shaun. He’s a warm, wonderful, sensitive, loving, caring, understanding, new age kind of bloke and it simply isn’t his fault that he was born a dodgy red head with a short fuse and an ever-increasing bald spot that he refuses to acknowledge. He just has to get over the fact that he’s a minority group that will always be looked upon as…different. He’s an obsessive fisherman, hunter and gatherer and Miss Jen is a lucky woman in spite of Shaun’s obvious disabilities. Just a short Rag article today – the boys are coming in the back of the station – ‘gotta go………...Alissa




Rollingstone & District Seniors Congratulations and celebrations to everyone who came and made the cancer Biggest Morning Tea the most raised ever. It went off wonderfully and we managed to pack quite a lot more in the hall than expected. It has given the community such a wonderful feeling of achievement, we may be small but we are mighty. How can we better this year?? We can do It!!! We raised $3780, how was that!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please remember that we have a committee meeting every second Wednesday of the month and we hold a General meeting every 3rd month at the hall on a Wednesday after bowls. Everyone is welcome. The seniors are holding a progressive dinner on August 18th, please let committee know if you would like to join in. There will be a limited number of places so first in. Menu etc will be finalized next month. The cost is $30 and where could you get a 5 course dinner for that price. The Ingham Seniors have invited us up for a fun filled morning tea Thursday 12th July and we will need names/numbers of those who want to go. They would like numbers by 3rd July.      

June 26th mini golf June 28th Cancer Council Morning Tea. Ingham Seniors Morning Tea 11th July July 18th Wulguru over 55’s August Seniors TBA. August 18th Progressive Dinner.

Well I reckon the winter woollies have been aired out well and truly in the last few weeks, cor-blimey I forgot about the cold weather and I grew up in it. Never again for this chook, I like the warmth. A few locals went over to THE Island last weekend to go to the dinner and show and said it was fabulous. They thoroughly enjoyed it and said how professional it was so this is something to think about for next year. A few locals (on the move) are taking a cruise to NZ beginning of December. That should be a hoot with that lot on board. Will keep you posted. It was one of those spur of the moment things that usually turn out fabulous. Congrats go to our Kerrie who is now working at Rosco’s, so go in and give her heaps. Between working, the rag, the bus, Lions and Tony I think she is stretched pretty thin so be aware she has not much free time. Mind you Tony says great, stops her buying stuff. A thought, when I was working we often had a pie drive. A group would sell different pies and folk would order them. Do you think this would work out here? There is a commercial business in town who is willing to do this type of thing but no use going ahead if people aren’t interested. Let us know your thoughts please. Ok better get this sent away or I will be in trouble again!!!…...Take care and good health…...Gaye

Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business. P30

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. Dear readers could I possibly ask you upon reading this column to take a moment and have a silent prayer for our much loved Lion, Rhonda Coulson who is presently in ICU at Doğan Hospital in Istanbul. Among other conditions, she has had a heart attack. Mick is by her side waiting for improvements in her condition. We only hope that they both come home safe and well. The Community Association put on a very successful Pioneers Luncheon. This was catered for by the Lions. The food was super and we also ran the bar. All who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Well done Sue Von Wald, it's lovely to see the Community coming together for these occasions. Fantastic music and the line dances excelled themselves, well done everyone. The Rollingstone Community Association organised a Car Boot Sale on the 23rd June and the Lions were cooking up a storm on the BBQ with a great a sausage sizzle on the day. The grey nomads (Mexicans) are heading north for the winter. The Big 4 Caravan Park is filling up fast. This time of year we provide the 'Cooks Night Off' on a Monday Night, these are generally well attended. Once again I put the invitation out to anyone in the community wishing to find out about Lions. Don't hesitate to contact me on 0412396450 - Dowie……….Take care till next time.

R ollingstone & D istrict C ommunity A ssociation I nc 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 ABN: 90413441725 Community Centre Manager e-mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com

Ph: 07) 47707855 Fax No: 07) 47707811

NOTIFICATION This is a timely reminder to let everyone know – Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc Memberships are now due. Membership fees are $1.00 per year and due before 30th June 2018. Please note this is RaDCA Membership and is totally SEPARATE to the Rollingstone Seniors membership. RaDCA membership fees can be paid to Chris at the RTC Office. Interested in becoming a new member – see application below.




4770 7540 / 0427 074 816 4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 0402 084 588

If you see me lying by the side of the road please stop and check, I maybe caring an extra load. Humans keep taking away our homes and forcing us to flee to lands unknown. We are trying to survive just like them and look after our families so dear to us all. We try and cross your busy roads, with the big bright eyes and things unknown to us. Those big bright eyes they dazzle us and confuse us to where we are going, you do this to us without even knowing. We are then hit by your bright eyes and you keep on going as we lay there and suffer, sometimes a long and horrible death. You do this to us with no regards to our families, they suffer as well with the loss of their own. The babies lose a mum and if they are found in time they may have a second chance. So please stop and check, as you may save a life. WE ARE NOT "JUST AN ANIMAL" WE ARE LIKE YOU. WE ARE TRYING TO SURVIVE AND LIVE OUR LIVES WITH OUR FAMILIES See you in the great out doors………….Chris

WILDLIFE CARERS — VOLUNTEERS We are appealing to the Balgal Beach Mystic Sands, Rollingstone and Toomulla residents for volunteering assistance when Gaye or Gwen are called on to euthanise injured wildlife usually Kangaroos or Wallabies which again have usually been hit by vehicles or injured by dog attacks. We can be called out any time of day or night usually between 7am and 8pm. Some of these animals can be extensively injured and are quite large and strong regardless of injuries and we need to restrain them so as we can inspect and /or euthanase. We need to be able to check the animal safely and to be able to euthanase it humanely and quickly. The actual euthanasing time usually only takes 30 seconds to a minute but the diagnosing can take much longer. We would like to have an updated list of as many people as possible allowing for appointments, shopping, holidays etc. knowing everyone has busy times. At least 2 helpers at a time would be a great help. Some of these animals can weigh in at around 60kg, so impossible for 1 person to attempt to rescue. When we have a call about an injured animal, we head off to it as soon as possible, immediately preferably. This is why we need a list of willing people, who we can ring around to see who is available. This may take many calls to get someone. We can go weeks without a call out so the list must be current at all times. If you would like some more information please give either of us a call on 47707540 Gwen or Gaye 47707356/ 0412965535 Cheers...Gwen Cahill


COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.


44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816

C/o Northern Beaches Station

Committee: President:

Sue Von Wald



Lynne Prytherch

47707 689

Hon. Secretary

Chris Martin


Ian Dow


Deb Calder

47707 474

Narelle Wallace


Geoffrey Prytherch All Correspondence to:

47707 689

The Secretary

Rollingstone Qld 4816


8am - 4pm E-mail:

Chris Martin

Monday - Friday

47707 855 Fax: 47707 811


Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:



Rag office

47707 799


47707 144

Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant

Brad Gough

Senior Constable

Shaun Sutton

Front Desk Admin


47707 285

Fire Permit

John Pace

47707 348


Eddie White

47707 619

Hencamp Creek


HQ Group Leader

13 2500 47707 589

Rob Wilson

47707 498

Rollingstone State School Principal:

Keith Poulter

47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:

Kerri-Anne Fitzsimmons

47707 001

Mutarnee State School Principal:

Michael Blake

Faye Thomson

47707 616


Kerrie Cochrane

47707 034

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President

Graham Milliken



Richard Pratt


Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub

47516 511


Jamie Oliver

0408 710 030

1st. Vice President

Colwyn Campbell

4770 8559

2nd. Vice President

Lynne Hyland

4770 8559


Michele Bird




Wilfred Karnoll

4778 8441


Ewan Cameron



Rhonda Coulson

47707 058

0417 767 099

Rollingstone RSL

Rollingstone & District Lions Club President

Ian Dow



John Holliday



Joh Schwier



Gaye Lovell

47707 356

Toomulla Community Association

Raymond Pace

Emergency - Flood or Storm


Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

Paluma & District Community Association

44 Community Crescent,

Community Centre Manager

47786 033

47708 131


Rhonda Schwarz

47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge

47745 130

Animal Ambulance (after hours)

47745 130

RSPCA Inspection

47744 714

Straying Stock

47738 411

National Parks & Wildlife Service

47212 399

N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue

0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553

Margaret Preston (Vet)


Livestock on highway—REPORT TO


Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin Max Agnew

Business Hours

47707 855 0409689320

Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information


P 33

Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls


Groceries and small goods

Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)


Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters

Barista quality Bounce coffee


Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.


Try our chocolate muffins


Lots of new stock on display.







Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables

Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions

R os co, Olga, Al iso n & Ea mo n


Barbeque Sausages

Lean Mince

Rump Steak

Rosco’s famous ham off the bone P34

JULY 2018 Sunday


1 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre

2 9 am Line dancing

7 pm AA Meeting

11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY

7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre

9 am Line dancing

5.30pm BBBLC BBQ

7 pm AA Meeting

12.30 Cards

16 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards

10 9am Connections @ Golf Club

11 8am Weight circuit

6.30pm Lions Bus. Meeting at Den

6.45 pm SES Train

17 2pm Board Games at the Hall


7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

8am Weight circuit 9am Indoor Bowls

11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls 23 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards 7 pm AA Meeting

24 9am Connections @ Golf Club Seniors Brunch Hervery Range Tearooms 6.30pm Lions Dinner meeting at Den

29 7.30am St Anthony's Church Community Centre

9am Indoor bowls

11am Seniors General Meeting

7 pm AA Meeting

FLF&SC KIDS CLASSIC FISHING COMP 22 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre

4 8am Weight circuit 9am Indoor bowls


8.30-4.30pm Mobile Dentist @ Doctors



12.30 Cards


15 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre


30 9 am Line dancing

25 8am Weight circuit 9am Indoor Bowls 6.45 pm SES Train 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls

Thursday 5 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 1pm Cards (in Community)

12 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

Friday 6 8am Weight Circuit Class 11am TCC Computer tutorial

Saturday 7 8am–1pm Balgal Beach Markets 9am-12pm Op Shop 9am SES training 10.30am Yoga

13 8am Weight Circuit Class

14 10.30am Yoga

20 8 am Weight Circuit Class

21 9am SES Training

12.30pm BINGO

Seniors Morning Tea Ingahm 1pm Cards (in Community) 19 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

10.30am Yoga 6.30-7pm Trivia Night Proceeds to RFDS

9am VISITING VET 1pm Cards (in Community)

26 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 1pm Cards (in Community)

27 8 am Weight Circuit Class

28 10.30am Yoga

6pm Fishermans Landing BBQ


12.30 Cards 7 pm AA Meeting



Car Boot Sale and Pioneers Luncheon

Betty Coleman scooting around Toomulla on her new Mobility Scooter. Go Betty!! Watch out Toomulla!! Have a look at this trainee geriatric P Plater from Toomulla.

Pioneers Luncheon Most Senior Gent: Bernie Smith Most Senior Lady: Terrie Dallman Longest Staying Resident : Ken Turner

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